A Survivor's Guide To Plane Crashes

2006, Society  -   21 Comments
Ratings: 8.21/10 from 29 users.

A Survivor's Guide To Plane CrashesEvery day across the world, more than 3 million people catch a plane.

Yet despite it being the safest form of travel, many of us are terrified of flying and what we fear most is crashing and dying.

Most people believe that if they're in a plane crash their time is up, in fact the truth is surprisingly different.

Over 90% of plane crashes have survivors and there are many things you can do to increase your chances of staying alive.

The producers of this documentary have spoken to aviation safety experts, crash investigators as well as plane crash survivors - and put together the 'ultimate survivors guide to plane crashes'.

Over 90% of plane crashes have survivors. This documentary is a survivor’s guide to how to survive a plane crash – no matter how bad. There are strategies you can take to increase your odds of your very survival.

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21 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Mr M

    It's a malfunction of the AI autopilot that is scary.
    See "Qantas Flight 72" documentary.

  2. Jay

    I agree...What's wrong with walking walker :)
    I thought flying backwards sounded great but what about take off lol

  3. walker

    I think my habit of watching plane crashes documentaries has made me not wanting to ever join a flight. soo scared to sit in a flight. wondering how to ever outside my country.

  4. Scottness

    THAT is a great, great idea! and it's a common sense solution, too.

    and for those get-sick people, give them the option to face forward.
    better yet, rotating seats!

  5. Scottness

    ok, so planes are reliable. true, they are meticulously maintained and have a great safety record. the problem is, and it's a big one, is that if you're unfortunate enough to be in one, chances are, you WILL die. horrifically, i might add. because it won't be quick. sheer, like 10++, terror for a minute or 2, then squish.
    if i have an accident in a car, there's a good chance it'll be survivable. and it's usually instant - over b4 you know it.
    THAT'S what scares me - the virtual guarantee of death.

  6. docoman

    Don't assume the crash position....assume the f*kng worst! :)

    1. Ret

      well....how can anyone argue with you on this safety tip.

  7. Alex D.J. Black

    @smugg better sick than dead

  8. kayadooley

    I hate flying, I get all dissy and I freak out and start crying...

    1. Ret

      if i catch you on my flight i will knock you unconscious...i warn you.

  9. MJ

    I don't get the fears of flying. Been doing about at least twice-a-year since the age of 6. Because of the simple fact that you're IN THE AIR, planes are meticulously designed and built to not fall from the sky. And they're thoroughly tested as well. They don't just slap shit together and let you walk on without any foresight toward your life.

    1. Tina Crisas

      What don't you understand about the fact that some people have phobias?

    2. Ret

      i suspect you might be the one to wail and scream the loudest....i just have a strong feeling about this.

  10. smugg

    travelling backwards makes me sick.

    1. Ret

      how about upside down, then right side up, then sideways all in one shot? you scaredy cat. get a spine.

  11. Inyuki

    ENGEERS, PLEASE, REVERSE PASSANGER SEATS on cars, airplanes, busses, etc., and reduce the rate of injuries in accidents multiple times.

    1. Ret

      i hope you try this in your car....reversing down the freeway is definately safer. let me know how it turns out.

  12. danny

    very good doc, the tips at the end are worth remembering

    1. Ret

      tips, i must have missed them.

  13. Riley

    survival tip #1:

    get off the plane before it crashes & take the bus, instead.

    if you need to go over water, take a boat, but watch the boat survival video first.

    1. Ret

      i like it, but i dont remember the stewardesses saying this in their safety tips. must mention it the next time i fly.