Sex Slaves

2005, Sexuality  -   124 Comments
Ratings: 7.19/10 from 346 users.

An undercover police unit and an international team of detectives join forces to uncover a well-established Thai-Uzbek sex trafficking ring. Their intention is to save thousands of women involuntarily kept as sex slaves.

These criminals earn millions of dollars a year selling women from Central Asia into Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand. Steve Galster, a man who has risked his life for two decades fighting the most dangerous wildlife traffickers in the world, now uses those same hard earned skills to combat human trafficking in Thailand.

Sex tourism may be one of Thailand's most profitable industries, but for 'Operation Graceland' and the Thai government, this mission is do or die. Success will depend on whether or not the two are able to work together to bust the ring in order to supply the evidence necessary to win a case against the Thai and Uzbek traffickers.

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124 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Katia, her mother complaining?? She is sixty taking care of her five-year-old child...??? Boohoo you immoral person. Not worried about her daughter? Just herself, no wonder your daughter is in this mess!

  2. Woman in all societies need to have the courage to risk their lives and fight back.
    The interesting reality is that us human beings are evolving from. Patriarchal societies to Matriarchal. This change is part of a cycle

  3. Such a sad story. These people are pigs!

  4. If this happened to my wife I would be in jail. 5 Years probation? OK.. He would be dead and I would walk into the nearest police station. Here's what happened. This is what I did. Show me to my cell.

  5. I wish I could jump through my computer and pull a Liam from the movie Taken. Once they stand before the Lord, and have to account for themselves, they will spend eternity in hell.

  6. Yeah, the sex slavery is VERY bad. Really. I hate that thing just as almost 99% of people here, I think, hates it. I'm also depart of very strict and fast actions against this b**tards. But, wait a minute, waaaait a minute canadians. You see a flea flying over Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and make documentaries, protests, announcements of international punishments, collects or whatever to say that all inside that countries is bad? So, with that premise I can say maybe China? Belarus maybe? I can say Vietnam and Kazakh also? Brazil? Venezuela? Cuba? haha You'll enter to ALL of that "ex soviet" or "commies" or "anti US" countries only to say that ALL inside is bad? Yeah, THIS is bad, THIS is a trash that must be stopped, but... the gang bullys inside your nearby US? and the weapon traffic mafias inside the US-Mexican border? and the "wall of Shame" made by G.Bush? and the wars in Irak and Afghanistan? and the atomic bombs that your US dropped in Japan? that must be forgotten? only think, people, not only the "Eastern side" countries have violence and awful sick people. Yes, is truth, but in the US all the guys aren't angels. There are also laws there that authorize the use of weapons to housewives and kids of 8yo!! that's good? If you wanna be a MODEL society, you really MUST be a model society. And yes, you must, It's more you HAVE to cooperate with Russia and Eastern countries to stop this sh*t, and kick the asses of that b**tard people traffic mafias, but MEN, let the EASTERNS have the work! and don't try to be the world police ok? It's 2014.

  7. good for knowledge

  8. just the tip of the iceberg, in thailand a lot of women are being "trafficked" to other countries too

  9. well we all now that 99.9% of demand comes from middle-eastern Arabic to be more specific "emirates Saudi-Arabians Qatar Kuwait and Bahrain" and the we know that the market follows "supply and demand" so the only way to stop this disaster is to stop demand , we know the source of the demand , what else do we need !! nothing but some acts ...
    i am Jordanian and i can tell you ... those people "gulf-arabian" must be put in a zoo ......

  10. 90% BS. Kill them all and let alah do the sorting. Sure their will be a few dead by mistake, So what is the point.

  11. The film was good. I feel pity for those women who have been into prostitution. I hope that the government of each country involved should take necessary actions to clear this matter ASAP. When will they learn their lesson by the way? When this happen to them also.

  12. it's f*cking immoral that there's women behind these crimes! men, women, they should all be ashamed of themselves....

  13. this **** is so dam heart breaking i just want set up a sting and catch all the pimps and trafficersand give them all electrical testical shock reatment.

  14. Please people this needs to STOP please open your eyes and make others aware of this not alot of people know how serious human trafficking is.. PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES to find out ways you can contribute google "stop human trafficking" theres many ways you can contribute.. please help these innocent souls..

  15. I think help should have been given to Tania's brother. I don't know many people who could of turned their backs on a sick child like the reporters did. Shame on them.

  16. Very sad situation....:(

  17. This is horrible - I'm so sad about this..

  18. Very grim and unaccountable world

  19. Amazing work by director and producer.

  20. It's hard to believe that this can be a part of our "enlightened " world today. It tells me that mankind has not progressed one iota if this kind of trade exists. I can't even begin to imagine the horror that these girls have to endure - this was a very distressing documentary.

