The Revolution

2006, History  -   37 Comments
Ratings: 6.69/10 from 100 users.

The RevolutionThey came of age in a new world of intoxicating and innovative ideas about human and civil rights, diverse economic systems, and self-government. In a few short years, these men and women would transform themselves into architects of the future through the building of a new nation unlike any that had ever come before.

From the roots of the rebellion and the signing of the Declaration of Independence to victory on the battlefield at Yorktown and the adoption of The United States Constitution, The Revolution tells he remarkable story of this important era in history.

Venturing beyond the conventional list of generals and politicians, The History Channel introduces the full range of individuals who helped shape this great conflict, including some of the war's most influential unsung heroes.

Through cinematic recreations, intimate biographical investigations, and provocative political, military, and economic analysis, The Revolution breathes new life into one of the most pivotal periods in American history.

Boston, Bloody Boston. The controversies and conflicts leading to war, including the Stamp Act, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and the Battles of Lexington and Concord.

Rebellion to Revolution. The Revolutionaries lay siege to Boston; the formation of the Continental Army and the conscription of slaves by both sides.

Declaring Independence. Dark and devastating struggles challenge the dreams for independence in 1776.

American Crisis. General George Washington gambles on a brilliant yet dangerously daring stroke to save his army and America.

Path to World War. Benjamin Franklin tries to convince the French to join the fight against Britain; Philadelphia falls to the British; the Americans win a stunning victory at Saratoga and gain a new ally.

Forging an Army. Washington struggles to sustain and rebuild his Army at Valley Forge.

Treason & Betrayal. General Benedict Arnold betrays the revolution.

The War Heads South. The British lay siege to Charleston.

Hornet's Nest. War erupts in the Southern Colonies.

The End Game. The struggle for independence reaches its climax as both sides are tired of the war.

Becoming a Nation. King George III is forced by the parliament to sue for peace and Washington disbands the Continental Army.

Road to the Presidency. The War is over, but Washington is enlisted for another duty.

A President and His Revolution. While Washington is on his way to be inaugurated as the first US president, he looks back at some defining moments in the revolution.

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37 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Jeremy

    Things were brutal back then, we have changed, although not for the better

  2. Jeremy

    None of us was there, calm down people.........

  3. Jeff

    Missing the first episode covering the Stamp Acts, Lexington, Concord, and the build up to the war.

  4. Robyn Lansford

    There is only 12 videos....there should be 13.

  5. James Shawver

    C...... what complete bs. Why in the world would the wealthy do that? The stamp act and the tax on tea were so minute that the common man could pay without worries. The wanted government representation in England if they were to be taxed. If you read Martha Washington and Abigail Adams letters and journal you would clearly see how the wealthy suffered greatly. You don't have to like a groups history, but you shouldn't try to rewrite it, especially when it's not your own goofball.

  6. Ron Priest

    The constitution is the law of this land ...not the federal, state or local government.

    1. Chris Hill

      Well, that's stupid. Who do you think knows more about the modern age... modern people or a paper from 250 years ago?

    2. Uncle Arty

      well it's painfully obvious you haven't read that paper. For if you had you would have never made such an ignorant uneducated comment

  7. Heidi-Lynn Borter

    Love the documentary. It took me five days to watch it.

  8. vato89

    thank you for this, very good material for my history exam coming up :)

  9. Scott Reynolds

    Thank you so very much for getting this series back online.

  10. Abjective

    just getting into it before someone decided to remove it because of some third party copyright infringement.

  11. Guest

    Finally got to the end after 3 days...
    Was a good thing for me since I never knew anything about all that.
    I guess that the matter of dates isn't that much of a big thing for someone who just want a overview summary.

    However, I agree that this docu focus on the Elite of those days.
    And I was surprised to see that what realy triggered that revolution was not exactly the suffering of the "Small Peoples" but excessive UK taxation upon the American businesses. In facts, most of the revolution leaders had quite the same close to "Opulent" lifestyle as the business leaders in UK.

    Up to a point where for more than a while, I ruminated the fact many of these revolution leaders where slave owners.
    I guess that this was a pretty much common thing in those days.

    Oh! I also noted that UK being an ocean away, felt the forecoming slave emancipation at an earlier time than the americans.
    And that sure was a hurdle in the path of the revolution.
    Lingering... Thinking how... What could follow...
    The revolution leaders were not a bit interested into the abolition of slavery.
    All in all, the US citizens do have to pay for the UK goofs in wars.

    Finally, all this being totally absent from my education (Since I ain't, never was no US citizen), I was surprise for not seeing "General Lee" in a real battle with the confederate soutnern flag as we often see in many somewhat uproarious caricatures of the american revolution.
    Nah, here I learned that it wasn't as I always though it was, not at all.
    I now understand why all US Gov. affairs need to be kept "Confidential"!
    And wonder how the 2 main USA political parties came to be and if one can be indentified, tracked back to this USA first century.

    Final word,who are "Their slaves" in now days?
    Washington wouldn't climb aboard an agriculture tractor?


  12. C

    Nonsense...this is nothing more than the usual mythic drivel about the American Revolution that is taught in American schools. That war was fought for wealth, instigated by the wealthy and, as always, bled for by the majority poor whose station in life change not a whit. It's all well and good to declare that "All Men are created equal" while excluding women, black slaves, white indentured servants and native Americans...and, of course, the poor of all races. Guess who made fortunes? The already wealthy, of course. All they did was create a buffer in the form of a thin middle class to protect themselves from the majority poor who are continually oppressed economically. Nothing really changed much at all for most people who lived during that era, and it's just the same today.

