New Orleans: A Living Museum of Music

Ratings: 7.75/10 from 12 users.

New Orleans: A Living Museum of MusicNew Orleans: A Living Museum of Music is an intimate look at the traditions associated with New Orleans' music and the preservation of those traditions through the work of local musicians and educators who mentor young talent.

Museum curators who care for musical treasures; historians and archivists who research and document the stories; activists working to protect, heal and inspire the many musicians whose livelihoods were taken away by Katrina.

All are committed to the preservation of the rich musical heritage of New Orleans, as well as the future of New Orleans music.

The living museum is a manifestation of participation, proclaims Ellis Marsalis—revered jazz pianist, music educator, and patriarch of the Marsalis family jazz dynasty—who is featured in the program.

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15 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Dorothy A McCulley

    All I can say is this made my day. Friends in Grenda turned me on. Thank you

  2. Svetlana Vigliaturo

    A spectacular view on one of the most interesting cities in America. As if was back again wondering on Bourbon Street, visiting bars and churches, museums and clubs in the French Quarters, being showered with music, music and even more music of jazz that has diversity of us all, people with different views and believes, of different nationalities and traditions, but at the same time has the unity of humanity in this wonderful habitat, called New Orleans! I hope and pray, that the city having the spirit like that, is doomed to raise from its knees after any disasters! Music heals! Long live New Orleans!

  3. Sertsis

    I really enjoyed this doc. It had a lot of good sounds both in the music and the people. I especially liked the way that this festival city was all inclusive, anyone and everyone seemed to be welcome to join the party. I have to go and experience this for myself someday.

  4. Getz

    new orleans gave the world a good vibe and a smile. they deserve the best of us

  5. Guest

    Multiculturalism run more or less rampant = unpredictable musical fun/results for everybody

    >> Good doc. <<

  6. NewOrleanian504

    That's my city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. tomdham

      That's my city, TOOOOO!!!! (Well I lived in Slidell, Metairie, Lacombe and Mandeville. Does that count?)
      Oh yeah..Ruby's Roadhouse ROCKS!!! say hello to Fred and Dianne!

  7. Jack1952

    I hitch-hiked there in 1970 for Mardi Gras. What a great time. The marching bands is what I remember the most, playing the march tunes with a jazz flair. Walking down Bourbon and Royal Streets and hearing the blues and jazz music was amazing.

    1. Guest

      First time i went to New Orleans was in 1979. I was travelling in a green VW Rabbit, i slept in it, in the french quarter on some side street, for a full week. I had a ball of hachish the size of a golf ball, lots of granola packed with nuts, good music, and all the time in the world.
      I slept in my car from Florida to CA to BC (first entry ever) for 4 months. First goal find money...i landed in Hope...the rest is history!
      I am here

    2. Jack1952

      Are you still in Hope? My nephew just moved there with his wife this summer. He's a musician and goes by the name Joey Only.

      Sorry. I was just told he moved on to Barkerville.

    3. Guest

      No, only time i spent in Hope was then. Tree planting in the rain and cold for over 30 days, camping near the kitchen camp way up in the sticks...i was so happy to get out of there, i never went back for more than a piss while driving to Vancouver.
      It worked though, i got the money i was "hoping".
      edit: actually this is not true, camp life was a blast, but we did have to go to work (4-5am).

  8. Guest

    I'm finally getting to watch this... (Today's session of homeschooling was especially grueling.)

    1. Sertsis

      Perhaps docs like this and others could form part of your child's home school curriculum, easing your burden, and giving you something that both of you can enjoy. Although some of the comments(following other docs) may not be appropriate.

  9. Guest

    This was my suggestion while thinking of the south and our new comer @Knowledge. I know this ain't Tennesse...but it is music and a lot of great black people just like