Tesla: Master of Lightning

2000, Biography  -   91 Comments
Ratings: 8.57/10 from 353 users.

This documentary does a wonderful job of conveying the genius that was Nikola Tesla. Watch this documentary and then look around your house. You'll be amazed in the ways in which Tesla impacts our everyday lives. His death ray is also examined and a good discussion of particle beam weaponry follows. Reagan's Star Wars program is also discussed, along with HAARP, the super secret microwave array in a remote part of Alaska.

Tesla was truly a man who knew the secrets of electricity. His thoughts on capturing free energy and transmitting it around the world was truly a humanitarian concept and the video explains how he was stopped by the greedy capitalists and how he died as a penniless man.

Like many geniuses, Tesla was not a conventional man. He gave his life to realize his visions, while others made millions with his inventions. Tragically, he died nearly forgotten.

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91 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Salvatore Leggiero

    Thank you great Nikola, I'll keep you in mind for all the rest of my life!
    Great documentary, compliments!

  2. cassie

    wow so much inspiring and fascinating

  3. Bucur Felicia

    This is beyond of my thoughts!

  4. thinkofhowyouthink

    Thomas Edison was a dick. Really smart, but nevertheless a dick.

  5. Daniel Lahey

    Man, couldn't they find someone other than Stacy Keach to do Tesla's voice? That is the most annoying, cheesy accent I've ever heard and almost made it un-watchable. If you can block that out, this is a pretty good documentary.

  6. james

    i havent even watch,d it yet :)

  7. John Battle

    I very much enjoyed the documentary about the life of Tesla, but I was extremely disappointed in the misleading and downright incorrect explanations of the technical nature of his work. To begin with, the explanation of the benefits of AC power were incomplete and misleading and completely missed the point of his great idea. There are two primary advantages of AC over DC:

    [1] It can be generated and utilized to create mechanical power without the use of brushes, a form of sliding contacts needed by DC motors and generators. This indeed has many advantages. The drawing of the AC motor shown in the documentary, however made no sense. It didn't even allude to the idea of creating a "ROTATING" magnetic field by using three phase wingdings or using a capacitor to delay the current to a second winding which is what made the idea beautiful and simple.

    [2.]The documentary made mention numerous times about how AC power could be transmitted over long distances without as much loss as DC. The explanation offered, however, involved some sort of idea of pulsating power "pounding' its way down the wires in an AC system. It was painfully obvious that the author had little understanding of the real benefit, which was that power loss is a result of current in the wires and the loss, mostly due to heat, is given by the flrmula, Ploss = I^2*R. Since ac power can easily be "transformed" from high current low voltage to low current high voltage by use of a simple electromagnetic device called a transformer. The power can then be transmitted long distances with little power loss since the resulting current is less. At the delivery end, another transformer is used to convert the power back to low (safe) voltage and high current for domestic and factory usage. This could be done by DC power systems as well fir there were a simple way do the voltage-current transformation but alas there is not, especially in Tesla's time.

    What I can't understand is how you could employ good historical writers but completely overlook the science. I suppose some of this derives from the fact that many of the current "intellectuals" study literature and history to the complete exclusion of science and mathematics, and are actually proud of it, viewing math and science as beneath them. This was clearly not the case in the time of Galileo, Newton and Einstein but is a modern age phenomenon. In earlier times, one would hesitate to call themselves an intellectual if he/she were not versed in both philosophical views of the world. Too bad for their students.

    1. Francisco

      Didnt even had to watch it, i saw another documentary that did the same thing and i was searching for a comment like this. Well explained

  8. Alex

    What of greatest mind in history, true genius Tesla.
    Without his inventions this world will be so much different place.

  9. cyc

    so what the hell has tesla to do with serbia? as much as with mars and martians.
    i'm sick of greaterserbian propaganda pathological lies everywhere i look.

  10. Neda

    Wonderful documentary. I good balanced mixture of both he human story and the science behind the man. Sad what he had to deal with in the end.