    1. IKE1952

      Doesn"t matter C its coming Again the shot heard round the world .. and i'm waiting for it . because its time to become minuyemen again if you haven't noticed what ever the reason . i will picking up my musket in that cause ..

    2. mark jones

      you and me both ... the constitution is the law of this land ...not the federal government.

    3. Chris Hill

      Blah Typical conspiracy drivel about the American Revolution that conspiracy theorists perpetuate. See? We can do it, too. Where exactly are you getting this bit about how it was perpetuated by the wealthy and only the wealthy profited from it? That doesn't make a lot of sense.

  13. Daniel Maia

    Is it possible to get the subtitles of those episodes? I'm a history teacher here in Brazil, and could be very useful in my classes...

  14. Clemens van Stekelenburg

    Took a few days, but well worth a watch. An exceptionally well researched, informative and unbiased account of the American Revolution.

  15. oej

    No Francis Bacon in the description means this is biased. He played a larger role than all of the founding fathers combined.

    This is the 5th grade version of american history for americans only.

    1. Jack1952

      This isn't more Freemason conspiracy stuff? Is this the history of America taught around the world? Bacon's ideas were quite influential but he died 150 years earlier. In spite of his novel "New Atlantis" he may have been appalled at the idea of the colonies actually leaving Great Britain. There is no way to know what his reaction would have been.

  16. Guest

    Would have been a good doc except for nagging little errors.

  17. Vynrigg

    A David and Goliath struvggle is presented. However I have doubts about the claim that Britain, at the time had the best army in the world. Navy, yes, but army? What about Prussia? I don't know but I can see how such a claim would make "Little America" seem more heroic.

    1. Earthwinger

      I'm inclined to agree with you there, and I also doubt that Britain threw anything like its full weight behind the fight to hold onto America. Yes, America had an intrinsic value to them in that it was part of the trade route, but I doubt it was the source of much of their wealth.

      Britain's wealth at that time came mostly from the sugar plantations of Jamaica and the spice islands. France knew this, and that's probably in part why they were happy to support America. They were desperate to weaken Britain's naval supremacy, and maybe they were hoping that they might draw the Royal Navy away from protecting more valuable prizes elsewhere. As the French were to learn to their cost though, Britain didn't let go of it's more valuable assets quite so easily.

      So I don't see it as a David and Goliath type struggle at all. I suspect that if America had been a major producer of sugar and spices though, then that might well have been the case. Had that been so though, then Britain would have fought a lot harder to hold onto America, and the outcome would have in all likelihood, been a very different one.

    2. Jack1952

      As a matter of fact the sugar trade was so important that France chose to keep tiny Guadeloupe over Quebec in the treaty of Paris in 1763. Quebec at the time included Quebec itself, southern Ontario, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and into Minnesota as established by the Quebec Act of 1774. In the long run there is no doubt who got the better of the deal. Britain certainly didn't want to lose the Thirteen Colonies but were not prepared to launch a full scale war against the insurgents a the expense of the rest of its empire.

    3. cdtthomas27

      Jack the French gave up their claim to New France (aka Quebec) in the 1763 Treaty of Paris. It was then the BRITISH colony of Quebec and the Quebec Act of 1774 or the Intolerable Act from the American colonist perspective is the land claim you speak of but it was a British land claim. This Act obviously was made mute under the 1783 Treaty of Paris that ended the American Revolution

    4. Jack1952

      @ cdtthomas27

      I don't know what I was thinking when I typed in this date because I know better. Thanks. My point is that 250 years ago the Caribbean Islands were the money makers and not the colonies that are now Canada and the United States.

    5. Jim Moore

      not until they imported African slaves there as well

  18. Yavanna

    Good doc. It went well with the one about New York.

  19. Deejay Es

    17,25 did he say a shy bitch ???

  20. zaphodity

    A long time ago the Americans were the terrorist insurgents.

  21. Garabet Moumdjian

    I watched the whole series...It was good to refresh one's memory, but was still the classical representation with few new in sights...I would still recommend it to university students!!!

  22. PatricktheAtheist

    Too bad there was a revolution. Maybe this country wouldn't be so screwed up if it were still british

    1. tomregit

      I liked this series. It's hard to bring forth much new information but, not being an American, it did provide new insight into some of the heroic, tragic, and even minor players of this era.

      I'm not a big fan of much post WWII America, but I must disagree with the assertion that your country would be better off British. The American revolution was born of high ideals that anticipated the French revolution and, some may argue, the Russian revolution. Modern democracy, warts and all, would not be possible without the swift kick to the nuts this revolution gave to the European kingdoms and their attendant empires. The entire western world needed this revolution and it may well be we need another round. A bit of revolution now and then is a good thing.

  23. Jack1952

    And Ben Franklin was an agent of a reptilian race who live in underground caverns and who are returning to the surface to once again take their rightful place as the rulers of this planet. The battle has only just begun.

    Waters boiling. Going to make some tea.

  24. Simple Simon says

    Nice fairy story.

    "The seal of the pyramid was created by the Rothschild family and brought to North America by BENJAMIN FRANKLIN "

    1. Daniel Maia

      Is it possible to find the subtitles of this Serie? I'm a History Teacher here in Brazil, and could be very useful in my classes, but I need the Subtitles..