Zero Point

Ratings: 8.16/10 from 130 users.

Zero PointZero Point is a three part series consisting of excerpts from freely available information found online.

Zero Point uncovers the messages expressed through ancient monuments worldwide, examines various maps, monuments and artifacts which seem to reveal great secrets about the nature of time, our past and our future.

The film also discusses the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio throughout the natural world and in the ancient megaliths are fundamental clues in uncovering the true nature of reality.

Messages from the Past features Graham Hancock, David Wilcock, Terrence McKenna and more, and focuses on a hidden episode in human history, unlocking the secrets of the Precession of the Equnioxes and its significance.

The Structure of Infinity takes a more focused look at the fractal nature of the Universe. Through examination of The Mandelbrot set and Fractal Geometry, Zero Point : Volume II takes us on a journey through the Fractal Universe culminating in a paradigm shifting view on the nature of reality itself.

The Legacy of the Ark concludes by examining the secrets of the Ark of the Covenant. What was the Ark? What was its Purpose? and How did it work?

Beyond, explores the nature of consciousness, examining scientific discoveries that demonstrate the effect of consciousness on the material world and considering the implications.

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141 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Watched this movie but was total bullshit. 10/10 would watch again

  2. DustUp....Here here, couldn't have said it better myself . I was just gonna copy and paste your comment but didn't want to be accused of promoting dogma. Lol

  3. Enjoyed it. They present ideas. They don't claim everything must lead to the conclusion they came to. They offer something they find more palatable than what they have been fed. The TRUE CONSPIRACY is the supposedly sound scientific dogma they poke holes in.

    Nassim H. makes an excellent point about things going in both directions. Expansion and contraction. That the establishment only speaks of a limited aspect of what is happening. I might add that that is usually the case.

    Interestingly Tesla's description of how electricity flows through a conductor is in stark contrast to what your supposed learned professors teach. His view was that the electrons typically get in the way of smaller particles that carry the charge. And if I remember correctly? he believed the electrons may be causing the resistance. Yet 100 years later we are still taught such that keeps you from understanding things better so that many will not devise something which competes with the vested interests. The few that manage to escape their indoctrination are easy to keep track of and tamp down. Where is the media announcing that Pons and Fleischman were vindicated after all. That a number have been able to replicate cold fusion, for many years now? (which they seem to call LENR nowadays) Where was the apology by the lame weasels claiming it was bunk?

    Why is it necessary to keep promoting the old BS and keep from the student alternative concepts until they are proven? Just say they are not proven. Just like when I was going to school they should have stated that the 2nd law of thermo as it existed at that time, only applies to closed systems ... and that there are very few closed systems. Closest thing is in a lab, restricting as many factors as possible.

    So we have people spending billions stolen from others of more modest means observing what they consider to be an expanding universe. And others spending billions stolen from others of more modest means, to look for smaller particles which last a fraction of a second. And what will they discover? A better weapon to vaporize you with? Unlimited energy? Not likely, and both already exist. The true conspiracy is that the powers that be telling you they don't.

    The matrix has you ...and those who teach. Even Nassim. We have all been infected by it. That is why it is so difficult to make progress. Things we think are basic facts which aren't or only apply under certain conditions. So demonstrated under those certain conditions they mislead claiming that it is universal law.

  4. Really people " we know how they created these monuments" ????? Are you living in 1950??? Google baalbek trilithon, 1500 ton rocks stacked 20 feet up. This is currently impossible to us. We cannot achieve this at the current moment. Or Google gobekli tepe , circa 10,000 bc. My god you have Google at your fingertips and you condemn this man for having original ideas. Ignorance in society is astounding. But the again you killed galileo.

  5. It is now the end of May 2016 and the world still turns, much the same as 2010.
    G. Hancock main suggestion was not to listen to the dogmatic authorities when evidence leads in other possible directions. It is a very valid point that these so called experts or authorities have a vested interest in keeping their theory as supposed fact. One of the biggest reasons is ego. Most don't like being shown their whole work life revolved around a falsehood.

    HOWEVER, even those experts telling you not to listen to experts, like G. Hancock, pointing to alternatives ...well, the lazy should not fall into taking up their suggested theories so fast either.

    Two or three years prior to 2012, my brother watched some video on the coming 2012 end of Mayan calender and all the perilous end of world stuff that some of those videos proposed. He called to ask if I had heard about the Mayan calender and what I thought about it. I simply said that it is hard to know but they had to end their calender sometime otherwise they would still be carving numbers. Also the calender doesn't really end, from what I've seen, it seems to be an end of an era or age and the beginning of a new era, whatever that meant to the Mayans. It could be that the point 2012 was a convenient stopping point much the same as when I make my own calender with custom photos, I typically stop at a convenient point at the end of December. It doesn't mean the world is going to end then, just that a new year starts. So, it seems the ordinary observation can be as telling as experts on videos.

    I can also say, I've looked at the Elliot Wave theory of the markets close enough to discard it for myself. Like most all market indicators, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Those who control the markets, right up until events where they don't, make it most profitable for themselves. Who gets to control the opening bid of the SPY etf? Sometimes it is a logical open price near yesterday's close, sometimes it is very distant with absolutely no reason other than a serious screwing of the sheep to be sheared.
    To a degree, people are pattern matching machines, we are comparators. The market manipulators use every aspect of human nature against you.

    In comparison to this "info" I would reco reading what Nikola Tesla had to say along with Thomas Jefferson. These men were well studied and very insightful in their understanding of the world from their realm. Tesla seemed far beyond some of those regard as the the masters. And if only we had Thomas Jefferson hammering sense into the world leaders of today.