  11. Pysmythe

    In some respects, this man was one of the foremost examples of purist genius seen fit to be battered down and rendered largely to obscurity by his clearly intellectual inferiors, and of which there are plenty of examples of the same making the rounds today, unfortunately. One could hope that the day will come when this sort of intellectual vanity is willing to take a back seat in the interest of human progress. In a way, what happened to him recalls to my mind all of the losses needlessly suffered in the burning of the library at Alexandria. In other words, we can only be left with the bittersweet memories of what might have been, and of how much farther along we might have progressed by now.

    edit- Wow, suddenly happening to reread this a couple of days later ought to serve as a reminder to me never to lay on the keyboard after guzzling two or three beers over my limit... I do hereby most sincerely and emphatically apologize for the rampant pretension inherent in every word of it. ;)

  12. Jon

    Children are treated to a documentary about this Tesla technology which would have been closest to Flash Gordon's lightning effects but transmission cable free world. It is laughable that the conspiracy theorist never imagined a city with EMF clouds and occasional storms that may harm the health of people. I can imagine that the technology propagandist is likewise the avid environmentalist hoping to monopolize authority over markets and force their self proclaimed EXPERT preferences on the captive audience.

    When the cell phones were detected to emit emf, it was considered a health risk and the modern cause of cancer. What more if electricity was delivered wireless like cell phones?

  13. Richard Neva

    And today his cars are priced so high only the super rich can afford to have one.

  14. Sleekest

    The current from the transformers was stepped up to 20000 volts, LOL. Otherwise great documentary with some engineering humour.

  15. whats up

    why there is whole chapter on Edison in school books (less scientist more businessmen )

    and not a single page on Tesla (real genius )...not single teacher even mention about him rather they just mentioned Tesla is just unit during physics lecture .. .......after reading brief history of AC vs DC

    at the age of 23 I realise that .......what he said at that time ab8 these people ...........
    The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine

  16. dhanesh

    A true genius... innovator....inventor

  17. Cardfather

    I didn't realize Edison was such a piece of $@#%

  18. awful_truth

    A great documentary about an absolute genius of his day, who was burned left, right, and center from Edison, Westinghouse, etc. This seems to be the common reward for people who are more interested in helping everyone rather than thinking of their own greed. One has to wonder why people like Tesla, Jonas Salk, etc were not driven by greed . Hmmm, I wonder if it could have something to do with morality. Nahhh, it can't be that easy to understand, could it?

    1. sono6ovich

      Morality is a group manifestation of individual ethics. Any group decision is a watered down version of the right decision, whatever the right one might be. The camel was the result of a committee's desire to make a horse.

  19. Tara

    What an irony - Serbian man helps build industrial America,
    and a century later, Americans throw deathly bombs with depleted uranium on Belgrade and other cities over Serbia, killing thousands of people...

    1. luna park

      maby serbians shouldn't have tried the same thing on croatians earlier.

    2. dardhani

      Yeah, but do you know why NATO was bombing serbia? It didn't happen just like that. It was astronomical reason behind those bombings.

    3. Fernando Segedi

      NATO bomb serbia beacuse they did not comply to USA politics that is the only reason. And that is the only reason USA goes to war, Do as USA tells you or get bombed. Worlds 1# bully

    4. Tonkatoy

      Far from. do a little more reading

    5. sigudd

      I think you should read little bit more and wake up. Their are no reason of bombing people that are not at war except to destroy them and put them out of the economical race. One day they support Albanian terrorist and another day they are fighting war on terror.

    6. Tonkatoy

      Umm.. U.S. did that after Serbia declared and committed genocide then bombed a UN heritage site. The U.S. wanted nothing to do with the war even during the early stages of genocide; fearing it would spark a 3rd World War.

  20. calvin1952

    You do not have to create energy from nothing. You can use the already existing energy from the Sun, Earth, and even all the atoms floating all around us. There are literally BILLIONS of watts of energy in our atmosphere already waiting to be reclaimed or used up and converted either back to matter or to re balance the imbalance produced by the activity. The magnetic energy is almost unlimited and is all around us.. All we have to do is learn how to harness or redirect it in a usable stable fashion. I am working on several possible options and none are going to be extreme or expensive. Will try to post as progress is made. Most discoveries are too simple for us to figure out.. We like to make things difficult.. Human nature. Wishing everyone only the best in their endeavors to harness what we already have and make it easy to access and hopefully FREE too. Thanks.

