The CIA and the Nazis

2004, Conspiracy  -   50 Comments
Ratings: 6.37/10 from 54 users.

The CIA and the NazisSix months after Allied Forces liberated German concentration camps, a military tribunal formed at Nuremberg to prosecute Nazi war criminals. Some of the most dangerous were brought to justice - but not all. Documentary Conspiracy? reveals how over 4,000 former Nazis went to work for the U.S. government, without the public's knowledge, to help fight the Soviet Union. Reinhard Gehlen, an intelligence officer for Hitler's General Staff, was tapped to head the U.S. intelligence program in West Germany to spy on the Russians. At the same time, former Nazi scientists and engineers were welcomed onto American soil. But the extent of these operations is only now becoming clear: In 1998, a law was passed mandating declassification of documents concerning recruitment of former Nazis. CIA AND THE NAZIS examines these files to see how far the U.S. went in recruiting its former enemy to fight its new one.

The truth is, thousands of former Nazis, some of whom committed atrocities, went to work for the United States government without the public's knowledge. During the war, their crimes ranged from overseeing slave labor camps to sending orphans to their deaths. After the war, they were on the US payroll either as scientists in America or as intelligence agents in Europe.

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50 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Jon Jonzz

    America needs an in depth investigation on George Soros. The master puppet of the Democratic/Nazi Party and the Antifa Brown Shirts.

  2. Kim Bruce

    What about George Soros? Soros was a Jew who became a Nazi to protect himself from persecution. He then committed some of the worst crimes...turning Jews over to the Nazis who were hiding out. He then went in and cleared out all of their possessions. Soros worked for the Mountain Muslim SS brigades in Hungary, one of the most notorious anti-Jew regimes in the German army. Hitler admired his Muslim brigades more than the Christians because of their hatred for Jews and their commitment to die fighting. They loved death more than life.
    How did George Soros escape persecution after the war I wonder?

    1. Carlton Davis

      You are an idiot. Soros was 9 when the war started and 14 when the war ended. This is an old debunked story.

    2. Jon Jonzz


    3. Jon Jonzz

      Carlton Davis
      View the Youtube interview with Soros where he tells the interviewer that "working with the Nazis " was one of the best times of his life.

  3. noah taylor feld

    this danger,even exists now if there were nazis in the cia and homeland secruity today we will have,a major problem!

    1. Maxine

      Even if there are no known Nazis in the CIA and Homeland Security, this is just speculation, but surely the mindset of many if not most current members remains the same....Torture and many other horrific examples....The danger remains.

  4. tazmo

    Two things come to mind; should they have prosecuted them or use them in the coming (unknown but real) Cold War? duh.

  5. sonny corbi

    This is all nonsense - this falls under, "let him cast the first stone", I can't believe anyone would be shocked by any of this?

  6. Fred Bunson

    There is evidence the Nazis under IG Farban chemical co. enriched uranium, built a bomb, tested it in the Baltic Sea, all corroborated evidence by multiple sources, had infrared detonators for Plutonium, documents support all this, and then The Allies were either given the bomb by Nazi's who defected and used those bombs in Japan.
    The Nazis U-234 , turned over yellow cake to the allies near Norway in
    1945, look at books and info by Joseph Farrell.

  7. Jon

    Russia too absorbed former Nazi scientist but come to think of it the first victims of the NAZI party were Germans. Unless they participate they will suffer and the means to force socialism is by indoctrinating the youth. Even children are taught to spy on their parents.