  6. I have yet to watch this. Just read through the comments and quite surprised at how many people that sound well educated yet seem to fall short of grasping the concept of documentary's like these. The truth is our ancient past is unknown to us. Mainstream archaeology has many theories in place but they are just that. Much evidence has been exaggerated or modified to nicely fit into modern excepted understanding. To just believe what someone tells you to be true is irresponsible and naive. Like someone else here said, its a big problem of our world today. People get an apparent education and actually believe everything they have learnt is based on hard facts and they will defend their knowledge to the point of anger. This really is the intention of mainstream education - to dissolve any open minded unbiased way of thinking and create a population of robots unable to really evaluate and decide what what really makes sense. To actually believe these ancient megaliths were created using just man power and basic tools highlight's a level of stupidity that can only come from real human brainwashing and social control. Anyone who has dealt with mordern engineering on a practical hands on level knows what goes into constructing anything with substantial weight. For us to recreate what was done thousands of years ago would be too expensive, too time consuming and basically not viable at all. Just to build the great pyramid using modern technology would be an engineering nightmare. People really need to get their head out the clouds and stop excepting something just because its said to be an official fact. What was know to be impossible just decades ago is now common knowledge so who knows what current understandings will change in then future. To believe in anything shows ignorance no matter what it is. If you still think these thousand tonne stones or whatever were carved and moved by hand I suggest you get out their and do some manual work so you can see for yourself the reality of the physics involved. I'm the first one to admit I have absolutely no idea how these ancient structures were built, but for me its crystal clear how they were not. So documentary's like these may get slated by closed minds but at least they are exploring possible options, unlike mainstream archaeology and its naive followers who are happy to fully except a theory as fact and criticise anything that condricts it. True wisdom is knowing you know nothing. Nothing since these sites in history have come even close to the level of skill and and craftsmanship on show. So does this really mean some of the earliest civilised man were the best at building and its gone downhill ever since.... I don't think so. Many of these sites all around the world to me look like just the remains of much larger structures or whole cities even and our know ancestor's just found them, built upon them, remamed them and sometimes even worshiped them as the work of the gods. Is it really that hard to believe that there was once an established civilisation of people living on this planet maybe thousands of years earlier then our relatively modern know ancient history. I tend to lean towards what makes practical sense and the current excepted mainstream views on these sites fall well short of what I can personally process. As far as alien involvement goes I'm completely open to it but without actual proof Im never going to argue the point but it dose still make more sense then a few thousand men with chisels, which to me is an idea even a child can see as ridiculous. It's funny as I've never quite understood any religion and am bewildered that so many people live by and would even die for their chosen religion. However if you see all the gods of every religion as actual physical beings that were not from this earth all of a sudden it all makes sense! Maybe there is truth to it all after all. What a pleasant thought :)

    1. Old man Stevo spinning tales of yarn from his shanty by the sea. Are we not men? We are Stevo. Apologize if this is the wrong Stevo, but there can only be so many.

  7. Watched this series and then "The Great Year" narrated by James Earl Jones (not on SeeUat Videos???). One thing to remember is that these topics are all just thought experiments. They were all developed and put forth for you to explore. No one is claiming fact in these type of documentaries except the people who desperately want for them to be dubbed as nonsense. The folks who naysay based on either science or religion are driven by nothing more than Ego. Feels good to call others idiots. Grant it the "ancient aliens" crowd didn't do anybody any favors but it is easy to see that those shows were designed to discredit out of the box thinking much in the way that Alex Jones discredits his field.

  8. I can't watch it in the UK! Has anyone worked out away around this? Even using Hola doesn't seem to work!

  9. awesome stuff, another great watch is Carl Munck - The code

  10. Many wrong facts. Grouping and division of continents is a normal process. Continents will again be grouped in one supercontinent. Google terms "pangea" and "gondwana". This guy missed many scientific facts in his theory of continents. He acknowledged Wegener but did not read Wegener's work till the end. Nothing miraculous about Antarctica's position

  11. garbage...more of the same lucifer's propaganda

  12. see, God isnt even in the QUESTION for them, its instantly "technology." they must have had high technology

    1. So you are saying that God built the pyramids, and the Easter Island stones etc? Uau! It makes so much sense now!!!

  13. Intellectual masturbation. Fun to do... but creates no offspring. I feel slightly cheated by having watched this :)

  14. Typically I would never write a comment about superficial things like this, but this started out interesting, and I wanted to keep watching. However, whoever it is that edited this together got really lazy after about 30 minutes. And honestly, the music was so annoying that I had to stop. Yes, music is important to the mood of a documentary, but this was WAY too heavy handed.

  15. I thoroughly enjoyed this doc! AWESOME!!

  16. Aliens did indeed build the pyramids - FACT

  17. This doc is full of facts and good evidence for the first hour and then degenerates into "pseudoscience" at the end. But give these men some credit, they are thinking outside the box and none of them are saying they have an answer. They are merely presenting hypothesis which we can never have enough of. Open your mind to the idea that the established science could be wrong. The earth was the center of the universe and flat not so long ago. Now we are a globe that is an unimportant speck of dust in the vastness of the Universe. Just because the current paradigm accepts something as true does not make it so. There are many interesting ideas in this doc, don't discredit it purely because the people presenting them believe in unconventional ideas. So did DaVinci, so did Einstein, so did Tesla and many of the great minds ahead of their times.

  18. coming up with theories isnt the hard part. Putting the proof together takes hard work which these theories lack.
    Part 2 of zero point sums it up nicely, serious (proven) nonsense that takes the whole 'zero point series' down in its credibility. Debunked.... next

  19. Time rules, Nature dictates, Change is constant. Humans are just reluctant .

    Everything we think we know will change in time. So all we know are just opinions. In time Truths are just a hindrance of change.

  20. Who is the narrator of part 1?

    ...sounds like the actor Brian Cox

    or is that McKenna

    1. yeah man it brian cox... That Doc actually got quite allot of support from mainstream science... Shame it got compiled with s*it like this.

  21. Terrence McKenna talks about some crazy things... BUT !!! if you see things from his perspective (research him and DMT or Try it lol). Then you would definately be challenging everything you "thought" u knew... I mean that stuffs heavy..

    + They use big stones because they had problems with other rivals building projects elsewhere.. I mean why the hell would go half way across the continent or further to quarry stone... U'd jus jack it off some other derilict building wouldn't u... So they used MASSIVE blocks to construct the important ones they really wanted to go the distance..

