The True Story of Che Guevara

2007, History  -   101 Comments
Ratings: 6.70/10 from 81 users.

The True Story of Che GuevaraFrom his famous motorcycle trips to his historic role in the Cuban Revolution, Argentinean revolutionary Che Guevara is profiled in a documentary produced to explore the life of the man whose visage has become an iconic symbol of hard left politics.

This man, who ordered the execution of countless human beings while in charge of the notorious La Cabaña prison in Havana, who terrorized Cuban society and who denied freedom to thousands of citizens whom he considered "deviants" or "anti-revolutionaries" can never be accepted as a hero, martyr or -- the shock of it -- a saint.

Its a good documentary in the fact that it brings to light other people in the revolution, and it has this kind of new way of presenting the man, with lots of hard guitar in the background to make him seem "radical" i guess. Jon Anderson the author of one of the best bio's on him is interviewed many times, also there are interviews with American soldiers who fought in the revolution,which is very interesting to get to see them. Overall it is one of the better documentaries.

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101 Comments / User Reviews

  1. can anyone please confirm, it was said in the video that Che Guevara was born May 14, 1928 while in the other books it is June 14.

    1. His birth certificate was doctored by his mother when he was born to ensure that people did not know he was conceived prior to his mother and father getting married.

  2. There is alot of derrogatory things one can say about Che Guevara but we cannot in all fairness call him a coward. He was an idealist rather than a politician and I believe he strongly wanted to do the best for his people and he was cursed by the strenght of his beliefs. He might as well have been a murderer but most of the heroes glorified by history are mass murderers sanctioned by governments with empirialistic goals. His life was guerrilla warfare, without it he was lost and while hipocritical leaders like Fidel Castro might rule longer, people will always turn to idealistic rebels like Che for hope.

    1. I get your point. And I support your neutral way of writing. And the but isssss lol that Che. Could not give anyone truly awakened, truly responsible any kind of inspiration. Killing, in any form is as unjustifiable as that which led to it. It is a reactionary response rooted in the most primitive of human aspects. This guy has been given way too much importance when in fact, if you really observe history, he did not change anything. He only took what was already in place and implemented a totalitarian idealistic structure of control, like the food quota. Che was a killer, a destroyer of lives if you like that better. His integrity in his ideals is meaningless when he contradicted them. His love for revolution was rooted in violence and control. Well that's no revolution if one truly goes to the root of the word. He loved and died in the context of a destructive humanity, and he very strongly perpetuated it. So he is no hero, and no man to look up to. He was yet one more human swimming in this soup of violence we call a civilization

  3. Great. Tons of new material, we've never heard before, no bias or pro American could be enlightened for hours and hours with this stuff. just in case- yes, being sarcastic. Castrosastic...

    1. And they call you a, "Blue," tortilla?

      I am suspect...I suspect you are not so, "blue," at all.

    2. Blue as in sad, as in eating tortillas day in and day out because there's nothing else to eat. And maybe drinking Coca Cola because it's cheaper than water. I don't care about flags or stupid party affiliations or ideology.

    3. Well neither does Coca Cola!

  4. I love Che despite of all the black mailing you can try to do on him, he was a hero and will remain celebrated

    1. See above post. He was a psychopath and a pathetic coward

    2. He was a killer , a nazi, he was a complete racist pig who hated even cubans

    3. totally agree with you

  5. That was excellent. Jane Fonda once said that one of her regrets was not sleeping with che. The United states is the enemy of humanity. It's true.

    1. the marxist called jane fonda does not speak for the USA. most of us can't stand her.

    2. Ahh finally some sanity posted

  6. ya boy...Che be forever with us ;)

  7. America made Che just like we made Bin Laden. We treated the whole continent of South America as a vassal state and supported regimes whose bloodlust and body counts make anything Che or Castro did look like a !)*$&$^ tea party. I'm not saying the guy was a saint, but he was only an imp compared to the Archdemons who ruled those Latin American dictatorships and the Americans who conspired with and supported them.

    1. Your outlook is so grim. Smile, and be happy that you're here.

  8. ... Michael, you are a Koolaid drinking id**t. and I but you've spent many hours in danger for you beleifs. On XBox.

    1. Amen

  9. Can somebody help me here. I have a major assignment on Che and need help urgently. What were his motives good or bad? would you say Saint or Sinner? HELP!

