Drugs, Inc. - Meth

2010, Drugs  -   52 Comments
Ratings: 7.41/10 from 46 users.

Drugs, Inc. - MethFollow a raid on a suspected meth lab, stake out a pharmacy where addicts buy pills in bulk, and meet a neuroscientist searching for a cure.

Methamphetamine is a psychostimulant of the phenethylamine and amphetamine class of psychoactive drugs. Methamphetamine increases alertness, concentration, energy, and in high doses, can induce euphoria, enhance self-esteem and increase libido.

Methamphetamine has high potential for abuse and addiction, activating the psychological reward system by triggering a cascading release of dopamine in the brain.

Methamphetamine is FDA approved for the treatment of ADHD and exogenous obesity. It is dispensed in the USA under the trademark name Desoxyn.

As a result of methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity to dopaminergic neurons, chronic abuse may also lead to post acute withdrawals which persist beyond the withdrawal period for months, and even up to a year.

A study performed on female Japanese prison inmates suffering from methamphetamine addiction showed 20% experienced a psychosis resembling schizophrenia which persisted for longer than six months post-methamphetamine use; this amphetamine psychosis could be resistant to traditional treatment.

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52 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Sunshine

    I'm glad my addiction hasn't gotten that bad. Damn

  2. B. Carter

    The negative effects of meth are not discussed adequately and are downplayed by the listing of the effects of the high. There are some negative effects that should be stressed, including and especially brain damage. The use of methamphetamine destroys the brain!

  3. Tony

    The solution is so simple I don't see what the problem is. An international ban on the manufacture of amphetamine. Death penalty for manufacture of meth. I would rather suffer with hay fever or a cold than watch our nation burn down all around me!!! This may sound harsh to some but it can mean the difference between life and death for your children & grandchildren. Meth equals death!!!

    1. Peter

      They already have the death penalty for drugs in some countries and guess what? It hasn't affected availability at all. The definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Time to try a fresh approach to the drug problem.

    2. Eric

      Decriminalization of drugs , This drug war is what is keeping the profits sky high my friend , eliminate the profit and the problem will solve itself .

  4. ash stubbs

    The war on drugs is lost can't beat them join them, hurry up and legalize the s*it

    1. Sunshine

      Hell yeah. Like in a facility like they do with weed

  5. chuck

    2.5 gr for 90 min........

    1. Sunshine

      That won't last me 30 mins lol

  6. Wayne Williams

    This just in..... The war on drugs is over! Drugs win, and it was a slaughter. Now if only the government would gracefully accept their defeat. It took them less than ten years to accept defeat in Vietnam, America's other lossed war. But we're going on thirty years now and they apparently still think this is a winnable war.

  7. Annabelle Hopkins

    This video was just a boring expose' of the dark side of meth. It would have been much more entertaining and brought enjoyment if it focused on the bright, fun side. People can choose one or the other. These ignorant participants in this video choose to dwell in the negative simply because they are in the dark as opposed to the light. There are always two sides to the story and it would be a much happier existence if people would choose the good side. This video would have been good if it weren't spent dwelling on the negative! Where are the intelligent humans? Are they all lost in darkness? Sometimes I think I'm the only one in the light, how sad that is for you strange dark-minded mean people.

    1. Slbrink

      The " bright fun side"? YOU must have been high when you wrote this. Why don't you go ask the kids of addicted parents who abuse and neglect them due to their drug abuse how "fun" their lives are. I can honestly tell you Annabelle, out of all the stupid, uneducated and idiotic posts I read on the the Internet, your comment beats them all. Yep, I do believe you are the "only one in the light", but only if "light " refers to a deluded , drug induced fantasyland where meth is glamorized. Hope you still find enjoyable when all your teeth fall out and you end up in prison. Good luck because by the sound of this post you are going to need it.

