Operation Infektion

2018, Conspiracy  -   45 Comments
Ratings: 4.69/10 from 162 users.

Fake news is a true phenomenon. While deception and disinformation is nothing new, it seems to have infected our media and public discourse like never before. It now has the power to erode democracies, inform government policy, and control large regions of the population. Russia has perfected the art of this new kind of war like no other country. Produced by The New York Times, Operation InfeKtion explores Russia's involvement in this "virus" of false news, why we're increasingly susceptible to its influence, and what it all means for the future of fact.

The film opens by summarizing one of history's earliest and most effective campaigns of deception. In 1983, a small New Dehli newspaper published an article promoting a rumor that AIDS was a U.S. invention designed to kill African Americans and homosexuals. Within years, that offensive distortion of truth was being reported as fact on the U.S. nightly news programs. That story, like so many others propagated in today's mainstream media, was the work of Soviet spy masters. According to one ex-KGB operative, up to 85% of their agency's efforts are devoted to the spread of these false stories.

Flimsily sourced, accented by attention-grabbing doomsday language, and hosted by the global reach of the internet, these alternative fact campaigns have managed to change the public perception of reality faster and more successfully than ever before. They destroy trust, evoke suspicion, and instill a sense of apathy amongst the masses for fact-based narratives.

Russian President Vladimir Putin - himself a highly trained KGB spy - has wholeheartedly embraced the practice with the hopes of reshaping the western world in his favor. The film delves deep inside their insidious tactics, including their recruitment of "useful idiots" to lend legitimacy to false claims. We see their efforts more and more frequently in the public sphere from the spread of anti-Muslim sentiment to the ludicrous Pizzagate controversy to the swaying of a U.S. political election.

The tone of Operation InFektion is surprising buoyant and energetic in spite of its dire content. The film features informative interviews with experts from the fields of politics, espionage and internet communications.

Directed by: Adam B. Ellick, Adam Westbrook

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45 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Simon

    This is a ridiculous documentary. You have to have journalists you pay to work for you to read false news. Who are these KGB journalists? This documentary is paid for by the CIA.

  2. Adrian

    Trump again. The bias quakamentry does not account for the witch hunts that costs the tax payers millions.

  3. Girdib

    Sorry sounds like leftist documentary i dont trust such source.

    1. Jie

      Same lol

  4. Everydayanarchy

    I was going to say something similar. The NY Times should be named the Goebbles Times.

  5. Philip

    I truly believe that the CIA paid for this bullshit......

  6. Helios

    Interesting to see new york times making this documentary, as of writing this, 6 days ago Trump sued the new york times for spreading false information about him.

    Overall good documentary.

  7. CactusBadger

    If you can find it, check out this documentary for a look at a world where facts don't matter.

    "The World According to Vladimir Putin"

  8. Slick James

    Excellent doc, extremely well made and based on FACTS.

  9. BG

    All of these so called, "Russian tactics" are the exact same tactics used by US and Britain or any other country that seeks to use disinformation or propoganda. This is just how the covert cold war 2.0 type tug of war is played. We are just seeing the Leftist, New York Times/BBC point of view.

  10. BlueHumanity

    Most of the comments about this documentary are from Russian Stooges and paranoid right-wing 'Useful Idiots', who hate facts, science and empirical reality.

    This is a well made documentary. There are astounding amounts of FACTUAL EVIDENCE from a variety of academic, military and non-governmental groups who study Russia's long-storied interference with elections and disinformation. The sources in the documentary are professionals who worked in both US and Russian governments. And anyone who has studied the Pre-Reagan - Cold War era, knows that it is a fact that Russia engages in disinformation around the world.

    The author of this documentary is correct: America will find itself upon a crisis that could dismantle our fragile psuedo-democracy. The Right-Wing wants American Democracy to disintegrate because they see the USA as a "White Nationalist Republic." The Right-Wing would rather have a group of white men elect other white men to a White Supremacist Thugligarchy.
    Hence, the Right-Wing nutjobs hate ANYHING that calls out their insane beliefs in conspiracies and lies, including their belief that Trump is the "Chosen One," the "Second Coming of God," the "King of Israel" and the "King of the Jews." Welcome to the batsh*t cray-cray Right-Wing. Welcome to a failing American Democracy where the poorly educated refute simple reality like that facts that the sky is blue, the world is round and People of Color are not replacing or 'genociding' them. SMH. But Trump supporting conspiracists will refute anything to own a "Lib." These fearful, sophomoric alt-white psychos are why Russia is so successful at sowing dischord and damaging the cohesion of our nation.

  11. Don

    Look in the upper left of the thumb nail. You already it's just gonna be one big show of hypocrisy and real fascist calling everyone else that.

  12. Disgusted1

    If a Russian news outlet exposes some truth which turns out to be true, while the marxist usa major media tries to hide it, about their favored people; then I say thank you Russian news outlet. If it came from Pakistan, I would say thank you Pakistan. If it came from WikiLeaks, I would say thank you WikiLeaks.