    1. gwhosubex

      Your use of terminology, nonsensical sentences, and false statements suggest you don't really know much about energy.

      Energy isn't created from nothing. Energy is not measured in watts. Magnetic energy is not a thing. No, it's not unlimited, even if it was a thing.

      Given that, "I am working on several possible options and none are going to be extreme or expensive." Hokay.

      Poor logic:
      Why would things be too simple to figure out? That's like saying "he's too small to fit into the crevice" or "that car is too safe to ride in". "Human nature"... so presumptuous.

      Why do I feel the need to respond to completely idiotic nonsense? There are tons of stupid and high people. I shouldn't assume people are serious or know what they're talking about.

    2. sono6ovich

      We could all say the same about your own diatribe.

    3. robvi

      "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."

      "You do not have to create energy from nothing. You can use the already existing energy from the Sun, Earth, and even all the atoms floating all around us." This person isn't claiming to make energy from nothing, read it first before you respond. Power or work is measured in watts, which is what is being referred to. Magnetism is a force, you're arguing semantics. "The magnetic energy is almost unlimited and is all around us.." This person says magnetic energy is almost unlimited and all around us, which I understand as "magnetism is a relatively unlimited force, given the expanse of the magnetic field".

      "Given that, "I am working on several possible options and none are going to be extreme or expensive." Hokay." This person may not have something that works yet, but you not knowing what he's working on and already insulting him doesn't make you any better.

      "Most discoveries are too simple for us to figure out.." Now, your rebuttal to this statement is to a different argument. Think of the fish story and David Foster Wallace's quote "The immediate point of the fish story is that the most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities are often the ones that are the hardest to see and talk about." Do you feel gravity pulling you down, do you you feel the air (I dont mean movement of air), etc, or is it just that it is and always has been this way so you dont notice it?

      I agree "Human nature" is presumptuous, I'd argue "Our current human conditioning" given we've created a complicated imbalance and so we've been taught to think there's a complicated solution (among other assumptions and influences on our thoughts).

      "I shouldn't assume people are serious or know what they're talking about." Include yourself in that statement and that'll bring you to my first quote.

  21. sono6ovich

    Getting back to Tesla, it would appear that the energy for the particle beam that destroyed the twin towers was somehow diverted from the unreported
    (at the time) hurricane that lay off the shore of NYC. Mere explosives of whatever power less than nuclear would have created a pile of rubble much higher than the pile of sh1t delivered instantly by planted informants.

  22. TheDanishViking

    Tesla was great

    1. sono6ovich

      But the military-industrial complex is greater. Now I see how the WTCs were converted to extremely fine dust.

    2. Joshua Beau Harrison


    3. sono6ovich

      If you cannot remember anything from a previous life, reincarnation is not thereby illogical, except in terms of` the present incarnation being the only one. Genetics most likely passes on subconscious cellular memory, but the spirit, id, self, whatever lives in a different milieu and floats in just before birth. I have experienced 2 earlier deaths---at least, I got visuals on them. However, you are most welcome to your own view of reality, shared as it is with the current Zeitgeist, a rather bleak state of affairs.
      Who is Alec Jones?

    4. sono6ovich

      I have just found out who AJ is. One of the benefits of not living in the USA is that news from it is limited to the easily ignorable. Thanks for the reference.

  23. Sampan Chakraborty

    Swami Vivekananda,the great Bengali Hindu mystic and one of the greatest thinker of all time highly influenced Tesla.Tesla since his teenage used to sleep only 2 hours per day but that guy used to hear Swami hour after hour...only a genius can visualize another genius.

  24. Rohyp Gnosis

    An interesting character !!... I'd only ever heard of him as a bit of a 'loon' who'd made up the invention of 'Death Rays'. I now stand corrected!

    1. Joshua Beau Harrison

      That was all ROTHCHILD propaganda.

