Teens Hooked on Porn

2007, Sexuality  -   98 Comments
Ratings: 6.11/10 from 44 users.

Teens Hooked on PornDocumentary looking at how British teenagers are increasingly being tempted by the limitless porn available on the Internet, with some becoming addicts. Three of them tell their stories of differing use of porn and their battles to overcome its lure, providing a unique insight into a part of what it's like growing up today.

Whether they live in America, Britain, or elsewhere, most teenage boys have been exposed to some form of pornography. But the Internet has radically escalated that exposure - to the point at which many adolescents are addicted.

This program follows the stories of teenage porn addicts as they struggle with the issues that drive their behavior - although not all are open to soul-searching. Darryl, age 17, doesn’t think he has a problem, but 16-year-old Malcolm has recognized his addiction and has begun seeing a therapist.

Colin, age 14 and a devout Christian, needs help too but is unsure about approaching his pastor. All of their stories are tied together by issues of anger, aggression, and inhibition, and raise questions about the role of parents.

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98 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Ankur

    The Documentary should not have those visuals in the starting...that just inverts the thought process with which you sat to watch the video!!

  2. Jeff

    This isn't Teens hooked on Porn, this is the wrong documentary lol

  3. Mahns Vula

    c'mon thats life..

  4. haolehonu

    dude needs to clean his fingernails...gross!

  5. John Smith

    This is silly, you can no more get addicted to porn than to comedies or crime dramas. The only thing I've seen that was even more stupid was a film about fast food addiction.

    1. Debbie Harris

      Oh yes you can get addicted to porn or sex whatever you want to call it. Just like you can a drug.

  6. Lary9

    It's a very volatile issue and not as simple as---"if you've got an itch then scratch it." After all, the human libido is a powerful central organizing overlord of the personality and sex is anything but a casual social experience. I've seen a good survey of everything porn-wise in my life and one thing is certain to me.... there's a difference between the kinds of erotic imagery that promote intimacy, sharing and growth and the "hardcore porn" that depicts sexual love as selfish sexual aggression and exploitation which seeks to shock and stimulate. While all these variants strike me as acceptable on occasion between consenting couples, to practice sex routinely in the more depersonalizing, more carnally aggressive form is troubling at best and like the therapist said..."it strikes me as unhealthy" too. There's just something inherently isolating about the practice of habitual auto-eroticism to the exclusion of shared sexuality within a respectful relationship. IMHO, young people, especially, need to learn first about intimacy and sexuality, then they can role play and test the boundaries of sexuality. Life is a marathon, not a sprint---and pornography feels too much like a sprint to me.

  7. PaulLambeth

    This isn't really representative, in my view. Maybe Daryll's the most typical, but most people recognise the unnaturalness of most professional porn. Few people are like Malcolm or Tom: so overwhelmed by it that they need to seek advice and block themselves from it. With most people, there is a phase that in time goes and does not distort how people view women, sex or - worst - relationships.

  8. Carl Frodge

    Ugh...I wish we had sex ed in school here in the US...

    1. Dani Joseph Priego Ackerman

      I had it :D

  9. Carl Frodge

    I gotta be honest, porn has helped me in a lot more ways than it has harmed me. (It has harmed me in 0 ways)
    But after watching porn, I have:
    -gained a better appreciation for the female body
    -gained a better understanding of the female body
    -gained a respect and acceptance of myself and my body
    ...and a bunch of other similar things.

    I think Lukas is absolutely wrong in his response.

  10. Carl Frodge

    I don't like how this doc makes it out like porn is a bad thing.

  11. frantic1971

    Oh c'mon! "Porn addiction"? What a joke! This belongs in the same category of "science" that once claimed that masturbating caused blindness. Teen boys are at the stage in their life when hormones are at their max and it is only natural to want to explore and experience their sexuality. And don't even get me started with the claim that watching porn is going to turn thousands of young men into serial rapists....

    1. a_no_n

      it's not the porn so much as it's the porn along with inadequate social guidance.

      If the only sex education a kid is getting is watching porn whilst his dad knocks him mum around in the bedroom then yeah...that story is probably going to end in a lifetime of convictions,

      Is that the fault of the porn? No.

      Is it the fault of the parents? Yes but not entirely, especially not if that is the kind of family life the mother and father were raised with (as is most likely the case in violent relationships)

      Is it the fault of societies attitudes toward mental health and it's disinterest in dealing with social problems until it's too late to do anything useful...more likely.

      problems are rarely single solution issues, however single solution ideas are easier to write up into headlines so they are all anyone hears about and the problems continue to all go on unchecked.