  8. ELISA N. ( Susie )

    I AM a victim of the CIA-NAZI association. They have implanted a Mind Microchip on me because of my DNA and they made me a slave for almost 50 years of my life. I am not the only one...there are many victims like me that had their "mind" kidnapped by the one in control inside the evil MKULTRA CIA. They have taken my life ...they have used me and used me ...I wanted to become someone to make a difference in this planet...but they didn't allowed me. What was done to me is a nightmare but worse IS what they ARE still doing to innocent women...CHILDREN..and men by using the MKULTRA- evil NAZI Mind Control Technology on innocent people making them commit terrible crimes.
    The CIA together with the NAZI war criminals have committed the worst CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY and it was kept secret until now.
    I am here because I sick justice for what was taken from me...(almost 50 years of my life) but most importantly I WANT JUSTICE TO BE MADE FOR ALL THE VICTIMS OF THIS MONSTRUOS CRIME THAT THEY DONT EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT yet- I WANT THE COMPLETE STOP OF ALL AND ANY KIND OF MIND CONTROL EXPERIMENTS that ARE being done by the CIA...United States Government ...Pentagon ...FBI and all others ..and more...I want the ones that created this evil to undo this evil using the same technology they have use JUST THIS TIME TO REVERSE THIS HORRIBLE CRIME THAT THEY COMMITTED.
    That will be JUST justice for me and ALL victims of this inhumane crime.

    1. Houssem El Fekih

      hey me too , seriously!! but why do you suppose it's just one in control? would be good to exchange info .. i've only been a victim for a couple years now. I heard companies are making tech in venezuela so people can defend themselves through their own means , and without breaking any laws. we should try and find support , i am in london where do you live? Although not entirely sure if exactly CIA-NAZIS their behaviour and access to such technologies and the fact they can do this on British soil and with the COMPLETE knowledge of the authorities who are also conducting normal 'harmless' :p surveillance on everyone puzzles me and brings me to this possible conclusion among others. we can honnestly discuss through mail , we have to free ourselves from assumptions and fear of expression , it's the only way out! if you don't feel like emailing me , good luck! still i know how hard it can be! have faith!

  9. Christopher

    I guess if the fourth reich controls everything then we have actual borders, no third world immigrants or inter-racial marriage? Lol this is just conspiracy, though national socialists are gaining power all over europe. They say germany is the start of the fourth reich again but i doubt it, it is full of far left liberal apathetic nut-jobs who turned their back on their own people. Not saying i welcome nazism, but they are still sell-outs either way lol

    1. KeepUinCheck

      1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
      2. A group of conspirators.
      3. Law An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
      4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design: a conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas.
      You seemed, along with most people, to forget what a conspiracy is; so there is the definition, now you can use it correctly.

  10. Erwin Dale Brown

    American Republicaners need to see this as a training film so they can actually decide if they are American patriots or just another version of the same old killing machine. Republicaners act like supporting the agenda of the framers of our constitution is just...the wrong way to go. If the Republicaners were American patriots we wouldn't have soldiers in any other part of the world. We wouldn't be the cause of a civilian death toll that has exceeded that of Hitler's. These Republicaners are making enemies for the American people that will be hating us for hundreds of years to come. Republicaners are making you live in real fear for your life and the lives of your children.

    1. Rob Russell

      How many times do you need to say "Republicans". Can you say brainwashing?? It's the Dems who more closely resemble the Nazi's with their facist beliefs and their croynism. I'm not even a Republican and I think you are way off base here.

    2. KeepUinCheck

      Hmmm maybe political polarization is not the best way to solve issues. Maybe, just maybe, considering ourselves as humans working on issues instead of republicans, democrats, etc would be a better, more intelligent, way to deal with things?

    3. Guest

      there is no such thing as democrats and republicans. it is all a ploy to make us choose sides. its all the same bulls*it from each side

    4. frang

      Fascism is neither left nor right, incorporating facets of
      both ends of the political spectrum. What we have is a corporatocracy, an economic and political system controlled by corporate interests. Republicans were the first to break down the governmental regulations that reined in corporate power, all the while getting lots of money and revolving door jobs that paid plenty. Democrats, enticed by the monetary goodies, renamed themselves “neoliberals” and became Republicans
      who supported pro-choice positions, (sometimes) gun control and recently, same sex marriage. Guest has got it right.

