
2010, Technology  -   54 Comments
Ratings: 7.03/10 from 31 users.

CyberwarIs the US contributing to the militarization of cyberspace? Cyberwar. A conflict without foot soldiers, guns, or missiles.

Instead the attacks are launched by computer hackers. Digital spy rings. Information thieves. Cyberarmies of kids, criminals, terrorists - some backed by nation states.

But is cyber war really a threat? Can cyber war actually cripple the United States? Or is the language just sturm und drang spun up by a coalition of major arms manufacturers, the Pentagon, and Internet security firms allied with China bashers aimed at launching a new Cold War in Asia?

China has been accused of hacking into the Pentagon, the International Monetary Fund, the French government, and the CIA, as well as stealing information from major U.S. arms maker Boeing and the Japanese firm Mitsubishi.

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54 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Vince Santini

    I really dont care about it.. I will be dead soon..and all you guys can have your corrupt government and a world full of crap.

  2. LindaJBest

    Though I am not very good using computers, I joyfully contribute in any way I can, to prevent what is happening in our country. Next month, I will be 61, so i have been through quite a lot; but nothing, compared to this year and last.
    Now, apartment tenants in NC have to allow entry into apartments. When I'm home, I lock my screen door. Today, when I got home, my telephone had been unplugged
    Second, in March this year a policeman handcuffed me, took me in his car to the police station, fingerprinted, pictured, etc. I was arrested because the Goodwill thrift store had me arrested for a 21.00 check. They refused my payment, but had me arrested. I went to their office and confronted the Treasurer face to face. He said he would talk to my new employees, who thought I had been a criminal. What's next?
    Let's fight! Linda Best

  3. Gareth Hayes

    Cyberwarfare on a scale that could cause the entire country to collapse WILL be used against the US at some point, it just depends on when and by who.

    And the Internet is ALREADY militarised, your PERSONAL connection is militarised - that's what firewalls and anti-virus software do to your own connection! Take a look at your own router setup page and you will probably notice an option for a DMZ - a De-Militarised Zone, because the rest of YOUR connection is MILITARISED, if it wasn't your computer would be hacked. Bunch of hypocrites don't want the internet to be militarised but have militarised it yourself!

    So don't go criticising the government for wanting to do the same thing to the networks that run your power supply, your ATM network, the flight control center that stops your plane crashing into other planes, the networks that hold your medical history and if changed could kill you by changing your allergy status etc, or the network that controls the traffic lights so that you can actually use the roads, etc etc.


    this is big boy stuff me can not comment, unless you think that the internet is here and there is a Formula used to create it as it Is today, it can be done again but this time only better very invisible more powerful and specially designed for there purposes, learning from other mistakes along the way, the internet is one big spiders web with billions and billions of interconnecting fibers, upgrading its self every second even now right in this very room you can see when you look out of your window when you pay your taxes when you go to church lmao lol :D. do you no what im talking about ( the matrix )Any of that make sense. well now you no how I feel, i will leave you with this (what is now proved was once impossible) (the only limit to the creativity of the human mind lies in peoples believes about whats possible)

  5. harry nutzack

    for those poo-pooing the idea of governmental cyber intervention, or the use of the internet as a weapon, i have but one word. stuxnet. how soon we forget, it would seem. ALL american internet traffic routes through nsa mainframes. the stated purpose is a "keyword comparison for use in intercepting communiques by terrorists and their supporters". by using carefully selected keywords, the same method could just as easily be used to coallate all internet users into "risk groups" of any variety. by comparison of routing data, even your "surfing" habits allow all manner of insight into your political, philosophical, and sexual tendencies. data mining is easily accomplished by setting up "stimulus-response" websites of any variety. big brother sees all. with proper stimulus, big brother gets YOU to admit all. it is the ultimate extension of the law enforcement modality of j edgar hoover. it allows ANY user to be slowly indoctrinated toward a mindset of uncle sam's choosing. that is how our "home grown terrorists" are assessed for timely use of agent provocateurs to create incidents. corporations use these exact techniques to target YOU for advertising, do you honestly think it ends there? dont be willfully ignorant.

  6. David Foster

    Fear of ghosts.

  7. Dave Ace

    DOCO REVIEW: Pretty straightforward and average popcorn documentary. Barely touches the surface of the subject and doesn't do much more than whizz through some possibilities of what's to come and how vastly paranoid the US is... and probably deserves to be with their military/corporate fingers in everyone's else's pies. Although well produced it's fairly much forgettable 23:27 minutes. Give it a burl if you need to watch something while getting ready for work... at the NSA. p.s: Daniel Craig needs a shave @ 4:22 hahaha

    1. lunawolve

      I started watching it and cant but agree with you.

  8. Rhodium1233

    Here's an idea US....stop pissing people off and maybe you'll get attacked less.

    1. Gareth Hayes

      The only way the US can stop "pissing people off" is if it disappears off the face of the planet.

