The Most Hated Family in America

2007, Religion  -   1,254 Comments
Ratings: 7.99/10 from 357 users.

The Most Hated Family in America is a TV documentary written and presented by the BBC's Louis Theroux about the family at the heart of the Westboro Baptist Church. At the heart of the documentary is the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), headed by Fred Phelps and based in Topeka, Kansas. It runs the website, and, and other websites expressing condemnation of LGBT, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Sweden, Ireland, Canada, The Netherlands, and other groups.

The organization is monitored by the Anti-Defamation League, and classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The group has achieved national notice because of its picketing of funeral processions of U.S. soldiers killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ALSO SEE: America's Most Hated Family In Crisis, and Brainwashed by the Westboro Baptist Church

The church bases its work around the belief expressed by its best known slogan and the address of its primary website, "God hates fags", and expresses the opinion, based on its Biblical interpretation, that nearly every tragedy in the world is God's punishment for homosexuality – specifically society's increasing tolerance and acceptance of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people. It maintains that God hates homosexuals above all other kinds of "sinners" and that homosexuality should be a capital crime. Louis Theroux stated that the Phelpses are the most extreme people he has ever met.

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1,254 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Well I enjoyed that Louis went into this the way he did. He wasn't picking fights he was saying what needed to be said. And just maybe by him coming at them with those questions that they don't usually give anyone the time to ask, it may have sparked questions in their minds. Hopefully they realize one day how damn messed up they all are. I give props to all the ones that left the church.

  2. if everyone was atheist we wouldn't have this issue lol

    1. you know you are absolutely right. lol

    2. Well like always there will be this group that opposses someone elses beliefs

  3. I dont get it. What was the point of this documentary? To see what the family and church does in their every day lives? then why the f*ck is Louis busy trying to pick fights and arguments with them???? Who cares what you think Louis? We would see a lot more from them if you had acted like you were interested in them. Rather than against them. Jesus f--king christ dude! It shouldve been a reporter that has no opinions. Most of what i heard in this documentary was what Louis 'thinks'. Overall, their beliefs are no different to any of the other churches. They're nastier fkrs who choose to preach by picketing nasty bulls*it and targeting what seems to be mostly dead soldiers or dead gay soldiers. Jehovahs Witnesses take their children out 'witnessing' with them. They get the same treatment. But theyre not publicised as much as the WBC are because JWs dont go about saying nasty s*it like WBC.

    1. I think it would be impossible to be around these people and not say something.

    2. I felt like there were long parts in the documentary where Louis does just that. Where you can see that he passed a lot of time with them integrated in their family life. Of course they edited a one hour documentary and the confrontations are key to the end product. Otherwise we would have to watch a week long documentary... I can see what you mean, but I think Louis did a great job and he did do what you say he didn't. imho.

  4. If a person believes in our first amendment, i.e., religious freedom, then he/she MUST respect these people's right to believe what they do. Picketing funerals? Should not be allowed. So perhaps our first amendment right to freedom of speech has been abused and misconstrued to allow this behavior, which is in fact what most people are upset about. Oh yeah, freedom of speech HAS been used to support pornography and other ridiculous things that have nothing to do with political expression. So this is the problem. Not their beliefs. Just because everyone else disagrees with your philosophy does not mean you are not allowed to have and exercise your beliefs in that philosophy. This documentary had the opposite effect on me than I believe the makers intended - I felt sympathy for this group.

    1. So you'd be okay to limit the freedom of a country because you disagree with certain minorities ?

      It goes against the very principles America was built upon.

    2. What a naive, general and ludicrous statement you just made, having nothing to do with what I said. Do you actually believe that our freedoms are not limited in this country? The first amendment protection of speech has already been limited in several ways based on supreme court rulings, or didn't you know that? Freedom of speech in the first amendment had nothing to do with things like picketing funerals or publishing pornography - it has been abused by liberals to achieve those things. The founders wanted people to be able to speak up against things their government was doing that they disagreed with and be able to discuss these things amongst themselves without fear of repercussion from the government. Being free to picket a funeral is something only a psychotic person would think was condoned by our first amendment. I don't think you understand the principles that America was built upon. Go back and read the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist papers and the Constitution itself.

  5. It is up to God to judge "7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

    3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." Matthew 7 NIV and there is only one sin God will not forgive "“Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come” (Matthew 12:31-32 NKJV)."

    1. okay but what about the verses:

      Leviticus 19:15 In righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.

      John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

      1 Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

      1 Corinthians 5:12-13 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

      1 Corinthians 6:2-3 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?.

      also in matthew 7:15-20 it specifically says "wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them" that specifically is a description of judging people.

      Matthew 7:15-20
      15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
      16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
      17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
      18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
      19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
      20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

    2. To love is harder for a human, hatred is easy, which what this family is doing. The main thing they should be doing is teaching them to repent of their sin.

    3. You are correct, however this family is no group of dummies. they are mostly very well educated lawyers who have read the bible more than both you and I put together. They are able to point to the verses in the bible that justify their disgusting behaviour. remember that. the bible is not perfect and full of terrible advice when you look at it objectively rather than behind rose tinted glasses.

    4. Mostly pointing to the old Testament, Christ came to fulfill the law because He knew that most people would not be able to live like Him. These people are not poor, do they give to charity? Do they feed the homeless, help those that have less then them? Christ wants all people to repent of their sin, look at the woman where He draw the line, can these people cross the line and stone the sinners? I really wish people would stop banging on about the Old Testament the way to live is Matthew 5, 6 and 7 that is Christ and His law x

    5. “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19 RSV) Clearly the Old Testament is to be abided by until the end of human existence itself. None other then Jesus said so.

      Also if you read Matthew 5:17 instead of stopping like you did you should finish it.
      "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place." (Matthew 5:17 NAB)

      clearly here Jesus is saying that all the old testament laws still apply.

      Don't forget: Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law" (John7:19)

      and “For the law was given by Moses,..." (John 1:17).

      Once again, anyone can use parts of the bible to justify any claim they make about it.

    6. Read 5:17 again my friend, he came to fulfill the law, look up fulfill, I think you will find that this means complete, Christ is the completion of the law, all those that follow Christ truly, not Moses, not David, not Noah, not Abraham have the law completed for them for Christ, If you believe in me you will be free

      John 8:31-32 (#1 of 12 Bible Verses about Freedom)
      31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."Acts 13:38-39(#2 of 12 Bible Verses about Freedom)
      38 "Therefore, my brothers and sisters, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. 39 Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses.Romans 8:1-4 (#5 of 12 Bible Verses about Freedom)
      1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.3 For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful humanity to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in human flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.
      So as you see Christ fulfilled the law for us to set us free, if you have eyes to see you will see but if your heart is hardened you will be blind as it was then it is now. No one man can keep the law without sinning, but Christ did and put away the law because God knows how week we humans are xxx

    7. Synonyms of fulfill are carry out, accomplish. nothing about it means that the law will end. just means that jesus will perform the laws and obey them.

      This is made clear by the last line when he says "Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place."

      and as you know not all things have taken place. ALL LAWS must be obeyed until the end of time.

      quoting bible verses about freedom doesnt have anything to do with what we are saying.

      also after reading all those verses doesnt it strike you that the authors were obviously just bringing all the common people to a religion that was initially meant only for the jewish people? it just seems so obviously made up.

      all of a sudden god decided to send himself down and tell everyone that if they believe in him they get to go to heaven....sounds like a fairy tale to me.

    8. That's the trouble with mankind, that they make things which are so easy so hard to accomplish, go one day without thinking a bad thought about anyone, try it, telling a lie or gambling on the lottery or betting on a horserace, there is not one person in this world who can't, so we all disobey the law, also read the mosaic law of 613 in the Mitzvot, you really think Christ wants us to keep them. Try to believe in fairy tales, it would be a lot easier!!!!!! That is the end of this discussion, for you will never see the light and darkness will surround you. We will never know all there is to know about God as our brain will implode, and that's from the horses mouth so to speak, but I suppose you never will listen to God either.

    9. the perfect recipe for a religion or cult is to say there is some objective rule maker, lay out those rules making them impossible to achieve, and then say the only way to be absolved from breaking those unattainable rules is to worship or believe this religion.

      dont you see that as obviously made up?

      also why is gambling wrong? or thinking a bad thought?

      and nothing is "from the horses mouth" when talking about god. its all from mens mouth. men who lived a long time ago hence why the rules are mostly archaic.

    10. The thing is wouldn't it be much simpler if we did just love one another, again another hard thing for men to do!!! We are made of the same flesh most of our dna is the same, but time and time again we strive to outdo each other, would it be so hard for us to destroy our weapons of war and just wrap our arms around one another, really that is what will make a better world, maybe I do want to live in a fairy tale where everyone ends up happy ever after. We bleed the same colour, we should be able to see just one colour that is the light of Christ. This is heaven on earth if we open our eyes to the beauty and become beauty ourselves. Wouldn't the Bible be better written by a woman controlled to a certain extent by the Holy Spirit. :P Christ came to bring a peaceful way of life, that is why man destroyed Him and always will twist His words

    11. I was with you until you brought in christ.

      We should love one another. the world is a shi**y place because of the actions of shi**y people who if they just stopped doing shi**y things we could all be happy.

      I think one of the greatest accomplishments for women in the future will be that they didnt have any hand in the bible.

      Christ the person may have come to do that, but I dont think he was a god. If he were I would hope he would have done a better job.

    12. Epicurus, I have to applaud you for your ability to rationally debate the bible and religion, however telling a Christian person that their religion is made up is a surefire way to end such a debate. They will just tell you that you cannot see the light of God and don't understand the way He works. Faith is a completely irrational notion; by its very nature, faith is the belief in something that has no evidence of its existence. Faith is also the foundation of Christianity, it is a wholesale belief that what they have been told is 100% accurate and impacts every aspect of their life. Whether or not it is true makes no difference to them, therefore trying to prove them wrong is a pointless endeavor because people can have faith in something that is false.

    13. You are absolutely correct in many circumstances. But in a few instances i have encouraged people to think and it has helped them leave their religion.

    14. Epicurus. You need salvation. God have mercy on your soul. spitting bible verses and proclaiming that Hatred is Holy. HATE THE SIN LOVE THE SINNER IS BIBLICAL. and YES. GOd did send HImself Down in the person of JESUS HIS SON to Die for us and Rise again. And YES IF WE BELIEVE IN HIM WE GO TO HEAVEN. You have no faith. But you use the bible verses to pervesely support what you are doing. Repentance is the First work. Getting up and Following Jesus is the second. You cant serve God if you dont know he IS MERCIFUL. JESUS SAID: the merciful shall obtain mercy. YOU LACK MERCY AND FAITH. God have mercy on your soul. and GUESS WHAT? I got one up on you, for all your knowledge of the bible, I HAVE A WITNESS. I REPENTED OF HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITY. AND THAT INCLUDES THAT I TURNED FROM IT. AND GUESS WHAT? I Believe in JESUS and I AM GOING TO HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! LISTEN TO THE WOMAN OF GOD Sonia Ann Martin or LEAVE HER ALONE. GOD IS OUR DELIVER.

    15. You might think i need to believe in your imaginary god, but i think you need to see a real psychiatrist.

    16. Do you believe in "the rapture" goes hand in hand with your imaginary friend in the sky.

      How much tithing do you pay to your fundy preachers? You could of used that capital outlay for a good psychiatrist!

  6. umm... child abuse ? " I've been picketing since I was 6, everyone has always hated me". You should not put children in that situation.

  7. I think that old man Phelps is a closet homosexual... no person other than someone feeling utmost shame and disgust for themselves could harbour that much hate for another human being... a case of "doth the lady (in this case pops) protest too much?"

  8. They need to be schooled by someone to where there is no doubt their beliefs are wrong. I would start by saying god was judgemental of sodomy cause it spread disease heavily back then disease equals death and gods instructions were to spread out and populate the earth. Not us but the tribes of people. They cant populate it if their being homosexuals. Gods not against homosexuality.

    1. lol open your eyes! you are still saying the same thing as Westboro just sugar coating it.

  9. The only positive thing I could think of to come out of watching this is that America is indeed a land of the free. Most other nations including mine would not tolerate this. They are insane.

  10. I feel bad for those children. From the age of 7, before they have any real understanding of what they're doing, they're put on the roads with inflammatory protest signs, provoking violence and anger. To those kids, this only proves what they've been taught about the outside world being evil, and breeds a new generation of hatred. The world's hatred of their church just makes them hate us more. A part of me wonders if we simply ignored them, no thrown cups, no raised middle fingers, would their hatred die out as the older members die? I guess we'll never know.

  11. I'm from Sweden and i don't understand why they hate us

  12. The last 6 minutes of this video is heartbreaking

  13. She hates gay people but her son called Ga(y)briel .. Funny sh*t if you ask me

  14. Those girls are pretty cute
    But the whole abstinence thing is kinda off putting

  15. I'm a Christian and I honestly can't believe this. I know they weren't bad just not that bad. I would haven just walked out after the first few minutes being near that woman.
    Every time she or her family had something nasty about gays or anything, I dies a little inside.
    I'm sorry to all the people who have to deal with this church.
    I do like the host though. He seems like a sensible man.

  16. Was it just me or did Louis seem to have a little thing for that girl at the end..

  17. great ministry.. I love Westboro Baptist Church

  18. In this PC age, this is terrific stuff.

    It's really nice to hear people express their own deeply held views regardless of the opinion of society.

    If any of these young girls want to marry a 65 year old Darwinist, they should let me know. I do agree with some of their views.

    But Louis Theroux has proved himself to be a fraud in that he admitted he wanted to convert the people he interviewed to his view of the world. Not the kind of thing a responsible documentary maker would do.

    The world is full of moral cowards, just like me, who just don't say what they really believe to be true.

  19. Im also a christian and found this very very wrong. God loves everyone matter what , what he doesn´t love is what he/she is doing ,in other words the sin.

  20. I'm reading the book now called Banished...about a girl who escaped that church. Thank God...they may serve or think they do a God of Vengence but it's his vengence not theirs and let him do it and not you. I serve a living and loving God....who hates stay away from my church and body of believers....and for heavens' sakes read your bibles instead "shoving them down" people's throats...

  21. What I think is interesting is that the oldest girl seems to continue what she believes because of the hatred directed towards her family. While I don't and never would agree with what they are doing, I think on some level we need to respond with love towards these people, because then their view of a world of hatred would have no foundation, and us "normal" people would be vindicated via our actions. Just some food for thought.

  22. Modern day KKK.

  23. well lets just get the facts straight these "people" don't have the moral standing to preach to the bacteria on the excrement that comes out of the backside of Satan himself.
    I am not saying that i don't belive in god as a christian i do however as a serving member of the British army i think that all men and women that die in the line of duty for their country are heroes maybe not above god but with him.

  24. I wish Child Protection Laws were broad enough to nail these parents. I guess Brainwashing doesn't qualify as child abuse.

  25. This is a sad situation where biased parents with unsound ideas are prejudicing their children unfortunately.

    They claim to be devout Christians but all recognised Christian churches
    preach religious and social tolerance.

    But then again there are also pockets of Nazis in USA who preach hatred
    of Jews.

  26. The Phelps are not content to simply live their values. If they were, there would be no hostility dealt in their direction. They are acting out with a kind of verbal violence, and positioning themselves as victims of a debate.

    Also, while the Phelps are clearly dug in and resisting of a broader view of war and homosexuality, the journalist is also demonstrating a bias. He is making an intrusive nuisance of himself and asking very leading questions.

    What I am seeing in this video is an inability to be objective, rational, and compassionate...........from anyone, really. That's what America needs more of.

  27. If the Ugly Scum of the earth people are so smart why is it that they can not even construct a simple web site? The "contact us" portion is under construction!! So God gave you a Gift like being able to understand the Bible but not not enough intelligence to know how to leave a simple email address or any other contact info? That whole family is pathetic and hopefully have enough smarts not to ever come any where near Maryland or Washington D.C

  28. Wow. This is really sad. Saying they aren't God but calling this reporter God because he was asking questions and pushing their limits. I wish i didn't click the link to watch these 8 videos...this may sound mean but I'm glad that kid got hit in the face with that drink. All that women could say was "I'm sorry." If she was really sorry, she would shut her mouth, shut this "ministry" down, and go die in a hole (her and her clan). What they are doing is wrong. I cried about those soldiers; how sad to see them be happy about their death. I would throw a party when those sinister people die. God knew a long time ago when and who would be gay. Marrying the same sex was/is illegal and wrong, but so are drugs. You don't see people getting arrested and made fun of that, now do ya?

  29. he doesnt even know how many children he has..

  30. They don't listen to anybody but themselves and their stuff without foundation.
    I wonder, why people hate them? --> LOL
    By the way, entertaining documentary.

  31. All I see is a bunch of people who were hurt in the past and buries their hate and anger so deep inside of them that they have no choice but to lash it out on others.. truly saddening.

  32. When did Kenny Powers join the wbc. Any time anyone starts a sentence with "the bible says" just walk away.

  33. What they forget is the fact that God doesn't hate people,he hates the sin that they comit. That's why Jesus died for everyone; so they would understand why it's wrong, and stop, and worship him.

  34. ...

  35. All the prophets said what WBC says.

    The bible tells how Jesus condemn people for how they treated the


  36. yes i completely admit of having fag sex! and everything that come with that.

  37. "Rageoholic" ive never heard that before but when he said that about the minister it seemed to be hitting it on the head. That girl in the car at the end i felt sorry for, somewhere in her she knows her beliefs are distorted but as she talked about since the age of six she has been molded by there beliefs and probably will end up hardened to them like her mother. clearly a cult.

  38. it seems to me they see the world as a hate filled place from the time there born and so they have that drilled in there head. that's all they ever see. they don't see the good that the world has to offer because all of the world except the members of the there Church are ever kind to them

  39. Its just sad to know that there are people teaching and spreading on about this, about God in this way. Saying that God hates america and everyone is just going to make people not want to obey him. And what in the world is up with the fag troops, thank god for dead troops and all that? Thats just plain discriminating and crude. They were fighting to protect their lives so they wouldnt get blown up and crap. Terrible people.

  40. I don't advocate violence, but if a gunman were looking for a good target this whole family, from top to bottom, sure would fit the bill. It is amazing, that people who believe in god, preach such a double sided message. They judge everyone and yet say it is their gods job to judge. Their whole being is a crock and full of lies.
    Something I don't quite get, why wouldn't they actually want to bring others to their god or into their church, they go outta their way to cause people to not want to be a part of it. Even the children don't see in value in getting married, so their church as well as their message will die out with them.

  41. I rarely choose to judge anybody,..but i arrived to this that simply as well as there are ill and sick people that will kill from inner illness, I find this much more hurtful,..because its so blind, so driven, and brings down how many others with its failed arrogant and ignorant prejudice.

  42. Members of this Church are insane, I think they should all be put in an institution for the Criminal insane

    1. They are corrupted, that is for sure, but you don't want them put in an institution for the criminally insane because you want to protect everyone's free right to speech, not just those you like or can tolerate. If that right isn't protected, then immediately tyranny is going to come in and there'll be trouble.

  43. Love the children. God Bless them. Protect them and steer them towards real Love and tolerance

  44. Oh yeah, 11 kids, so much for not fornicating ! Hypocrites !

    1. Have you not heard of "Be fruitful and multiply"? It's in the bible.

  45. I get why this documentary was done, but enough ! This family deserves nothing and they should be totally ostracized by society, banned form school, banned from the stores and so on. No one needs to have contact with them. They have nothing good to give back to this society. Disgrace to this planet and humanity !

  46. Holy s*it man ! I've been out of the country for a very long time and have not witnessed this kind of hate since the KKK. I cannot believe that no one has kicked their a*ses hardcore and that the president does not interfere. Freedom of speech does not apply.
    HIre the Angels to follow them wherever they go - everywhere !

    1. Do you believe that members of the KKK protested AGAINST them in one of the latest pickets?

  47. 11 of them HAS to be gay!

  48. I was just sitting here thinking after watching many of these documentaries to better understand the foundations of their beliefs.......

    (we should do this with all things before we just "attack", and even then we should remain peaceful: Follow Peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." (Hebrews 12:14)
    The servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves." (2 Timothy 2:24-25)

    ........and the main thing that came to mind was
    GOD DIED FOR ME/US/YOU WHEN I/WE/YOU WERE YET SINNERS. It seems as though GOD is for us. HIS grace and mercy is for us :)

  49. GOD hates the SIN not the Sinner!

  50. I really like this guy (Carl Sherburne) and his plan so like and share to get it out there, but if you want to f*** with the Westboro Baptist Church... Click this link below for a page made by our buddies over at anonymous which has all of the details of church members including home addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, and work details! Enjoy!

    1. Alexandra Bergeron
      i had to remove your link as it did not work. please feel free to try again

  51. There's one other case in history where a class of human beings is blamed for all of society's problems. Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

  52. The WBC displays a belligerent, arrogance of self-righteous condescending, that is purposely intolerant and indifferent to all others, as a motivating guide of self interest, to be in their god's favour. The fact that such people can behave this way in his name, is excellent evidence for the non existence of a caring god...making themselves a contradiction in terms.


    Lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.

    Unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.

    A Belligerent:
    Is an individual, group, country or other entity which acts in a hostile manner, such as engaging in combat.

    Making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights.

    Confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.

    Acting in a way that betrays a feeling of patronizing superiority.

  53. In this film when the child was hit by an object thrown from a car you could see they were concerned for their child. How can they not sympathies with the parents from Sandy Creek?

  54. I've just read that the WBC plans to picket the Sunday night vigil for the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting and to sing praise to god for the glory of his work in executing his judgement.

    The staggering cruelty and idiocy of these subhumans is beyond all words to tell it. They are so far gone in their depravity that they will never be able to find their way back; they are just utterly, completely damned in their 'salvation'.

    1. Massively ironic, as working on the Sabbath is punishable by death according to the Bible.

  55. 'You've got fornication on the brain'. Brilliant.
    Well done to Louis Theroux on this documentary- must have been very difficult and uncomfortable, even more so than we can take from it I'm sure!

  56. They sounds unbelievably brainwashed, especially in the scene of the girls bedroom tours. It sounds as if they are robotic. It is so eerie.

  57. I was raised by Christan parents but changed my belief to Atheism and I know everything theyre saying is so wrong, sick and just stupid
    but dont take them seriously people
    theyre trolling
    theyre just attention whores
    they crave for attention
    and they do it by having the world hate them
    they think its fun when people trash talk, cuss, rant negative things about them, or flip them off
    they love it
    they say america is doomed and everyone suggests if they dont like america move to another country
    but if they did they cant do all of the protests on other countries otherwise theyll get arrested because america is they only country with freedom of speech
    and theyre taking full advantage of that right
    every time someone says something negative about them they smile and laugh because theyre enjoying it
    theyre just trolling people
    when you see them just laugh and shake your head

    1. only country with freedom of speech? LOL

    2. Atheism isn't "a belief". It's the absence of belief (in a god).

    3. That's not true. It requires belief to say that there is no god. It requires belief to accept the theory of gravity too.

    4. Well not really, since it's been proven as a law of nature, not a theory anymore.

    5. Bull. I don't say that I believe in the non-belief of fairies. I simply say that I don't believe in fairies.

  58. The way Louis sounds when he speaks about their believing that he's going to hell breaks my heart. It must be strange to be surrounded by people who hate you and all you believe.

  59. This is so sad... I watched this all the way through and was rushed by a wave of anger and confusion... but watching to those last moments with the young woman in the car and the young boy at the end... all I could see in that youth was the pain of being hated by the world, that pain directed into the world, and the world hating them back...

    I am torn between my disgust of their actions and stir of negative emotions, and pity for the future generations being raised into a group so deeply hated, that they will never develop a true conception of society...

    I know this group pisses people off... a lot... but I hope that you watched it all the way through, and see that there are a small few, really hurt people in this group... that know nothing but pain... if you see that then the documentary did its job.

  60. This group of insane people will probably eradicate itself by inbreeding, direct extinction, or members leaving this absurd church until there are none left.

  61. they are all mad, who actually believes what some bored id**t wrote thousands of years ago anyway! are we that stupid to beleive it whatever religion no matter what anyones beleifs is just made up since time began, i agree we all need a faith in something, but when it is taken to extremes its destructive.

  62. Very sad existence. If these people really think they know that "fags" (their expression, not mine), the military, politicians, other religious groups, Swedish people (hah! I live in Sweden, so I'm on the highway to hell) etc are all doomed and they're happy about it, why gloat? Why go and say, nah-nah-ne-nah-nah at them like children? Their "spiritual leader" is one of the most hateful small-minded people I have ever seen. I feel sorry for the cute chick, she's gagging for it but is repressing the urge so hard I'm afraid she'll spontaneously combust some day.

  63. If God is real, then from what I understand, He created everyone as they are meant to be. So that means He created gays, lesbians, transsexuals, bisexuals, ans straights.
    These people are acting like we like in the early 1900's when slavery was okay, except instead of judgement by skin color they are judging by gender.
    People don't fall in love with a gender, they fall in love with a person.

  64. that old lady is crazy . off with her head .

  65. Is it bad that I agree with the WBC? I don't agree that what they're saying is "right", but I do agree that what they're saying has been "written". And IMO, they take what is written in The Bible in the context that it was intended.

    1. I agree - Although the message is completely evil, that is the message of the bible.

  66. Guy talking over the documentary... SHUT UUUUUPP! were glad it was over..why did you bother talking then? I will not watch any other videos on this website if they let people talk over them. Seriously it ruins the video.

    1. i agree

  67. there will be more to Ur commentary noooooooo!

  68. if she doesnt wanna marry consider her as a nun she is serving god whats the problem.

    1. Batistuta you said "consider her as a nun". Can a person be like a nun and not a nun? If she wants to be single that's up to her. And is it really her chose or her mother decision?

  69. Why did you think it was a good idea to speak over this documentary, I had to pause it and go for a walk to calm down. You don't even say anything funny, you don't make good observations you just natter on and it p***** me off so much

    1. got that right i made some hot coffee to calm my self down and saw this comment and made my day.

  70. Yeah whoever put a commentary on top of the regular documentary and whoever is speaking please be quiet. We don't care to hear what you think.

  71. Great great documentary exposing these disgusting people. However, I have to say that the commentary track on top of the audio is incredibly annoying and distracting. He hasn't made one single comment or observation that furthers the information or plot. It just sounds like a teenage kid making his little comments while watching a movie. Shut up and let us watch the documentary.

  72. J.M.J.

    They will (sadly) remain wholly lost as they continue to worship at the feet of such a heartless and hateful man... Known to the family as
    For that is who they're all attempting to please and to emulate.
    Not Jesus.

    Sadness to the highest degree.

    ** Mercy is so highly under-rated **

  73. hate begets hate
    - "we are hated so we MUST be on the right track!"
    such a self-fulfilled prophesy. of crazy.

