Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI

2019, Technology  -   12 Comments
Ratings: 7.60/10 from 63 users.

Most people from the ages of 8 to 80 benefit from some form of artificial intelligence. From internet browsing to phone apps to car safety features, the technology informs many of the conveniences we embrace on a daily basis. Because the evolution of self-learning technologies continues to advance at such a rapid pace, it can be difficult to assess where it's ultimately going and the extent to which it could alter our lives in the process. Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI provides a lively and informative dissertation on the possibilities of this flourishing technology.

The film's overall tone is one of positivity; it's focused on separating the dystopian hype from the more comforting realities. The filmmakers outline the inner building blocks of artificial intelligence, and demonstrate how the technology reads, interprets and expands upon data. Most of the film's running time is devoted to showcasing how AI can benefit the future of mankind in areas as diverse as agriculture, medical care and travel.

We meet a young entrepreneur who is developing the technologies to detect pancreatic cancer at its earliest stages when it is most treatable. We witness the teams at the forefront of the self-driving car movement. We learn how farmers utilize drones to map out the most fertile soil for their crops. We see a 70-year old retiree embrace virtual gaming, and eavesdrop on a class of elementary school children as they learn how the technology can unite us all as never before.

In the eyes of those at the forefront of these developments, artificial intelligence represents a thrilling and essential evolution. The technology will assist us in becoming more productive, open up exciting new employment opportunities, and enhance the conveniences that we rely on during our day to day.

Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI isn't blind to the potential pitfalls, however. A panel of expert interview subjects addresses issues related to data security, digital fakery and the threat of an autonomous workforce. They affirm the need to set rules and regulations, but remain convinced that the long-term benefits far outweigh the risks.

Directed by: Christopher Cannucciari

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12 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Dainius

    Great documentary

  2. michel

    why such a dramatic music ?

  3. Brian

    Gives a biased slanted perspective of artificial intelligence. Although informative & presented very well, not too educational. I love documentaries for their ability to give you new informative knowledge. The best documentaries are those that can do this by giving ALL available information on a topic. I want a documentary to be so well informative that it gives me a new perspective on an issue or even better, changed my perspective while still being entertaining & of high production value. But done so with my own analysis of the issue using the information I just attained. Hopefully, you would agree with this stance of what makes a great documentary. Therefore, by using the above definition of a great documentary, I can easily say this one was not the greatest. Would I recommend a friend to watch it.... no. There are sooo many great documentaries waiting to be discovered, with so little time available. Let me help you just this little bit by telling you to spend that time more wisely & dont watch this. However, what saves it from getting a terrible score is its production value and entertainment ability. I did after all, watch it all.

  4. Rachel

    Reading the comments, it seems the makers of this movie over estimated the lay person's understanding of ML/AI processes. It does seem to have a somewhat persuasive feeling, maybe even presenting things in an overly optimistic tone. There is a need to get more people into the field and it would obviously benefit the average person to know something about how the world is changing, so maybe that isn't a bad thing.

  5. Jair52

    I think AI is overrated. The examples shown here are simple computer processing, just as we humans use the inductive/deductive method to make decisions, so they are doing here. But AI promoters talk about the AI taking over from humans and for that, machines will need to prove they can do something we appreciate in humans, to stand out from the crowd in being creative in writing, composing, inventing, designing, etc, doing things that are beyond the common man, things that you never thought of before, that's what we call "intelligence", ...can your robot laugh at a good joke, that will be a starting point.

    1. Jean-Pierre Tardif

      So right!

  6. Devil Travels

    A documentary that pushes the positive and mischaracterizes the inconvenient truth. Waving away the human element as a minor point avoids dealing with reality.
    BTW, people with motion sickness can't use self driving cars.

  7. Teresa Neary

    I think for the most part - other than for medicine -- it is a travesty and ridiculous; if you wanted to see the stars go out the door and look up into the -- that's real!
    Robots - crap; cell phones in schools absurd - a computer is only good for secretarial work, medicine, and graphics arts. You're grooming generations of lesser and lesser human communication and escape from nature and the real world.
    Normal skills and human functions are lessening - with shorter attention; carpel tunnel syndrome with people's wrists; invasion of privacy and all the bad that the internet heralds in - ans self-driving cars - idiotic.
    We've got a real world to take care of that's deteriorating.

    If you want to put your head in the sand, put your head in the real sand -- maybe you'd feel something then.

    1. mr

      Too many ignorant people in the comment section

  8. zhiliton

    I think the future with all the technologies will be as boring as this documentary. Humans will be useless with no purpose in life, because everything will be about technologies where is no space for humans and their actual needs. We will be struggling 24/7 to 'power' technologies which kind of should serve to us ;)

  9. Dr. Z.

    When someone fails to differentiate between A.I. and ML, considering one a subset of the other, that's a clear sign they don't know what they are talking about. Coupled with the excessive optimism this documentary exhibits, right from the beginning, it makes for a good advertisement video more than anything else. I'd be very skeptical about anything built on such biased perspective.

  10. amalgamated durables

    when AI is developed, there will be no need for humans any more