The Lost Book of Nostradamus

Ratings: 7.11/10 from 28 users.

The Lost Book of NostradamusCould it be that Nostradamus, the go to prophet of all time, is reaching forward into the 21st century to give us a last warning? Is it already too late? In 1994, Italian journalist Enza Massa was at the Italian National Library in Rome conducting research on old texts, when she stumbled upon an unusual find in its stacks; a mysterious manuscript dating to 1629. The name of the book was surprising: Nostradamus Vatinicia Code.

On the inside of the book was the name of the author, in indelible ink—Michel de Notredame—the prophet Nostradamus. This find was particularly remarkable; the manuscript included over eighty watercolor illustrations that were painted by the master prophet himself. Contained in the pages of the book are cryptic, bizarre images that some say are prophecies of our future.

Letters, symbolic objects, banners, candles, crosses, and even a burning tower are all included in the manuscript. Are these images visual manifestations of his quatrains, which extend to the 21st century, as some say? How did this book come to be in the library? Why was this book hidden for over 400 years? And are these images so frightening that Nostradamus deliberately hid them, as some say, until their time was near?

This special will follow the investigative trail of how the manuscript came to be found in the archives, and exactly how it got there. The story will also give new insight into the life of Nostradamus—his relationship with his son, Cesar, and his connection to the Vatican—in particular, Pope Urban VIII, who knew about this manuscript and in whose possession it was for many years.

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55 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Qdwsi619r

    "You too. days, their too saw stick. struggling is moon

  2. Pedro Moreira

    Barely, probably, interperted, might, maybe, realise, assumed, not just yet, believe, embeded, wheter, remains, wait, remants, unknowned and goes on..
    Nothing to be taken serious, as anything comming from crappy sensanionalist History channel. No fact checking, no sources quoted, no scientific proves whatsoever. Bare in mind that no skeptics are invited to comment in this documentary.
    I do also "believe" that the same narrator is the voice for "Ancient Aliens"
    Thanks for wasting my time internet...

    1. Matt Sevely

      This documentary is a joke. The Propaganda Channel. Anyway the human brain always tries to match things so anyone can be a "psychic" or "prophet" this documentary is a JOKE.

  3. luke McNamara

    I'm writing this in 2013 so it means that it didn't happen in 2012

  4. Lynn R. Carter

    Very interesting. Predictions then..predictions now. So close to the truth.

  5. Soda Popinski

    WHAT IF? nostadamus was a member of the illuminati, and he put their plan out for all to see?

  6. gibber17

    I thought the anti christ was george bush? 3000 osama bin laden. Over 1 million Georgy. Oh I forgot..... he is a good old Chrisitian.

    1. iStateOfMind3 iii

      Well it's also written that the Anti-Christ is a formidable warrior, so can't be Bush - He dodged any real fighting, one of those Fortunate Sons.

    2. gibber17

      Ohhh he is worse... A Pansy Auntie-Christ!! I think we should send the Republicans to Iraq. Also, all the people that profit from weapons should have a vacation in Iraq.

  7. kiddcyr

    took little memories and made interpretations wouldnt worry to much just a manifest of what i call a talaprincyation kinda like mixed times and reincarnation

  8. indieisin

    There are experts on this subject,they are know as historians, just reading him doesn't mean you're an expert and it's generally accepted that he was writing these to save his backside. They did a study at Yale and printed the same passage.. on one handout it asked if it could apply to 9/11, the other the London bombing. The london group said yes 33% of the time, the 9/11 group said yes 33% of the time. Sorry, the only thing this man should be given credit for is his intellect in poetry an fiction - people know his name that aren't aware who Newton is. Sad.

    1. freethinker_2012

      People know who Newton is, I find it odd you think people are confused between a physicist who was the god father of classical mechanics and a man ( Nostradamus) regarded as seer. They both were astronomers but that's the only common thread, they are very different people.

  9. Ali WeeDMaN

    hahahaaa man this documentary is amusing and cute
    but it is a waste of precious, valuable, irretrievable time

  10. mmkkpro

    the simple fact is many cultures wrote of this time in history.its simple we shall get the future we deserve.

  11. Andreas Hansen

    I wanted to belive, but this is stupid.

    these people are reaching way to far.