    Where's The Beatitudes?
    or The One Prayer Jesus taught us that includes: Forgive us our trespasses as We forgive those who trespass against us.

    As we exact judgement upon others in the same measure God will judge us by. All of these "Biblical-Tidbits" ignored or perhaps twisted up.
    No mercy? Nor Jesus' words of Love thy enemies. what merit is there is only loving those who treat you well - even the wicked do that.

    This is truly sadness to the highest degree.
    And the The most 'HONEST ONE' of them all?
    The youngest boy who said: Do not Lie, (followed closely by) but I think everyone lies, maybe just as kids. (in other words: I lie) and (I am not perfect like they all SEEM to be).

    - Ah kid. Being honest is more than half the battle.
    Does this mean that you're some evil kind of kid?
    - not a chance poopie pants. Not a chance at all.

  74. These idiots are wasting away their lives promoting hatred.

  75. These guys are the most DELUSIONAL idiots in the world!!! There are NO gods!!!

    When your children misbehave I hope you kill them because that is what the book of fables (more commonly known as the bible) tells you to do.

  76. Salvation can NOT be found through the persecution of others. If you can look at any God created being and not see the creator, surly YOU are lost, you are blind and unable to perceive God. Jesus advised, “love your neighbor as yourself," “love those who persecute you”. Jesus blessed and forgave the sins of a penitent prostitute and dined with the tax collector (Matthew). Matthew became one of the 12 prominent disciples. Having said that, the bible has been raped by the powers that be over the past 2000 years. It has been changed, books have been omitted, different denominations published their own interpretations etc. The only way to know God’s word is to know God. Through self realization one can come into full God realization and have the knowledge of the ages downloaded into his own being. Meditation and Prayer are the only way to salvation. All of our holy books are helpers, not dictators. God is the only truth, only through true God awareness is salvation achieved.

  77. I feel worse for the Phelps than I feel for the people who they annoy.

  78. How sad. Christopher Hitchens said it best, "Religion poisons everything." The damage is so obvious and immediate in the case of the Westboro Baptist cult.

  79. Phelps is literally brain damaged.

  80. If they hate America so much, why don't they leave? It's pretty simple really...

  81. Child Protective Services. Mental Health Services. This whole family is sick and suffering. It starts with Fred Phelps being totally insane and then abusing his family and followers. The poor little children are innocent of the adult's crazy evil hate. They deserve a chance in life. Those adults who can be treated should be and the rest should be institutionalized for their own safety.

  82. In the Bible, it says "God is Love", so how can God hate anyone or anything?

    1. someday when they're standing before god's throne, they will understand!

  83. these poor people, everyone hates but its so sad that they are so strung up in how other people live, and whats gonna happen to them after they die. stop that stupid ass picketing and enjoy life. This family makes me sooo stressed theres so much more out there.

  84. Evolution is proven by science. Everything does evolve from a one celled organism. fact. my opinion is If god hates homosexuals why did he give us free will? or when god says You shall have no other gods but me why give us the ability to? If there is in fact a God i would sure hope (being the almighty or whatnot) he would have better judgment. I am Agnostic. I feel you can worship whatever or whomever you'd like as long as you do positive or reasonable things. More people should think like i do.

    1. but if god made all our decisions and forced us to only think in one manner things would not be the way they are today and life would have no point. You are free to choose whether you are a good person or a horrible person and you are free to choose who you worship. I wouldn't say I am full blown christian but i wouldn't say that i believe one celled organisms created themselves. Everything has a creator or it stems from something else that was created from something else its a never ending cycle that we will never figure out no matter how many scientist or priest sit down and try to figure it out we will be forever unknowing

  85. rly rly sorry for these people , wasted lives :(
    btw they are happy to live in usa, in they would make this offencive demonstration in our country they would get legs broken probably

    1. your right, america grants them their freedom to be as loathsome as they are, where in most other countries they would surely be executed in an equally loathsome way.

  86. I think this is a fantastic docu,this family shows how living by the bibles every written word is nothing but prejudice and hate.I hope they continue to show the bible in its true form and scare others away from the bizarre thing called religion.

    1. I'm guessing you've never read the new testament or even touched a bible.

  87. i wonder what they think of bronies.

    1. Probably that they were gay or weird or both and that they should burn in hell

  88. If you watch the very end, you sort of see that the kids grow up to be a part of this cult because their parents' actions lead people to treat the kids the way the parents say the world will treat them.

    If my child attended school with the Phelpse kids, I'd encourage my kids to be TOTALLY nice to them all the time. Conquer their message of hate with kindness. Show them that the world isn't what the parents say it is. That way, when the children grow up, what their parents say will just reflect poorly on the parents. It will show that the 'cruel world' is nothing compared to the legacy of that family. It will give them a connection--something more than just acquaintances.

  89. If only it was legal to take a high powered rifle and solve stupidity, starting here.

  90. Child protective services need to remove the younger children from these monsters, and lock up all those adult monsters...The devil sure has got them where he wants them.....

  91. The daughter said she is afraid of the wrath of GOD and she is hoping she won't go to hell...the word tells us a wise person is not foolish if they fear GOD and what he can do to them. A believer in Christ does not have the spirit of fear nor are they worried about were they are going when they leave the earth! This girl needs to accept Christ forgiveness and start reading the word of GOD starting in the gospels! I would also recommend the book of Ephesians and the book of Hebrew.

  92. This family is the biggest bunch of r*tards I have ever seen or heard. They have the ba**S to call themselves Baptist? They are just a bunch of ignorant
    bigoted m*rons that call attention to themselves. They are not worth our anger, wasting time and energy on a cult like them benefits only them. If my son had lost his life fighting for the country this low class trash hates so much and they interupted his service, They would not have to worry anymore about screaming hateful, ugly, sadistic remarks. They would be on their way to HELL where they belong.

  93. Winter is gods punishment for having left the stone age (that these people still live in) .. comon now .. it has to be a punishment for sumthin!!! let's picket the snow plows !!!!

  94. I think a south park quote sums up all I have to say..."If you don't like America, then you can git out!"

    1. It would seem they don't like - or even hate - the US, but they must be terrified of the rest of the world, and also do they enjoy their freedom of speech too much to leave.
      There it is: I'm afraid you're stuck with them, but maybe holding on to the thought that they are also living proof that there is still tolerance in the US is some consolation.

  95. If they hate living in America so much, why don't they just leave?

    1. Where would they go? They hate the US, Catholics, Jews, homosexuals, and pretty much anyone that isn't one of them. I just read they will be picketing Sylvester Stalone's son's funeral. I am torn in my opinion of how to handle this hate filled family. Should they be ignored? That would possibly make them realize what they say means nothing, or is it a more powerful statement when communities create a line of people to surround the family and church to keep the protestors away?

    2. Time.. money. The fact visa's aren't really just handed out to people of normal citizenship. While I'd love to just deport them to a remote cannibalistic island somewhere in an ass peak of the world.. It's not realistic to just tell someone to leave if they don't have the will or means. I say this because I've been trying to get out just so I could marry my partner. It's not that easy..

  96. I think somewhere in the bible it states that even the smallest sin is no greater than the largest sin. So who do these people think they are, according to god we are to love our neighbor as ourselves.

  97. dear extremists..

  98. This Extended family is pathetic, no more than a Family Cult, brainwashed by "Gramps". Does America have no law against inciting hatred, or laws on sexual/racial discrimination? Why would any one protest at a soldiers funeral's in this way, I do not have a religious bone in my body, but comparing this situation, a death of soldiers,to what I hear a lot of preachers spouting, is it then not true:
    "Jesus forgives us our sin though we don't deserve it—sacrificing his life so that we can live". (I believe the story is that the Romans executed sacrifice here)
    Does this mean that by "Giving" your life in action on behalf of your country, preventing terrorist attacks, therefore saving people of your home land, the person giving their life is on a par with Jesus?
    As for: "thank god for 9/11"....? what if that attack targeted just them instead of the American economy/civilians.
    I would like to see this family go into some of the darker communities of America and try calling some "HomeBoys" fornicating, double dipping fags.

    Which book did "Gramps" pick up, telling him that he had to pass this silly message on?
    Which language was it printed in?
    Now the silly stuff has been said, reality?
    As stated above, I do not follow any religion, and I do not believe in ANY type of god, I do believe that we all started life from the large GENE pool following the "Big Bang". The big bang is something that scientists have proven, and via DNA profiling, it is evident that everything on the planet has evolved.
    We are yet to find any solid "Proof" of any so called god.
    Many civilizations worshiped things they did not understand: Myan's, Greek's and Egyptians for example.
    This is the extent of my knowledge, and interest in this matter.

    If you have read my comment, then thank you for taking the time.

    1. thank you, it was fun to read, even I am not a native English speaker ;)

    2. It is monitored by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center. Since funerals seem to be their forum of choice, perhaps a Federal Law needs to be put in place regarding the distance any protestor can be from the funeral, family, cemetery. I'm thinking 10 miles might do it.

    3. These people have extremely destructive behaviors. In my religion, we don't really contradict people, tell them their wrong or fight with them. We understand them and watch them fall or fly according to their own actions. I feel they will inevitably destroy themselves as a result of their vehement messages towards everything and everyone unlike themselves. You are right, they are a cult. No better than the few tiny satanic cults here and there that still exist, or the small wayward religions that people have more or less forgotten about or feel don't really exist anymore with the times. We can complain about these people as much as we like, but they are a vindictive people, and their conviction is obvious. Just take solace in the fact, that it is very likely they will be the cause of their own demise. Just watch, and wait.. Life will bloom and burn, according to the rite of it's own evolution. Fate is destined to turn one way or another, by happenstance or deliberate instigation. Either way, these little drink throws or broken windows are just a glimpse of their inevitable fates. I understand how you feel. It's extremely difficult to not be foaming at the mouth to everything they're saying. But the intelligent ones, are the ones who observe and understand. Just because they are cruel, tossing insults and showing the world malicious behavior, doesn't mean you have to be like them. You are an intelligent person, nobody types up something like you did without using valid information and simply paying attention to what they've seen. But you must be calm, and show understanding. It is that same lack of understanding from these people that really upsets you, no? Then be better than them. And just watch them destroy themselves. It may take years, but eventually, it will happen.

      I hope this message hasn't offended you. I am a Taoist, so I get a bit long winded and boring. But what I tell you doesn't come from a God or my own ideals. It's just something I hope will calm your nerves, even a little bit. :3

  99. i agree with terry

  100. As much as I HATE to admit it, the young contemptuous, foul-mouthed ladies of Westboro Baptist kind of get me hot...Calendar?

  101. LOL hes hitting on her

  102. Repulsive

  103. God and hate are mutually exclusive

  104. There is no god. How's that trip your trigger?

  105. I just want everyone to know that what the WBC preaches is not Christianity, at least not the Christianity I know and believe in. They are essentially preaching that salvation is merit based, in other words, strictly follow God's Law to the letter and you will be spared hell. This is not Christianity! Christianity teaches that, yes we as humans are all born with sinful hearts, but God loved us and it pained him that we were separated from Him by sin. To bridge the gap, He came down in the form of His Son, Jesus, to complete the Abrahamic Covenant and create a new one. He was crucified. Officially, only Rome could put anyone to death in that day and age, so yes, technically, Rome killed Jesus. The Jewish religious leadership, though, petitioned for His execution and created a mob. According to Scripture, He rose again 3 days later, and after 40 days and multiple independent encounters with people, He ascended into Heaven and will come again. Christianity is not merit based at all. None of us, no matter how good we are, can ever impress God or do enough good deeds, or follow His Law so closely that we earn Heaven. We can't earn it. If we could, there would've been no need for Jesus. It's only thru accepting the gift of salvation and a relationship with God thru Christ that we receive the mercy then grace of God. I will say, though, that doesn't mean we can accept Christ then do whatever we want. The book of James says that "faith without works is dead." Martin Luther was once teaching on his theology of justification by faith alone when a student asked that in order to achieve salvation, all we must do is love God and we can do as we please? Martin responded, "Yes but what now pleases you?"

    My apologies for the long comment, haha. I didn't want to come across as preachy or anything like that. I really meant it to be a short post, but sometimes God takes over. I know many of you will read and maybe scoff and roll your eyes, or try to point out to me there is no God. That's fine. I'm not wanting to debate those points either way. I know what I believe and that's what matters, but I do hope that this comment has at least done some good to show that not all Christians are as nutty as these people. I do wish they'd go away and quit using the Gospel to spread their hate. I pray for them. I pray that they will one day finally see the true love, mercy and grace of God in Christ. I also hope that I've touched at least one person with this comment that most people probably won't read because of the length lol. I hope whoever reads this that your day is going well and that you have or find peace in your life. God bless!

    1. @Grant Grissom:

      I usually have zero tolerance to fundy's, but you came across as a polite Christian, whatever peacefully floats your boat to make life a little easier for you is fine. But no matter what, I find all religee's even you, always try to recruit people into your religions.

      I find that offensive and take umbrage to that fact.

      And none of your concern how much peace I have in my life, and I do not want any invisible gods blessing me from your vague authority.

    2. I absolutely respect your opinion and your right to believe the way you do. My original intent was not to "recruit" anyone, but to make clear that WBC does not represent Christianity in any form or function. In the process of making that clarification, it became an opportunity to share the Gospel as I understand it, and leaving it entirely up to the reader(s) to take any action they saw fit, if any. I abhor it when Christians, no matter how well meaning, cram God down peoples' throats. Jesus Himself scolded against this. He told his disciples to share the truth with others, but if the person did not want to hear it, to be polite and leave as asked, shaking the dust of the town off their sandals as they left. Ultimately, if I came across as forcing it on you, I do apologize. That wasn't my intent and if it came across that way, I communicated wrongly. I do genuinely hope you are having a good Wednesday, though and may your week be just as good or better.

    3. My Wednesday is good, thank you for asking, wish you the best on your upcoming week also.

    4. ok then let's see you talk that way about muslims? Libtards are usually pretty chickensh!t about that. For that matter how to you feel about atheists that try to recruit?

      Now if there is no god...which there isn't....then evolution is true. But then why do you liberals always hate Social Darwinism? Because it really is just "Darwinism". Survival of the fittest and all that.

      Problem is all you libtards want it both way.

    5. @FreemonSandlewould:

      Are you calling me a libtard? Don't throw your ad hominem around indiscriminately unless your know precisely what it is you are talking about and to whom you are talking to.

    6. and who do u think u r ? loooool

    7. Why are republicans so full of hate. Libtards? Really? Maybe you should join The WBC Too. You would be Right at home huh?

    8. Social "Darwinism" stems from a profound misunderstanding of evolutionary theory. First, "fittest" is not in the sense of an athlete being "fit" - it's basically "whatever survives". Second, "survival of the fittest" applies not at the individual level, but at the gene level.

      Read "The selfish gene" for the gory details.

    9. and u claim your muslim faith to be better ?
      you claim to be kind all loving but you do remind me of those wbc , so go take that ''quran'' and live your life , he was nice to you, you answered in a very ugly way ! i wont argue with a muslim because thats waste of time !

      may the Lord Jesus come to you , i hope he does because he is a living God and he is KIND! He is love :)

    10. What muslim faith? either you have me mixed up with someone else or, yo dog you mergin with me? And chyng@te your lords, gods, jesus's etc: big time.

    11. I am not a christian per se, but respect all tributaries that lead finally to the ocean. You seem to be well on your way brother. Thank you for saying something meaningful using holy scripture to support your claims. Nameste

  106. I wish I could bring her to my church. -E-Cat.

  107. That poor girl... unloved, who doesn't know what love is. I wish I could talk to her and show her what love really is... -E-Cat.

  108. The last 5 minuets reveal one of the saddest and most tragic things I have ever seen. A person who desperately wants to love and be loved, but has a warped idea of what love is

    1. I absolutely agree with you - I almost think he would have been one of the only men in her life who wasn't in the church who took an interest in her

  109. Not to be petty here, but I'm pretty sure it's a sin to use words like "fag", "Jackass" and "dyke". Just saying, Ephesians 4:29 guys

  110. If they are saying everyone is going to hell because they dont believe in the bible they are wrong. God does not judge us on if we go to church or not but God does judge us on our faith and how faithful we are to him. No one in this world is perfect except God, Jesus and Mary the mother of God. If they are saying they are perfect then they are saying they are better than God which they are not. If they talk about the commadments then one of the commandments does say this " Thou shall not take the Lord your God's name in vain." I do believe it does say that but the most greatest commandment of all is:"Jesus replied, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." I did not once hear them say that. So dont tell me what is going to happen to me because you really dont know unless you plan on judging me and throwing the first stone. God also did say this though:"Treat others just as you would want to be treated." And protesting at funnerals is frowned appon.

    1. Interesting. Ofcourse because they are wrong you must be right. But all this god lovin sounds pretty gay to me... I will refrain from lovin your god with all my heart ect. as it might buy me a one way ticket to hell. I dont go to church anyway and 10 commandments shy away in the presence of criminal penal code so I guess I am safe from eternal torments and will be teleported with light speed on to Lords tity when my time comes... Ahhh peace of mind here I come!

    2. You know Hesusa, I dont care what religion you are or how you worship God. If you have faith in him and trust in him like I do then we believe in the same God. They are just looking to put everyone down and say that this country that we believe in that God made is bad and that we all are going to hell. Its wrong for them to tell people that they are going to hell. Would you be happy if someone told you that you are going to hell? Im taking no you wouldnt be. Its just how you see things and what you believe in.

    3. To be fair, our penal code and laws are in part based on the Ten Commandments.

    4. Really? Where is the US law against idolatry, breaking the Sabbath, or covetousness? The closest things we have are the laws against murder, theft and perjury - and AFAIK the law against perjury is derived from Roman law.

    5. Mariam aka Mary was a sinner saved by grace.

  111. I don't think the grandpa or priest has even read the bible as it says in the bible that God made humans to have free will so how can he say that God implemented those thoughts of war into Bush's head. They also don't even follow the main principles of the bible such as the new commandment that Jesus put forward love one another as i have loved you yet they hate the world??

    no its not sinful if two gay men love each other but not have gay intercourse
    it is only sinful when they do or get married

    1. He is referencing Old Testament scriptures. God did send "A Lying spirit" to deceive the false seers of Israel and the corrupt Kings and politicians. Each of these parties were preaching a message of peace in their generation but living ungodly (temple prostitution in the temple of God, Idol worship of deities had been erected with in the temple of God and within the cities, homosexual priest in the temple of God, sacrificing their children on the altar of fire, bribery corruption (selling peace prophesies) & Pederasty cults male/female. The culture had reached a height of enlightenment through the flesh and even the children of Israel were going along with the world boasting of their fleshly achievements but YHWH "I AM" condemned them for their way of life and chastised Israel for her backsliding ways. YHWH gave them over to their fleshy ways, cause other countries to rise up against Israel and enslave her and brought plagues on the nations and Israel herself! Read the 5 books of Law (Pentateuch or Torah), Judges, 1& 2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Romans & Jude. Take a good art history class. After I took a art history class and my teacher would show pictures of the artifacts of the different cultures in biblical times I came to understand why GOD told the Israelite's to burn their buildings because they depicted homosexual sexual acts on their temples, men mating with men, men mating with young boys, teenage boys mating with adolescent boys, women mating with woman or girls, mating with animals & mating with angles (demonic spirits). These is why GOD hates sexual sins it goes against his laws and mandates for human beings, for a male and female to mate in a married union and populate the earth. A man is to cleave on to his wife not a male prostitute or female prostitute or a male child. These acts of sexual impurities are compared to dogs by GOD as being doggish! Male dogs will mate with females or males as is vise or verse for the female dog. A male penis was not designed by GOD to fit the male or female anal it fits the woman's vagina perfectly! To put a penis in the anal or anus were the waste of our body comes out, were the dung aka feces, poop, excrement's comes out is not GOD's design for males or females. Since there is waste within the rectum the penis will be touching that! This form of sexual sin is unclean! This sexual sin is an abomination before GOD because it was not his design for humanity; therefore, it makes it unclean for all of humanity.

    2. He didnt even pull out a bible flip to any scriptures. He just yelled at the congragation. Im agnostic and even i know what he ways saying was wrong.

  112. How is having pictures of stick figures having sex not like the looking at porn?????? I mean come on every time you look at that sign you would think about sex.

    1. @Jessica Rae Bivin:

      You think porn is wrong? Then you are sinning everyday by reading the most disgusting books in existence, the holy books of terror namely the OT yes, the OT and the NT are one and the same. Can not cherry pick, that is a sin also.

      Chock full of porn, incest, sex, feces eating, baking and eating your own children, and many other vile and degrading and disgusting stuff, written about your vengeful psychopathic gods. You have been brainwashed.

      Edit, by the way today is 100th year birthday of Alan Turing "GAY" computer pioneer, and since it seems you are homophobic and think homosexuality is a sin, you better sin no more and not use any computers, ever, because they initially came about because of a gay man!

  113. Did anyone else feel like the girls were flirting with him and were probably having lusty feeling towards him??? The Preacher would also never answer any questions asked to him. I think it is because he feels some kind of uneasiness about what he believes. And for the Westboro Church members, remember that Jesus said that "anyone who has not sinned may throw the first stone", meaning only Jesus and God can make judgement on people and you can not tell someone they are going to hell because you are a sinner and you are not God.

  114. I have tried to understand this but I simply can't. If God is almighty with overwhelming power and so on; how could homosexuality be a sin since he himself has created each and every person to be perfect the way they are? How worthless would he be as a God when he now continues to "fail" with the human race? To say that the Devil lures gay people tohim would be to say that God is weak, and who wants a weak God? I'm bisexual and an atheist and can't come up with any answers to these questions. Please help before I completely lose faith in religious people with strange opinions..!

    1. Listen, most religious people try to be good, i mean that's the point of religion, what we see here is simple and complex all at once. Simply put some nutter thought he knew what he was talking about and managed to convince his kids (omg he's a ******* prophet cos kids are so hard to win over) that gay = wrong... we're all going to hell but not really but yeah kinda etc. There are so many points being made here that its pointless to try and explain it, lets just say let them do what they want till it affects you or something you believe in.
      Violence obviously isn't the answer to anything and they know that, they're so darn clever because they hide behind they're families and kids then bring on the hatred, provoking people into violence and letting the family take the hits so they can seem human and in the right.

      It's all irrelevant anyway because life finds a way, even if we fight it, good will always win over bad, because eventually bad will just lead to extinction and fortunately we're hard wired to survive no matter what.

    2. It is a sin because God made sex to be between a man and a woman but that does not mean God loves them any less than you are me because we sin everyday also. God also sees all sin equal. He judges us on how we try to improve our lives in his eyes and strive to be like him. So no human is a fail just misguided or uneducated. Yes the devil temps but he is weaker than God.

  115. This digusts me! God made all children in his image and likeness. He loves every single one of us equally including gays, straights, rapists, murders, priests, nuns, blacks, whites, purples, and greens. He loves us all equally. It saddens me that these children will grow up only knowing what their parents shove into their minds. They have brainwashed all these children and it's just sick. I pray that they find the right path that God wants for them which is preaching His RIGHT word, loving all even those that it is incredibly hard to, treating others with love and respect, and repenting for the sins that we have committed.
    God Bless!

  116. I feel sorry for those children...and the adults should feel blessed that the little boy was only hit with a soda and nothing else. Bad things could happen to them if they actually went to a part of the country that wasn't in the mid-west. We all need to pray for these people.

  117. Somebody is overcompensating.

  118. On the "rules" there was "dont lie"
    However every member of this cult is lieing to themselves.
    So contradictingl its mind boggling.

  119. I just feel the need to comment on this documentary. I'm a disciple of the International Church of Christ (ICOC) and we actually do hold God's word as our standard for living. I just have to say that the Westboro Baptist Church people definitely do not. They may know the scriptures but taking them out of context and using them support this sort of agenda is more harmful than anything. The pastor of their church doesn't even use scripture in his sermons which is a huge problem. You can't claim to speak from the word of God without actually using His word in your messages; it doesn't work that way. Also, before Jesus Christ's crucifixion he charged his disciples to go out and preach the Word of God and make more disciples. These people at Westboro condemn everyone to Hell without even sitting them down to discuss the path to salvation with them. Also, I noticed that the family has no reservations about using profane language which is also against the Word of God. in 2 Timothy, Paul says that God's disciples must watch their tongues. This refers includes what words come out of your mouth but the Westboro people will throw around the word "ass" in such a way that is not reflective of their faith in Christ. All of this is just a small amount of Biblical evidence why the Westboro Baptist Church members are the ones who are wrong in their agendas and probably the ones who will not be found extremely righteous when they are standing before the Lord. I'm not saying that they are completely wrong about everything I'm just saying that a lot of their teachings and principles are wrong and not actually rooted in the Bible.

  120. I am surprised the interviewer never asked " What about 'Judge not lest ye be judged also'?" He also failed to address the idea that of Free Will.Or "Love the sinner but hate the sin", as preached by Jesus The Christ.This documentary left me wanting in that regard and I feel he DID let an opportunity slip by him by NOT asking RELEVANT BIBLICAL questions of ANY of the senior Phelps.(the children are obviously "learning what they live" without any REAL regard or thought of their own. )(Indoctrinated) Sad that God's message and love have been distorted this way.They are what gives Christianity a bad name and fodder for the fringe extremists of other religions. NOTHING in this (supposed) ministry is indicative of the God I know ........................ Jesus wept (and so do I)

    1. My guess is that Louis Theroux, being an atheist, didn't bring up biblical questions, because he's trying make common sense out of all that in a humane, more sensible way. Two people discussing their favorite nitpicked bible verses doesn't really lead to anything (especially with fanatics like the Westboros).

      Still in the long run, it's not much different from the other bible-based religions. They just interpreted it their own way.

    2. On the last line of your comment, it is different from other bible-based religions because this one, like mentioned in the documentary, picks and chooses. What it doesn't like it ignores and what it likes it preaches: stupid, no?

    3. @Doniel Wolf
      and other religions don't pick and choose?

  121. I feel sorry for them.

  122. She thinks its courteous to bash the those whose lives were taken, and wonders why people are mean to her. Its not mean for her and her family to go to a funeral where loved ones are burying a life that was taken, they are mourning and the last thing they need are a group of ignorant m*rons, who use childish posters with hateful words on them and spreading " the word of the ever hateful GOD" I don't understand why know one has those kids taken away, I mean the father said he would smile if his kids got hit by a car and their life was taken, if they would smile about that, than I wonder what they would do, if a perverted church member wanted one of their kids, they'll smile and hand their child to them, the old pastor looks like he has kids and woman waiting in line to "service him". Its discusting.

