The Rockefellers

Ratings: 6.93/10 from 41 users.

The RockefellersFor decades, the Rockefeller name was despised in America–associated with John D. Rockefeller Sr.'s feared monopoly, Standard Oil.

By the end of his life, Rockefeller had given away half his fortune–but even his vast philanthropy could not erase the memory of his predatory business practices.

His only son, John D. Rockefeller Jr., would dedicate his life to recasting the family image. In the quest for redemption and respectability, Junior would give away hundreds of millions of dollars, and would insist that his six children behave impeccably.

Their contributions transformed America. When he died at age 86, Junior left his six children and 22 grandchildren an invaluable inheritance: a name which stood not for corporate greed, but for the well-being of mankind.

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38 Comments / User Reviews

  1. John ny I. Berto

    Where is Michael? Hanks?

  2. FakeName

    So why are they pulling out of oil right before Hilary is elected president (obvi rigged like their oil !).. What do they have up their sleeve next? I know it's not for the betterment of the planet & mankind. PS. I didn't watch this movie

    1. Gunderfelch MacGuillicutty

      Obviously because Covid was planned. That's why they got out of oil. We know now!!

  3. Rebecca Casstevens

    who killed rudolf diesel?

  4. Ddh

    John D and his mob were criminals and no matter the white wash or his family's attempt to clean-up the image, he and his gang should have gone to jail for their criminal enterprise. He is largely responsible for circumventing the strictures on corporations as temporary endeavors to engage in large projects that would serve the public interests. He did this by bribing the Rhode Island legislature into establishing loose controls on corporate activities and ending the shelf life requirement that kept these monsters in control.

  5. sabretruthtiger

    Shane, The NWO is destroying the economy and environment via the orchestrated credit crisis, wars, orchestrated disasters, spreading toxins in the air, food and water. They are killing millions and want to reduce the population to a billion or so. I'm pretty sure the world doesn't need murderous psychopaths murdering billions and poisoning the planet. You're not part of the elite BTW Shane, just so you know. You and your children will suffer with the rest. People that believe Rockefellas are good people are the same gullible morons that buy the anthropogenic Global Warming scam despite all evidence showing no significant human effect on climate, or the same idiots that believe the official 911 story that contravenes the laws of physics.

    1. KarpKomet

      The "NWO"!!?? Did u mean the credit crisis orchistrated by americans owning 6 credid cards on AVERAGE, racking up huge personal dept cuz there losing jobs 2 china and for some reason needing 2 own 3 giant 400hp SUV's or ford f-150's. Then borrow against there home to bail them out. Perhaps the WELL DOCUMENTED criminal and stupidly greedy behavior of almost all the U.S. major banks taking advantage of that.

      What i hate is people listening to mumbo jumbo and thus not talking about the REAL comspiracys (like the bank bailout) and just blame the "nwo" based on your "it must be them" matrix. The ACTUAL elites are LAUGHING at you because they know how complex this can be and know your never gonna call out bank ceo's getting 100 million dollar golden handshakes when your buisy ranting about a one world gov. plot. You know, the one perpetrated by your fantasy group of all powerfull evil people in a conference room that ploted this sort of thing with infaliabillity. Then again if i was stupid enough to think climate change was a "scam"(its not) i would struggle with the complexity of the REAL reason for the finantial collapse.

      Just who are the "nwo" for you anyway? Is it aliens?... freemasons? the illuminati perhaps? why would killing billions of people be good for ANYONE? think about it... you do realise the "elite" your so angry at make there money on that large pool of poor people! So there going to kill them all..uh ok, to the extent that there is just a billion people left..uh..oookaaay. Even if your crazy you wouldnt plot something that stupid...the blowback from the wars/loss of productivity would FAR outway that advantage of less population.DUH!! SOOO....the "NWO" thinks the world is getting overused and want it for themselves!?LOL like they are the ones that are gonna struggle with way higher prices for food and water. Is that what your REALLY suggesting,its somehow WORTH the elites time and trouble to secretly kill by your math 5.8 BILLION people without almost anyone knowing.

