Miracle Planet

2005, Science  -   106 Comments
Ratings: 8.72/10 from 36 users.

Miracle PlanetEarth was born as a result of repeated asteroid collisions, the moon created by a single giant impact event. Then, Earth's size attracted huge meteorites, which slammed into it, causing super-high-temperature rock vapor to cover the entire surface and evaporate all ocean water.

The earliest life-forms survived such infernal events by escaping deep into the ground, miraculously emerging again and again. The Earth has gone through innumerable catastrophic events, and life has survived by acquiring new abilities to live through each crisis.

Humans are part of the grand history of life's evolution, which has been closely intertwined with repeated cataclysmic events. Why was Earth able to evolve into a livable planet, but not Mars, which failed to hold its atmosphere and oceans?

Miracle Planet is a 5-video series co-produced by the NFB, NHK Japan, the Discovery Channel and the Science Channel. Over its more than 4-billion-year history, Earth has been home to repeated violent climatic changes, which have caused mass extinctions. And yet, life has survived.

In fact, these same catastrophes that devastated life on Earth also helped bring about its evolution from the simplest microbes to the complexity and diversity that is found on the planet today.

Featuring location footage, interviews with the world's foremost scientists and cutting-edge computer technology, Miracle Planet is a five-part series that recounts the profound and gripping story of Earth's mysterious evolution.

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106 Comments / User Reviews

  1. 6000 years!.. lmgdao.. I would believe that Barney is a genuine purple mofo dinosaur before that incredibly ludicrous date.

    And this an awesome doc. I am liking this site a lot.

  2. Mars did not loose its atmosphere due to lack of gravity, but due to the dissipation of it's geomagnetic field. The rocks tell the story. Mars once had a magnetic field and it left it's imprint in ferrous minerals which aligned with the planet's poles. This alignment disappears around the same time Mars underwent it's transformation. Mar's mass and therefore gravity did not significantly change at this point, but it totally lost the magnetic field which shelters the atmosphere from the eroding effects of the solar wind.

  3. Time to watch this, sometimes my lil life seems so complex that i need to be reminded how small i am and what a short time i will be on this earth. Appreciate all the bumps, because in the end there may be only darkness.

  4. love it!!!

  5. One thing I dont get In the episode 'frozen planet' they show the continents where they are today to determine how close the ice was to the equator but the continents were not in the same place then as they are now???

  6. Cain, Able, Ruth, John, Mark, Luke, Noah, - all microbes..

  7. Here's an interesting twist of theories.... -What if- Adam and Eve were Microbes! The Bible's story simply has been skewed over time and misunderstanding, to reference the initial creation as 2 humans..but it's really the story of the first 2 microbial cells of life! With a lost set of zero's 4 to 6 million years ago. Created in "His" image--- the image of a cell, like the Giant omnipotent Universe..The ultimate cell which is Him himself..

    Wierd huh? Talk about twisting Science, New Age, and Creation in one easy paragraph!

    1. What happen with the first woman, Lilith?

    2. Bacteriophage, duh!

  8. IM SICK OF THESE LIES. the earth is 6,000 years old. these scientiests are anti christian demons!

    1. @jbriggs_87:

      Good try on your trolling.

    2. It wasn't even a good try.

    3. cute

    4. lol gottcha,

  9. The Miracle Planet with Bill Curtis is more informing and scientifically accurate.

  10. As if American is an actual bonafied accent, ha ha

    1. clearly never heard one, or just lacking common sense.

  11. yes! It's not in American either!

  12. amazing docu!! loved it!

    I think the ice and fire extinctions were necessary for life to evolve - when almost everything is wiped out, the strongest and most adaptable survive to create the next generation.

  13. @ ben, sorry m8 but u cant use that bollocks to scare me or anyone else so give it a rest yeh, and by the way i believe that if there is a god then he probably thinks your a muppet too.

  14. great doc. complete in every way. great infos backed with loads of evidence. but still... religious freaks find the time to come on this board and spit out their frustrations... you'll see what happens to evolutionary dead ends.

  15. That's not nice Timmy or whatever you wanna call yourself. You took the popsicle and made a promise. I heard the big guy up in the sky is not too pleased with lying to further your own craving for recognition. And being that proud about it, man, that's even a deadly sin. You blew it man, you're gonna burn downstairs with the rest of us wretched sinners. On the upside you can try to get laid now, maybe pay someone so you have a realistic chance. Who knows, maybe that might just do the trick and wake you up. Welcome to sin little buddy.

  16. All fundamentalist religee's have no reasoning and logic whatsoever!

    When all else fails they resort to ad hominem attacks. threats and guilt trips.

    Means nothing to me, it is like water off a ducks back!

    Tim, out of the 28,000,000 gods in recorded history, can you prove your god is real and the right one?, without resorting to circular logic, the bible told me so? By the way get your facts straight, nowhere does it say that your jesus was god! Check your bibles! Seems that you did not do your homework.

    1. @Tim and @Ben are the same person, therefore banned for good.

  17. Tim- Are you for real? What makes you think christianity has a monopoly on the truth? Can you, without resorting to religious texts, prove your claims? Using just reasoning and logic can you conclusively show that there even is a god?

