The Putin System

2007, Politics  -   44 Comments
Ratings: 7.80/10 from 61 users.

The Putin SystemThe Putin System is a documentary chronicling Putin’s rise to power in Russia along with the implications for ordinary Russian people.

Russia is once again flexing its muscles. This time its weapons are not the Red Army or its nuclear arsenal, but the huge energy resources lying under the Siberian tundra.

Vladimir Putin is the man responsible for the reemergence of Russia as a global power, but how much is really known about him and his ascendance? This film explores his journey to the highest echelons of the Kremlin and contextualizes his rise against a newly belligerent Russia nostalgic for the past glories of the Soviet empire.

This investigative documentary covers 30 years in the history of Russia through the personal history of Vladimir Putin: a man who has single-mindedly played all the rules of the game to reach the throne of power.

Directed by: Jean-Michel Carré

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44 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Waldo Tim

    Western Lies!!

  2. Bruno Villela

    bah, western propaganda, they even changed his quotes.

  3. Dante Robertson

    Any one who really expected an KGB agent to be an weak ineffective western puppet must be an complete id**t strong nations are built by iron hand men with vision not weak men wanting to be like Europe and america

    1. Emit Brown

      What does "strong nation" mean for you? Is it a paranoid militarized bureaucracy where corruption thrives? Because that is what Mr. Putin is building right now.

    2. DoThinking

      It looks to me lately that a picture has been reversed: our foreign policy is highly militarized being involved around the world having about 200 different bases without cutting a defence budget. Just a 5 to 10% cut would resolve a healthcare crisis making our companies more competitive. As I know the Cold War is over and Russians had reduced significantly their nuclear arsenal having abot a 1/3 of US 12,000 multiple heads missiles. Who are we targeting? The Russians didn't threat any Western Europe country, Just the opposite, Germany imports about 40% of the natural gas from Russia and in exchange has invested the most in their infrastructure building highways and service stations. The only aggression Russia has been shown with its own republics seeking independence. But don't you remember our Civil war under similar circumstances when the Union did not want to allow for succession. It was the bloodiest war on US soil. It's time to listen again to the speech of JFK prior to his famous one in Berlin given in some university after the Cuban crisis. He had mentioned that "Russians had earned the respect as a strong nation resisting its demise showing a creativity and the unprecedented industrial growth." It was so unexpextedly positive that Russians had stopped jamming the radio waves allowing to the Soviets to listen to it, and Nikita Chruschev had proclaimed "this is a president that I trust and willing to work with!" Shortly after a significant peace treaty had been signed, Russians are not "paranoid". Do not discount them like in the Cuban crisis. Why they should have a complete trust in US policy when we have a precedent of using nuclear weapons not once but twice, What will stop us from droping a few over the "Evil Empire". US goverment is the largest exporter of weapons in the world. We have the largest amounts od the weaponized anthrax and some genetically modified viruses that do not exist in nature and if released would devastate wntire countries without dropping a single nuke. But, what if by accident some is released in the US. Is it a paranoid thinking?

    3. Russell Holland

      I went through registering in order to respond to Emit but then saw your post DoThinking. Its right on the money and very informative! Any critical comments about Putin and Russia by non Russians only shows ignorance and paranoia at this point in time.

    4. xIRONFISTx

      Russia still has more nuclear warheads than the U.S. It has been this way for a very long time. Despite the ongoing reductions of both US and Russian arsenals, the Russians have been keen to hang onto as many warheads as possible. Off the top of my head, the most recent figures (end of 2014) put the US with about 7,000 warheads and Russia with approximately 7,500. Also worth noting that while the US is still using the same old missiles from the 1980's, Russia has brazenly continued to design brand new missiles and delivery systems like silo or mobile launched Topol-M (RS-24 Yars), mobile tactical launcher Iskander (MRBM), submarine launched RSM-56 Bulava (SLBM), rail launcher BZhRK in development (launched from a special train), and a brand new heavy ICBM to replace the R-36 and expected to carry as many as 15 warheads with countermeasures on a single rocket.