    1. Che was a communist who butchered the people that did not believe in the communist cause. The revolution that is claimed to be such an uprising of the people against Baptista, was only successful because the US CIA defunded support against the uprising. Che partnered with Castro to destroy individualism in Cuba, and force a communist state. The embargo's alone ruined almost every generational farm in the country, causing massive starvation and fleeing from Cuba. Che wanted to keep the missles in Cuba and use them against the US. He himself, shot the final blow on over 400 individuals with a smile, and ordered the death of over 14,000 by firing squad. I would strongly suggest you do your own research on the facts surrounding this murderer, rather than listen to the liberal's wh o wear his picture as a sign of pride. And be careful, because m ost liberal professors are too stupid to realize that freedom and capitalism is better for individual rights than communism.

    2. Those "people" he butchered were scum bag oppressors, Che left Cuba because Fidel was now a Russian lackey, Che was for the PEOPLE!

    3. Ok, I'm sorry but You are a complete i*iot. Go ask a Cuban about the psycho.. but I suggest you don't wear one of those silly t-shirts with his image when you do if you want to remain on one piece. Go read a book

    4. Why would over 2 million Cubans leave this socialist paradise? Risking their lives on leaking boats? Just the same why the South Vietnamese left with risk of their lives leaving the communist paradise of Vietnam! It is infuriating how people living in the freedom of the west are idolizing these criminals. The same in Zimbabwe, after their hero Mugabe came to power and started to kill people, taking away their properties, these same idiots are turning away instead of protesting.Mind you Castro is big mates with Mugabe.

  10. I really enjoy any Che/Fidel/Cuba comments, always from folk who have never spent a moment in danger for their beliefs. Che is a hero and always will be no matter how hard you try to defame fact, keep it coming, it makes the 'Myth' you are trying so hard to destroy, stronger...

    1. you are factually incorrect. Actually, you haven't stated any facts.....must be a liberal

    2. Insulting people for something they didn't do... Must be a Conservative.

    3. Or condemning people for things they do themselves...

    4. Straight up brotha

    5. Che said, "give me Socialism or give me Death"..Lucky for Bolivia it was death.

  11. Pfft... Che lives and will never die, a USA documentary on Che can hardly be taken seriously...Guys, if you want to do good propaganda, disinformation, get an exile speaking peasant spanish and sub-titles for the folk in Miami..jes sayin'...

  12. Che Guavara was not a socialist. Castro was not a socialist. They were both fascists posing as socialists. Read Marx.

    1. Adrian, was not a socialist, Mr. Hall was not a socialist. they were both just the same ignorant people who dont know what they are talking about and have never read one of che's diaries in his life which actually portray the ideals of che guevara.

    2. wrong. Castro was a capitalist and Che was a Marxist . The Cuban Revolution was 2 years old before the word socialism was ever muttered publicly or associated with the revolution. I know this because I read JL Anderson''s book 'Che: A Revolutionary Life' and because my step-dad fought with them to overthrow Batista.

    3. Thank you - someone who actually must not be a liberal.....

  13. Liberal capitalist society's support murder.
    Capitalism only benefit the elite.
    Leaving ''socialism page one stuff'' no better, no worse.

  14. I can't believe all these pro-Che comments here. The man was a mass murder, despite his motives. Communism and socialism doesn't benefit the masses, it only benefits the elite. Rights are derived from ownership of property, and under those ideologies nobody but the elite owns property, hence the masses have no rights. This is page one stuff, and it's a shame people are so naive to the reality of the fundamental principles involved.

    1. page one of who's book?

    2. as far as i'm aware, the purest ideologies of socialism is much like the scenario witnessed in any small rural self sufficient village= everyone helping each other, no-one rising up unnaturally and a sense of equality among man. The problem seems to arise when you create socialism on a grand scale, with a governing body that 'helps maintain it'/ ride the gravy train.

    3. It always depends on the leader no matter what form of government you have. but if che were to have his own society (he was not a selfish man in the sense of being materialistic. so of course it's only my opinion (but your comment in only yours as well) but i think that if che were running a society, that land would be distributed equally. I as an inheritor of very much from my family, would have much more to lose then the average person. but if the true concept of communism could be applied and accepted by the state as a whole, i would have no problem in giving it all up.

    4. Exactly.

  15. this is terrible pro american propaganda, not worth watching. and i live in the us.