  18. @Achens Razor

    With Jesus,everything is a sure deal. There are no "what ifs" His birth was prophesied and happened exactly as predicted. He made claims and proved them undoubtedly with no question,He predicted His death and resurrection and both happened precisely.He was and is still God who Created me and you.He made promises from where Christians hinge their hopes,the rapture is basically a term used to signify His 2nd Coming to Earth. If all that that i have mentioned happened,then where do the "what ifs" come in? Man better think twice before it is too late.You are such a small"thing" compared to the Mighty works and Deity of Jesus. Since you see so heart -hardened and have refused to acknowldge Him as your Lord and Saviour,just wait for your fate that is ,for sure,coming! Eternal Condemnation! Read Mark 16-15-18

  19. Cant wait for the "Rapture" so it will get rid of all the fundamentalist religee's....(Hallelujah)!! (Hallelujah)!!

    But what if there is no Rapture? that would be to awful to contemplate! (LOL)

  20. @Eugler--

    The more reason for me to think you may be less than 15 yrs old and still struggling with impairement in brain development.
    You could not even discern the reason why the sentence below was used.

    "You may have a Phd in Quantum Physics,but if you donot have Jesus,everything is ZERO.You are wasting your time here on earth."

    This is not connected to the doc fine,but it confirms to you that no matter how educated in scientific knowledge you may be and to whatever level, you need Jesus in your life as Him alone posesses the Key to Life after death.The connection here is that believing you evolved from something is a TOTAL LIE. In order to understand Jesus doctrine,you have to read about Him in the Bible,without which we shall never come to the same level of communication.Got it? Study hard chap and make sure you do your class home work tonight.

  21. Hä?

  22. @tim

    What the ...? Are you guys at the kids table running out of fries? What has Quantum Physics got to do with this doc?
    The bogeyman is not real, mommy just made him up so you would behave. At some point growing up you should realise that there are indeed good reasons to behave so forget about your fairytales. And if you are not capable of seeing through them at least grow a spine and tell your big bully of a god that you're not taking his cr** anymore. Try thinking for yourself instead of warming up old clichés like Pascale's Wager. Maybe then you have something interesting to contribute. If you don't have anything even remotely intelligent to say just shut it.

  23. @tim

    What the ...? Are you guys at the kids table running out of fries? What has Quantum Physics got to do with this doc?
    The bogeyman is not real, mommy just made him up so you would behave. At some point growing up you should realise that there are indeed good reasons to behave so forget about your little fairytales. And if you're not capable of seeing through them at least grow a spine and tell your big bully of a god that you're not gonna take his cr** anymore. Try thinking and reflecting yourself instead of warming up old clichés like Pascale's Wager. Maybe then you will have something interesting to contribute. If you don't have anything even remotely intelligent to say just shut it.

  24. @ eveybody
    I would rather live my life as if there is God who Created me than to live as if there is none ,only to die and find that God exists.In that case, one's fate would be completely sealed as there would be no 2nd chance except to face His wrath! Eternal Damnation!Hhhmm!

    @ Vlatko

    The Lord Jesus left us with a great command to tell and Preach about Him to all people including your self.I will not stop warning people like you about the Great Judgemnt of God that will occur to all the dead and the living one day.
    I know you wont understand such statements but take them as they are.You are already asking your self,the dead? Yes,oneday they will hear Jesus' voice and come forth to be judged. Time may be running out on you. Better make up your mind.There will be no time to begin preaching to you on your death bed.This is the time.Everytime iam watching such documentaries,i watch them with Biblical glasses and ask God to help me discern every word the narrator says.People should be told the truth not lies that they evolved including the universe we see. Total lie.Some one has to pay for this one day. Darwin has already faced his Maker and his followers will not be spared.

    One day, you will realise that it is you that needed to be silent as you listen to adults like me talking! The Only intelligent decision that a person can ever make in this world is acknowledging his is a sinner,and requires the saving power of Jesus to forgive that person's sins. If you have not done it by this time eugler, better do it now after reading these words of wisdom. You may have a Phd in Quantum Physics,but if you donot have Jesus,everything is ZERO.You are wasting your time here on earth.

  25. Just watched the first two parts and I'm hooked. Another great one, I can't stop thanking you Vlatko.

    @ Ben

    Shhhh... Adults are talking

  26. Look at what the Bible calls all of here who think came from some kind of bacteria or frog or whatever! Psalms 13:1 For a Fool says in his heart,there is no God! Could all you here be fools then? These aren't my words!

    @geezernumba1....it is a matter of time and you will face your maker for accountability of all the nonsense coming out of you!

    @ antigod. Iam sure that one day you will turn progod

    I donot know whether its me but all i know is that Darwin has been burning in hell since he confused the world with the mother of all lies-evolution. You will soon foolow him of you are not careful----These are not my words! Luk.10:38. ....you will all perish if u donot repent.... I will ever quote Jesus coz non of you here ever compares with Him. No one has ever lived like Him and non will ever.

    One not the one. The ben u are referring to seem confused.I cannot turn and will never turn to atheism. That is a group of fellows already CONDEMNED according to Mark 16:16-18.just like everybody here that wont accept the gospel of Jesus.