  9. jbriggs_87

    u can tell that guy is totally baked. check out his eyes

  10. CapnCanard

    In short the real problem is money. None of the terrorism happens without there being money made or stolen. the wealthy manuvering to make more wealth, scarce resources being exploited, others working in tandem as a conspiracy to wrest control from those less powerful, or people unable to defend themselves being used like chattel/slaves. The end result of this is to make profit, if people are killed then it is victims fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We all hold a small level of responsibility... it is just that the Wealthy are tremendously far more responsible for all the nasty negative effects.

  11. Blucrossbreeder

    We'll be Ok, esp if the 'bad -guy hackers' are shot dead, or if thats to brutal, just cut off one hand.

  12. qigongdoctor

    While reading the comment section before I watch the Documentary, I can't help but pause, slowly shake my head, and wonder... With all of our amazing advances in Computer Science, why do contributers fail to use grammar check, and/or spell check before submitting their comments?

  13. KsDevil

    If you can make money or grab power, they will do it. Red Beard is right about one thing. The biggest threat is ***** business executives who work their IT people to death and refuse to provide timely upgrades.
    That's why mysterious network slowdowns occur at a company, that is ruled by isolated business theory shills, a few weeks before Chineese officials make a visit to review business partnership deals. (one example). But a military cyber war is a bit of a stretch. I can see a CIA cyber war, though. All you need is a building full of paranoid maniacs and contractors who feed that fear...for money.

  14. Thomas

    this doc was extremely biased. the whole thing was based on the opinion of governments and ****. recently, i have decided to put the stamp of bull**** on anything government officials say, because they're full of **** 99.999% of the time. had to pause 4 minutes in.

    1. CapnCanard

      Thomas, I think your fear of Gov't needs to include Corporate power and the direct influencing of policy that both the Wealthy and the Corporations have on Gov't. Blaming the Gov't is not dissimilar to blaming the messenger... but it doesn't mean the Gov't is off the hook.

  15. suomalaiset

    It is a matter of record that the NSA was authorized and captured massive amounts of internet data of every type and used the data to search for terrorist activity. It was wholesale data collection not warranted, targeted data collection. This capability exists and will be exploited. Preserving privacy in this way is the last defense against the complete erosion of 4th and 1st amendment rights.

  16. bobthebboy

    illuminati propaganda notice the upside down triangle sign he makes at 28 secs they are calling these cyber journalist terrorist for reviling the crimes our governments are committing all over the world serving the corporation the so called ruling elite and they do this claiming there protecting your freedom. whilst telling people there liberty is a threat to liberty and that the only way to be safe is to be enslaved

    1. capriciouz

      That is a natural position billions of people put their hands into every day. Sounds like you suffer from some paranoid delusions. You may consider seeking professional attention if that was not some really poor attempt at humor.

    2. bobthebboy

      all i can say is go anonymous. you need to occupy your mind capriciouz and look would you live in. they might not call themselves illuminati but thats what we call them the bilderberg group skull and bones leaders of neo cons people who run fed and anyone who speaks of the new world order.if this doc was not in support of suppressing the info on the crimes they commit then i would have viewded it as a simple hand gesture

    3. CapnCanard

      capriciouz that was a bit limp... being deluded is par for the course for Americans who seem to have a universal belief that they are somehow exceptional and above reproach when all others should be under constant supervision and suspicion.

    4. tomregit

      Bob, I'm not saying you're wrong but, I'm having a little trouble believing the flashing of gang signs thing you think you see. I better keep my hands in my pockets when talking. Don't wanna piss off any bloods/crips/angels/bilderbergers/etc.

    5. bobthebboy

      reallys its not about them us and if we keep going down the path there leading us down then the worlds going to be a worse place for every one when you live in fear you ether act it submission or aggression but theres a better way to be which cultivates a different type of behaviour

  17. Mad

    Al Jazeera used to be called anti-American propaganda before they were co-opted by the neocon warmonger types now they are praised by the likes of John McCain saying that he is "Proud of the role that Al Jazeera has played"

  18. Saint_John

    I was going to watch this, but then i saw Mikey Chertoff with his mouth open.

  19. norlavine

    It's not the conspiracies, it's the grave errors of judgement we have to be concerned about xx

  20. President_Emil

    What a bullshit!

    Just making sure people fear as much possible.

    Cyber Obama bin Ladens from China.

    Next step is to make sure that the next national authorization act allows people to be imprisoned who own a computer.

  21. Papu Mendoza

    nothing new, real or actually interesting. zzzzzzzz.............

  22. fonbindelhofas

    all they do is feed fear in people minds, no such things exist. peace of crap of propoganda from pentagon!

  23. drinker69

    Some people use the internet for warfare, some for masterbating to free porn. Different strokes.

  24. John Belcher

    Mr. Redbeard is a fool. I get the impression he is an attention whore. I dont think a scenario like he described is very likely. DoD just does not operate that way. Anyone with even the slightest exposure to the DoD would understand.

