How Terri-Lynne McClintic Became a Killer

2012, Crime  -   28 Comments
Ratings: 5.72/10 from 69 users.

It was one of the most heinous crimes - the abduction, rape and murder of eight year old Victoria Elizabeth Stafford.

Michael Rafferty and Terri-Lynne McClintic both found guilty on all counts, now face a life sentence in prison.

A 16x9 exclusive takes a deeper look into the life of Terri-Lynne McClintic, and reveals clues to how she became a killer.

The tension was high well before Terri-Lynne McClintic took the stand. But she made it explode. What she left behind was a shocked and numbed audience - and even more disturbing questions about how this young woman became a killer.

As the crown's star witness in its case against her ex-lover, Michael Rafferty, McClintic unraveled a horrific tale of Tori Stafford’s last moments.

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28 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Amber

    They deserve the death penalty not to get counseling and an education. Death would be a good thing in this situation. I'm not one for the death penalty i actually have never thought it an option until this. They were barbaric and deserve to die painfully without any medicine to take away the pain through lethal injection. Obviously they are still dangerous with assaulting inmates and what they are just being released after their sentence is up? Life is only what? 20 years? I say NO. They don't deserve anything but pain and death by the government (not by any one else that wants their own justice).

  2. Helen Smith

    I just read about this foe the first time. Wake up parents!!! We see this over and over and over. Why wasnt an ADULT escorting this child to and from school. Your kids are not safe anymore without an adult present PERIOD. Big city, small town, stop being so STUPID!

  3. Gina

    Tori you will be forever in my heart , I will keep you in my prayers , your smile is so sweet . may your soul rest in peace my little girl .

  4. LiZ

    I believe little Tori is with the lord And i believe Jesus was with her through her ordeal! on the other hand, the druggies and the sickos, may you rot in hell!! Your past is a poor And unacceptable excuse for your inexcusable pervertedness!! For shame!!!!!!!!!

  5. Rick Erhart

    Please do not pursue a book or movie or blog on this topic. Please allow the criminals to fade into obscurity never to be spoken of again. Tori's beautiful smile and the love she evokes are more righteous to contemplate respectfully.

  6. edgedweller

    a little contraception would have gone a long way in this story

  7. Guest

    She wasn't contemplating not going back out to the truck. She is just pissed that she got caught. You are not the victim, bitch.

  8. L;ange

    I find it interesting that when you check out a documentary and take a glace at the comments listed below.. the variations in opinion of many is astounding... often wrought with anger and insult...i fail to see how these verbal onslaughts accomplish much more than what a dog fight in a tiny box does... both parties get bruised and their injuries are raw.. in the end there is no real victor.. just two battered and bruised ego's and anger throughout =(

  9. Doris Hensley

    the pill popping mum is also to blame. Se nu the woman Thea went to the same drug dealer.

  10. norlavine

    The chances of two like - thinking sub humans such as these, meeting up and committing unfathomable acts is fortunately rare.
    I usually prefer justice and fairness when dealing with even the most callous of perpetrators. However, these two need to be tightly secured to the next couple of bombs the US needs to drop somewhere.

  11. Andrew Stokes

    I do suspect that ultimately we will (and should in my opinion) all be held accountable for our choices both in this life and the next. "I was abused myself" is simply a a lame excuse for poor choices. I myself was abused (like many others), and I am determined that no one will ever suffer at my hands as I did at others - that is the choice I made and I am sure that choice is made by millions of people who have suffered. Conversely there have been many cases of abuse perpetrated by apparently "normal" people with "normal" upbringings - because they CHOSE to. Certain environments do enable poor choices but they are still choices made by people who could have chose something else. As you think, you become!

