The Genius of Mozart

2004, Art and Artists  -   20 Comments
Ratings: 8.00/10 from 18 users.

The Genius of MozartAn enlightening and enveloping reconstruction of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's (1756--1791) life. Masterfully written and directed, every aspect of the film has been given thorough thought in order to ensure an accurate historical reconstruction. Inspirational performances from the main actors and actresses foster captivation, while regular narrative interjections from the popular composer and conductor Charles Hazlewood brings an insightful, educational dimension.

The story begins with the composer's father Leopold with whom Mozart conducted a passionate and tortured correspondence. It is Leopold who knows Mozart's secrets. And there is another voice: that of the music itself. Music is the key to unlocking the emotions of Mozart, starting in this film with the great piano works. Without this key, how can we ever understand the emotions that gave birth to some of the most beautiful sounds the world has ever heard? The first great phase of Mozart's brief life was that of the travelling child prodigy - gifted as a performer and writer of music - who grew into the genius who, working within the restrictions of his time, began to rewrite the musical rules.

But there was another facet to Mozart - the adult thinker aware of the bigger picture, passionately attached to the progressive values of the Enlightenment - impressively well-read, a speaker of most European languages (even a little English), an Austrian Catholic, a Freemason and above all a composer at the height of his formidable powers, determined to succeed in the most difficult and lucrative area of all - Opera. (Excerpt from

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20 Comments / User Reviews

  1. judrop

    Mozart and Bach. No one else comes close.

  2. Paul Dean Dillow

    After developing an interest in Classical Music, Beethoven was, for many years, my
    musical hero. At the same time, I was being told "Sooner or later, there will be
    Mozart." I resisted him and his music until I was given two recordings - his 26th and 27th piano concerti, and one of his wind concerti. Suddenly, Beethoven took a back seat. Oh, if only Mozart had lived to Beethoven's age, how much richer our own lives would now be. While Bach composed some absolutely thrilling short pieces, my overall taste in his music is limited.

  3. Frank Soh

    Mozart was the true genius of music without doubt, because his works started with the simple piano sonatas, violin sonatas, trios, quartets…. and the Italian & German operas. He mastered every genre of music. Of course, if anyone compares his low Kv numbers, it may be weak! Mozart changed completely after Kv 271Piano Concerto No. 9. Tchaikovsky said "The center of Christianity is Jesus and the center of music must be Mozart". It is the true that Bach is the father of music, then Mozart must be the God of music.

  4. Airvaulting for Girls

    Mozart, pffft... Sissy music for wimps and little girls to weep over! Give me Wagner and a full horn of mead, bloody up to the elbows with the glory of slaughter...

    jk ;)

    1. Guest

      Yeah, uh huh... You must have been damn well gassed when you posted that piece of horse manure.

      nk :)

  5. Pysmythe

    @Danielle, if you're still out there, this is for you, my dear:

    "J.S. Bach is the father of us all." - W. A. Mozart

    A little hyperbolic, maybe, but not by much. I, IV and V chords (and
    obvious close cousins thereof), which predominate, for example, in
    today's popular music, were bandied about just as often and effectively
    by randy old Sebastian as they were by that pool-shark Wolfy. And you
    can ask any competent jazz musician, prone to the hard, high-wire
    ecstasies of balancing contrasting melodic lines one against the other
    (improvised! in real time!), whether he would consider such contrapuntal
    and dissonant dares ultimately more beholden to Salzburg or Eisenach.
    Hardly anyone could have greater respect for Mozart than I do, and I
    love his music and the humanity so charmingly manifested in every note
    of it with my whole heart. But the bible that has laid on the table of
    every serious composer from his time to ours is The
    Well-Tempered Clavier
    . It would be nearly impossible to
    overestimate the influence of those 48 preludes and fugues on the course of Western music. And Mozart was among the first to acknowledge their colossal impact. Even while running headlong through the untrimmed hedges of atonal music, Schoenberg and his twelve-tone chainsaw were pursued by them, as he tried his best to cut a new way not dominated by their instruction. But all he managed to mow out of the landscape was a dull, dead maze, straight-edged, lifeless, leading hardly anywhere of any interest, and with all its natural blossoms severed from the roots that sustained them. Bach is the man who best planted the rows for the gardeners who followed him, and who have not been too proud to acknowledge the seeds from which their own crops have grown.