  12. joe31

    why is he called a phrophet ,he's not a phrophet he's a soothsayer,I never seen any good come out from those who follow them,they cause more bad then good,and cause more division from god,looking in a bowl of water ton see the future or crystal ball is one acting lkie god looking down in the worl anf only the devel wants to act like god.

  13. wittness

    nostradamus is not talking about new york city. the burning tower is babylon(the tower of babel in the old testment)the new city is vatican city.

  14. Babylyn Maano

    The Bible & Nostradamus' prophecies are almost the same they both say that the earth's end is fire (2 Peter 3:10)and there will war then earthquake(Matthew 24:7-8)

  15. Kofi Asante, Ghana

    Whose report are we to believe? Just live a good life & accept JESUS CHRIST as LORD & saviour after that fear nothing else for he alone can see u through.

  16. Rocky Rohith

    wat a man dude......

    Nostradamus was born into a rich Jewish / Catholic family in St. Remi, France on December 14, 1503. Many people suspect that he continued to practice Catholicism throughout his life, however he was fascinated with his Jewish heritage and even learned Hebrew.

    In 1555, at the age of 52, he wrote his first collection of prophecies. These are what Nostradamus was most famous for. The Complete Book of Nostradamus is located at the Nostradamus Mabus Project.

    The Book of Nostradamus is organized with a very simple layout.

    Each of the 10 centuries (or chapters) contain 100 prophetic quatrains (a 4 line poem that is also a prediction), except for Century VII, which has 42 quatrains, for a total of 942 prophecies.

    Stepping back however Nostradamus was not only a prophet, he was a medical doctor at the most urgent of times.

    Nostradamus received his Medical degree from the Mont Pellier School of Medicine. During the black plague of Europe. His unconventional approach to treatment was almost unheard of at the time, however now it would be common practice. To wash and clean yourself to keep the germs away. At the time doctors used to "bleed" the sick to release the germs. Though he was known as very good doctor, he was unable to save his children and his wife from the plague.

    Nostradamus was also an excellent businessman. The sales of his book were substantial, even at a time when most people could not read.

    He was also a poet, something that most people overlook. The Centuries, (The Book of Nostradamus) is written in a very interesting way. It's not a clear cut writing, but rather it's a cryptic jumble of French and Latin as well as references to areas using their biblical or even pre-biblical names.

    No one currently walking the earth has ever met Nostradamus, so there is no possible way they could really know 100% what those quatrains actually mean. It's all our best try however to publish the book online, and use our collective intelligence to figure them out.

    There are thousands upon thousands of rumors surrounding Nostradamus. If you have a question regarding it, I would suggest you post a message here regarding it. The chances are it would be answered in a matter of hours.

    The Nostradamus Mabus Project does not try to interpret the quatrains. Though our members (and even the founder sure do try).

    The official stance of the Nostradamus Mabus Project is that there are no experts.

    If you read the book of Nostradamus, The same book that the Nostradamus Mabus Project has posted online for free and use historical references to try to figure out what they mean, you instantly become a "Nostradamus Expert".

    The Nostradamus Mabus Project has also included a forum where everyone can discuss what they understand from the quatrains. In actuality, it's the closest you will ever get to fully understanding what he wrote since it is filled with people that have read the book and many consider them very well versed in the Book of Nostradamus.

  17. Rocky Rohith

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    Nostradamus was born into a rich Jewish / Catholic family in St. Remi, France on December 14, 1503. Many people suspect that he continued to practice Catholicism throughout his life, however he was fascinated with his Jewish heritage and even learned Hebrew.

    In 1555, at the age of 52, he wrote his first collection of prophecies. These are what Nostradamus was most famous for. The Complete Book of Nostradamus is located at the Nostradamus Mabus Project.

    The Book of Nostradamus is organized with a very simple layout.

    Each of the 10 centuries (or chapters) contain 100 prophetic quatrains (a 4 line poem that is also a prediction), except for Century VII, which has 42 quatrains, for a total of 942 prophecies.

    Stepping back however Nostradamus was not only a prophet, he was a medical doctor at the most urgent of times.