  25. Milan Pavlovic

    Proud to be YUGOSLAVIAN

  26. Ryan Fulford

    while all of you are arguing over what he invented and what he did not invent, or what he deserves credit for or what he does not, you are all missing the clarity and true vision that separates Tesla in the world of "genius". Tesla lacked the drive to succeed in business, but rather he was driven by his own intuition. And despite what some may claim, Tesla does have most of the patents of the devices that changed the world and influenced all of our lives, wether we accept it or not, it is true.

  27. joedsavage

    If anyone needs a laugh--check out Jeff Dogwood's comment down below.That has got to be the LONGEST "sentence" I've ever seen.NO PERIODS or COMMA'S!! TAKE A LOOK. I'm still laughing.

    1. devlinwaugh

      Dogwood has big lungs is all,dont comment on grammer this site is not about english lessons or societies etiquette.I did laugh a little tho with the content.I myself agreed with most of what Dogwood said without a breath turned my face blue but i made it,all i have to say is relax breath in breath out flex that diaphram.

  28. Amber

    the title "genius" is loosely used by people, his ideas were great, but if you research ancient civilization (long before the beloved Greeks that they beat you to death with in present day academia) you will find his ideas rooted from some of the oldest and first stargazers and electromagnetic inventors of ancient Africa. The fact that he dug into the esoteric sciences is a dead giveaway as to what really drove this man's "genius". I like his deep admiration for the cosmos, as above so below.

  29. onnix onnix

    There was no money to be made of free electrical wireless transmission, thats why it didn't work... damn MONOPOLY MAN!

    1. Jack1952

      If I build a transmitter that sends electricity without the use of wires, I would now own that transmitter. It would have been necessary to invest money to build this device and would also give me the right to charge anyone for any service that I provide using this device. If I build a dam and a power station, from that point on the energy created is free. Any money that I would pay out is to recoup money originally invested and maintenance of the existing infrastructure. The same would be true of a wireless transmitter. If a customer wants electricity from my transmitter he will have to pay for the service. Even a home device that creates free electricity must be manufactured, installed, maintained, inspected and periodically replaced...all at the expense of the customer. There is a fortune to made with such a device. The companies that own the rights to these devices would have a monopoly and even greater opportunity for profit.

      If such a device is possible why is China spending billions on a monstrous hydro electric project and nuclear power stations. For that matter any country who wants to move forward economically would welcome such a device.

    2. Kent Ellingsen

      so u r not installing ur machine, couse then everyone would use it???? thats how progress of human civilization gets stuck..

    3. Jack1952

      I didn't say I wouldn't install it but if I end up living on the streets because the expense incurred in manufacturing, marketing, installation and maintenance bankrupted me, what would be the point? I still have to feed myself and my family. Altruism is a wonderful attribute for a person to have but how altruistic can I be if I'm destitute? The progress of civilization is due to the efforts of all, and the knowledge that we will be compensated for our efforts. How long would you go to work if you received nothing in return? A hunter in an hunter-gatherer society would and could no longer hunt if he did not receive the benefits of the contributions of others of his society.

      That is one reason that I doubt the existence of free energy devices. There are too many people who would be clamouring for the device if it existed. If it cut your electricity bill in half, the person who manufactures it would not be able to keep up with the demand. That reason, and the pesky laws of science that says free energy devices can't exist.

    4. Joshua Beau Harrison

      Please do elaborate on which laws of science prevent a FREE energy source?

    5. Jack1952

      The laws of thermodynamics prevent it. You cannot make a device that produces energy from nothing. Energy always exists in one form or another. Any such device needs to draw from an existing energy source. A solar panel or a windmill depend on an outside source of energy...the energy of the sun or the wind. Anyone who has ever used a windmill as an energy source will tell you that it is not free but cost money to build or purchase, install and maintain. The idea that you can have a machine that produces energy from nothing is a myth. There has to be a transfer from one energy source to another.

  30. Winston Smith

    there's a great book called 'The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla '

  31. Lee Walker

    quote: The aura borellis are a visible sign of the sun's plasma energy.