  21. As a Turk,
    I can say that this documentary somewhat tells the issue of woman trafficicking from the so-called post-Soviet transition countries to Turkey in a wrong way. Since the Communism abruptly faded away in the early 1990s, woman trafficking from the Eastern Europe into the southward undoubtedly became a social-economic phenomenon. Because Turkey and the Middle East were the only directions to where the post-Soviet residents could easily access without the visa obtackles. In this regard, those women were started to be deceived and sold easily in Turkey and some other Middle Eastern countries. However they were the Russian mafia men who sold these women. Of course market functions with the supply-demand principles and it would be some demand, too. Besides that, it was another reality that some women also from those countries voluntarily have choosen to come to Turkey, either to find a proper job or to become a prostitute in the Mediterrenean rivieras. But in this story, most women seem to be cheated by their Russian and/or Ukrainian tenants and sold to the trafickers in Turkey. Unfortunately all these women were sacrified to the fall of the Communist state appratus in which the omnipotent Soviet state has been providing all to its fellow citizens what they actually needed. Namely people in the post-Soviet space became joblessles, careless and vulnarable within one night. Needless to say, those women who were the most sacrified and suffered by men who either being Russian, Ukrainien or Turk or whoever nationality they come from. Namely men are same in everywhere and sexually exploit woman since the Antiquity. Last but not the least, one good thing I can say that the Turkish police eventually succeeded to control this woman trafficking in the recent years and the issue is losing its ground as a problem in Turkey...


  22. Sad story. I feel ashamed for the injustioce in my country.

  23. This is incredibly sad. The major reason for these women finding themselves involved in these conditions is poverty. We all need to donate atleast 20% of our accumulated wealth every year. It's so important.

    We also need to focus on punishing the consumers instead of the businessmen. There are countless people like Appo, Maria, Vlad, and Ulga, and as you can see from the documentary, they have nothing to worry about, the police doesn't even take a serious action against them. However, those that do worry are the men that come to have sex with these women. These men should be sentenced to death. By ending the chain of consumers, there is no business. Thus no trafficking.

    1. Donate 20% you are stupid.

      Women need to put out when men want it instead they deprive men of sex. Only very hansom men will have women throw themselves at them. Then they marry them and want them to only have sex with the wife, who gets tired, lazy and unappealing over time. Wake up to yourselves ! Men were built to have lots of sex and suppressing this is cruel to men.

      Its not ok to traffic women against their wishes, but if they want to sell themselves and make a ton of money in the process, then its ok - you are all hypocrites. I know prostitutes who are very happy and turn their nose up at manual labour.

      I am pro mens rights, this must not be at the expense of womens of course. But seriously women need to be educated as do men. And society needs to decriminalize sex for sale so that people can have what they want in an open market.

      Now go out there and find yourself some cheap sex and have a good time.

    2. fanny, no.

  24. videos like this make me realize that my own rape at 11 and then subsequent sexual assault from my husband and his friends really wasn't that bad. i'm not making it up either for all the trolls out there and scream all you want, that i'm lying but i am serious and i have something to say.

    What these women go through is horrible, what these pimps, or rather abusers, men and women alike, do to them is ABHORRENT. it has nothing to do with religion. Goddess, God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Brahma, satan, Odin, nature spirits, Cthulhu, WHATEVER you believe in, it does not matter, AT ALL. What these women go through is WRONG. These men are killing these women souls with their abuse.

    I have been pushed into sex acts i didn't want to do, sometimes through physical force, sometimes because i had given up hope, and I hated every second of it. it ripped my psyche apart, I am still trying to heal from the wounds. i am 26, when i was in my late teens early twenties my husband made me do things i will hopefully be able to get over with therapy. I was also raped at the age of 11 by a family friend. A lot of my close friends have been raped or sexually assaulted in some way, and this is in America.

    The sexual abuse of women has to stop. All over the world. in every country. on every continent, every city town village, EVERYWHERE.


    1. feel sorry for your suffering...., hope you can recover from those pain, soon. and hopefully those criminals had/will pay for their cruels things they done to you...

    2. I thank you for sharing. That must be very brave of you. All I have to say is that I feel sorry about this situation, and I hope that it helps you. I pray for your happiness, and perhaps that you may forget the experience over time. But please get well.

  25. Most depressing video I have ever seen. RIP little brother. Is there a fund that we can do for the young woman's family?

  26. Damn these mother f***ing a**holes selling good-looking women with no shame... I reckon someone should just nuke these good-for-nothing human trash !!! To upheld the law in place, at least death-penalties should be given without exception. Destroying people's lives with no regards to their rights and feelings is no different than murdering someone. I reckon a good country is defined by the absence of these shameless f****** human trash and a legal system that can actually uphold whats written in the law.

    There won't be anymore human trafficking if death penalties can be carried out for WHOEVER involved under no exceptions. [To the perpetrators involved in human traffickings: So... you like to scr*w with people's lives & bodies huh? How about we scr*w a few f****** bullets in your f****** holes for once? You can f*** youselves in hell !!!]

  27. This is the saddest thing. It's nothing to do with religion. Unfortunately, all around the world from different religions these heinous crimes are occurring as we speak. Seeing my own city in this shocking documentary just doubled my hatred to those individuals who are capable of these grisly acts and have no compassion what so ever.
    On the other hand, showing Istanbul like a fanatic Muslim area is wrong too. They specially show women with turban and men with long beard just like typical Islamic person. In this country, women ( i am one of them) are free and it's illegal to marry more than one wife.Sadly, we have fundamentalist and fanatic people like Europe and America.
    Prostitution can be stopped by goverments. They should join forces and do something about it. However, like drug trafficking money is the key word in my point of view.

  28. T^T Good job getting your wife back!!! I almost couldn't finish the doc gave me so much anxiety.

  29. the one question i have for the production team was that.. if the debt that the women owed in loans was a couple of $100s then why couldn't they help out? that would of helped out the poor women you're already taking advantage of for her story. selfish people

    1. Because the Traffickers will use that money to buy more girls. It self perpetuates....You can't just buy them out, you need to rescue them out.