    1. @Ben,

      Please stop lurking around and telling people that they will face their maker... and turn proGod... that Darwin is burning in hell... that atheists are condemned like everybody else who wont accept the gospel of Jesus.

      Can't you see that your words are full of discrimination, prejudice, hate... etc.

      So stop doing that, at least on science documentaries.

  27. @Ben. you are talkin out of your arse, get a f*****g life m8. People dnt wnt to read your s**t, they want to watch the documentary and decide for themselves. im sick of self righteous arseholes like you preaching to people about some divine being that created everything and how we should praise him/her. If there was a creator im pretty sure that everything would be perfect but the world isnt perfect and neither are the people in it. Thats proof enough for me to say there is no god but i dont because i dont like forcing my beliefs on other people, so do me and everyone else a favour and SHUT THE F**K UP!

  28. really impressed with this doc! great breakdown of info and impressive visuals!
    tho, gotta laugh and say im not surprised uneducated fools like Ben show up and try to insult people out of believing evidence. Religions best tool is and always will be fear. Scare ppl away from making sense of the universe and thus stop paying into the collection plate (heaven forbid LOL).
    I prefer the sense of REASON and 'freedom from fear' which the bible so hypocritically promotes.


  29. This universe is all just simulated, nothing is real. It all ads up :)

    1. You've been watching too many Matrix movies

  30. @ Ez

    Nice comment !

  31. just a fabulous doc. some aspects i found especially informative:

    the discussions about early planet formation, which contained
    details i hadnt heard before in other places.

    detailed examination of early asteriod impact & burn-off

    detailed discussion of snowball earth (global glaciation)
    (have heard now there is evidence for three such events)

    detailed discussion of early terrestrial tetropod evolution

    treatment of early mammal & early primate development

    etc, etc, etc.

    great stuff!

  32. It took a while but glad to see this doc posted. I asked about this doc a couple of years ago after finding it at my local video shop. Great doc.
    Matter Rules!!!

  33. @ The W01F

    you are so right!

    The W01F for president!

  34. To one and all,

    Don't bother "debating" with creationists. The only thing you are doing is validating their "beliefs" by responding to them.

    In truth, you should just quietly make sure that they do not sneak in your local school-board, your local politics and your local community. Make no mistake they will try and try hard. But there is hope. By maintaining a secular environment in learning institutions and limiting access to groups with an agenda you can insure that you don't end up with a situation like the one which happened in Texas with their board of education.


  35. Nice episodes btw! :D

  36. @Ben

    Jesus F*****g Christ!! That's some of the dumbest s**t I've ever heard, Go back in your cave troll or wake the f--k up mkay....

  37. @ capricious

    when you have studied Buddhism, you will understand why I spoke,
    I think Vlatko acted nobly.
    I did not intend to insult or offend.

  38. @ Vlatko
    DUDE!!! ur awesome!!! love this doc.
    you know what would be so awesome? A doc. about PARASITES :O
    omg omg! that would be exciting :) ADD A PARASITES DOC!

  39. hey! isn't BEN the guy that was also preaching in the Evolution doc.? :D that's hilarious...

  40. @ Vlatko

    Thank you

  41. @ Vlatko

    I am wrong to 'bring it here' - this is true.
    But when I see you saying FOOLISH things - I really dont think it matters what section of the playing fields we are on! - as log as we are 'eye to eye' - and speaking from the heart.
    I have nothing else to say

    1. Ok @siddartha guatama, I've been foolish. I admit.

  42. @ Vlatko

    Forgive me, but wasn't it you who said in COMMENT #37 of
    " Cults, Dangerous Devotion"

    " Im pretty sure that the Buddhas path is the real
    path, believe me, you will not be saved from the
    wrath of the Buddha unless you repent"

    are those your words Vlatko?? or am I seeing things - can you explkain exactly what you mean? thank you


    1. @siddartha guatama,

      Yes I said that at "Cults, Dangerous Devotion" (so I don't know why you even bring this here), but in a different connotation. I was trying to prove a point that there is not wrath whatsoever and it's ridiculous to discuss about it. Someone was telling the others "beware of the wrath of God" and I was just making comparison. You can safely swap the word "Buddha" with "Santa Clause", or any other worshiped entity (imaginary or real, doesn't matter).

      So any of the following statements will have no sense: Beware of the wrath of God, Beware of the wrath of Buddha, Beware of the wrath of Santa Clause.

      I have nothing against Buddha. He was a very charismatic and wise man for sure and he had no wrath whatsoever.

  43. Vlatko, I've suggested this before, but maybe you didn't see it, so I will post it again:

    If there is some way you could make it so you have the option of posting a comment OR a review. Then you could have two sections, putting the reviews at the top and the comments below. Just a thought..

  44. @siddartha guatama

    Seriously? Ease up on the crappy attitude, especially towards Vlatko of all people... sheesh. He works hard to keep this site fresh - show some appreciation, eh?

    -- doc review --

    This doc is stellar. Full of great information (some not often covered in other docs), combined with amazing graphics.

  45. bah, you all give me a headache, some of you are right, but all of you are wrong.. and you know it. Some of this doc is science, but much of it is still evolving mathematical theory, which is far from being proof.