  12. Tzvika Ronen

    how do u guys get addicted? yeah i watch porn but i watch it when i don't have something to do although if there wasn't any porn at all i would go crazy just wanting to see it i'm not sure how people 30 years ago didn't watch porn cuz they didn't have computers and they turned out ok

  13. javier00

    Of course you need to teach the right values too to have respect in yourself and all the others too. And to do something in your life.. have ambitions, motivation.

  14. javier00

    I think you should learn to enjoy porn when you are a single, alone and feeling horny. Then you want to please yourself by viewing the material.. but you must after live on with your life not to get addicted and have love in your life.. with your family members, friends, in your work, hobbies, studies.. and then eventually you´ll find your attractive one who you will also have sex and love together.. this cures everything. With teenagers the parents are a lot responsible to show the way and have love in the family. Of course you need to teach the right values too to have respect in yourself and all the others too. And to do something in your life.. have ambitions, motivation.

  15. leigh pierce

    I have been addicted to porn for 20 odd years now and can say that it has perhaps made me feel so lonely in my adult life - I am 37 years old now and still single after 10 years. The strange thing is porn addiction can quite often happen to very up right moralistic people, the type of people where the subject of sex was taboo in their family, this often makes matters worst and family's should learn to open up more about sexual matters and not just leave it to school education and your mates!. The other thing I could relate to in the documentary is the fact that too often when we are not expressing our selves, the anger can build up and that anger is released partly through porn, so hence the addiction. I want to thank the makers of this program for the insights it has given me and I prey for all those that also have had and have my problem with porn. It is a real devastating problem for some people and can really turn you from a happy joyous person in to a sad loner, maybe not over night but gradually until one day you may find your self a lonely person who has spunked (quite literally ) a big part of your life up the wall! - As inferred in the program I think the first stage is to getting help once you realize you have a problem and to open up with someone you can trust. I was also bullied at school and can see now how this can trigger porn. Hope my comment helps someone else.

  16. Rutger Vuister

    People are really blowing this out of proportion, i watched porn multiple times every day during my puberty, nothing wrong with that. The whole porn thing stops as soon as you get a girlfriend, a real life person that actually touches your wee wee :P and because of the massive variety of porn if you search enough you can almost always find a visual representation of your fantasies so your creativity is driven as well. Plus when you finally have sex it's ten times better because you want it so bad. The only bad thing about porn is that the way the women are treated is not realistic and your should separate fantasy en reality, but you will learn that when your girlfriend gets pissed because your tried to stick it up the backdoor xD

    1. Lukas

      I have been watching porn for years and it got me into real troubles. I became really numb because of focusing too much on how do women look like. I strongly recommend to all viewers to quit as soon as possible because it´s all lie and it damages your ability to build a relationship. If you want to stay alone, keep watching this trash. Viewers might realize that thousands girls are not enough but one is too much!

    2. Roberto sanche

      Lukas i agree i was wondering if we can chat in regards to this addiction.

  17. Angelica Guerrero

    I don't have a problem with viewing pornography, as long as it doesn't present an obstacle in your life.

  18. sofiamyrriam

    Hello.I am European and surprised, because i find that really native usamerican teen girls are in porn,like FTVs etc. Firts time i have since they are aest european girls. Why teen girls do that is my question? Ninfo, crazy haeds, drugs, famally problems, money, etc? In America whith is life level i never suppose nothing like that.
    Best regards to all.

  19. sofiamyrriam

    I am European and surprise now because i find that are really native usamerican teen girls in net porn, like FTVs etc. Firts time have since they are east european girls,etc.
    Why american teens do that, is my question? Nifo, crazy heads,drogs,familly problems,money? In America with the big live level i never suppose nothing like that.

  20. Dave Campbell

    Damn Chris

  21. koalagirl23

    I don't think that it's unnatural for young people (girls and guys) to watch porn overall, but I worry it will set unnatural standards for both sexes to a) live up to and B) expect from the opposite sex.

    Young adults will feel they don't look the same as the men/women in porn that their penis/breasts aren't big enough and inadvertently may really not understand how intimate and serious having sex with someone can be, while of course may lead to low self esteem from trying to live up to the images and pressures seen in porn. You can really feel how uncomfortable the girls were about how the guys were viewing porn, and like they didn't feel they lived up to what was going on. The girl hit it on the head when she said "You just think aren't I enough?" Plenty of women end of feeling this way and sometimes men do too.

    I also worry that they are getting their tips on how to have sex from porn as well. These parents should be talking to their children about what to expect and what sexual intercourse can be like, without stifling their sexual desires or telling them that sex is wrong.

    Simply put, there is a time and place and a maturity level that should be present, and how it is in porn, is a very exaggerated version of what can happen in real life.