    Nostradamus received his Medical degree from the Mont Pellier School of Medicine. During the black plague of Europe. His unconventional approach to treatment was almost unheard of at the time, however now it would be common practice. To wash and clean yourself to keep the germs away. At the time doctors used to "bleed" the sick to release the germs. Though he was known as very good doctor, he was unable to save his children and his wife from the plague.

    Nostradamus was also an excellent businessman. The sales of his book were substantial, even at a time when most people could not read.

    He was also a poet, something that most people overlook. The Centuries, (The Book of Nostradamus) is written in a very interesting way. It's not a clear cut writing, but rather it's a cryptic jumble of French and Latin as well as references to areas using their biblical or even pre-biblical names.

    No one currently walking the earth has ever met Nostradamus, so there is no possible way they could really know 100% what those quatrains actually mean. It's all our best try however to publish the book online, and use our collective intelligence to figure them out.

    There are thousands upon thousands of rumors surrounding Nostradamus. If you have a question regarding it, I would suggest you post a message here regarding it. The chances are it would be answered in a matter of hours.

    The Nostradamus Mabus Project does not try to interpret the quatrains. Though our members (and even the founder sure do try).

    The official stance of the Nostradamus Mabus Project is that there are no experts.

    If you read the book of Nostradamus, The same book that the Nostradamus Mabus Project has posted online for free and use historical references to try to figure out what they mean, you instantly become a "Nostradamus Expert".

    The Nostradamus Mabus Project has also included a forum where everyone can discuss what they understand from the quatrains. In actuality, it's the closest you will ever get to fully understanding what he wrote since it is filled with people that have read the book and many consider them very well versed in the Book of Nostradamus.

    I hope you have found this helpful.

    Questions? Just post a message in the forum.

    I don`t know wat to say abot this man....
    he is an astrologer...... wow really it`s too gud too see this link....

  18. Karthik Ashok

    The entire video is subject to interpretation and there is no factual element. I think Nostradamus turned fatalistic after the loss of his first family and therefore all his prediction allude to death and destruction. We need to focus our energies on building and re-building.

  19. YSF

    This documentary was , frankly, stupid. the History channel made a ton of better documentaries than this .

    I mean how could you refer to someone with no army or power as the Antichrist, i mean seriously , in what way is he going to bring the end of the world ?

    and about Nostradamus, the predictions are way too open , i mean "new city" , if i were to refer to the future , i would describe any city as the "new city".

    Besides what are the interpretations based upon? the images could be something different to everyone else.

    i just wasted i jst wasted an hour and a half of my day

  20. tigerspaw

    After reading all the previous post I think I'll skip this one. Thanks for saving me the time.

  21. Conn

    These people are clutching at straws, interpreting tiny doodles as cities, what looked like banners as boats, demonising Islam to a ridiculous extent and taking phrases such as "One male" to mean anything they damn well like so long as it fits their story (to be honest it looked to me to actually say "Une male" in French, which still means one male but rather scuppers the notion that this was a message sent to this time). PLus, what on earth was that nonsense about eagles representing America. Yes, the eagle is very significant to America. However the eagle was also an emblem for Rome, Napoleon's grande armee and Hitler's Third Reich, so which particular super power was Nostrodamus making reference to? Although I guess one interpretation could be that if Napoleon and Hitler were the first two antichrists, and their emblems were the eagle, maybe it isn't Islam that is going to produce the next Antichrist, but America? But then again we could take Nostrodamus' predictions as the fanciful, open to interpretation, hit and miss pieces of poetry that they really are.

  22. jay

    fear mongering p.o.s. don't watch this video if you're planning on learning anything of value. there are no cited sources. there is no reference between any images. it's just garbage. get your info on this subject elsewhere. these people should be ashamed.

  23. jay

    "under the false guise of faith".
    yeah. false guise. if that was supposed to be about terrorist attacks and 9-11, it would mean he was saying that it was covered up; that the "radical muslims" was a false guise. i am guessing they're gonna ignore the part about "shaved heads". i am about five minutes in this doc and already see how the source material will be misconstrued. i will still watch it, just to hear nostrodamus' quotes and see his images. this is definitely propaganda, though. so watchers beware.