    BUT still a very intriging mystery around the mathematics, geological position/orientation and vast similaraties with other supposed unreachable continents..

  22. Long but pretty dam awesome !

  23. Hard to believe how many are defending this as anything meaningful.
    I watched the entire thing (with some difficulty & pain). What waste of time; it's a load of brown stuff and outright foolishness. Lightweight silliness.

    1. Sorry, I don't agree that it's silliness. You can see silliness if you refuse to accept anything that isn't labelled as orthodox thinking. In other words, if you follow the party line the ideas expressed herein can be seen as foolish. That is a common pattern throughout the centuries however.

  24. Embracing those who bring a small part of the puzzle are also the ones that add a brick to the castle we all need built. I'm no expert, there isn't any. It's about how humans treat each other in our course of uncovering truths. Once truths exit from a planet that changes it's surface that has within hidden old civilizations deep and gone forever. Once technology allows us to leave the planet without wasteful toxic rockets, that technology will be quickly taken away from any societies on a prison planet. Money and Gods equal dictatorship, and that is not allowed off this planet. Gods and money does not exist off this planet. We are spiritual beings only being taught on a physical plane, ancients were tricked and made to believe wrapping mummies are shared with the spiritual world with physical riches. They were vastly mislead. Sadly the dumbing down still takes it's journey farther into enslavement. At your death your spirit may get captured in a manufactured electric net and memory swiped so you don't get to retain it for your next incarnation. This process against you restricts all of humanity from evolving. 160,000 people die on the planet daily. There must be over 200,000 incarnating every day. The controllers who are involved to this memory erasing process, are not even human. Pyramids, Arks, staged megalithic stones, Gods and old books will do absolutely nothing to bring mankind into his future. But an honest focus of consciousness on the human race will, but I'm no expert.

  25. I'm not a devot believer in all the theories mentioned but I think its funny that the majority of disbelievers in this theory based documentary speaks as if they KNOW the truth. Ruling out the possibilities being presented without crucial evidence or fact in some form is, from my perspective, neanderthalic.
    If anything history has shown us to keep an open mind. Peace.

    1. In a real open mind truths are non existant , hence "open mind". So your denial of the doc. is in itself close minded. Peace ;)

  26. I would personally like to see more information on the monoatomic gold in the third video.

    I followed a lot of the maths in the first video re: the pyramids, and placement of locations on Earth, and I have to say he is spot on. And anybody can recreate that as I did, however, with all of the mysterious properties of monoatomic gold, it's weightless/weighted nature, even the bright light it emitted, etc... Have not been able to find any useful records or documentation on these phenomena. I mean, if something were to shine brightly then disappear, somebody must have taken a video of this surely

  27. If the crust did make such a shift, why are the Haywain Islands still over that hot spot?

    1. maybe the hotspot moved...

    2. Haywain Islands? Dude are you kidding me? Hot spot stays stationary and tectonic plate keeps moving, leaving a string of islands behind. Did you go to school?

  28. I think his theory of the earth's crust shifting is wrong, i think it's more likely to be a polar shift. It explains how antartica got its location today and how fast it got to its place

  29. watched 10 minutes (with difficulty) and got frustrated because this "expert" is using a well-known trick to make his points. The trick is combining facts and bulls*** in the same sentence or paragraph, which makes it look like the entire thing is true.
    - YES Piri Reis's detailed maps is a real mystery.
    - NO we have a good idea when those monuments were built.
    - YES it is surprising that these monuments were built at all, but it is not impossible to build them with the time's primitive technology.
    - NO the stone in Japan cant be 10,000 years old AND show a huge continent that is not there anymore. Continental drift takes a little longer than this. Perhaps millions of years?
    - NO the maps of any prior era does not compare with today's GPS maps. Today's maps are accurate to 1 inch! There is no freakin' comparison.

    Overall, disappointment.

  30. From a technological perspective it seems that people in the past were highly advanced. It makes me wonder what happened to these people.

    They say that history repeats itself, and looking at our civilisation today there have been moments in our own history when we our selves have come close to total distruction.

    Maybe in the distant future some new civilisation emerges and finds evidence of us..... lol kinda sounds like planet of the apes

  31. Awesome compilation, so much to think about!

  32. Dear Straw Paganda, thank you for taking the time to compile this series. I agree with your statement regarding the comments in that those who disregard the statements made in this series are often aggresive and without any intellectual value.

    The point of this information is exactly that. Information, the open sharing of theories that are just as sound from a scientific deduction process as what conventional theories hold true to today.

    The entire history of mankind is a constantly evolving process of birthing new ideas and transforming above the theories often held on to.

    How can anyone doubt the profound mystery of our ancient pasts? The monumental evidence supporting the theories in this series is so overwhelming it cannot be ignored.

    In the end, you have still reached out and enabled people a resource to better enlighten themselves. It is not your responsibility on whether people use it or not.

    For some it is simply.. entertainment. For others like myself, a part of my life revolves around understanding these mysteries.


    Thanks again.


    1. Thanks very much for your support, so glad you like the films and find the information useful:-)

  33. Did you notice the length of volume one? 2(h)00=0(m)12(sec)
    2012! :-)

  34. Wow!! i can't believe my video is up here, this is my first attempt at a documentary, i am a sound engineer by trade. I made this series in my spare time whilst i was studying for my degree as i find the subject matter fascinating and struggle to verbally convey this information to others. Volume I was made using Windows Live Movie Maker! I can see there is some quite heated debate and discussion about the subject matter and some disappointingly dismissive comments, ah well, you can't please everyone :-) I had noticed though that the people that call bullsh*t on everything in this video do not provide any supporting evidence for their statements and are characterised by an aggressive manner. By all means discuss and "debunk" the subject matter if you so desire, that's what the video is for and is no means meant as a statement of absolute truth, rather a starting point for additional research, but lets keep things constructive...

    Anyway, whatever your stance on the subject matter i want to thank you for taking the time to watch my little video project, i had no idea it would be viewed so many times. I am truly humbled and honoured, thankyou

    1. So, I usually read comments before watching; knowing this is your 'film project' I'll watch it and let you know what I think (critique).