    2. Travis Spink

      I am a recovering meth addict. have been a meth addict for over 20 yrs. i have read your post and i still trying to figure out what the good side to meth is that you so bravely boast about...I am a vet of 2 forgien war i have seen more death than i hope any one has too. ive been rich and i have been homeless. I have traveled to many places in the world. Spain being one of them. I tell you this because METH IS THE MOST EVIL THING THAT I HAVE EVER HAD TO FIGHT. I now have two beautiful children and i lay away every night praying to god that he lets me live long enough to see them grow up...WHAT THE @#$$%$ is so good about that? Ive done many bad things in my life and there is only 1 regret that i have..Wish i would have never tried it just once..

  8. rosalie holden

    The war on drugs will never work whilst trading illegal substances is profitable. Make it legal and regulate it. This will push down prices, creating less drug related crime. It will regulate the product , causing less harmful side effects due to the dodgy substances currently being cut with it. It will funnel more money into treatment and recovery programs rather than the millions going into the highly ineffective law enforcement strategies. And it will treat people with enough dignity and intelliegence to make their own stupid choices.

    1. ash stubbs

      your 100% RIGHT

    2. melissa

      The US needs to do what Portugal did.

  9. j_m5

    war on drugs what a joke. if people want to do something they will find a way to do it. Instead of spending all that money employing all these police and correctional officers and spending billions on jails we put all that money into rehab and awareness programs. Why wouldn't we use law enforcement resources to solve violent crimes instead of trying to make meaningless arrests of some junkie in his garage trying to get his next fix ? Because its all a stats game who cares if they arrest a junkie vs a murderer or rapist its all the same on paper one arrest.

    1. monkeys82

      Drugs causes criminal behaviour, as shown in this documentary...and in many other... (hope you understood the documentary?) so it is kind of normal that it leads to a cascading effort from police, jails, socialworkers an increasing amount of money from taxpayers to solve the problem for these users. The real problem behind this, is that the governments worldwide don't succeed to tacle the issue at the root. This has to do with many other political, economical and social factors that are all interconnected.

    2. maripr12

      Yeaa criminal behaviuor is just the expression of our economic and social structure. Our economic and social structure fail because the mayor goal is money and do not take for granted that those who run this economic structure are humans beings. This economic and social structure leads to many problems like depression, "criminals", prostitution ect. Criminals are just trying to compete in this economic structure gainning the assests like their other rich "peers" (entrepreneurs, rappers in MTV, singers, politicians) The real criminal is our economic structure and those who benefits from all this violence. Thats why things have not change and will not... for good. They are just blinding your eyes in news and pointing to stupid problems so you just feel terryied and helpless with all the violence .Violence will keep appearing every year worst and worst. News wont stop showing you violence everyday keeping you entertain so that you just dont have a break to think the big picture.

    3. Peter

      Drugs are bad we all know that. The point here is that arresting people for using drugs hasn't done anything to address the problem, so why waste so much money on something thats not working?

  10. robertjamesselby

    it always makes me want to go out and get some hard drugs watching these docs

    1. Mac Moy

      Was going to say the same thing. Something is wrong with the way they're making these docs...

  11. Reuben Boipai

    US needs a Jihad (WMDs: War on Meth & Drugs)

    1. batvette

      Followed by a War on Holier Than Thou Fools, one can only hope. Alcohol and Tobacco combined kill 100x as many people per year as Meth does. Probably over 10x as many as all illegal drugs combined. While these "scared straight" type docs do a good job of showing all the people who are of the personality who had no business getting near the stuff even once, they don't show the majority of people who used drugs as a tool and didn't throw their life down the toilet because of them. They drove straight to work the next morning without taking a detour to their dealer's house and the porn shop and then thought "aw what the hell do I need a job for anyway?".
      Meth does have an ability to ruin lives above and beyond most drugs, but don't fool yourself that getting rid of it or any other drug is going to significantly reduce society's problems.