  16. this doc is some bs history channel propaganda like all too much stuff on that channel. However, don't get me wrong I want to hear all views. No matter how partisan or unfairly biased they might be. I do not turn it off just because I know better I want to hear it all not just turn a deaf ear. I try to keep up with all the bs propaganda that is spewed. so say a little prayer for me... I pray I will not hear lies repeated enough that I will once again start to believe them lol

  17. Here we go again....Western Armchair Sovietoligists spewing forth their dogma and self righteouss judgements ad nauseam..Batista was a conduit for Mafia and CIA money laundering...his regime left an entire people in abject poverty..Ernesto Guevera remians the single most important reason why that corrupt and vicious regime was put to death...and he helped kill it himself. ...good work Che...instead of this nonsense...try the book "Che - a revolutionary life"...the very best work on Guevera and the Cuban Revolution available for those of the west who have nothing better to do than facilitiate ignorant criticisms based on political prejudices...Many here are probably unaware that Che wrote a treatise lambasting Leninism..a document so radical and so anti Leninist that it remained hidden in cuban archives for almost 40 years at the behest of Fidel....

    1. Thanks Bruce.

    2. Everything that needed to be said about CHE was said by Bruce, great work trying to educate the masses.

  18. What does every good teacher know?
    If the class gets out of hand, you must set an example.
    What does every good student know?
    If the teacher is wrong, he's in the wrong class.

  19. This Doc really gives an illusion of fairness for a bit. Then goes on totally one sided. At first saying Havana's capitalism is based on whorehouse style entertainment for the americans. Then later said Havana capitalism crumbled as if the majority of people in Cuba will miss the whorehouses dearly.

  20. does anyone know the name of the narrater, his voice is epic....

  21. So I'm watching the (drum roll) TRUE Story of Che Guevara and this TRUE story begins with acusations to che's hygiene and sexual habits...this scholarly work starts off great.
    Anyone with a camera and a washed up brain can make a movie nowadays...

    1. I was also appalled buy the lack of professionalism.

  22. What's this... Fidel and Raul separates themselves with Che, seems little more politics is involved with Fidel in taking control of Gov. of Cuba and Che with revolutionary vision for entire world. Indeed Soviet and China had some differences with US from early days and its all more of economic superiority then of communist mentality. Fidel becoming socialist when its required? Thats poor to hear that.....i feel that he had a great motive in Cuba rather than Marxism or Leninism.

  23. Wasn't the United States once controlled by the British? Did the people rise up and liberate themselves? I think people are missing a common similarity. The fear of people, like CHE were fuelled media propaganda, and still are (Hugo Chavez). When a country is controlled by foreign capitalism there is no democracy. So you need a "dictator" to stand up and LEAD a nation. DICTATOR= someone high in government that does no share views and ideologies of the capitalist United States. Bias movie! How deep will we fall before we realize we are falling?

    p.s. This movie was funded by the U.S. government

    1. I pray so fervently for the dear souls who cannot discriminate the lies they are being spoon-fed. It is such a big, coercive project- delivering these lies to your grey matter. So big that many of you will never be able to see past it.

    2. Since when was there a free election in Cuba with opposition parties? Never and if you dare tried to start an other party,you were executed....

  24. There are those who grumble about his life, and those who stand up for him... This is not about how many people he executed; this is about the evil who lives inside every good person. That's why Third-World born attack for a reason; and it's the same reason why my people starve to death.
    Read more and more my man. Read the history of Latin-America, Africa, Middle East and South-East Asia and you will probably change your mind. You will discover why Revolutionaries exist.

    Que viva la Revolucion!

  25. jen shut up you are to ignorant to realise you as a country let your greatest hero die sure he executed lots of people but what did they expect he did what he felt he had to to protect the regiem its fidel who made him execute his first prisinor and fidel who used him fidel who turned on him and made it look like he didnt fidel who sent all your prisoners to camps under the highways of america che did what he was told and trust me i have more knolege than youd think iv studied his lifeline scince i was a small child

  26. Cody

    >><Who made this documentary?

    Are you going to trust catholics?
    Are you going to trust C.I.A?

    Catholics burned people, not too long ago . . .
    And c.i.a I think everybody knows is the legal mafia of our time. . .

    There’s a LOT of missing info.

    And who should we trust? The Communists who would have us believe that the oppression and bloodshed of the Cuban revolution is justified because it's in the name of their Marxist ideals? After all, Communism is responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people, and the imprisonment and oppression of millions more, a fact that all Communists either seem to cover up or jutsify through abstract postmodern idealism. Are we supposed to take THEIR word for it?