  46. while still being interested in what he was saying, couldn't help but laugh at 08.58 1/4

    and whats with the geoligists not holding their fossils still! it's just 'cause they're so exicted about their rocks they need to talk using their hands while holding the fossil they're showing us. If we could see it properly in the first place we could be fascinated too! ... dispite this, I really love this series.
    eventhough some of the camera work irritates me a bit, I do appreciate they're standing on a cliff somewhere.

  47. Wonderfully produced documentary, with no modern spin that typical 21st century American documentaries would have. This Canadian/Japanese produced documentary is really the World At War of science documentaries about the development of our planet.

  48. Excellent doc, very well put together with good visuals fantastic descriptions and easy to understand explanations of how science has come to the conclusions presented. Theres nothing worse than an entertainment piece trying to pass itself off as a doc, with empty CG animations and little in the way of evidence.

    Thanks again Vlatko for putting this site together, you are making it easier for people to learn more about the world we live with. Also, I'd like to add that since religion and science do have extreme disagreements about the formation of the earth and how we came to be, and this is a doc about that very subject, Id say the religious posts are relevant to the doc.

    I myself have no definable religious beliefs, I've studied many, as an amateur, and come to the conclusion that each has what I think to be positive and negative things associated with the beliefs it expounds. The most important thing in my opinion, is that we remember a few simple facts. 1: There is only one race of Homo Sapiens, so regardless of what color your skin is, what religion you practice or don't practice, whatever exterior differences we may have, we are all the same in the most basic and important way; children.

    That is to say any man can reproduce with any woman. 2: There is only one planet we can live on, so regardless of what color your skin is, what religion you practice or don't practice, whatever exterior differences we may have, we all need this planet to continue in the most basic and important way; children.

    That is to say, if we don't take care of our planet now, there will be no place for future generations to live. 3: We got this far by cooperation ,the more people cooperate, the greater the achievement. Imagine the world we could create for our children if we cooperated on a global scale. 4: All of this, all of our knowledge all of our hard won success throughout history means nothing, and is for naught if there are no children no future generations no one to benefit from our labors.

    From the Tao te Ching:

    Giving birth and nourishing,
    having without possessing,
    acting with no expectations,
    leading and not trying to control:
    this is the supreme virtue.

  49. Very interesting doc.

    But it bothered me a little that it was assumed with such certainty that life began in the seas. Could it not just as well have formed deep inside the earth's crust? Or in a lake?

  50. @ Vlatko

    thats rich! coming from you - yes YOU Vlatko,
    who recently said that (quote)

    'the wrath of the Buddah would ......'

    dont you know anything about Buddhism??

    the Buddah has NO wrath. SHAME ON YOU

    1. @siddartha guatama

      I was just proving a point. Follow the entire conversation. I know that Buddha has no wrath. No worries.


      At this moment there isn't any way of making that possible. And people will abuse that for sure. They will go strait to the review box and post a comment or the other way around.

  51. @ Ez
    just trying to save us all some time.

    One of the best yet - Thanks SeeUat Videos

  52. it's a fantastic doc, defo worth watching and passing on to friends.

  53. dunkleosteus skull in episode 2, part 4/4!

    I like Christopher Plummer as a narrator.

    Great doc!

  54. @ Heidi

    Several people did just that, and said it was a great doc. I agree, it was one of the best i have seen in a awhile. Enjoy.

  55. @ Ben

    Are you by chance Ben the calvanist, from youtube. It would definetly explain a lot. I have watched some of your postings there, man you are one sick and twisted individual, if it is indeed you. The Ben I am reffering to first posted tons of he11 fire and damnation clips condemning all that he found lacking, then turned around and said he had become an atheist and never really believed any of what he had said. Then he went back to being a Christian and ranting about hell fire and damnation again. Be honest, it is you isn't it.

  56. @ all creationists/religious/believers and the likes, commenting on this video :

    is your brain intelligently designed to work that way ???

  57. my god u people needs to chill the fak out.

  58. Great documentary, my kids and I enjoyed every minute.Thanks for your dedication to continue such a good resource as SeeUat Videos.

  59. Sometimes I wish people would just write a comment about the bloody documentary so I know if it's worth watching! Why not keep your religious views to yourself as it's not worth wasting space trying to get people to change their beliefs via a comment box under a documantary!!

    1. @Heidi,

      Sometimes I wish people would just write a comment about the bloody documentary so I know if it’s worth watching! Why not keep your religious views to yourself as it’s not worth wasting space trying to get people to change their beliefs via a comment box under a documentary!!

      You totally have a point there. Sometimes I wish that too.

  60. sometimes i write huge angry paragraphs but then i erase them.

  61. The preservation of our species is about as secure as that of a worm crawling across a busy 4 lane highway. It's all based upon chance survival. So be good to your fellow human, be good to the non-human, enjoy your stay, work hard then put your feet up, think constructively and make sure to bear witness of your surroundings.