    2. I also wanted to know why they couldn't give her money. Hasn't she been through enough!

  30. the one question i have for the production team was that.. if the debt that the women owed in loans was a couple of $100s then why couldn't they help out? that would of helped out the poor women you're already taking advantage of for her story. selfish people

  31. the one question i have for the production team was that.. if the debt that the women owed in loans was a couple of $100s then why couldn't they help out? that would of helped out the poor women you're already taking advantage of for her story. selfish people

  32. Hey let's tell the truth here if the f***ing police do their jobs right they can stop all of this from taking place but as always they choose to turn the other way .....police and the judges are the people to blame more ....lets see if the gave that guy 20 years in jail see how he would of liked it and being rape in jail and a few more that they just let go free..... i felt so sorry for that poor girls mother that did go to the police for help and they told what she knew what she was going there for ...... in my books that officer should not even be working as a police officer ......the government should be cleaning all this mess up as they play a big part in it taking places in all the countries in the world ...............

  33. Let'S kILL EM ALL!!!

  34. Though there are so many documentaries about Human Trafficking, what is actually being done to solve this? And when I do hear of Human Trafficking it comes as a shock, but is later forgotten. It's a horrible thing that people are left unknowing about this global issue. Most countries are viewed as being above slavery and sexual exploitation, yet that isn't true. As for those who work for the police, government, or just have lots of power and take a part in Human Trafficking, may God have mercy on your souls, because I certainly am not capable or willing to forgive you. And as for those of you who are leaving comments disrespecting religions and giving excuses that men have 'primitive yearnings' and that's why they are adulturous: That is just crap. Grow up and get your head out of your asses. Human Trafficking isn't only done by men, but by women too. The poor women who get caught up and tricked into this don't initially trust men, but when a woman comes up to them and pretends to sympathize with them, then that's when they are truly tricked. And just so you know, women aren't in as high demand as children are in this 'business'. Human Trafficking is happening all over the world, not just in Europe, Asia, or the Middle East. It's all for money and as long as people are f*cked up in the head and have these disgusting desires, then this will continue to be a crime.

    Last thought: Maybe if the producers of this documentary had created an ad so that kind people could send money to the victims of Human Trafficking, then Tania's brother could have been saved and the authors of the documentary wouldn't have gone against their 'work ethics'. Also, there is a HUGE difference between animal documentaries and human ones. Animals are not capable of being able to think up a thing such as trafficking, so the fact that the creaters of this documentary didn't give Tania the few hundred dollars she needed to help her FAMILY -not herself- just blows my mind. You are not a doctor, ethics for journalism are not the same as medical ones so you can be a tadbit more lenient instead of being heartless.

    1. Just get back to Islam.....!!!! I'll promise u every illegal bussiness to vanish !!

    2. Shut the F up. With your fairy tail BS. Believe in your own home and shut the hell up about your violent, hypocritical, mid evil ideology. Thank you.

    3. hey that was very well said if only the world knew about the evil thats around

  35. Nevermind, I just read his OTHER post. Ignore my first comment.

  36. @CK
    Human trafficking is a terrible thing, but theres no need to start cursing, and insulting someone. All he said, was that there's much worse things going on in the world, and that you could donate if you want to help out.

  37. @ Ike You’re mother ******, pig, rot in you hell desire and take it with youy to your miserable grave

  38. Lunarbong, this is the price for your appetite, just like of those involved, this is the price for your perversity and sadism, this is the price for explotation and humilation, which you will never recognize and rot in denial and self-deceit. Pathetic being. How you can compehend such things; you used to think from your ego snd often with your small head rather than the big one. You bear your responsibility for human suffering but you will dwarfishly deny it till the end of your pathetic life and take it all with you in your grave.

  39. All men are equal,the problem is some think they can manipiulate others who are less fortunate to look after themselvs, however the ones in power lett them and close an aye, so that they themselvs will get some benefits.( GREED IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVEL )THE LORD will deal with them,wath ever thier religion!!!!!!!!! is, if they have one!!!!.

    1. All men are equal, that's the problem women and children are just trash to most men.

  40. Personal note:

    Stop using religion as an excuse for not solving the real problems in the society. Dont forget that this is a world spread multi billion dollar business. It is done for the money in it. Stop arresting prostitutes and arrest their buyers. This business will end automatically. The tendency of enslavement exits in the human race at the whole. Its not just about the middle east or Unites States. Enslavement exits in any part of the world where there is poverty.

    So stop putting it on others to keep your hands clean and get your ass out there to solve the real problem. This message goes to all the commentators in this page who have unnecessarily added religion and diverted the minds of the readers to a completely different topic.

  41. Hey Ex-muslim

    I just wanted to clarify some mis conceptions you have about female trafficking. In Islam, a man is allowed to marry 4 wives in his whole life time. He just cant marry four at a time and then divorce them and marry four others. Islam is also the first religion in the world who banned slavery at a time when slavery was the only business women and poor men could hold. Let it be any sort of slavery. Not even a bird is allowed to be in a cage in Islam because it is treated as slavery. 'Thats what Allah commands us to say in the Quran'.