  12. Pamela Quinn

    While America sends it`s young men to war on foreign soil spreading domocracey and telling other Countries how to live. No thanks America, you can keep our dream, it is a nightmare.
    I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals but those shown in this documentary are selfish ugly dangerous men who living free are permitted to infect any young man they choose. These men are the perfect advert for the homophobic brigade. Blaming a drug is like blaming a gun, it`s only dangerous if it`s used. If a Hitler came into power, no way would I want blood spilled fighting for the freedom of these people to murder others because they have an addiction. Land of the free, not really. Clean your act up America, your values are floating in the sewer.



  13. Al Corrupt

    End the war on Drugs and don't be fooled by this Pro-USA over-hyped propaganda.

  14. Sherry Roberts

    I'm from a city that is famous for the level of meth addiction and it took a toll on my childhood (through my "parents" doing) so, I like these documentaries because they show how ugly these people are.

    1. Reuben Boipai

      Replying to Sherry Roberts
      Sorry for U, just see what freewill, free choice & freedom is all about? Its selfishness, irresponsibility, destructive & degenerative. The community should do more than watch their surrounding world get destroyed, else the epidemic shall spare them not.


    Tweekers SUCK!


    the more i watch these Drugs Inc. videos the more i feel like i am being programmed. It always ends with cops having to "stop" the drugs...quite interesting...the issues are way more complex.

    as far as meth goes- i dunno, not my thing. weed, mushrooms, lsd, mdma once in a blue moon- i usually avoid drinking.

  17. Julie

    People should have the right to do as they will as long as they are not hurting any one or their property. When there are children involved its another story though, no child should be exposed to an adults stupid choices even though it happens daily. In my opinion, drugs should be legal so shoot me....ugh this makes me sick. How can heroin be illegal but yet there are methadone clinics to "help you" off the hard stuff?? Makes no sense to me at all. What do you think? Am I crazy? Yes I am sober at this moment didnt have a shot of whiskey today heehee. Please let me know if you feel the same, not many people agree with me on this subject...

  18. John Krisfalusci

    Ugh.. when is drugs inc marijuana coming out? thats going to be a big problem in the next few years with all this legalization mumbo jumbo. everyones going to end up just like this meth crack heads. All of this junk and garbage needs to be banned, eradicated, and set illegal forever so no one would bother to even try this crap. has no use on earth whatsoever. alcohol and tobacco included.

    1. Julie

      Illegal forever?? Thought it was dude...so if weed is legalized everyone will turn into crackheads??? Wow, speak for yourself. I happen to think legalization would not be as bad as people think. Call me crazy I dont care, and yes I am sober. The war on drugs is a joke, how long has it been goin on now? And how is it that natgeo can make a doc about it and know so much but yet, there are officers still tryin to make a dent..just doesnt add up. But dont worry it will never happen cuz there aint money like drug money! There is proof that legalization would work. Methadone clinics. You stand in line, wait to take your dose and you leave. You still are responsible for your actions, Im just sayin it doesnt have to be as graphic as you would think.

    2. Demoorelizer

      We should also make other things with no use on this earth illegal. Things like roller coasters, baseball, movies, music, protected sex, and owning fish!

    3. Nico Woods

      Oh go have a coffee.... Oh wait thats right its a stimulant, same with the sugar. Cant have nutmeg with your hot choclate cause the hallusinations will be so bad it will make you gang rape children at night....Right? Let me guess your probably ok with the none addictive and medical prescribed oxy-contin rather than the vicious and evil marijuana. It must be OK with people like you that dont care about the quality of life of a man passing away of cancer. On one hand you got some one in minimal pain, the ability to eat and enjoy the last little bit with their lived ones, or someone who dose not feel or say anything at all and eventually dies faster of malnurishment. I guess that's better than passing away of the cancer its self.

  19. drinker69

    Stay away from this chemical garbage. It is bad for you. Meth is disgusting. Smoke grass and have a couple beers. Eat well and enjoy nature. Thats what I think today.