  24. canadian historian

    This documentary was not very convincing. I do have one simple analysis of my own.
    the "3rd" anti christ will not be Osbama Bin Laden.
    he does not, like the other 2(Emperor Napoleon; and Chancellor Hitler)both leaders of countries who could practically assemble finance, men, troops, money and equipment to engage in a war against the known world.
    But another Osama. President Osbama. To Nostradamus; Hawaii would have been East, not west. He is a Muslim, who is the best candidate to come in the form of a "peace" offering, and who has the power to destroy the Church. Not to mention the 20 other opinions that Nostradamus associates with coming Anti christ.

    my .02 cents

    1. cocotte_90

      First of all, the saying goes "my 2 cents'', .02 dollars is 2 cents. .02 cents is nothing. And second of all, I think your comment is straight-up racist.

      my 2 cents.

  25. uncle sam

    this is one of the most stupid documentaries i've ever seen. in my opinion there's no doubt that nostradamus and this book are very interesting, but the way it is presented in this film just makes me sick. some people (with such notable titles like "author of "whatever"") philosophizing about what these pictures could mean and how their interpretations can be connected to the latest political events, what actually nearly everybody could, instead of hard facts about nostradamus. these pictures can be interpretated in various ways, i don't see the point why a burning tower (which is, as said in the film, a tarot sign for shock or crisis) means that nostradamus foresaw 9/11.

  26. Chief

    After watching the excellent footage on Planet Earth; seeing the varied life forms in the depths of the ocean, near volcanic eruption, in underground and under water caves, it seems improbale that life on this planet is nearing and end. We may become extinct as a species, but the world will more than likely continue in our abscence.

  27. tree

    GP,.Two days ago I try to explained the images #66-72 to you, but I didn't finished, it was 6 in the morning and I decided to finish in the morning so I closed the computer and the next day my brother used the computer and it was gone. You say nostradamus is an Anti-catholic etc. Well, I don,t know about that, But I believed he is a true prophet. No one will be abled to gives all of these prophecies and images unless God had revealed to him. I don't know if you believe him or not. Let try to explains some of his images to you. Image #66. the lion with a red cloth on his head, and above,a sun and a face in the sun. The lion,.the lion represented the people who will kill others for the smallest things they've say or done , the anti_christ. the cloth reprsented the blood, stain with blood. the sun is the eyes. the face in the sun is God, the father. This is what is means, God, the father is watching or keeping an eyes on the lion..the people who will killed others for the smallest things they've say or done. Images# 67. The old man with long hair who is wearing a crowd and has a book on his hand, on the left, a tree with a head of a lion, below,two fishes and on the right, a lady with a bow. The old man with long hair and a crowd is God, the father. the head of a lion is,again, the people who will killed others for the smallest things they've say or done. The tree is the tree of life that the jews and the muslams fight to caimed. This is what's means God, the father is reading or passing judgements to the lion-the people who will killed others for the smallest things they've say or done when they have claimed the tree of life all the way to the top, top of the tree. this will happens when the lady with a bow is aligned with the two fishes. pisces, 2012. Sorry, l'm still watching the videos on top. Images # 68, The club on top of the tree and below, a sword, and down below on the left, a scopion and on the right, a sheep and down in the middle a gold square.The club on top of a tree means, God is destroying the tree of life. (image where there is two guy and a tree with no branches, one guy try to pulled down). The sword means there is going to be a battle. the sheep is jesus christ, and the scopion is the anti-christ. the gold square means spiral for ever, forever. This is what it's means, God, the father is going to destrpoys the tree of life, and there is going to be a battle between Jesus christ and the anti-christ and jesus christ will be victory and reigned forever. Sorry again, Images 69. a naked guy shooting a bow at a lady. means the sould of those the anti-christ and his soldiers had killed will be raised. I am not sure what # it is. an Images 3 cressen moon, a face and a scopion below face taward the spiral. They say the cressent moon images is Islams, a face represent the people and the scopion is anti-christ. the people will be stay the anti-christ will be sent to spiral hole, iron cage for ever. Images 71, a boat and the long hair old man.God, the father will raised all the dead souls back to life and judges, the good people, the gentle sheeps who has no horn to gore others and who has no teeths no bites or kills and whose hearts are white and pure will be put into the ship and takens to heaven. Image 72. the old man with the empty book means that's it, no more, no more names in the book of life. I might have skip one image or something because put in the wrong order but you will find out. All that is left one the outside of our garden are the deers. the deers were those who are believers,-christians, jews muslams, catholic etc. The deers are those who will not kill, bite or gore at others but runs like a deers when others attacks and only used it horn to defend it.self Image# where a snake spits 3 dropped of blood and a cup fills with blood, and an image where a snake and a sword below and a cut foot and a column on the ground. Snake means evils and the cup of blood were the blood of christ. This means that the people who believe in God but are evils and picked swords to killed others and destroyed building will be killed. I cannot remember any more images so that' it. Century x quartrain all the ways to amost the end, It says no more lions, wolfs, oxes, and ass. Lions are those who will killed others for the smallest things they've say or done, Wolfs are those who disguised in sheeps clothing, but will bite others at the smallest things they've say or done. The oxes are those who have no teeths to bite or kill but will gore at others at the smallest things they say or done. Ass are those who have no teeth to bite , killed or gore others but are too lazy to go to churhes to praise 5 times a day, These will be no more, Nostradamus's say so. An image you see a cow sitting next to the guy, look like a pope and seem to begging the guy. This cow are those have not killed or bited others but have gore at others but in their lifes they have never heard the words of God, christian or muslams etc., will have reasons to begged the King for mercy because in their lifetimes they have never encouter the words of God. The lion, the wolf, the ass and the other oxes will have no excuses and no more. Again, I am truly sorry for what I have say in the internet. People talk trashes in the in the internet and I am truly wasn't thinking when I say those words. I know i should've say that, but I"m only human being and I've made mistakes. I am a Good, Good man if only you know me and if I lies to you God is my witness. If I hate the muslam may God punish me to the fullest. I promised you that I will keeps my mouth shut and will never posted in the internet again. Again, I am truly sorry. God says we are God's childrens and God say thou shall love thy neighbors and forgives thy enemies. As a brother , can I asked you to removed those wires unders my house, I Asked you nicely. and I don,t want to called the police and caused you and I any troubles. and remove myemail. And please don't locked my email. I promised you and god I will not Say anything bad about muslams like I say in the inter net. Again, I am sorry. I'll give 3 days to removed anythings you put under my house if you do not removed them and unlock my email; I' will have no choices but to called the police. Thank you. an d Find a space inside you to forgives me. I've not hurts or kill anyones.