    I agree! And maybe Iraq really have a mass destruction weapon, maybe they just haven't found it yet LOL
    Wake up man!!!

  27. I sometimes am incredibly surprised at the ignorance of people. How can you deny the truth when it is staring you in the face. People are telling you what happened watch interviews anything they were there so they should know. Also, for anyone that believes he represented freedom what freedom is that? Cuba is certainly not free and if you think they are you may have some issues. If you still believe Che was a hero and he killed from the goodness of his heart, you go to Cuba. You switch places with those people who take their makeshift boats and try to sail to the Us. You take their place.

    1. A lot of lose their way. Napoleon conquered europe in the name of liberty, Hitler promised a better country, Bush promised security. People start out with good intentions but eventually corrupt. (Lucifer Effect)

      It is because of this fact that every form of government WILL fail. Communism fails faster because it has more centralized power. Capitalism turns into corporatism and to a plutocracy.

    2. Cuba is poor because the united states' punishes Fidel out of spite. Not only do they want to do all that they can to suffocate any socialism in the world but they will demonize any leaders involved through ignorance inducing propagandization. Add to this the resentful vendictive nature of the us government and the fact that they will go to any extent to avoid the chance of being proven wrong, no matter how many lives it costs. They do not want the world to see how unfounded their actions have been and to see the truth of the flaws, ills, corruption, and evil that these men had pointed out on the part of the us. So they are hoping they can have these men die out and paint them as villains for all of eternity.

      Just the suffering and extortion of another nation of real living people at the hands of the almight usa. The us gov enslaves many many nations they are without remorse. They will do whatever it takes maintain their wealth, power, and whatever part of their "great facade of righteousness" that is still salvageable. Wouldn't you?

    3. I am Cuban I still have a lot of family there. I was born in the us. That does not however make me incapable of thinking for myself or seeing things for what they really are regardless of how much they attempt to eradicate free thought or any kind of real intelligence in the school system. They want mental slaves to turn their wheel and support them blindly. I want to be right in the things I say and do when I stand before my creator.

  28. This doc is so out of sync its ridiculous

  29. how to get this video?

  30. how to download this video?

  31. Che was an i@#$% communist just like the other i@#$%^ who defend him in these reviews. No matter what his intentions, he brought only poverty, death, fear and slavery because that's all communism is good for. It is the ideal only of the naive or the power hungry. It has never delivered anything but misery throughout history and it never will. Someone once said "If communists took over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in two years."

    1. My friend then I must say that you have very poor knowledge about communists and their works.. there is great relevance and importance of left politics . it is only leftist ideas and politics that upholds the cause of the common man.. i think you don't know about the Russian revolution. Che guevara was a true revolutionist. The imperialistic powers like the US have always tried to criticise all communist govts around the world.. because they fear socialism and communism. when Salvador Allende became the first democratically elected president of Chile, he was removed by a military coup backed by CIA, and the USA gave a official statement that it cannot see a country go communist because of the irresponsibility of the people. that means according to US "true democracy" is "irresponsibility". what a gimmick??

    2. You could not be more of an ign*rant m*ron. The Russian "state" starved millions of their own subjects. How is this good? Have you seen what's going on in China and Korea? Remember HItler? Hey, what about the genocide of Tibet? The destruction of personal freedom for the good of the state is only admired by lazy people who refuse to educate themselves or actually make something of thier own personal lives. If you are so st*pid that you want to be a sheep - be a sheep, but that only brings down the standard of the entire human race.

  32. What I complete load of typical CIA propaganda.
    Kudos to the narrator's who all sound so credible as they spew their complete and utter exaggerations of a man who helped expose the CIA and US Emperialism - the United States being in their short 60 years as a Super power the largest and most powerful terrorist country ever - from VIetnam, to Central America to South America and now Iraq and Afghanistan - where many many countless innocent children, women and otehr civilians have been brutally destroyed. Che helped give us Cuba un ejemplo enorme para el mundo entero. CHe also gave Central and SOuth Americans the balls to stand up to the Evil Empire today.

  33. "I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear."