    1. foodster

      well said...Couldn't have said it better...however, and unbaisedly, i say this, it is unnatural...you see this elicit scenes are fatal to any teenager today, because although teens are growing everyday and discovering themselves, they are still vulnerable and inadequate of perpetual Independence... they yet have to learn that evils of society and when a parent tries to help them, they automatically assume that they never let them do anything or stripping them of there freedom..you see how damaging society is and pornography is! it leaves this erg in teen that "oh, I can't please myself anymore, so i must disobey my parents/gaurdains">>> This is why it is imparitive to strictly ban pornography, or at the very least enforce extreme regulations on these sites and there industries... it is just like you said quote-on-quote "inadvertently may really not understand how intimate and serious having sex with someone can be, while of course may lead to low self esteem from trying to live up to the images and pressures seen in porn". it is tragic that most capable and healthy teens are limited potentially by something as crippling as pornogrophy. it really does become a handicap, and they begin to see women as sex objects with no modesty, and integrity... something must be done or else I sincerely feel sorry for these teens...

    2. foodster

      well said...Couldn't have said it better...however, and unbaisedly, i say this, it is unnatural...you see this elicit scenes are fatal to any teenager today, because although teens are growing everyday and discovering themselves, they are still vulnerable and inadequate of perpetual Independence... they yet have to learn that evils of society and when a parent tries to help them, they automatically assume that they never let them do anything or stripping them of there freedom..you see how damaging society is and pornography is! it leaves this erg in teen that "oh, I can't please myself anymore, so i must disobey my parents/gaurdains">>> This is why it is imparitive to strictly ban pornography, or at the very least enforce extreme regulations on these sites and there industries... it is just like you said quote-on-quote "inadvertently may really not understand how intimate and serious having sex with someone can be, while of course may lead to low self esteem from trying to live up to the images and pressures seen in porn". it is tragic that most capable and healthy teens are limited potentially by something as crippling as pornogrophy. it really does become a handicap, and they begin to see women as sex objects with no modesty, and integrity... something must be done or else I sincerely feel sorry for these teens...

    3. Don Shaw

      This drama may be to STRETCH us. In this model the 'wrong' and 'right' of it is there to force us to be AWAKE...NOT AGAHST. One may process it better by acknowledging the collective baggage that we share in our DNA and the pervasive 'guilt' energy left over from 'The Garden of Eden'.(Could better be called the 'wasteland of Eden' for the impact it's visited on our capacity to process our sexuality in a nurturing and compassionate way.) It's so short sighted of me to come in like the hero, jump on one side or other of the 'line drawn in the sand', pick up a trendy stone and start taking pot shots at the opposition du jour.....I don't recall the author but..."The heart of pornography is our sexuality mourning it's own disappearance". If one hasn't seen 'Lady Chatterley' I highly recommend it, especially before jumping into the 'fray'. It should be played regularly for us from childhood on...like the 'Wizard of Oz' or 'It's a Wonderful Life'. I haven't seen 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'. I don't need to. I intuit that 'Hollywood' took a story of innocence , vulnerability, sensitivity and discovery and 'sexed it up'. The comparison of these will show the 'antidote' for the other......Thanks for your time, Intimately yours, LBD

  22. EmilyB

    In my opinion, I believe some pornography is OK, but as with anything once it begins to take control of your life that's when it becomes a problem. There will always be pornography, but I think that to reduce the risk of it becoming a problem, we must as a society change our taboos and views on sexuality. I have had the great fortune of living in two different cultures where sexuality is viewed differently in both places. The place where sexuality is embraced and deemed appropriate to express, I find pornography is less of a problem. However, in the other place, pornography is a huge problem. I think that the more accepting we are of sexuality as a culture, the less chance that people will secretly have to go to pornography as a means to experience that sexuality.

    1. Greg_Mc

      Nicely put EmilyB
      "I have had the great fortune of living in two different cultures where sexuality is viewed differently in both places. The place where sexuality is embraced and deemed appropriate to express, I find pornography is less of a problem. However, in the other place, pornography is a huge problem."
      This may not be a good analogy but here goes...... It's like telling a 2 year old she/he cannot open a certain cupboard in the kitchen because thats where the pots and pans are and the kid will want to play with them and make loud noises which the parent doesnt want to listen to, so of course what is on the 2 year olds mind? Openning the forebidden cupboard mostly because they were told not to and the curiousity to see what they have been told is either forebidden or bad/taboo. If the child was just allowed to see whats in the cupboard with no fan fare or negative reaction from the parent then the kid is likely to just either have a look or play with the pots and pans for a bit and move on as opposed to having it be forbidden until one day the kid gets in and in the excitement of doing something you have always been told was wrong, bad or not safe the kid goes overboard and makes a far bigger mess and racket than the kid who was allowed in the cupboard in the first place by calmer parents who didnt make a big deal over it.

      Ok that was alot of work to try and get a point across that I may have in the end failed to do lol.