  28. GP

    A good documentary but wasn't clear for me,,, it kinda didn't make any point, but maybe it's the real purpose of that doc. haha .. Two things, however, were conveyed to my understanding:

    1) Nostradamus and/or that documentary is a supporter of the 2012 fad

    2) Nostradamus is an anti-Catholic, Bible-believing, Jesus Christ-believing, Christianity-believing astrologer and occult member.


  29. killa

    one word... astrologer

  30. tree

    Oh people, you people are smart but you know nothing at all. No one of you, in this planet earth, would be abled to truly understand nostradamus's images and his prophecies. Most of your interpretations of nostradamus's prophecies and images were wrong. The burning tower had nothing to do with the 9/11 twin towers. If you want to know the true meaning of his prophecies and his images, I am the only one, on this planet earth, who can truly be abled to interpret the true meaning of nostradamus's images and his prophecies, the third secret of fatima, and the book of revealation. Oh people, wake up! wake up! It is about times. the clock is ticking,the hours are approaching fast, the rooster is about to crows, the peacot is about to flips the sand of times to begins.

  31. Adult_At_Play

    Hmmm All I can say is, Ill just have to wait and see just like everybody else! Who says it cant be the end as we know it? Civilization has been wiped out on this planet FIVE times for various (exact unknown) reasons. Who says it wont happen again? Why would anyone think it wont happen again? Better yet, why do most ppl have the attitude "It wont happen to me/my lifetime?"

  32. malcos

    Prophecy Expert Sees Ominous Israel - Iran War Before May 2010

    A Filipino claiming to be a marian visionary is allegedly warning that the current Israel - Iran crisis will erupt into a fullfledged war sometime before May 2010 - between March and April. Duke Puntalangit claims that the current situation in the Middle East, together with other global state of affairs already affirm ancient prophecies as well as those that were revealed to him almost two decades ago. According to the visionary, he has been observing current events for years and the present world wide scenario is approaching the fulfillment of ancient prophecies as well as those related to the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima. Incidentally, Pope Benedict XVI is going to Fatima, Portugal this May this year. According to the Vatican, the Pope will visit Fatima on May 12 to 14 2010. Puntalangit thinks the Pope perhaps knows something very important that will occur this year that he must pray in Fatima, Portugal.