  123. Truthfully, I'm not sure what saddens my heart more-the actions and "doctrine" of WBC or the amount of people that commented on this thread that say they have no belief in God what-so-ever! There is no Biblical excuse for the Westboro group. I'm not sure what to say about the other. :(

  124. This makes me so sad! It is quite astounding how deeply fixed these people's mindset has become. I just feel so sorry for all of them, especially the girl Theroux talks to towards the end. It is painfully obvious that she is too terrified of going to hell to allow herself for a minute to think how crazy the ideas propagated by her family (and only friends) really are.

    I just find myself desperately trying to figure out a way to reach in to them, and just shake some common sense in to them. They are prisoners in their own brainwashed minds, that's what they are.

    And what a rude man that pastor was!

  125. These people are coming to my town to picket the death of Steven Sutton. I do believe it will take place tomorrow 6/6/12.
    Oh what will the outcome be?

    1. @Mantid
      "what will the outcome be?" hopefully nothing. they are in it for the attention and if somebody reacts they will sue you. now i am not saying they don't deserve a swift kick in the ... or worse but thats what they want. i hope they get ignored and fade away into obscurity. that is all they deserve.

  126. What the worst thing is, is that they take 7 year olds to these pickets. wtf! I would not be held responsible for my actions if I ever saw one of these idiots. I just hope I have an IED ready for them when I do.

  127. Without making a case of Special pleading, can someone tell me why god gets to write all the rules and wield all the power?

    1. I believe, and this is my personal opinion, that Humans as a race created God. Humans wanted something bigger and almoghty to believe and place their hope in, so they created a false God. It's been preached for thousands of years now and once you get into a habit of something, especially God and religion in society, that it's difficult to break out of. My point is, God gets to create all the rules because he is supposedly all-knowing, powerful and almighty.

    2. I agree 100% with you on that. But these people who arent the only delusional ones will never get that.Its funny how they are so against fornication yet exactly how did their brainwashing kids come upon, not to mention, how did they become of. I hate judgemental people, especially those who cannot for the life of them back up their belief .

    3. my dear thats just it GOD dosent GOD and all created do as a whole you see this world is just how it should be that is why it is. to be terrible and full of conflict it is what i call the greatest of schools it all becomes clear when we die and go back looking on what we learned. hell is below heaven heaven is above hell. if from where we are heaven is above well then where the hell do you think we are now.( thats just a little scramble together of different topics hope you like it)

  128. Couldn't WBC be considered a terrorist organisation? They are terrorizing the American public.

    1. They are protected under the Freedom of Speech and their "religion" is registered. Also they are not modifying the flag in a physical meaner, so they are doing nothing that can get them in government binds.

    2. Actually, not modifying the flag is irrelevant - even if they, say, wiped their butt with an American flag on which the stars were drawn as stars of David, it would be extremely offensive, but still legally protected speech. The First Amendment is that strong.

  129. How are these people still alive? Don't you yanks carry guns anymore?

    1. Kansas isn't really a yanks kinda place if they were to be in new york home of the true blood yanks im sure the wouldn't be returning home X^D

  130. Captain C2, i thought the same too. However the 'cult' family will have some other explanation behind the object being thrown at the kid. They just cannot take their own 'medicine' or should i say vitriol?

  131. louie is a god in the uk

  132. Any Christian would want to draw other souls to Christ, to save ppl from sin rather than announcing their damnation. Jesus Christ so loved the world, nothing in this ministry is reflective of the love of Christ.

    1. I agree, They are basically cutting you down and letting you rot. I had more to say, but I'm not quite mature enough to know how to say it with out offending someone by accedent.

  133. Did they ever stop to think that the kid getting pelted with a soda was a sign from God telling them to stop picketing?

  134. I think they've got a point. When you look at the changes we have seen in recent decades, coupled with the loss of God from people's lives, we can see there is a lot of truth here. I don't want to picket someone's funeral, but I also don't want to burn in hell, and I can read a bible, and if you're going to tell me something about homosexuals is ok when my bible says quite clearly that it is not, you are denying your LORD God and are thus destined for the most vicious corner of hell.

    1. @Sam Manktelow:

      Do not use your vicious hellfire damnation threats to justify what the WBC are doing, or use your vicious threats at all on others, to justify your abysmal beliefs in your invisible deities.

      If you do not follow "the comment policy" then you "will be thus destined for the vicious corner of hell" by having your posts deleted.
      (fair warning)

    2. Honest and serious question here: Where EXACTLY in the Bible does it say that being a homosexual is a sin? Is it Old Testiment or New? The point of adultery that Westboro uses is invalid to me, so please try to find another one.

    3. The book of Leviticus, 18:22.
      Unfortunately, it's not wishy-washy about it, either.

    4. The book of Leviticus also says that you're not to wear clothing made of two kinds of material...and it's not "wishy-washy" about that. I don't see people raging against poly-cotton blends, why is that?

    5. Leviticus is a book of the laws, but mainly for the laws of the religious leaders since they came from the tribe of Levi. There are different types of laws in Leviticus. There is the moral law and then there are the purity laws (not wearing clothing made of two kinds and not eating pork and shellfish which was good since they didn't really know how to clean them properly and kept at the right temperature) which religious leaders needed to follow because they had to go into the Holy of Holies which is where the presence of God was. Also there are the sacrificial laws which were told so people could be forgiven of their sins and be made pure. Jesus did say to keep the laws on the sermon on the mount but he referenced the 10 commandments. When Jesus died on the cross, he was the ultimate sacrifice, making us pure because he was perfect.

    6. But if two men love eachother but aren't having sex, is it still sinful since it says that when they sleep together, like a man does with a woman, it's bad? (I'm an atheist and have read the bible but I still don't get this thing..)

    7. I suppose they could call that (or try to get away with calling that) Platonic love. However, obviously, when the bible says "sleep as a man does with a woman," it means intercourse. But something tells me that the god they worship isn't interested in the splitting of legal hairs... at least not when it comes down to whom THEY wish consigned to the flames!

    8. right in there with no incest nor adultery. curiously tho, in the same book, “Almighty God” insists, that regular sacrifices be made of the cattle without blemish, only then can one be saved. In truth, moses interpreted what he heard and regurgitated it as best he could. Instead of following the every word or such second hand rendering, best to follow his example and go straight to the source or the word which is God and all things. John says, the word of God is written in the hearts of ALL men. Jesus said "The Kingdom of God is within you”. Best then just to listen up, or listen “in’ as it were. nameste

    9. @Samantha Evans

      The religious stance on homosexuality does have a lot to do with the book of Leviticus as @Brennilthos64 has mentioned. You can find an amusing riposte to this at “Riddles of the Bible” here at SeeUat Videos. The post I refer to is headed - Some more riddles of the bibble. I hope you find this helpful.

      The Crucified One

    10. God said that sex is between one man and one woman. So yes being gay is a sin but it is no greater than any of the sins we create everyday.

    11. Romans 1:26-27

    12. Romans 2:1

    13. Good grief! How do you sleep at night with all that hate and condemnation in your heart? What a miserable sad way to live. You just admitted you believe what you do and live the way you do because of the fear of hell. Hell was concocted to keep people like you in a mind prison your entire life. You will live your life in your own corner of a self-made most vicious hell. Haven't you heard that a mind is a terrible thing to waste? Religion is an accident of birth as Thomas Paine wrote. If you were in the middle east you would be screaming Allah is great and hating christians and Jews. The people at WBC were raised in fundamental insanity at it's worst and to them it is right and normal. I don't think the true Creator of this world had killing and hate in mind for his creation but you do whatever you please with the years you have left. I feel only pity for you.

    14. where does it say? just curious...

  135. their views on the military almost bring me to tears. My husband is a US Marine and I am damn proud of him. God forbid I ever have to attend a funeral after his deployment. and if there is any picketing, I'll have a pistol in my purse.

    1. I totally agree with you . My husband is in the army and i am so proud of him. If they hate america so much they should go live in Afghanistan or Iraq and see what our husband's do. They are ignorant and should go overseas to live. Thank you for what your husband does.

    2. They should go to Afghanistan and get lost in the desert, never to be seen again.

    3. God bless your family. I plan on being a US Marine as well, but maybe since fighting for justice is wrong, I won't. Even though two people are going it, WBC and God himself such as when he used his power to guide the Israelites through victory only when Moses held his arms up towards the heavens.

    4. Matthew if you do become a marine acts of justice will be far outweight by acts of injustice, suffering and moral bankrupcy. For example Iraq war is illegal. It has brought only suffering to a nation under false pretences. The result is cca 116.000 civilian deaths and for what? So the west might maintain their standard a little longer consuming stolen oil and getting rid of a dictator put in place by USA some 32 years ago.
      That aside I cannot think of a recent war that did any good or brought justice - quite the opposite but I will give you the opportunity to prove otherwise.

    5. as i recall we put out all the fires on the oil fields that iraq lit and gave them back. if we were stealing oil our gas wouldn't be as much as it is. so eat a d*ck.

  136. the old man passes away that be grate you all hate poor kids god love all

  137. this people are sick. thats all they are, sick! if God hated Homosexuals so much why did he out them on this earth to begin with? i don't understand. I had a Homosexual uncle so no matter what anyone tells me he's not in hell he was a fantastic person!! the fact that they disrespect the flag and the people who stop the terrorist and coming and ripping this family to shreds? they take america for granite! wow just wow this is NOT a religion this is a cult. These are psychopathic crazy people who brainwash everyone around this. I feel bad for this journalist, he had to spend a long time with these phycos! omg this is driving me nuts. ill go to hell, just as long as they won't be there.

  138. where is child protective services for these children?

  139. I wish their Jesus would bring the rapture and take these people home.

  140. It hurts me to see this. the Bible teaches that we are to love one another, and not to make are selves higher then others. no one can be perfect and we should not laugh about someones soul that is going to hell. For Christ is the way the truth and the light no one comes to the Father except through him. for this entire documentry never once i herd them say that. we as christense should lovingly share the word and not be so B-L-U-N-T!!! don't laugh or cheer because someone has died for their country. they vary well new what they were doing. this is the nation of freedom. if you don't like it then leave. remember those soldiers who give their lives every day for are country, keep us safe. if they didn't do Gods calling then this nation wouldn't be here. for God gave us this Nation, and that is something we as the people of the United States should never forget. people are not FAGS. their just lost. and need Christ.

  141. I like how they are all patriotic and stuff, wearing the American flag and all, even though they are talking all this crap on America. Hypocritical much??

    1. oh they're not. Notice the flag was upside down in one scene? that shows distress. And a flag (doesn't matter the country) isn't aloud to touch the ground, it's disrespectful. One man had the flags tied to his shoes...

  142. Does anyone notice that they kind of change everything they say and never give any facts that the way they believe is the better life style. When the man says Louie is trying to be God, the man is playing it out to himself that he is God, making choices only God makes. As myself I think what these people are doing is wrong, because they are technically harassing all the people that are in America. They should go to hell for trying to IMPERSONATE God.

  143. That younger girl, the 21 year old one, has SO much pent up sexual energy. The way she talks and laughs sideways and flirts and's so weird.

    1. Totally my thought

    2. A 21-year-old girl who laughs and flirts? So weird.

  144. This family is just a modern-day Charles Manson family. Only difference is, this group hasn't murdered (yet) and they are much more public. My opinion, we should stop paying attention to them completely. They take all criticism as proof that they are right, so it is pointless. Obviously they are completely full of bull **** and hate. They made up their minds so don't bother with confusing them with facts; just ignore them. Angry Gramps is angry.

  145. It is sad to say free speech is free speech. These humans have a right to say whatever they want....period. Since we live in this country they have the right regardless of personal opinions. A few thousand years ago the things and peoples they condemn would put to death. just like these people want. (ever hear of people living too soon.... well maybe they are living too late) They have the right to say what their faith says and we have the right to say they are wrong. I personally like them as people, but dislike their ideologically representations of their personalized faith.

  146. The most frustrating thing is that there is no way to change their way of thinking. These people are completely lost in their own beliefs. In their own messed up world, they are right no matter how many times they are proven wrong, and no matter how people react, it's good and a proof that they are right. Worst part, of course, is the children that are raised into this sick church, and destroyed by brainwashing.

  147. That old turd trying to be hitler.

  148. It's nothing short of a miracle that these people aren't murdered yet.

  149. To close a childs mind is s religion must do. What better way then to convince them to hold the follower above the individual.

    Let children learn about different ideas. Let them draw their own conclusions. Let them make up their own minds when they grow up

    To brainwash or to put these ideas into the mind of an innocent child is pure moral suicide and is child abuse.

  150. Not a chance Poopy pants!! haha just as crazy as the movie Red State... i didn't think that these people existed!

  151. all i been seeing,& hearing is one thing with the westboro so called baptist congragation is GOD HATES FAGS, but not one time did they show in the scriptures on what they preach on that GODS says these things ,give some scriptures on these things to prove your beliefs, because all of it is lies, the preacher avoid a lot of questions and he's a demon in disguise very angry the BIBLE SAYS GOD IS LOVE not hate so get your facts wright, stop twisting the BIBLE on what GOD is about.these people spend there energy on making signs , and telling people they're going to hell when they'er condeming there ownself !!

  152. Ok so I saw this documentary a few years back and also have seen others centered around these people and though i find them fascinating I cannot help but despare at how deluded and misguided a group of people can truely be.

    Im not a Fan of any wars at all that arent 100% necessary by that I mean where a nation or force poses a direct and immediate threat, I know this will be counter to alot of peoples beliefs and may be viewed as disrespectful to service men and women especially those who die during service but that being said to tarnish and sabotage thier funerals and memorials for them and thier families is shameful and wrong. These people have died full stop no matter your beliefs or opinions families and friends have every right to pay thier respects and mourn in peace. If this were to occur infront of me I doubt I would be able to contain myself and Im not a violent person in the slightest.

    These people are being horribly misguided by a man who has no repect for anyothers other than himself and truely relishes in people following him. Though christened and atteneded Sunday School(bible school) I am not a practicing christian I still have a firm grasp of some of the basics and the commandment "love thy neighbour" seems to be pretty much ignored. Coupled with a famous quote "judge not least ye be judged". Now I know that I dont have the references for these quotes Im not trying to be a religious scholar just can clearly see that these people just dont comprehend the world around them and how messed up thier views of how "god" wants them to live and condems others for how they do.

  153. Theres so many things i could say right now. But what is there to say?

    1. Worst part is that the children are being brainwashed so hard that bubbles shoot out of their ears..

  154. funny that when they die and realize they wasted their life believing in "god " and hating homosexual`s
    god is an ideology for the weak that are scared of death and need something in the back of there heads to keep them sane
    educated people like (scientists & professor`s & politicians ) do not need "god" to believe in neither do they need religions as they came in piece that death is a natural process's and everything and everyone dies end of story
    sad though how 99% percent of the planet needs religions gods and blah blah
    comes to show how weak and confused the human race is

  155. My personal problem is with some that are viewing these videos. You say this isn't what God is about or God is love. I'm a Christian and don't believe this. Maybe not all on this page but I've viewed quite a few comments on youtube. "I hope they get hit by buses".. "I wouldn't mind beating the crap out of them" etc... (not exact quotes, due to language and other things...) I don't get it. Yes, personally I think they are unbelievably ridiculous. They just hate and hate and hate, won't answer any questions because they don't have answers to any questions, especially that old "pastor". Not once did you get any answer other then " your being silly" or " don't waste my time with this silly questions.." or " Why are we talking about the... you know what.. nevermind I won't get into that.."

    Anyway, what in the world.. you say they are so radical as to wish harm on everyone.. why be like them and wish harm to them? Sure, I understand where your coming from. The first reaction is to get angry and just wish everything awful upon them, but what is that really saying. We wouldn't be any better then they are. It's hate that they are "preaching".. (not that I would call it preaching)... Don't hate them back. Pray for them. Half of what they say makes no sense at all. Don't give then deference or credence to anything they are saying. People are right.. ignore them. Stop giving them our attention.

    We had some of them come to our town for Gay Pride a couple years ago. I went. There weren't that many of them. I wanted to go over and just ask an enormous amount of questions but we were all blocked off.

    It was said that if "we would just get their message" all the pain would go away. Well, I'm not sure what she was talking about. Whether, we "got" there "message" or not there would still be pain and suffering. And I don't know about you but I can't just sit around and ignore it, even if it wasn't my pain and suffering but someone else's.

    But, my main point was don't "hate the hate, love the hate" if that makes any sense. Jesus would want us to gather in a circle around them and just pray, not hit then with a monkey wrench, which I'm sure we've all imagined doing, just saying. But this is just my opinion :)

    1. I would like to, what I believe is, offer up an explanation to why people want them to get hit by a bus. With that much hate, and that much conviction that death is funny to them and everything else (i need not explain, we both watched the video and saw), they would want to see these people's end so that they cannot spread the hate and procreate only to spread more. I would honestly laugh at their demise, in their times of pain and final hours. I would laugh because they do the same, and I think that when the tables are turned ( no matter how much they say they laugh at hell ) they won't find it so funny. I can honestly say I'm not concerned about this group. They are small, they don't seem to be growing, and they seem to be pretty loosely organized as far as who would do what if something happened. So when gramps bites it, hopefully they will be lost.

      If there is a god (WBBC is proof there isn't) then put them all on a plane, children included because it's too late, and let the pilot sacrifice himself for the better of the world.

  156. this family is mentally r*tarded

  157. Apparently they skipped these verses of the Bible, seeing as it doesn't fit their ideology:
    "As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand." Romans 14:1-4

    1. The perfect statement of how God's words teach us that we are to help guide and accept those who are lost.

  158. a couple of those girls in the church (one who wouldn't dwell on her past temptations and wouldn't talk about them) are more than "doable" to bad they are in that weird church. Wouldn't mind getting into that at all!

  159. And another thing. The video is labeled the-most-hated-family-in-america the title alone declares bias.

  160. They claim not to use violence. Yet through their actions they cause other people pain and suffering. They imbed in their children a hatred only Hitler and other terrorists would appreciate. I vote we kick em out of the country they claim is going to hell in a sparkly rainbow hand basket. Let them appreciate the term "freedom of speech" a little bit before they go stepping on the memories of soldiers who died defending these freedoms. And as for the "You don't have to agree with their words to respect them" statements. I suppose this would be true if it weren't meant to dehumanize.

    1. they say its not through their actions that's caused us sinners pain and suffering, its because cause we hate the words they are saying and picketing, which is the word of "God" >_> I hope we can eventually export these people else where, they don't belong in such a wonderful place, with such freedoms that we have here.

  161. I am a 28 yo, college educated, gay male and am appalled at the majority of the remarks left by most of the viewers. Besides being riddled with grammar and spelling errors, it is clear you watched the video with bias.

    Try watching and LEARNING what the Westboro Baptist Church believes and the reasons behind their faith. I am obviously not a supporter of their beliefs but I understand and respect them. I actually enjoyed the family as the people they are. Not one time were any of them actually mean or hateful to anyone.

    America needs to wake up and learn something for once.

    1. As I understand it the family protests at funerals of dead soldiers, saying things such as "God hates America," "You're going to hell," and other -hateful- things. Families are mourning for their dead while members of this group wave their signs and shout, disrupting the mourning process and preventing closure. What is that if not mean and hateful?
      I wouldn't care if they were quietly handing out pamphlets, holding hate meetings to discuss those they think are going to hell, or hosting a website. But that's not all they do, so simply understanding the reasons behind what they do is not enough; the "reasons" behind their faith do not excuse their behavior.
      I have no opinion of them as people, as I do not know them. I do not care to know them, based on their actions and the opinions they've made perfectly clear.
      If you want to excuse them on the basis that they were decent people, think on Hitler. In those home videos he made of him and Eva, he seems a decent guy, capable of love and laughter. That certainly doesn't excuse the fact that he burned and slaughtered millions of people for no other reason than he didn't like them and they were against his beliefs.

  162. It is so interesting that these people preach a message of hate, and present it as a message of God. As far as I can remember, in Judeo-Christian theology, Jesus Christ preached a message of love and tolerance.

  163. LOL at that family

    1. I agree. I think fire with fire is the only weapon here.

  164. I never met this people, but I already hate them a lot.

    1. lol. hate begets hate.

    2. lol. hate begets hate.

  165. these people are enbreeds what do you expect when having sex and making babies with your brother or sister or first cousin. you know their brain is not right.they have not ****** with the right family can so many people use GOD for hate? i guess people will say and do anything it really doesnot matter any more.what has a young soldier losing his life have to do with some one being gay?Gay and lesbian people die for this country too,so *** wipes like this ****** up family can have the rights they have;although they do not deserve them.

  166. I wonder what the family would say if one of their members were killed in some sort of accident. Perhaps if the grandpa died in a wreck... then what? He was killed by god? Maybe if the mother died choking on some meat... like the soldiers in the war.. god killed her because she wasn't obeying his word?

    Hmm.. I wonder.

    1. Believe it or not... They do actually believe, that even if it is a family member. It was ordained by God, based upon sin.

      General sin, I guess, which is far and away above corporal sin.

      But c'mon scientologists believe that when it rains the souls of the supplicants, wash into your brains.

      Some mainstream Christians believe the Earth is 3000 years old, and even given that fact people lived to be 900 and more, and talked to snakes.

      Pick your insanity and and follow it. But people need to stop telling others, that their belief is flawed, while their own is the only "true" path to....

      Where are we going again?

    2. Thank you for having a brain and some sensible contribution to this page other than more colorful terms to call the members of the Westboro Baptist Church.

      You don't have to agree with their words to respect them. Has the saying, "agree to disagree" gone on extended holiday?!

    3. It interests me, that most vehement single-idea opinions, seem to come from those people who identify themselves as "believers" of one or another faith. The word "tolerence" appears to be alien to these individuals.

      Although, most have the audacity to claim: "I am a devout -----(fill in the blank)", as though by saying it, it implies their own sainthood is above reproach.


    4. In the doc. the girl who wouldn't talk about her past and laughed saying the journalist was going to she said that if she got hit by a car and died she woould go to hell.. I don't understand why she would though.. if in her belief she is going to heaven. their beliefs confuse me to death.

    5. I think she meant that if she was to get hit by a car it would be God's way of saying she wasn't good enough, and deserves to go to hell. Whereas if she survives until the rapture she gets a VIP pass to heaven. They didn't talk a ton about judgement day in this documentary but from what I've heard of them they believe it's imminent. But you're right, confusing as hell and probably one of the most inconsistent belief systems out there.

  167. I try to be faithful and be a good Christian, but when there's people like this it really upsets me. That girl irks me something terrible. "I laugh about you going to hell" "we doing them a courtesy." Someone should write the original meaning of the word faggot (deals with wood and the amount of wood) and picket a chant about it in front of the church.

  168. i don't condone violence like talking about, but at least don't hit the kids. They don't understand everything yet. They are just pulled with the adults in the church. Oh, and the teenagers. I would really like to strangle them. Especially the one that laughed about him going to hell and she ain't got time for boys and there's no point in getting married. Unless God changed the rule, he said be fruitful and multiple.

  169. I am all for freedom of speech but this is not even close. I use to live in Topeka and know how bad they are there and it makes me sick that they involve children who are innocent to begin with and do not understand that what they are experiencing with their parents and family is pure hatred that they seem to be "saving" everyone from. One of these days they will be picketing and their mother or father, sister, or brother, or themselves will be shot or something by someone who has simply had enough and are at their breaking point and I cant even imagine the hurt those children will feel because they are not learning anything. Very sad. If it wasn't for our courageous soldiers they wouldn't be able to preach freely like they do in the first place. God teaches us to love one another and he doesnt make people do the things they do everyday we do that on our own. We were made to sin because we ar human. Does not mean that we should but we are human and God knows that. I could talk for hours on this family and what they are doing all I want to end with is when we die if we were sinners and we want to be forgiven for ANYTHING, all we need to do is ask for forgivness and it will be up to him. ?

  170. I'm just curious: If they hate the USA, why not just leave? Go to the Middle East. They're either gonna shut up or get shot. Either way the rest of us win.

  171. How dare they go to those freaking funerals ....Ugh

  172. The children should be allowed to develop their own views and not forced

  173. I think Fred Phelps is a repressed homosexual himself and that's why he has so much hate in his heart. I wish someone would turn the tables on them and picket their church on Sunday. Maybe when Phelps dies, the gay community can picket his funeral.

    1. I agree, by way of Ted Haggard as an exemplar, the most outspoken anti-gay individuals often reveal themselves after years of repression to be latent homosexuals themselves.

  174. If these people hate America so much and believe God hates America, then why do they live in America? They are Americans, so I'm sure according to their twisted frame of thought He would hate them as well. They could be using their education, money and time for a much better purpose, considering they aren't really making any changes anyway. All they do is yell out horrible things at people for no reason and make their children do the same. Hopefully, the young ones will understand they were brainwashed by their families and get out of there, so no more of this fooloshness is spread around. If there by some chance is a God and he is the ulmighty whatever, I highly doubt he is a racist prick. Because if God created man, then he created black man, jewish man, asian man, homosexual man, transgender man, etc. Why would he hate anything he created, and then continue to create it? Makes no sense to me. I feel bad for these people when they die, when they are they ones going to hell all because they were brainwahed into this distorted way of thinking by an ignorant unintelligent bigot of a man who cannot even answer simple questions about his "faith."

  175. I do not see the big issue with these people exercising their first amendment rights, because just as everyone whines, complains, and comments on what they do I'm sure that you would much rather live in a nation that has the first amendment rather than having a government structured belief system and controlled conduct on what views my be presented and in how you may present them because if you believe that they should be jailed, shot, ect. for exercising their rights that is borderline fascism. Except they have a message and choose to ignore or adhere to it.

    1. What about the children who are put in harms way?

  176. ok...this was my lesson in tolerance...from the insight i got i still hate them...

  177. Holy Jesus, Holy Jesus, Holy Jesus,. Speaking of JESUS. He never said, "God hates fags." NEVER. There is a scripture that says, "If a man sleeps with another man, like he sleeps with a women, it is an abomination"."The Bible NEVER uses the word FAG! In the OLD or the NEW Testament! These people are "putting words in God's mouth. Jesus NEVER said ANYTHING abut ""fags" or "gays." The word FAG is NOT anywhere in the Bible! PERIOD!

  178. If I worked for SRS (Kansas's child protective services), I'd be going to pull those kids out of there. They are endangering their children by bringing them to pickets to spread hate and bigotry. This time it was a cup of soda. What if next time, it's a brick?

    1. As a social worker, I completely, 100% agree! Her dad will laugh if she gets hit by a car and dies, because she would be in hell? I think God is having a very stiff drink, wanting to shout back at them: "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!"
      Those poor kids...

  179. i mean only god

  180. hmmm...sounds like Hitler

  181. You know if you're christian and don't like what they are saying. Why don't you go and picket or protest them? I really think other religions should start standing up and talking out agains them. Don't sit here and complain go do something about it.