  23. Chris Wood

    I'm so disgusted by these comments! I'm 16, and I watched porn for like 3 times a week for a year and a half and it tore my life apart. You're not going to wake up one day and realise "I'm a porn addict!", if you view it on a regular basis have you ever tried coming off it? No? It has the same effect on your body as heroin and is just as addictive. Please please at least google the effects of porn, because if you're putting this stuff in your head at least see what it's doing to you. My sexuality is unknown, I went into a depression and I had absolutely no self-esteem. Please, take my warning and look into this, I just can't sit here ignoring how many people could be in danger of so many problems in the future

    1. His Forever

      Hi, Chris. I didn't watch this doc. but I appreciate your honesty and your warning. I just wanted you to know I'm glad you said it as a sixteen-year-old. That was brave of you. I worry about this for my son, as he'll even see an add on TV or internet and will say "Nasty!" but will want to see more, and he's only 4. I plan to definately have some kind of filter on the computer when he gets a little older I think.

    2. Guest

      Here we go again Charles, the moral religious majority suppressing sex, what else is new?
      The more that you suppress, the more curious he will be. No?

      When he gets older, teen you mean? Good luck!

    3. foodster

      Finally someone stands up and speaks for everybody else..real brave chris...it's about time like i said in my comment above it has devastating effects, as crippling the mind and body in words sense!..where it can be a handicapp..thank you chris for your brave comment..for those of you parents out there..with kids younger then 10 or 9, i want you guys to fight to the death if you have to to block these programs whether on television, internet, cellphone subscriptions....and don't forget to talk with your kids..let them know your on their side, you want THEM to succeed in life not you, show them that you want the best and to have a life style much better then you can provide right now...

    4. Olivier74

      Hehe. Who hasn't been watching porn on a regularly basis? I guess Chris is an anti-porn fanatic and probably not 16 years. Anyway -"..the same effect on your body as heroin and just as addictive"??! IF you went into a depression by watching porn 3 times a week I can only advice you to take a good look at your life and what other factors might cause your mental problem..

    5. Angelica Guerrero

      Heh, your name is ironic given your view on porn.

    6. Greg_Mc

      Good one Angelica.

      Man when I was a teenager there was no such thing as the Internet and PC's so if I wanted to see a naked girl I had to do it the old fashioned way. Ply her with alcohol and do a lot of begging.

  24. anecdote

    I think there's a balance to be struck. The lads in the caravan who swap porn on their phones and discuss it openly are notable for their clear ability to socialize - with each other and with girls their age.

    Whether or not the other two young men in this documentary have friends or girlfriends is not explored fully here. We assume, instinctively, that their social lives are not as developed as those of the group of lads.

    Is this the fault of porn? Or is porn merely a consequence of having few friends and few female friends in particular? Too much emphasis was placed here on the two boys 'kicking the habit', instead of encouraging them to express their sexuality in healthier, more productive ways. Hopefully, this is the next step for both of them.

    My concern leaving this documentary is that these two boys have simply been convinced that porn is dirty and shameful - an assertion which needs to be balanced by affirming the positive aspects of sex with a flesh and blood human being.

    The boys needed encouragement to develop social skills enabling a healthy sex life. Without this, the boys have been made to feel dirty and shameful by the authority figures in their lives. Without clarifying that sex itself is not, by extension, dirty and shameful, the rehabilitation of these boys is at best incomplete, at worst irresponsible.

  25. Sieben Stern

    wow - these boys really need a hobby. talk about wasting your young life :/

    1. Vinton E Heuck

      They already have a hobby.

  26. redteddy

    I don't know but these young guys seem really well adjusted and on the whole healthy. I mean I don't know really what they're on about. Most seem to have supportive families with whom they can be honest, supportive communities, healthy hobbies outside of the bloody internet and outside of one they're quite self-reflective. I mean there's the odd boy who doesn't really have a good understanding of women but that's quite normal for his age. I bet if they did this with young boys in the US they'd find a bunch of raving lunatics.

  27. Jake

    That was quite interesting and I'll be celebrating this video by watching a porn movie... LOL. Well I understand that for some people Porn could be a problem and if they find that porn is the issue in their life than they should do something about it. As for my view I don't see porn as an issue completely (maybe because I'm controlled about it), I do not miss work to watch porn, I do not prefer porn over my sex partners (but we might sometimes just watch a bit together just to get going), I would not miss a trip to the wilderness just because I wanted to stay home and watch porn all day. Teenagers are just full of energy and they do need to release the steam at some point. I prefer to see a teen hooked on porn, than violating another teen (yes we know it can lead to that, but then the problem is psychologic, not pornographic).