      When it comes to nuclear provocation the Russians take the cake. The US nuclear forces have degraded to a dangerous level because of a complete lack of military leadership combined with the widespread public illusion that the Cold War is over and false assurance there is no longer a threat of nuclear war. Despite spending several billion dollars and more than three decades on missile defense projects, the US still doesn't have a viable defensive system in place. Offensive capability is made up of antiquated Cold War relics. It's really a sorry state of affairs for the US nuclear arsenal. It has been completely ignored for nearly 3 decades.

    5. adot

      agreed. Putin is evil.

    6. George

      LOL because Europe and America are weak

      ROFLMFAO check out the GDPs and the economic and military power... Russia is a weak-kneed schoolgirl

  4. Lord_Grammer

    Dick Cheney @1:10:13! I had to listen to it a few times just to see if he was serious. LMAO
    "No one can justify actions that undermine the territorial integriy of a neighbour; or interfere with democratic movements."

    Irony is WASTED on these people!

    Said this in another post but - At least Tsar Putin is (strangely) quite honest about his ambitions. Scary, when you think about it.

  5. RsonistRakim

    Since the Bolsheviks the Russians have been under Jewish rule. Once Putin came to power he ordered all the Oligarchs(most of whom are Jewish by birth, not religion) to pay some of the money that they made over unsuspecting everyday common Russian-folk, half did as he said and half fled the country. The ones that fled are now exiled and are never allowed to return, only at their own risk. Its true, Russia literally sits on top of a horde of natural resources but then again those resources belong to them. The UN knows this and is fixated on provoking little warlike acts in between Russia/China/India/and Pakistan. Because we all know the UN cannot just sit back and allow the people to own what's rightfully theirs, they want their little dirty-cold blooded hands on this natural wealth and you can best believe they wont rest assured until they get a piece of the Big Pie. Screw the UN, US, UK, Israel, and Rothschild Tribunal in the City of London, which all of these organizations take their dirty, satanic, shameless, provocative, and merciless orders from in order to further their 6000 year old agenda and become masters at distributing wealth and controlling the masses. Well sorry to burst your Round-Table bubble but you'll need a better plan then that because its way to apparent that you Dirty Rothschild rats are loosing the grip on society that you've held for so long and got used to while the shit was sweet, well the shit is bitter now and its way to obvious that they are trying to take all of us down with them, but I'm not budging.

  6. RsonistRakim

    Since the Bolsheviks the Russians have been under Jewish rule. Once Putin came to power he ordered all the Oligarchs(most of whom are Jewish by birth, not religion) to pay some of the money that they made over unsuspecting everyday common Russian-folk, half did as he said and half fled the country. The ones that fled are now exiled and are never allowed to return, only at their own risk. Its true, Russia literally sits on top of a horde of natural resources but then again those resources belong to them. The UN knows this and is fixated on provoking little warlike acts in between Russia/China/India/and Pakistan. Because we all know the UN cannot just sit back and allow the people to own what's rightfully theirs, they want their little dirty-cold blooded hands on this natural wealth and you can best believe they wont rest assured until they get a piece of the Big Pie. Screw the UN, US, UK, Israel, and Rothschild Tribunal in the City of London, which all of these organizations take their dirty, satanic, shameless, provocative, and merciless orders from in order to further their 6000 year old agenda and become masters at distributing wealth and controlling the masses. Well sorry to burst your Round-Table bubble but you'll need a better plan then that because its way to apparent that you Dirty Rothschild rats are loosing the grip on society that you've held for so long and got used to while the **** was sweet, well the **** is bitter now and its way to obvious that they are trying to take all of us down with them, but I'm not budging.

    1. DoThinking

      You are poisoned by an antisemitic helpless rage. For your information, being a racist is a crime today that is not tolerated even in France being a part of the civilized democratic world. You are using even Goebbels Nazi propaganda comparing Jews to rats "Dirty Rothschild rats...". Check on YouTube what has happened to a racist like you in France recently:

      John Galliano, top Dior designer, facing trial for racial antisemitic remarks ...