    – U.S. President John F. Kennedy, interview with Jean Daniel, October 24 1963

    Unfortunately he died in vain... very sad because people are so stupid and ignorant that they can not even realize who had died for their well being... so... keep drinking cola and feel happy even if you are from cuba!!! viva freedom of capitalism! viva freedom of stupidity!! :)


    Sepid said it. we can argue all day about who is good and evil, but we can not argue that this individual decided to attack the wall(pink floyd reference) and change the world

  36. This documentary is an inaccurate portrayal of Ernesto 'Che' Guevarra. As expected, the partisan view of the film maker distorts the history. I have to admit that I did not watch the entire doc. Why continue when numerous fact are inaccurate? The fact of the matter is that Che was not the monster that the film portrays him to be. He was a revolutionary that felt that justice was not served and that he had to take action in order to restore it. Those who are overcritical of Che and the actions of this comrades should be aware of the context in which such action was taken place. Ask yourself who governed Cuba before the revolution took place. Batisa was a ruthless meglomaniac who clung to power by any means necessary. South America and the Carribean was on the verge of becoming a fourth-world colony at the hands of the west. Che had a vision to restore justice, and in doing so he had to make tough decisions. You are so quick to judge Che, yet you pay no attention to the root of the problem; so typical. You also tend to forget Che's motives. Unlike western leaders who have motives to increase their wealth by robbing resources in foreign land, the motives of Che were to obolish greed and share wealth. What is evil about wanting to help the needy, or wanting to provide universal healthcare so that all can live a healthy life? Do no let the stigma of Stalin led Communism influence your opinion of perhaps one of the greatest leaders of social justice and symbols of revolution.

    Hasta la victoria siempre!!

    1. Well, to your argument I could reply that Hitler did not want wealth, he just wanted to help his people, what is so evil about wanting to help his people have some living space? Just because Che's intentions might have been "good" or "noble", it does not mean that he did not make lots and lots of people suffer, much like Hitler did fighting for a "good" or "noble" cause. If he really wanted to help the poor, he should have set up a cheap medical clinic, been a social worker, etc, not a bloody revolutionary.

    2. yes, but hitler found that people should be killed based upon characteristics that one is born with, such as race and color ect... che did not. and he never killed anyone just because they were wealthy. and he did not ever find/say that he and only communists should have the right to live. and yes hitler fought in ww1 but when it came down to him conquering the world he through all of his men to be slaughtered. che on the other hand was involved with the fighting in every revolution/attempt he took part in, and was asked by others to not be so eager to put himself in harms way. and in the end the u.s/world knew that they could put hitler and the rest of the nazis on trial for crimes against humanity and win. but with che, he was willing to go in front of the u.n. and speak and admit to all that he did and was doing, and it was determined that what he did was not illegal (in cuba). but the u.s. were not even willing to give che the chance to stand trial (and so they executed him and lied to the world for quite some time and said he was killed in battle). and if he was as guilty as hitler then why were they so damn scared to extend to him the same right as the leaders of the nazi party? (I hate nazis, and so when you compare the situation of hitler and che and say that they are equally similar, i must say you either are ignorant of the topic you are discussing, or you are just a crazy person with no logic.)

  37. This was wonderfully done, i didn't feel like it was bias. Now I know the true story of Ernesto.

  38. yo como argentino siento una gran admiración por el che, su lucha fue contra la injusticia y la desigualdad, contra un mundo manejado por los capitales y no por la razon humana social, tanto en cuba como en toda latinoamerica los capitalistas habian instaurado grandes dictaduras, que mataban a diario activistas de izquierda. Llamalo asesiono
    es una de las grandes hipocrecias instauradas de estos tiempos. Fue un idealista? es verdad un heroe? es no es el punto. Fue un luchador honesto de pura convicción.
    Long live to che, let the real story of this great example became to surface.
    esa es mi humilde opinion

  39. Che and the Castro’s are murdering monsters. Cuba before Castro was one of the top economies in the world. More people emigrated from Europe to Cuba than to any other country in the Western Hemisphere.
    Cuba had a thriving and large middle class and a higher standard of living than France.
    Blacks held many leading positions in politics and business including the presidency.
    Black in Cuba are now 2nd and 3rd class citizens. Even Haitians don't want to go there.
    Che himself was a coward willing to send others to their deaths but ran and hid anytime he was threatened.
    These were rich, spoiled fools who destroyed a beautiful country.

  40. Amazing documentary!
    A character to study and lot to be taken from being just a man from reaching top on the ladder as an immortal figure which the world would never forget.