  62. Why do these comment sections transcend into the age old debate of religion v science? I confess I have fuelled certain fires before, but now I'm simply tired of it. Cant the religiously inclined realise that posting scriptures here is not going to convert anyone, or change anyone's point of view on religion. Rather, the way one lives his life is the best tool to convert those around you. Since that cant be demonstrated through comments on SeeUat Videos, why bother? Likewise the atheists who dominate this forum shouldn't be so quick to be drawn into a long winded pointless debate every time someone posts a comment claiming 'God created our universe'. The majority here know that science and so forth has given us a greater degree of knowledge and understanding about the world, however if someone else chooses to believe otherwise, then its their life/ choice/ loss. Great doc by the way.

  63. As a regular of this site and of science docs I find it frustrating that I have to sift through the comments of some blinded religious nut who is wasting his time trying to convince rational people that the whole of science is wrong with a flawed and ultimately impossible argument.

    I'm in a great university with a wonderful science program and I think you should try it out sometime; it might open your mind to what you've been missing.

    Saying "God dun it and that's that, now let's go to church for 75 years" serves only to insult and destroy the true beauty and wonder of our reality. Oh by the way, the computer you wrote that on is a product of what you're trying to say is God's work, like the combustion engine.

    I walk to school everyday and smile because I get to walk down a lane under these amazing, old conifers teeming with funny birds chasing eachother around. A little weird? Maybe, but the point is I understand that this was not just some magical wave of the hand by some fictional god, that we should value everyday, and that everything on this planet is related, no matter how distant.

    This wasn't meant to be a rant, sorry haha; these people trying to establish their obviously lacking (ok, substantially lacking)"arguments" on why science is fake and "convert to jeebus gaiz" make me physically nauseous. Some of us actually spend years studying, getting hands on experience, and seeing first hand what makes things tick and it berates the entirety of human knowledge when you come in waving your man-made storybooks around pretending they are valid in an argument.

    I should know better than to argue with people like this (it's impossible to get through the brick wall that is their head), and for that I am sorry again! Great series, thanks again Vlatko!

    PS- @Ben: The fact you mentioned that the engine (and i can just envision you saying the same about the eye, amirite?) "just happened by chance" pretty much reveals your horrible understanding of anything scientific.

  64. @ez

    Why apologize for use of language that showed how much you dislike a person's lack of humility?

  65. ^_^ new found interest in microbiology!

  66. Thanks for adding more science! woo hoo
    Wow, That scene of the huge meteor hitting the earth was awesome! I wish youtube wouldn't be so slow and Sh#%tty sometimes :(

  67. Ben come on... and adam ate an apple and god got mad and dammed all of humanity and living things to a shitty life.. cause adam ate an apple... then like noah built a giant f--ken boat that fit all living creatures on earth and somehow saved every living creature on earth... yay noah skills like honestly what a talent... oh yeah the dinosaurs just sorta exhisted before the creation of the bible, who knows though... maybe the evil scientists trying to uncover the world's knowledge built bones just to debunk religion..

    But yes... this mighty god that loved us all decided it was a good idea to put the most wicked being to co-exhist with us... satan. Thanks god, you're a pal! If you have a family would you have them live with a serial killer? I think there truley is a devine being that created us and the universe but it's not christianity. Go follow Jim Jone's teachings cause it's just as logical.

  68. Good grief! don't tell me that our resident "religee troll" @Ben: is here on this doc also, spouting his populated preponderantly precipitous prose, and pretentious maudlin hebetudinous nonsensical amphigory again!!

    What a serendipitous confluence of events! Doing that old overused overworked tired bit about an engine coming together by itself.
    That is old, old, boring stuff there Benny boy.

    And using circular logic, because the bible told me so, quoting your scriptures ad naseum is boring.

    The only time I find the bible not boring, is in repetitions and contradictions as @EZ: so aptly brought to our attention.

    A good site on that...Google..."problems with the bible"

  69. @drdunk
    "There is always the occasional theist (some call them religees, I myself don’t like this term) that will stumble onto the site like a drunkard into an AA meeting"


    same here.. i enjoy watchin'.. it never gets old!

  70. @ Aeronautic

    They always do and always will turn into debates. Lots of times they start out in a completely different avenue, then they eventually drift over to theology.

    The reason is because of what a lot of these docs are implying, even though not always deliberately or directly: Science, evolution, natural selection, mutation, etc.

    Many frequenters of this site (including myself) consider themselves to be followers of science.

    There is always the occasional theist (some call them religees, I myself don't like this term) that will stumble onto the site like a drunkard into an AA meeting. They are quick to be offended by the lack of faith exhibited by posters and they begin long-winded, unprepared, ill though-out rants about why we should "Believe", why we are wrong in our views, etc. etc.

    Thankfully, we have a crack team of posters like Ez, Achem's Razor, Reason's Voice, and many others who take the time to quell these little out bursts for the good of the rest of us.

    Sometimes it's good to jump in if you have something worthwhile to add to the debate, but you can always opt to sit and watch too.


  71. How is it that this documentaries comments section has turned into a debate on theology? There are many good virtues to be gained from New Testament teachings; but there is no reason to be flooding this section of SeeUat Videos with either pro's or con's with them, as they are a personal beliefs.

    "To each their own" and "Do unto other's as you would do unto yourself". I also agree with ReasonsVoice "judge not lest ye be judged" think about it. I'd like to think we are all intellectual enough to put aside petty differences and just be entertained with knowledge being gifted to us through this marvel of a website!