      Do you actually subscribe to whatever is in this documentary? Or did you come across interesting information and get imaginative with it?

    2. Hi there, my stance is fairly simple, this is the culmination of information and ideas that i find interesting. I don't do belief systems, i explore ideas. I feel that there is too much dogma in mainstream science and history, people settling for best guesses as absolute definitive "truth", albeit based on evidence. There are many alternative theories to these established norms and i feel they need to be explored. I feel that it is vital to approach information like this with a balanced mind, those of a purely academic disposition seem to have a problem with some of the ideas i have presented but ultimately the balance of science and philosophy is key (left/right brain hemispheres), coupled with a general acknowledgement that, as smart as we are, we still have much to learn as a species and we are never going to progress if we keep looking to our "intellectual superiors" to figure things out for us. My main purpose i suppose is to make people question what they think they know, this is what i have been doing for the last few years and these videos are a compilation of the information that has piqued my interest the most.

      I hope you enjoy them at the very least, but please remember that i am just a guy who made a YouTube video, i am not a scientist, nor a historian, i have no credentials, i have no agenda. All i want is for anyone who watches these videos to do so with an open mind and investigate further. :-)

    3. My hat to you for making a doc.
      If the subject wasn't interesting it wouldn't have made it here and people wouldn't have watched it.
      We know the world by what we know from other people.

    4. I saw it on youtube and recommended it to vlatko - its very well made in that it extracts a lot of worthwhile stuff from some interesting films made by do you say...very imaginative proponents.
      Thanks very much for making it and combining some great if slightly suspectly unfactual documentaries.
      Many thanks.

    5. Good job on the doco, first of many I hope

      im watching from NewZealand

    6. I've got a few ideas for next year, will keep you posted :-)

  35. This is the kind of documentary I put on before going to bed. I suffer from a sleeping disorder, and I've found this type of uninhibited nonsense to be of great help.

    I'm actually serious - you should all try it.

    1. agreed

    2. so far it has worked for me 3 times, im trying for number 4 in a few minutes.... nighty niiiiight, lol

  36. lake vostok?

  37. I found this to be a great doc!

  38. well... At least it's interesting to watch. Watching this does not demand anyone to try and figure out who or what is right or wrong.

  39. if you are alreay mentaly ill, and want to deepen you symptoms
    take this doc. Very Serriously - it is ALL TRUE!

    and we (alien gods) are watching you

    1. who said anything about aliens?

  40. "snake-oil dilutes cognitive abilities."
    "bull-sh*t should be enjoyed with a nose peg !"
    "if mexicans illegally entered egypt 4ooo years ago then the pyramids were truly built by (illegal) 'aliens' !"
    -the producers
    -the wife of G.H.
    -the director

  41. wow, mumbo-jumbo supported by mathematical mumbo-jumbo. when they somehow made a leap from a post and lentle doorway to the greek letter pi, and then the leap that that greek letter would somehow be used to represent 22/7 by every civilization on the planet, i had to go find my rubber boots (much easier to rinse the residual bovine excrement from). when they then started playing "let's pretend" with geometry, i began searching online for hip waders. flights of fancy are not proven by supposition. every "proof" these charlatans offer up is entirely based on their own inferences. just the whole "circle-square" nonsense with the pyramid they demonstrated showed they are just playing games with numbers to convince the unintelligent they "had something". their con entirely reminds me of those "bible codebreakers" that spew nonsense to support randomly pulling letters from text to find "messages" they want to see there. yes, cereal boxes have the 10:16 ratio, because 10 inch wide boxes divide evenly into 40 inch wide pallets, and a height of 16 inches divides evenly into a 4 foot stacking height on those pallets. EUREKA!! proof pallet makers and shippers have "hidden esoteric knowledge".... how many of these lame vids must we be subjected to??

    1. Brilliant. Lol, the mystical cereal box debunked. I can just see the filmaker guy munching his cornflakes... Suddenly! He's taken aback by the realisation of the form before him...reaching out to touch the box as though it were the black slab of enlightenment seen in the film 2001. Then, with a milk-drooling, chuckle tells himself "hey, I'll stick it in there anyway."

  42. Approach these with extreme caution and even watch them in reverese order, so you can see the mumbo jumbo without any hypnotically induced side effects. Hypnotic? How? ...they always take this form:

    1) Extremely long to break down your ability to think critically, constantly.

    2) Extremely plausible to begin with. By presenting some mysteries (to an already questioning, open mind) that can easily be investigated.

    3) Swiftly [or not so swiftly] followed by, extremely blatant and contrived leaps that make the science fit the view (pseudo science).

    4) Terminating in the extremely ridiculous.

    Pseudo Science in action folks:

    1) That 26,000 year cycle just happens to be restarting all over again because 'some' unspecified arabs call some inobscure lump of rock pretruding from the chest of the sphynx 'the lion's heart', which also happens to be a name given to a star in some far flung constellation, which happens to be coming around again.

    2) From what I can tell, many folks conveniently signal 21st Dec 2012 as the move from Pisces to the age of Aquarius. But fixing this date is ridiculous. I.e. yesterday we were in the house of Pisces and today it is Aquarius - discrepancies surrounding this transition vary over a period of one hundred and twenty years. Here, they fix it convenietly to 21st Dec 2012 (no doubt to tie in with the Mayan calender) what 3:26pm? Ludicrous.

    Q: did YOU question these, or just hynotically let them slide in viewing an entertaining, interesting perspective?

  43. I'm about 1 hour in and I fear it might turn into an ancient alien affair. Hopefully it doesn't as I'm enjoying it so far. Some really intriguing points are raised with regards to the general opaqueness of our past and how little we actually know. While the construction techniques of these monoliths are beginning to be understood their ultimate purpose remains somewhat mysterious.

    The notion that a sophisticated civilisation existed in our deep past isn't so far fetched when you consider just how easily information/knowledge can be destroyed, lost and forgotten. During the Dark Ages much of the knowledge of antiquity was lost only for it to be rediscovered. Imagine where we would be now if the Renaissance never happened, or worst still the knowledge was completely lost.