    1. CapnCanard

      Mr John Belcher, your reaction to Mr. Redbeard does raise flags. Why are you so convinced that Mr. Redbeard is an attention whore? What evidence do you have? He may be as you say, though I am not so sure. I find it unlikely that the DoD gets all the personnel it needs with an all volunteer force. I think that the DoD might want to hire some independent contractors to spread around the levels of responsibility(blame) if something were to go horribly wrong? That would increase their range of motion for questionable activity. Don't know if that is true, but what a great way to avoid being blamed? ...just saying.

  25. WTC7

    Although quite short, the documentary provides a good basis for discussion. The main issue for me is what the imposition of new cyber security measures would entail in terms of access to alternative sources of information, which at this point are available almost exclusively on the internet.

    It is clear though, that the US is already prepared to take this to the next level - their army established the cyber command!

  26. Eniki520

    Wasn't the internet invented by the military in the first place? It would make sense the military would militarize it, militarizing things is what they do.

    1. SuperKieron10

      No, it war invented by scientists, at CERN, where id you get the information that the us army did it? :P

    2. Eniki520

      The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), was the world's first operational packet switching network and the core network of a set that came to compose the global Internet. The network was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the United States Department of Defense for use by its projects at universities and research laboratories in the US. The packet switching of the ARPANET was based on designs by Lawrence Roberts of the Lincoln Laboratory.

    3. Larry Adams

      You keep spewing this bull and it is wrong! Get your facts straight Eniki520 THE USA DID NOT INVENT THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!

    4. Eniki520

      Tim invented the world wide web not the internet which already existed before 1989 when Tim Berners-Lee first made his proposal for an information management system, which would become the world wide web, not the internet.

    5. Simon Dahlström

      The network technology, but not internet. Internet is one of many network, it also happen to be the biggest network. Internet is the name of the largest network, a network made by normal civilians and companies, ect.

      If they want a global military network, they could go make one. They want control of Internet, simple cause so many people are connected to it. Control the mass, so to speak.

      Some of the arguments, is that they are scared of people, hacking into systems that controls missiles and such. The thing is, they could make a network which isn't connected to the Internet. The advantage to be connected to the Internet, is that people connected to it could send you e-mail ect. But you could easily read your e-mails on a computer connected to the internet, then switch to a machine which is connected to the military network.

      They are afraid of the easy communication between two parties, and therefore they think it would be an great idea to be able to spy on all, to sort out the few whom they might have a problem with.

    6. Eniki520

      so your saying the military did invent the internet and then let the civilians use it. since with out networking the internet would not be possible.

    7. Simon Dahlström

      It was universities and companies that stood for the creation of Internet. Internet is a network, not the network.

      If you want to play the game of "who stood behind the technique that an invention used", then I can give you a long messed up list, of how the world would look like.

      Even the technique of networking is based on the research of students, which later the military saw potential and help founding them (not from the very start). The ---> Internet <--- is none military made. Please note that internet is A network, NOT THE network.

    8. Eniki520

      Internet is nothing but a bunch of computers networked together. Since its the network that connects everything and is by far the largest most used network on the planet it is "the network", we are using a network to talk right now. With out the network invented by and for the military the internet as we know it would not be possible.

    9. Eniki520

      Internet is nothing but a bunch of computers networked together. Since its the network that connects everything and is by far the largest most used network on the planet it is "the network", we are using a network to talk right now. With out the network invented by and for the military the internet as we know it would not be possible.

    10. Simon Dahlström

      Why I said it wasn't THE network but A network, was to illustrate that networks of all sizes exists.

      The military does not own all the servers they want to claim rights to.

      If networking was the wheel, then internet the car, they be all means claim rights of it, due to the networking, aka the wheel.

      without the technique to extract minerals out from rocks, we wouldn't have the steel. Without the steel no guns.

      Give Alfa Laval AB all rights to all inventions Laval invented, and watch the industrial world crumble.

      Gonna be fun see peer-to-peer grow.

    11. Eniki520

      ahahahahah i never said they owned the internet, i said they invented it. there a big difference, your arguing with yourself now. no one owns the internet, people own the individual computers/websites/servers connected to it but no one owns the internet itself.

    12. Simon Dahlström

      Okey. I though you said they owned the internet, and I was arguing against it. My bad.

      BUT. You said they should be allowed to control it since you said they invented the networking technique. Since without networking internet wouldn't be able to exist, which is child reasoning.

      I studied and work with networking and system engineering, and my colleagues just told me I got trolled. Thank you for that.

    13. Eniki520

      I just meant that there isn't really anything the military wouldn't try to militarize, they definitely don't own it.

    14. Simon Dahlström

      I think I misread what you wrote to begin with. My bad. *^^*

    15. TJ Francis

      If no one owns the come do i have to pay to access it?

    16. Simon Dahlström

      From what you're saying, if I invented the wheel, I got the right's to all cars?

    17. Eniki520

      no, since you cant make a car without wheels. Just like there is no internet without networking.

    18. Eniki520

      kinda like how without gunpowder there would be no guns or bombs