    1. Mike Purcell

      meth is garbage

  20. David Edwards

    The burn victim who said "I didnt do it to get high, I did it for the money" made me really wonder what is going on in the minds of people in charge of the "war on drugs" (lol - they shud look up some of the definitions of the word "drug").

    Do they really not realise that prohibiting certain drugs just makes it more attractive from a business perspective. I'm kinda tempted tbh, I wouldn't mind a few more houses(j/k). They must be making money from the "war" or else they wouldn't be doing it.

    Kinda like a racket (if i got the right term) where the government is like "you act all big and scary, we'll tell everybody if they dont give us loads of money for protection then the scary thing will come get them, in return, we'll make the profit margins obscenely high so you guys can make a tonne of money too".

    Irishkev, dude dont be like that man, I've never taken meth or any other prohibited substance apart from weed aka cannabis which is why I have no idea if sex is better on or off meth, unless you have taken it, I dont think you can claim to know either. Tbh, it seems quite plausible that making love while under the effect of a substance that produces a tonne of dopamine could be more enjoyable then making love without. Sex is like music its just personal taste really, is meth sex for me? no, but its clearly more enjoyable for some. "HIVfag" dude... really? This insult is as disgusting and outdated as calling someone a lazy dope addict. The inclusion of an ignorant comment, inflammatory insult and a false dilemma in 3 consecutive sentences makes me wonder if you are just trolling.

    Anyhow amusing documentary, seems biased but then I expected that, infact thats what makes it amusing for me >8¬) some bits were kinda saddening tho >8¬(

    1. dewflirt

      Hi, nice comment :) and Irish is a nice bloke :)

  21. musbcrazy

    lmao...how convenient, its either mexicans or US citizens themselves! blah blah blah nobody believes the gov funded documentary's anymore...we all know any drugs comin in the US do so with a little bit of hush hush from that same corrupt toxic gov. have u f--kin seen what passes for congress these days? theyre all crooks in suits, bar a very few!

    put them in jail where they belong and thatll be the first step in cleaning america up!

  22. Julie

    300 billion dollar a year global industry!!! And they want you to believe their fighting a war against them. I call BS!!!!

    1. Irishkev

      I second that!!

  23. dewflirt

    Can't be that bad, soldiers like it too!

  24. Robert Andersson

    51 million users can't be wrong Irishkev!

    1. memoiandi

      ummmm, yeah they can.

    2. Irishkev

      So by your logic Rob, shyte tastes good 'cause hey, a billion flies can't be wrong', lol

  25. Irishkev

    Man , don't tell me it makes sex even better, that's nonsense. Do meth and ride a HIVfag , cool. I'll have a healthy woman and some Herb anyday.

    Confucius say , "Meth is for LOSERS".

    1. Sieben Stern

      you do know that HIV isn't a 'fag' disease, right?

    2. dewflirt

      They interviewed gay guys about their experiences of unprotected sex whilst on meth. They said it contributed to the spread of hiv. Think he was being sarky :)

    3. Irishkev

      I do of course Sieben , I was just using the example given in the film. No offence meant to anyone .

    4. David Edwards

      My apologies Kev for being OTT.

      Just wanted to say, this John guy is freaking hilarious LOL iirc he thinks the worlds governments should eradicate *all* drugs, everywhere. Oh and not just prohibition, total eradication through burning or.. whatever to the degree that they cease to exist on the earth. Oh and not just illegal drugs but clinical drugs like morphine, natural drugs like caffeine and cocoa, any drug you can think of.. No pain relief, no medicinals, no antibiotics, nothing less then 100% eradication of all drugs known to man will solve the worlds problems. This includes sugars, and yes im not kidding, apparently he does not ingest sugars (big rofl). Apparently sugar related crimes are a huge problem for the world.

      Best start hiding ur paracetamol in every nook and cranny you know of, johns coming to burn them!!

      Ahhh the comments section is often just as amusing as the documentary.