    I'm afraid you are mistaken. An aurora is caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere (thermosphere). The charged particles originate in the magnetosphere and solar wind and are directed by the Earth's magnetic field into the atmosphere. They are not plasma they are more akin to a flourescent light bulb.

    1. Albert Lahey

      Florescent lights are plasma.
      The Aurora is indeed plasma on its own... as its behavior is why we call plasma - plasma.... After Kristian Birkland called it that after watching the aurora dance like it was alive.

      You talk about Solar Wind ... like it is wind here on Earth.. when it too is plasma, as well as a current flow.

    2. Nallidge

      wow somebody knows how to cut and paste from wikipedia!! earth directed plasma energy from the sun speeds up the solar wind creating more intense aurora's. so i'm afraid you are mistaken about him being mistaken!

    3. sono6ovich

      There is no flour in a fluorescent bulb.

  32. Draw Vinette

    One aspect of Nikola Tesla's work that is strangely missing from this program is that through his electrical experiments Nikola Tesla discovered the true natural state of electricity. This is what would later fuel his ambitions of the transmition of wireless energy around the world.

    As Nikola Tesla described it, the true nature of eletricity is in a gaseous form (his best way to descibe it). And this gaseous form surrounds us, the Earth and it exists everywhere in space.

    Meaning that eletrical energy is everywhere including the voids of outer space. That are not so void.

    The gaseous form Nikola Tesla may have been referring to is plasma energy but I am not sure.

    What solar scientists are aware of today is the tremendous amount of plasma energy that is ejected by the sun every minute. The aura borellis are a visible sign of the sun's plasma energy.

    A huge solar storm in 1859 showed the power of the electrical magnetic energy coming from the sun. So eletrical energy does surround the Earth and exists throughout space as perhaps plasma energy.

    Another very interesting documentary on this site is called "The Electrical Universe".


    this is the ignorance of textbook thinkers which passes for intelligence these days!

  34. Draw Vinette

    This is such a great comprehensive documentary on Nikola Tesla.

    The Nikola Tesla invention of transmitting energy wirelessly would no doubt work today as the Earth is surrounded by both magnetic energy and plasma energy from the sun. Unfortunately until a way can be found to charge for this energy it is unlikely to enter everyday use. Why? Because established electrical utilities simply would not allow it.

    This documentary also shows the incredible amount of personal determination and single minded focus that inventors must have to succeed. They must block out the negative comments and thoughts of people who are sure that they will not succeed, because they themselves cannot do it. The same is true today of every great inventor.

    Special thanks to the writer and producer of this documentary on Nikola Tesla, it was really well done.

    1. Jack1952

      If such an invention did exist it would be easy to charge a fee. If one owns the transmitter then that person charges the customer to use the energy that is transmitted. Who better than the electrical companies? It would be the greatest cash cow there is. Unlimited energy at a very minimal cost and a public that needs and wants that energy. Utility companies would salivate over such a prospect.

      Tesla was a great inventor and scientist but the secretive life that he was forced to live has inspired the myth of Tesla. One cannot know whether he actually invented some of the things he has been alleged to have invented or if he was only discussing possibilities.

    2. Nallidge

      wow takes someone who's pretty clueless to doubt one of the most amazing men who ever lived! newsflash those "alledged" inventions are patented dummy!!

    3. Jack1952

      Maybe you should read my comment again. "Tesla was a great scientist and inventor". This is what I posted. I don't know how anyone could misconstrue this statement. Tesla did attempt to invent a wireless energy transfer system but did not get the funding to complete his work. Therefore it was not invented. He may or not have been correct in his belief of the viability of this machine but as of now no ones knows as it does not exist as of yet. That is where some of the myths of Tesla originate. Myths have a tendency to follow brilliant and secretive men.

      Name calling does not lend any credence to an argument...and by the way the word is spelled "allege".

    4. sono6ovich

      Who got Tesla's papers when he died during WW2. The CIA and the FBI. Which American president was told to watch the sky when he visited Norway for something to do with the Nobel Peace Prize. What he saw was a marvelous display of a very unusual arrangement of the aurora borealis. The display was created by HAARP and instigated by the real government of the US of A, several hidden layers above the president.