    This documentary does show a lot about the accessibility of pornography today... but hey just recall before pornography on the Internet... what the kid were doing? REAL SEX... I started having sexual intercourse at 14 years old and back then I'd go not only with girls but guys as well... so yes the easy access of pornography may be of a concern but in a certain way it is also harmless if the kid knows its limits. Most of boy teens... watch it, wank it, throw it in the pail and will come back to it later... after he saw Sophie's underwear during a cheerleader practice. LOL

    I also laugh when I saw the boy talking to a priest about its addiction... now I know I am very against any religious organization... but at least the boy did the right thing... which is "I have concerns about my behaviors, and I need to talk about it to someone I trust... let it be a priest if that's so." That's what everyone with an issue should do if they are concerns with something and not just about porn.

    @Shawn J - Boy are you full of yourself... not that I don't believe you but do you really need to put that in there... do you really need to brag about porn stars running after you for sex? What do you want us to think... that you're a GOD or something? Porn stars are not much different than what you are... they just happens to have sex in front of a camera and you don't. There's plenty of men and women much more skillful and much more beautiful than Carmen Electra or Brent Corrigan (gay world)and that are not in movies. In sex being skillful is to know what you like - convey it to your partner and learn what she/he likes and she'll convey it to you and you both agree on tickling that "part". I for myself do not take porn stars for sex GODs... I don't think they're better than I am, as they are (for the most of them) directed by somebody's fantasy, someone did a behavioral research and found that people love bareback (per example)... so there it is a full load of bareback videos... come on... even though it would be true... nobody cares that you screw porn stars.

    Porn, Sex, Drugs, Alcohol and "Rock and Roll" is really a problem when one forgets about the other joys of life... moderation is in all and all the key... I love the wilderness but to I really need to go fight a bear or f--k a skunk because I like smelly dirty sex? LOL.

  28. Helena

    I wonder how many folks with addictions, know that their are negative entities that suck their energy and only leave the person empty with nothing to gain but a spiral that leads to self destruction... no matter what hidden compulsions we have, they are all the same really...alcohol, sex (porn), drugs. In my study of metaphysics and spirituality I've learned that there negative entities and energies that want to survive and the way they do this is to pull on those minds that are weakened due to addictions and so it becomes a catch 22. One needs to really WILL their way out of the hell of addictions...Their is WAY more to life then the 5 senses we can see/hear/taste/touch but the forces in this world who perpetuate porn and pretty much everything else, don't want people to move past them becaues that would mean we would move beyond this illusions. We need to support each other and realize we are able to overcome anything because where their is a will, their is a way.

    A lot of books can explain astral entities and forces that are hidden from us that feed off our miss qualified energies. Well sorry for ranTing...much love & peace

    Great documentaries on here!

    1. kk26g

      How can you be sure of the existence of "Negative Entities"?

  29. oink

    i wonder how true their stats are

  30. canis

    I thought this was a mockumentary. Seriously dissapointed in the BBC for this.

    1. Vinton E Heuck

      Seriously, why?

  31. Francesca

    1 thing I hate about therapists is when they twist things - hes not watching vampire porn because he got bullied, he's watching it because he thinks vampires are fit.

    Or that he watches porn cos hes angry. Hes a pubescent kid. He needs to get laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaid.

    I got bullied a shit load at school and I've had a crappy few years but you don't see me flicking the bean to porn like a wild animal because of it.
    Hahahahaha bunch of excuses! Thats all :)

    1. markyansen

      I think you're right, the therapist was rather too quick to diagnose poor Malcolm's problem with a typical text book answer, but it sounded a very half arsed excuse to say he was looking at porn because he was bullied and could not express his anger.

      I cannot imagine anyone in a loving relationship who would want to watch porn; it just would not be needed. I'm not trying to sound smug but when I was single I did look at porn, but once I met my love, I no longer needed it, as simple as that.

      It seems to me that Malcolm first needs to learn how to love himself and feel that he's loveable, then find a nice girl with which he would want to share his love with. A person, who feels that they're loveable, would naturally want to share their love with another and feel that they have something worthwhile to offer.

      If you love yourself, then you would naturally love the opposite sex but sadly most porn devalues and objectifies women, so young men spending too much time looking at porn would get the wrong attitude of how best to relate to women and view them merely as sex objects.

      Rather than being taught porn is bad, these boys should have been taught sex is wonderful and it is even more amazing when it’s in a loving relationship and that porn is a sad caricature of something deep, beautiful and mystical between two people in a loving relationship, but the reason people are addicted to porn is because they long for what porn tries to represent; which is the physical manifestation of a loving relationship.

      Sadly, the reason porn exists is because we live in a society where people are becoming more and more sexually orientated and obsessed with sex, but are forgetting about love, the special something that makes sex both beautiful and meaningful.

