The Crisis of Science

2019, Conspiracy  -   21 Comments
Ratings: 7.75/10 from 97 users.

We rely on science to inform our understanding of truth in a confusing world. But when faulty science is accepted as fact, the consequences can be dire. Produced by The Corbett Report, The Crisis of Science examines the factors that produce compromised science, and the risks they pose to all of us.

There are several reasons why a scientific study might contain misleading data, including simple human error, prevailing bias, a flawed premise, and overt fraud. Sometimes, it comes down to a case of ego, and a scientist's desire to publish the most provocative and attention-grabbing study possible. After all, if the study involves a large enough sampling of the population, researchers can usually extrapolate the figure they need to support their claims.

Case in point: A 2015 study concluded that chocolate could help you lose weight. The study, published online by an esteemed science journalist, gained traction and was soon carried in publications around the world. While the study itself was real, the author admitted the findings were a sham. He simply wanted to test how successful he could be at spreading false science as accepted fact.

This is an extreme example, but indicative of a more widespread and insidious crisis. The consumption of chocolate may seem innocuous, but what if the public believes false data regarding vaccines or other potentially life-altering healthcare services? Corporations have used bribes to sway crucial research in their favor. Viewers learn about several such studies that successfully spread and sold questionable research in studies related to swine flu, bladder cancer and asbestos exposure.

The film outlines a myriad of worrisome issues that are currently plaguing the field of scientific study. Most retractions are made as a result of flagrant fraud and other misconduct. An increasing number of studies are not designed to allow for replication by other scientists; therefore, the study's claims cannot be adequately confirmed, and the bedrock of scientific certainty remains elusive.

The Crisis of Science contains informed narration that runs throughout the course of the film, and a series of news clips and study extracts that further illustrate its concerns.

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21 Comments / User Reviews

  1. mikem

    The corbett report also has said 9-11 was set up by our leaders.
    THINK about that first!

  2. Frans van der Westhuizen

    This in no doubts confirms to me Global Warming or Climate change make your pick as they call it is the biggest scam in human history.

  3. Geo

    I recommend looking up Corbett via web search to see his other works also. There are a couple more on this website but not all. A real education on how the world really works.

  4. Zeke Putnam

    So science isn't perfect. Still a helluva lot better than superstition, opinions and rumor.

    1. ed

      that's exactly what western science is: superstition, opinions and rumor.

  5. Roger Andout

    Global warming, sure, it's cyclical. Human caused global warming, hmm, ... now how can I finance that new house?

    1. Frans van der Westhuizen

      Great comment mate. gobla warming biggest scam EVER.

  6. Devil Travels

    Having worked in the corporate environment, I have witnesses many middle and upper level managers manipulating data, studiously collected by dedicated professionals, to fit personal finaincial goals.
    I am not surprised by this documentary.
    Money has become a measure of authority.

  7. Peter Prevos

    This documentary started pretty good and then went down the conspiracy path about vaccines. Simple truth: vaccines save lives!

    1. Geo

      Ignorance is bliss. Please do some actual homework on the subject, like Mr. Corbett and many others have. You aren't all that different from big tobacco, years ago, claiming their cigarettes weren't harmful, while adding addictive substances and hiding their own research showing that it was.

  8. Peter Prevos

    Science indeed has a problem with over-publication. This does not mean that science overall is wrong. The applied sciences are still progressing, which means that there is truth in science.

    1. jon

      Progress is subjective. I'm not railing against the scientific method, just saying their could be all kinds of research and solid reproducible results, but if the spirit of the study is in a better killing tool; then there we have it.

  9. Buzz Knapp-fisher

    Thank you James Corbett. Time for change of global system put simple really we now need truth not greed and invested interests. stand on the edge of more mass extinction I worked this out when I was about 13 years old we have a global toxic problem #buzzofftoic

  10. carlsor

    The only field of science exposed here is health care and drug companies. The corrupting influence of money on these scientific studies is shown to be widespread with positive impact on profits and grants and a negative impact on health. I do not recommend this documentary as a reason to cast doubt on all branches of science.

    1. Geo

      It is wise to question EVERYTHING, especially if funded by govt ...or a corp which will profit, does that leave any science out? Question that too! Tesla questioned Einstein's Theories, for good reason. He already had evidence that it was false. Yet people still spout it like it was fact. Darwin stated that he will have to leave it to others to prove his theories; which were merely hypothesis at best, regardless of how well indoctrinated it has become, it can never be proven, with plenty to disprove it. All things people could learn if they question Everything and do some independent homework.

  11. Published Many Times

    Studies aren’t designed to be repeated because nobody repeats the studies unless the findings are controversial and enough information is available to make formal rebuttals. Publication is the goal, not increasing the knowledge of mankind.

    Look into the Impact Factor scoring system used by the scientific and academic communities. It’s designed solely to put a “use by” date on research and keep new studies of the same things on eternal repeat. It’s wrong.

  12. Alvaro Gomez-Jordana Moya


  13. Javene McGowan

    Yes indeed! Faulty Science is a problem and I definitely must with thus documentary. Imagine Albert Einstein talks rubbish about space time and people believe. Space is real. Time is not. Time is just a measurement of duration. Time as we know it is measured off the Sun! One year is the time it takes the Sun to make a complete revolution. One day is the time it takes the sun to make a complete rotation. A second is a constant, which has nothing to do with light or how fast I am moving.

    1. Hello

      Space time is real. That's the whole point of Relativity.
      Relativity is the most tested and confirmed theory ever.

  14. winter

    Great documentary. Thank you.

  15. Corbett fan

    James Corbett does amazing work.