      Yes, it's time to learn that there's a strong affinity between Jewish and Christians traditions that are foreign to Islam. Jesus was born to a Jewish mother, He had observed Jewish traditions and had been berried in a Jewish grave of that time. All his early followers were Hebrews including the 12 apostles. We share 10 Commandments which are the cornerstone of Western civilization. And yes, Jews are mostly talented people having proved it in taking Nobel prizes, creating an art, music, poetry etc. that transcends generations. And yes they are also excellent doctors, lawyers, financial experts dominating the economics in academical world.
      On the other hand, I can refresh your memory, the Mufti of Jerusalem had met with Hitler and had signed a pact as a traitor requesting that all Jews were transported to Poland's concentration camps instead of letting The Hebrews going back home to Palestine. Just check History Channel or Public TV WGBH Boston for this documentary.

    2. YTisPissed

      Look how the jew jumps on you immediately. The BIG LIE is the idea of some kind of "Judeo/Christian" ANYTHING. The two are ANTITHETICAL. They are of their father, the father of lies, for there is not a word of truth in him.

    3. xIRONFISTx

      Ignoring your stupid rant about jews, the more important question is why should humanity allow Russia to horde vast quantities of very important natural resources? By what right are those resources the property of the Russian nation? Because someone drew some lines on a map centuries ago and said "this part is mine, that part is yours?" This is not a good enough reason to deprive the world of access. If the autocracy in Moscow doesn't want to shell out the money required to tap into those hidden natural resources, then they deserve to be replaced by someone who is willing to open it up for both the benefit of the Russian population and mankind as a whole. This applies to any country hoarding natural resources from the rest of the world, not just Russia. The only reason why Russia gets singled out is because they just happen to be sitting on the largest patch of land on Earth and the vast majority of that land is being left completely to waste while the little Tsar in Moscow diverts all the public money to the domestic defence contractors for weapons to "protect" the resources that he refuses to tap.

  7. sashka85

    I like Putin in some way...he stopped economic failure of Russia after the Soviet Union collapse, and gave people new hope for a better life,but you can't satisfy everyone... he is very clever in every country,when you have so much power,their is always those who wants to destroy you,and sometimes you need to use your power in an illegal way... but i don't justify crimes...Today we use too much word "democracy" and there is no real democracy nowhere. It's only a word to blind people. Today's governments uses word "democracy" to bomb other countries,but the only true is... to get more power and oil. And Putin has so much oil in his country,so it's means for now Russia is a top player...

    1. Lafayette

      [S85: Today we use too much word "democracy" and there is no real democracy nowhere.}

      Democracy is perfect nowhere. Perhaps a Benevolent Dictatorship is best if people do not know how to run a Constitutional Democracy. But a Benevolent Dictatorship has nowhere ever been achieved really in history.

      And, at present, the US is failing badly at its Constitutional Democracy, because one party wants to dominate at all costs since it is sponsored by an oligarchic elite.

  8. Sean MacMahon


    The French form of the title is "Le Systeme *Poutine*". As a Canadian that is hilarious to me. :)

    Great doc by the way.

  9. John Cury

    They are making it look like Russia is the only country that has the ***hole problem, every single country on this planet has one or another kind of an ***hole leading it to destruction. Can you please show me a country where elections are really honest and transparent? Can you show me a country that is getting laws in place which give more freedom to people rather then limiting them? No, so let’s all lay back and see where the canoe takes us.

  10. RileyRampant

    an able summary of the putin history, rise to power, consolidation of his ruling party. seemed factual, as well as critical.

    the guy is a formidable power broker & wielder. interesting , though, that finally (just since the sham elections of a few weeks ago) there is some bit of reaction to the oligarchy. but its now 4 years since the film was made, and twelve years since he took over.

    over a hundred thousand were in the square in moscow last saturday. that's not nothing. some mights say, about time for repression and theft to achieve a measurable popular response.

    it was moving when the dissident spoke how his kind never thought the soviet system would be overcome, and then after it did, that it would re-occur. then he started weeping.