    1. Then you start having religion vs religion and that's not good. The truth is there's no real easy way to deal with them.

    2. Yeah!!! or i could just ignore them and take comfort in the fact im most likely going to outlive the idiots. death is the only solution for dealing with these people. never argue with an idiot. they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

  182. People like this make the world hate Christianity. They are preaching the exact opposite of their "faith". Christ taught to love, not to hate.

    Sadly this is turning so many away from the love of Christ..

  183. the children need to be taken away from that family, and put in homes that will actually teach them the truth.

  184. God, their logic literally MAKES ZERO SENSE! It blows my mind that these,these things are on earth. WBC come to Kent Island MD, lets take it outside.

    1. I know they were saying jesus is only go but he is bot man and god
      and they said the jews killed jesus not the romans

  185. Well, I'm almost fu*king speechless. I feel completely sorry for all those brainwashed children.

  186. I just can't believe how brainwashed they are, the church only came into existance because of the crazy mind of Fred Phelps, a man who beat his wife and children regularly. He is clearly a deranged, mental, angry human being and somehow brainwashed some but not all of his children. And the Steve Drain guy, I have no idea how he was converted, he must just be the stupidest person to ever live. I just don't understand how anyone can believe in God and Heaven and Hell, when we die we're dead and we won't "go" anywhere. Theres no spirit or soul, we're just be dead and we won't know we're dead. It's just like being asleep but forever, we won't have feeling or experience, we won't be in fairy tale land of heaven or hell we will just not exist, we have no conciousness of anything. And thats the sad truth, I mean yes its very depressing but that IS the reality. Im an atheist (clearly) obviously I don't want to believe that, Id rather believe theres a Heaven and we get to see our loved ones etc. But that isn't going to happen, and for me the whole idea of religion seems based on people wondering what happens when we die, and it seems alot of people are scared so much by this that they believe in heaven.

  187. Hello my name is Kyle Hess I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint, and after watching this documentary it is time for my input to do this fairly I will express my anger and frustration on this family and faith but then like what my Heavenly Father wants me to do I will show them the very few things they can be smiled at for. First of all you guys are just insane. God does have a part in whats going on in the world but he doesn't kill people just because they did something wrong. God isn't punishing America because of the gays or the Jews or what ever. Mankind is punishing each other because we spend so much time thinking about the differences we don't look at the similarities. Yes people are going to go to hell for mistakes but we have a chance to make it better to repent. How dare you go to the funerals of these soldiers and mock there names and there families because you don't like what they did and stood for. How dare you drag your children into these pickets. They are children they should be playing and making mistakes, not calling America and other faiths gay and damning them to hell. How could you be happy that people die. You say that you and your family would be happy if a loved one died because you know they sinned and there going to hell while you go to heaven. That is a lie. If that sweet little girl was to die right now you all would be devastated. If your knowledge of the word of God is as good as you say try this: Lev. 19:18-Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, Love one another; as I have loved you, John 13:34,Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends, John 15:13,Christ suffereth because of his loving kindness towards men, 1 Ne. 19:9. The list goes on. Guess what those are from the bible. Even though my list of complaints with you people goes on and on and all of you may hate me because i'm Mormon guess what? I would still help you out if you needed it because I want to help people I want to save people. I want to bring them closer the there Heavenly father. If one of you viewers or one of those loonies where to come up to me and needed help I would do it I don't care if you're gay, Jew, Pagan or what ever I would help you because that's what God wants us to do not deface funerals. If you don't like what i said then here use a plane ticket to picket me have at it I wont scorn you. (EDIT) @imjustaman:...personal home address and email "censored" not allowed...(Moderator)

    1. "If one of you viewers or one of those loonies where to come up to me and needed help I would do it I don't care if you're gay, Jew, Pagan or what ever I would help you because that's what God wants us to do"

      i help people because i know that it is what i would want done for me and because i feel empathy and sympathy when i see someone suffering needlessly.

      do you really only do it because you were told that is what god wants you to do?

      if someone does something for want of reward or fear of punishment, they are not really moral or good.

    2. @imjustaman:

      Do you wear "magic underwear"?

      Do you practise or believe in "polygamy"?

      Does your "heavenly father" live on a planet near the star "Kolob"?

  188. There are sins in everyone and they are too ignorant to understand. God gave us a life to learn the good and bad, to experience whats right and wrong. What these people are doing is an absolute sin! Let god take care of the people's fates not a group of crazy lunatics.. It's so sad to see this happen in the world.. I can't say they are going to hell because im not the one to say so, but it seems very likely...

    1. THANK YOU, JEEZ, someone finally f***ing said it.

  189. I'm also seeing a bit of a paradox of sorts here. If the members of this church don't really care, or even relish in the fact that everyone but themselves are going to hell, why bother picketing or spreading their message? Why not sit back quietly in their compound and wait for the end of days secure in their knowledge that they will be saved? They can't be trying to recruit members because that obviously isn't working.

    It's also quite suspicious that the leader of this so-called church seems to be scared to answer questions from an outsider. If his knowledge of the bible is so superior to everyone else, you would think he would have an answer to any question posed to him.

    Also, I wish this documentary went a little further and sought out interviews with the members of the family who have left the church and see what they had to say about why they left and about the family they left behind.

  190. I'm glad that none of the young ones seem to be allowed, or even want, to get married and have kids. In a few years time this crazy message will die with them.

  191. I can't wait until THEY go to Hell for being so ignorant and rude. THEY are disrespecting God, they can't talk to "fags" at all because Jesus loves everyone! No matter what race, gender, religion, or "interest" Jesus loves them and that will never change. JESUS LOVES EVERYONE. PERIOD. That should be the message that these "people" {not sure I can call them that} should be getting across. THEY will rot in Hell, and all the homosexuals that they hate will go to Heaven. This group IS a cult. Who could be heartless enough to crash funerals?! Talk about being disrespectful...

    1. Not to be the devils advocate here because I'm totally with you, but if Jesus loves everyone then these people are included in 'everyone' and if you go by this then they will have a chance at the end of their lives to repent and still be saved. That's the problem with this particular part of Christianity. That it removes responsibility from the person(s) that is, in this case, preaching this barbed hate. That they can be forgiven by, in a sense, pushing their sins onto a scapegoat, in this case Jesus who died for their sins, and therefore those sins disappear and all is forgiven.

      But Louis makes an interesting comment during this doc that seems to get glossed over by the members. That if Jesus was standing in front of them today and was preaching to love your neighbor and feed the poor and heal the sick, that they might be calling him a 'fag enabler'. Their message seems to be the antithesis of what Jesus, not the bible particularly, was preaching himself.

    2. Yes, they can get forgiveness, even at the very last breath. So can Charles Manson. God looks at the heart, though. Saying you are sorry for the way you lived your life as you are dying is not the same as repentance. Repentance is a change of direction, a reversal of sinful ways and attitudes.
      I would like to see these folks repent and seek forgiveness. I don't see it on a grand scale, though. One or two will fall away, as they have, and may or may not seek forgiveness from God. The doctrines they preach and the solidarity with which they believe them.
      What you see as a problem with Christianity, I see as a blessing. I do believe in a deathbed repentance, however I think it is very rare. A person deciding not to sin anymore simply because they will soon be unable is not the same as repentance. God looks at the heart. He looks at a genuine desire to stop sinning.
      I hope these folks see the light of truth. I do not expect they will.

  192. what a awful set of people. we should picket their church everyday. i bet people would come in the thousands. bunch of brainwashed sickos

  193. I heard one of them preach in a documentary film that Jesus said "Who is my mother? Who is my father and brother...?"

    Those who are Jesus' brothers are those who followed his teachings and treated those as THEY would like to be treated.

    To treat everyone as equals and accept those, no matter HOW different...isn't that what Jesus preached? Isn't He the one who went and helped all those who were deemed "undesirable" to everyone else?

    THAT'S means to be a follower of Jesus. Do unto others as you'd like to be done unto you.

    Filling these young kids what it heads with crap is just going to make the just as narrow-minded as everyone else. I just hope this Phelps family realizes that ignorance kills.

    Also, Kudos to the guy with the covered license plate who chucked the drink bottle out his car window. Granted, he hit the 7 yr old boy in the head and hurt him, which whom I felt bad for. I only felt bad since he had NO IDEA what it was that he was portraying to others through the sign he was holding. But as said, to the Drive-By-Drinking dude---KUDOS TO YOU!!

    I'm hoping one day, to see a NEW photo posted of the Westboro Baptist Church with a HUUUUUUUUGE Nazi Swastika spray painted over the entire front of the Church. They saw WE'RE going to burn in hell? Yeah well, God dislikes fascist, narrow-minded people like the Phepls Family.

  194. I heard one of them preach in a documentary film that Jesus said "Who is my mother? Who is my father and brother...?"

    Those who are Jesus' brothers are those who followed his teachings and treated those as THEY would like to be treated.

    To treat everyone as equals and accept those, no matter HOW different...isn't that what Jesus preached? Isn't He the one who went and helped all those who were deemed "undesirable" to everyone else?

    THAT'S means to be a follower of Jesus. Do unto others as you'd like to be done unto you.

    Filling these young kids what it heads with c*** is just going to make the just as narrow-minded as everyone else. I just hope this Phelps family realizes that ignorance kills.

    Also, Kudos to the guy with the covered license plate who chucked the drink bottle out his car window. Granted, he hit the 7 yr old boy in the head and hurt him, which whom I felt bad for. I only felt bad since he had NO IDEA what it was that he was portraying to others through the sign he was holding. But as said, to the Drive-By-Drinking dude---KUDOS TO YOU!!

    I'm hoping one day, to see a NEW photo posted of the Westboro Baptist Church with a HUUUUUUUUGE Nazi Swastika spray painted over the entire front of the Church. They saw WE'RE going to burn in hell? Yeah well, God dislikes fascist, narrow-minded people like the Phepls Family.

  195. If Amercia is doomed and apparently everyone is here is a fag or a fag enabler, why don't they move somewhere else then? Maybe some uninhabited island where nothing "gay" will find them...pssh, a--holes...I think that Gramps guy had a gay lover who left him, breaking his heart and making him hate all things gay.

  196. Very weird family indeed , unbelievable :

    They should get the nobel prize for just that haha

    They deserve ,at least, to get a prominent place in the Guiness book of records in relation to weird behaviour, weird thinking .....

    1. I'm not so sure about the Guiness book,but place for that sort of people is the mental hospital!

  197. Great documentary. Kudos for keeping your cool Louis (must have been extremely difficult)!

  198. Fred Phelps 3:16 'For God so hated the world that He didn't bother sending His only Son, since only the Phelps family is going to heaven anyway.'

    1. it's actually sad that i gave this a thumbs up lol

  199. not true, Jesus will not be holding a sign when He comes back. I'm a Christian, and i'm utterly disgusted by this church. they've thrown their own twist onto things.

  200. This was the perfect opportunity for Louie to hear about the Grace of God, know Him, come to Him, be saved and have a changed life.....wasted on people who are enemies of the Gospel. Sad...the girl in the last part couldn't even comprehend works vs grace for her own self. The only people who go to Hell are those who reject the open hand of Jesus Christ who died for their sins. They refuse to take His blood as payment for sins. Anyone can be saved, anyone.....Westboro has a lot of facts, like a socket set has sockets, but they don't know how to apply them, though they think they do. NO CHRISTIAN smiles and laughs at someone bound for Hell. It should grieve the heart of a believer in Christ to see someone die without Christ, not get giddy excited over it! Even God the Father Himself could not look on His own Son who was judged for my sin and yours, He didn't get giddy and stupid smiley. Let me say if you have watched this nonsense (Westboro part) please know this is NOT what Christ came to do. You are the reason He came into this world. Jesus said I have come to save the world because it was already condemned. God Truly does love YOU, He does HATE your sin, but He LOVES You. He sent His Son to die in your place. He doesn't get goofy happy when you die and go to Hell, and you will if you reject Him. BUT God did more than we deserve, He made it possible for anyone regardless of any sin committed to cleanse their life by believing on His Son and receiving the forgiveness through Him. When you receive Christ, you don't stop sinning, BUT NOW your heart is desirous to please God, obeying His Commandments than pleasing your sinfulness. We still mess up, but He sitll forgives. Westboro has no concept of Grace. They are a radical, twisted perversion of what God says in His Word. There will be judgement, this they spoke truly, but if a person will follow Romans 10:9-10, John 3:16, they will escape the wrath to come AND will want to tell others in a gentle way, not as these people. When the disciples wanted to call down fire on mockers, Jesus told them they didn't even know what spirit they were of. Trust Jesus Christ as the Saviour of your sin and your soul. Repent and ask Him to come into your heart and save you. He will. That's what He came to do. Westboro does not speak for Christ, at least, not the message of the Bible in its plain truth. Don't let these unfortunate, miserable people destroy any searching Hope you have and as they do, turn off people to the Gospel. Sin will be judged by God, There is A Hell, people are going there, but they could have their lives changed by looking to the loving eyes of the Saviour, my Lord and God. Jesus stands with hands wide open to You. There is NO other way but Jesus, but know that whomever you are, whatever you have done, He stands ready to forgive you and make you one of His own. You will be so different than Westboro, and the Lord will reward You one day for your giving the Gospel to other lost people by speaking His heart of Love and Grace. GOD DOES NOT HATE FAGS OR AMERICA, He hates the SIN not the Sinner. To say otherwise would be contrary to the only Book He ever wrote. Trust Him today, before it is too late. GOD IS NOT THE REPRESENTATION THAT WESTBORO CLAIMS, GOD ACTUALLY DOES LOVE YOU PERSONALLY AND WILL WELCOME YOU COMPLETELY IF YOU WILL REPENT AND TRUST HIM. I pray this will help. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and if you will let Him in, change You for eternity.

    1. @Jon Browning:

      Please read the "comment policy" above, SeeUat Videos is not your personal pulpit for your deities, so please cease and desist. You are wasting your and our time!

  201. That last part, I wanted to cry for that girl. She seemed sad and conflicted to me.

  202. Christians kill each other every day and they continue to kill. More people have died because of God than all the other wars put together.

    Hey, do you believe in my god??? No I don't... Then I must kill you!

    So sad.

    1. Yes, many people have been killed because of a god,but Christians aren't the only ones that have a god. I think it's more accurate to say that people kill others in the name of religion. Anyone can hate and kill others in the name of anything. People are hated and killed in the name of peace, but is peace about hating and killing people? No. When you think of peace, is the first thought that comes into your head "murder?" I hope not lol The Christian God is not about killing people. You also have to look at individuals, not just the religion. You cannot say what a group does represents the religion as a whole.

  203. im sad that they're putting a bad name for Christianity... sad sad sad

  204. The end was really chilling, the way Jane turned around and said she laughed at Louis because he deserved to go to hell. In a way I feel bad for the generation that grew up in that house, became ostracized and had no where else to turn but to fanaticism.

  205. I'm a Christian and I don't agree with any of this. It's ironic because Jesus never preached hatred or judged people and said they were going to hell. He helped the widows, the sick, he stoped a woman who committed adultery from being stoned to death. What this group is doing is the total opposite. So please don't believe that all Christians have these beliefs. I agree with the journalist, it's a cult. They are picking what they want from the Bible and using it to hate others, which is what the Nazis did.

    Picketing at a funeral is unbelievable. There are not words for it. Believing that people die because God is cursing them and they will immediatly go to hell for that....well no one, not even them, stand a chance then. I'm glad my God has mercy.

    1. Amen to that brother...

  206. "The last Christian died on the cross." ~Friedrich Nietzsche

  207. what there doing is wrong on every level its sickening they need to be stop

  208. i would love to find these people and hurt them

  209. I really don't give a flying f*ck what anyone thinks about me, or what happens after this life. But what I do care about are these poor innocent children and why the government is not doing anything to protect them from these religious psychopaths?

    These people have serious mental issues and these children should be taken away immediately! I wish they would just outlaw all barbaric Abrahamic religion that exists. At least we would live life in a better and more civilized world. This disgusted me.

    I also felt bad for the people who were doing the documentary. If anyone should go to heaven, it should be the documentary people for putting up with these sociopaths. Poor kid got hit with a Sonic cup full of drink. And for what? Some bullcrap he doesn't even understand?!

    I think gramps is an angry man who hates gays because is is so buried in the closet himself. He wants a dirty sanchez from a big sexy bear of a man, lmmfao. That is why he is so homophobic. Mr. you just need to fall out of the closet with your million corpses already.

    1. lol (: that last part made me laugh

  210. I think the so-called documentary filmmaker "Steve" is more despicable than of the Phelps family members. They were born into the cult where as he made a conscious decision to sell his soul to the devil and bring his entire family into the cult. Sick!

  211. What I got from the film was that all the hatred shown to the Phelps just makes them worse. These people are brainwashed, tightly controlled cult members under the sway of a frightening, cruel charismatic patriarch. Offending the outside world keeps them isolated, keeps them from being able to think for themselves or break free. Attacking them & their children is making the situation worse. The best way to help them or stop them would be to either ignore them or be kind to them.

  212. This is not a documentary, but an opinion film with an anti religion agenda to get across. Like the girl said, the host Louis is a "scoffer" and a "mocker", and he certainly is because of his mainstream thinking, education, and atheistic beliefs. That said, religion has been meddled with and softened over the centuries in order to get more worshipers and their guilt and fear donation money. The thing I can not help thinking about is, "what if they are right?". They are not that far away from hard-shelled orthadox fire and brimstone small church preachers. Now we live in a much more civilized and accepting society, so religion had to change with it in order to stay in business and flourish, both financially and in the number of souls to save. So it begs the question, "Was God wrong BEFORE the civilization, modernization, and mitigation of religion to reach and appeal to more of the modern masses ?

    1. This is a cult who brainwashes children, puts children in direct way of harm for their own instant gratification and picks and chooses which part of the bible they want to abide by. In their own fictitious story book (the bible) it says that no one is to judge another except god. Only god has the right, the authority and the perfection to pass judgement over anyone, but yet these people and all bible based religions do so. So they feel they are equal to god, because they feel they have the right to judge others. If there really is a hell then I will be seeing you and them right there, and we can all burn together.

    2. @fggrewgfregre regregreg
      No one is right. All people need to do is care about others, as well as themselves. These people in the video are the product of a generation or two of psychotic thought and behavior, which has resulted in a severe dysfunction passed down with each generation.
      Their behavior is abnormal and creates harm, not only to themselves but to others.
      They have found a way to deal with their social isolation by engaging in nothing short of psychopathic behavior with the 'outside world'.
      It's interesting how they target the recently bereaved and emotionally vulnerable, in a most gross and abhorrent manner. They swoop like vultures on those who would already be experiencing the utmost sense of defeat, and are therefore in a weakened state.
      Don't listen to them, go look at pictures of the beautiful universe and then decide if you can see a plan they could possibly fit into.x

  213. It is so sad that these people are so blinded by hate and "God's Wrath" that they don't realize that the entire world is not a bad place. They think that all these soldiers are "fags" and wrong for fighting for their country, but if they didn't fight for this country, the WBC wouldn't have the right to stand and picket, and believe what they do. They should be thanking them.

  214. Brilliant example of the dangers of religion. Normally we wouldn't morally be able to accuse them of anything, yet being that they impact society around them entails that they can no longer be ignored. This is the case of so many christians. Is it inconceivable that perhaps everyone should just keep their personal beliefs to themselves??

    1. i don't think it's fair to say "so many christians", because i think that implies the majority. while we all realize something has gone horrible wrong here, i think the loud, abrasive, damaging "christians" are in the minority, it is just unfortunate that by being so vocal about it they place a characterizing label over the whole world-view. i still think the message and purpose of christianity is a powerful and good one. people (all people, types and locations) just can and do take and twist good things into bad things.

    2. If I had been stipulating that I was expressing my views on the majority of christians I believe I would have used "most" instead of "many". I was merely reffering to the fact that an individual who's intellectual construction and condition is based on a strict set of rules, and that his adhesion to these rules is what will define him both phsycologically and socially, one could assume that the individual in question would be unreceptive of any view that endangers his core values, without taking into account the process of critical thought. For example the ensuing violence and bigotry that occurs whenever the question of gay marriage is brought to the table. In paris 1 million people were brought together by this manifestation of hate, that my irish friend is number qualified by some as "many".

  215. Proverbs 24:17 Rejoice not when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles.................I love fighting them with their own book.

    1. ain't it a great feeling when you can remember a whip of info from the bible and recite it as defense. It's epic.

  216. shes so insane that she thinks its a good thing to spread hate to everyone? They are not doing a kind and loving act by saying "god loves dead soldiers." And they wonder why people hate them???? Come on really? Im sure god isnt happy about people going to hell so why would that make her happy?

  217. it's a shame that instead of sharing the message of God's love for everyone, these people feel like they are doing his work by spreading "God's hate" ...for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son....(you know the rest) john 3:16...i feel bad for you people and may God have mercy on your judgemental and hateful souls...i think your pastor is the false prophet the bible talks careful and pray for yourselves!! =) have a blessed day

  218. This is beyond sickening....In the bible it is written that we should love our enemies but it seems that these people are full of hatred towards the world..And who are they to judge that others are going to hell?? I think that they are just sick people and their congregation will fade away.

  219. Personally I think these people don't really believe what they are professing to believe. I think they are just doing it for the notariety--like that pastor who burned the Qur'ans.
    The prob is that the kids are following what the fame-seeking parents are teaching them & it may lead the kids to get beat up or killed in their later years when they move out of dad & ma's house & start living in the real world with all it's diversity.

    BTW, Did you see any adult men out their by the highway picketing?

    1. I agree! I also think Shirley is addicted to confrontation, the "Reverend" is a latent homosexual, and the other adults are just too lazy to think for themselves and need to follow to feel they belong. It is the kids that really suffer, and I believe that what they are doing is child abuse and the children should be taken away.

      They say they (and God) hate america - well then go somewhere else.. oh right, no other country has laws and rights you can hide behind like america does -- if they lived in 3/4 of the countries of the world, I guarantee they would be killed in less than a month and the other countries won't let them in.

      They are the world's best Trolls.

  220. How can Child Protective Services not have taken those children away from those monsters? This is inhumane.

  221. I would so cover my license plates and run some of them over at a picket. Good stuff.

    1. The young children can be rehabilitated from the brainwashing, but the older ones, just run them over and let their god sort them out, lol.

  222. How is this allowed? the unpatriotic hateful message?!

  223. they should just suicide

  224. What an ugly, ugly man this 'Rev' Phelps is, dogmatic, ignorant and ridiculous.

  225. feel bad for those kids, living a life of hate. Cleary the mother has some sort of mental illness. Not good

  226. Here is a quick one, (don't live the only life that you get from a man made book) Just be respectful and good. If only they could put all that passion and hate into picking up trash instead of being trash. Maybe they should read Tuesdays with Morrie a short read for there simple minds and lay off the so called scripture that made them crazy mean.

  227. Oh wow I was not expecting this. Jesus. Those people are barking mad.

  228. Read the book, "Homosexuality and Christian Faith," edited by Walter Wink. ISBN 0-8006-3186-2
    Jesus did not preach hate. He preached love. He also stated that no one knows the end of times except the Father in heaven. These people are not following the Jesus of the Gospel. Everything in the church is of hate, not of God. They are NOT following the bible. Jesus also said, "Do not judge unless ye be judged." They are condemning themselves. Do not judge Christians by this church. It is not a church but a cult and it is dangerous.

    1. @Revliz
      while i agree they are a cult and crazy . most of what they preach they can back up with passages from the bible (old and new testament). that is the problem with a book (or books) that has been edited, translated, rewritten over and over and so open to interpretation. almost any behavior can be justified from these books. not that i hold all Christians accountable for these nut jobs but they can back up their claims with as much so called evidence (bibles) as many Christians

    2. Thank you. In the book I listed it is written by prominent church leaders from all denominations with factual clarification on biblical authority and the challenges that churches must face. It is excellent and sure turned me around. I now believe in equality and acceptance of all of God's people. It was a real eye opener. They are taking scripture out of context. When one reads scripture they need to look at the times it was written and how it speaks to people today. Many people see what they want to see when it totally means something different. The coming of Jesus and the New Testament changed things. In my church we are open to all people. We do not turn people away and we do not judge. We are there if they need us and anyone can receive Communion. Jesus did not condemn and neither do we. What that church (and I use church lightly) is doing is NOT Christian. They are a group who teach hate and it is horrible they are teaching their children to do the same. They are also causing a lot of pain. Our soldiers have given their life so we can have the freedom of speech among other things and they have made a mockery of that. It is a very sad situation. I have a husband and we are in ministry together. We will perform same sex marriages because we believe in equality and we believe it is right. I have seen some very loving same sex relationships. This does not hurt marriage. Take care

  229. That kid getting hit by the drink was really sad. I think what these people are doing to their children is child abuse. I have a hard time fathoming that these people are actually real. Disgusting creatures using the God and Bible as a way to try justifying their messed up ,cult like, hateful behaviour.

    1. But according to their own philosophy, shouldn't they be rejoicing that God decided to have the drink meet the kids head? He could have decided to have it miss by a fraction of an inch, but it didn't - so God must have chosen that to happen and they should be happy, no? isn't that why they picket funerals? creeps.

    2. I really agree with you, these children should be removed from their homes. Not only is it emotional brainwashing, but they are being put in situtations that could be physically harmful

  230. dear god, and jesus of corse, could you please protect me from your followers? mabie guide them in a less hateful path in this reality called life? oh and jesus, when are you comin back to see us? were all confused about alot of things, but i think for all of our own sake and yours you should help these people most of all. soon would be best. they are giving you and other christians a bad name. most imporitantly father please guide us in the right path. i know you are always watching! amen! - love, r.k.

    1. Please go back to school. PLEASE. Not judging, but you lose your point...

  231. saitan in the image of evil is REAL. god dosent hate anybody. he made this life about what we can create. im not a christian, for true religion is in the heart. i feel for the kids in that family though. still too young to understand what the hell their yellin about. that level of brain-wash is evil. these people are truley some of the most anti-american, brainwashed, ungreatful, and ignorant perverts ive ever stumbled across. i wonder what the pastior looked like without all the make-up on? those soldiers, that they were cursing fought for their right to religion, free speech and to keep their kids safe. people like this make our freedom of religion and speech a bad thing. makes me sick.

  232. the oldest sister and Lewis totally had a thing going on ;)

    1. in his next documentary with the family there were some defectors but she wasnt one of them, I was as surprised as he was. She seemed to have some genuine qualities.

  233. can everyone in america just vote to kick these crazies out of here?

  234. Those people didn't even know what the fu*k they were talking about. This is why I don't believe in a god. If that's the way god wants things I shall not be apart of it. It's disgusting.