  11. Steven Van Westing

    don't forget the japanese scientists.
    after bringing imperial Japan to it's knees with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they shortly occupied the land, and offered refuge for it's deathdoctors from prosecution in exchange for their advances in the most unethical forms of combat, bio and chemical warfare.

    google Unit 731, and go read up on it, Dr Mengele you said ?, ... nothing compared to that.

    the U.S. got them too

  12. reallyskepticalguy

    It is kind of funny how the information in this doc is treated as it is so surprising. Gehlen had an autobiography published in 1972. Anyone who has studied the history of WW2 (even a little bit) would know these things.

  13. Dimitris Anagnwstou

    if nazis completed their mission to kill all jews,now will not discuss about zion and new order and israel nuclear bombs etc...ah! and economical crisis from jews bankers....and hollocast real happened in the size jews represented?
    and how the stateless jews find state after two years of the end of the ww2 ?
    Jews propaganda is more succeed than gambels...

  14. Glen Hale

    The Germans had Jets before UK but didn't have the quality in metal to make the engines last. The Allies were lucky to have Hitler on their side as his hatred of Jews etc hindered his progress in every thing from developing war machines to code breaking. .now worry about the new enemy USA and the Federal Reserve bank which is owned by the banks and answers to no one.

  15. Michael

    The nazis made a deal with america. NATO. And now are one and the same.. They are connected through the same international banking cartel. Israel is america's arch enemy number one.

  16. s b

    The Politicians of today should really have a vast knowledge of history. If you really look at it, everything is connected and there are patterns etc. It really is stupid of the Americans to work with Nazis. These men are the most loyal,patriotic, nationlistic people of their country, with cold hearts. You may be using their intelligents for your own purposes... however, they're benifiting in some way too. I'm a skeptic of anything that has to do with American politics and this is only an example of that. The American people should have no faith in their government.

    1. Levi Pembroke

      We don't lol.

  17. awful-truth

    It is amazing how history continues to repeat itself. When the U.S attacked Iraq without provocation, American Benjamin Ferenz was livid. (he was the lead prosecutor for the U.S at the Nuremberg trials) The idea of a pre-emptive strike was the Nazi defense for attacking Norway, etc, because they felt they were a threat. (yeah, right) This defense would never fly according to Ferenz because any country that had a weaker military could justify attacking someone more powerful out of fear. Now we have the most powerful nation on earth attacking weaker countries out of fear and justifying it at the United Nations. So who is going to hold Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc for war crimes against humanity? Kinda makes for a good case against evolution, when we are going this far backwards in less then 60 years!

  18. Hesus

    Donna is apparently a fascist. And by the way Italy was in bed with Hitler till the last minute and then, like always when facing defeat, jumped sides and somehow came out of the war as victors or so they would like to think. Bunch of panzies!

    1. Jason Slupski

      Your racism is showing.

    2. Hesusa

      LOL It's not racism when you are of the same race.

    3. frang

      No, it's called bigotry.

  19. t pain

    @donna maria morello

    donna did you even watch the documentary?

  20. donna maria morello

    we fought the wrong side the west should joined germany to fight communist russia

    1. who_me_yeah_you

      i'm pretty sure the italians didn't do any effective fighting. What pathetic efforts were made were on the German side. "We fought the wrong side" doesn't quite ring true, although it does betray your lack of knowledge on the subject matter.

      Good Day.

    2. hokiespider78

      Anyone who makes any case for the fighting prowess of the Italians since the dawn of antiquity clearly doesn't understand history. They barely knocked off the "ethiopian army", which was about as potent as it is today, AND they needed help with the Greeks, who weren't much better....not commenting on the politics involved, we can all argue on that til our tongues fall out.....but let's call a spade a spade and admit the Italians did more damage to the Nazi cause than they did to help it. Good post WMYY.

    3. joe ineson

      The anti fascist sentiment in italy was rather a large factor in beating the nazis, and the italian underground resistance, communists, anarchists and partisans in the italian army took great losses and resisted the nazis throughout the war, the common misconception that the italians "changed sides" is entirely false with 45,000 former italian soldiers being sent to concentration camps.
      there was the april uprising too and the partisans hung mussolini pretty quick when they finally got the chance.
      yes the italians helped damage the nazi cause alright but dont forget or completely ignore as youdo that they(or at least rather a large portion of italians) did it on purpose!

