
Alone in the Past

Alone in the Past

2017, Psychology

Pavel Sapozhnikov is a typical 24-year old from Russia. His life is filled with all the modern conveniences, including mobile phones, digital organizers, sophisticated technologies and constant stimuli. But something is missing. He decides to embark...

The Greater Good

The Greater Good

2017, Psychology

Would you sacrifice one person to save the lives of five? For many, the answer to this conundrum would be obvious as most would chose to prevent the highest number of casualties. But would your natural instinct remain unchanged if this theory played...

Reasons to Believe

Reasons to Believe

2017, Psychology

Is belief an essential human need? Why do so many people harbor beliefs that are antithetical to scientifically proven facts? How does society preserve the sanctity of truth in the midst of widespread misinformation and delusion? These substantial...

Aftermath: The Legacy of Suicide

Aftermath: The Legacy of Suicide

2001, Psychology

Filmmaker Lisa Fitzgibbons grew up with the uneasy feeling that things were not as they seemed. Then she finally learned that her father had committed suicide. Surprised to discover that she is not alone, she reaches out to other survivors and meets...

A Virus Called Fear

A Virus Called Fear

2012, Psychology

Rational fear can be a valuable cerebral response. It can protect us from harm, and render a positive influence on some of our most consequential decisions. But it can also be used as a weapon, and strangle our ability to interpret the world around us...


Mystical Brain

Mystical Brain

Filmmaker Isabelle Raynauld offers up scientific research that suggests that mystical ecstasy is a transformative experience. It could contribute to people's psychic and physical health, treat depression and speed up the healing process when combined with conventional medicine. This...


Reality and the Extended Mind

Reality and the Extended Mind

From the author: The inspiration came from many years of personal research into a range of scientific fields including consciousness and psi research, psychology, biology, cosmology, quantum physics and philosophy of mind. This documentary focuses on experiments exploring what...


Beyond Thought

Beyond Thought

In a world full of constant change, we are always aware of what's going on and what we think about it. This gives us a sense of who we are related to what we are aware of. This documentary...




Anima from Dominoes Falling Productions, is a feature length documentary using a collaboration of various material. The film examines our relationships with ourselves, others and the environment around us. Other themes include our creativity and our power as individuals...

Secrets of Body Language

Secrets of Body Language

2008, Psychology

Whether we're watching an important address from a national politician, gawking at movie stars as they conduct interviews on the red carpet, or simply engaging in conversation with one of our friends, we can't always find the truth in what we hear....