  32. Coke

    Hey People, Porn is really so distubing. I am not addicted to it but when i have nothing to do i watch porn. When i sleep in the day time and am awake at night, i watch porn. When sometime I am so F!@#ing disturbed or annoyed, I watch porn. And Yes, I masterbute everytime I watch porn cause I believe that if i dont masterbute and if I decide not to watch porn, then my child in future will be born with the same stored semen that i didn't take out.... But if I am assigned some duty to do and I have some work to do, then I dont masterbute. I guess the best part to avoid this is to keep ourelf busy in positive work...

  33. Jacob Woods

    bb, yes granted that is true but when you watch is so often that it effects your life in a negative way, there is a problem.

  34. bb


    1. Vinton E Heuck

      Fact is it's fun!

  35. pree


  36. 420 Vision

    I'd sooner watch two people making love, giving pleasure then two people killing one another - so why is porn so bad, and why is the nightly news filled with images of death, destruction and killing ?

    What is wrong with this picture ?

  37. Nina

    I'd give up sex any day to be a kid again.

  38. Nina

    I just hope that porn doesn't take away from a real relationship. Remember real woman aren't always like porn stars.
    All teens should try being a kid as long as possible it's the best time of your life go out and play sports not stuck in front of a screen. Believe me there's lots of time for doing other things and it's all down hill from there. As you get older life gets harder-remember this or ask any adult.

  39. Wise

    @Shawn J

    Completely agree! (apart from your obvious bs about banging pornstars and endless sl*ts falling all over you^^)

    "...stops one from having a relationship with other ppl, takes a lot of time, takes a lot of attention, energy and emotion, and for what?"

    -you are clearly somebody with a pathetic libido and poor interpersonal skills...porn never drained me physically, and if its wasting too much of your time, the porn you're watching is obviously too soft-core to get you off...and the answer to your question, - for an excellent w*nk if you're gf is too tired to f*** or if you're too ugly to get laid!

    "Watching nude people having sex and fully-naked women who have no relationship with you (marital etc), is morally wrong and so much more…"

    you're obviously some backwards religious type who'll live some bland sin-free existence until you snuff it..I pity you.
    I'm not saying there aren't major problems with the porn industry in terms of its exploitation, BUT I'm sure you would argue that even user-generated content where couples are having sex on camera for their own enjoyment is still morally wrong, which is idiotic to say when the material consists of two GENUINELY consenting adults.

    -my personal opinion from experience-
    I love porn! I watch it almost every day...I was in an 8yr relationship before my current gf and my ex hated porn, and frankly she was s*** in bed, and I thought women hating porn and being s*** in bed was the norm, I was even engaged and ready to accept THAT as a happy life (and I was still watching porn everyday behind her back)

    ...but now I met my current gf who is with me nearly 1 year and we BOTH love porn, best sex I've ever had and I truly love her more than I ever did my ex.

  40. Shawn J

    Oh dont let me only insult males tho, females who dont like porn are the lamest laziest most boring creatures I have ever had the misfortune of meeting for the most part,, but then again some ive met were even porn stars and they were lame in bed.

  41. Shawn J

    Let me tell you a few facts about where porn "addiction" has lead me. I am a bit obsessed with porn, it really helps me not go out and make a baby with those dumb broads I have the misfortune of meeting everyday, or have to deal with women who are just trying to enslave you with propaganda like this. Or have to deal with the large majority of women who have no clue what sex is but will say they like it just to get your attention.

    Women who love sex absolutely love the f*ck outta me. Even when I look back as a teen, some peoples wives came to me for fun time. Now days I have to ignore many girls who tell me how they wanna screw me or to ride me, I mean they use some very tasty language on me, its hard to tell them no, so I just ignore many. Many will offer to take me to dinner and things like that.

    So after ive said this is where the mind of a porn "addict" leads to, I would call the average male non porn addicts life a complete failure. Sounds like rejects who don't like porn and their wives have to find someone sexually competent elsewhere are the real losers.

  42. Tux

    Oh Lord the portly one has a wolf and moon t-shirt. How stereotypical.

  43. nsw

    @Max: the very signs of addiction...

  44. Max

    the only time i watch porn is to relax myself and get my head off of porn or when im bored cant go out and cant play any video games otherwise i dont watch till every 3 days when the urge comes back... i dont like to watch porn but it helps!?

  45. bryguy

    @ lilly parsons
    no, i am afraid you are not straight... And 12 year olds should not be doing these things. and god watches these things. and when you do these things you make baby jesus cry...

  46. Richie

    Yeah sure when i first got the internet of course the first thing i looked at was the porn sites. I mean come on what teenage boy is'nt a horny bag of homones! But like i'd look at it for a few mins to get turned on then have a w*nk then turn it off and that would be that. As i got older (i'm 24) i watched it less and less and only look at it now and then, never did i get obsessed with it and watch it any longer than it took me to have a w*nk to it. Its quite s@#$ looking at it if your not feeling horny.

    Also they say "its something to do" you might as well look at it. Ehhh excuse me there is a million things to do better than looking at porn on the internet!