  35. Andrej Petrovi?

    I have read about Tesla's ability to invent particular electrical circuit in his mind and test it theoretickly. Same way as today Engineers use computer programs. What is it if not genial

    1. Earthwinger

      I'm assuming your post is a response to mine. My response to your question would be, although it's very hard to define what constitutes genius, for the purposes of my position, I made my definition of it clear. And with that in mind, I would suggest that the sort of skills you describe, clearly constitute a demonstration of engineering smarts, but don't in any way demonstrate any unprecedented insights. Rather, it shows the ability to make practical use of the tools that someone else provided.


      Tesla was a TRUE genius !!! have you heard of haarp and related tech ?? used by the military of many nations today ? the guy who sold his model to the military got his insights from tesla ... who cam up with it ..without any past knowledge to draw on, you wont learn much about tesla in text books tho !

  36. Earthwinger

    As much as I admire the work of Tesla, I can't help but feel that the label of "genius" is bandied about a bit too readily. As I see it, he was a great engineer and somewhat of a visionary, but all that he achieved, relied upon the accrued knowledge of extraordinary thinkers that had gone before him.

    For my money, true genius is defined by the ability to think outside of ones own paradigm, and to ask ever deeper questions in an effort to peel back the layers and go beyond the received wisdom of the time, and to ultimately reveal deeper truths. As innovative as Tesla was, I see no evidence of him having done that.

    I suspect that if you were ask leading scientists and academics, who they considered most deserved the label of genius, few if any, would cite Tesla. Instead, I suspect (and this is just a few that instantly spring to mind) they'd name people like Aristotle, Newton, Darwin, Faraday, Cantor, Einstein, or Turing. These were people who asked deeply profound questions, and thought far beyond the received wisdom of their day. Of course, most of their stories are, on the face of it, far drier and more academic. There are no exciting photographs of them surrounded by lightning, so they probably don't have the same sort of pop appeal that Tesla seems to have.

    One of the stories that I find most moving, is that of Alan Turing. A true genius, if ever there was one. His was one of the most extraordinary minds. Had it not been for his tragic and premature death, I suspect that we would be considerably farther down the road towards true artificial intelligence, and a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness.

    1. lex lexich

      you clearly know nothing about Tesla and his work

    2. Earthwinger

      Care to expand on that?


      and where would einstein e.t.c e.t.c be without the past knowledge of extraordinary thinkers ..? your remarks are ilogical and if we had of listened to tesla the world would not be dominated by oil companys and inferior electrical systems!

    4. sono6ovich

      et cetera = literally: and so forth, can be shortened to etc. I have no idea what e.t.c. stands for.

    5. Winston Smith

      All anyone can ever do is stand on the shoulders of those who came beforehand. There is no 'genius,' from Mozart to Einstein, who has not done so. Like Tesla said, the job of the inventor is not focused on the present but to point the way for those who will come afterwards.

    6. sono6ovich

      It would be more logical to assume that genii are the result of having been an expert in a related field in a previous life.

    7. Joshua Beau Harrison

      Actually there is no logic when you're trying to suggest we lived previous lives.... Perhaps your genetics are predisposed to being good at something if you are related directly to someone who was "an expert in a related field"