  21. chris

    What about the secret leave behind armies of Nazis left all over Western Europe with stockpiles of American supplied weapons. Look it up.

  22. gero2006

    I hate the way this documentary was edited. Constant flickering images of grainy old photographs mixed with mock vintage footage. Gave me a headache. I stopped watching and just listened to the soundtrack instead. Okay as a 'radio documentary' but would have enjoyed it better as a video documentary! Grr.

    The Americans tried Realpolitik and it blew up in their faces. I think the old Frenchman said it for me: the Americans should never have collaborated with the Nazis. They should have tried to do what was just at the end of WW2, in so far as justice can be done by humans in the face of crimes against humanity. If they had done the right thing they could have shortened the Cold War and reduced the number of innocent victims the Cold War and its proxy wars claimed all over the globe. Shameful. But as the CIA guy said it is easy to be wise with the benefit of hindsight.

  23. normancboy

    It's very funny how political correctness takes over at the end of the documentary: Gehlen was providing 90% garbage information and Arthur Rudolph was "just" a good administrator for the Saturn V program. Kind of strange, in my opinion, given that the two were top experts in , probably, the most important fields for WWII Germany war machine. It's like seeing your wife on a tape having sex with a macho and then listening to her claiming that he was actually stinking and it actually happened because he got her drunk.

  24. Daniel

    Is this doc by the History channel? It's owned by Disney! They love Nazis!

  25. Somethin

    Well someone had to tell the russians and americans how to build missles and jet aircraft right? Otherwise they would have had problems with their little race to space and their ballistic missles. O_o

    1. joe ineson

      The british (i say british-mostly frank whittle)actually perfected the jet aircraft- almost right up to the production model stage used by the americans to produce their aircraft and for murky/budget reasons frank whittle was shut down and the americans given access to the m-52 project, with the nose cone baffle to slow the engine input air velocity to subsonic speed, the afterburner concept and the all important moving tail plane that was the principle modification that was to allow the supersonic stable flight of the X1 to succeed.
      The german data from the projects was very useful however and the german incorporation of a swept wing (though not featured on the x1) was important in many later designs.
      Whittle really was the guy when it came to jet development though and the british would have been first with supersonic flight had the government of the uk stuck with whittles company and the m-52 (they scaled it down to 1/3 it size in a radio controlled test and blew it upon its first flight in a project just predating the x1s monumental flight by a few days and run by barnes wallis -inventor of the bouncing bomb).
      The german data from the messerscmhits the v1(itself a jet aircraft) and the arado-262 was invaluable to both whittle and the americans but the real wizard of the field was mr whittle.
      When it comes to rockets though youre spot on Werner von braun was the don- right up to saturn V.

  26. tracy

    eye - love the grammar, I think you ought to pick up a book yourself - book, spelled b o o k.

  27. richard

    this is misleading information.. don't you see that ?

  28. Mesuma

    Man, it's as if the nazis never exsisted in America before hand the goddamn Bush's bankrolled them and lets not forget the cross burning, sheet wearing rednecks. Shock horror, us innocent yanks never knew we were crooked racists, YEAH SURE GUYS.

  29. CMcF

    Hey eyepopping, stop being a facist and telling people how the should and shouldn't do things. I'm not even sure what your point is? It's like you're disagreeing to agree with them.

    Keep posting Nad and Jon, never let your opinions be silenced.

  30. eyepopping

    nad..and jona stop being so simple minded and just watching documentaries for entertainment.. if you want to do that than go read a science fiction book or turn on the tv.. their has to be a channel by now for you. This is about real life and how the Government is a mess of its own, "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." -- George Washington

  31. Jonathan R

    Very thought provoking - Sure makes you wonder whose call it was to work with the Nazis

  32. SweetNadine

    This was an excellent doc! Very thought-provoking and well presented. I really enjoyed it!