
66 Meters: Rising Sea Levels

66 Meters: Rising Sea Levels

2019, Environment

In the Baltic Sea near the coast of Germany, the remnants of an ancient settlement were found fully submerged underwater. Archeologists determined that these artifacts were over 7,000 years old. They were evidence of a civilization that was destroyed...

When the Rain Stops Falling

When the Rain Stops Falling

2019, Environment

Water is life. So, what happens when climate change results in a global water shortage? We don't need to imagine this apocalyptic scenario, because it's already happening. Experts claim that if we continue to mismanage water as we are now, the...

Guardians of the Amazon

Guardians of the Amazon

2020, Environment

Deforestation rates have doubled in the Amazon rainforest. Brazil's far-right president has embraced the destruction of this precious environmental resource in favor of increased commercial development. Meanwhile, the indigenous people who populate...

The Plastic Problem

The Plastic Problem

2019, Environment

Over 9 billion metric tons of plastic have been produced since 1950. Where has it all gone? In the illuminating documentary The Plastic Problem, the PBS NewsHour explores the scourge of plastic remnants in our oceans and lakes, their points of origin,...

Fish Wars

Fish Wars

2019, Environment

The Mekong Delta in Vietnam is home to the world's most popular fish. Pangasius (also known as dory or catfish), drives a multi-billion dollar export industry. It's cheap and convenient to harvest, and its mass production has provided a livelihood for...



2018, Environment

There's a stark contrast between the wholesome image Big Agriculture wants to project to the public and the grotesque realities that exist within the confines of their slaughterhouse factories. We witness this contrast from the opening frames of...

Fire in Paradise

Fire in Paradise

2019, Environment

The town of Paradise, California was aptly named. Beautiful, serene, and shrouded in the shelter of comforting trees, the town felt like the epitome of ideal California living. That was before the fire that decimated much of the town and its adjacent...

The Race is On

The Race is On

2019, Environment

The race in question is the one we must take to avoid future climate catastrophe. Subtitled Secrets and Solutions, The Race is On paints a stark portrait of the current state of global warming, but offers notes of hopeful idealism as it outlines the...

Plastic Tide: Choking on Coke

Plastic Tide: Choking on Coke

2019, Environment

Plastic pollution is suffocating our oceans, and leading to the destruction of multiple species of fish. One of the largest producers of plastic bottles - Coca-Cola - has promised to take steps to curb this environmental crisis. Are these empty...