    "Bach... is not a brook, but an ocean." - Beethoven

  6. Wednesday_kid1

    I loved it! I felt the inspiration. Truly amazing!

  7. Misa Amane

    Mozart continues to influence the people of the world. He is undoubtedly my hero. Mozart forever!!!!

    1. Pysmythe

      A little late in replying to you, obviously, but in choosing Mozart as your hero, you've demonstrated to me, at least, a very admirable quality about yourself, in that all of Mozart's music is so filled with a genuine love of humanity that I suspect the same thing resides in your heart, and that this is a big reason you are so able to connect with his achievements. Everyone knows that Mozart was unparalleled in his musical genius, but do you know what he himself said about that? He said, "Love. Love is the soul of genius." And, considering what he proved within his short life, I think we should take him at his word.

  8. Sadie The Celt

    This was undoubtedly one of the best Documentaries I have watched, I was a bit pushed for time - so I had to watch it in 2 parts (each 90 mins) but it was worth it.
    Leopold Mozart recognised the genius in his son at an early age - and sacrificed his familys' security/home in Saltzburg to ensure his son reached his full potential, though things were a lot different then (200+ years ago)
    and sadly Mozart died at a relatively young age (35) - but his music is still incredible. The interesting thing about his music is that it seemed to echo his inner emotions (The Magic Flute was a good example)
    I watched the movie 'Amadeus', some years ago - this is a film based on MOZARTS life, and though not as informative was equally entertaining, in my opinion.

  9. James

    Music is and has always been a matter of preference when placing one composer over/beneath another.
    Putting them into a top three list really equates them when considering them against all the other composers that have been or will be.
    Unless you gave Mozart a third placing because his music has "too many notes."

  10. Elise

    Very well done--Very entertaining as well as being informative. Fine acting--an artistic achievement. Congratulations to all involved in its production! (But I agree "JoeyC"--Bach still the greatest, and I think Mozart would agree with this estimation. Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart, in that order. :)

    1. Jessy Mike Jackson

      Nope.Your order is NOT fine at all.Mozart is ABOVE Beethoven sorry.I have read music history page after page and there Bach and Mozart stand ABOVE Every compoer as the GREATEST COMPOSER EVER.Beethoven is NOWHERE close to Mozart.Mozart wrote the GREATEST Piano Concerts,the GREATEST OPERAS,The Greatest Mass and the best symphonies.Its NOT up to your personal opinion who is the best.Music History the ultimate source of music has spoken and has ranked Beethoven BELOW Mozart,where he belongs

    2. Pysmythe

      I have the strong impression that "pure composing facility" counts for a very great deal in your estimation of these chaps, and also that you're too prone to letting books tell you what your opinions should be. Did Music History have its hands over its ears for the entirety of the 19th century? Because if influence over subsequent composers counts for anything, Beethoven is greater in that regard than either Bach or Mozart. But this is apples and oranges, as they say. All three men were clearly the summit of their eras, and in that respect all were the greatest. Anything beyond that is useless quibbling, and missing the point of the music.

    3. avd420

      Is it possible to enjoy the music without having a debate about who's better? Does this actually improve the subjects experience in listening?

  11. joe

    I thought it was great.

  12. JoeyC

    Leopold was clearly NOT the only person able to perceive the depth and profundity of Amadeus's genius. He was hailed far and wide by men and women of letters, and most conspicuously by Franz Joseph Haydn who, writing to Leopold, said, "I declare to you before God that your son is the greatest composer I know, either personally or by name."

    Bach still held a higher place among composers.

    And still does, in my opinion.

    1. Duggles

      Had Mozart not died prematurely, who knows?

  13. Danica

    The length could have been shortened! Three hours of bad acting and constant reminders of how shitty fashion used to be in 1700's is overkill. But, wonderful telling of Mozart's personal life and accomplishment. Were those love letters his words, verbatim? How charming, not only was he a musical genuis, but a true romantic.

    Usually real brilliance is accompanied by either sketchy character, or demented family lives. So, propz the Mozart for his well-rounded, dignified time on Earth.

  14. robe33

    I like the simplicity and clarity that Charles Hazlewood explains music.
    I absolutely love it.
    Many thanks.