    1. I agree. I was of the same opinion one hour into the film. However, in my opinion it starts out great but then it goes off the rails. A big shame.
      I would be interesting to know your opinion after one more hour?

    2. Completely agree. When McKenna was introduced I lost a little interest. His whole time wave theory stinks of pseudo 'scientific' BS and has no real evidence to support it. He essentially formed his ideas after taking some shrooms or dmt or both. With regards to the 2012 'age of transition' meme: I've long surmised that these ancient calenders such as the Mayan serve the same purpose as any modern calender. Mere tools used by man in order to quantify the natural reality in which he finds himself.

      Part 2 follows a similar formula to the first. Some thought provoking material (the question) followed by the pseudo science (the 'answer').

    3. Its a lot of fun sometimes though! In part three we have a guy with a strange pointy hat who is applying very high voltage to a gold model of the lost ark. I am not really sure why this is important, but for obvious reasons it is very dangerous and he might be electricuted and killed in the process :-) I cant wait to see what will happen! The human race is truly amazing! :-)
      (BTW: in part three there is a very boring lecture from 44 min to 1:33 that can be skipped.)

  44. I you give blocks to a child he will eventually build a pyramid form it has nothing to do with a linked culture its just the mosy solid way to build without concrete and strucural steel

    1. Yeah and im guessing every human in ancient egypt could bicep curl a tonne.

  45. hey any one who has studied string theory in any depth would understand that nassims theories arent all that weird. and the math that he provided is sound even if it is not logical but the same can be said for quantum mechanics and string theory ill have to do more research as the video did not provide much info on how he derived his formulas but as i said its not to strange to imagine. especially when you account for fractals appearing everywhere in nature

  46. at the risk of offending Objectivists and other followers of Ayn Rand, this doc is not bad. Yes, a lot of fun conjecture and speculation but still worth watching if you got the time to spend watching 5 plus hours. Enjoy...

  47. Those maps at the very beginning of the film may have come from the Chinese... Read "1421 - The Year China Discovered the World" by Gavin Menzies. Gavin Menzies is a former British naval officer who has documented voyages by three Chinese armadas, which in 1421, went in different directions and together, circumnavigated Antarctica.

  48. @Dew..i think skipping volume 1 is a good idea, you wouldn't miss much as it has been presented a bunch of times. Seeing volume 2 will make you ponder on things as you eat that wonderful cake and volume 3 will give you the chuckle you wish for.
    All in all volume 2 is like the substance in a white bread sandwich.
    If you hate Haramein, you'll have even more reason to hate him.

  49. Guys, is it really that bad? I was going to make lemon drizzle cake and have a nice little Saturday snooze with this doc, I've been saving it. Is it even funny amusing? :(

    1. no theres some great stuff in there -you just have to separate it from some complete and total b*ll*cks.

  50. Part Three: Total. Unmitigated. Bullsh*t, from start to finish. So much so that I can honestly say there is not a single item in it anywhere that warrants any serious consideration whatsoever on any level other than the comic.
    Well, that's not altogether true... Because if what this is comprised of is your idea of legitimate history and research, you'll never want for moonshine.

    1. yep part 3 is totally bonkers- i do like stuff like this though- not for giggles but for the creativity such ideas must come from...
      It also intrigues me the recurring themes these esotericists come up with- reptilians, knights templar, the ark, geometry, the bible they are very consistent with the subjects of their theories.
      Also the stuff about momatomic gold and its modern rediscovery is rather interesting.
      A fifth phase state of matter is always a nice find in a documentary that is pure bullsh)t of course....yawn..

    2. Regarding this third part, you certainly have to give them some credit for imagination, and for making usually very tenuous (if creative) connections between things to make their claims seem more substantial than they are. For example, when Haramein talks about the Ark having parted the waters of the river, years after the exodus from Egypt, and then tries to establish a connection between some esoteric knowledge Moses must have received as an Egyptian royal and the Ark. He plainly states that the Ark, as "an anti-gravity device," must therefore also have been used to part the Red Sea, while failing to mention that the bible clearly places the building of the Ark well after that "event"... So why would that particular piece of information suddenly not matter? Or does he think most people are too uninformed about the bible these days to notice that he does, in fact, completely omit mentioning it? On the other hand, if he's assuming his audience does know the OT well enough, you can still see how he's making an assumption of his own that doesn't really do much to bolster his argument: He can only make it work by very selectively leaving out a pretty pertinent piece of information.

      It's a small example, but... all that sort of thing was just all over this one.

      I mentioned Lovecraft earlier because just recently I read his great little novella 'At the Mountains of Madness,' published in 1931. I didn't realize it until after I did, and until I'd further read a couple of articles and reviews about it online, but apparently it turns out this classic story has actually had a pretty significant influence on the whole ancient Antarctic civilization (and ancient aliens) thing we've got going on now. And it does make me wonder a lot about the extent of the influence, perhaps even unrecognized influence, of creative writing on this culture that has been building up. I wonder if he may have been an influence on von Daniken, for instance. I would think so, since I read 'Chariot' way back in '80, and can now see Lovecraft in more than a few of the ideas in that book... And another thing is, while Lovecraft was in turn influenced by Poe's 'Gordon Pym' novel somewhat, which is also a horror story, and concludes in Antarctica, and evidently had a long fascination from childhood with the mystery of the continent, I can't think of any story I've ever heard of or read prior to the year his was published that uses those elements of an ancient extraterrestrial civilization there, and, probably even more significantly, maintains that the long gone civilization has had a hidden and continuing influence in the modern world.

    3. according to wiki
      the sarcophagus is said to measure 6.49 feet x 2.22 x 2.86
      the ark of the covenant is said to measure 4.29 feet x 2.59 x 2.59
      doesn't quite fit according to those measure but it is a nice idea.

  51. Achems, what is your thought on what Nassim Haramein presents in Volume two at 1:26:30 until the end of that volume?

    1. thoughts on Nassim? after I had watched what you suggested, a lot of difference from mainstream science, seems he is always into spin, spinners.