  6. shane scallan

    Rockerfellas are good people.. they may have had a history in the oil trade but you have to believe in mans cause for redemption and what not. as for the NWO... perhaps it is exactly what the world needs at this stage.

    1. Rolands Jaunzems

      total nonsense!

    2. jason Rife

      The Rocafellas, and the gaggle of all the wealthy global elite, use the illusion of philotropic to hide the fact that they are Humanity Hating criminals, and they with their power are the true controllers of governments, they hold the puppet strings. Do some reasearch folks, wake up humanity and get off your knees.

  7. simonbaush

    The Rockefockers for the well-being of mankind?! HA!

  8. John H

    Well those poor people! HA not, I wish I had the money to do what I wanted to help the people of the world.

  9. King David

    That was some bullshit right there. Mindf--k at its best. Sponsoring all the wars is that helping humanity ? BTW the doc was too painful to watch after 15 min. :D

  10. Martin Mirek

    imagine if you knew we had the power to control thing as oppose to allowing our emotions, circumstances, etc control us

  11. Jaak Wassmuth

    As an alien I am ever amazed by the pretentious nature of human being on this little planet. As if what history they may record, their record is the driving force of the planet itself. Amusing, and tragic for the species.

    1. oklima

      With a name like Jaak I can confirm that you are indeed an alien. Which planet are you from? Are there any hot alien chicks there?

  12. StJohnDRockefeller

    For an alternative view of the Rockefeller family read Gary Allen's The Rockefeller File. Or F William Engdahl's Seeds of Destruction for details about their drive for population control.

  13. Jesse DJ Bourret

    I looked hard for the thumbs down button... lol this movie

  14. slpsa

    I could spend all day educating you KarpKomet, bud id rather you do it yourself. Who is afraid of Globalism? You should be for starters, i don't have the time to list the dangers, they are too numerous. You speak of this as if it is a good thing for the planet and us. You should spend more time investigating that which you defend. Intelligent people do not share your enthusiasm of the NWO nor do they agree with their goals in principle. Again, im not gonna spend an hour refuting you, rather i challenge you to look further into them and their friends and dare you to comer back here and say they have yours and my best interests at heart. The NWO was started by some guy???? Obama isnt pushing it? HE IS PART OF IT!, man seriously , wake up. Again, you need to educate yourself rather than spew nonsense. I could spend a day telling you how he is part of this and who his friends are and who he hired as members of his staff. Man, open your eyes.

    1. KarpKomet

      "i mean the REAL things the rockafellers do to affect people.Notice how all the comments here are the same very general points about rockafeller control of various institutions."

      Did u read that part or my post before you ranted? I DONT SUPPORT THE NWO OR GLOBALISM OR DEEP INTEGRATION OF NORTH AMERICA. The fact you ignored the point of my post and lumped me in with your "enemys" shows how silly you conspiracy nuts on this site are. THE ROCKAFELLERS ARE BAD NEWS. However people MAKE UP mumbo jumbo about complete world domination and policys that dont exist when they should be getting politicaly active to stop REAL threats like deep integration of us/canada and secret nafta documents. when you actually RESEARCH these topics you notice that there is alot of bullshit about them.The dramatic tomes of the crazys claiming the end of the world turns into just more polotics. I was not very clear; by saying "globalism isnt so bad" i was alluding to the fact that even the rockafellaz struggle sometimes..deep integration is faltering and loosing steam for example..look it up, you will never hear a conspirasist say that.

      how very off putting you arrogence is....spend all day educating me..."You should spend more time investigating that which you defend" if you read my post ( an intelligent person.. you will notice i dont ever say i support nwo or "globalism" and urge talk about the REAL dangers thay pose. Not silly ranting conspiracy. I find is very ammusing you say over and over you could talk all day yet dont put anything of sunbstence in you post. WHY do you think obama supports the nwo? any sources on that info? :)