    The rule is to verify. When did truth seeking become Anti American? Apparently to the usa major media and the dolts who refuse to think or verify.

    Clearly the NY Times has learned from the best Russian "active measures" exKGB officers on how to make believable propaganda. Just like the Devil, tell a little truth and then hope the suckers believe the rest of what is told to them.

  13. Gigemall

    @Anthon40: Anti American? That would be the propaganda arm of the CIA led globalist(communist) usa major media propaganda machine and those that support them. Did you do ANY homework such as listening to what a years ago CIA director stated in Congressional hearings to the Church commission?

    More recently, exCIA director Brennan, Obama's pick was/is a Communist you fOOl. Obama giving billions to the muslim brotherhood IS anti American... among many other things he did.

    No one I know is upset at anyone exposing Russian propaganda, they just know that the much more serious problem is from the Socialists-Progressives-Communists from within the usa. Some of those who are getting exposed now (spring of 2019) The NY Times, Hillary, Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, Strzok, and numerous other Socialist-Progressive-Communist minions who think we all need to be spied upon and kept under their thumb. They are doing Putin's work for him. Not to mention all the Soros funded propaganda including the Obama presidency, which was nothing but lie after lie straight from the Alinsky playbook, "Rules For Radicals" which both Hillary and Obama followed closely.

    This docu was a prime example of PROPAGANDA: Expose a little truth about Russian Propaganda and then offer no evidence while calling many true occurrences, false. Nice trick but not falling for it.

  14. Haha

    Wow.... what a one sided disinformation program. ... english voice over, nice touch. Not a peep about cia or mi6 etc. Bunch of b s.

  15. Dane Miller

    Bunch no life trolls in the comment section. How many of you are sitting in St.Petersburg?

  16. Izzy Kidding

    Lol this coming from the New York Times ??

  17. R. Tagore

    Accusing the other guy of your tactics seems to be the new fashion in he US nowadays, all they say about the Russians are jewish age old tactics, Russia for this film serves as the useful idiot, think about how they seems to know so much about a plan that supposedly is so confidential. Also people have other reasons for believing things, for example nobody would believe that Mexico invented the virus because it doesn't have a record of grand deceiving or making money out of other countries, but the US does, so its not far fetched to believe it. This films exposes the Mono-truth so inherent in Jewish thought, the world seen by only a single perspective through the mis-use of the word, writing it in the forehead of you golems, it reinforces a monopolized media as well since alternative or "trusted" sources can't be trusted anymore. This film is actually a very useful manual for detecting all the modern sorcery of the western world, a very nice and truthful reflection of the looking glass but flipped upside down.

  18. Heptagon

    Jewish propaganda at its fullest, now they want to revive a grudge with Russia blaming them as being the culprit of US downfall, also sets the stage ready for a totalitarian US government as democracy is now useless because there are some many fake news we don't know what to think, oh, please, save us gentiles from ourselves!

  19. SocraticThought

    This doco is great and anyone who didn't like it probably only did so because they were choking on so much fake news.

  20. disGusTed

    Laughing my hiney off at the intellectual dishonesty of SeeUat Videos. Who ever writes these "Storylines" is either an unwitting victim of the CIA directed major media. Or a willing participant of the One World (Globalist) Communist Government Agenda.

    Do this websearch on a non-google search engine: Church Committee Hearings CIA.
    You can listen to youtubes of some of them. CIA is directing the major media propaganda machine. If you still watch the major media you are volunteering to be lied to. Why would you do that?

    Clearly this following quote applies anyone who believes what the major media says about anything; Russian News is more truthful than the USA major media:

    "The masses have never thirsted after the truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim." --Gustav Le Bon

  21. MAGA2020

    Garbage. NYT the epitome of fake and bias.

  22. Trumpcult

    Looks like Putin's here.

  23. Zofia

    An excellent and truthful documentary. What is most frightening is that we have an idiot as president who is Outings puppet and doe not even know it.

    1. Anthon40

      It’s astounfing how many commenters here are upset that this doc is exposing Russia as an active enemy of the US. This doc is defending our country against fake news perpetrated by Putin and you guys are upset. Blaming American media. Extolling the virtues of RT? Wow. I call that anti-American.

  24. Daniel E Connelly

    Please someone explain to how this is propaganda and point me to your research that counters what they are saying .

    1. PulyerHeadout

      If I recall, Sean Hannity had some 47 pages of major media lies over the past year or something like that. Maybe its on his website (which I've never been to) or a link or such. Or do a websearch for that.

      There are number of reputable News and Info websites which EXPOSE the lies. One small example would be Intellihub exposing all the malarky on the Country Music Concert Shootings in Las Vegas, whenever that was. And I rarely visit that website. If you go to needtoknow.news, corbettreport, that should get you started.

      Corbett does high quality documentaries, some of which are on this website. Check out his WW1 docu series at his website. You will then learn how we have been propagandized by the major media leading up to WW1 and ever since.