    Secondly, I would like to tell you something which you dont usually get to read in books. The tendency of hurting someone is one of the prime characters in a human with which he & she is born. Ever since the beginning of the human race, slavery has existed. Which itself proves that wherever there is poor, there is oppression and wherever there is oppression, there is slavery. And religion, not just Islam but any religion has always condemned it. There has been a war going on between oppression and religion ever since the world has begun. And its up to you to choose a side. If you dont agree with Islam, then you dont agree with religion. If you dont agree with religion, you are taking the side of slavery.
    Please consider myself your well wisher. May whoever God it is you worship help you get to the right path. Peace be on you.

    1. OMG! Are you a LIAR! "Islam banned slavery . . . " Yeah, right. Then what the h3!! is the "dhimmitude"? Huh? Answer me THAT! Oh, right . . . if Islam doesn't CALL it slavery, then it isn't! And we "infidels" know that you Moslems are *supposed* to lie to us if it furthers Islam's agenda . . . which is to say, if ANYONE believes a Moslem whose lips are moving -- that person is a fool. A Christian, OTH, is to NEVER lie. They do -- but when they do, THEY SIN. Not so for a Moslem -- he sins when he DOESN'T lie. And there's the difference between Islam, and having a personal relationship with God.

    2. You're just another m*ron who thinks because I don't accept your religion then I must be "for" slavery, what kind of simple minded ignorant statement is that? You need to grow up and understand religion has nothing to do with being a good person adn wanting to end slavery

  42. and to those who made this documentary, the problem is not new, but your presentation is . . . just make it better next time. good work. thanks

  43. to those who really want to want to help, forget your comment, just help!

  44. the government intitutions of this country is wrapped in corruption culture just like mine. but we do not stop in finding way to deal with this kind of crime. my simpathy to the husband. remain loving your wife. she is a victim.

  45. my country has the same problem like that,but viewing the episode, i think the producer strethed the oportunity to finished the documentary coldy, without considering the condition of the subjects. they merely poked their cameras with a voice-over like a field reporter.

  46. @Inga
    You can still financially help tens of thousands of people if you want to.....its called charity.
    There are cases much worse than this in the world:

  47. I never knew this happened in Odessa! My name is Odessa, and I feel so sad for theses women.

  48. Sarah, I wondered why too, i would have sent her money with out a thougth. I wish i knew about this when it happened :(.This world is so evil

  49. I am pissed with people blaming the journalists for not giving money to Tania.......well if they did, that wouldn't be ethical in journalism terms.
    For example, why don't the crew of Animal Planet / National Geographic distract the cute innocent animals (deers,etc whatever get hunted by predators such as lions or tigers or cheetahs)to save them from death while they are being stalked. It would disrupt the ecosystem.
    Similarly, the journalists cannot pay or 'help' / change a scenario because the story they want to portray to the rest of the world would get biased. They are compelled to not interfere in any situation except film or investigate allowing destiny / fate to take its due course.

    1. "It would disrupt the ecosystem". Like that's the issue here. Plus, if you come across an animal under attack . . . maybe God put you there to do something about it. If He didn't want something done, YOU WOULDN'T BE THERE. By the same token, if He puts someone in your way that you can help, forget "journalistic ethics" -- think "your duty to your fellow man". I bet you're one of those people who thinks there's no God because, gee whiz, look at all the suffering in the world! Well, look at the crap you're spouting!

      Know why there's so much evil in the world? Because each one of us is guilty of NOT DOING WHAT GOD TELLS US TO DO. Think: chaos theory. You don't say or do one little thing that God asked you to do -- perhaps that's all he asked of you, just that one little thing -- and down the line all heck breaks loose. That's GOD'S fault?! NO! IT'S YOURS! IT'S OURS!

      Unless you WANT a world of will-less robots. I mean, whose will should He over ride? Yours? Oh, yeah, I'm sure you want that! Mine? Yeah, you'd think that's great, except I disagree!

      The film makers had the opportunity to help another human being, and they didn't do it -- THAT'S ON THEM. There's no "ethics" here -- only outright sin.

    2. I dont know what's worse, sex trafficking, or your ideology. You really ought to be ashamed of yourself for saying that the crew is not to blame for donating money. They earned a lot more money for this documentary then what Tania could've prostituting herself. And did any of the money gained form the footage go towards the victims? Probably not.

  50. Why couldn't the journalists give Tania money to treat her Brother and Sister? They are too busy driving their posh cars, tapping their iPhones and living on posh suburbs to care. What a bunch of selfish f*cktards. I live on social security and would happily donate some of my money to Tania if I could.

  51. jesus christ! the journalists couldnt give her $300 bucks for the kids operation and save her from going back into prostitution? Did it violate their ethics?

  52. Truly horrific how the government officials as well as the criminal justice system just by pass such atrocities like sex trade trafficking..makes me wonder, are we truly safe in our countries where our own government and police officials are so corrupt that they allow brutal exploitation of our humankind just for monetary gains? where is the justice in anything now and days?

  53. Made me cry

    Utterly sad to see humans being so cruel to each other

  54. A bunch of people are somehow blaming this on Islam and spout a bunch of false accusations to support this misplaced blame, please if you are doing this please cite where you are getting your information. The reality is that in Islam, adultery is one of the greatest sins.

    These are my sources:
    "Do not go near to adultery. Surely it is a shameful deed and evil, opening roads (to other evils)."[Qur'an 17:32]

    "Say, 'Verily, my Lord has prohibited the shameful deeds, be it open or secret, sins and trespasses against the truth and reason."'[Qur'an 7:33]

    You can open any Quran and read this.