  235. Honestly, beate, I have no idea where you are getting your information. There is no way to conclusively prove that animals or reptiles are "homosexual". The fact they are driven by their animal instincts to reproduce has nothing to do with their "attraction" to a specific gender over another. 1 male dog humping another male dog does not make them "homosexual" anymore than 1 criminal inmate screwing the prison bitch. It's about dominance, and animal instincts not about attraction. Next, I suppose you'll be saying a dog who humps your leg is "attracted" to human legs! Talk about idiocy!

    1. @Ron Jon:

      Lame excuse for trying to troll, quit preaching and quit trolling.

    2. is there any way to conclusively prove that god is real? or that homosexuality is "bad"?

    3. this the only true christian in america they are saying what the bible say

    4. exactly

  236. This is exactly the reaction they want (from people like you). You assault them physically, and they file a lawsuit against you and clean your (financial) clock.

  237. I'd be interested to know what the WBC believes concerning freewill and who created Satan. Perhaps another reporter can ask more theological based questions.

  238. this makes me so sad...

  239. this makes me so sad...

  240. This kind of garbage is why I am no longer a christian. This obvious cult takes everything to the extreme. If they really believe in the bible then what happened to the laws of the old testament being overridden by the message of love and understanding and forgiveness in the new testament? The so-called pastor is the most hateful, psychotic jerk I have ever seen that claims to be a christian. It is heartbreaking to see how these children are being brainwashed into these id**tic, cultish beliefs. I can't believe that someone has not physically harmed these hate preaching lunatics while they were protesting at some poor familys most grief filled moment while saying goodbye to someone they love. If there is a god and a hell and these people don't go then nobody is. The children should be taken away from these hate filled m*rons and given a chance at a normal life instead of being indoctrinated as the next generation to preach one evil old mans twisted version of christianity. May that self righteous psycho burn forever and ever. Amen.

  241. jael totally has a thing for Louis ;)

  242. BITCH...she just got some CLAY inside her head..

  243. OBNOXIOUSNESS as a religion?!

  244. im a atholic but this is way to much! i mean dead soldiers funerals really!?

  245. what ever happened to " do not judge and you wont be" ??

    1. Whatever happened to reading scripture in context? Try reading Matthew 7 not just one verse taken out of context.

  246. This is why I'm atheist.

  247. You are FAILING TO TELL PEOPLE TO REPENT NOW!!!! How about that part..That's where you are NOT doing The Lord's Will...The time of Judgment is Upon us, But your messages is JUDGMENT and HATRED....Where is your LOVE for ALL?? Tell them To REPENT!!! Help them find JESUS...He LOVES US ALL and WANTS US ALL TO BE SAVED!!!

  248. What saddens me, is the complete rejection of the point by certain posters of this video.

    The "people" in this family are like all of us. They have hopes, dreams and their own take on reality. We are bombarded by "what is right" on a day to day basis by institutions, societies and media pundits.

    So I ask of you all again (I include religious and secular proponents) What SHOULD we all believe?

    1. My thing is believe what you want to. Nobody has any right to tell you what to believe. (which they make their family believe or they reject them). However, keep your beliefs to yourself. Don't force them onto someone else. Why do they care so much who is going to hell. If they feel that they aren't thats all that should matter. Don't worry about what I'm doing or where I will go when I die.

    2. Okay. But then you are saying that the right to free speech is flawed. I say, the right to ignore opinions that are clearly ridiculous, is a personal choice.

      As soon as we all stop giving gravity to these zealots, the better we all will be.

    3. Exactly. Media and social outlets need to stop giving this group attention. Like a child throwing a tantrum, sometimes you just need to brush it off and ignore it. Attention only encourages them more.

    4. You're right, but think about this - being outside the box we automatically have that ability to think in ways they cant, so with that being said, we should try to control them with the media. So what we do, is let them get the attention, let them take that next radical step, let them bury themselves. If we can distract them enough that they can't form a plan b for when gramps dies, or something goes wrong or someone disappears, then they might just be left to dry out and die sadly. When one of those girls finds out someone find them attractive, even at their own demise, lets see if the light bulb comes on.

  249. Luna Shine said: "one chance at finding happiness"

    Happiness is the way, it's not something you chase after. That thing one chases after is often just materialism.

  250. You know what the very worst sin is? Rejecting grace through faith in Jesus Christ! Also here is a few sin's that God states are ones He abhor's.!# a divisive heart(dividing people)2.Slandering another..3 gossip It's been said the human unregenerated heart carries in it every sin that man could possibly commit thus the need to be born again. One can't earn it or will it into reality but must recieve it as a free gift by simply beleiving in Jesus.I feel pity for the Phelp's as if they do not see their sin they will hear the word's of Jesus saying to them'i never knew you' and the hell they so gleefully declare and decribe to all will be their destiny.As much as i abhore these ppl's message i really don't want them to be lost for an eternity.I can't understand how fred phelps children who witnessed the vilest acts and language while growing up can not see that thir father is a very sick and twisted man(read nates phelps bio).To follow him will send them to the very hell they fear.

  251. I'm wondering if someone were to shoot the old man, kill him, would these people stop? They seem to believe that everyone who dies does so because they are EVIL...therefore if he dies in their eyes its because he sinned...HE was wrong. At the same time, by doing that we would be no netter than's like they're a test America had to pass...

    1. People like this rationalize to an extreme. If he was killed then all the deaths of solders would be punishment for his death.
      Also that's kinda a horrible thing to say.

    2. They would make a martyr out of him.

    3. another thing that doesn't make sense to me. If you die because you are a sinner and you are going to hell, then why would there be a heaven? Wouldn't the non-sinners just live forever??

  252. Wow very well trained people. I would not be able to answer back so quickly and defend my opinions so well...especially if I'd be so wrong in my ideas like they are

    1. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but they really didn't defend their opinions at all. They spurted answers out quickly so you would think they knew what they were talking about, but their answers really didn't "say" anything about why. They just kept repeating themselves. "Because God says it should be" "Because God hates the Fags" They never explained parts of the Bible that said these things or anything. But I do agree that they are well trained.

  253. Oh God have mercy on these people! Please show them grace through faith in Jesus Christ,not of themselves,not of work's it is a GIFT OF GOD.Please release them from their prison that satan has bound them in! This is extreme blindness from demonic enities.there is no other answer. They know the bible well yet they don't know it through the Holy Spirit nor can they comprehend it as it is spiritually decerned. How can they ignore the blood of Jesus Christ? How can they ignore the great commision and that is to go out and preach the gospel of Jesus. How can they not see their sin of arrogance..of rebeliion for Christ has commanded that we be(through the spirit)be conformed to the image of Christ. An image that is loving,kind,joyful,gentle,patientfaithful,goodness.Jesus is meek and lowly they are arrogant and self righteous,Jesus forgives,they condemn,Jesus saves,they torment, They are the exact opposites of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  254. The sad part is that they are doing exactly what parts of the Bible tells them to do. We must do away with religions once and for all to see real change.

    1. Joao, What you fail to realize is that religion is only ONE OF MANY forms of controlling weak-minded sheeple. If it weren't religion, it might be economic control, political control, or some other form of manipulation of the masses.

      For example, Richard Dawkins, one of you atheists favorite people, convinces the masses of all sorts of misconceptions... like the fact that global warming is caused by evil humans... or the fact that a communist/collectivist form of society is the most fair and provides the most social justice... when these ideas have been proven time and time again to be false.

      People need to realize that someone is ALWAYS trying to manipulate them for some cause that is less than perfect or just flat out WRONG... they need to learn to use logic and critical thinking to see through these charades and manipulations.

      Sadly, it is the government-run public schools that turn people into conformist sheep...easily manipulated by whomsoever tries to sway their opinion about something in order to gain control over them. You are trained to always respect authority blindly and without question.


    2. Allthough it looks like you are warning people not to get manipulated you are actually trying to manipulate people yourself with this post. I dont know if this post is ment to make people aware of them being manipulated right now or that dont know yourself how genius your post really is.

    3. no the sad part is they are doing only PART of what the bible tells them to the part that was done away with by the coming of jesus whos own words shared in the wisdom of "love thy neighbor as thy self" what we need to do is to remember that it is not our place to judge others (judge not less thee be judged) and we need to remember that it is others choices to do what they do and ours to do what we need to do to serve god, not preach what we "think" is his will. instead of preaching bits and parts of the bible, share the whole story, i cannot stress enough how misleading it is to share only one or two versus out of a chapter of a book in the bible, let alone mix and match them.

    4. No they aren't, I'm agnostic and not a huge fan of religion but religion never tells people to do this.

    5. I agree whole heartedly.

  255. It's sad honestly. The little kid is cute and made a cute little booklet of god's rules. It's not wrong to obey and preach about god, but don't do it in a manner of picketing funerals!

  256. What I don't understand is the fact that they actually think they've read the Bible. I'm starting to wonder if they've ever read a single page. Also, they seem to be answering no questions about their faith and contradicting themselves all the time. How could anyone, who has read the Bible, understand it that way? I have never ever seen the words: 'God hates you' in the Bible anywhere, nor do I think that these people are doing others a courtesy. They hate the world, and discover that the world hates them back. I felt angry with them at first, but now I can only pity them, and the people they pull into hating others with them, like the seven-year-old girl who didn't even know what message she was holding for the world to see.

  257. I'm a Christian, and this is just shameful. God loves everyone, doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, black or white, etc. I'm not only mad at them (Westboro Baptist Church) because they make all Christians look bad, but because they also go against everything God stands for (loving, accepting, caring, forgiving) only to claim that they're "Christian". I want to take a moment to apologize, on behalf of all REAL Christians, to those who have ever put up with any BS from a "fake" christian. And when I say that, I mean Christians who have ever judged you, looked down on you or condemned you because of the cliche "you're living a sinful life" speech. I love anyone and everyone, and I never judge people upon how they live their lives. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you, period (quote from Eminem). And to the Atheists reading this: it's all good, I still wouldn't mind having a coffee with you, there are a thousand other topics to talk about! :P

    1. Joel you are what will give Christians back a good name. What you wrote is probably one of the most beautiful messages I've ever heard come from someone describing themselves as Christian. Thank you.

    2. So you’ll recognize them by their fruit.

      21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, drive out demons in Your name, and do many miracles in Your name?’ Then I will announce to them, ‘I never knew you! Depart from Me, you lawbreakers!’

    3. Joel, I am an Atheists :) and I PRAISE your every word here.

      Very well said and is of great proof that not all Christians are like this family.

      I would most definitly sit down and ENJOY having a cuppa with you too. :)

  258. It's a shame to see so many people, and mainly children, put so much effort forth toward a purposeless idea. Their warnings do nothing but sacrifice the lives of many and the enormous potential of the children. Image if they took the same amount of effort/perseverance towards something positive, like practicing safe sex, they possibly could reach many people. Or **** it even if they did a ton of community service, because the people are anything but lazy.
    The 21 year old girl you can tell wants to/has rebelled and came back probably just because she loves her family. These people shouldn't be hated, but pitied, and their message frowned upon. As a society we should realize that these young people are brainwashed and to ignore them and try and help, not hate/kill them, as that only rectifies their beliefs.

  259. this "church" and I use that word lightly..Picketed a 6 victims here in Atchison Kansas after a grain elevator exploded..The outrage in this small town was evident. Hundreds of Atchison Kansas Residents, along with grain trucks encased the funeral homes here to protect our families of the fallen...They were run out of these funerals 3 blocks away from the services..They never got close, all with hymms and singing praise and prayers.

    1. I think that this family is wonderful. They are teaching their children the hard truth. They are lovely people. lol.

    2. I missed the "lol" at first, I desperately searched for sarcasm afterward.

    3. Chris, may I know the name of the drug you were on when you typed that?

    4. The one that makes you a troll, oh wait that doesn't exist. ;]

  260. What get's me about that 1 lady which I am hoping is not a reflection of the total of the group is her arrogance and self rightousness..She is an arrogant ass.. Making anything beautiful with the concept of God A scary joke.. If anyone was to come to a faith . They would look at her disrespect and say to themselves*This is not the PATH i CHOOSE,,! if SHE WAS MY ONLY EXAMPLE.. ONE WHO has faith.. I'd rather choose to be atheist or Anything... ! Rightousness Means Right-Use-ness.. Of our thoughts heart.How we compassionately deal with ones who are struggling.The Heinous crime being commited by churches and organizations. Is their teaching of hate and racism..hIDING THEIR PERVERTIONS.. To think they are better than their brothers and sisters. Shame on You West Babtist. And I Hope The veil of darkness will be lifted from your BLIND Eyes. God is Beauty. Love. Non hate. Reaching for others who are struggling searching for light. Your arrogance will come bk to you will a deep penalty that mY NOT BE PAID BK IN THIS LIFE..BUT TRUST ME. yOU WILL HAVE TO ANSWER FOR IT AS SO MANY OTHER CHURCHES WHO PROFESS TO BE *THE ONE.*BAH...MAKES ME LAUGH YOU FOOLS. !!!!

  261. the girls shirt says Italia, yet roman catholics live in italy and should be persecuted by the group...
    anyways, these people have no idea of the sick crimes they are comitting and should be thrown into jail for life.

    1. Yea I noticed that too. I also noticed how attractive she was.

  262. funny all these people might be going to hell because they read the bilble wrong i hope they know that god hates the sin not the sinner these people r y christianity is mostly frowned upon i will forever hate these people its funny they only target homosexual when the preacher might a hypicritical homosexual himself. these people dont know god no more than god allows them to know they hit a little kid because of them god tells us to love thy neighbor these people dont even know the people the meaning of that scritptuar how dare u saw the rightous go to heaven when there is only one man who walked the earth rightous and his name is jesus christ. these people have forgotten the most important verse that most christians live by

    for god so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten so that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everylasting life
    john 3:16

  263. well this is a prime example as to why i have no religion, and will never believe in any 'God' of any kind. I believe, 'God' was conjured up by someone who new the world needed some kind of order. The 10 commandments are a guideline to how ideally everyone should live there lives, of which i respect. I also respect anyone who believes in 'God', as that belief brings hope and comfort to peoples lives, which i also respect and understand. But there is another side to religion, as there is to most things, which is people like the ones featured in the above film. Religion breeds as much hate and hostility as it does love and peace. In fact, religion has been the cause of more wars and blood spill than anything else in the world... If you are a christian, you cant say that these people aren't christian just because you don't agree with how they choose to practice it. Despite there extreme manner and behavior, they too also worship 'God' and follow his commandments- (just to extreme levels) do they not? They also highlight homosexuality as one of the biggest sins, i read in a comment below by a christian that 'God' deems all sins equal, therefor there are no protruding sins per say; but this does not exclude the fact that there is not 1, not 2, but 3 homophobic references in the bible?? So again, although they maybe preaching this in an extreme way, and in a way not all christians would choose to preach this, are they not just following what the bible teaches them??? I'm a bi-sexual. I have a son, and i'm not married. I drink alcohol to extent and when i was a teenager i did a vary of different party drugs. I have illegally downloaded music before, and own some pirate copied DVD's. By all accounts, i'm a sinner, am i not?? but I've never hurt anyone, I've never turned up to a funeral and mocked the family's of the dead, and I've never tried to brainwash anyone into believing what i believe. Watching this film, id say i lead a more respectful life than any of those christians. I live my life using the common sense and respect i was born with- yet due to my actions and way of life, i am deemed as a sinner?? It seems religion can sometimes drain us of our natural instincts... And sometimes do more bad than good. But hey, what the hell do i know. Lol.

  264. Only in America

    1. No..not at all actually.

  265. If they hate america they shouldn't be protected by the amendments and then they'll say that god hates america, not them. The 1st amendment should be over ruled by hate speech in special circumstances and cults.

  266. LOL :D. one of most entertaining religious videos.

  267. I honestly do not know what to say to this. It is disgusting.

  268. This made me so mad at first then as I continued to watch it I started to feel incredibly sad. These people are doing exactly what God told us not to do and not doing anything God has told us to do. God sees every sin equally and none is worthy of going to hell for. The only thing you will go to hell for is refusing God all your life. God has called us to save souls and preach the gospel (GOOD NEWS). It breaks my heart to see all these people who drive by or listen to these people with the picket signs and know that they may never accept God because they think all Religious people are fools and God is a hateful God. Who would worship a hateful God? Not me.I know that my Father in heaven is so loving and cares for each and everyone of us. God is love and love does not hate. Where is the love in these signs?

  269. My only question is... if these people think God hates the United States and that we're a doomed nation, WHY THE HELL ARE THEY STILL IN THIS COUNTRY?! Seriously, just leave if you're that upset about it...

    You have a right to free speech. You're abusing it. Leave, go somewhere you think is either not damned or is less damned than this country. Spread your message there, perhaps you'll choose a country where its acceptable to just shoot idiots like you for opening your mouths and saying stupid things...

  270. While I understand where they are coming from, as a gay American and the sister of a dead soldier, I think that they are going the wrong way. I believe that religion is in the person, if you think its a sin then its a sin to you, but there are some things that just cannot be forgiven, such as what these people are doing. The younger seem nice enough but the older generation are stereotypical bible thumpers.

  271. What I wouldn't give to live next door to these sad people, I would have just massive gay-pride parties every weekend, hugely gay parties, lights, fog, kick-a** dj's, everyone dressed up like it's Burning Man. I mean like Big Gay Al, SOOO gay, just to piss them off. Yeah, the cops will get called every weekend and we'd probably end up in court all the time, but it would be worth it just to imagine them getting all in a tizzy about the "evil homosexuals". I feel sorry for them, but it's disugusting the way they're poisoning their childrens minds. The comedianne Lisa Lampenelli has the perfect solution. For every protester that shows up she donates 1,000 to various gay/lesbian foundations or aids research. She raised something like 40,000 dollars to the Gay and Lesbian Foundation, dotated proudly in the name of the Westboro Baptist Church.

    1. I'm not gay (so far as I know...), but I think that's just a fabulous idea. I could even borrow my daughter's feather boa for a while, if I happened to be in the area. And, who knows, maybe eventually a bonafide miracle would happen, and one or two of these pathetic excuses for homo sapiens would learn a little something about the possibility of living without fear, and the real definition of fun, love, and acceptance.
      But who am I fooling? And I'm being a bit less than complete about acknowledging my own feelings here... I'm afraid that what I would probably really prefer to do would be to whip out my big, gay gun and pump big, gay bullets into all of their hateful faces.

    2. your comment should have a 16yrs old warning....lolololololol

    3. Someone bought a house across the street from their headquarters and painted it rainbow stripes. It will be a support site for persons of the alternate persuasions! Personally, I'd play Bronski Beat full blast during daylight hours, but then, I love that band!

  272. I really think they are pro gay rights in disguise. They show themselves off as every worst anti gay stereotype in existence and get the most public attention they can. No one would dare run the risk of appearing to be on their side.

    1. @ James Krajca
      not sure they are that smart

  273. "Who would hit a child"

    ... who would use a child as a human shield.

  274. They are so lucky they live in America, where they have the right to have this opinion. Because other countries wouldn't stand for this

    1. Wrong. At least in Europe they could express themselves in this manner. The difference is that here substancially less people are as shitfu*k crazy as in the states. It would be common sense to send the whole congregation in to a loonybin though. Maybe local residents can have a fund raiser to bulild a new one with exceptionally high walls and a door that once it closes behind them is forever locked. Heh even I would chip in a few dollars. Anything for a good cause.

    2. Don't believe it, We have the British National Party here, not religious but equally vile and hateful.

    3. wrong .... europa ....

  275. Lord, I know this grieves you that the world You created beautiful was made ugly by sin. Thank you for sending your Son to die on the cross for my sin. While He was here, He spent time with those who needed him most - - this certainly did not make Him popular, Lord, but He was being obedient to your will. When I see the hate that is caused by this group of people Lord, it makes me sad to see they are using your name to spread that hate. Lord, You love all people. There is no 'but' - - it's just a period. There is no one person on this earth that can stand & say they are better than any other. We are all sinners Lord, but we can be saved by grace. No works that I do will ever save me a place in Heaven, it is only by accepting Jesus as my personal Saviour. Please grant us peace Lord. Amen

    1. Cindy: I agree the WBC is abusing God's name in a hateful way. Yet your prayer is a bit too inclusive I think, Cindy. God is love, yes, but His greatest attribute is still perfect "justice".


  276. Is Walt Whitman in Hell?

    Or James Baldwin?

    Or Emily Dickinson?

    1. Yes.


      And you know she is! Keepin the place warm for me.

    2. Wouldn't want to trade my future chances for Heaven for any of theirs. Would you?

  277. LGBT, sounds like a sandwich. sleep tight x

  278. There are so many things about this film that make me cringe as a God-fearing Christian... Seeing people like this really make me hate calling myself a Christian since they give all of us a bad name. Though I don't believe Louis was a Christian himself, he brought up a lot of the exact same arguments I would have used against the family. Especially "Don't you think that the way you're conducting yourselves may be turning people OFF to Christianity"
    The fact that their not even trying to win people to Jesus and only spread condemnation and take JOY in that is totally wrong.

    1. Why do you have to fear your God?

  279. This will be my last post, sorry for spamming the last 4 threads, i just cant keep quiet. Though i do not believe in homosexuality and think it is wrong, their way of trying to change people will never work. They are destroying any chance someone has of repenting. And i hate all the actions from this family and how they handle things, but the thing that totally gets me is how they go to military funerals. Just because there are gays in the military doesnt mean everyone in the military is gay! They are young men and women who are sacrificing for this family. And some of them even are religious themselves. /shrug / false prophets imo

    1. I completely agree with you. Their conduct is completely unacceptable and a disgrace to actual Christians.

    2. What is an "actual" Christian? Are they the ones that completely disregard the OT where it does say that the WBC are basically doing their gods and your gods work. Sanctified by your gods! Black and white in your holy book of terrors. The WBC think they are doing gods work and are bound for your "actual" heaven.

      And yes, your religion does not seem to be any fun at all when you have to live in abject fear of your gods.

    3. Actual Christians show love because God showed us love first, not just pointing out peoples flaws, but also showing them how to change and leaving the rest to them. We do not save anyone, we are just messengers to others. And we fear Him because He has the power to judge us and will. It is a reverent fear.

    4. Right, and how do you know all this? just something you are told or have read or even saw movies about? Strictly in your mind along side your invisible gods that you telepathically communicate with.

    5. Not keen on god, when your bad he blames you and when your good he takes all the credit.

    6. Wutnut11: Very well said. Short and precisely to a valid truth.

  280. Matthew 7:1 . google it. this family must of skipped that verse.

  281. and at 29:10 the Bible says that Christians are a peculiar people... these people have 1 thing right, and destroy every other part of their religion, or so they think they have a religion. what they have is a cult.

  282. These people are disgusting. And apparently at 19:46, this guy does not realize Christ purpose of coming to the earth. It was to die and to save humanity. Though it was a brutal and terrible thing, without Christ death, we still be sacrificing animals and postponing what sin does best, kills and destroys.

  283. That one chick totally had the hots for Louis.

  284. @ Blake Dawson, the reason our government can't do anything is because of free speech. I wish the government could do something about the possibility of inciting a riot, because that is illiegal.....

  285. I feel so bad for these people... All they know is hate :(

  286. .. talking about fags

  287. This is the most retarded piece of cr*p i ever seen... When the drink was thrown at that little boy i felt bad for him, but i also hoped that learned a very important lesson which is, don't put children into your religious cr*p. And i found it sad that another little boy whose talking about God hates this nation, of f*gs. I'm pretty sure that he doesn't know what 2x2 equal. These people are obvisually obessed with a religion that they don't even know half about. It's people like that makes me wonder, why havent the government shot these people and dumped them in the ocean like they did to osama bin ladin?

  288. I can't even breathe, this is so sick.....God is love not hate and what about the children???? Hate breeding hate... I am so upset to see this I can't put it into words without offending.....
    Hilaine loves alll......

  289. I'm sorry that those children are being oppressed and history is being misrepresented as well as homosexuals and religion. We have one life and one chance at finding happiness. Death isn't beautiful and life after death isn't fun. We have just this life to make ourselves happy and find what brings our inner peace. May it be religion, science, hope, dreams or finding who you truly are, no one should object to it in this fashion of hatred.

    Time and time again have we proven hatred just ended up in many lives being eradicated and the lamentation of mothers, fathers, siblings... I'm not thrilled with the concept of abortion, but what right do we have to say over that woman's body? I would hate having someone tell me I was wrong for not keeping a child I was unprepared to conceive.

    Children are growing up too quickly today anyway. We must not force them to eat our ideas and keep them as innocent for as long as possible. Girls are becoming sexually active at younger ages, kids are getting abused or self abusing themselves. Adults control their world, my world (considering I'm only sixteen), but we are influenced by those around us.

    What I witness and understand makes it hard to release these emotions. I've learned, though self abuse is terrible, it release tension that the world around me has created. I don't believe in God but I do know if he truly exists he would say something like this: "Life is wonderful. Live everyday like it's a miracle for it is. Peace will come only if one realizes how delicate and amazing life can and will be." This is our world, we make it what we see and hopefully those who have been misrepresented or mis-taught or treated will be able to break free of the restrictions of what life might present and learn to fly. Maybe one day, we can all just accept each other, forget hatred and love ourselves and one another before World War III breaks out over our raw animalistic nature and fear of unknown. Than just maybe, life will truly be a Heaven and we can just be what we desire to be.

    ((I know some might not agree with what I said, but please realize I'm just stating what I believe. I believe life is precious and we shouldn't misuse what we were given. I apologize if this offended anyone with some of my statements or all of it.))

    1. @Luna Shine:

      Very good and concise post, Luna Shine.

  290. From the looks of it, they won't have any more children to brainwash because the new generation of women in the family won't be getting married and having children.

    1. Of course they will. Just from what most of those younger Phelps women have stated and implied, I agree that it may not be a choice that the new generation of females really cares about or will pursue, because they would prefer to serve their "God" rather than themselves. However, they still have young men in that family that can spread their seed.

  291. I watched this Documentary. Finally I get to let people know that there are IGNORANT people out there. Here is one family that is. And this family is teaching their children the same thing. I hope they don't grow anymore.

  292. Nothing like an un-educated gang of big mouths.....

  293. If America is so doomed, why not move somewhere else and give up your US Citizenship???

  294. As with MOST homophobes, it's all about the images THEY have in their head...

  295. Nothing like a bunch of fear mongering Homophobes with a huge case of intolerance - I fail to see where in the Bible it says that God hates ANYONE!


  296. What might be better questions to own them would be like "Do you eat pork?" and if they say yes, look appalled, point accusingly and scream "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!!!!"

  297. Hey, this family is authentic proof that genetic experiments on humans are taking place in the USA and have been going on for years. Looks like Grandpa may have well been the first unfortunate soul to be cloned using the genes of a baboon many many years ago.