    8. Jess dogwood

      first of all i would like to thank you for your bold statements confirming that you do not think for your self but believe every thing thats told to you by american academia a tale told by a ***** the textbooks are wrong the truth has been stolen from you all by your own govt and the true american theives like thomas edison and john westinghouse whom could not stand the fact that somebody else was smarter than he was and cared more about money than mankind and the misery that was life pre tesla yes faradays discovery of induction was great but it ended there tesla experimented for years on magnetic fields before even setting foot on american soil and was a doctor as well he spoke six languages including latin study under gausse at the best technical university in the world at the time to date recorded and registered 1200 patents world wide and was the greatest mind to have ever lived on this planet to date yet died broke because of the greed of the ungreatfull american weasels he was dealing with swindeled him every time even buy the govt they awarded patents to marcone purposely knowing full well teslas patents had been copyed but waited untill he was dead to reinstate to avoid haveing to pay restitutution and back royaltys and the fact of the matter is the american govt stole all of his technical papers over 6o years worth he was so far ahead of his time he was living amongst people that could not even grasp the simplest of his concepts and they still cant go through your home tonite and make a list of the electrical devices without tesla you would have none of them he created the modern age and he dident give a **** about money you would be freezeing your *** off and you would be walking or rideing a horse without his inventions tesla said that einstein was a fool and he was look at what hes really done but show man how to destroy himself and and the earth and right about now im thinking that the only artificial intelligence here is between your ears and that you have a true deeper under standing of the nature of r*tardedness that you and your bretheren are so well known for so go back to school there earth wing nut!!!!!!!!! and think for your self

    9. ksm_mmd

      @Earthwinger:disqus , yes I agree with you. I have lots of respect for Tesla's creativity and for his "intuitive" technical insights, but he was not a great engineer (or a great scientist). In fact, from the evidence presented in this documentary, he appeared to be entirely incapable of critically evaluating his own hypotheses. He consistently demonstrated a strong preference for hypotheses that were based on nothing more than his own biased (and often flawed) intuition. Evidently, he was unwilling to exert the effort necessary to really understand the rigorously proven scientific concepts of electricity and magnetism, even though those concepts had already been completely developed long before he became interested in the subject.

    10. paul


      You find no evidence because thats how big oil wanted it. They literally burnt him down and stole his papers.

  37. Yavanna

    I`m a great fan of Tesla and this is a nice doc that would introduce him to the people who as yet have not heard of him.

    It's such a sad testimony of humanity that we do not allow these genius' to flourish and pigs like JPM feed off them. We will probably never know the true extent of his inventions.

    1. sono6ovich

      The plural of genius is either genii or geniuses---choose one. The Society for the Suppression of Extraneous Apostrophes has granted you an honourable tut-tut for inserting only one.

    2. Yavanna

      Oh a new d1ckhead is about......................

    3. sono6ovich

      about to do what?

  38. Stargazer_Lily

    If anyone is planning to watch this Documentary, I would recommend that you watch this one first: ''Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World'', it's availible here in SeeUat Videos.

  39. Stargazer_Lily

    Good Documentary, Very Educational, Interesting Figure.

    Read the rest of Nikola Tesla's Poem below (Taken from pbs (dot) org)

    "Fragments of Olympian Gossip"

    While listening on my cosmic phone
    I caught words from the Olympus blown.
    A newcomer was shown around;
    That much I could guess, aided by sound.
    "There's Archimedes with his lever
    Still busy on problems as ever.
    Says: matter and force are transmutable
    And wrong the laws you thought immutable."
    "Below, on Earth, they work at full blast
    And news are coming in thick and fast.
    The latest tells of a cosmic gun.
    To be pelted is very poor fun.
    We are wary with so much at stake,
    Those beggars are a pest—no mistake."
    "Too bad, Sir Isaac, they dimmed your renown
    And turned your great science upside down.
    Now a long haired crank, Einstein by name,
    Puts on your high teaching all the blame.
    Says: matter and force are transmutable
    And wrong the laws you thought immutable."
    "I am much too ignorant, my son,
    For grasping schemes so finely spun.
    My followers are of stronger mind
    And I am content to stay behind,
    Perhaps I failed, but I did my best,
    These masters of mine may do the rest.
    Come, Kelvin, I have finished my cup.
    When is your friend Tesla coming up."
    "Oh, quoth Kelvin, he is always late,
    It would be useless to remonstrate."
    Then silence—shuffle of soft slippered feet—
    I knock and—the bedlam of the street.
    Nikola Tesla, Novice

  40. Shane Giles

    That poor elephant :'(

  41. John Lynch-Strauss

    nice documentary, great man!

  42. Sean Finn

    Since the death of Leonardo da Vinci, Nikola Tesla is the greatest man the human race has produced.

  43. irween

    what an amazing documentary.......what a great man,,,thanks SeeUat videos...thanks WB.