Technology - 5

Battery Powered Homes

Battery Powered Homes

2016, Technology

An Australian-produced documentary for ABC television, Battery Powered Homes takes a peek into a not-so-distant future where clean and renewable energy can alter the way of life for countless millions. Not too long ago, the notion of a battery-powered...

The Perfect Human Being

The Perfect Human Being

2015, Technology

What if you could create the perfect baby in a lab? Thanks to the wonders of modern science, that far-fetched concept may soon become a reality. The ability to manipulate the natural processes of nature, and to chart a new course for human evolution...

Cyberbullies: A Killer Network

Cyberbullies: A Killer Network

2016, Technology

Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram make it possible for us to feel more globally connected than ever before. But for some, these platforms also represent a vicious breeding ground for the modern bully. Online taunts and shaming...

The End of Ownership

The End of Ownership

2015, Technology

The birth of highly sustainable energy sources and other resources presents a double edged sword for the business sector. A company can remain vital and viable if the products they sell represent the cutting edge of technological advancement, but that...

The Smart State

The Smart State

2015, Technology

Technologies like personal computers and smart phones have reshaped every corner of society. Figures like Apple co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are commonly heralded as the god-like innovators of these planet shifting technologies, but the...

Zero Days

Zero Days

2015, Technology

The threat of compromised cyber security has become our planet's new weapon of mass destruction. The documentary Zero Days explores the growing concern that the disintegration of online safety has set the stage for potential physical dangers as well....

The Human Robot

The Human Robot

2015, Technology

The Human Robot explores the boundary between biological and mechanical intelligence through interviews with sociologists, roboticists, ethicists, and philosophers. Asking "how human is too human?" in regards to robot design, the film focuses...

Broken Dreams: The Boeing 787

Broken Dreams: The Boeing 787

2014, Technology

The production of the Boeing 787 promised the next evolution in flight technology. Since its introduction, however, the plane has been fraught with crippling malfunctions. What's to blame for the potentially fatal mishaps of this one-time dream...

Inhuman Kind

Inhuman Kind

2015, Technology

Technology can often be a source of tremendous benefit in our lives. Robotic technologies, in particular, hold the promise of serving many essential functions in the home, workplace, disaster zones or on the battlefield. But these advances within the...

The Age of Hubble

The Age of Hubble

2014, Technology

What we know about ourselves as humans in time and space, the origins of our planet, and the origins of what may or may not turn out to be habitable solar systems forming here and now is largely based on information gathered by a fleet of highly...