  298. I think Louie spent a lot of time trying to convince the girls in the church that they should go out and find a boyfriend. I am a lesbian so I obviously don't agree with what these people are saying. But at the same time they said time and time again that's against their beliefs so why did he harp on it. If I was them I woulda said ***** you dude respect my "religion" and stop trying to make me change my mind. I think that was uncalled for on his part. It was like he wanted them to break down and say I masterbate at night and I really want a man in and around my mouth. Why are people so amazed and fascinated by the fact that some people remain virgins because thats what the bible says you should do? I am a christian, a virgin I am not! But people find the fact that someone wants to remain pure so absurd. I guess it's better to be slut and sleep around and have abortions. Louie was out of line with that. But I love the way he said come on you ***** "Jesus was a Jew." LOL! Right on. I would love to picket outside of their church. Any other gays reading this we should have a huge pride parade early one Sunday in Topeka.

    1. for this same sick reason it is worse for and to people in not only eastern europa and russia to live a normal life being what they are and like to be with the irony of pedhophilia instead of being criminal and for this reason converted to christianity and/or islam fascists according to jewry : booze dope prostitution

    2. I think that you are the one harping too much on something, Keva. I think the director was trying to make a point that teenagers do "normal" things such as going out and dating; whether it be dating men, women or both. I think it is obvious that he would not say, "Do you ever think of going out and looking for a girlfriend?" to a female member of the Westboro Baptist Church for, I would hope, obvious reasons. That would be the stupid thing. It is counter-productive to what he was trying to get across. And he was certainly not saying it was wrong to be pure, he was trying to make a point about being a kid and choosing to productive things other than spreading hate.
      I also don't think that his intention was to get Christian extremists to say they masturbate (make sure to spell check before posting, Keva) at night or "have a man in or around their mouth". I find it hilarious when people attempt to sound witty when they clearly are not.
      I am afraid that you may have missed the point of this particular piece of filmaking. What were you doing for 58 minutes?

  299. Her son's name is GAYbriel!!! (see 03:50) Her family is doooomed .....

  300. Man this guy must be a saint to put up with them for a extended amount of time over 5 min. He sure did his best but when your talking to a brick wall its hard to get anything out of it

  301. "Even the person who has committed the most abominable atrocity, still remains a child of God." Desmund Tutu .... are you sure tutu : is this your sick interpretation of reincarnation .... let's have a budweiser or a cup a tea with rasputin adolf hitler ceausescu bill clinton saddam hussein .... they must be not so bad after all and with your blessing blessed excuse only christians - jews - muslims - are allowed .... get your self a life and work the land .... with your hands .... not with your filthy brain and mouth

  302. not the so-called funny thing but the very sick reality : jews - christians - muslims - royalty - educated themselves or are educated - by foregoing of course - and they regret and they sorry about mistakes : the killings : abortion - euthanasia - genocide - don't have your own thoughts - atheist - heretic - unbeliever - on this : you will end up judged and dead

    1. Are you a little bit ANGRY ?

    2. not at all and f***** up psychotic dutchies are not ev'ryman's problem

    3. Sorry, but you do come across that way. Its not a bad thing to feel so strongly about it but I wonder if you realise that your point is a little bit lost in the rant, its hard to read. Like I tell my kids,you can say anything you like but once you start shouting I stop listening.There is no way to win with those people, they can't see the wood for the trees. Also they've been around for a while now and don't seem to be attracting new blood, in fact they're losing people. Anyway they can't stop now because they would have to face the fact that they were wrong, the hatred they get only serves to justify their beliefs.

  303. @blissful_harmony

    i completely agree with your post but would just like to add one thing - when the girls were saying who would want me, they hadnt contemplated leaving the church, who would want me (in my opinion) was that they are the most hated family, and no-one wants to join their church, therefore no-one would want to marry them.

    with regards to louis - i completely agree - his style of journalism is what enables him to meet with these people, live amongst them, learn about them and complete his documentary. for those who have underestimated louis, watch other documentaries of his - you will recognise his style and see that this allows him to ask questions others might not get away with.
    i think he does deserve huge credit - barely any of his questions were answered, definately not directly

  304. Jesus is just all right with me .. Jesus is just all right, Oh yeah .. Jesus is just all right with me .. Jesus is just all right .. I don't care what they may know .. I don't care where they may go .. I don't care what they may know .. Jesus is just all right, oh yeah .. Jesus is just all right .. I don't care what they may say .. I don't care what they may do .. I don't care what they may say .. Jesus is just all right, oh yeah .. Jesus is just all right .. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, .... Jesus is just all right with me .. Jesus is just all right, Oh yeah .. Jesus is just all right with me .. Jesus is just all right .. Jesus is just all right with me .. Jesus is just all right, Oh yeah .. Jesus is just all right with me .... Jesus is just all right ....

  305. I have looked at many of these blogs and I see a lot of people arguing on the word of God, saying that Louis Theroux did not do well when confronted by this family on the theology of God. Louis rarely bit on the points relating to the bible, because I suspect he doesn’t believe in it, and with very good reason.
    The bible has been proven to be written an d re-written throughout time to suit political agenda of 1000-2000 years ago. It is a mash of contradiction because each chapter was not written on its own by one person but several people throughout history who were definitely not born in the same periods of time. It is the same as any other political book that seeks to dominate a culture or society in terms of mass societal control. It intertwines itself with history, marking particular figure heads of the time that would give legitimacy of the book, but re-writing the stories to suit, that is re-writes the social controls to suit their particular need for power (or political agenda).
    Given this, to enter into discussion about the book in itself illogical. The book carefully reflexes on itself so it can provide arguments to questions which are not structured. If structure does come into it though, it cannot provide logic or reason to even one philosophy of being. It cannot because it has been rewritten several times by people that had different philosophies. How can one argue on the basis of the bible when the bible has not logic applied to it, rather propagandist controls?
    The point of this documentary, as I see in its structure and some of the ‘dumb’ questions that were asked was to look at the lives at a humanitarian level of the people.
    Louis has a certain style, to show not tell. He would ask questions to bring out what was there. He’s very astute in feeling out the boundaries and not pushing them too far and maintaining that delicate balance. To get into a screaming fight on the bible would have been pointless and would have meant that Louis team would have had to leave. A bit of cred to Louis on this point please people. He’s being very underestimated in this blog.
    No. What Louis has shown is clear markers of psychological abuse, particularly evident in the children. For me, it brought into question the affects that religion, society and politics, has on the development of a child. That is, not just this church, as quite often the extremities are only used to highlight the subversive undercurrents of what occurs within society. If you follow the behaviour within the family, particularly the girls, there is a clear pattern of behaviour which is evident. I ask whether or not there are any feelings of self worth at all despite the appearance of being righteous. It is alarming to hear some of the comments among the girls. The repetition of ‘who would have me, everyone hates us’ continues throughout the documentary, at different times, with different girls. The controls placed are expansive and their mother is quite adamant on these controls, I would suspect because she thinks she is saving their souls. The girls seemingly cannot make decisions for themselves and they are very people pleasing toward their parents. The fact that a 21 year old woman would ring her mother to ask whether or not she can go out for coffee is a key demonstration of that. She was a ‘good’ girl and rang her mother.
    What’s more, the consequences of not doing what their mother says will mean ostracising from the family as demonstrated by the 4 children no longer ‘with them’ (either you're with us or against us). Their family is the only thing they’ve got, because from the time they are six years old their family ostracises them from the rest of society. Why do they repeat over and over who will want me, everyone hates us? What seems to be the case is the family, in effect has removed any thought that the girls have anywhere else to go and the only ones who will support them is the family and the church. This is the same psychology you will find in abused spouses. The elimination of hope that there is another option¸ and the continual reinforcement that they only way is their way. This is not just this particular church or this particular family. This happens everywhere there is a congregation of a belief system that operates on fear. (Can you think of any other political belief system that does this in modern times?)
    Louis of course cannot say this out loud because 1. They would have asked him to stop filming and 2. He would have had a lawsuit on his hands.
    This is a sad story.

  306. go to school - go to work - or shut the f*** up

  307. according to (new born) fascistic christianity there is something else to be understand too : they are praying mantis because of committing crimes and sins and blaming others all the time for doing this

  308. keep in mind : fascists never sing and next is a gay : not a hate song :

    Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to .. All on that day? .. Run from the light .. Satan's gonna see you .. Run from the light .. Satan's gonna see you .. Run from the light .. Satan's gonna see you .. All on that day .. Don't make a sound .. The Devils' gonna hear you .. Don't make a sound .. The Devils' gonna hear you .. Don't make a sound .. The Devils' gonna hear you .. All on that day .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to .. All on that day? .. Run to the Lord .. Lord, won't you hide me? .. Run to the Lord .. Lord, won't you hide me? .. Run to the Lord .. Lord, won't you hide me .. All on that day? .. Lord said: Sinner man .. you should've been a prayin' .. Lord said: Sinner man .. you should've been a prayin' .. Lord said: Sinner man .. you should've been a prayin' .. All on that day .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to .. All on that day? .. The Devil said: Sinner man .. step right in! .. The Devil said: Sinner man .. step right in! .. The Devil said: Sinner man .. step right in! .. All on that day .. When you dig in the ground .. The Devil won't catch you .. Dig in the ground .. The Devil won't catch you .. Dig in the ground .. The Devil won't catch you .. All on that day .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run .. All on that day? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to? .. Oh, sinner man .. Where you gonna run to .. All on that day? ....

  309. compare this tribe with the waco texas tribe or the k.k.k. tribe or any other criminal tribe and the only reason they still excist is the possibility of their sponsoring of politicians and the only question left : american human beings why are you cowards

  310. they irony everybody the same way as it began between 1914-1918 and 1940-1945 in europa and they are again the same christian fascists because of being new born christian fascists

  311. If they hate America so much, why they don't move somewhere else? Oh, wait, in any other country they would be dead already...
    They hate the only country that allows them to spread their word freely...
    I love the irony...

  312. they are fascists

  313. get your rotten corps off off this planet insane brainsick incest bastard a**holes

  314. What's wrong with you people? Don't you see this is the righteous family? This is what I've been looking for my entire life. We are indeed all sinners and we are all going to hell if we do not join this movement! Don't you all want to go to heaven?...We are all doomed here in ROFL...I couldn't keep a serious face any longer. All the fun people go to hell anyway. According to them I'll be smoking a bowl with lucifer in 40 years. Hope he has some hydro. :

  315. The lifestyle of the members of WBC is unethical and erratic to most if not all of us, however this is America and so they are entitled to the freedom of speech, they are human beings and are entitled to their own thoughts and beliefs. Don't let their preaching of hate cause you to hate, because that just gives their movement more power. I do personally think the WBC group is crazy, but we do live in a F'n crazy world. Rise above the hate and spread Love, Peace, and Unity.

    1. Words of wisdom Casper!. I felt for them all. Poor kids raised in that environment have a tough road ahead. Their agenda actually raises attention to just how bad the interpretation of God and Love has become. If anything it will make more fanatical people wake up and reassess their beliefs. I'm a straight dude living in San Francisco and the unity and respect in that city is pretty inspiring. I forget how twisted the rest of the nation gets until i go on tour with my band across the states. Love is the core of happiness and growth for the evolving species that we are.

  316. I lol'd when that old preacher guy told the reporter he's too dumb hahaha! As far as I'm concerned the reporter is not the dumb one sending everyone to hell just cause they're gay, swedish, or a US army member! This is by far the most ridiculous religious group I've seen so far. I didn't even know they existed until a friend of mine mentioned that they raged against Ireland cause they allowed gay marriage. Lol these ppl need to open their eyes. They're not the ones who should be saying who's going to hell and who's not going to hell, that's just wrong however you look at it. Wrong.

  317. im surprised know one has jumped outta their car yet and beat the hell outta that shirley hater .

    1. Well, they better do that "incognito" or they will get their @ss sued off, most of the (WCB) are lawyers!

  318. How NOT to be!! LOL!!

  319. they are in for a RUDE awaking when they have their judgement day and they are sent to hell by God himself.....I think for what they put their children through the kids should be taken away for being put in harms way when they are taken to protest.....

  320. "You eat yo babies, jackass!"
    "Oh yes, you're going to hell *giggles awkwardly*"
    "its... Its.. FORNICATION!!" "You really like to use that word, don't you?"
    Great people skills, huh?
    The thing that REALLY bothers me about these people is that they are grinding this goddamn (bad pun, I know) message into small children. I mean, you don't have to love gay people, it's technically you're own opinion (Won't make you many friends, but ok.) but don't hate. and don't show practically-pornographic pictures to seven year olds and have them wave those signs around. Just don't. Its wrong, cruel, and highly unusual (for a good reason). Im going to stop now before I start saying some quite mean and probably illegal things. Goodnight.

  321. Absolutely brainwashed and blinded. I despise religion. They don't love God, they fear him, so they obey him and they won't 'burn in hell'. That's why that girl will laugh at Louis when he dies, because apparently God will as well, therefore she is obeying God. Also, one thing I would like to know is; have they actually ever met a gay person?

  322. I FEEL SORRY FOR THEM and especially the kids! our life is hard enough... we need pple making our life better not saying weird hurtfull things like that...they'r a bunch of loony ppl wasting their time instead of enjoying the beauty of life >.<.

  323. I found this doc funnier than hell no pun intended:D
    These people have serious issues obviously
    but Louis Theroux is great at filming serious subjects and just making it
    entertaining and funny in a almost naive slick way I love his docs.

  324. I love this country, and this is f****** insane. I am not sure if there is a Devil who is Red and has horns, but I do believe there are evil forces and people in the world and this clearly backs up my belief. The mother is an eccentric cult leader who has brain washed these kids where they can not even form their own beliefs. I do agree that is it is to easy to access all kinds of sick acts on the internet, but our country is based on freedom and freedom of speech. These people should respect that better than anyone because that is the only reason these people are able to voice their opinions. This is a disturbing documentary and I think they might all be inbread. The daughters are definately rug munching lesbians, and I love lesbians

  325. Oh no! I'm from sweden does it means that I'am going to hell? What a load of crap!

    I feel deeply sorry for the kids.

  326. god hates these ideals, wat a cruel sad joke i weep for humanity if you,d even call it that. Everyone is here for a reason these people are clearly here for the speading of hate *sigh*

  327. well of im heading for hell listening to this i think im already there

  328. This is so sad. Children learning to hate. This church doesn't do charity apparently. No feeding the homeless, no tending to the sick.

    It's sad that these girls are going to grow up thinking they don't deserve & they can't feel the love of a partner (we know one of them's got to be gay) who loves them back. They weren't given the choice of having God's free choice. Their parents took that away from them.

    *Shakes head* Our Gods must be different. Except for every other bible in the world, their bible doesn't teach that judging who goes to heaven & who goes to hell is not up to the human, but only to God.

  329. ,wow this is incredibly warped and terrible would kill every one of these a--holes,if they showed up at my son's military funeral chanting horrible things such as this,how are they able to do this?,i know it is freedom of speech,but harassment?,what the hell,man..

  330. I must be hearing her wrong (56:00),was she realy trying to say,as a child people treated her badly and were mean to her?,when all she was doing was trying to "save tem"what a warped view,thats like hitler saying "i dont know why the jews hate me,i was only trying to make the world a better place"

    These peple although entilted to their opinions,and have the right to freedom of speech,are twisted and need to be shot,now i'm being just as contradictory as they are,the difference is I know I am.

    I don't belive in god,however if there is a god,I hope he condems them to the misery they inflict,a trillion fold for all eternity.

  331. Lord I pray for this family, and I pray you send down your Holy Spirit and you cleanse this family of the hurtful and painful messages they preach. That your word will shine through of love, kindness, sacrifice and mercy. You are a kind benevolent God and Lord I pray with my heart that you will save your lost sheep, for this family are most lost by believing they are found. Have mercy on them, and regenerate this family in your love. Amen.

  332. my eldest brother is gay and he saw my grandmother brutally and cold-bloodedly murderd when he was nine. he helped my mom trough greif and took care of my family. he has been trough alot and seeing people like this makes me really sad and angry. it people like this who kill the innocence and reward the guilty. people like this who started the crusades, burn people alive, and start the holocoust. its people like this who miss the point of cristianity. love and peace for all types of people. sweden saved so many lives. if i am 12 and there is a guy who is as old as dirt saying this stuff, how does that look?

  333. These people should re-read romans, and focus on Paul's explanation about living in sin, back to Adam, and how he inaugurated living in sin (be it homosexuality) and that sinners would have a hard time freeing themselves of slavery to said sin and sin alike. the duty of any follower of Christ is to pray for those who are a slave to sin, not to hate them! By judging others you are condemning yourself to judgment. Speak out of kindness and not anger, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe a significant percentile of suicides correspond to homosexuality, which would seem to come from oppression (hate crimes, rejected by family members, social rejection etc.) correct me if I'm wrong a second time, but wouldn't that put this group in the guilty category for ultimately hating and rejecting someone as opposed to trying to help them, influencing their suicide? Once again, back to scriptures, we are not saved by our observation of the law, but by our faith through Christ, this does not mean that we shouldn't observe the law, but that the law is created to let us know that we are sinners.

    1. Praying... how to think you are being helpful without doing anything at all.

      Khm... let me demonstrate

      I pray for this to be the most liked comment of all the comments here on SeeUat Videos.


    2. LOL ill give ya one!

  334. I'd like to see them trash talk the Islamic religion. Then they'd get a 747 crashed into their church.

  335. I have just discovered this movie recently. It has not only been an eye-opener, but an inside to the minds of these people. I hated them, but I didn't "know" them. Yes, many of their answers angered me, and I was surprised at how level headed the reporter had stayed while talking to them. I also believe that sometimes, these people help us realize that maybe, america and its people aren't so bad, I mean what other country would allow such behavior? they are pushing the boundaries of Americas freedoms, and rights, testing them. They give a bad name to people who believe in god, making everyone seem like a brainwashed idiots.

  336. To know that there are people so brainwashed and secluded from the world they they truly believe this message is frightening.

  337. The part that made me laugh the most was when the other documentary man that converted said he used to be a genius. So now you're dumb?

  338. Children are usually taken away from parents who abuse them by the government. I don't get how this kind of upbringing could be defined in any other way: abuse, brainwash and oppression.

    1. While what they do is wrong, is it any different then what most America does? Kids today are brainwashed by parents and the media to have a negative, or even a hate-filled view on the Muslim world and Middle East.

  339. the stupid b**** named her son GAY-BRIEL what a hypocritical piece of shit.........

    1. I noticed that too. :)

  340. throwing a slurpy to a kid might seem mean, but if any group of people or familly would spend as much hate time and money towards them, they could not see the sky under all the BAPTIST CHURCH ARE A CULT signs and they would soon drown in or have there head blown off by slurpy. lawyer is the only high level proffession these familly members could ever dream to acheive because science or common sens or moral is required for any other... (compation, respect etc.)

  341. Wow! I thought his documentary on Meth addiction was powerful, but this is amazing. This is an insightful look into the dynamics of a cult. Before I watched this, I despised these people who spewed such vile hate. Now, I have tremendous sympathy for the children who are being brainwashed.

  342. there is also a part II, where louis goes back and see what happened with the phelps. In fact, if you liked this, check all his documentaries, most are good, funny, amazing, a real treat :o)

  343. this is eye opening, i have deep sadness in seeing the deception they believe as truth. The most known verse memorized in the bible john 3:16, God so loved the world. He loves this family and all of us. i will because of seeing this be praying for this family and fasting. I meet Jesus 8 years ago and now spent 5 years in a third world country serving the poorest, broken, untouchable, and Gods arms are not to short to reach this family either. just think with the truth how much they would also lay there life down for a stranger. I pray peace, clear mind, wisdom, and humility. May the eyes of their hearts be open to the God of Love.

  344. this is eye opening, i have deep sadness in seeing the deception they believe as truth. The most known verse memorized in the bible john 3:16, God so loved the world. He loves this family and all of us. i will because of seeing this be praying for this family and fasting. I meet Jesus 8 years ago and now spent 5 years in a third world country serving the poorest, broken, untouchable, and Gods arms are not to short to reach this family either. just think with the truth how much they would also lay there life down for a stranger. I pray peace, clear mind, wisdom, and humility. May the eyes of their hearts be open to the God of Love.

  345. I just don't get how the younger ones see what they do as "warning" people when they also openly state they don't believe in forgiveness. It isn't a warning if there is nothing one can do (hypothetically). People should just picket their every move in the same way, mirror it back to them as is.

  346. No one actually answers his questions. They twist the question or just talk about irrelevant things. So this documentary is really only a vessel for the WBC's hateful messages, not an inside look at their lives or thoughts.

  347. "Even the person who has committed the most abominable atrocity, still remains a child of God." Desmund Tutu

    1. there is a big difference between pissing against a wall or kill human beings

  348. This is a very interesting documentary. Props to Louis Theroux for handling himself so well in what was surely a difficult situation.

    1. this IS very interesting because of this many GOOD americans are already killed

  349. I find it hilarious that these people preach that America is going to hell and that God hates America. Then why don't they leave to another country? The only reason they haven't been thrown into jail for their picketing is because of America's Freedom of Speech amendment in the constitution. So they are protesting soldiers funerals because they are "protecting a fag country", although those soldiers are protecting the rights of America, SUCH AS THE CONSTITUTION. Soldiers died in order for America to be a free nation and to protect it's occupants, even the really stupid and ignorant ones seen in this documentary.

    Oh and at the end when the one younger girl was saying how the public is mean to them. Well little girl put on some big girl panties and realize that if you put hate out into the world, it's going to come right back in your face.

  350. The Phelps are the definition of a cult. Mr Phelps is a cult leader. You know he is having sex with members of his family. Those kids need to be removed. If they were going to be literal with the bible they would go around killing soldiers and homosexuals. They are full of shit hypocrites.

  351. God is love, How the hell is this love?! God's son was sent into the world so SAVE it NOT CONDEMN it. Sick, just sick. I'm so sad at how lost people are :/

    1. Well said! God gave His one and only song. John 3:16. God wanted to SAVE this world, not destroy it. He sent a flood, YES, but He promised He'd never do it again. All these disasters are NOT caused by God, but by weather or man (9-11). What these people are doing is preaching hate, their OWN hate towards to world. Things they say like "the way you live will send you to hell", excuse me, but how do they know how I live?? They don't! "God hates you", where in the Bible does it say that God hates you or anyone? It doesn't! Who are they to tell us what God says or is saying? WHO ARE THEY? They are NO ONE! They have NO IDEA what they are talking about. I watched and listened to what that old man had to say during his sermon, not once did he read a scripture from the Bible. All I heard was "Obama, soldiers, America". I actually thought I was in history class. These people are f--king stupid and need to be arrested for slander.

  352. "God so loved the world that he gave hhis only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God idd not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it." John 3: 16 & 17

  353. Geez! Im so happy to be jewish and european:-)

    1. I am so happy that you are too

  354. you talk big but don't really prove a point if you lisen't to hes question they have points and are clear of what he tried to do. What part of shes smarted did you think because she a law student. Let me tell you these those people are what you call ignorant close minded people who only go about on blind fate and cannot justify there means son they resort to screaming, and doing all in there power to shut you up so they can stop your so call blassfemi or whatever so people and the "weaker" members of the church do get any ideas about leaving. Also you could tell that the girls is stress out in the video and is mearly a poppet of her mother and grandfather. To make my point there is no truth in bible or any such thing and if there is a god why would he give them so much rules and give them free will at the same time and don't say anything stupid like he need to be worship or something if there is a "god" like the one you say why would he care about any of use he knows all and sees all so why would he pay attention to what you say sense he already know what you are going to say. And also what makes you think that god that you think is god is the real god there are so many god true out history that you cant say yours is real. Also for all anyone could say "God" could be a alien or something like that. So if you really think USA is doomed in 2012, 2013 whatever you and all the people out there like that are just sad pathetic fck's who should just die and go meet your "god" so he can tell you in those last moment of your brain processing information "I'm not real you die there nothing so yeah you are fked big time... so bye. And last tell me one single thing that proves god is real and has to be real no one of those why am I here or where do we come from crap.

    1. i am glad you are questioning it all...that's a good sign. At least you want to way or another... "believers" (me) have faith that He is real. That's all I/we should need. I don't need to see, to believe. Good luck in your quest for answers. Hope you find them. I pray that our God helps you on your journey, if that is what you want.
      On another note, our God will judge all mankind. That keeps me from being angry.... They (Phelps) are here for a reason I strongly believe. (devils tongue)...and No I cant say whether I am going to heaven or not... I can only hope and pray that God considers me worthy.
      Take care.

  355. Upon seeing the placards in first scene, I expected to find that this was a false flag op by atheists in drag, to draw some heat down on the wicked Fundies. But no, it's the real thing!
    Is that reporter really as thick as he makes out? What a strong and womanly young woman. And yes,America is doomed. And yes, it's Judgment day, call it 2012, call it the Age of Aquarius, call it Homecoming Chickens, call it Global Gag, it's on the way.
    But these folks do appear to be seeking martyrdom, standing as they do in american traffic carrying signs such as "Thank God For IED's" There are lawyers in the family.
    The reporter was out of his depth with everyone except the 6 year old, and that would have been a matter of time. His questions mainly didnt deserve intelligent answers, and I think he was given MANY sharp-as-a-tack answers that exposed his own inflexible assumptions,than his effort deserved
    . "Q: Is this the er ar headquarters right here?
    A: No
    Q:well what do you call it?
    A: my backyard
    And then some little worry he had about sharing backyards oooh etc not a commune is it?
    Who's brainwashed here?
    He just couldnt understand the answers, because he hasn't actually thought about these things, examined the roots of his standard issue belief-kit, like girl-must-date-now. Someone made a good point here that if the young woman had been a secular feminist, the reporter's presumptions would have looked narrow-minded and old-fashioned!
    I personally thought he was impertinent to press the conversation with the young woman in the face of gracious indications to move to less intimate matters. It was a poor compensation for her intellectual and emotional superiority. He couldn't understand how they could be friendly and severe at the same time even. Hope he's not thinking of trying to interview Bob Dylan lol.

    1. He actually acknowledged that he wouldn't be getting through to any of those people especially the mother, and so he simply asked questions and when the others replied with stupid or evasive answers that tried to put the question back on him, he just let them do it, because he didn't care.

      For example the question with the kids. The reporter wanted to know whether or not the grandfather considered that he only had 9 kids, or whether he acknowledged all 13. But he refused to answer it, and the reporter just let him not answer it. Do you really think that if the reporter had come up with a huge intellectual argument over it that the grandfather would have seen reason and answered the question? No, he would have been the dumb bible-toting-hateful-bastard that he is and denied everything.