      He says that the entire mass of the universe is inside of a single Atom, somehow that does not quite fly with me.

      On his "Schwarzschild proton papers? seems a lot of discrepancies.

    2. Its gaining ground in the physics community- the standard model doesnt work, never has and bits get added as time goes on- while maybe not the whole answer -nassims papers are more thought provoking than reading the entire tome of penroses "road to reality".
      physics is making roads back toward the etheric theories and folks like harriman are leading the way- we are all just a big infinitely infinite singularity.
      sure beats riemann surfaces and p-branes...

    3. "the standard model doesnt work, never has and bits get added as time goes on". - I AM POP SLAG.

      I confess, I have just jumped in on this; deciding whether to watch this or not. I saw your comment and needed an "excuse me" interrupt. If i am quoting you out of context, forgive me.

      The 'missing piece' of the standard model was the Higgs particle. They officially found it earlier this year, at the LHC. Your comment about it not working is simply not true. Your claim that they need to add bits [to get it to appear to work], is wholly untrue. It works and furthermore has directly predicted the existence of particle(s), before we discovered them.

    4. just reading up on the higgs announcement appears to be there but its not doing what the model says it ought to.

    5. I wasn't asking your thoughts on Nassim...i kind of already know what you think of him since about 2 yrs ago. I happen to have the opinion that the guy sounds like a lunatic even though he may be saying some truth. His style, composure, his self-bolstering demeanors are very unattractive...meaning not attracting positive attention.
      I was asking what you thought of what he presents. You say difference from mainstream science...well i see nothing wrong with that if there is any possibilitity of the theory being somewhat right or leading in a right direction.
      I liked the way he presents the sun moving in space with the eleptical movement of the planets following...have you ever heard of anything as such in all your reading?

      That's what i was asking about.

    6. oQ...When I say different from mainstream science, I mean untested, not peer reviewed not even theories but suppositions.

      The planets would not be doing that weird dance, lagging behind the sun because the gravitons that are the carriers of gravity, go the same speed as the speed of "C" 186,000 miles per second, and the planets would not be travelling millions of miles in space as the weird orbital dance that is shown on the doc., if so everything would be pulled asunder by gravity. Imagine what it would do to time as we know it. Even our Moon, if it decided to do that strange dance around the earth would pull and fragmentize the earth to pieces by the Moons gravity.

      Look at the links that @TheDanishViking: and I have included about Harriman.

    7. The planet do not appear to be lagging behing the sun, they seem to keep up with it according to his graph. But if you say so!
      In a funny way, it reminds me of a mom walking with a bunch of over energetic kids running around.
      I suppose time will tell if it's right or wrong...time in our dimension always does that.
      I like how informed you seem to be about what goes and what doesn't go so far.
      DO you get the math too?

    8. what about lifes role in gravity? i am a group of atoms that can collectively defy this mysterious force- where do i fit in any model?
      was rereading and i thought id share that one- its either profound or utter bollocks- but physics has never struck me as having a definitve answer for "life"- selforganising molecular structure that i am kinda disproves the third law of thermodynamics own body will decay into entropy but my genes have gone and reorganised themselves in my offspring...

    9. Read Feynman and others, sum over histories.

      Should clear up your questions.

  52. graham c*ck-in-hand ruins it via self-judgement due to his connect-the-dots philosophy......very unsubstantiated. at least my attention was directed towards the emerald tablets of thoth,very intruiging & worth a research. as others suggest i will give part two a try.

  53. Guys pressing your eyeballs may produce floaters in your eyes. The thing which you may see when you look at the blue skies.
    And I will get a shoot on the second part but hell if it just another BS.

  54. I have enough of mystifying. We don't know how they build that. We know pretty much about all monuments. Only this bimbos mystify and lie to get publicity. When I see these names Graham Hancock, David Wilcock then it is very much all half-truths, lies and looney.They sell books and this kind of documentary makes them more visible. Then a view of a polar cap by Erich von Däniken another MEGA Looney he is the most dangerous of those half-truths nuts that guy probably sold most of his books.

    Save your brain capacity for more importaint and more relevant documentaries cause this is going no where. All of this is just sci-FY so if you like get thrilled and lied to then go for it. If you search truth just skip it.

  55. its called zero point because there is zero point in watching a closeup shot on a fake scientists face while he yammers about nonsense for two hours.

  56. I find it peculiar how this doc is under Conspiracy as if Vlatko was putting it on as a joke, quite possibly expecting people to make fun of it (and they did).
    When in fact this doc has a lot of very interesting facts and i must say having it on SeeUat Videos is a great way to promote the film.
    Many regular participants on the commentary thread will instantly mock it (and not watch it) but many others who do not comment will quite possibly watch it and enjoy it.
    I agree volume one is just a bunch of repeated stuff that we have seen in many similar docs but volume two so far is quite entertaining....and mind opening.
    Volume three will be for tomorrow.

    1. It happened again, lol... I was also planning on watching volume three tomorrow.
      It's a weird night!

    2. Let's guess what we'll dream about tonight? lol
      I think i may be getting a new job locally.

    3. There are many, many interesting observations. For example, the pyramid in Giza is exactly lined so that it points north/south east/west and also it is positioned exactly one third of the earths total diameter north from the South pole. These kinds of facts are very intriguing (if they are true?). But take any number of observations about anything and you will always find some kind of "pattern" - in this matter the docu is completely uncritical. FInally there is also some very, very funny and totally menaningsless observations made in the end, for example by McKenna. I have read one of his books and he was a fun person. But... he should not be taken too serious. I will definetly watch the next parts, though!

  57. I had to stop at 58:12 (on volume two) when he says: when he presses on his eye lids he sees similar patterns.
    Often times when i take a long bath, i like to do it with the light off, door closed, curtain as complete darkness as possible and i often close my eyes and press on my eye lids and watch the pattern play in my mind.
    I never compared it to Mandelbrot but more like geometrical patterns of light, they get very intricate.