  11. jilted_generation

    Let's make this clear, without someone to control diffrent sectors of our lives
    (food,waste management,laws defining property such as land,home etc) we would destroy ourselfs, either over night or in a few decades/centuries becouse of some indirect consequence.

    No one man is able to (and if one is capable, he should not be allowed to), decide the fate of our lives.

    Also, we more and more realize that what each of us do in our countries, doesn't affect just us, but actions send a ripple through the global affairs aswell, and affects us all.

    We do need a global gov, one that can gesture and administrate on a global scale for the good of us all. This is hard to accept becouse individuality and the self is trendy nowadays.

    I believe that in future years this will change, either we like it or not. Countries have no choice but to side with other countries in order to benefit and meet it's people demands, forge alliances, this will continue untill they all add up so to speak.

    It is only when a global police is formed that we realise we are now all as one, and ignorance will become a luxury none can afford.

    Till then, people like Putin, Obama, Hu Jintao etc, will continue to do what they do best, measure eachother's d**ks and install monopolies on resources we are all entitled to just for their benefit, or in the best case scenario, only for the people they represent.

  12. fonbindelhofas

    Dick Cheney describes palitical practice of USA, in this case hes not happy Russia use the same methods... its simply non of em give a sh.t about democracy or human rights... power hungry sociapaths!

    1. francuccio

      What does all that mean? Spelling, grammar, vocabulary! Atrocious!

  13. go disablakho

    you like your master? the one that wants his people to murder another people so that he can look untouchable? why do you people always want a GOD? you think the only way we can live is by having masters that fight with other masters but ending a lot of innocent lives? i'm just saying it could be your son, or your father. is a man with this kind of temper really worth dying for? let's all put the differences asside. we don't need kings. we don't need masters!! i want all my brothers from each country to unite. countries are as old,obsolete, dangerous and unuseful for us, the people, as the bible is. think about it

  14. robis_88

    Some might find it shocking, but russians really adore Putin. Im living in Latvia and about 1/3 of the population are ethnic russians. They watch mostly Russian pro-Putin news and believe in every good word that's said about him, but every bit of critics from western media (as there is almost none coming from Russia) is considered as western propaganda. Most these folks really do think that it's other way around, there still are some with their eyes opened, but they believe that all of the other parties are even worse than United Russia. And any problems with elections can be fixed by counting votes "the right way" :D

    1. Emit Brown

      I believe the demonstrations after parliamentary and presidential elections prove that Putin is far from being adored by people in Russia.

      "...they believe that all of the other parties are even worse than United Russia..."
      The other parties as well as United Russia are puppets - people know that and Putin knows that they will never win people's trust. Putin has been taking care of those who could and can even potentially challenge him - he is a typical dictator who eliminates any potential treat to his power.

  15. Arnie

    The Political history of Vladimir Putin - Currently Prime Minister of Russia in 2011 - Former President of Russia in this documentary 2007.

    A very interesting look at the man who will be part of the March 2012 Russian Presidential Elections. More information on the 2012 March Russian Presidential elections can be found at the Russian news web site RIA Novosti. RIA Novosti has an english page for westerners.

    This documentary presents some very relevant information with regards to Russia becoming the next world super power superceding the United States. This will probably happen between 2020 and 2030 when the oil reservoirs supplying the United States begin to run dry.

    It is a very serious concern for the United States. Russia is in a very strong energy position and Vladimir Putin knows it. Energy is power and control on a world stage.

    A well done documentary by the CBC in Ottawa, Canada.

  16. Al

    Pretty horrible anti-Russian propaganda, I must say. And full of misleading facts... Describing events from 1993 and using the footage from 2003... Also, Putin was never a spy: he worked in counter-intelligence, not the same... Cheney criticizing Putin for using oil as a political tool?... Preposterous!!!

    1. DoThinking

      Americans are "allergic" to a dictatorship in any form or shape including the Soviet which Putin is representing rather well. Putin has publicly declared that the breakdown of the Soviet Union including Perestroika was a tragic event in the Russian history. Americans to blame for not supporting Michael Gorbachev with a timely aid similar to Japan's reconstruction or a Marshall Plan. Thus, a rare opportunity to bring Russia into democratic world has been missed! It's painful for me to realize finally after many years that the US is not willing to accept Russia as an equal partner who could bring a balance into the region.

