Cyberbullies: A Killer Network

2016, Technology  -   9 Comments
Ratings: 6.67/10 from 57 users.

Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram make it possible for us to feel more globally connected than ever before. But for some, these platforms also represent a vicious breeding ground for the modern bully. Online taunts and shaming practices have resulted in an unprecedented number of youth suicides. The documentary short titled Cyberbullies: A Killer Network seeks to unmask this oftentimes anonymous menace, and suggests methods by which we can help to curb this disturbing epidemic.

Many adults recall the feelings of discomfort and shame they may have felt when they were bullied as school children. However, online technologies have allowed the severity of these bullying tactics to spread and intensify to an oftentimes unbearable degree. The distress caused by one on one interactions in the school yard are tame in comparison to the capabilities of today's cyberbully. With a single click of the mouse, these emotional terrorists can insult or humiliate their victim in a public forum accessible to untold billions.

Such was the case for Toni Connell, a beautiful 15-year old girl who hung herself in her bedroom following many months of being the target of hurtful online rumor mongering. Interviewed during the opening of the film, Toni's parents attempt to grapple with the lessons that can be learned in the aftermath of their daughter's suicide.

While the methods of abuse may be new to this current generation, the signs of victimization are much the same as they've always been. When people learn to recognize and act upon those signs, tragedies such as those suffered by Toni and her family may be avoided. The film calls upon parents to be more cognizant of their child's online activities, and to respond openly and compassionately to any profound variations they may observe in their mood or demeanor. Meanwhile, school administrators often stand on the front-line of this epidemic, and are in a unique position to suffocate these activities before they're allowed to fester out of control.

It is in these and other lessons that the subject matter of Cyberbullies: A Killer Network proves most urgent and informative.

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9 Comments / User Reviews

  1. flybow

    I am more concerened with the government shills and trolls on youtube etc.

  2. Kimberly Frey

    For all of you who blame the victims, clearly you don't have children who have suffered to the point where they want to take their own lives. Its not as easy as just clicking a button to get it to stop. That's not how it works. The bully will post a comment or create a fake instagram account, etc. it doesn't take very long for so many others to add to it. Most of the time the majority of the bullying will come from kids they don't even know. In a matter of minutes it takes on a life of its own and within minutes it can destroy a person. The biggest problem with social media, as i see it being a mother of 4, is this: It slowly becomes the main source for communication in teens and young adults. Because of this, whatever communication skills they learned, even the most basic, begin to disappear. And with that, goes the ability to empathize with others. And without empathy, there can be no accountability. My daughter was a victim simply because she was the new girl who got the attention from the boys. She is beautiful and smart, a clear "competition". I expected she would have a few issues but I never imagined how bad it really is. They don't get to come home and escape it anymore. Its in their face all the time and it never goes away. My state has laws in place to prevent this but I don't think they expected the overwhelming amount of reports they would get from parents and school districts. The juvenile justice system is flooded with reports and they simply don't have the manpower to keep up. As a parent, it becomes your responsibility alone to ensure justice is served. Kids fear the law and if we had enough people to meet the obligations necessary to keep up with the current laws put in place to protect not only children, but also adults, the statistics might start dropping. Look at the suicide rates of teens or younger and look at how they have increased over the last decade alone. Its not because they are too sensitive. Most of them, if not all of them, who were victims to this behavior, did the right thing and followed the procedures laid out to them. I think alot of schools and parents aren't really aware of the proper steps to take legally. The schools will protect themselves first before your child. Its your job as a parent not to take them at their word if they tell you their hands are tied. The answers are there if you do the work and if you want it to stop, you have to. I also believe its so important that your children are aware of their rights as students and as minors and more importantly they need to know that law is on their side. Using the law doesn't make them cowards. Its the opposite. Its tiresome, emotionally draining, frustrating, and at times beyond hopeless when you are fighting a broken system but unless you are willing to fight that fight, the system will remain broken and nothing will change. Our children are growing up seeing just how easily manipulated we are as a society and just how predjudice we can be if someone thinks differently. They are witnessing hate in media everyday. If you teach your kids anything, teach them to fight for BETTER CHANGE and start teaching again to be the change. Most importantly, don't teach them that when someone hurts them, that somehow it's their fault.

  3. Mahmoud BouRaad

    Getting bullied is pain in the neck and isn't healthy but it isn't worth to get you commit suicide. The best is to ignore it and move on as life is fill with many splendid things to look for.

  4. gary sheppard

    All devices have an "off" button...anyone being bullied has only themselves to blame.
    I've known three people (all girls) who used being bullied as a form of attention seeking.

  5. CarimboHanky

    i have been online for 18 the 30 years i have been alive and still dont get how anyone can get "bullied" over the internet...

  6. wayne

    Anyone who hides behind a user name and computer screen to attack others is a bully. All bullies are cowards. Cowards are weak.

    These cowards require several conditions in order to be effective: an intially receptive target, an ability to isolate the target, threats against the target, instilling fear in the target, manipulation of the targets' emotions. They crave control because they are powerless. They hate others because they hate themselves.

    The last thing a coward wants is to be exposed for what he/she is. If you are the target of a coward, tell someone. An appropriate adult. A parent. A teacher. The police.

    Remember that in the age of technology, a coward can have many targets. Exposing the coward is the most empowering thing you can do. It can save others.

    If a coward targets you, don't blame yourself. Don't hate yourself. Don't contemplate suicide. TELL SOMEONE.

  7. Dunning Kruger

    Yes... getting bullied is someone challenging you are your claims without evidence.

    This world is f*****

  8. Armands

    RT, no thank you!

  9. juliebatting

    well worth watching I shall make it my mission to get as many young people to watch this programme really good