
Planet of the Humans

Planet of the Humans

2020, Conspiracy

Driven by great ingenuity and ambition, the green energy revolution is a powerful rallying cry to support a cleaner planet. But you wouldn't know it from watching Planet of the Humans, a controversial new documentary that embraces a somber...

Square One

Square One

2019, Conspiracy

Square One mounts a full-throated defense of Michael Jackson against the charges of pedophilia that plagued him in the latter part of his life and career. The centerpiece of the film lies in its debunking of the initial allegations made against...

The Girl Who Became Three Boys

The Girl Who Became Three Boys

2012, Conspiracy

A profoundly unusual true crime tale, The Girl Who Became Three Boys wallows in themes of deceit, betrayal and sexual confusion. Elements of the story play like absurd tabloid fodder, but the underlying pathology behind these crimes create a deeper...

Freedom from Choice

Freedom from Choice

2014, Conspiracy

Many Americans regard freedom as one of life's most cherished gifts. The documentary feature Freedom from Choice claims that these freedoms are merely an illusion. After all, the film argues, how free can we be when the U.S. government colludes with...

The Secrets of Silicon Valley

The Secrets of Silicon Valley

2019, Conspiracy

Silicon Valley has stood as the central hub of technological innovation for many decades. Located in the San Francisco Bay area, this picturesque region has been home to Google, Facebook, Apple and countless other companies who have shaped the world...

The Crisis of Science

The Crisis of Science

2019, Conspiracy

We rely on science to inform our understanding of truth in a confusing world. But when faulty science is accepted as fact, the consequences can be dire. Produced by The Corbett Report, The Crisis of Science examines the factors that produce...

Operation Infektion

Operation Infektion

2018, Conspiracy

Fake news is a true phenomenon. While deception and disinformation is nothing new, it seems to have infected our media and public discourse like never before. It now has the power to erode democracies, inform government policy, and control large...

The Unknowns

The Unknowns

2017, Conspiracy

The skeptic becomes a believer in The Unknowns, an engrossing look at America's most confounding UFO sightings. Assembled and narrated by popular Swedish documentary producer LEMMiNO, the film hangs its narrative on the findings of Project Blue Book,...