    Cheers Vlatko! Great work! This is my favourite website and by a long shot.

  72. Move along Ben, leave the bacon be.

  73. @ coyote03 (the coyote)

    Whats up friend!! Nice to hear from you man, I wondered were you had gone. Good to have you back, and in good form at that- great job yourself!

    @ everyone (other than Ben)

    Great posts, keep it up guys. Especially those of you whom, unlike me, did not lose your temper with super st8pid. I'm learning...

  74. @ben
    ",you deserve a thorough beating for refusing to acknowledge that Historical grand spectacle that rocked the world 2010 yrs ago." that doesn't seen very christian of you to say. you say the birth of Christ was a miracle and you want me to quote scripture so here i go.
    Luke "2:1 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This was the first registration when [1] Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be registered, each to his own town. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, [2] who was with child. 6 And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn."
    ok quirinius wasn't appointed til after the supposed birth, there is no record of this census and if there was why would the roman empire require people to go to their ancestral home. the confusion that that would cause would be severely detrimental to the empire .
    next Matthew 2:1
    "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,"
    Matthew has Herod in charge not quirinius and no mention of a census and according to history Herod was dead before the supposed birth of Christ.

  75. Hey Ez!

    Haven't posted in a while, been busy with school, but just wanted to say great post! Having studied religion in University as well, its insane to actually read someone make a claim that the bible has no contradictions. Firstly, the contradictions in the bible are so abound you can find them every few pages. Thou shalt not kill is a big one, here's just a few examples of when the bible says its ok to kill: Your supposed to kill people who don't listen to Priests (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT), Kill Witches (Exodus 22:17 NAB), Homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB), Fortunetellers (Leviticus 20:27 NAB), death for hitting your mom or dad (Exodus 21:15 NAB), cursing your parents (Leviticus 20:9 NLT), death for adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT), death for a Priests daughter who has sex (Leviticus 21:9 NAB), death to followers of other religons (Exodus 22:19 NAB) and of course, the big one that literally every Christian disobeys, you are supposed to kill people for working on the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT).

    Secondly, the bible is made up of just a few gospels, there were originally over 30! The council of Nicea was basically where the Christians of the day got together in 325CE and decided what they felt would work best as heir holy scripture. The gospels included many differing accounts on the most basic details of Jesus' life, divinity, family, EVERYTHING about him. From those more then 30, only four were chosen, and they were chosen because the Bishop's and leaders of the day wanted it that way!

    I'm also a bit confused, are all other world religions getting it wrong? What makes Christianity the right one? It seems as though it's just borrowed all of its stories from other cultures yet claims to be sooooo much better then them and the one and only right choice. "We're all blind and the only way to see is if we acknowledge Jesus." This statement epitomizes the type of person you are, arrogant, judgmental, and completely out of touch with reality! Solution to death? There is none, WE ALL DIE!

  76. @ Reasons Voice

    Thanks for the compliment. I usually don't pay them much attention, but coming from you it's very flattering. I really respect you man, and yes you have influenced me. I debate religion quite often, as an amatuer of course, but I tend to get angry when not in the actual debate forum. I am starting to learn not to do that though. No one takes you very seriouse when you are spitting venom, as well they shouldn't. Besides, you can't very well criticize someone for arrogance and being judgemental by being arrogant and judgemental.

  77. @EZ; Did I rub off on you a bit? Excelently made argument man bravo!
    @Ben; The most glaring flaw in many Christians is the one you demonstrate here. Your judgemental attitude! The most often repeated message in the new testament is "judge not lest ye be judged". That same idea is expressed in many different ways throughout the text. And yet it seems so many supposedly devout Christians ignore it. The sacrement of communion is told but once in scripture (in the story of the last supper) and yet many Christians recieve communion more frequently than they accept that it is not their right to pass judgement. I have no problem whatsoever with new testament teachings and the messages it conveys, but so very few Christian live by those messages. If you truely do believe put down your rod of judgement and let Christ tend his own flock.

  78. @ Ben

    Hope you ate your wheaties smart a55, I have studied the bible. In fact I have a degree in theology and lecture often on its contents. It's fine for you to have your own beliefs and ideas, but not your own facts. I apologize for cursing you in the above text, I often let people like you get under my skin, something I am working on. No more cursing and low rent insults. lets see if you have studied the bible as much as you pretend.

    The Bible is riddled with repetitions and contradictions. For instance, Genesis 1 and 2 disagree about the order in which things are created, and how satisfied God is about the results of his labors. The flood story is really two interwoven stories that contradict each other on how many of each kind of animal are to be brought into the Ark--is it one pair each or seven pairs each of the "clean" ones? The Gospel of John disagrees with the other three Gospels on the activities of Jesus Christ (how long had he stayed in Jerusalem--a couple of days or a whole year?) and all four Gospels contradict each other on the details of Jesus Christ's last moments and resurrection. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke contradict each other on the genealogy of Jesus Christ's father; though both agree that Joseph was not his real father. But hey this is far too generic lets get specific. You claim no one ever gives examples of contradictions, here is ten.

