Inside the Dark Web

2014, Technology  -   19 Comments
Ratings: 8.48/10 from 411 users.

Inside the Dark Web turns to the topic of internet surveillance concerning the pros and cons of the ability for everything that passes over the immense World Wide Web being able to be watched, recorded, and analyzed.

The first aspect of the conversation examined by the film is Britain's GCHQ - The Government Communications Headquarters - which is a federal security agency whose mission statement reads "[The Agency] is constantly working to keep Britain safe and secure in the challenging environment of modern communication." The reason cited in the film as being the sole one the public has any knowledge of the agency's existence is because Edward Snowden leaked the information in his infamous documents.

Tim Berners-Lee, the man credited as the inventor of the Internet itself, explains that he sees the dangers being presented as the World Wide Web develops over the time. He makes the point that we have to understand, in regards to surveillance, that it is not people that are monitoring our internet activity in the initial tiers of these security agencies' efforts - it is computers, or the algorithms housed on them, that flag behavior designated as worth looking into further and then alert human security officials that perhaps there is reason to delve deeper.

The film's focus turns from government surveillance to that being conducted by commercial entities - big business acquiring as much information as it can about your search, traffic, and interest-related habits that allow them to target paid advertising into the path of your digital trailblazing for products that you just might be willing to hand over some of your hard earned money for. The aforementioned government agencies often acquire this information for their own monitoring purposes as well.

David Chaum is a renowned theorist on the subject of internet development, and as early as the 1980's was writing papers about the alarming nature of digital privacy and the need to think about these issues before they become the sole conduit to the living of our lives. These ideas led to the invention of encryption, which the remainder of the film explores as it relates to the various forms of our data that is passing across the World Wide Web in droves on a daily basis.

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19 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Samuel

    They misgender Chelsea Manning. She is a trans woman and deserves to be addressed correctly. She's a whistleblower and an ethical hero. Really fuck the rampant misgendering in this documentary. Otherwise informational and interesting but :/

  2. Rajan

    it's worst video player.

  3. hridy

    how to prevent tracking in the dark web

  4. getyouhandoutmypants

    meh it was kinda basic really, had a few informative bits but waste of time watching this overall.

  5. Peter

    I’ve only watched the first few minutes, but it occurs to me, “We are paying for Big Brother’s presence in our lives and have been fooled into thinking we need it and that the system somehow provides for our enhanced freedom and security.”

  6. Jade

    The title of this film is pretty misleading.

  7. Duane M. Navarre

    Google "TOR compromisd" and read the Quora article.
    2nd the utah data center for the NSA has to take water from a river to cool it,
    that sounds on par with what is done at nuclear reactors.
    If they were merely storing data they wouldn't be generating that level of heat
    as I have worked at multiple data centers. That level of heat is due to high CPU usage,
    so I think the next step is they have something equal to or beyond the Dwave Quantum
    computer and in that case Crypto is dead.
    Google "Dwave NSA"...over and out...

  8. Punky

    In the end Assange mentions about the need to demand browsers with anonymity and privacy so the market would respond. But surely the market being the market will twist it and use for its own interests again later on imo...

  9. Anan

    I believe the Tor browser is also monitored. Thanks for the exe that needs to be installed in order to get the Onion running on my laptop. In addition, US Army has used the "dark internet" years ago and when it expired, they just let it go for ummm let's say smart-ordinary-users. For me I like it and I use it, so thanks anyway!

  10. Hamza

    Hats off to Edward Snowden and Aaron Swartz.

  11. bluetortilla

    Wow, I need a new pair of sunglasses. People like Snowden are heroes and patriots of humanity.
    When will reach the time when the lines between governments and corporations are no longer discernible?
    Lastly, where can I get bitcoin? Not that I want to buy anything illegal, but rather so I can get started in a system that bypasses the horrifying monetary system that we know today. A record of every transaction by every person that is shared by all every time? What amazing accountability!

    1. InvisibleHandInMyPants

      You are using a computer and dont know where to find bitcoin? Really?

    2. bluetortilla

      No. Thrilled actually. If bitcoin fails more alternatives will come along. Af first I thought PayPal sounded cool. HA HA HA HA Just another stinking bank.
      Anyway, your the one with the invisible hand in his pants so look who's talking.

  12. Dave M

    people would just steal other people's online passport. no solution there. kaspersky is a dirty company

  13. jp99

    "The first aspect of the conversation examined by the film is Britain's GCHQ - The Government Communications Headquarters - which is a federal security agency whose mission statement reads "[The Agency] is constantly working to keep Britain safe and secure in the challenging environment of modern communication." The reason cited in the film as being the sole one the public has any knowledge of the agency's existence is because Edward Snowden leaked the information in his infamous document.."

    Nonsense. A lie. GCHQ has been in the public domain for years. FFS, they advertise for people to work there.

    Sorry, spouting untruths like this do you no service at all.

    1. DigiWongaDude

      You misunderstood.

      ...Snowden revealed the fiber optic feed was being diverted into GCHQ, the programme states. (Something which, up until then, could only be speculated about).

      Not that he revealed the existence of the well known UK listening station.

  14. DigiWongaDude

    A suggestion. Watch part 3 of The Virtual Revolution ("Cost of Free") before this. Tim Berners Lee is in that too. Then watch this one and consider that the two are only 4 years apart. If you manage to do that, this one becomes amazingly good viewing.

    1. Imightberiding

      Good suggestion. Thanks.