    I urge all people to verify your sources and be a little cynical about people, in the sense that you should not trust everything you hear. This applies to everything, my claims included!

  55. OMG!!!How much it hearts we 1 thing is clear that the ppl from the top wont do nothing to stop this horrible things.I dont want to know what is happening and what feel those poor women in their hearts.And more painfull is the fact that i dont have the power to change this things!!!What happent with that discust pimp IVan???Ihope he will burn in hell with all pimps in the world!Iwould do to them what Germany done to jwes,without a jury,lawyer.Or a brainwash.

  56. I read other articles where young attractive women are promised good pay and benefits as domestic workers and similar employment in newspaper advertisements. The young attractive women from poor families were deemed "most suitable to find employment". It was those they took to the cities. With a promise to put them up until an employer came some nice man or woman would hold them until they were sold to a sex ring. Their dreams of work romance marriage children and a family soon vanish as they're introduced into the brutal and unforgiving life of a sex trade workers.Many girls, after years of sex slavery, and several different owners were freed or escaped. But for others this was a crushing blow,escape was
    impossible and life was hell, there was only one way out, and they took it. My heart bleeds for these forgotten women.

  57. Fillip O @ Yes If you search for illegal sex then don't. You are helping these men and this industry. You are their customer.

  58. I have a mother a sister and a girlfriend. I will never want something like this happen with them. I don't care If they will burn in hell or not but I know one thing for sure. We have to send them to hell. Its happening every where. believe me. Go to a street where there are a lot of prostitute rings or cafes. If you know how to street talk and If you are street smart. You will talk to them and will get to know that the same thing is happening there too. If not Trafficking then Child prostitution.

    Let me share a true story with you. A friend of mine was passing a street like that to go to a factory to pick up some materials. he was on a Rickshaw ( Pulled my a human ). One of the pimp standing on the street approached him as the Rickshaw got slowed. He asked my friend the usual stuff like If he wants to spend some quality time with women. When my friend refused him he said I have also special girls as young as 14 years old for a young guy like you. :-( My friend got pissed off but he knew he can not do anything. He was 19 years old and If he would have gotten into a fight with that guy ( I don't think he would have ) Probably he got stabbed.

    Its every where believe me. Where there is prostitution going on these things will be there and are there. You can not stop them, because this is one of the fantasy of males. I am a male and I am ashamed to say this. Not my fantasy but I know my own species better then any one. And you can not deny it If u are a man. You also know this.

    The thing which is worse is that police is involved in it. And other reasons are also their. Like If you force a girl in this kind of thing after 1 years even If u rescue them they will be forced to work again there or somewhere like that because that become their first profession which pays them a lil more then other things. My English is not good but I hope you are understanding what I am trying to say. These girls comes from poor families. They are beautiful and becomes a victim.

    Now the truth. Men are animals.If not all of them then most of them. U can not cure a man. You have to prevent this from happening and make a Man fear that If he will angage in these kind of activities.. He will be punished so hard that even Hell will fear the earth.

    Hope some one will come forward. Or better If we will be that some one. I doubt !

  59. muslim men can have threesomes or orgies (with his wives/slaves in the same bed all together) providing he treats them equally and the wives/slaves do not see each others awrah (private parts). so if they keep their underwear on or they are blindfolded, then threesomes/orgies will be allowed

  60. this iz stupid

  61. Could be called the lie documentary. Her escort lies to her. The police lie to him and narc out. The husband lies to the pimp and her man while taping interaction. The pimp lies to the husband. The husband even tries to talk the cameramen into lying and saying they are interpol. The court lied and pretended there was court.

  62. very sad

  63. @litleMonster

    Bro / Sis .......I've always fantasized saving some 1 (Kathya lookalikes) from evil, and kill all those who (abuse / physically assault / violence in sex).
    U see, sex is ok as long as its peaceful & a win win situation for both concerned.
    Me saying "my next vacation will be in Istanbul" will be to save some 1, take her to the north...maybe Scandinavia, experience amazing nature, intimacy & pure True Scandinavian metal.
    And in the end....take her back to her home & be hugged by her "Very Grateful" family members.
    (Me & my fantasies hahahahahahahahahahahaha)

  64. @Ike

    U could have sympathized mentioning how a Hott and cute girl like Kathya suffered bla bla... to be more politically correct. But I admire your being true for yourself. u lil monster... hehe

  65. conclusion*

  66. @Randy Sex is not a crime we all need it and we all want sexual freedom and to do what ever we want in this life it's realy easy ^^ but a humain have to fix a goal in his life and to ask some questions to his self (why are we here ? what we have to do ? what's the real truth ? is there a big powerfull power ? is there a second life after death ? ) and after all this you arrive to the conclution that you have to chose between selling you soul to GOD or to the Devil

  67. Blah blah blah Muslim, blah blah blah mormon, etc...

    It comes down to two very simple things:

    Men are pigs.

    And sex sells.

    Most religions are based on that. Think about it.

    And, stop using sex as a weapon. Only the anti-religious respect and allow for sexual freedom.

    You religious have much to pay for!

    1. . . . Right after you Atheists pay for the killing fields, Gulags and Concentration Camps.

      Gawd, that anybody buys the "pure and innocent, ethically and morally superior" Atheist b.s. Between Stalin and Hitler, more CIVILIANS were murdered than all the Crusades and Jihads in history! And neither believed in God, though Hitler was into some serious occult paganism. He believed in whatever would bring him more power, which is NOT the same as believing in God or being "religious".

