Testing Tolerance

2018, Society  -   21 Comments
Ratings: 8.85/10 from 208 users.

Sweden has been an incredibly accommodating host to a record number of immigrants in recent years, including many who have fled to Europe from war torn regions in search of a more peaceful existence. Close to a quarter of a million migrants have descended upon the small country of just under seven million, and they've been provided shelter, meals and resources from its socially liberal government. Undoubtedly, many inspiring personal success stories have arisen from this show of generosity, and lives have been changed for the better. Testing Tolerance examines the opposite end of the spectrum and exposes real concerns from a country in the midst of an identity crisis.

By welcoming such a significant influx of migrants, it was inevitable that the fingerprint of the country and its many communities would change. But perhaps no one could have predicted the rise in gang activity, drug trafficking, violent crime and sexual assault.

Angered by the impotence and inaction of their police and government, a group of watchdog activists roam and patrol the most dangerous streets. They fight for a return to the country they once knew, and freedom from the violence and desperation that have consumed their once peaceful communities.

Their approach has proven controversial, and they are often labeled as racists or vigilantes. The filmmakers follow several of them as they venture out on their night patrols. They claim they are not prejudiced against any particular race, ethnicity or religion; they merely want a return to order where their citizens can live without fear. Some place the blame on an apathetic government that fails to enforce the restrictions that many citizens demand.

The filmmakers speak with other figures at the center of the immigration debate, and several migrants who testify to their difficulties in assimilating to a distrusting environment.

Testing Tolerance treads into volatile territory that will likely provoke some viewers, but it presents points of view that are worthy of consideration.

Directed by: Aleksandr Avilov

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21 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Vincent Marini

    It seems that some people are confusing the term criminal with immigrant as if there was direct correlation between the two.

  2. spud

    i have lived in numerous countries and in each place that has let muslims in has seen the same issues, violence, rape, murder and a so on. They bring trouble wherever they go.

  3. Sandra

    The blond, older Swedish women's comments about Muslims is typical of the conjured fears that all uninformed, bigoted people around the world have about people who look different, speak another language, or pray differently. My next-dooor neighbor made the same ignorant remarks about Asian women working in nail salons and expressed her resentment about people who don't learn English before they come to the U.S. It matters little to people like my neighbor and the Swedish racist that these immigrants are often fleeing from war-torn countries, poverty, brutal dictatorships, and genocide.

    1. NothingIsNobodysFault

      So what ? If they flee from what ever, they are obviously not capable to live in any society anyways. When you have to flee, as a man, not being capable to bear with everything life throws at you under every circumstance, you are not worth a bit of mercy anyways. Isn't that what society tells so many of us every day ? If they cant defend their families against every threat possible, including war, the state and/or society as a whole, even disadvantaged, or under most difficult circumstances, they are not worth calling themselfs a man nor being pitied. Thats what i get told every day. Thats what so many of us get told every day. What kind of "man" leaves his family back in a war zone ? Isn't some one like that a looser and a coward and not worth the mercy of our society ? We treat the man in our society all like that, so why is all of that so diffrent for them (the refug**s) now ? Why do they deserve special treading ? Do you have some hidden feminine desires you want to share with us ? Or did you just lost all of the respect for the man whoem builded and maintain the benefits of society you are enjoying every day with their back breaking labour ? Or, and thats where i bet my money on, like most of your long haired kind, you just give a cr*p about the things given to you and just care about the things that can be done for you in the future. Cause you think you owe nothing to nobody. Ain't i right ? Never touch a nerd when you can have an zoo animal. That's how the civilisation of rome fell too. And if i got to spell it out for you, cause you dont know what i am even talking about, i'll do it with pleasure. It's all about -t-r-e-a-s-o-n-
      Have a nice future with the law of the dschungel

  4. scott

    Someone out there. Please look into the Kalergi Plan and tell me this is just a co-incidence.

  5. nico

    did they cite briebartnews in the beginning?

  6. Southern

    Using their argument that it is less than 1 percent of the refugees are the problem, the question is, why didn't the police crack down ton that 1% instead of treating them like the other 99%? I suspect that some of the higher up want that 1% running loose in order to destroy the country.