      At the same time, the US attitude towards China is totally different in spite of China being a hardcore communistic country having even a tighter control over its citizens freedom than Russia. Americans have invested heavily in China regardless of serious IP violations and many obstacles facing American companies to do business in China.

      Now, going back to Cheney and other selected few. Currently, 20% of US population owns 80% of all assets. Cheney during his term had more than 400 meeting behind closed doors with the special interest groups. He is just the most known to the public "as one of the few 20%" who had enriched himself tremendously "serving" his nation and is no different from the oligarchs. Various powerful Lobbies rule the Capitol Hill. From 10 richest counties across the entire USA 7 are located in the Washington DC metropolitan area. These powerful lobbies are funded by the special interest groups and employ some former government officials as "consultants" to push their agenda behind closed doors. "If there's no transparency then there's no democracy".

      The recent disclosures of the government giving the CIA and NSA almost unlimited monitoring of American citizens is no different than a totalitarian rule when even the congress is incapable to get a disclosure or have a discussion to limit such activities. When Benjamin Franklin was leaving his office, the incoming replacement had asked him: "what do you leave behind you?". His answer is so relevant even today: "I leave you The Republic, if you can keep it!". Apparently, The Republic is using the IRS having unlimited capabilities to destroy people's life based on presumption of guilt instead of innocence! The recent IRS targeting of conservative groups and even individuals including their families is no different from Putin's use of "Tax Evasion" as a political targeting. "Proizvol" is still widely spread and I can assure you that anybody would not be able to find a solid defense against such state using the tax code. Also, in the US a good example is Al Capon who was convicted primarily on tax evasion by unleashing the U.S. Treasury Department while FBI was helpless to build a criminal case against him.

      Now about the energy. It's easy to blame Russians for using it in advancing their interests. The real problem is that the US is behind the same strategy because of its inability to have a National Energy Plan that has been requested by 3 presidents just to end up with conflicting special interest groups resisting especially to switch the focus on natural gas! This is not my individual opinion but rather is a solid fact! Apparently, USA has the richest deposits of natural gas, even larger than Russia! And a few years ago a new drilling "parallel" technology has been used successfully to explore gas deposits inexpensively without a deep drilling. Gas prices have fallen from $5 to $3 based on demand/supply in spite of a huge real estate boom where every house used a natural gas without any limitations. However, the industrial use of the gas require a construction of special and expensive plants to bring a gas into a liquid state under certain pressure and temperature. Just a few weeks ago, in the Wall Street Journal a report on construction of such "experimental" 2 or 3 plants in the Gulf of Mexico in Texas by BP and some other company was printed in a "small print" without drawing an attention of the media!. The Congress is again divided over the Country's Energy Policy! As a result, majority is pushing towards the initial project of supplying a liquid gas ONLY to American strategic partners like Japan! Is it any different from Putin's use of energy? Simply, the US is running behind and desperately trying to close the gap when a public interest is disregarded by a dominating force of the lobbyists. Instead of addressing its own internal need for a clean and inexpensive energy, the US is planning "to give it away" by serving a strategic goal and refusing to develop a long-term Energy Plan AGAIN! What will happen when such strategic deliveries will cause a strong demand for natural gas? An American middle class will bear again an increased burden of their utility bills!

      It's not a Norway where oil explorations in deep waters of the Northern Sea bring a revenue share to its citizens in a form of regular checks in mail! Norway has more social services, retirement benefits, maternity leave for both a mother and a father, and etc., than any Communist country. How do they achieve a such progress without being an EU member (maybe it's the reason) is beyond my comprehension!

      Will somebody take a deep look at it and shed a light for all of us?! Is their democracy any different? Instead of wasting time watching the game Russia vs USA, I recommend learning from other models that are working well! For example, USA and Russia are feeling compelled to play
      the super-power roles when Norway is absolutely focused on its own peaceful co-existence like Swiss benefiting first their own citizens.