    1. Gadea

      I know a woman, now in her 40's, who refused to have
      children. Her mom was a heroin addict and as a result
      she cycled between foster care and being returned to her mother. She recently had an accident and I went over to
      help her get around. She told me, that she was afraid,
      that she would be an abusive mother due to events in
      her childhood. She does now regret her choice, but
      she felt that she made the right decision.
      She went to graduate from college and is an attorney,
      for a corporation. But she is lonely, kind of hard, bitter,
      it is difficult for her to live with another human being,
      she likes being alone.
      She also told me, that there were things that happen to her
      that she will not tell me about it, won't even discuss it.
      I feel bad for her, I told her she could still adopt.
      She has gone through years of psychotherapy and has
      come a long way from where she started from.
      Since I am her relative, the Family Court did give
      me temporary custody of her, until her mother straightened
      herself out, got off drugs and got an education.
      Which her mom did do, and deeply regrets her
      heroin addiction and the terrible effect it had on
      her daughter. But I don't know, nothing erases those
      years. Perhaps, she did the right thing, in her decision
      not to have any children, because she was afraid she
      would abuse her kids.

    2. bringmeredwine

      My friend had a similar childhood but is such a sweetheart.
      I am proud to call her my friend.
      She saw a shrink before she had kids, because she was terrified of becoming a monster like her mother was.
      After a few sessions, he reassured her that in was "not in her nature" to ever hurt a child.
      I could have told her that.
      She became a wonderful mother, and was in my opinion TOO nice!
      Her kids were so wanted and so loved.

    3. Gadea

      That's so wonderful.
      That's why, when an individual, face with
      serious criminal charges, uses their
      negative upbringing as reason for committing
      this or that violent crime, it's not always valid.
      Because there are human beings, like your
      friend, that can overcome a bad childhood
      and go on to becoming wonderful people.
      The woman, I know, is really bitter, not happy
      with life and it's so sad.
      She makes a lot of money, working in the
      legal field, has lots of material things,
      but cannot forgive her mother.
      She pushes everyone away.
      It's a relief to hear a story like yours,
      about someone that triumphed over adversity.
      Thank you, so much for posting this.

  12. Gadea

    Victoria Stafford paid the price, with her own life,

    for Terri-Lynne McClintic terrible upbringing and her mother's neglect.
    I think that Victoria's mom was lying, when she claims that she was
    not high, spaced out on the couch.

    There are some cases, that cry out for the death penalty
    and this is one of them.

    Victoria was an 8 year old, with a drug addict mother, that fell
    prey to these two, has not received justice, as long as these two
    are still breathing in and out.

  13. carson

    if only mum had cared as much about her child has she did in the end her tattoo .... try picking an 8 year old up from the school gate instead sitting on your pill popping a**

    1. Epicurus

      in a small town of 30,000 it is common for an 8 year old to walk the short distance home. especially here in Canada.

    2. bringmeredwine

      Mom relied on her older son to walk his sister home everyday.
      This time, he made the fateful decision to quickly walk another child home, first.
      Vickie didn't want to go with them.
      When he returned to the school she was gone.
      How my heart aches for that little boy.
      I'm sure he blames himself for her death.

  14. Gadea

    Genetics is really in its infancy.
    As scientist progress with new discoveries in that field,
    tests will be evolved that will determine future behaviour.
    Just like the diet of the great grandmother has an affect
    on grandchildren, she never met.
    Other things will have an impact as well.

  15. MalOdour

    A lot of these things are heredity if you check back on the genes of the female killer you will past a dark past in the family tree.
    Just like a PC is loaded with a certain programme she was born this way and while we spend billions of trillions on war we will never find a cure or work out how the brain works.

    1. robertallen1

      How do you know that we will never find a cure or work out how the brain works? By the way, what are you rmedical qualifications, from your statement about the way the brain works, I suspect none.

    2. dmxi

      ...and from your negative replying comment culture you show how bad a brain works.....a troll of the worst kind, plagued by shool masters syndrome.great doc btw..

    3. robertallen1


    4. dmxi

      non responsive is a contradiction as you surely know!regards...d.

    5. a_no_n

      well, historically speaking most of us in the west have a mix of viking and roman blood at some level, and those guys pretty much raped their way across Europe and back.
      even the things we consider to be rape now haven't always been either...for example it's only quite recently relatively speaking that it's become illegal to rape ones spouse...Spousal rape didn't exist as a concept for most of our history, so there are a lot of factors to be taken into account.

    6. robertallen1

      How does this respond to my post?

    7. a_no_n

      It doesn't, it's the way this thing is laid out, I thought you were replying to Epicurus...It looked like you were saying that toward him, but i can see now that you're not...

    8. Epicurus

      we are all the descendants of rapists and murderers. it takes more than just genetics.