      And here's a newsflash, my Atheist friend, there are a lot of devout Christians out there, and if you actually TALKED to them you'd find out 1) They're far from stupid; 2) They're far from ignorant; and 3) No one hates "religion" more than they do!

  68. first i want to precise that this kind of slavery and horrible actions has nothing to do with any monotheiste religions (the only one god religions), and as a muslim this has nothing to do with islam, because when you misunderstood and make few changes to the rules of any religion, you can easily use them for your own business (War, Slavery, Suicide, Adultery relations ...)

    in the real law of islam (which are not applicated in all muslim country for political reasons) after juging a man and we have the certitude and evidence with witness, that he had sexual relation with a women which is not his wife (without counting the fact that he maybe raped the women) in this case
    if this man is not married we have to whip him 100 times.
    if he is married we have to throw stone on him "stoning" until he die.

    some people who are not musulman or don't understand islam well, may not accept those law that god tells in Quran, but the goal of those ones is to prevent many social problems such as ( adultary relations, rape, pedophily, childrens with unknown father, cheating in a couple, hiritage problems, ex...) and to honnor the women and give her a true value so that she will not be seen as sexual toy but as a human being.

    the second thing that i'm wondering as "@Enraged" sad WHY these producers didn't offer help to Tonia, who admitted that she only needed a few hundred dollars? it's like making an animal documentary where some gazelles and zebras has to be eaten by some lions pretending that we must let laws of nature do there jobs !!

  69. Why didn't the film makers give the girl the $200 for the kids operation, so she did not have to return to prostitution?

  70. Wow Katya is HOTTT!!!
    My next vacation will be in Istanbul.

  71. slava/walid yari...
    Are you crazy???? how does having 4 wifes and infinite mistresses mean respect for women.... spreading aids/ children born with no fathers??? you are supposed to love 1 and no other! in my religion anyway... does the god in muslim religion have 4 wife's????? where did this law come from...

  72. sex slaves evry where not only in this country ..

  73. yeah it really crazy... Slava u r 100 percent right
    islam really care about woman and respect her

  74. its crazy how this man Vlad talks of principles!!! shame on those people and yes dont mix Islam into it! this religion dictates the best behavior and care towards women!
    inshallah the people will raise awareness so the girls wud not b tricked into it!!

  75. thats so sad that ass hole should have gotin life in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. @ Candy
    “Dirty middle-eastern men!!!! and back stabbing russians”

    And not to forget... Don't you remember that one of the greatest icon sci-fi writers of our recent times(don't wan't to mention his name) who was awarded by hermagisty the Queen, a knighthood , made Srilanka his home for good, just to keep satisfied his sick need of child sex? Aaargh!! my eyes burn and mouth becomes bitter...
    You see? disregard of geographical locations, religion, sect and beliefs, face of humanity is littered with spots like these...

  77. @ Candy
    "Dirty middle-eastern men!!!! and back stabbing russians"

    Dear Candy,
    this is not only with the middle eastern or russians. Whereever there are men, there would be their neverending sexual thirst to be quenched. Don't you remember Vetican shame stories, UNO sexual scandals, Scandinavian paedophile stories and Thailanders calling that it was Thailand and not Thighland.
    Don't blame nationalities and sects... it's a state of men's mind, found everywhere in the world, in all times in the history.

  78. lets not take this matter to religion. No religion motivates sex slavery...what one needs to do is find the way out of this situation to eradicate this kind of sex slavery...very sad about that girls who went to fulfill their dreams and end up being prostitutes...may the culprits rot in hell !!!

  79. what we have today in this world is Global slavery and its gonna get worse. this world is controled by interest based economies. so debt increases , poor becomes even poorer and rich gets even richer. if country like maldova had jobs or economic viability these girls would not have end up selling themselves at the first place. New world order is based on inequality and injustice as it strips religious and moral values, human being nofin but economic entities, women are for pleasure and sexual exploitation. it is gonna get worse because we are more selfish and individualistic than in the past. unless we start thinking what is this life about truly and take action , next victim will be my daughter or sister or mother or wife like katia.

  80. You people in the west are naive. Your top dogs know all about this. Same shit happens in US, Cdn, UK, Fr. soils and it's all ignored. Heck, you get get a special visa as a artist in your Western moral high states and work in the sex slavery circus. But you can never wake up from your trance. Eat your chips, watch somebody getting beat to a pulp on the telly, pay your taxes, and repeat. The are many Apo's in big business, same types, different is the game baby. You want money?

  81. i dont give a damn if there muslim ive been to la seen prostitutes cry 1 even asked me to lend er some money she didint aske for much i think she bought er self out of that torture i dont now how they can live wit dos memories it must be horrible

  82. 1st thing ex-muslim
    slavery is illegal in islam now.

  83. @Lunarbong
    most of porn websites and actress are not getting payed or are forced to do everything

  84. Well said Fatma, but what does a woman get from a man who is already married. From a womans' perspective he wouldn't have time to meet her needs because he is busy growing his in-home harem. I don't know I was raised mostly by women and had a lot of female friends so I sympathize with them more than my own sex/gender (yes there's a difference between sex & gender).

