When the Rain Stops Falling

2019, Environment  -   6 Comments
Ratings: 7.69/10 from 16 users.

Water is life. So, what happens when climate change results in a global water shortage? We don't need to imagine this apocalyptic scenario, because it's already happening. Experts claim that if we continue to mismanage water as we are now, the consequences will be dire. When the Rain Stops Falling outlines the crucial role water plays in the sustainability of all life on our planet, and the steps we can take to protect its abundance for future generations.

Many may believe our planet has an endless supply of water. It's a resource we take for granted and often use in wasteful manner.

The film examines multiple facets of our planet's pressing water issues. It begins by dissecting the fascinating and complex process of water production and procurement. Some ancient groundwater reservoirs have taken tens of thousands of years to develop. This groundwater carries some of the purest waters on the planet, filled with the nutrients and helpful bacteria we depend upon for sustenance. We use it to keep our bodies nourished, and large-scale farms can pump as many as 2 billion gallons of it every year to irrigate our essential crops. But this water supply is dwindling, and researchers believe we might enjoy 50 – 70 more years of it at best given our current trajectory of usage. We are extracting much more than we're able to replenish.

A significant percentage of our water supply is absorbed into our soil. Increased urbanization has damaged the sponge-like function of much of this soil, and frequently covers it in impenetrable concrete. This results in the catastrophic dehydration of our planet. In turn, this dynamic raises the temperature of the planet, which further repulses clouds and rainfall. Much of the earth's surfaces could decay into drought.

Rampant pollution brings forth a whole new set of dangers and challenges. The proliferation of plastics makes its presence known in our water supply. Many of us are literally drinking plastic remnants when we consume water.

When the Rain Stops Falling diagnoses the status of our planet's water supply with great authority and clarity. It looks upon water as a miraculous treasure that needs to be respected and closely protected, and it urges all of us to do the same.

Directed by: Tina-Marie Qwiberg

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6 Comments / User Reviews

  1. CG

    I don't know, I'm so f#$king confused by all the bulls*#t that is happening, not just the environment, but all the political & economic crap that keeps getting thrown in our faces. Now I've learned that micro-plastics are everywhere, all over the planet, in the air, the soil and in our drinking water. WTF? How do we get out of this nightmare that modern technology has created? Kill the politicians? No, kill the scientists who keep coming up with ever better ways to destroy our environment. Make them ultimately responsible for their ghoulish creations - fossil fuels, plastics, nuclear power, internal combustion engines, insecticides, pesticides and whatever else they deem a marvel of technological advancement of the human race. What they have unleashed will never be overcome, it's Pandora's Box in the here and now. Too bad for future generations, they have my sympathy. All they have to look forward to is an increasingly degraded environment, because NO ONE is doing ANYTHING about it.

  2. Maree

    In general, surely most on our planet all "know this message" you are conveying. However in light of our present crisis being covid-19, would this not take precedence? can't you create a vid combining the 2???

  3. Nic

    The water isn’t going anywhere... but we have definitely got to change our lives and policies etc. NOW before humanity’s but the ash of spent cigarettes blowing away in the wind, dead, gone leaving no real mark but a scorched burn hole. Don’t worry about if the rain is going to cease falling. For the water we consume is the same water that’s been upon the earth for millennia. The earth proliferates onward as species come and go shaping their environment but inevitably meeting their demise. In geological time humanity from caveman to internet mogul is hardly a blip or tick of the clock. What I mean is the water will be there after we all perish from the rampant pollution permeating the life giving water we drink and are even made of. So don’t worry about the “rain stopping” that isn’t something we could do short of literally blowing up the entire planet earth. Worry about the pollution that will toxify our environment and ultimately we eliminate ourselves and the earth heals itself and in some millennia from now another earthly intelligence uncovers archeological evidence of these ancient beasts that called themselves humans. The earth shall live on, if we aren’t careful and caring stewards of this earth we will bring on our extinction. It’s like a workplace hazard, if you don’t follow good hygiene and organizational behavior that place becomes a hazard and accidents create crisis which turn into catastrophe and we are forsaken for squandering this gift. We are all environmentalists, we just don’t all realize or admit it yet. As soon as y’all get you’re creature comforts threatened you’ll find yourself hugging trees like a stinky hippie in no time.

    1. Chris

      An interesting comment , and one I truly believe is almost correct , I have thought like this for many years now , pollution is the biggest problem in it's many forms , and if water extracted at it's ever increasing rate it will inevitably become short supply , and leading to polluted water being included , which I believe is already happening in many large and over crowded cities .
      The other side of the coin is if the earth continues to rise in temperature (global warming)
      then this could very easily lead to severe evaporation , maybe on a permanent basis , so yes we do face a problem, and if humanity carries on in the way it is , I believe will lead to our own destruction ...

  4. Winter Andresen

    Far out, man. But I am an animal rights advocate. I am sorry to be blunt, but how many frogs had to burn and drown in boiling water before you came to your conclusion. Note to SeeUat videos - I know you will not publish this because you rely on those who are not informed to click on your videos. You have lots of great videos.

  5. Hengist Podd