  47. lilly parsons

    i am 12 yrs old..... am i allowed to watch lezzie porn to masturbate? i am straight but i find it more exciting

    just wondering

  48. Bianca

    Malcolm worries me a bit. He seems a litte too eager to say and do the right thing. Going to therapy and trying to finish the therapist's sentences then going home and giving a very precise yet emotionless recap.

    That lack of emotion combined with a willingness to say what people want to hear makes me wonder if there isn't a second Malcolm in the background keeping up appearances so they won't go dig deeper? I think he's got quite a long way to go before he's truely 'cured' from all the things that have hurt and influenced him in the past.

  49. Gregory Underwood

    It's not a surprise why teen are addicted to porn these days. The accessibility of porn in the internet is so basic. Close monitoring to your kids should be done. A parent can never let his kids go out of control.

  50. boo

    Lol porn doesn't do anything for me anymore. Even extream types and I am only 17 though I own about 4 different successful user content generated porn sites. xD

  51. Jacob

    I am going to give up gay porn and go to lesbian porn! It will be a fun invigorating experience.

  52. nsw

    I loved that article too! And it stated the absolute truth. I'm glad you liked it. Good to see people agreeing to what is right and what is wrong. :)
    And thanks for your 'understanding'/encouraging comment! :) :)

  53. Solidad


    Thank you very much for your NY Magasine article's link. This is really interesting. I feel like someone, somewhere, understand me and my point of view. Very well writen and pertinent article. Thank you again.

  54. Spoon

    Lol, what...? So having too much time with yourself alone causes depression... Well no shit. Its not porn here (regardless of the ethics of the industry) thats the problem. There are obviously much deeper problems going on with these kids. If you have no social life or anything to do with it your going to become fixated on anything that brings relief to the boredom, and since these kids are undoubtebly going to be sexually frustrated (the lebido of a healthy teen is often overblown by the prudish anyway) I don't think what they're doing is suprising or particuarly wrong. As for those of you saying masturbation causes you depression and tirdness, its probably because youve linked it to some sort of negative thing. Shame, boredom, anxiety, guilt, the feeling of depression itself ect. What I'm getting at is its unlikely to be the act itself, but what you have associated it with. As for the tiredness, thats probably also due to the depression or anxiety. All in all anyone suffering from problems sutch as these should seek help for the causes of their depression, not focus just on the side effects of it. *WHEW* Sorry for the essay there.

  55. joshua

    i watch porn for masturbation. i watch porn when i am moody. i have anxiety disorder and depression. i get anxious easily about studies. i am a medical student. i am under medication for depression for almost 2 years. Yet, i feel that i am not going anywhere in terms of progress.

  56. Js


    Well THAT comparison seems incorrect.
    Donuts are food and there is nothing wrong in eating food, but some might think there is something bad about eating donuts.
    Consider meat. Meat is food. You could say that there is nothing wrong about eating food, but some think there is something morally wrong about eating meat.

    And watching people have sex isn't in itself wrong - in a documentary setting, for example - but its more the devaluing of sex, objectification of people, the voyeurism (watching something which is normally very private), and the warping of an otherwise normal view of sex. Masturbation itself isn't a problem either - unless you're religious.

  57. Zeeman

    I don't think porn is as big of a deal as people on here are making it. I've looked at porn plenty of times in my life and the first time was probably when I was 14 or 15 and I'm not some crazed porn addict. I've only really been in long relationships without porn ever affect it. This doc shows people who have a problem with with porn. Obviously anything in excess is bad I mean drink a bunch out water and you can die from it. Take someone who has an over weight issue, does that mean everyone shouldn't be allowed to eat donuts anymore. Basically all this comes down to is have some self control. I'm pretty sure whackin' it here and there isn't going to ruin your life. Don't blame the porn blame your self.

  58. nsw

    And I agree with Mike, Mario and Harry and second their posts...

  59. nsw

    I think this is a very good documentary and has been very true to the subject.
    I think porn is a very major problem that is unbelievably taken too lightly.
    It does take up a lot of one's time, energy and causes depression.
    And it negatively affects the social/family/marriage order. It weakens the love bond (so important for healthy family life) with one's spouse.
    Not to mention unhealthy.
    And its worse than drugs, considering how easily available it is. You'd need bad friends to get you into drugs. And unless you take them the first time, you wouldn't get addicted. Porn is everywhere for free (well, enough is). And sex is a requirement of your body. That is why, you'd very well be into porn (by yourself) to fulfill that sexual need of your body, without anybody helping you into it. You don't need peer pressure etc here.
    And controlling it gets very difficult as you see so much sexualization in TV, films, advertisements etc. And not to forget, dangerous internet ads. You'd be browsing a totally innocent website, and bam comes a sexually provocative ad, making you horny and back to this senseless addiction.
    Why is such a dangerous thing so ubiquitous and easily accessible? I think there should be a 'China-like' control of adult content on the internet. At least it shouldn't be available for free or searchable, as the temptations are tooo strong... =(

  60. Jacob Woods

    I came interested in this video because of the hyper sexuality I find on myspace and the experience I have had with gay pornography. it is all interesting.