    As for financially, he must be one rich guy. Think about it... if he buys one gift for one wife, he has to buy gifts for all of them. The Koran clearly states that the man must treat all of his wives the same and view them all as the same, but this is impossible. For it's scientifically researched that it is naturally for one to have favorites, yet the Koran states that one shouldn't. I don't know about Muslim men, but from experience if I can't handle one female going through PMS why would I want to marry more and have to deal with that. Then again I live in a country where one woman is enough. It's just that men in my country just have bad taste in women so they fantasize having more than one, without realizing the work that through into pleasing them all. Yea... I rather still to one hyper-sexualized female.

    Also just because men have more lust doesn't mean/ give the excuse he should follow through it. After all, it's also in mans' nature to over-eat and murder, yet those are sins and most men don't follow through those. I just laugh when I see other men give excuses for their sexual primitive instincts, yet they ignore their other instincts and say "Well those are bad". Contradictive, I say. Sorry but I want my species to evolve into a more enlightened species. We could start by not acting like beasts when it comes to sex and violence.

  85. Religion doesn't have to do with anything and middle east too, sex trafficking is everywhere, horrible things happens in all lands on earth, 'Jews, Christan, Muslims and Hindu' Sex trafficking is widely spread in all continents and all religion. If sex trafficking is Horrifying just take a look on the documentary ZOO and now exactly whats H O R R I B L E means!
    But don't take it on Muslims, Muslim men merry four women because a man have needs and the women too but a women can have the right to divorce. The mans lust is way bigger than the women scientifically. As for the women are very much protected financially and give her all she needs by the men is her like her father, husband and brother.
    Islam and it is a really Deep Magnificent Religion that have a lot about to explore, and before misunderstanding it, please try to read about it.
    May the peace be in all our heart.

    1. Dear Fatma,

      Well I agree with your scientifically backed comment on Male sexual needs as far as my knowledge go, however the PROVISION in Islam for Male to marry more than one women & at max 4 is on a conditional basis rule. The rule can only be applicable due to extreme sociological un-certainties within the society. And Men cannot interpret this Verse of Quran to justify their wrong behavior in behaving with women. Also about financial support that Men are commanded by Allah to provide Women are the rights of women and they are not doing any favor and in the like manner whatever emotional support & strength that women give men is not a favor but their right. And therefore both need to be grateful to each other(simple to say Man & Woman just cant live without each other). It is better for Men to show Love & Respect to Women & It is better for Women to show & maintain that Love & Respect, this is the common ground. And I personally feel it is too difficult for any man to fulfill the condition laid by Allah in Quran(Chapter 4: Nisa - Woman) to have more than one wife, because I cant imagine dividing love between two women I fear I might end loving one more than other irrespective of their merits in beauty, and by nature no women(or any human) can withstand that she receive lesser love from her partner, and I am grateful & thankful to all those women who give such a big sacrifice of sharing a husband for the sake of a better society. Also personally most men normally are happy with one loving wife. As much is it concerned male attraction towards the beauty of other women(other than his wife) male are wired to get attracted to beauty(my personal experience & seeing & reading some documentary on it) But However if a Man get deeply involved into the love of the woman he loves, he least care of any other most beautiful woman - Because Love is so intoxicating one is totally consumed by Love & a Lover really cannot see anything apart from his/her beloved - simply said - IT'S THE POWER OF LOVE (ex: the man in this documentary looking for his wife or for the Sister who ironically goes back to Prostitution for the love of her brother-May Allah forgive her,give guidance & bring happiness in her & her family's life)
      Fatma also F.Y.I only if the first wife agrees the Man can take another - It is a catch 22 situation for Men

    2. Dear Fatma,

      Well I agree with your scientifically backed comment on Male sexual needs as far as my knowledge go, however the PROVISION in Islam for Male to marry more than one women & at max 4 is on a conditional basis rule. The rule can only be applicable due to extreme sociological un-certainties within the society. And Men cannot interpret this Verse of Quran to justify their wrong behavior in behaving with women. Also about financial support that Men are commanded by Allah to provide Women are the rights of women and they are not doing any favor and in the like manner whatever emotional support & strength that women give men is not a favor but their right. And therefore both need to be grateful to each other(simple to say Man & Woman just cant live without each other). It is better for Men to show Love & Respect to Women & It is better for Women to show & maintain that Love & Respect, this is the common ground. And I personally feel it is too difficult for any man to fulfill the condition laid by Allah in Quran(Chapter 4: Nisa - Woman) to have more than one wife, because I cant imagine dividing love between two women I fear I might end loving one more than other irrespective of their merits in beauty, and by nature no women(or any human) can withstand that she receive lesser love from her partner, and I am grateful & thankful to all those women who give such a big sacrifice of sharing a husband for the sake of a better society. Also personally most men normally are happy with one loving wife. As much is it concerned male attraction towards the beauty of other women(other than his wife) male are wired to get attracted to beauty(my personal experience & seeing & reading some documentary on it) But However if a Man get deeply involved into the love of the woman he loves, he least care of any other most beautiful woman - Because Love is so intoxicating one is totally consumed by Love & a Lover really cannot see anything apart from his/her beloved - simply said - IT'S THE POWER OF LOVE (ex: the man in this documentary looking for his wife or for the Sister who ironically goes back to Prostitution for the love of her brother-May Allah forgive her,give guidance & bring happiness in her & her family's life)
      Fatma also F.Y.I only if the first wife agrees the Man can take another - It is a catch 22 situation for Men

  86. The old woman, the one who lures the young ladies, disgusts me the most. I hope she suffers a horrific death and after life. I also wish the very best for the man who is looking for his wife. Bravo for him not giving up yet. I know too many men here in the US, some of which are my friends, who would give up in a drop of a hat. Sad but true... they would. Anyways thank you so much to the individual who posted this. A lot of people don't know that this is going on, possibly in ones own backyard. Thank you again and peace be with you.