  41. Fredd...

    You are either:
    (1) joking (hopefully)
    (2) a child between the ages of 10-14
    (3) an idiot

    I think this tread is for usefull submissions.
    Yeah - Someone to murder a bunch of people who are capitalists and "satanisnts" as you call them is what we need right now. Come on.

  42. This documentary was fasinating. I enjoyed it very much.
    Back in my student day's I worked for the Socialist Worker's Party as a printer to earn a few extra pound's and alway's saw his picture on poster's but never asked why or who he was. I now know a bit more, but as other's have pointed out how much propaganda is involved in this docu to make him a man of evil, I will have to do more research his poster is now on my wall at home and will stay there as any one who stand's up for thier believe's and is willing to die for them must at least have some integrety. I will add that these view's are my own.

    Linda ;-*

    1. Linda, I think you are part of this anti-Che propaganda as well. A comment supporting Che written so awfully by someone with a Scottish name cannot be real!!! This is just an attempt to get us to believe that Che supporters are complete m*****. Must be a CIA ploy :)

  43. Mr. Jon Lee Anderson, author of “Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life,” responds:
    "In his characterization of Che Guevara, Mr. Ravelo makes a number of sweeping and emotional assertions which are historically unsound.
    For instance, he says that Che was “the executioner of innocents all the way from the Sierra Maestra to the Cabana prison.” To this, I must point out that, while Che did indeed execute people [an episode I have gone into at length in my book] I have yet to find a single credible source pointing to a case where Che executed ‘an innocent’. Those persons executed by Guevara or on his orders were condemned for the usual crimes punishable by death at times of war or in its aftermath: desertion, treason or crimes such as rape, torture or murder. I should add that my research spanned five years, and included anti-Castro Cubans among the Cuban-American exile community in Miami and elsewhere”

  44. Thank you for this documentary!

  45. BRAVO! To anyone who wants to take on the corrupt USA. We need a Che to get rid of new world order and the satanic cult of capitalists that wants to rule the world.

  46. "Who made this documentary?

    Are you going to trust catholics?
    Are you going to trust C.I.A?"

    Well, I am more inclined to trust primary sources like Che's own geurillas and the people who were there than some guy on his laptop who doesn't agree with them. Anyway, I thought this doc was about as non-biased as you can get on the topic. It admits that Guevara is a moral paradox and not a black and white icon. There may well have been a certain amount of spin on the whole thing, but it seems to me like this was done objectively and professionally.

  47. >>However, what we can say is that he stood up for his belief and what he thought was right<>and did not have any fear about dying for his ideology and beliefs.<<

    "Don't shoot! I'm Che Guevara! I'm worth more to you alive than dead!"

  48. >>A delusion is an unshakable belief in something untrue,<>and inside Cuba then instead of making false accusations rely on historical facts.<>To this, I must point out that, while Che did indeed execute people [an episode I have gone into at length in my book] I have yet to find a single credible source pointing to a case where Che executed ‘an innocent’.<<

    Yes, John Lee's Anderson's popular lie which has been refuted as often as it has been parroted.
    Instead of pointing out that Anderson's source for this claim is Castro's minister of Propaganda (go ahead, look it up) I'll let Che's own words debunk the Goebbels of the Cuban Revolution:

    "To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate."

    Now, shucks. How on earth does Anderson get off saying that he personally investigated and debunked the notion that Che executed innocent men, when Che himself actively mocked the notion of a fair trial?
    Simple: Because he is deliberately revising history to glorify and evil man and his evil actions and ideals because Anderson finds them romantic, and thereby thinks that his devotion to ideals supercedes objective reality or journalistic integrity.

  49. >>He was a radical thinker and he also understood the fact that the status-quo would not yield: to basic human rights for all, to equality for all people, to open, honest dialogue.<>He dedicated his life to these ideals and eventually was murdered for them.<<

    And what of all the innocent people Che and the Castro brothers murdered? Do they "not count" because they didn't extoll some self-defeating ideal?

  50. >><Who made this documentary?

    Are you going to trust catholics?
    Are you going to trust C.I.A?

    Catholics burned people, not too long ago . . .
    And c.i.a I think everybody knows is the legal mafia of our time. . .

    There’s a LOT of missing info.

    And who should we trust? The Communists who would have us believe that the oppression and bloodshed of the Cuban revolution is justified because it's in the name of their Marxist ideals? After all, Communism is responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people, and the imprisonment and oppression of millions more, a fact that all Communists either seem to cover up or jutsify through abstract postmodern idealism. Are we supposed to take THEIR word for it?