  25. Edmond

    Putin's not an original; Hitler was the master of disinformation - he wrote the play book. It was good to hear from the actual old Soviets who were involved and also from the people in the US trying to combat it.

    It's very disturbing watching The Senate Hearing Committees when it comes to technology - they're Luddites; 8th graders would ask more pertinent questions.

    Judging from the comments section on this video, it would seem that the process is alive and kicking - divide and conquer from within, without a shot fired.

  26. Raninford

    Why don't you use the term "Propaganda" instead of "profanity"!

  27. Lucas Wheeler

    F***king piece of crap. We all know who the master of lies are. Jesus, Martin Luther, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Adolf Hitler all named called you Jews out by name. You truly are the enemies of mankind. Synagogue of Satan you shall be destroyed.

    1. AmYLeE

      Let me guess....."TRUMP!", and "MUriKKKa!", buddy???? Sounds like a hypocritical far-right dipshit to me πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ’‹

  28. lando Romero

    This " documentary" is pure propaganda : a ugly hangover from Project Mocking bird till now. View with caution.

    1. Daniel E Connelly

      Please state why its propaganda I seriously want to know I was believing it was a one hundred percent true and I would appreciate it if you would tell me what I missed and how I could avoid if in the future. Thank you for you input

    2. Justin

      Daniel, this "documentary" about disinformation is the perfect example of that exact thing. Disinformation. RT, or Russia Today is one of the only News Networks worth watching unfortunately and doesnt so far coat what's actually going on in America. Russia is being used as a scapegoat by Corporatocracy here in the west. I've spent 10+ years researching government corruption and was able to pick up on the angle of disinfo immediately. Jame Corbett is a good one to follow like the other person mentioned above.

  29. William

    It is a well known fact that the New York Times is an extension of the Democrat party. Their characterization of Trump as a gullible shill is unfortunate. If the Times had not politicized the doc. Its value as an information tool would have significantly increased.

    1. AmYLeE

      πŸ˜‚ Well this comment didn't age very well at ALL now, did it??.....covid, drastic rise in far-right extremist groups and attacks, police brutality against blacks (AGAIN), far-right morons protesting AGAINST masks (because of "freedom"πŸ˜†), mass shootings.....i could go on&on. Trump isn't "gullible", he is a m*ronic, lying, perverted, corrupt r*cist, and a "yuge" piece of human sh*t. Gullible is quite a large understatement.

  30. tazmo8448

    No manner if internet 'persuasion' or adverts will ever make me vote or think a certain way...that is all hogwash that people can change our democracy of the 'social media'..if you are stupid enough to believe most of what you see on 'tha net' then there is no hope for you anyway...

    1. Gary

      wow someone I agree with...great comment

  31. lulita

    Agreed or A greed Gunnar! Maybe this comment section is for the purpose of weding out those who know more and are far less funded by the AI brain dead MK masses! The Lies are taking pver the planet, while truth is still putting on her shoes....Oneday there will be a day of reconing.

  32. GunnarInLA

    ....who wrote the storyline above...? – ...who wrote the storyline above...? – THAT...in and of itself, is one of the most "insidious"...tendentious...and devious misrepresentations in its naked and brazen "assertiveness" I have ever had the misfortune to read...a form of "linguistic violence" – THIS...is propaganda at its most nauseating...
    And it illustrates how difficult a battle "truth" has to wage – when explicit falsehood is turned upside down and presented as incontestable fact...
    Who is so thoroughly rotten, criminally twisted in his soul that he can write such a thing...? – ...yeah, I'm thinking it's a "he", but it just as well could be a "she"...
    To write such a thing when "truth" is readily available, standing smiling right in front of you, offering all the evidence you could ask for ...is the mark of a stunning and extraordinarily mendacious, malicious and outright criminal mind...

    There are plenty of honorable, honest and "intellectually well-armed" individuals in both the US and Britain (that weak and politically decomposed "land") that can attest to the validity of what I just expressed...
    The person that wrote the above is committing a true crime, but there will never be any consequences for it...
    So who benefits from spreading such filth...? – ...that's easy to answer...three, fake "countries" – Israel, the US and Britain...
    He who has much to hide and much to lose, will resort to the extreme without any worries about "honor", for that was lost a long time ago....

    1. AmYLeE

      🀣 PsYcHo!

  33. Doris

    New York Times propaganda film! Shameful from the mainstream media who never retracts or apologizes for false stories/news that they post and promote with regularity. It's called managing perception. The pot calling the kettle black.

    1. AmYLeE

      This documentry is FULL of facts and information, lady πŸ™ˆ Whether you choose to acknowledge them, or not, does not make them less true or right. Trump voter by any chance??? πŸ€”

  34. Stephen Johnson

    It is not Russia, it is the U.S. CIA which has perfected it and is flooding global media with propaganda and lies. They are behind the Russia-gate B.S. campaign.

    1. lulita

      I would also posit that Jesuits and Catholic are at the very tip top...