      "I could spend a day telling you how he is part of this and who his friends are and who he hired as members of his staff."

      im sure you can....try googling globalism as a start

  15. VERITAS423

    Reminiscent of the Simpson's episode in which Monte Burns makes a film about his life casting him as the hero. The Rockefeller family is still despised by anyone who actually pays attention to world events. David Rockefeller and his starting the Trilateral Commission, and his association with the UN, CFR, and Bilderberg is hardly behaving impeccably. The fact is, the Rockefeller family has attempted to cleanse their family name under the guise of philanthropy, however, the Rockefeller Foundation is a tax free way to fund and promote their agenda of world population reduction, world government, etc. If my last name were Rockefeller, I would change it to Hitler... or some other name with more respectability!

  16. dr_funkenstein666

    i wonder who this was funded by....

  17. hailflavour

    Blatant propaganda alert!
    Watch with a discerning mind... quite funny seeing the tactics though.

  18. KarpKomet

    in response to some points on my comment;

    "So are you saying you do see the forest for the trees and just choose to meekly live among them?"

    Well at one point i said "But instead of joining to fight this you conspiracy nuts hear New World Order and get images of the rockafellers plotting complete world control and supreme evil in some dungeon"

    so il make my point more direct. By"joining to fight this" i mean the REAL things the rockafellers do to affect people.Notice how all the comments here are the same very general points about rockafeller control of various institutions. While this is worrysome my point is there is a destinct lack of detail when it comes to the actual family that breeds conspiracy.. Again dont get me wrong there influence is there and real....but thats why people get so scared and take it too far. Notice how they blame EVERYTHING on the rockafellers..its just plain illogical, and typical of a conspiracist! Try wiki-ing (p.s rockafellers dont own that) NEW WORLD ORDER...its not SO scary after you learn what it is...or the same for the globalist movement. It was started by some random guy and gained tracktion in small neo-con groups.Bush kinda pushed for it but obama is not. So its kind of losing steam. Some of the commenters here dont think that way..they dont just pop on wiki and google and see the different angles; to them it simply must be the rockafellers.period. there pre-programed points already convincing them.also sometimes they just dont get there info from the right places. I dont want to sound overly blunt or antagonistic but these things can be very complex. For example HOW would the rockafellers affect the american policy on something like globalist deep integration in a dramatic way while remaining wait.

  19. Been There, done that

    The Rockefellers have learned, through the decades of being hated, to manipulate in more covert ways. This doc is definitely one of the ways, but not to this audience on TD. We're supposed to feel empathy for this family but cannot. This doc glosses over the fact that the refiners did not want to sell, they were forced to by strong arm tactics. The historians paints such a benign picture of John D, sorry, it just doesn't ring true. Can't finish watching its, argghhhhhh

  20. Been There, done that

    The Rockefellers have learned, through the decades of being hated, to manipulate in more covert ways. This doc is definitely one of the ways, but not to this audience on TD. We're supposed to feel empathy for this family but cannot. This doc glosses over the fact that the refiners did not want to sell, they were forced to by strong arm tactics. The historians paints such a benign picture of John D, sorry, it just doesn't ring true. Can't finish watching its, argghhhhhh

  21. Irishkev

    Do you guys mean to say that the Rockefellers would actually tell a big giant fib just so us plebs would think they aren't so bad after all ? Ah come on!

  22. slpsa

    David Rockefeller and his family are evil, this is GE generated propaganda piece. Good thing a lot of us see through it. If you've watched Aaron Russo's work, then you already know this, they are evil and up to their armpits in 9/11, The War On Terror, Globalism and the Financial messes of the last Century. Among others who are in bed with them to be sure, but nonetheless, guilty as charged.

  23. leonardobdas

    You know when somebody asks you how's life, most likely the answer is great and that the family is great and that the wife is great and so on? That is the same thing here.....these are rich people and they just want to be remembered for their so called good deeds..... expect that by good they mean stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich.

