Russia's Millennium Children

2019, Society  -   7 Comments
Ratings: 5.59/10 from 17 users.

President Vladimir Putin rose to his current position of power at the dawning of the new century. An entire generation of millennials has grown up under his regime. The reality he's created is the only reference point they've personally experienced. The documentary Russia's Millennium Children examines this generation's views on their controversial leader.

"We don't have a democracy," says one 20-year old. While the younger generations have only known life under Putin's authoritarian rule, many have exposed themselves to other world influences through the internet.

One teenaged subject bemoans the insecurities and fears she feels she's inherited from previous generations. As the victim of constant school bullying, she's suffocating in her homeland, and feels constrained by a society that works to suppress personal or outside-the-box expression. We witness her marching amongst Russian citizens of all ages in opposition of Putin's leadership tactics.

Many of the film's interview subjects relish the opportunity to practice freedom of thought, and attempt to remain clear of the prejudices that they believe characterize their parents' generation. Some feel the pull of activism while others seek a more traditional form of careerism. One student has been involved in protests which have turned violent, another frets over the period of mandatory military service that awaits him after college.

Others view Putin as a courageous force who has done much to enhance Russia's standing and maintain world order. While their classmates might express dissatisfaction with Putin's means of enforcement, these students are driven by a palpable sense of pride and nationalism.

We learn about the millennials' schooling life, their social interactions, the paths that seem predestined for them and their ambitions for a brighter future.

The filmmakers intersperse Putin's own public addresses between the testimonies of the teens and young adults. For many, these orations are filled with empty and false promises, and create an alluring façade designed to deceive the masses.

Russia's Millennium Children is a thoughtful and probing look into lives and perceptions that continue to evolve within their unique environment. Somewhere within the film, we just might be witnessing the future of the country itself.

Directed by: Irene Langemann

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7 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Julian

    Have long been an admirer of Vladimir Putin, but his time management is poor. He should have honourably left office by now, could leave a good legacy.

  2. Jackal

    It has been nearly 40 years since I "toured" Russia and there have been significant changes to it since then, of course. My family (aunts, uncles and cousins) lived in Kazakhstan at the time. Nothing was as modern as it now appears -- personal car ownership was rare; clothes were old fashioned; to some extent it was like Canada in the '30's. None of the young people we met dared talk freely like these young people, not did they seem to have the opportunity that these young people have. Military service was still compulsory. I have hopes for these youngsters once Putin is out of the scene with hopefully another man more like Gorbachev. A democracy is still far away

  3. Voluntaryist

    "We just might be witnessing the future of the country itself." ?? No "countries" exist! There are individuals who live within lines on maps, with separate minds, separate lives, no different from individuals everywhere. The concept "country" is an attempt to trick people into forgetting about themselves, acting against their conscience, their welfare, their life. Just as a country is a fiction, so is "collective mind", "common good", "national security". I am a thinking being. If I work, communicate with another, we are two thinking beings, perhaps more powerful, but still two distinct individuals. We are not one new being.

  4. Maxine

    I haven't watched "Russia's Millenium Children" yet but based on your introduction I do have a few questions:

    1....What does bullying particularly have to do with Russia?....It is brutal but goes on everywhere, even in so-called (fake) Democracies like the US.

    2....Where would these kids expect to find free personal expression?....The grass is not necessarily greener elsewhere....For sure they wouldn't find it in the US, the nation that calls itself the greatest Democracy on earth but is now well on the way toward full-fledged Fascism....There, you can be shot for expressing opposition views.

  5. XonEarth

    Another video full of biased and staged U.S. propaganda lies. Russia is much more democratic than our U.S. corporate state plutocracy where corruption rules. It is projection. The U.S. multi-trillion dollar war machine needs to make Russia and China into enemies and maintain their new cold war. It is insanity.

    1. GunnarInLA

      ....Great post – enthusiastically agree...

    2. Cookie

      I work with newcomers everyday. And i see and talk to a lot of russians. Every single one of them came here for a better life. Many were scared for what the future held for them and felt they had no choice but to leave. I think you have an opinion based on your own twisting of reality, not based in fact.