    Puntalanit warns that the coming war between Israel and Iran will be the final blow to the current state of affairs between the superpowers US and Russia. "That will not yet be the Third World War but that will finalize everything and make the third global war inevitatable. Expect the worst to come this year as the US economy will continue to go down. But do not panic for this is not the end of the world yet. Be glad that God has placed you in this time for you will have sufficient chances to convert. The events should be sufficient enough for a wise man to realize that there is a God. Leave a normal life and attend to your obligations and most importantly, recite the Most Holy Rosary and do the consecration to the Most Immaculate Heart of Mary. A true Christian will not lose his bearing in the last times, rather he or she should shine for others. Let us all pray and bear fruit for Our Lord and His Mother. Do not quit your jobs or go to the mountains, that is not the actuation of a faithful Catholic. It is up to God who should live or die. Rather, our concerns should be prayer and amending our lives. That way, we console Christ and His Mother, for the chastisement will come because of our offenses before the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Most Immaculate Heart of Mary", the visionary stressed.

    Puntalangit's prophecies have caused quite a stir these days, sending jitters among faithful Catholics especially those devoted to Mary. The Philippines is largely a Marian country and it is expected that his prophecies will propagate throughout the populace to a great extent. The Catholic Church has not given an official statement regarding Mr. Puntalangit's claims, however, according to sources, the visioary has already reported to his local bishop and in line with the latter's advice, Puntalangit is only promoting those parts of his prophecies which were not prohibite by his bishop.

  33. DakkaDakkaDakka

    Its deffinatly an interesting doc on good ol nostro.
    There was still no conclusive evidence that the lost book was real/that the verson in posession was a valid copy.
    2012 is an astrological event pure and simple.
    Will it affect us? who knows?
    But my guess is that there will be hysteria.
    I found this doc has made me want to read more about nostro and the knights of malta/knights templar.
    It did occur to me that most of the doc was spent interperating the information in the lost book and not spent searching out the where/how/why/when and general credulity of the book which was wrapped up in the last 20mins or so.
    As for the pro-America (fu*k yea!) slant, pointing out terrorism and the comming of the devils, sadam(really? you sure about that one?) hitler(dont get me wrong, he was an evil little b*stard) and Osama? I have alot of trouble accepting the interpretation that Osama is a comming of an anti-christ, he just doesnt seem to be all that dangerous to me. (Dont mention the twin towers, thats a can of worms ill leave for the rest to argue and come to no conclusion over inside job vs evil middle eastern terror attack, sent to disrupt the saudi gold under the buildings, wait did i say saudi gold? nah forget it.)

    Have a watch, take it with a pinch of salt, read more on good old nostro and make your own mind up, stop relying on a documentary to supply you with an opinion.

    Ill end it here :)

  34. ryan taylor

    you would be ignorant if you did not heed what is said within the documentary the city did look like it had skyscrapers and the shapes surronding it looked like plains,all of the hints nostradamus stated are too accurate to be mere coincediences.

  35. Mark S

    1st January, 2013, should be pencilled in as world party time.

  36. jhenny

    that's very good and interesting..

  37. kijiji

    there is one lady using mimic white gloves, to handle "the lost book", at the same time 30 people touching the darn thing bare handed LOL. so much drama is hilarious!

  38. montreal

    This documentary is a complete waste of time. I was however, very happy to see for the most part,that none of the comments were from people who eagerly jump into the fantasy of prophets, and the end of days. It's nice to know people do occasionally think for themselves, and aren't all those who quickly believe any alternative theory offered just as blindly as those believing the initial. I am of course reffering to any the numerous comments you'd find under 2012 propaganda, or zietgeist movies. Thank you for not being idiots.