    So...They commissioned a good story to be told to the masses as they want them to see it....... so what? I am pretty sure that behind such a movie thre is a legal battle to make sure they "truth"is told..... it just shows how human and afraid they are like everybody else...

  24. smartnup

    A complete lack of information in this Doco. This is a very corrupt family with their dirty fingers in mainstream media, science and technology, education, healthcare, banking, oil of course, gm food, etc, etc, etc. Basically run The CFR, Trilateral Commission, United Nations, League of Nations, Bilderburg group, World Economic Forum, IMF. Like their great grandfather Devil Bill, this family have always deceived the general public for their own gain and power. Taking out any competition is the name of the game for these guys. They are the sole reason that this planet is so dependant on oil.
    Check out a great doco on this site called 'Fuel' by Josh Tickell. It has a slightly different take on things that needs to be educated to the masses.

  25. mrre

    The History Channel is owned by General Electric. That should be enough information for evaluating them as an objective source of information as to the system from which it derives it's vast stores of wealth and power. That is not synonymous however, with being completely incapable of providing information. This does not mean they are incapable of providing ANY information; just be aware that their narrative must be tempered with the knowledge that they benefit from maintaining the status quo.

    1. KarpKomet

      im hardly aexpert on the subject so il just be blunt and give my 2 cents; this doc's facts seem dead on to me and insted of backhandedly implying its propaganda because of the owners without any detail or using a scary quote(that ones very scary arifkarim!) i would love to see you guys actually refute some specific points. The reality is the rockafellers are whats called globalists who also support the New World Order movement.Just as you would expect a creepy rich world bank owning family to do. Calm down. U cant and would not expect a light history channel doc to delve into that.So they all meet secretly with some of the most powerful world leaders at that whats it called conference blah blah blah. as usual scary moves from powers at be to combine states and subvert there laws for even more profit of the backs of the poor.nothing new or not on the public record. But instead of joining to fight this you conspiracy nuts hear New World Order and get images of the rockafellers plotting complete world control and supreme evil in some dungeon, make up distracting storys of mumbo jumbo with no base in reality and argue they have far far more power then is rational or logical. grow up..stop taking things to extremes and start helping with the real dangers posed by these people.

    2. Myk Lab

      Not sure what you are even saying here?? You say: "The reality is the rockafellers are whats called globalists who also support the New World Order movement.Just as you would expect a creepy rich world bank owning family to do. Calm down. U cant and would not expect a light history channel doc to delve into that.", but then seem to defend that?? So are you saying you do see the forest for the trees and just choose to meekly live among them? If what I quoted in your comment is not "the real dangers posed" then what is? Don't be so naive. The Rockefellers and other elites really do have this kind power. It is not irrational or illogical. If you don't believe people/families can have that kind of power then please learn more. Perhaps I misread what you printed as you were very unclear.

    3. KarpKomet

      "If you don't believe people/families can have that kind of power then please learn more."

      Nice "argument". Let me try your style. It IS illogical and irrational. You just need to learn more.

  26. mrre

    The History Channel is owned by General Electric. That should be enough information for evaluating them as an objective source of information as to the system from which it derives it's vast stores of wealth and power. That is not synonymous however, with being completely incapable of providing information. This does not mean they are incapable of providing ANY information; just be aware that their narrative must be tempered with the knowledge that they benefit from maintaining the status quo.

  27. Emanuele Pavone

    it reminds me of "A Burns for all seasons"...

  28. Guest

    Thats a complete lie! Rockefellers still rule the world and they widely express the wishes for their new world order:
    "For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
    (all quotes from David Rockefeller, globalist, internationalist, and NWO-propagadist).

    I always thought that History Channel was a more objective history channel than others around, but this propaganda documentary changed my views completely!

  29. Anthony Williams

    lol i was watching this just the other day, reminds me of Citizen Kane...