Black Holes and the High Energy Universe

2016, Science  -   10 Comments
Ratings: 7.80/10 from 88 users.

The most powerful and violent events are not Earth-bound. They're taking place right now in space. The mysteries of the violent and highly magnetized objects in our universe set the foundation for the new documentary short titled Black Holes and the High Energy Universe.

Specifically, the film is concerned with the study of black holes, quasars, and supernovas, and in exploring the various means our astronomers have employed in researching them.

Do black holes really exist? What is the nature of quasars? How are supernovas formed, and what elements do they contain? Just decades ago, these questions remained unanswered. Thanks to a series of groundbreaking exploratory missions, and the most advanced imaging technologies in the field, these perplexities are now clearer to us than ever before.

Each of the missions profiled in the film utilize profoundly sophisticated telescopes which are tailored to serve specific functions. There's the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, which surveys the sky in search of high energy phenomena. First launched in 2008, this intensely sensitive instrument captures invaluable data and stunning images of gamma-ray bursts, black hole signatures and other extreme activities in our universe.

Gamma-ray explosions occur in our skies at least once a day, but our comprehension of their cause has remained a puzzle. The Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission seeks to rectify this by collecting detailed data from each individual burst. The Chandra Mission records high energy supernovas and quasars with the most advanced X-ray system ever devised. The NuSTAR Mission also utilizes telescopic x-ray technologies to travel the orbit in search of black holes, supernovas and cosmic rays.

Finally, the Hubble Space Telescope has proven perhaps most useful in deepening our understanding of the universe. It has assisted us in tracing galaxies through each evolutionary stage, mapping the age of our universe, and in furthering scientific theories on the existence of dark energy. It has also helped us identify M87, which is one of the largest galaxies in the known universe.

Black Holes and the High Energy Universe is distinguished by a wealth of jaw-dropping imagery captured from each of these missions, and its authoritative, yet easily digestible narration.

Directed by: Thomas Lucas

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10 Comments / User Reviews

  1. EffOff

    It would appear the limiters of what opinions you get to read are much like the Nazi book burners.

  2. SlickUncaSam

    More distractions for the masses. Ever since Sputnik, they have been conning the masses into wasting tax dollars on this rubbish. Now if a private billionaire wants to fund some research, okay, whatever. At least they might reveal something more truthful. Much like those who inherited wealth in the long bygone era where they would make themselves useful by investigating and documenting the phenomenon that interested them.

    How about spending the loot on solving some real problems, like getting rid of the Federal Reserve Bank, NASA, the CIA, Dept of Energy, and many others which are there to serve the banksters, not the public.

  3. jhd

    be cool

  4. Atlas

    Please don't recommend AdBlock.
    Use uBlock Origin. AdBlock is actually sponsored to let through ads at times and places. While it's possible to tweak AdBlock to work as intended, uBlock Origin doesn't use such sneaky tricks.

  5. Rangoon416

    Excellent graphics and information. Yes, AdBlock works beautifully.

  6. Dave

    No!!! It's the drunk narrator guy, again!! As soon as I hear his voice, I know the quality I'm about to get. Maybe it's just his voice being so annoying that makes me sit through a video like this with a grimace on my face, hoping I get a couple of snippets of info I didn't already know.

  7. Norman Nelson

    This is a rubbish video.
    In 2:17 gamma rays bursts is mentioned as "explosions". How many times in a row can a star explode? And over a longer period too!?
    These "scientists" have to grow up and become electromagnetical in their cosmological and astrophysical approaches.
    Where there is magnetic bursts, the cause is electic! "Supernova" bursts are electric discharges and the star dont explode at all.
    Dear, oh dear!

  8. mike

    ^this will make youtube watchable

  9. Mato

    User1 try AdBlock and ads will not be present then

  10. User1

    Good info here, but next time I'm passing. Too many ads to click through.