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Post-Truth Times: We the media

2017, Media  -   18 Comments
Ratings: 5.25/10 from 102 users.

How can truth survive in a society that no longer values verifiable facts? Perhaps no organization has been more plagued by this dilemma than the mainstream news media. In recent times, the media has been met with a tremendous amount of ire and skepticism from bellicose politicians and an increasingly embittered population. Post-Truth Times: We the media examines this troubling phenomenon from a myriad of fascinating perspectives, and attempts to diagnose what it all means for journalism and the culture at large.

The film doesn't hold back in its depiction of the cancer that has spread from within the industry itself. Rapidly shrinking budgets, diminishing readership, massive personnel losses, and the changing face of content consumption have all had a major impact on journalistic standards. The desire to be first often exceeds the need to be right. Facing unprecedented time constraints and pressures from an endless well of competitive outlets, journalists are too often forced to play fast and loose with the facts.

But this is only one piece in the mosaic of misinformation. Our politically divisive landscape has fragmented the industry like never before, and its tainted our ability to discern fact from pleasing fiction. Consumers are no longer looking for informed or unbiased journalism. They want a media that affirms instead of challenges their points of view.

President Donald Trump has successfully manipulated this culture war to his advantage. By stoking the fires of mistrust among the populace, he's branded the media as a public enemy, and managed to mangle even the most negative coverage in his favor.

The film explores a series of essential questions. Is there such a thing as parallel truths, and how valid are they? To what extent does corporate obligation compromise a journalist's ability to speak truth to power? How can the modern media continue to operate in this climate while remaining true to its foundational roots of integrity?

Noam Chomsky, Gay Talese and Amy Goodman lead a line-up of journalists and cultural icons who join in on the debate.

Post-Truth Times: We the media tackles one of the most relevant and timely issues of the day with great insight and clarity.

Directed by: Héctor Carré

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18 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Me (not you)

    And with this paragraph (President Donald Trump has successfully manipulated this culture war to his advantage. By stoking the fires of mistrust among the populace, he's branded the media as a public enemy, and managed to mangle even the most negative coverage in his favor.), I can sum up what the whole documentary is more than likely about: ORANGE MAN BAD! LMAO! What a bunch of pussies the left is. Thank GOD for President Donald J. Trump. He's truly Making America Great Again!!!

    1. Yuri

      Ahh doing what Americans do best blaming their stupidity and negligence on the media, and other groups. You are mad because main stream media is ALL lies, and insubstantiated reports made up to sway the most gullible, and piss off the rest, of which your own president is the later. as he said he doesn't like to read.... apparently your third rate education system should be blamed as well. Did none of you learn how to go to a library or look for bibliographic references, learn about how to research ?

      If you are literate , read Manufacturing Consent By Noam Chomsky or one of his books on Linguistics, or others on American foreign policy, who taught and studied at MIT one of the most prestigious research universities in the world. Look at what you wrote, name calling, generalizations, and then calling it the fault of the other group which you do not like.

      Simpletons, apparently you have no dignity either. Test question for many of you research any thing you read? and where what domains do you go to?
      Answer, if you are not going to 1) .edu 2) .gov 3.) .org ( .org sites being the least but still authenticated as a valid source of specific information) then you are wasting your time.
      FOX, Breitbart , what are some of the others you trust?
      anyone with 10$ a month can make a .com site.. and write what ever they want.

      Next question, how do you decide if something is true assuming you don't follow the answer I gave you? are you smart enough to know that you do not know something? Or do you just open your mouth and vomit out what ever you see fit....

  2. Urban dweller

    More left wing news uncovering the " real news!" Thank God!

  3. Paulo

    More left wing fake news covering the "fake news".

    Is there really any authoritative documentary on the fake news phenomenon? It's been going on forever the J-media has stepped it up times 100x recently never seen anything like it

  4. Walter Haas

    narcissistic drivel about the absurd conceit that reporters are speaking truth to power. in other words, to the director of this film “the truth“ is liberal progressive left wing truth.

  5. Soren

    I hope most big medias today crash and that a new one will emerge. But it wont, cause thats gonna be a shitfest. All that is needed now/soon is a great conflict. That way those in power wont be touched, cause "then we fear we will lose the war, cause its such vulnerable times"

  6. johnnyringo

    The main questions he kept asking was based around could this happen,which in all cases have most unfortunately been answered.

  7. bobby

    A person who knowingly lies spiritually negates themself.

  8. Alan

    When PPL find themselves with way too much money they buy newspapers to shape the narrative.

    I found it humorous that the NYT which is almost out of business was put out as the gold standard, and the Washington Post is the gold standard.

    This is a left wing bleat.

  9. Soeren

    Donald Dump, its not propaganda when it actually gets out that a lot of stuff said about him is fake. It doesnt matter if you like him or not, im not particularly fond of him, but Id be ripping my hair out if it was Hillary

  10. David Llewellyn Foster

    Valuable narrative, but far too much derivative stock-footage of boring crowds and wasted silences. This would have been more effective if cut back to 30 minutes. In fact everything could have been said without any accompaniment and images. Spoken word is often far more content rich, than examples like this of unnecessary time-consuming 'documentary' dressing. The thing is to communicate essential information, not entertain us and distract our focus with cliched imagery and background sound.

  11. Mark Gaboury

    Sounds like you are excusing fake news, which makes you fake news. You need to be honest and to expose the sins of the MSM Fake News Complex.

  12. Donald Dump

    okay, so i didn't want to watch this because of the donald dummy preview and the donald dummy "fake news" bs, but it seems this wasn't propaganda for that dummy. they did mention how biased news networks hide the facts to make someone else look better, but this wasnt a really hard hitting documentary. the fact of the matter is, we've got a narcissist in the whitehouse. he'll say and do anything to make himself look better and everyone else is worse than him. come on.....obama is the leader of isis? who really believes that?......

    1. Me (not you)

      (@Donald Dump) You must've gotten lost on your way to your 'safe space'.

  13. bob

    Why are there no dates on anything here?
    This story, the doc, and the comments could all be ancient history.

  14. Roger Andout

    Big on theory - "power wants certain stories suppressed."
    Short on examples.
    Poor report.

  15. jerry

    Poor journalists. Give them food stamps. I almost cried.

  16. zef

    Of course this presupposes that anyone of consequence actually want the truth to survive.