  39. diatorr

    End of the world? time? age? oh come on peolpe! I mean ok, it will happen for sure, when our Sun will run out of it's fuel and start to grow up to "eat" all planets of our solar system to become a supernova and a black hole blah blah... I think that this will be the end and it wont be any man and probably no life on Earth in that time.
    We people think that we are so so important here. If I can compare the life on Earth to one single year to the present..then in March first life come in July and August - dino age and a few minutes before mindinght Lucy in Afrika was born. We are here just a few minutes and nobody knows how long or how many "minutes" we will be doesnt matter! So let's talk about end of humanity but not about End of time, life, age or whatever in 2012.

  40. Charles B.

    Wow. Very interesting. I'm not sure what to make of this documentary. Talk about hard to understand imagery! It's probably an authentic work of Nostradamous (replicated/copied/preserved). A fake wouldn't have been so difficult to understand, I would think.

    Nonetheless, my gut feeling is that Nostradamous was not inspired by God in any way, so his source of information is doubious for sure to me.

    I've heard a convergence of the date 2012 for apacalyptic disaster from 3 sources now (the Mayans of course, now they claim Nostradamous pinpointed this time also, but recently from a Christian prophet who saw a vision of an angel saying "The woes of 2012! The woes of 2012!" but nothing more).

    I suppose the only recourse for us is to just to have a pure heart, and a clean conscience, and be ready for anything that come what may, even it it be our personal time to go (die); now is a time for faith more than any other time in history.

    If I wasn't a man who had a faith in God's ultimate sovereinty over mankind, this documentary would be blood chillingly frightening.

    Thanks Vlatko for yet another great documentary!

  41. mani

    how can i download this video?
    help me vlatko

  42. Niels

    Disgusting docu, one big piece of western propoganda. Will explain tomorrow, for now I'm deeply disappointed in this release of History channel.

  43. Niels

    Talking about a 'muslim invasion' of the west [8:27] seems to me to be a very strange way of thinking. In fact; it's complete the opposite of what's happening in the middle east as we speak, wich is a west-based believe system invading islamic country's.

    @The truth, you read my mind. The passage "Under the false guise of faith, many saboteurs shall be sown" reminded me of the 9/11 situation. I read; Under the false claim that this attack was planned and executed by islamic religion extremists, the road was openend for demonizing and waging genocide/war against a peaceful religion.

    The docu seems, to me at least, to be a little bit too much American orientated. When at 37:50 they show a picture of Saddam under the sentence 'most hated men in history', why not show Bush jr..? Probably among the most hated person of the 21st century, absolutely more hated than Saddam.

    Interesting docu non the less, I guess everybody can interprate Nostradamu's text's in his own way. Too bad I have to leave now, but i'll watch the rest tomorrow...

    btw; Did anyone notice the stars in the dragon's tale? Looks like a striking resemblance of the stars in the so-called 'american seal'.

  44. The Truth

    What the f... I thought a prophet could tell the truth? That is not correct when USA it selves did 11 september. Check zeitgeist on youtube...

  45. moon

    comon people its not always about war its also about nature almost evryone sees whats goin on to our mother earth well i agree to that man who said if we continue what were doing we might end of to nothing

  46. some guy

    one more thing...and are you people seriously paranoid about middle east countries?, jeez comon, you're one of the most powerful if not the powerful country (america) at the moment in time. I'm not bias as I'm not christian nor Muslim nor am i from either region but you people sound like a bunch of idiots.

    sure history has given us evidence, but nobody's coming to get you!! . stop effing fighting amongst your self and grow up!.

    1. Joseph Molnar

      Not anymore.We're not in the top 5 anymore.

  47. some guy

    Im no one to argue and debate all these sorts of things, But in my opinion they seem to over exaggerate at times. For example at 29.08(mins) the guy says it look like NY?...

    1. Joseph Molnar

      It's a city with modern skyscrapers, which I believe New York was basically one of the first cities with modern skyscrapers.

  48. John Webster

    After 4 minutes, it's clear to me that Nostradamus may have received psychic information and predicted accordingly however, the notion that this world is going to end is misleading. Just because a couple New York city skyscraper towers fall from human-conceived detonation has NOTHING to do with end of a world! I may subscribe to the end of our current consciousness and everything created by such, but the end of the world? People who produce these documentaries are, more often than not, attached to the silliness in Bible prophecy or, more accurately, silly indoctrinated religions.