In the spring of 1947, hidden amidst the desert wasteland that is now known as the West Bank, three shepherds happened upon a series of ancient scrolls. Little did they know, their findings would soon constitute the greatest discovery in the history...
★ 5.55
Despite its widespread exposure in recent years, the scourge of pedophilia in the church continues. The hierarchy in the Catholic Church is expert in disguising cases of abuse and protecting the perpetrators through relocation. The Church: Code of...
★ 8.33
It's the greatest story ever told. But did women play a larger role in this epic tale than we've been led to believe? Theologians Helen Bond and Joan Taylor believe so. In the...
★ 5.11
Where do angels come from? We're all familiar with their iconography, but many have likely not questioned their origins. Their images are closely associated with the lore of Christianity, and their influence has informed some of the most inspired and...
★ 3.44
Filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici regards The Book of Exodus not as a biblical text of parables, but as actual historical truth. He spent six years investigating the text's many fantastical accounts - the series of plagues and the parting of the Red Sea,...
★ 5.30
At the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, God's kingdom on Earth can only be attained through a well armed militia. Based in Pennsylvania, this small church glories in the queasy connections between God and guns. In the wake of the Parkland...
★ 7.38
The ambitious and endlessly fascinating The Real Jesus Christ attempts to decipher the history and teachings of Jesus that have been hidden from view for well over 2,000 years. In the years following His death, the believers of Jesus fell into two...
★ 5.47
Is Padre Manuel Acuna a legitimate faith healer or a charlatan? In the early moments of the stimulating documentary Exorcisms: The Battle for Young Minds, we witness him cowering...
★ 5.84
Incidents of violence and discrimination against Muslim Americans are on the rise. Inflamed by fears, misinformation and bald-faced prejudice, anti-Islamic organizations have tripled their membership just in the past three years. How did this...
★ 2.50
In its purest form, the New Age movement represented a spiritual journey towards peace, harmony and a break from oppressive societal norms. These admirable pursuits did not define the mission of one of the movement's most popular and controversial...
★ 7.00
Islam is the second largest religion in the world, but its current representation in the scientific community is miniscule. Out of 1.6 billion Muslims, only two have ever been...
★ 7.28
Global acts of terror in our post-9/11 world have catapulted the issue of religious intolerance to the forefront. Can we ever achieve reconciliation between each religious sect, and avoid the bloodshed that arises from the most radicalized...
★ 5.93