  61. Harry

    internet porn is a big problem, stops one from having a relationship with other ppl, takes a lot of time, takes a lot of attention, energy and emotion, and for what?

  62. Mario

    i think my stupidity in writng got d whole picture wrong...of course i dint mastrubate wit my frnds...actually internet tips??????lol....if it actually works why wuld these guys suffer....porn and mastrubation takes alot alot of time in a daily routine...thats my point...internet tips...haha..lol!!

  63. dell

    haha what?!
    ok, first of all, are u masturbating with ur friends lol?
    and secondly, u must be doing something wrong mate, google it for tips or something lol
    peace x

  64. Mario

    depite many claiming mastrubation is good for the body,most of the time me and my friends have suffered depression and loss of energy...am sure many wuld be feeling the same....

  65. Mike

    I found this documentary insightful. I thought it was great to show more than one viewpoint 1)the young lads club 2)the one who sought advice from religion 3)the one who was from a strict household with the handicapped sister who was mistreated and beat by his peers growing up. I have to say that I also liked how there were families open to talking about any subject which shows they were willing to not make something anything that it wasn't just exposing it to the light so-to-speak for what it really is, actors paid to depict whatever they think sells not what is always pleasurable, healthy or enjoyable for one or the other sex. Plainly put it is not real life and the portayals can also be unhealthy. There is a dark side of the porn industry that is virtually never portrayed which includes alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide and so on.

    I have to agree with the therapist who has a good point that it does change ones view and that is can ironically devalue sex. And I really truly appreciated the girls point of view that they would not be thinking of them but only how they were used to gratify their other sexual fantasies while thinking about porn and for how long? Until they tired of them and what if they don't do all they have seen depicted? Porn may show sexual behavior but it certainly does not show consequences of many of the types of behavior nor does it include actually showing real relationships. Only short sexual acts. Certainly not nearly the same focus on the interpersonal sexual relations as only the focus on the one-sided relationship with porn itself.

  66. eireannach666

    somebody teach these lads how to talk to a girl and get some ...... hell give them my number and ill do it for free......... this is retarded. And i agree with dude about getting rid of the shrinks and the priest.... not needed........ whatever happened to "you show me yours and ill show you mine" j/k......

  67. Life.Is.The.Alien

    How you can be a devout christian at age 14 is beyond me - oh and the treatment to porn addiction is real sex preferably with a lover.

  68. dillon

    This is stupid....

  69. silkop

    Seems like all these kids got other problems than pornography. The "therapist", the "pastor", the "concerned mom" are much scarier than porn.

  70. Jake

    BTW I just love how the kid was playing from what it appears Grand theft auto in front of the family while his mom talks about the horrors of pornography.

  71. Phantom


    haha they just need to get laid!"

    Dam right! lol

  72. No name

    Well haven't teens guys always longed for sex? It's normal and being as clumsy as they are they won't get real action until their 20's so..let em dream until that.

  73. del

    haha they just need to get laid!
    they would have fitted right in with the romans :P

  74. Nielsch

    Asking a priest to talk about pornaddiction after church is
    probably not the smartest thing to do when you're a 14 year old boy :P

  75. mdb

    its sad it's so readily available to anyone. I know that it's caused me problems in the past and it leaves me feeling with no energy...


    OK anthropolgists already agree that mankind may hav ..MAY! have evolved up right be havior so that HUSBAND can bring wifey back an arm full of food while she is with baby ..( gestational time is a time of natural socio pathy ..selfishness ) bringing food to insure sexual favors .

    WRONG again scinece steming fro the desire to support current human norms , see other vid's about nudity and see up right is about tempes and natural food and berry gathering and prey/preditor activity ...

    now sex ... and a manipulative tool to control humanity well JUST LOOK AT THE .... MILITARY and it's history . but that is just an example and a tip of an ice berge ...

    EVE ..... the thought form not an INDIVIDUAL ... but a concept . who has thru FASHION created itself it's own nightmares over 1000's of years ... the effects of MANIPULATION or control and conhertion as describe Dr. wahtever his name ... list of effects to be found on instinctualism dot org . clearly shows ..show much of this video in ways ...

    ahh but all that aside happy news ... aug 11 2010 WPB korn see you there ! baloon dude ( sign my shirt like always ! )

  77. EDGE

    lol look at the fat kid.

  78. Dude

    whats that song they were playing on 47:10 ?