The Twinkles: Chasing Perfection

2013, Sports  -   15 Comments
Ratings: 7.72/10 from 65 users.

In the world of all-star cheerleading, crying isn't allowed, and perfection is required. No one knows better than the 32 girls that make up The Twinkles, an elite youth cheerleading team from Freehold New Jersey. In this documentary, we see that the competitive and demanding world of cheerleading is as real as it is glittery. After having missed the championship for six years The Twinkles are driven more than ever to regain their title and live in all the glitz, glory and recognition that goes with being the NCA Champions.

The girls that make up the elite Twinkles team, ranging in age from 8 to 12, are the top of the youth cheerleaders in the nation and are some of the most talented young athletes in the world. As natural competitors, the girls that make up this top-notch team travel the country competing at national competitions and are all in pursuit of just one thing: The championship jacket that each team member gets for placing first in the World Cup of All Star Cheerleading. With constant pressure from their parents coaches and teammates, these girls sacrifice it all and train with such determination and tenacity, they rival the drive of most professional athletes.

Preceded by their national reputation as the best squad in the country, this documentary gives an eye-opening look into what each of the The Twinkles girls go through each day as all-star cheerleaders to achieve their goal. From choreography to hairspray and makeup, these up and coming Jersey girls are as sassy as they are obsessed. For them, cheerleading is a way of life that dictates everything they do.

The coaches, cheer moms and for some of them, cheer dads, deliver immense support, encouragement and in some cases harsh critiques of these budding superstars. From the moment these girls learn to walk, they are groomed and trained to be the best. Having had their sisters, mothers and grandmas excel at cheerleading before them, many of these young girls are working to live up to a legacy status of cheerleading.

Learning routine after routine, each with new challenges that test the girls both mentally and physically, some of them begin to crack and cut from the exclusive Twinkles team. As we follow the lives of of these preteen chiseled athletes through a grueling cheerleading season, we see just how hard they have to push themselves to, in cheerleading terms, stay on top of the pyramid.

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15 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Gabriel Alberoni

    I enjoyed this documentary.... I think that those girls are hard workers...

  2. eddie

    I found this documentary pretty difficult to take seriously.

    The absurd statement from one of the staff, arguing that cheerleading is superior to gymnastics (because no one remembers gymnasts) shows the shallow and skewed mentality of those directing these eager, talented, yet naive young girls.

  3. DarylTJ

    Talent is always inspiring, and even more so when such young kids are that good. The only disappointment for me watching this is that you don't get to see them nail it in the final round - the editing ruined it.

  4. bringmeredwine

    I wouldn't have picked this doc to watch, but the comments (as usual) reeled me in.
    I was so impressed by those little girls. Their muscular physiques, my goodness, and their dedication to the team and one another.
    The whole make-up and overdone hair business; not so much.
    My daughters were competitive dancers from an early age (their choice) and I was so glad they found something to do that involved dedication, listening and physical activity.
    But I digress; there's nothing more excruciating than having to hear about someone else's kids!
    There should be a doc here about hockey parents and their shameless antics! Canadians know all about them. They make these cheer leading moms and coaches seem tame by comparison..

  5. ameagher2 .

    This site usually has interesting topics - this video is not one of them.

  6. willo850

    You are obviously American,I happliy am not ,so I can see things you cannot, without getting all pointy fingering.
    You say you saw well adjusted kids,did you see any well adjusted parents,so well adjusted that they had to be contained behind glass.
    You obviously missed my point entirly,I said the parents cant speak properly,you missed that,or do you converse in that manner,also can this cheerleading thing go on to grander things,my lack of knowledge on this subject is starting to show.
    Maybe its to enable the parents to have bragging rights about the shiney cups behind glass.
    What about the kid crying because of uncalled for pressure and the fiercely overweight "trainer"who I would like to see doing a back flip "as its known all over the world" except... well you know.
    Finally "I fear asking"what the heck are angry birds.

    1. pwndecaf

      Why did you not reply to my post directly? Were you hoping I wouldn't see it? Your complaint is about the parents for the most part, and I agree some are pushing children. That was brought up in the first 10 minutes of the video. The kids interviewed were obviously happy to be part of the team.

      Parents are the worst thing about children in competition, no matter what the sport. You saw them cover the windows so they couldn't see and interfere. It is as it ever was - many parents (certainly not all) can't let kids have fun and think they know more than the coaches. They are living vicariously through their kids.

      I can't see why you would discourage kids from trying to excel, engaged in athletic endeavors, when most complain about the fat, American kids. Organized sports can be a fabulous learning tool on being part of a team.

      If you just wanted to do an anti-American rant, fine. Then stay on point. Maybe you should stick to commenting on the top 25 movies of 2013. I'm sure you've learned a lot from movies.

    2. willo850

      I do apologise if I am not doing the reply thing correctly,I just got a message on my email that said reply to pwndecaf which I did,I was not doing anything underhanded. I assume you are a female with connection to your preference in coffee,however all that you have just said seems to me that we are agreeing on the subject.You now see its the system I disagree with,not the children and I do agree that they are doing the right thing for having an interest outside of the internet and I do appreciate their talent,gosh,we could end up friends.
      Regards Andrew

    3. willo850

      PS I did live in North America for 26 years

  7. willo850

    Pure American crap,the parents cant speak english,like ok,like,like ok so what chance do the kids have.
    They are far too young to be put through that regime and too young to be trying to act like miniture adults with all the make up,all as is quite obvious,for the parents.
    The parents need educating,of course I could be terribly wrong

    1. pwndecaf

      I suppose the Little League World Series is too much for you, too. BTW, did you see the girl pitching a shutout in the LLWS - serious 70 mph fastball!

      I saw well adjusted kids having a blast, but working hard towards a goal they all wanted, or they left the squad if it wasn't what they wanted. What would you rather have them do? Play Angry Birds on their phones?

    2. bringmeredwine

      I can't stand all the hair and make-up business, either. Not on little girls. My kids were in dance competitions and the forever-interfering stage moms insisted on it. Don't ask me why.

    3. DarylTJ

      It looks to me like the kids all love the sport and each other a lot; I think they would be devastated if they weren't allowed to do their cheerleading. It's good for health and fitness, and for social confidence too.

  8. pwndecaf

    I really enjoyed this. The girls were so cute and so talented and almost heroic - maybe not almost. Good stuff!

    1. bringmeredwine

      They were incredible athletes and so dedicated! Remember that poor girl with the broken nose?