  87. This is unbelievable, it's horoble, i mean nobody in the world would like to see something like this happening to their doughter or wifes or related or even non-related no one would let something like this go.. so this maybe is just making movie. but nothing more..God bless muslim people.

  88. @Alexandra Do you think it is only Muslim countries that have sexual slavery???

    Maybe you've never been to Hindu India, or the Christian United States?

    It happens in all countries. Religion has nothing to do with it!

  89. Alarming videos about such a inhuman sad incidents happening in the world.
    but its very strange that these ppl who spent so much money to make documentary didnt help tanya n watched her returning back in sex trade just for few hundred bucks she needed for her family.shameful for these documentary makers.its a as inhuman as those traffickers.
    im sure,if we knew, anyone of us here would have been provided help to tanya instead of making her sad story a material for the film.anyfilmmaker who use ppl's story to get highlighted their career ignoring normal help under their capacity during the journey are CRIMINALS.

  90. in islam a man can marry 4 women but can "buy" an endless number of enslaved women "odalisques"!
    slavery is not illegal in islam till now, but it is not performed because of the "international laws".

    so, any muslim man can have sex with his wives or with his odalisques as "Allah" allows it in Qur'an!

    1. False information

  91. You think this is bad? Google the Documentary "Conspiracy of Silence".

    How's this grab you. An orphanage is set up to provide the boys and girls who will service politicians and dignitaries - IN WASHINGTON DC.

    That's right - the Oprhanage and all its clients were in --- drumroll --- the United States of America.

    To the PBS Producers of this documentary, I find it highly strange that not a peep has come from any of you concerning this Orphange, probably because the people setting up the meetings between the girls and boys and their "clients" in Washington DC were high ranking Republican Party dignitaries.

    You don't have to go to Europe to find the scum of the Earth. There's tons of it in Washington DC.

  92. Hey shikar i live in Canada and was born in Trinidad myself ....Anyways where do i start ....WTF i do not care Vlad is a dead man or should be the way he was cocky about it like this "the judge understood my situation" that's why he got 5yrs probation he will truly rot in hell....and that lady who takes them to the airport to sell them she needs to be dealt with and sent off to the community of odessa and be tied up and have a public stoning at her!!!!

    I am so pissed off about this, How these cowards can live with themselves everyday don't you have a conscious man ? That appo character and his wife ..... After seeing this it really gave me a broader perspective on life and how hard people have it and how easy I have it in life. What can i do to help ? ? please someone tell me...I want Vlad to get killed i do not know how that husband of that lady who was taken did not kill vlad... You are a coward VLAD thats why you hide your face with your jacket. I wish the tables were turned and you get a taste of your own medicine!!

  93. This was a very informational video. I'm in a women's studies class and we have our final paper on sex trafficing. I just wish the people who were making the movie and giving the info would talk a little slower, if they ever read this I hope they make that improvement. I'm glad for Katia and want to send money for Tania though I know it's too late for her brother it's not for the rest of her family. I want to do something to help. First I want to smack the governments for allowing this kind of crime to happen.

  94. Dirty middle-eastern men!!!! and back stabbing russians

  95. The injustice in this world is overwhelming. WHY did these producers offer no help to Tonia, who they admitted only needed a few hundred dollars? I'm as appalled at the people behind the cameras as I am with the people doing these acts. To sit by and watch evil is unfathomable to me.

    And I hope Vlad and every other person like him meets a slow, painful end equal to the pain they have caused.

    Katia was such a fighter. I'm so glad the ordeal ended for her but she'll carry that for the rest of her life.

    Something major needs to happen, in the way or radical reform of "justice" systems around the world. I say the death penalty for scum like this.

  96. thats why in islam, woman neeed a man when it comes to traveling also any muslim man married and cought having sex with thses woman would have been killed to hounar the dignty of woamn with the scocity.

  97. Is Turkey the Land of Muslims or a huge? Bordello?

  98. i am so sad that goverments dont want to end these injustice act, i just hope that GOD help them and make up for all this saddned that the face it in this world

  99. He got 5 years PROBATION so that is hardly likely! Just a side point isn't Turkey still an Islamic country?

  100. 5 years?? 5 measly years? What a laugh! I hope Vlad gets crazy kinds of *** raped in jail.

  101. I'm shocked...I live in Odessa all my life...Of course, I have heard about such things but I was soooo upset to see my native city and our girls in this documentary...and get to know that Odessa is one of the biggest slavery centers in Ukraine...It's so sad...

  102. Men are trafficked as well. In egypt and jamaica for exaple. Why this was not mentioned I can't imagine

  103. @ Fillip: I'm sorry but I'm not sure what pornography has to do with illegal human trafficking....

  104. hello my name is shikar i live in the us i was born in the west indies little island called trinidad,i want to ask is there something someone like myself can do to help stop this if so please please let me know i would like very much to help !

  105. How incredibly sad.

    Gosh, my heart goes out to the many who suffer. Oh gosh.

  106. i will never look at porn in the same way again.