    1. Is god good to everyone or just a chosen few?

    PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

    JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them.

    2.Is your god about war or peace?

    EXO 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.

    ROM 15:33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen

    3. Who is the father of Joseph?

    MAT 1:16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

    LUK 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli.

    4. Who was at the Empty Tomb?

    MAT 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

    MAR 16:1 And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.

    JOH 20:1 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.

    5. Which first-beasts or man?

    GEN 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

    GEN 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    GEN 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

    GEN 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

    6. What was the number of beasts in the ark?

    GEN 7:2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

    GEN 7:8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth, GEN 7:9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

    7. Is it folly to be wise or not?

    PRO 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

    ECC 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

    1CO 1:19: "For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent."

    8. What was that miracle you were going on and on about, virgin birth? It is also contradicted.

    ACT 2:30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;

    MAT 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

    9. Do we suffer for the sins of our fathers or not?

    ISA 14:21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.

    DEU 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

    10. What were Jesus' last words before dying on the cross?

    MAT 27:46,50: "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?" that is to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" ...Jesus, when he cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost."

    LUK 23:46: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."

    JOH 19:30: "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished:" and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."

    Now, this is only a few I have tons more. But since you don't see any contradictions maybe you could explain to all us theologians exactly what we have been argueing over for the last hundred years or so. People never give any examples? Well there are ten examples of clear contradictions, and if you want more I can continue to list them. I have one hundred in my journal alone. Are you sure you have even read the bible?

    Let me remind you that I hold nothing against you for believing whatever you like. I only object to your arrogant insults toward whole groups of educated people that you have never even met or taken the time to debate. I spend a lot of time on this site and these are very intelligent well spoken people that enjoy learning for learnings sake. If the global population were as smart and well meaning as the people on this site, we would have very few problems. Instead we have people like you: arrogant, ignora3t, belligerent, judgemental, and divisive. As a result the world is full of suffering and war. Believe what you want, wallow in your faith- do not judge others lest you be judged in return.

  79. @Over the edge
    "if god spoke through his prophets wouldn’t he make sure they got it right"?
    Why did God leave the planets so empty? What did you want God to fill them up with? That is how He wanted it.He gave us Planet Earth to live on after endowing it with every thing necessary for the sustainence of our lives.Ofcourse He knew that there would be changes on it over time which Geologists and Physicists have noted like in cases of tectonics and continental drifts.If you want to state that he didnot create it perfectly as you wanted, that is your problem.
    You asked as to why He allowed the Planest to die out? Why didnt you want them to die out? Did you want to migrate and settle there? No body could have dictated on what the Creator wanted to do. This reminds me of our Muslim friends who always assert authoritatively that God doesnot produce and therefore Jesus could not be a son of God. My question to them has always been,"Can they deny God the Creator to do what He wants to do?" There has never been an answer to that qsn and yet they acknowledge that Jesus was born of a virgin who knew no man.To me, that is enough miracle to Show-case God.God can choose to do what he wants and He did all that for His Glory.

    Whether mechanical developments begun with a steam engine or whatever, again there was someone who begun by designing the steam engine and with knowledge increasing ,we now have electronic engines which could not have just occurred by something colliding with another in explosion to generate such an organised engine.

    I must emphasize here that things of the spirit can not be known neither understood by a carnal or natural mind.They are spiritually descerned and can only be understood when approached spiritually. That is why many people find it very easy to allege that The Bible is contadictory without making any effort to quote scriptures that contradict each other. God has made every effort to deliver His message correctly to His people and save them from His wrath that He will unleash upon all those that have rejected Him.

    The Bible was written by man.Right! But these were chosen vessels(men) of God who were acting upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Now,here comes another term that none of you in here will understand unless you are qualified in the spiritual realm. By qualification here,i mean,to have studied the Bible,accepted it as an Inspired word from God, and also acknowledged that God came and visited earth through a very powerful way that left every other person on the planet at the time shocked when a young virgin girl became pregnant without any union with a man sexually. All this was a show-case by the Creator to prove that indeed He is the Maker of every thing we see.When the miracle child was born, He was characterised by a miracle life throughout until at the end,He performed one of the Greatest Spectacle that man has ever witnessed,still fears and will ever fear. Jesus defeated the Greatest enigma of mankind --Death and that was it.

    I donot care what the so -called scientists will discover,how many inventions they will come up with, and what your reactions will be in here as you watch this documentary,as long as you are like me here and cannot find the solution to DEATH,you deserve a thorough beating for refusing to acknowlegde that Historical grand spectacle that rocked the world 2010 yrs ago. My prayer is that God opens your eyes so that "you can see".

    I am sorry if this will offend some of you but all of you in here are "blind" and you can only "see" if you acknowledge Jesus as He is ,as He was, and as He is going to come back again to earth to judge the living and the dead. He told this "blind and seeing" concept to one of the higly learned leader of His time -a man named Nicodemus (John 3:3)

  80. @ Ben

    You religees are the epitomy of hypocritical, self induced, blind, ignoran+, arrogance. Do we come to your church and attempt to inlighten you bunch of bible thumpin hypocrits about science? Then do not come to a place of legitmate learning and spread your nonsense, all the while insulting those you claim to want to save. Save from what, a education-enough sense to possibly lighten the burden of living. You resort to your pathetic religious rant because you haven't the sense to have any valuable input. You have been spoon fed by mommy all your life and youre so afraid others will burst your little needy bubble. Well too late, its already done. You are the only ones that refuse to see it. Grow up, fairy tale time is over. Reality is knocking at the door and he will never go away.