    1. I used to have a very similar experience when I would fall asleep in school (which was often)... I would press my eyeballs against my forearm and really get into the constantly evolving patterns that would emerge, consisting primarily of the colors gold and purple, as the backgrounds, with bursts of tiny pinpricks of flashing lights like stars. And I clearly remember having the impression that I was constantly "falling into a space" that would go on as long and deep as I would allow it to... or until the bell rang, or the teacher smacked me.

  58. They are not the smarties my friend...they are smartarses...very different- once you have educated yourself to a standard above the norm its very easy to stop learning and just use your knowledge to belittle ideas by others who are learning and give up learning altogether..

    If any
    they are

  59. 3:20... i'm already facepalming, sadly shaking my head and arguing with my computer.

  60. That was to be expected..all the smarties hate the doc....but go to the second part (about 10 minutes in) where it explains the Mandelbrot'll enjoy it a bit more, not that you'll learn much but at least you'll appreciate the effort. lol


    1. I didn't see your post before I posted mine... but it seems our thought-processes were a little intertwined, for a change, eh? :)

    2. fractal thought processes.

  61. 18 minutes in: hmmm. He is a great storyteller. I only wish I knew more about this subject on beforehand because I suspect he lets out some amount of bulls***. Just not sure how much...

    1. major gravity bull****:(

    2. we didnt know it was land till the fifties i think but the map certainly did...provided its not fake which i dont think it is as it predates the actual modern discovery of a land mass.

    3. not that much= but he is rather imaginative...antartica as a land mass showing up on an ancient map is a very very curious find indeed- his theory that it once contained a civilisation isnt too far fetched at all.- if you actually think about it.

    4. Especially if you're an H.P. Lovecraft fan. :)

  62. 18 minutes and excelent

  63. its basicly wonderful nature phenomenon/duchebags talk alien nonsense
    ...aliens teach shells to design shells?
    those poor poor people, /facepalm.

  64. it's all quite logical if you consider that these categories of documentaries are
    building the fundament for past,current &/or future fantasy/sci-fi films,giving them credentials for a possibility of portraying actual historic events or an alternative view of evolution etc......neatly packaged latent advertising for a future hollywood production,like the apollo 18 film.masked as amatuer or homemade doc's posted on you tube prior to the release of the movie which un-noticeably incites interest & attention making it believable for the easy minded & nourishing a market which evolved around these subjects.very clever...but that technique doesn't work with me!anyway,i'm off to the cinema as i somehow have the urge to see 'cloud atlas' & i hate t.hanks.......................weird?>smirk<

  65. This should be amusing, when I have 5 hours to spare !

  66. 1 minute 50 sec. in and I had to shut it off. The guys starts his arguement by saying we don't have any idea when, why, or in most cases how these monuments and so forth were constructued- not true at all. Then he admits we have the opinions of scholars but nothing more, well thats all we ever have when we are dealing with pre-history genuis and, he forgets to mention these opinions are based on factual evidence and well established context. This is simply another fiction built around the mystery of prehistoric ruins, which some people seem to enjoy indulging in. I say have at it, playing this kind of game with pre-history can be fun if it remains a game and doesn't try to claim ligitimacy.

    1. "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance"

      Albert Einstein


    2. Well said- but its his loss hes missing out rather a lot of very interesting information and artifacts- the south american stone carvings and the ancient maps were fascinating...
      There seems to be a little cabal on this site of very very consistent opinions who wade in on any video they even think is remotely challenging preconceived "scientific religious" notions-
      How about the notion that in order to understand someone fully- you cant pull context and pick and choose which parts you listen to.

      To quote the man he dismissed so easilyi believe waldo has "a vested intellectual interest in the existing models, they teach them, grew up with them and took them in with their mothers milk- its human nature to find it extremely difficult to deal with evidence that contradicts these models"

    3. haha yes i just replied to his reply and then realised to late that by dismissing it without watching it he did in fact prove one hypothesis right as you point out there.
      Irony is my favourite form of humour XD

      "you ever heard egyptologists argue? i have they cant agree on anything- bit like physicists...."
      Literal Laugh out Loud :D

    4. Give me a break, these things have been investigated- its called ligitimate archeology, history, etc. and it has real explanations for these sites. If you think investigating this kind of purely delusional rubbish is simply being thorough or fair, well i feel sorry for you. That is the same simple minded philosophy that suggests we should treat creationism and evolution as equals and "teach the controversy". The only problem is that among educated people there is no controversy, just as there is no controversy about who, when, or how these sites were built. Like I said if you want to play the game of making up history have at it, just don't expect anyone with a decent education to take it as anything more than a game.

    5. There are MANY MANY things about ancient monuments that cannot be explained. Archaeologists have consistently offered theories to which engineers have said could not have constructed buildings such as the pyramid of giza. The doc does go into some far out pseudoscience for sure but it also makes several good points.

    6. "1 minute 50 sec. in and I had to shut it off".
      - says a lot really- there is some very interesting stuff in here especially the schwarzchild proton theory that arrives at the end.
      but if you shut your mind your not going to learn anything new are you?
      #there is some amazing architectural history from the opening speaker that is incredibly insightful and obviously creative- to dismiss him for his creativity is frankly -stupid- you ever heard egyptologists argue? i have they cant agree on anything- bit like physicists....

    7. You know when I first read your comment I just popped off a fairly cheeky reply and let it go at that (awaiting moderators approval), but then I thought- No, here is another person seriousely confused about how scientific investigation should and does work- take the time to explain it to them- so here you are, this is why I don't feel this warrants "investigation".

      Lets say you retuned home today to find your prize Grey Hound that costed thousands missing from his pen. The kids are crying and you stand to lose lots of money- so you hire a private investigator to discover how the dog got out and why. Three weeks later he meets with you to report his results. Now, would you consider him to be a biased or bad investigator if he didn't give the possibility of the dog being assisted by aliens equal consideration as say the dog simply scratching out from under the fence? What if other reputable, trained investigators had already established by way of hard evidence and tried and true methodology that the dog did scratch his way out, what if the investigator you hired then turned around and said- "No, even though there are scratch marks we can't prove that an alien didn't help the dog so I think that should get equal consideration." Better yet, what if when he presented his theory to others he conveniently left out the scratch marks all together? Wouldn't that seem a little odd, like he was tryiong to lead others to think what he wanted them to?

