The Rise of Fentanyl

2018, Drugs  -   16 Comments
Ratings: 8.23/10 from 35 users.

Opioid abuse has become the leading cause of death among Americans under 50. The bloodline of this epidemic has spread to regions all across the country, but Interstate 95 serves as its main artery. Stretching from Florida to Maine, the Interstate is home base for drug traffickers, and it's where cameras follow the trail of death and devastation in the sobering documentary The Rise of Fentanyl.

Produced by The BBC, the film is a follow-up to another documentary which first aired two years ago. Revisiting the same locales, the filmmakers discover an environment that is many times more distressed and lethal than before.

In Baltimore - the heroin capital of the United States - overdoses are nearly 10 times higher than they were in 2013. Here, an addict named Anna was recently released from jail on a prostitution charge. She's determined not to use needles again, but her resolve is quickly diminishing as she walks familiar streets. Advocates do their best to feed and clothe people like Anna, but they know that many of the souls they attempt to nourish are destined for the morgue.

In Florida, an addiction recovery specialist struggles to keep pace with a worsening epidemic. One of her patients is a young mother who nearly succumbed to her addiction shortly after her baby was born.

A drug-addled neighborhood in Philadelphia has been declared a disaster zone. The filmmakers follow EMT workers as they work to revive junkies who have collapsed on the street. This kind of occurrence is sadly routine.

In Manchester, New Hampshire, detectives perform undercover surveillance, and demonstrate how the drugs are transported and distributed in the center of otherwise quaint and unassuming communities.

Some of these communities were gripped by heroin abuse decades ago, but fentanyl is a game changer. It's much more potent than heroin, cheaper to buy and easier to procure. People are dying at an alarming and unprecedented rate. "If you aren't troubled by this epidemic," says one public official, "then you aren't paying attention."

The Rise of Fentanyl is a crushingly sad look at the worst public health crisis in the history of America.

Directed by: Darren Conway

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16 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Mason

    I loved this documentary. I live in Las Vegas and have been experiencing exactly what the video portrays. The guy says the withdrawals are like nothing else. So true. This video gives me motivation to stay clean

  2. Mark Gaboury

    Until you learn to pull your pants up, the odds are that you will not learn to 'get clean.' What I don't get is why you have to take drugs that second time. How weak people are. I was prescribed morphine. What happened? I didn't take it to an addiction level. Pretty simple? Yeah, but you need to use some willpower, baby.

    1. Tee Boner

      Lol. Were you also prescribed needles? Because morphine does almost nothing unless injected, and therefore your "willpower" means nothing.

    2. Amanda

      It's easier said than done and it's also a disease ,but it is possible cause I've been clean for 5 year's now and today ,I found out my brother died of a fentanyl overdose !

    3. Vincent Smith

      It’s obvious you have never been addicted to anything, because you are clueless, and it doesn’t take much to get addicted to opiates. Until you have walked in those shoes, leave your criticisms for yourself, because getting clean from heroin and Fentanyl is not as easy as getting clean from morphine. Morphine is a piece of cake compared to those two.

    4. Dee

      It has nothing to do with will power. What a deal comment.
      Do your home work. Opioid addiction is a horrible disease!

    5. lisa

      Baby, the day you willpower your way out of MC, cancer, depression, or any other disorder- let me know. The brain and chemical balance in the brain in people with that disease is different. You can willpower your brain to educate yourself. Why do some people get sick and some don't? We are complex creatures.Sadly, misinformed opinions and stigma do not help people struggling with addiction.

  3. Sebastian Lachmann

    Jeez, this is almost like a horror movie I think. People falling over on the street and dying and when they are lucky they get saved and after while they are put back on the street with nothing. Now wonder that things do not get solved like this. Like one of them said they need rehab on how to live, ... There is no social system in the USA ? I'm not from from USA and live in Belgium (you know the hellhole with eurotrash) but this would turn my stomach up side down having to live in a society that debased and I mean that for both sides, the addicts that stay like this with no solutions and the other "normal" people that just look at people dying and say hey it's not my problem or in other words "who gives a sh*t" it are only humans. It's a very shocking/horrifying documentary I think.

  4. Norman McKinnon

    Fentanyl abuse culls the American drug scene of chronic abusers. Strange how drug sellers are killing off their customers? They just don't care if their buyers live or die.

    Cdn & US Govts don't care either; tho both spend Billions of Dollars combatting Fentanyl.

    Portugal solved it's drug problems a few years ago. We need to copy the Portuguese System. Suisse also utilize a similar system .... but a lot of people from doctor to nurses, to police personnel, para medics, ambulance personnel ... make a lot of money on OT Treating repeat Fentanyl Drug Abusers.

    Woud those workers want to see their jobs essentially disappear? One wonders ???

  5. frank

    There is a solution: authorization to create large fenced areas fully quipped with all necessary medical services shelter and counseling with staff that controls the infected areas picks up the infected bring them to the facility and make them detox. I believe that a person has to be given a purpose to live for. But I think that before the substances where made illegal that this problem did not exist. This is a problem created by illegalization and failure to educate children. I think that drugs should not spot lighted on so much in that don't say that some famous Hollywood actor is using and then cleaned their act up. Some smart fuks' said well if we illegalize the shit we can make lots of money off it and think about all the crime it will create and all the prisons that will be needed and expanding the legal system, judges, attorneys, prosecutors, cops, medical staff, LAWS and so forth. ITS' A BIG BUISNESS and they don't want to resolve it; just like this documentary, its' purpose is to justify more money, more cops, jails, courts and so forth.

  6. S. Mitchell

    Where is the outrage for use of crack cocaine in the inner-city? It only becomes relevant when it hits white communities.

  7. J Miller

    Take away the opioids and they still have alcohol. How come no outrage about alcohol? All the domestic violence and such that opioids don't cause. How come that's perfectly legal and you all just think that's just dandy? Ya'll are hypocrites.

  8. Richard

    This is very well done, with stark, frank and truthful expose of the reality of the depths of the problem of addiction. I too, was an addict for 20 years, but have now been clean for 28 years. My deliverance came while I was in rehab for the ninth time, but not in human ways. I came to faith in Jesus Christ, and the power that addiction and death had over me was broken through God's grace and power. Thank you for this film.

  9. Daniel zacha

    There is a war being waged against the U.S. through its citizens with the import of this and other illicit drugs, these counter governments know they cant go toe to toe with this country so they wage war covertly against the citizens. Meth and now fentanyl are the weapons of choice for these adversarial governments. Stay vigilant!!!

  10. Narina

    Ibogaine PLEASE!!!!!! Truly that and a chance and aftercare that can be arranged will change your life ...Just look for me, Narina...Please. Yes Ibogaine is not legal in the US but in 10 plus years its saved so many lives, changed so many lives....

    1. Nas

      Alwfull sfuff this-fent.All drugs are bad(in my opinion even the weed),but the fent beats them all-highly addictive,too easy to die and od even for hardcore old addicts,cheap,tolerance just skyrocketing like nothing else,very good painkiller,but miserable euphoria(comparable to the natural and seminatural opiate derivates).At the moment mostly american problem,but that can change quickly.I live in Eastern Europe and here is almost unknown.Such a bad dehumanized world we living in.Feel that we live in final days forsure and the Judgement day is really close.May God help us!