  7. Anne_Fetamine

    Why wouldn't you do basic screening on each immigrant's criminal background? That's the protocol under any other circumstance when there's not an influx of immigrants, right? Or does Sweden just grant anyone asylum/citizenship? If an asylum-seeker IS caught committing a violent crime like rape, are they not deported?

    Regardless of which country's immigrants you're taking in, that's not good practice. Also: it takes a lot of narcissism to enter another country & blatantly disrespect their laws & culture when your own country isn't even fit for living. Nobody wants to deal with an increase in violent crime regardless of the race/culture of the people committing it.

    It's not about skin color--or at least it shouldn't be. When you make it about that, you negate your own valid points & people stop listening. Focus on the BEHAVIOR & avoid sounding xenophobic and you will be taken much more seriously.

    1. Southern

      How do you do a background checks on people coming from a 3rd wold war zone? They don't have any papers. There are no government records. If a 25 year old man says he 14, year old Achmed how do you verify that?

  8. Soeren

    Good docu, but its a looooot of re-used footage for people who already follow the subject

  9. Jim

    Excellent documentary. It's nice, and refreshing, to see the other side of the immigration debate given a forum and treated respectfully. It's not racist to recognize that there must be limits to immigration.

    It's also ludicrous to hide the crimes of immigrants based on the lame excuse that you don't want to encourage hatred of minorities. Honesty is the best policy. It's certainly inarguable that it's much easier to solve a crime when the physical characteristics of the perpetrator can be shared with the public.

    I don't buy the argument that immigrants should be allowed to practice their "culture" in the host country, even when that culture violates the laws and most fundamental values of the host country. If immigrants are unwilling or unable to live by such rules, they need to go.

    1. Soeren

      Thats written in law, freedom to practise your religion. But starting with loud speakers, ppl not shaking hands with women etc. is against the core values here in the north, and we should not accept that. Its hard to criminalize, but asking us to stop respecting our own culture, that is a load of bull**** on an entirely new scale

  10. Roger Andout

    I suggest that any journalist who uses the expression " some would say",(45.26 et al) means, "I would say" but hasn't the moral fibre to say so. Further, perhaps RT might do a program on Russia's immigrant situation.

  11. Reuben

    If immigrants to Sweden are committing crimes then it seems logical to deport them back to their homeland one plane load at a time.


    They need to GTFO
    Swedes need to grow some balls.
    In 2018 Europeans are paying 3rd worlders to invade their county and rape and murder their women and dishonest media hides these stories

    Sweden 20 years ago was the safest country and best place to live. It now is the rape capital of the world. Thanks multiculturalism

    1. scott

      Thats the E.U. for ya. Try looking up the Kalergi plan. This ain't no accident.

  13. Hell Seger

    These people don't belong here, no matter how much you want them to. With this insane amount of immigration you also get insane amount of problems. This is just the beginning of turning Sweden into a third world country.

  14. Patriota

    Directed by: Aleksandr Avilov
    Alexander Avilov. Born in Leningrad, Aleksandr started as an assistant director and assistant operator at the Saint-Petersburg documentary film studio in 1993...

  15. Christian

    First of all, get it right or get rid of the damn video. We are 10 million citizens here in Sweden.
    Second, these "watchdogs" are part of a nazi group.
    Third, of course this russian "director" want people to believe this utter crap. The russian propaganda machine is known for making fake documentaries with a little true facts in there to make it believable by idiots.

    We lose much more money letting rich people and big corporations get away with tax evasion and loopholes than anything we throw at the refugees.

    I really liked this page but now I don´t know, you don´t seem trustworthy at all now.

    1. Tom Bola

      Stop crying you sissy left wing. Sweden has 70 rapes pr. 100,000 citizen. that is so disgusting. The truth is that all af Scandinavia was to friendly, and now we are doomed. i never hope that Denmark turns out like sweden. Malmo is a sh*thole now.
      you have murders at bombing every week, all done by immigrant gangs, but you wont admit it.
      so you only like this page, if the show left wing propaganda? That lame then thereis no debate. But that how you like it, fascism at its finest.

  16. Pi Nesmash

    Whats the psychology behind racist with shaved heads and purple sports sunglasses?