Seeing the Beginning of Time

2017, Science  -   9 Comments
Ratings: 7.98/10 from 47 users.

How did the intricate dance between the planets, stars and galaxies inform the architecture of the universe we know today? Seeing the Beginning of Time utilizes eye-popping high-resolution visuals to demonstrate the study of this evolution.

The visuals in the film are a testament to the power of modern technologies in space mapping and exploration. With the use of supercomputers, scientists now have the ability to visualize the formation of our universe with greater clarity and understanding than ever before.

The core of the film results from the work performed by researchers at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois. As part of a global collective called the Dark Energy Survey, they're attempting to trace the echoes of a very distant past when the Cosmic Dawn brought forth the formation of first generation galaxies.

Researchers from across the globe from the United States to Chile - and the technologies, databases and telescopes they employ - are changing the face of modern astronomy. We may finally have the means to study long-dimmed stars and other galactic activities, and answer some of the most baffling and fundamental questions in the history of cosmic science in the process. How did these first generations planets and galaxies evolve over the course of hundreds of millions of years? What role did gravity and dark matter play in that evolution? What is the nature of dark matter?

In addition, these researchers are able to test long-held scientific theories that originated from giants like Einstein, and scrutinize them against never-before-attainable visual evidence.

As we continue to study the expansion of the universe, we also expand our understanding of our own existence and our perceptions of the world around us. The efforts profiled in the film are profoundly consequential; they may result in a complete remapping of our universe and set the course of study for future generations of scientists.

Featuring authoritative and elegantly articulated narration, insights from leading scientists on the front line of this study, and a wall-to-wall array of awe-inspiring imagery, Seeing the Beginning of Time is a beautifully assembled documentary that will delight cosmic enthusiasts and mainstream audiences alike.

Directed by: Thomas Lucas

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9 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Geo

    186000 miles/second X 60 sec X 60 min X 24 hours = 16+ BILLION miles in one day of light travel.

    If light has to be reflected off an object or come from an object, in order for you to see it, then having better optics does NOT speed up the light nor shorten the amount of TIME it takes for the light to reach you.

    I would dearly like to prevent any of my tax dollars going to these silliness-es; such as making computer models and computer imagery. If these dudes want to spend their hobby time and money on such pursuits, fine.

    However, if they spent their time solving their own and most of the world's ignorance about the world we live on, that would be more worthwhile and productive.

    1. Jay

      You don't get it. It's not that you speed up light, but you travel back along its ray to the point of origin, of course it doesn't make sense if you look at the light of a car, but when you go in light years, you can see the past.

  2. Cheryl Curry

    great documentary, interesting, exciting and fascinating but narrator puts me to sleep

  3. Rienn

    Brilliant........ that's all I can say!! as a layman I find this all encompassing subject, possibly the real 5 element? or is that just a given
    ?... cheers and thank's for being there

  4. DD

    Reminds me of the "A Journey to the End of Time": a "visual masterpiece" but hardly scientific.

    I especially love the part during "A Journey to the End of Time" when the narrator states that "...those are the gravitational waves (of black holes)...they're literally the sounds of space ringing...if you were standing near enough your ear would resonate with the squeezing and stretching of space...."

    Hello! Space....

    I mean, people really believe, and claim as science, that this all just BANGed into existence? Really?

    1. Kamil

      What do you think happened?
      Another option is, of course, that there is not actually anything like the "beginning" and it's always been around, but our feeble apish minds just can't grasp it (very very very likely)

  5. Ziggy Star

    There is no end, or beginning. Only the moment, and all its infinities.

    1. Thinker

      No limitations!

    2. Maxime Daigle

      smoking the passive arrogant making greens arent ya?