      See we know how these sites were made, we have hard evidence and proof of how they were made. Yes, egyptologist argue over small details- so what? That has nothing to do with the larger narrative that jumps out at even the untrained when all the evidence is presented. What if I told you that we have unfinished stones, half worked at Pumapunku and many other sites mentioned? That we have found copper chisels there and even molds used to make them on site? That the stone they call ganite is actually red sand stone that is very easily worked? and comes from close by? That we even made some of these chisels in the very way they did and we were able to work the stone with no problem into the same shapes they did. I mean this is just one of the sites they mention, we have facts like this they left out from all of them. These facts clearly demonstrate a very terrestrial construction crew with very mondane human abilities and nothing more. The construction of the pyramids even looks as if it has been solved, finally. That hasn't been fully vetted yet and will be released to the general public sometime in the next year I would assume.

      Look, I have nothing against open investigation that considers all possibilities. But, saying we should teach the contoversy or give psuedo-scientific rubbish the same consideration as ligitimate science out of a sense of fairness is using people's intuition against their intellect. Our intuition tells us that fairness is important and that equal consideration seems fair but, our intellect tells us that giving out landish fantasy the same consideration as real scientific hypothesis is both counter productive and a waste of prescious time. Besdies in this case we have ligitimate, terrestrial theories that have stood the test of real scientific scrutiny, we should never replace that with psuedo-scientific fairness.

    8. You suffer from a hilarious fact-based scientific deduction view. You are the essence of the problem among our world.

      You are the one who takes every single fact as just that, fact. There is nothing else.

      People into this "conspiracy" or "theory" stuff are thinkers. They all consider that this may very well be fiction, and that it's not safe to assume things. They don't take theory for fact, they question the interpretation of the facts, not the facts themselves. That is your gross and overlooked estimation and assumption.

      You really just look like a slave when you use your left brain to live your life.

      Either way, you will never understand because your "logical" side won't allow you to.

    9. Thank you!

    10. Who mentioned aliens? not one squeek about aliens in this video i seem to remember...
      what you miss is firstly the actual content of the video...
      i saw the first p[art as more of a challenge to the accepted timeline and perception of how sophisticated the thought processes of the ancients were- the fact that the precision and mathematics of the pyramids that manifest in reality-
      you know? they are there? you can measure them see?
      completely disagree with what established egyptologists theorize.
      if you actually knew its subject matter thaen i would pay you a bit more respect but you dont.

    11. do you really honestly believe that they built the pyramids with chisels and hammers???! I would love to see you recreate just 1 block of any pyramid from the ancient world with those tools. JUST 1! how long does it take you to get each face of it perfect with no chisel marks? oh, and place this stone on top of something 100 feet high. That's not as tall as the pyramid so you should be able to do it right? oh and you have 24 hrs to complete this task. Even some scientists, which you seem to love so much, simply because that have a degree (oooh i could have one if i wanted, so special! but I refuse to be led into being a part of a machine created by our government, but thats a different argument.) will admit that the pyramid in Giza was built in about 22 years. thats a block every couple minutes! Some of the blocks in the pyramid are so huge that the only way we could lift them to the height they are today would be to attach multiples of the largest cranes we have ever made to it. Except the cranes would get in each others way, so thats not going to happen. You want me to believe that a bunch of slaves pulled those blocks up there? It would take so many people to pull just one block, and i realize they had the resources back then in terms of the amount of people, but the sheer amount of time it would have taken for people to place the blocks one at a time that way would disprove that theory. Even if they could mold the blocks like concrete it still doesn't explain everything and even if it took longer than 22 years, not everything would be explained. They pyramids are so huge and complex and perfect. I definitely believe that people made them, and I dont think anything crazy happened or that the ancients had powers of some kind. I think they understood something that we dont about how to build megalithic structures that are very resilient to weather and earthquakes and such. I dont think anyone knows exactly how they were built, and I am not going to claim to know how, but CHISELS, come on man!? do you really believe that, really?
      why dont you give the ancients credit, we came from them, why couldnt they be really intelligent too? why is it that people think we only got smart in the last few hundred years? I think a lot of knowledge was lost at some point in our history and now a lot of people are too arrogant to think that we still dont know as much as our ancestors. at least, i think we dont know some things they knew.
      Im going to wrap this up by saying this: all you have done is say how everyone is wrong and that science knows all and that we know everything about how the ancient structures were made. if so, I want you to explain to me how every singe feat of construction is done on every single ancient building. AND i want you to find evidence of people accomplishing these things, not just saying how its done. If you can do that I will never question a man with a degree again. I just dont think you can do it cause ive searched all over for answers and no one seems to have a conclusive one. stop trying to act like you know everything when you are just as ignorant yourself. you make all these arguments and never once explain anything, you just say that the scientists know all! well, bring me the facts

    12. You might want to try just skipping the first part and moving on to the second. There's some really interesting stuff in that one, most of it probably pretty familiar to you, but still well worth a watch, imo. The pseudoscience bs doesn't show up at all in this one until precisely an hour and 4 minutes in, at which point you could just skip the rest of it.
      If you ever happened to see Darren Aronofsky's great surrealist film Pi, if you didn't already know it, you'll surely recognize where he got a lot of his ideas for it.

    13. or...why not just watch the whole thing and make your own mind up!
      just an idea.

    14. Are you sure you aren't assuming something?
      "Just an idea," by the way, is an accurate (and polite) enough description of nearly everything in the first part, at this point.

    15. What factual evidence and well established context do we have explaining the Great Pyramid or the Sphinx? Or Gobekli Tepe Or Yonaguni? The fact is we don't know the first thing about when who and how these were built. Hell we don't know how Ed Leedskalnin built Coral Castle in Florida and he did that in the modern era. So No did forget to mention scholarly opinions he purposely and rightfully ignored them entirely

  67. entertaining,but scepsis should be applied...would be beautiful if true.