The Age of Hubble

2014, Technology  -   15 Comments
Ratings: 9.07/10 from 183 users.

What we know about ourselves as humans in time and space, the origins of our planet, and the origins of what may or may not turn out to be habitable solar systems forming here and now is largely based on information gathered by a fleet of highly technical telescopes, including the Hubble, which first started gathering data in 1990.

While the planet Earth as a single data point can seem either limiting or vast depending on your view point, the amount of what we know based on the Hubble and other technologies associated with it is astounding, and much more impressive than one might imagine. The Age of Hubble takes a look at these things using traditional science narrative and tone along with beautiful images captured from The Hubble telescope itself.

While much of the information we've gained through studying the stars ultimately leads up to more questions, The Age of Hubble is able to accurately convey what information we've gained since we began watching the stars in 1990 via Hubble, and how we ended up on the right track with our line of questioning. Dust and water, we now know, can be found just about everywhere throughout space, but does this mean it's inevitable that life will spring in the presence of the two?

Science, and as result modern man, may still have a way to go in the discovery of how the metaphorical start button is pressed and creation is begun, but we do have visual simulations of the forming of a solar system, based on information gathered by the Hubble, which is anchored in Space, as well as NASA's other telescopes. We can see the process step by step, as new compounds merge and spread and the conditions for a complete solar system allow what could be the next habitable planet in our galaxy to flourish.

A name based on a seemingly random, but actually categorical grouping of numbers and letters probably won't be the first thing you think of when you look up at the next gleaming, bright star you see, but after watching this documentary a new awareness of all we know and all we haven't yet conceived of when it comes to our own solar system, as well as the rest of the stars and cosmic dust around us is likely to resonate with you.

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15 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Daniel zacha

    Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself, he had alot of dirt on the killtons

  2. Sandy Hale

    The narrator sounds sooooo bored

    1. Daniel zacha

      I use this to fall asleep,his monotone voice is perfect.

  3. Bjorn

    This whole documentary is cgi (Computer-generated imagery). Research flat earth.

  4. Modern Skeptic

    The visuals are amazing. I'd watch it again without any sound, put to my own music. What bothers me is all the statements made as fact or implied that all astronomers think a certain way, when the truth is there are huge disagreements among astronomers in almost every single area. Some statements made are so ridiculous as to be almost laughable. Quit trying to sound like we understand things we really have absolutely no clue about. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that in the grand scheme of things mystery in the heavens far eclipses the miniscule amount of knowledge we think we have.

  5. Hypocrite Detector

    So water is the "glue" and "lubricant" that makes all galaxies, solar systems and planets form. Hence, water is life!
    I "grok" that! :D

  6. Jason West

    I have yet to hear (through Chem or Bio) how "silicate mineral grains" contribute to the formation of water, outside of this doc. I am neither a scientist, nor a physicist, but I've never heard of Silica's role in H2O formation. People who stake their terrestrial claim on science and its method(s) should stand wary at times of notions and hypotheses, meaning, it isn't "science" until it is.

    1. Hypocrite Detector

      The oxygen and hydrogen expelled by a star have to go somewhere. The silicates act as collectors of those, and combine to form H2O, "dihydrogen oxide" or what we call "water".

      It is sort of like hail forming in our atmosphere, and then the particles rain down on a larger body due to gravity, till "watery asteroids" and "icy comets" are formed, eventually collecting together to make a "watery planet".

      This is some of the BASIC Chemistry and Physics I learned high school and college.

  7. Bob

    Seriously......come on.....when nine planets are mentioned, it is said correctly. I'm not saying there are either eight, or nine planets. I'm saying the writer knew the count of planets now, and the count of planets "THEN".... If you listen to what was written, it's re-telling our history in a way in which we discovered our place. It begins saying something about we find out we are not the center of the universe, then we find out there are nine planets, and so on....... There was no error in how this was stated, the only error is on how we may still hear what offends us, as opposed to what's being said.

  8. leighatkins22

    Their proposed theory on how earth got its water is unlikely, considering that 80% of the planet's water has a different atomic signature to the rest of the entire planet including the remaining 20% water. There is actually more evidence to suggest that we acquired our water after our planet was fully formed & the theory they put forward here includes none of that evidence.
    Other than that (& the nine planets quip), good doco.
    Especially like the pic of the proto-planetary disc @ 20.00. The star isn't far from 'turning on' & you can clearly see that the planets are as good as fully formed just as the theory proposes (the following graphic shows the next stage). It has what looks like 4 ice giants, just like ours & 4 (?) inner planets just like ours - to actually see a pic is so cool.
    Excellent eye candy for star gazers & sky enthusiasts!

  9. Pago

    But then Pluto is considered a dwarf planet together with four others. So we should say 8 planets with 5 dwarf planets.

  10. Pago

    Sorry but there are nine: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

  11. John Sweevo

    aye you got it there mate

  12. User_1

    Fantastic visuals! Great narration and info given. The only negative mark I could see is something just about everyone knows and that is that there are eight planets in our solar system, not nine. @ 6:00

    1. Ponkla

      "Nobody puts Pluto in a corner!" xD VOTE PLUTO FOR THE NINTH PLANET AGAIN!