  51. Great piece. As the grandson of former revolutionaries in Cuba. I can say with all honesty that much what is said in this documentary is consistent with what have been told over the years. What is sad, is that my generation and those after have no memories to the Cuba of old and no interest in the future Cuba. The longing and hope of a fee Cuba will die with our parents and grandparents.

    By the way “Cuba was the whorehouse of the Caribbean” is classic. lol

  52. Che Guevara holds a deserved place among the great revolutionaries! He was a radical thinker and he also understood the fact that the status-quo would not yield: to basic human rights for all, to equality for all people, to open, honest dialogue. He dedicated his life to these ideals and eventually was murdered for them. He was well aware of what it was he was up against. No revolutionary wants to take up arms; they simply know that they must......and they do!
    Slavery and serfdom would be the fate of us all..........if not for them. Viva Che!!!!

  53. viva che

  54. Woww, it is a confusing documentary. is he a hero or an evil person. it is really hard to depict the truth. However, what we can say is that he stood up for his belief and what he thought was right and did not have any fear about dying for his ideology and beliefs. That's why I keep on wearing his T shirt regardless what people may think or say. Having said that we shouldn't forget that a protagonist for some people is an antagonist for others

  55. I recently saw the movie "Che" with Benecio Del Torro. I have become very interested in this amazing individual. This documentary was very informative, although again it so hard to figure out what is the truth, and what is just what certain powers that be want us to believe is the truth. The more information I read, the more confused I get about Che. Murderer, or hero?? I think that there are no perfect people in this world, and that ultimately, Che was a purist in his philosophy which lead him to be a radical and ultimately to his demise.
    He should never e forgotten.

  56. A delusion is an unshakable belief in something untrue, that said, unfortunately there is so much personal hatred toward Che by few that has made some delusional, the reason is he stood for something that crumbled the existence of certain lifestyle and system which was beneficial to only few, and now these people are angry and they show that in a very irrational way.
    If you live in your house that constantly is targeted by intruders and there is economical embargo, you will seek any means to protect yourself and that is what Cuba did, I suggest to jen to go read some history books, study what was happening then outside and inside Cuba then instead of making false accusations rely on historical facts.

    "Mr. Jon Lee Anderson, author of "Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life," responds:

    In his characterization of Che Guevara, Mr. Ravelo makes a number of sweeping and emotional assertions which are historically unsound.

    For instance, he says that Che was "the executioner of innocents all the way from the Sierra Maestra to the Cabana prison." To this, I must point out that, while Che did indeed execute people [an episode I have gone into at length in my book] I have yet to find a single credible source pointing to a case where Che executed 'an innocent'. Those persons executed by Guevara or on his orders were condemned for the usual crimes punishable by death at times of war or in its aftermath: desertion, treason or crimes such as rape, torture or murder. I should add that my research spanned five years, and included anti-Castro Cubans among the Cuban-American exile community in Miami and elsewhere"


  57. I am Cuban and I know the hard reality of Che Guevara. He is not the hero that people assume him to be. He killed and tortured hundreds of Cuban citizens; he was thirsty for power and seized the opportunity to fulfill his sadistic tendencies while he was Castro's right-hand man. Nobody in their right mind in Cuba supports Che Guevara, they just can't admit it or show any can't talk against him because he is the epitome of the Cuban Communist Revolution, and anyone who shows opposition is prosecuted by the Communist government. I know the history and felt its influences while I lived in Havana; I'm glad the rest of the world is being exposed to Guevara's other face.

  58. Who made this documentary?

    Are you going to trust catholics?
    Are you going to trust C.I.A?

    Catholics burned people, not too long ago . . .
    And c.i.a I think everybody knows is the legal mafia of our time. . .

    There's a LOT of missing info.

  59. Very informative. I do not know Che Guevarra so well before. I just see him on tshirts and merchandise. i am so glad to know about his life now. great!

    i hope people who wears che guevarra's tshirts would also have the chance to see this documentary. they might be wearing che's shirts for the fad's sake.

  60. Well documented movie. I was amazed to see the actual people who have survived El Che Guevara, and who were by his side during his life and death. The footage of the real Che Guevara was masterfully blended with scenes shot with actor Mario Ramirez who resembles Ernesto Che Guevara incredibly. A historical video that is worth watching!