  356. Upon seeing the placards in first scene, I expected to find that this was a false flag op by atheists in drag, to draw some heat down on the wicked Fundies. But no, it's the real thing!
    Is that reporter really as thick as he makes out? What a strong and womanly young woman. And yes,America is doomed. And yes, it's Judgment day, call it 2012, call it the Age of Aquarius, call it Homecoming Chickens, call it Global Gag, it's on the way.
    But these folks do appear to be seeking martyrdom, standing as they do in american traffic carrying signs such as "Thank God For IED's" There are lawyers in the family.
    The reporter was out of his depth with everyone except the 6 year old, and that would have been a matter of time. His questions mainly didnt deserve intelligent answers, and I think he was given MANY sharp-as-a-tack answers that exposed his own inflexible assumptions,than his effort deserved
    . "Q: Is this the er ar headquarters right here?
    A: No
    Q:well what do you call it?
    A: my backyard
    And then some little worry he had about sharing backyards oooh etc not a commune is it?
    Who's brainwashed here?
    He just couldnt understand the answers, because he hasn't actually thought about these things, examined the roots of his standard issue belief-kit, like girl-must-date-now. Someone made a good point here that if the young woman had been a secular feminist, the reporter's presumptions would have looked narrow-minded and old-fashioned!
    I personally thought he was impertinent to press the conversation with the young woman in the face of gracious indications to move to less intimate matters. It was a poor compensation for her intellectual and emotional superiority. He couldn't understand how they could be friendly and severe at the same time even. Hope he's not thinking of trying to interview Bob Dylan lol.

  357. @ Achems_razor: Hi, size sometimes isn't very relevant. People who've ingested half a billionth of their body mass in el es dee report a transformation in understandings. that's half-flippant only - distance and scale is not particularly important basically. To put it in material terms remote paired particle spin, hologram, fractal maths all display this. Human consciousness, its sphere of perception or influence is not proportional to size.

  358. Religion in itself is a mockery

    1. nothing to do with religion ....

      see : internet sacred text archive home

  359. Send love to these people. Suspend your judgement for a while. Raise your
    thoughts and believe that they will allow just a bit of love into their hearts, so they can eventually sort out what is right from what is not.

    Some of these congregations want a rabble-rouser to be their leader. You
    can imagine that a few of these pastors will go to the dark side, conjuring
    up fear and hatred instead of honor and glory.

    God encompasses all things, and that means all people. Some of us forgot
    about this little subject. Many of us have trouble with the concept, because
    we can't imagine accepting or embracing certain people or groups. We
    discriminate against those who are not like us. We judge them, see them
    as beneath us, less valuable in God's eyes. We start to preach about what
    God does to those who don't fit our preferences. We propose legislation
    to restrict or incriminate people with different lifestyles. We become
    bigots. We get exposed for hypocricy, expecting others to stop doing
    what we do on the sly.

    We can also choose to drop judgement of others, and part of that can be
    practiced internally. If I can accept absolutely any behavior of mine, even
    if I committed murder, then I can proceed to accept the same dark secrets
    others might be carrying around as baggage. This is a preliminary step
    toward open sharing with others. This is a way toward honest dealings
    with people who come into our lives.

    1. You talk as if your god cares one iota of the almost microscopical carbon units that is us, invading the Earth, that itself is as small as a pixel in comparison to the sizes in the universe, and that have been here as long as a neutrino colliding with a hydrogen atom, akin to a flicker of a Planck second of time, according to the time span of the universe. That is sheer arrogance on your part.

    2. How long did you look in the thesaurus before you posted that?

    3. @Guard Lamothe:

      Thesaurus??... Strictly from the top of my head!
      Anything else you would like to know about cosmology, science and the multiverse, physics, quantum mechanics, Hugh Everetts many worlds theory, relativity, The many worlds of quantum measurement, black holes and holograms, The bounds of reality on parallel worlds, string theory, hovering universes in nearby dimensions, the brane and cyclic multiverse, to name a few, have a smattering of all, give me a holler.

      Oh yes, cant forget religion and all its fairy tales.

    4. You know quite a bit sir. Or claim to, I will never know. But I do know the quickest way to become ignorant is to believe yourself to be better and smarter than another. Perhaps I lead the same life with all its experiences and thoughts and learned all the things you not know, would that change what the truth of the matter was?

      Should I then claim I know and am wisest and my judgment is truth if my knowledge is only relative to those around me or on Earth, at our time in existence? Perhaps all your observable knowledge and ideas are useless and will only show us how we really know nothing at all as humans, as a being with a finite capacity for knowledge.

    5. God loves us all, infinitely, you too haha :) if we as Christians are right. I embrace the possibility we are not, can you do the same? God is love. no matter how many atoms or particles or whatever we're made of, its still just a body we occupy, we are souls, and we are all loved completely.

  360. xtianity at its finest

  361. These people are a bit of a conundrum aren't they? They preach that others shouldn't "worship" the dead, yet they celebrate the death of other people. They preach that "God Hates" everyone but LOVES the members of this church. They say that they "don't do violence to other people" yet they verbally and emotionally abuse countless people on a global scale everyday (including those who are already devastated by the loss of a family member or friend). They preach that they are doing people a "courtesy" when they are anything but courteous. (Heck, the so called pastor of this cult wouldn't even give a curious onlooker the time of day because he felt the documentarian was "stupid".)

    The elders of this "church" brainwash the children into thinking that they will not amount to anything other than serving this "vengeful" omnipotent being whose only evidence of existence is a 2000+ year-old story (or Epic if you will) that has been translated over countless languages. (The story of Gilgahmesh anyone?) I don't judge people who enjoy reading the Bible, but I find it a bit unnerving if random believers were to wave vulgar picket signs and shout to my face (or behind my back) that I deserve eternal pain and suffering because I follow a different lifestyle and religion.

    They also seem to both honor and abuse the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, which states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

    I'm not going to make any judgements on what they so "forcefully" believe in, but I think they need to go back and read what the Bible actually preaches. Christianity is supposed to be the belief and practice of peace, stewardship, and civility. What these people preach seems to be the complete opposite: Fear this omnipotent force or suffer eternal damnation for being who you are.

  362. GOD hates....HATERS.......

    1. so God hating haters wouldnt that make HIM a hater as well?

    2. No, because his hate transcends the hate that you and I know.

  363. god hates haters..................

  364. Let him that hath known himself unto thine truth walk therein. Huh? That's in the Bible...

    Cause if you got three or four good pals well then you got yourself a tribe.
    There ain't nothing stronger than that. We're your family now, Chavez

  365. I think encouraging any of these young girls that they could become mothers is a mistake. Let's hope they cannot find men who would want to marry them and reproduce another generation of this noxious behaviour, then this cult will be done. If I was a member of their community, I think I'd question the safe and appropriate environment where these children are being raised, so at least there might be an investigation into the psychological abuse they endure at the hands of their parents and grandparents.

    1. technically its not abuse. Although what the children are being taught is narrow-minded and hateful their parents seem very loving to them generally, if overprotective and overbearing. Its people outside of them they despise. While their envirnment consists of nothing but their family and this cult it doesnt physically harm them and psychological abuse would have to mean that they are unhappy and being degraded and these children dont seem to be being beaten or unhappy at all.

      And thats the tradgedy. These children dont know anything else and will only know this their whole lives. The only actual danger they're in is when they're picketing and even then the church can sue the person for assault and rightly so. I dont agree with their messages in the least, but acts of violence towards them will accomplish nothing.

      Thankfully though, with their methods they will turn everyone away from them and eventually they will die out, as they will attract no one else to thier church and they have to few people to marry and have children with and most of them refuse to marry otherwise. I think this will quicken when Fred Phelps passes on as he is the main voice of this hate. The leadership will no doubt go onto his daughter but give it a few more decades and soon only her children will be left and the church will be nothing but an unhappy memory that we SHOULDNT shut away. We can learn frm these people of how not to treat one another and how cruel and unkind people can be even when they have the 'best of intentions.'

      And although I'm quoting a movie, it's said, "Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions."

      (Kudos if you catch the movie)

  366. I find it funny and semi ironic they picket and protest soldiers who help keep our nation free and religiously tolerant. It's because of our men and women in uniform that this community has the ability to do what they do.

    Another not surprising thing to note is how angry a lot of them are. They dodge legitimate questions (especially the leader) and have to fallback on the same argument because they don't know where to go next. Best of luck to the cute, college girl and hopefully she can make it out; she definitely looks like she can piece together (albeit slowly) a healthy lifestyle.

    1. You are a fool to worship the US military. All they are good for is murdering strangers in far away lands. Only a fool worships the military.

    2. There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.

    3. Who said they worship the military? It's one thing to respect our troops, it's another to support our military.

    4. @ Ann Patrone

      I'm In The Lord's Army

      I may never march in the infantry,
      Ride in the cavalry,
      Shoot the artillery.
      I may never zoom o'er the enemy,
      But I'm in the Lord's army. Yes, sir!

      I'm in the Lord's army. Yes, sir!
      I'm in the Lord's army. Yes, sir!

      I may never march in the infantry,
      Ride in the cavalry,
      Shoot the artillery.
      I may never zoom o'er the enemy,
      But I'm in the Lord's army. Yes, sir!

  367. for Fred phelps to say they are the only ones teaching the truth and going to make it to the kingdom of God is way off base, he is cussing in church, rejoicing over deaths and horrible things I don't think this is right that is sick and the devil delights in tragedy and death. Pray for them they need to wake up and do things differently.

    1. I don't think praying is their problem. They ALL need serious, intensive therapy. No talking to an imaginary sky daddy is gonna cure this king of mindf--king

    2. @ Anthony C. Okafor

      You are so right!

      It's sooo bad, it's off the charts. I'll bet one day we turn on the news only to lean that the bastard's shot himself.

  368. i dont understand why they are living in america if it is soooo terible??

    1. for this reason not only this sick bunch of freaks run away from ev'rywhere after irony

  369. Wow These People are way out there and need to take their Cult loving A**es somewhere OUT of The USA...
    Can you Say CULT CULT CULT. Hate is not God's way.. So what God are they spreading Hate for?
    The Old man is Crazy.

    1. @ Tracy Dekker,

      "Hate is not God's way"

      Tracy, I would not be that kind to God.
      Hate is definitely"God's way!"

      According to the 'Bible' God tells Moses and Aaron to go to the Midianites and kill all the men, then take the booty, the women and children back to their encampments, then to kill all the mothers (because they had sex), then to kill all the boys, and finally to take all the virgins as slaves:

      13 And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp.

      14 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle.

      15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?

      16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.

      17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

      18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

      19 And do ye abide without the camp seven days: whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day.

      [KJV Numbers 31:13-19]
      ~ God

      "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them."
      ~ God

      God? -- Sound's more like DickCheney, to me!

    2. When you only quote ONE story out of the entire Bible AND out of the old testament, you miss God's nature of grace and mercy. You miss the rich stories of Jesus, who by the way, is God incarnate, who loved and healed and taught, showed mercy and taught His followers by example. The Israelites were instructed those things for survival, much like any other conquering nation would to ensure their survival. It wasn't because God was like a mean kid with a magnifying glass sitting on top of an anthill killing ants.

    3. @jesusgirl

      okay lets see what jesus said.

      Revelation 2:22-23
      "So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds."

      Matthew 10:34
      Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

      Luke 12:51
      Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

      Luke 22:36
      He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

      Revelation 19:11
      And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

      Matthew 15:21-28

      Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession."
      Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us."

      He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

      The woman came and knelt before him. "Lord, help me!" she said.

      He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs."


      Matthew 5:18-19
      “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” Clearly the Old Testament is to be abided by until the end of human existence itself. None other then Jesus said so.

      Matthew 5:17
      "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place."

      so based on those verses you cant ignore the old testament. Jesus said so.

      why do you believe this silly stuff anyways? you know its just myth right?

    4. God does not hate his people. He is just! And God is LOVE!
      He just punished those people who sinned against Him. And PUNISHMENT is different from the word HATRED.

    5. @ jeff

      Jeff, I think you may be mistaken.

    6. @ jeff

      Part A:
      God hates people. He is unjust! And God is HATE!
      He punishes even those who've done nothing wrong.
      And PUNISHMENT is a word with more letters than HATRED.

      Part B:
      @jeff is arrogant, hateful, petty, mean, vindictive, foul-mouthed, and one of God's favorites.

      Part C:
      I love @jeff, anyway. He's so... How should one say?... Dominant!
      (I'll bet @jeff's got a big one, too, which will put him in good stead with God's Son(who, I understand, is a real knockout!).

      Part D:
      @jeffI, I realize this is privileged information, but are you a top,
      or are you a bottom?
      Just asking.

    7. @ epicurios... it goes on to say...

      Matt 15
      27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

      28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.

      what can be worse than bastardizing the words of our God to meet your own agenda?

    8. @Robert W. Chambers

      yes that is what it says. but are you saying that what jesus said doesnt apply because the woman made him change his mind.

      the fact of the matter is still that jesus said he at first didnt want to help her. it took a common gentile to set him straight.

      he SPECIFICALLY said "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

    9. @ Epicurious

      if we're STILL implying that Christ is the infallible word of God, changing his mind wasn't an option... only testing hers.

    10. @Robert W. Chalmers.

      why would jesus who is also god have to test someones faith if he already knows everything.

      now you are just making up pathetic excuses like a little kid making up powers for his comic book character.

    11. @ epicurious

      if we're going to say that he knows everything, then, to change his mind would mean that he was initially wrong. Work that one out.

    12. @Robert W. Chambers

      i have worked that one out. it violates the law of non-contradiction and is therefore false.

      either he doesnt know everything and can change his mind, or he doesnt know everything and can change his mind. OR another option...its all a story made up by bronze age sheep herders and isnt true!

    13. how do you know what "god's way" is?!?! In my opinion, they are preaching the "god" of the old testament: the vengeful, psychotic genocidal lunatic. But, all religions are bullshit, so why bother making a distinction

    14. Somewhere out of the USA? You mean Sweden? ;)

  370. Oh the Church is donating monies to send Hate out on vacations. 200.000 a year fools.

  371. Man he is avoidind something.... The more I watch the more I think he is scared. I think he knows his time is coming soon...So he better watch him self. Not everyone. They are to be winning souls not damning them WOW! I want to see them in heaven I will be looking for them.

  372. In the Bible it does state that it should be woman and man intercourse. But it does seem a little Funny that they only focus on just that aspect. He " God " also says that tho shall not kill. But I see no mention of that. So maybe there is some underlying issue. But Who are we to judge. So maybe they shold state themselves better. I think they are placing judgement. Even though they say they are just voices , voices do not picket and call others names...So Whatever I do believe that you will be judged. But who knows. I mean relly WHo really wrote the BIBLE anyway. God in fact did not so whos to say that some " Fag Hater " didn't just add that... I don' know I LOVE EVERYBODY and I worship MY GOD!

    1. I believe the Bible like the Quaran gets miscontrued, I doubt there will be 72 virgins waiting for someone who murders if there is, hope they are the same sex, and as for he Bible, if it is between a man and a woman. Why did Jesus eat, sleep and live with 12 "MALE" and I stipulate "MALE" disciples. And why was he never married? He died at the ripe old age of 33, in those days, that was OLD. It's all about perception. Regardless, I doubt God/Jesus is an evil source who inflicts pain and suffering on "GAYS" please people get with the program. Not one person walking the face of this earth is perfect, everyone has their faults, defects, but does God ask others to belittle them? Who the frig cares who gays sleep with? seriously, do we care who you sleep with? You treat me with respect and as a human, you will get the same treatment, why should it matter to me who you wake up to. Who said being straight is "Normal? News flash, lesbians and gays can procreate too! ( Read a book )
      I don't care unless he/she lays a hand on you in a painful way. If you are abused then it is a concern, but LOVE is LOVE. it has no color, race, creed, sexual orientation. It has LOVE so unless you are GOD, don't judge. He doesn't. You are not born to hate, you are taught to HATE, break the cycle !!!!

    2. God is love. I'm a Christian and I have Atheist friends that I hang out with all the time but does that mean that I'm an Atheist? No. You can't make the same assumption about Jesus. Just because he lived around the 12 disciples and slept beside them (which was perfectly normal for that time period) you can't assume that he was gay.
      He lived to be 33, I believe, so that he could say that he had gone through the same things as all of us. The day to day struggles that we all face: puberty, money issues, annoyances family issues, all of it.
      I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle, but does that mean that I will hate them all, because they choose it? No. In fact I have SEVERAL gay friends and I love them all as the unique human beings that they are.
      If you go back to the very basics of science and human DNA, (without a test tube, or injection), can lesbians and gays create life? No. That's just a simple fact of human nature and a vital part of the cycle of life. It's science. And even though it may sound shallow and judgemental of me, the fact that we have over 6 billion people on this planet kinda proves that straight is the "norm".
      To me, God created women for men, and men for women. They complete each other. They become one. And I do believe that there is a man out there for every woman and a woman out there for every man. Maybe, it's the romantic side of me. That's just what I believe.
      Your right though. We shouldn't judge each other. But God does and will judge us. And he will do it fairly and justly. I know that this family, disappoints him and what they are doing saddens him. Especially the fact that children are involved.
      I encourage all people out there to actually read the Bible cover to cover and with an open mind.

    3. "I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle, but does that mean that I will hate them all, because they choose it? No. In fact I have SEVERAL gay friends and I love them all as the unique human beings that they are. "

      did you just say that homosexuals CHOOSE to be that way? well you are wrong. people do not choose their sexual preferences.

      "If you go back to the very basics of science and human DNA, (without a test tube, or injection), can lesbians and gays create life? No. That's just a simple fact of human nature and a vital part of the cycle of life. It's science. And even though it may sound shallow and judgemental of me, the fact that we have over 6 billion people on this planet kinda proves that straight is the "norm"."

      what about people who are straight and infertile? they cant create life. does that somehow mean they are not normal? In fact if you look at the animal kingdom (which we are absolutely a part of) you will notice that MANY MANY MANY animals are homosexual.

      the fact that there are 6 billion+ people on our planet is a sign that we are reproducing too much. if anything, homosexuals are a good thing.

      "To me, God created women for men, and men for women. They complete each other. They become one. And I do believe that there is a man out there for every woman and a woman out there for every man. Maybe, it's the romantic side of me. That's just what I believe."

      but there are more women than men on this earth, so your math doesnt work. there will always be some people out there who have nobody.

      "Your right though. We shouldn't judge each other. But God does and will judge us. And he will do it fairly and justly."

      there is no reason anyone should suffer in hell for eternity. there is no crime or action that would JUSTIFY being punished and tortured for eternity. that makes no sense. only a petty god would do that.

      "I encourage all people out there to actually read the Bible cover to cover and with an open mind."

      i have read the bible with an open mind and i realized how silly and fake it was.

      if you think reading something with an open mind is the way to go why havent you read any of the other religions books with an open mind?

      forget christianity. it is a big hoax.

    4. @ Cawiissa

      There is no such thing as "the homosexual lifestyle;"
      and sexual orientation is not subject to choice.

    5. @ Terrie

      Whenever I read comments about the 72 virgins, I can't help but wonder how the whole setup appears from those poor virgins' point of view!

      Are they perhaps in hell?

    6. [quote]Who said being straight is "Normal? News flash, lesbians and gays can procreate too![/quote]

      that's called sophistry Terrie

    7. I hate people who cannot spell properly. Clear sign of their level of education, morals and standards

    8. I bet you proofread that 5 times before sending!

  373. I honestly think Fred Phelps is a homosexual who made advances to a man and who rejected him therefore hate gays (can't get a straight woman or a gay man), so he decided to marry his sister Shirley ... As a result of inbreeding. His children and their friends must have stories to tell of their continuous abuse - both physical and emotional.
    DO NOT COME TO CANADA. You have no rights here and will be hunted down like the rabid animals you are! furthermore, you couldn't afford the passports, so we are safe. STAY IN THE U.S.A. we do not tolerated backwood, inbreeding hillbullies. These people remind me of the people in "Wrong Turn," such deformed, mentally unstabled, banjo picking sister marrying people! If God is just, you will be sent to prison, gang raped and be someone's B.

    1. 1. Shirley Phelps-Roper is Fred Phelps's daughter, not his sister.

      2. Actually, considering the church shells out, what was the figure? $200,000 per year in travel expenses to do their picketing, purchasing passports probably would not be an issue.

      3. Many of the members of the WBC are lawyers and very well educated--not "backwood, inbreeding hillbillies".

      4. Very few people would disagree with the statement that Fred Phelps is extreme, and that his beliefs are distasteful. But there are two sides to every coin. In the 1960s, Fred Phelps was an incredibly successful Civil Rights lawyer, and his family went through endless torment because their father was involved in this movement. Phelps fought for and won civil liberties for several African Americans.

      I don't agree with their views, but it is not fair to characterize the members of the WBC the way you have. A little research and thoughtful consideration can go a long way.

  374. These people are obviously in a cult that Fred Phelps Sr. started perhaps because he WAS a "fag." I pray for them and especially their children. What I don't quite understand is how Sweden is a nation of fags....they never define it. Also, notice how Fred Phelps keeps saying "next question" is this because he doesn't want confrontation or is it, perhaps, because he knows there is holes in this so called, "religion." I was raised to believe there is a God and he is just. But he is also fair, kind, and most importantly forgiving. No works will save you from the depths of hell but your true faith in him and his word. Which, they do pick and choose which testimony they want to better their mission. I'm just surprised these people haven't been murdered.

    1. @ Rachel Shanae Clayton

      Implying that Phelps may be gay is a form of flattery he does not deserve. Others at this site have also said he himself might be gay, but there is nothing good about that man.

      Please do not try to dump your straight trash onto us.

      He's YOURS!


  375. I'd like to know why the hell we have to pay for thier freaking kids to go to a school payed for our tax dollars. If you hate America so much then get the hell out!

    1. Well in all fairness they pay their taxes too. And you should want those kids to receive an education, hopefully it might eventually guide them away from their families hatred.

  376. revenge is mine,said the LORD.!!!

  377. God hates America? Excuse me but then get the f--k out!!!! Arent't they based in America??? God does NOT hate he is love!!!!!

  378. Wow, have they read the bible? Jesus said this is not what to be like, when he said love thy neighbor. He hung out with the woman at the well, leapers, and over all street thugs. He brought love and hope to the unloved and hopeless; I am no longer of the faith but even I know these guys are insane!

  379. Very stupid and dumb people....

  380. Stupid people. Pretending to have knowledge about the bible.

  381. I love this British guy. He says things so eloquently and so truthfully.

    You can tell that at least the girl at the end has doubts. You can hear it in her voice.

  382. The most interesting character in this documentary is actually the journalist himself; you can see that he is uncertain of his own beliefs.

    The problem with this family is that they go about their preaching in a bad way, but what they believe is actually sound (for the most part). The bible does say all of that stuff. The most reprehensible thing is that they take joy in the suffering of sinners, God actually doesn't want us to. Daniel cried because of the sins of the world, we should be saddened by people turning from God not be happy about it. Though we should know somberly that God will enact justice upon them in the end.

    It is just funny, that they only warn people (in a rude way, but not violent) and yet everyone around them is violent and angry toward them, they probably aren't that far off about the world going to hell in a hand-basket (if not literally, then figuratively). Afterall, what kind of depraved individual would harm a child? I don't care how much you dislike somebodies words or attitude, violence is NEVER justified.

    Though after reading more about them outside of the documentary I also see there is a lot of hate in different groups of people, especially Jews that clearly shows they are Anti-Semitic regardless of how much a Jew adheres to God.

    1. Your arguement is stupid. They go to a scene where every single person attending that funeral is honoring someones life and greiving... obviously they are going to be in a horrified state when they hear these moron inbred retard "god" lovers acting like they even know who the person was or that they are in "hell"

    2. @ Corin Prendiville,

      Westboro Baptist Church is a mere embodiment of typical xtian teachings and beliefs. It is but the WBC presentation to which you object. If that then indeed be the case, it logically, and naturally, follows that xtianity sux and that you are a very sick person.

      I have been given to understand that Abilify(generic: aripiprazole)
      has proven efficacy in treating disorders such as yours. At present,
      it the best science has to offer in its quest to find a cure for religion.

      Do not despair. Help is on the way.

    3. I'm sure that person who threw the drink did not mean to hit a kid, but an adult.

      But in someways, I'm glad it did hit the child. As hitting the child and making him cry, could do way more then hitting an adult with that drink ever could. Not only did it probably scare that child, and the other kids around him. It should have been a big flag to the adults, that what they do brings violence onto their children. That they put their children in to harms way.

      It might just be a drink today, but tomorrow it could be a shot gun.

  383. The ironic thing about this is they have the right to picket and shout their views to the funerals and about America BECAUSE America gave them that right.

  384. The Most Hated Family in America?
    ...not enough.

    1. More like the most hated family in all of the world.

  385. They would never marry or want kids, they state, but that means that they will not or very little reproduce.

  386. That made me cry a lil i feel so bad for those kids =/

  387. We are seriously Doomed as a race if there are still people like this active in this day & age! I would prefer to go to Hell if they are going to be in heaven for eternity. Imagine spending eternity with loonies like this!!!

    1. They would picket

  388. They are so weak. They can't argue or reason for their cause, they can only shout like spoiled children - and "Gramps" is the worst. If this is the deadliest extreme of Christianity, I now feel a lot less concerned by the power of religion.

  389. thats like saying "god hates vans, there for your family is going to hell for driving and riding in vans" it makes no sense. Your life style is sending you to hell? Are we worshiping the same god?

  390. Love my bub xxx

  391. I don't like the hatred that a lot of people are sending towards this church. I completely disagree with what the church preaches and the way they go about doing it, but I can't hate them. Isn't that just the same thing they're doing to me? Hating? I think we all believe in what we believe and no one should have the right to hate someone just because they believe something different from them. If everyone was a little more open minded and respectful of others, would all of this hatred be going on? It just makes me sad to see the children of this church being raised without having any say in their beliefs. Its manipulative and it happens in other churches, cults, and families too. I just wish they could go out in the world and then decide on what they believe. By being secluded and isolated, they're missing out on a lot of life! It's sad to think about. This was a great documentary and I really like how Louis handled it.

    1. @ Kelsey

      "I don't like the hatred that a lot of people are sending
      towards this church."

      You must be str8, cuz you sure as hell wouldn't be saying that
      if you were gay!

  392. Did anybody not see the human in these people? They are not animals deserving torture. Anyone who advocates killing or torture has no better morality than they profess. These are human beings regardless of our opinions of what they are.

    1. These people are not being tortured nor killed, but I would be interested in hearing your opinion about the humanity of these people were they ever to -God forbid- rally/picket at a loved one of yours funeral.

    2. Tina, I was alluding to a remark made that these people deserve torture. Most of these people are mere children. I wouldn't want them at anyone's funeral. Their actions are beyond despicable and should be condemned but to torture another human being is sinking below even their repugnance.