      One win-win point I clearly see for Russia: When it will cease looking for a recognition and "respect" from the US and instead concentrate on the wellness of its citizens building a prosperity by utilizing the energy resources as a currency instead of a weaponry then magically everything will fall into the right place including the International recognition and use of the Russian sphere of influence in resolving global conflicts like one in former Yugoslavia, Syria and Iraq.

      Communism is an old model that is changing drastically around the world causing former hard-core countries to adapt to the demands of global competition e.g. Vietnam, China and many South American countries. The problem is in Putin's policy going backwards trying to recapture the glory of its own ego instead of applying lessons learned from other economies to benefit and grow the Russian middle class that is in a danger of shrinking to the unprecedented levels having the lowest birth rate since the ancient times...

      According to a very respectable journal Economist and IMF, the United States in 5 years will be also an energy super-power after Saudis and Russia. Number 3. This is not too bad at all since However, as I have mentioned the US will be primarily focused on supplying the liquid gas to its strategic partners. Japan is in a desperate need so is Germany that currently imports 40% of its energy needs from Russia. So, after all Putin & Associates will have a serious competition forcing to drop prices AND this Russia simply can't afford heavily depending on energy revenues!

      Peace to All! A Balance is a Requirement for the International Peace.

  17. Siegfried Wagner

    Le Obama de système.
    Is there any differential?
    Guess not only a region, so what is demokraty.
    There is only DAS KAPITAL!

  18. Matt Kukowski

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. All men and women of power better cater to the PEOPLE and then they are justified in living lavish lives.... I would have NO PROBLEM letting someone live in lavish ways so long as the PEOPLE prosper from EARTH RESOURCES AS WELL ! Both win... we need to stop this bullshit of us against them. We are human beings and soon it will be US against nature... when really it is US and NATURE in the end... because Mother Russia is not... rather Mother NATURE.

  19. NaoCat

    I agree with busterdouglaz, at the end it really became outright propaganda against Putin.

    I mean you can just as easily replace the premise of it being about Russia with USA, it all fits, Putin = Bilderberg group (or w/e their name), media control = fox news, and war in Chechenia = war in Iraq (I don't even need to tell you how many more wars US is fighting and want to instigate new ones)

    From my point of view both USA and Russia are not serving their own people, BUT at least Russia is the one playing nice at the moment.

    1. robis_88

      Russia is the one playing nice

      You did hear him say to french journalist that he will cut he's d*ck off, didn't you?

    2. JoePa19

      I agree towards the end it was anti-putin. 100%. They should've left the cheney segment out. Putin is a ruthless man though. Its obvious. Naocat fox news does not control the media. The left wing controls the media in the US. Has for a long while.

  20. busterdouglaz

    started off really well and even sides, and ended up as a straight up anti putin propaganda. Expected a more even discussion on the subject, but it seems the only people that were interviewed were the ones opposing putin, and narration slowly turned more and more pro west.

    They even had Cheney speech critising russia for using oil and gas as tools of power.....just lol

    1. Louis Stadlin

      Busterdouglaz; It seems you and I watched 2 different documentaries. Is there any way you can justify and explain the poisoning and assassination of political opponents and heads of state of other countries? Putin's only type of diplomacy at home and abroad is Power.

  21. StevenLJones

    In Democracy all people are equal but some are more equal than others.

  22. David Shipway

    all superpowers and wannabes in this world are belligerent, because they are no longer human societies but colossal cyborgs with attitude.

    1. adilrye


  23. Xercès Des Stèles

    Le putin de système.

  24. Stas Konstantinov

    Putin will be president soon again.. Which sucks cuz i hope the communist win, they are at seccond position now

  25. Ryan Evans

    hahaha! Le systeme poutine :) mmm sounds good!

  26. Sieben Stern

    I'm a little disappointed - I can't remember having heard Putin speak, but I imagined him with a really deep, burly voice. He sounds too normal! XD

    1. adilrye

      Voice that silences 1000 Russian bears, I know, I wouldn't expect less lol