    By the way, science doesn't claim that the universe or anything in it came about by chance, maybe you should understand what you are so pitifully attempting to deny.

  81. @ Ben. Go troll your belief's elsewhere. This documentary is fantastic food for thought presented in an adequately digestible format. Your belief's are just that; your own. Nobody with a scientific mind needs to be preached at in whatever you see as your own personal "truth".

  82. Just awesome in every way. Easily one of the best science documentaries produced to date. 4.5 billion years of history presented with 21st century science and cutting edge CGi. Mind blowing in scope and scale! 10/10! Loved every moment.

  83. @Ben: Hey just shut up and watch the documentary if you are interested in the subject, if not go read the bible ore burn some witch on a stick ore start a crusade against other religions ore what ever is that you people do for fun...
    I'm not saying God dosen't exist, I'm saying that you don't have to belive everything the bible says because it was written by humans!

  84. For all those who are wondering, man evolved directly from three toed sloths

  85. @ ben
    science doesn't claim it was all an accident. it is by random mutations (good and bad) and natural selection.them you quote the bible, the bible is full of contradictions, falsehoods and vague descriptions. if god spoke through his prophets wouldn't he make sure they got it right? you then say the planets were designed then why leave it so empty? why would he allow the planets to die out and why would he make it so inhospitable to his people? you speak of a car engine but you forget mechanical development starting with a steam engine them crude combustion then the engines we have today . many people had ideas and through trial and error (natural selection if you like) the good ideas were continued and improved on while the bad ideas died off . or are you saying cars just appeared in the form they are today?

  86. It is only the lost that can believe such information.

    The Creator of all the Universe and man-kind has not remained silent and dump about what amazes us in creation. He has spoken through His Prophets,then finally coming to the very World He created (John 1:10). Whats wrong with people? Can chance,just mere chance cause orderliness we see in the universe?

    Open the car bonet of you car(if you have one) or just look at any car engine ,then convince yourself that such an engine JUST HAPPENED —-JUST BY CHANCE.Does that make sense?
    What is being shown here can be compared to a manufacturer of an automobile engine finding a another person teaching about how it was made to a class of students when the teacher has no knowledge,at all, on how it was manufactured. Such a teacher would be sued. This is what God-The Creator will do to all those that have told lies about His Creation and yet He has spoken and even shown Himself to His creation.

    This documentary is nothing but a display of well designed computer generated graphics to deceive man-kind that he and the universe evolved. Evolution is a total lie. No accident has ever generated precision and order.A look at the Planetary arrangement and the universe at large and the splendor and majesty observed on earth with its amazing life in all forms leaves no doubt in the mind of any intelligent person with reason that there was a Grand Designer in every aspect of all that we see.

    One day..the truth will be known when God Himself fulfils His promise and comes back to Earth to live with His Creation . You ,the reader, better prepare for this Great Event.You will never ever hide away from Him.Not even death will shield you from facing Him for accountability. Should He delay to come back and find you alive, still you die oneday and go to Him. No way out especially now that we know that Jesus died and rose again to life and was taken visibly up in the presence of so many witnesses who later came to die for the cause of telling the Good news about Him.

  87. @RickRay : "The more we bombard ludicrous creationists with info like this, the more chance we’ll have of having a critical thinking populace"! It is only the lost that can believe such information.

    The Creator of all the Universe and man-kind has not remained silent and dump about what amazes us in creation. He has spoken through His Prophets,then finally coming to the very World He created (John 1:10). Whats wrong with people? Can chance,just mere chance cause orderliness we see in the universe?

    Open the car bonet of you car(if you have one) or just look at any car engine ,then convince yourself that such an engine JUST HAPPENED ----JUST BY CHANCE.Does that make sense?
    What is being shown here can be compared to a manufacturer of an automobile engine finding a another person teaching about how it was made to a class of students when the teacher has no knowledge,at all, on how it was manufactured. Such a teacher would be sued. This is what God-The Creator will do to all those that have told lies about His Creation and yet He has spoken and even shown Himself to His creation.

    This documentary is nothing but a display of well designed computer generated graphics to deceive man-kind that he and the universe evolved. Evolution is a total lie. No accident has ever generated precision and order.A look at the Planetary arrangement and the universe at large and the splendor and majesty observed on earth with its amazing life in all forms leaves no doubt in the mind of any intelligent person with reason that there was a Grand Designer in every aspect of all that we see.

  88. Bravo! hai fatto ottimo lavoro.

  89. Why can't documentaries like this be a regular part of television, easily accessible and advertised throughout the free world!? The more we bombard ludicrous creationists with info like this, the more chance we'll have of having a critical thinking populace!

  90. Can't wait hope this is good

  91. Wow, this one is very good.

  92. FIRST! Popcorn. Camera. Action!