  393. damn these nuts are so damn creepy. especially their smiles. urrrgh gives me the shivers

  394. Them people deserve torture.

  395. I stand with my thought that the problem is that Atheist do not believe in the existing GOD of theists, and theist won't let IT escape their idea of it.
    If science come up with a entirely different description of IT, one that dwelves into the marvels of being a living energy, one that describes the depths of the cosmos, one that revolutionize who the "i" is, then may be just may be....God may become the IT it can be.
    Then we won't need to look in the spaces between the words of an outdated book, we will start writing a new one!

  396. "Shirley L. Phelps-Roper is the wife of Brent D. Roper, and a mother of 11 children. In a 2007 UK documentary by Welsh personality Keith Allen, in which Phelps-Roper and some of her children agreed to appear, Phelps-Roper is shown admitting on camera that her oldest son was born out of wedlock. Allen found hypocritical Phelps-Roper's vocal condemnation on strangers having sexual congress outside of marriage while she herself was guilty of the same.[8][9] According to Kansas City's The Pitch, Phelps-Roper doesn't deny that her son Sam, who was later adopted by Brent Roper, was born out of wedlock but refuses to reveal the identity of his biological father."

  397. In my opinion, they have a good message for the world, but the modus operandi is not the best. There is too much hate for the world, and that
    would not give them the chance to spread their message to the world. If the
    world hate them, that does not justify spreading a message of hatred.
    I think fags are old enough to know what is good for them and what isn't
    good for them. The best way to get people to change is by persuasion.
    The best place to spread these messages is not at funerals when people are
    are struggling with the pain of a love one. I also advise that the church change the placards which preaches hatred and doom. The head pastor must live by example and not hatred and anger.

    1. "They have a good message for the world?"
      ""Fags" are old enough to know what is good for them and what isn't good for them."
      "The best way to change people is by persuasion."

      So which cult do you belong to? The cult of morons or ignorance?

    2. @ TheTruthforyou

      You are the embodiment of what I have always believed TheTruthforyou Christians to be. Forge onward ever onward in your crusade. Your foul language adds a useful touch, too. You are my hero. You serve to drive people further and further away from the evils of Christianity.

      Thank you :*

      Hopefully you, and people like you, will one day rid the world of Christianity, altogether.

      My dream :D

      PS: Is there some way for me do donate funds to your cause?

      a t h e i s m = p e a c e

    3. I think you are exactly right....the more religion talks nonesense, the more they are loosing ground, the more they are loosing ground the more they talk nonesense.
      Let's help them get there asap!
      Peace to all the people on their knees, here's a wish:
      May you realise the lie sooner or later...soooner would be better for the world!

  398. God didn't create people with free will:

    According to genesis mankind took from God the ability to choose between good and evil (free will) and its knowledge thereof by eating from the tree. According to genesis God didn't want humans to have free will, just to worship him!

    Long and the short. God didn't want humans to have free will and was very upset when they took it without his permission.

  399. the one thing i ha....dislike more than rude disrespectful atheists are hypocritical christians. this documentary really pisses me off. though i can't tell them to go to hell.(same judgement could be used on me) i can say that i hope they change their ways before one of them is seriously injured or killed, or they face the very God they bring such a black and bad reputation to.

  400. God created everyone with a free will. You have chosen to be an atheist.

  401. there is no such thing as a GOD. If there was why did he make me an atheist? After all we are all created in Gods image.

    1. I know right, I swear there's some strong s*** in their Holy Water!

  402. there is no such thing as a GOD. If there was why did he make me an atheist? After all we are all created in Gods image.

  403. God is Love, Not Hate<3

  404. I Don't agree with this. Its against others rights and who says that its the old man, the preist, beliefs more than it is in the Bible.

  405. @ 52:00, she is wearing an Italian soccer team shirt. I thought they hated Italy...

  406. This family is such a disgrace to humanity. They are so brainwashed, that it's insane! I can't believe so many people could be so full of hatred and not feel bad about it.

  407. I like how he went with an open mind, you can't talk people out of their beliefs, nor did he try, I think he did a great job.

  408. The most horrifying and strangely compelling display of inbred brainwashing my eyeballs have ever been blistered by.

  409. and im only on the 19 minute!

  410. Theu used Diana (may she rest in peiece)
    those psychotic- scripture twisting self loathing spineless brainwashing sinful argumentitive arrogant dicks!
    I hope they burn in "hell"
    I wonder if they have heard the phrash "do not judge or you to will be judge (matthew 7:1)
    -.- and I can't believe there children have been doctored into this... that is just sick! they make me so angry I WANT TO PUNCH HER so bad right now !

  411. Fred Phelps is probally GAY HIMSELF! "The guilty dog is always the one who screams the loudest"!

  412. Wow talk about twisted words to suit your own purpose.
    I'm pretty sure screaming God hates Fags at the top of your lungs is somehow taking his name in vain .. wait .. isn't that a commandment.

    Her children are going to end up bombing gay bars as adults, she's poisoning them with hate and as far as I'm concerned she should be declared unfit.

  413. @Nz:

    Of course the WBC contradict there own beliefs many times, but everything they are doing is under the auspices of religion, even though they have cherry picked a few passages to suit their fancy.

    Have read the opolagetic NT, which itself is cherry picked with only 4 gospels trying to tone down the OT, some good fiction writers in them thar' days!

    And most religee's don't even know what the "real" "Ten Commandments" are, from the religious fairy tale land of course!

  414. i feel so bad for those young girls and kids...:[

  415. As long as they don't physically kill anyone or pull a Jones Town finale... I like em. Common... these people are golden. The "Jew Church" where "they worship the rectum"? I had to pause the video until I could stop laughing. And, "you're gonna eat your babies" as a key point in a worship service? Nice. We need crazy so we can define "crazy". This cult is FUNNY. They are funny because they are stupid and they do stupid things. Their message is not funny because it doesn't mean anything, and it's not personal. If you aren't one of them, you get to chuckle and go on with your life. THAT IS if you find them funny, like I do. Yeah, even at a funeral.

    I had trouble with the kids getting picked on because they have the misfortune of being born into this pus nugget family, but they can leave eventually. My relatives aren't perfect either.

    It doesn't seem like anyone in the compound is getting laid, but he didn't spend much time talking to the men, did he? Are the children being abused? What's keeping Gramp's fire lit? I guess we'll find out. I can't wait to watch the sequel to this doc (yes, of course he was invited back). Theroux did keep himself together very well compared to, like, whoever poned that kid in the head with a drink. I think this was pretty damn well done for the most part, but ehh. He could have done more reporting and spent less time trying to make a point. He's young, yet. I bet it was tough hanging out with these smug ass holes.

  416. I am so horrified that these people call themselves CHristian and I am ashamed that such people like this exist and I'm sorry for those who have ever experienced THIS SORT OF PRACTICE to you or others. I am of Christian faith and the way I've been taught was to NOT PASS JUDGEMENT ON TO OTHERS because we OURSELVES are NOT PERFECT thats GOD's job, the Bible also states that GOD LOVES EVERYONE, in the BIBLE it does NOT condone hateful attitude AT ALL. I am disgusted with this family and any group that practices this sort of religion. We should practice LOVE not HATE.

  417. Like all offensive things they lose their power if you stop giving it to them. As they are human beings, just allow them to believe what they want, and protest how they want (despite how rude it is), and accept that this is how they believe and feel, and they will accept you as yourself as well, with the caveat that they believe you will burn in hell, which is ok, because If you don't believe you will burn in hell , then who cares if they think you will?

  418. By your reasoning, the soldiers who died in the line of duty should have their funerals protested for supporting a country condemned by God. But, do you support America? Do you pay your taxes? Are you not an American lawyer who participates in the American legal system when it's in your best interest?

    In your interview outside of the US Supreme Court house you were dressed professionally; you were showing respect to the American legal system you supposedly believe is damned by God. In fact, you displayed far more respect than the pornographer Larry Flint. He showed the same kind of contempt you display on a street corner, but unlike you had the courage to do it in a court of law. So by comparison, how do you think God will judge you?

  419. In reply to @Marcellaa:

    Oh, I cringe all-right! And if you are one of the religee's, I cringe even more by reading your "Holy book of terrors"..."The Old Testament"!

  420. I think these ppl are struggling with their own sexuallity, you know the bully syndrome they are frightened of their own urges. and they need to deal with themselves and leave the funerals of our fallen hero alone, because of these soldiers that died for this country they have the right to protest, too bad there is not some sort of exception to the constitution that said everyone has this right except for crazy ppl!!!!

  421. I fell if this people hate the USA so much "there's the door don't let the door hit you inthe ass" these people need to get the hell out of
    the US and now!!!!!

  422. I am a Christian, a follower of Christ Jesus, and He never preaches hate. I serve a God of LOVE...THAT is the God of the Bible. I don't know where they get their doctrine but I feel so, so incredibly sorry for these people. ESPECIALLY the children.

    1. You do not know where the WBC gets their doctrine from?? how typical and incredible of most religee's!! Read the Old Testament!! It is there in black and white.

      You should not even class yourself as religious, if you have no idea what it is you are talking about!

    2. What is wrong with you? How do you not watch this and cringe?

    3. But, haven't you read the new testament? All those things about not having to follow the old law anymore, and only two commandmends "Love thy God and love thy fellow man". oh, and the 10 commandments. But, i understand that there are many homosexuals who are practicing their homosexuality while married, which would indeed qualify as adultery. But, what about a great number, if not the majority of them, that are not and have never been married? You may say that homosexuality is also classified by the old testament as having a death penalty to those who perform it, but it is not one of the ten commandments. And, no matter what, in that case one would not be allowed to, say, eat pork, or any number of things which these people simply do not seem to care about. So, in that case, anyone who hits their parent is also liable to the death penalty. And anyone who violates the sabbath is liable to the same. You understand? They contradict their own beliefs.

  423. what is wrong with these people?

  424. As a Christian, I believe that this cult is not interested in spreading the message of God. They are obviously a hate group. This cult doesn't have good Christian intentions. They are going to hell. I am ashamed that they claim themselves as Christians. They clearly have not read the entire Bible. We are supposed to love one another.

  425. Incredible how ignorant some people can be.
    Wait, am I talking about the people the doc is about, or the guy doing the doc? both seem like total a$$hats to me.

  426. watching videos of these completely brainwashed humans have took up most of my night.

  427. as someone who loves God and is a Christian this breaks my heart. The greatest commandment (most important "rule") in the Bible is to love God...but the second most important rule is to love one another...doesn't say "love the righteous only" ...I just pray that the world doesn't look on ALL Christians this way, and that I never find myself hating these people. Since they're are included in those I must love.

  428. I think it very sad that these people rely one some BOOK to base their life on. People should have enough confidence in themselves that they have enough goodness and morality to lead them to the right choices without referring to any one or anything else. By all means look at all options to base your opinion but conclude for yourself rather than just blindly following. End of the day thats what the people who wrote the bible and Jesus himself (if he ever existed) were doing

  429. I think It is very sad that these people do not rely on their own innate goodness for their morals and rely on some stupid BOOK to give them guidance. End of the day the bible was written by people with good intentions but that were basically making the whole thing up from what they believed was right. Everyone should follow this example and create their own code to live by, not the crap everyone else might shove their way.

  430. its only maybe 10% of people who engage in gay sex I believe.. and studies have shown that that number remains pretty consistent throughout history.
    Many primates 9bonobos and chimps) exhibit this same homosexual behavior.(naturally, being our closest cousins in animal kingdom)

    It is refreshing to see Christians honestly portraying what the bible is all about. ALL Christians should be as honest and accurate - then we could more easily dismiss it for the delusional nonsense it is. The truth is that the bible is full of one section it says 'turn the other cheek' and in another 'put them to the sword' as religions also have conflicting doctrines. These people are Christians only bc they were born into the phelps family in the USA,,,instead of say, a Saudi family.. where they'd probably have become Muslims instead of Xtians..
    and they are not bright enough to see this obvious fact?
    pretty scary

    You see how when she talks to Jael that she keeps repeating little phrases like "Love of the world is enmity of god' Completely brainwashed. Its very sad. But the next time you see your moderate religious friends going to church on sunday remember 'god' -says the bible. really does "hate fags"

  431. What I could never understand is the concept that God, who runs the entire universe, who created it, the billions and billions of starts and many more planets. So huge and large that the human mind can't conceive. So timeless that time loses its meaning. The eternal. The only truth......sits at the corner of 22nd and Lemmington every Friday to hold naughty or nice court. Seriously, you think he cares??

    1. you put my thoughts into words.

  432. "You're going to eatcher babies!"
    I couldn't stop laughing. These people are seriously messed up. It was good to see Louis got through to a couple of them.

    1. That was my favourite part of that video, I lost count of the amount of times I hit replay. I didn't stop laughing for weeks. Did you see that woman clutch her baby tightly after he said that....... funny as hell.

  433. All I have to say is that man is a brave, brave man. I love how Jesus hung out with the sinners (prostitute being one of them) and showed contempt towards those that upheld the law, and then some family thinks they have all the answers. Those poor kids. You can sense the sadness in the one girl when she's talking about how everyone hated her growing up. What a horrible way to experience childhood.

  434. How can they claim to follow the Bible when there is this. Romans 14:10 "You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat."

    1. You fail to understand the Hebrew Scriptures..
      It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

      "That seeing they may see, and not perceive;
      and hearing they may hear, and not understand;
      lest at any time they should be converted,
      and their sins should be forgiven them.."

    2. I fail to understand that it is not man who shall be the judge but God?

    3. "sins should be forgiven them"??

      Your Lords human feces fetish.
      Ezekiel 4:12-13..."And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight."
      And the Lord said, even thus shall the children of Isreal eat their defiled bread bread among the Gentiles, wither I will drive them.

      If there is such a thing as devils, you fanatical religee's are the spawn out of the devils asses!

    4. Here is some more devilish behaviour condoned by YHWH

      Sodomy is a sin to YHWH but rape, murder, child murder, human sacrifice, genocide, incest and prostituting family members are all condoned:

      Offering daughters up to prostitution - Genesis 19 verse 8

      Incestuous father raping - Genesis 19 verses 33 & 35

      Virgin rape and genocide - Judges 21 verses 7 -19

      More genocide - Deuteronomy 20 verse 17

      Even more genocide & human sacrifice - II kings verse 27

      Child murder and slavery - Numbers 31 verse 17 &18

      More child murder - Psalm 137 verse 9

      Daughter murder/human sacrifice - Judges 12 verse 39

      Try reading the book that you claim to understand and follow!

  435. louis likes that girl:)

  436. I would like to say that they aren't lying...people may not like their tone, zeal, anger, lifestyle, message, etc. ...but they are not lying.

  437. What I don't understand is this odd need for action. If it is believed that all fags should be put to death, and you are a religion that is against violence, then it seems that there is no sense in acting. It should be enough to know that you are going to heaven. Leave the rest of us alone.

    1. (duplicate)

    2. Hi Kevin, the bible tells those that are able to discern between good and evil to CRY ALOUD AND SHOW HIS PEOPLE THEIR TRANSGRESSIONS/ SINS. {Isaiah 58} ...peace and understanding to you

    3. you can't use that passage of scripture to support that idea because it's taken out of context. Right after the part quoted above it says "And the house of Jacob their sins." This is referring to the people of Israel who are being punished at THAT time, it's a situational passage not to be inferred on all time and all other situations. Not to mention this passage is used out of context in yet another way because if you keep reading you see that it is written "Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God..." so clearly the crying aloud is in reference to help others in staying "on the right path", lending a helping hand if you will. not bombarding other people by telling them what they are doing wrong all the time. and if you want to be technical, both of the references to people are believers ("His people...House of Jacob")and therefore this method of crying out (according to what you say) should be to members of their church and not others since the members of the church are apparently the only "believers".

  438. Just yet another example of how Religion is so Mind-Diminishing that it takes away most IF NOT ALL natural born logic from your brain, that you go and become the most hated family in America.

    It's a real shame.

  439. The Phelps' message is in accord with scripture. We are living in The End Times, you and your satanic brethren will soon be burning for all eternity in the fires of Hell.

    You have ignored the Word of the Lord, now God's righteous judgement against you will be swift. You hapless sinner. Repent, for the time of the Lord your God is at hand.


    1. Amen

    2. I hope that you die and a muslim god appears at the gates of heaven and says, " sorry mate, you backed the wrong horse. You're going downstairs".

      Don't try and scare others with your religious clap-trap. Worst kind of religee's. Coercion and fear-mongering anger me and you sir are a clear purveyor of both.

    3. Nice try, Sodomite.
      FYI, There is no God other than...

      Y'Shua HaMaschiach Ve'Melech HaYehudim..!!!

      Go ahead and write that on your candy ass...
      ( you can use your yellow crayon..)

    4. The end times?? there bloody well be' a Rapture to take away all you vile religious Loony Toons! that breed like locusts.
      Make sure you take your buddy YHWH, with you.

    5. OMG, you brazen Serpent..!
      Why do you mock the Lord..?

      Satan's Little Helpers like you deserve eternal damnation.
      Have fun where you're going..

      The "bottom"less pit..
      That's right, no more ass for you..

  440. There? is something or Someone drastically missing from their 'message' and that is repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ's Name! All cults do this, downplay what Christ has already done on the Cross!

  441. I'm sad for the children. They will never know a normal life. The girl with the constant smile on her face looks as though she would cry if she didn't make an effort to keep it there. I would like to hear from the people who left.

    1. Children ?

      And what do you define as a "normal life"..?
      Living as the beasts of the field, like you ?

      Fornicating, lying, cheating, stealing and sinning..?
      Content to dwell in your own spiritual filth..?

    2. There is a sequel to this one... I don't know if its out yet, but he got invited back for more.

  442. I think that america and the whole planet has bigger problems than gay people ... and about the family...plain stupid.

  443. I would like to say that these people are sadly brain washed by a rather disturbed elder and because they are older, they are led to believe that he is wise and cannot be wrong. In this case... "Gramps" who is indeed more or less the "founder" or "beginning" of this extreme, over the top Christian belief. I, myself, am indeed a Christian and I do believe in God and fear his wrath and where he will eternally send me but I do not go and make worse of a bad moment like people dying. Not only that, but in the bible it give permission to fight wars in order protect what is yours. Jesus himself had some of his men fight. The thing that saddens me the most is that they are a beautiful family, in terms of how they really are internally, deep somewhere in the hearts that is in them. And at the end, the mom told the little kid "Don't say that" when he called him a snake, meaning even she understood the problem. But I will pray to God that he helps these people understand cause I personally think that they have a one way ticket to hell right now but the only reason is because they are deeply trying to spread what they think is Gods word. Hopefully they will learn, repent, move on, and go to heaven. All though they have done HORRIBLE things, I do not wish to learn of there eternal damnation. Pray for these people. Please.

  444. I would like to say that these people are sadly brain washed by a rather disturbed elder and because they are older, they are led to believe that he is wise and cannot be wrong. In this case... "Gramps" who is indeed more or less the "founder" or "beginning" of this extreme, over the top Christian belief. I, myself, am indeed a Christian and I do believe in God and fear his wrath and where he will eternally send me but I do not go and make worse of a bad moment like people dying. Not only that, but in the bible it give permission to fight wars in order protect what is yours. Jesus himself had some of his men fight. The thing that saddens me the most is that they are a beautiful family, in terms of how they really are internally, deep somewhere in the hearts that is in them. And at the end, the mom told the little kid "Don't say that" when he called him a snake, meaning even she understood the problem. But I will pray to God that he helps these people understand cause I personally think that they have a one way ticket to hell right now but the only reason is because they are deeply trying to spread what they think is Gods word. Hopefully they will learn, repent, move on, and go to heaven. All though they have done HORRIBLE things, I do not wish to learn of there eternal damnation. Pray for these people. Please.

  445. God is the only one who can judge people he even forbid us to even talk for him. "Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. " just take it as it is. If God really hates Homosexuals they will be punished. Let the Lord do his Job!!!

  446. Gramps is lookin pretty Old... i wonder if when he dies theyre gonna picket his death.

    1. Yes, I think that would be a good idea! I'm sure his family would understand.

  447. I would assert that they may be the most Hateful family in America. I'm far more afraid of the Westboro Baptist Church than I am of any foreign terrorist.

    1. Bah... you can get these down with fountain drinks.

  448. Well... @Azilda,

    You ask: "I would like to read what you make of the miracle that you are, that we all are."

    The problem is that you assert that we are some kind of "miracle". If we are miracle than everything else is "miracle". We are not something special as a species, or a planet, or a solar system. We are just more advanced from the rest of the animals on this planet (in some fields).

    Assuming we are "miracle" makes your ego grow, nothing else.

    I say there is no miracle at all. We are just another organic matter, drifting in space on an insignificant planet, desperately trying to propagate its genetic material.

    I know it sounds cruel, nihilistic and you'll not accept it, but if you look at it without ego, prejudice, conditionings it boils down to what I've said.


    Also you ask: "What is your fundamental "truth"? Have you found something you maintain as a principle?"

    My fundamental truth is this: We are an organic form, living on a planet, that evolved to a degree which in turn allowed accumulating and constantly updating vast amounts of knowledge that enabled partial understanding of the universe. We are just an intelligent species that understand the universe to some degree.

    1. Thank you for your reply. I like that you state what you stand on. You say i will not accept it, well i do, i accept it as your truth....and if every person who post on this site were to answer this same question, there would be as many different opinions coming and yes you and i and Achems and Epicurus would have to accept them as their truth.
      I am happy you understood i was not trying to debunk you, i was just curious...always was, always will be.

      Am i
      ZOA the dough nut
      dear belly button
      i write about my OtO Geography
      with little fear
      and much curiosity
      a game of self on this side
      allowing you to play on your side
      im poor ten
      in an important present
      1 live dot
      from under
      a dot is an extremely compressed o
      an o inside an O
      is a pupil for an iris
      from dot to O
      opera by azilda
      for us to win the pi of I and 1
      from Alpha to Omega
      in a cowrie
      a shell
      i am

    2. I take the liberty to invite people to give their wit bits on this...This doc is #7 in the most discussed could take first position. This would give us a pretty good idea of WHO your audience really is.
      The Most Hated Family In America would sure have something interesting to read when they get tired of reading the bible!

  449. It's not fair to those children; especially the 21 year old. They are/were brainwashed from the day they were born. At least he got the mom and daughter to actually reflect on what they were doing; even though it was only for a couple seconds. I am all for freedom of speech but damn do I hate these people.

  450. @Achems Razor
    You guys have made clear what you don't believe in in many of your comments on many docs concerning religion and faith.
    I would like to read what you make of the miracle that you are, that we all are.
    What is your fundamental "truth"? Have you found something you maintain as a principle?..until proven wrong
    Look at your finger move, what moves it?
    Please respond with affirmations instead of debunking.
    just curious

    1. i am not a miracle. i am a byproduct of the chemistry and physics in this universe. i am no more special or important than anything else that exists.

      my finger is moved by my brain and my nervous system. we are able to recreate those neurons that fire to move our body just by using computers and electricity. it is nothing magical.

      next time you want answers, ask more concise questions.

    2. Who are you?

    3. who am I? well that would be too personal. i am a collection of my memories and experiences.

    4. Didn't mean your name, job description, love affairs, but i agree that was personal....and yes we are all a collection of our memories and experiences...and especially the constant moving result of that. The dot at the end of the line that we keep kicking forward.No more questions!thank youaz

    5. Nobody has a fundamental "truth", not you, nor any sentient being so far. If they did then they would have the theory of everything.

      Science is the only engine striving for all the answers. Has to be upwards mobility. Definitely not from any static religions written in the bronze ages.

      Need some scientific proofs/paradigms. The only thing that we can maintain so far is that we are carbon units, and through the process of evolution we have adapted ourselves to the world and the universe as we know it. Not the other way around.

    6. We need not talk of ancient or new religions. The way religion was in the very ancient time, we have no clue about that, may be there was only one that stood, a common way which was self evident. If it was proven that aliens came to populate the earth, it could come to our attention that these creatures came from a far future where knowledge is immensely more advance that ours. Perhaps life, light and energy was fully conceived. But that is material for fiction in our present world for now.
      I like to play with the idea that matter does not exist but that we have been conditionned to believe it does. I may be dreaming this matter into being. Human raise babies with what they know for a base and it keeps going like is like a rosary of same same with little differences. All humans see and feel physical reality pretty well all the same because it is learned in the chain.

      In my opinion; science keeps inventing it's future, it goes from one conclusion to an other by way of an new idea. Once an idea immerges in the mind of a very focus person(scientist or not) then that idea comes to be accepted as right or wrong, nothing is thought to be right if only one person thinks it's right. Right? When it is thought to be wrong (although that can change) it dissapears in a garbage of hypothesis and when it is thought to be right it wins big awards, respect, lots of money, support and it changes the direction of every scientist towards a new goal.
      A new FUTURE is born even if it required to invent some notion like black matter.
      some 1 wrote:
      Observational cosmology is science, theoretical cosmology is a necessary support exercise to under-gird the observations, however it is speculative by nature and its conclusions are theory dependent.
      There is nothing wrong with that so long as we do not mistake consensus for evidence.

      No one has the fundamental truth when they think they do and at the same time every one has it when they don't know they do.
      Am i right to understand that for you matter is the one and only paradigm? Still thank you for taking the time.

    7. Science does not invent its future, science is not an invention, it is a process.
      It is garnered from empirical evidence, which form facts, like math, which is an universal constant, 2+2 will always =4, no matter how you look at it.

      Yes, science may alter its theories if and when from continuing trial and error experiments new paradigms come into existence.

      And yes, according to quantum physics all matter, time, spacetime are illusions, why we see and know our surroundings, our universe, comes from us collapsing the waveform, from observing, as the top theoretical physicists say, and we form our reality from our ongoing probabilities.
      Have said as much and more in many posts, really do not like repeating myself.

    8. actually that's not true 1+1 can equal 3....and it depends how you look at it...put two fingers in front of you and look in the will see three!
      I am sorry if i have bothered you, i thought i'd make the man talk about himself and what he stands for instead of what he stands against for a change, because that we have heard countless times...i will do my best not to address you from now on.

    9. You do not want to talk to me anymore? then please don't.
      I do have that effect on women some times (LOL) so funny!

      You say, if you can put 2 fingers in front of yourself and see three, yes maybe if a person is stoned, or drunk. But that is not science, it's a trick of vision.

      You want me to talk about myself? sorry, not in this lifetime.

      So I bid you adieu!

    10. I don't think she doesn't want to hear your comments, Mr. Razor. I think she's just fishing to see if you have any form of faith at all and what it might be. You commented once that you thought that death was not the "end" of us in some energy form or another, didn't you?

    11. Any and every faith-based epistemology espouses the LIE that 'knowledge' can be had via sheer 'belief'.

      Stop with your stupid comments.
      They make me embarrassed to be human.
      It is probably too late, but maybe not.
      Try to lean to think.
      @ Azilda
      Azilda, that I am of the same species as the likes of you is the embarrassment. You are inarticulate, incoherent, ignorant and confused, and what is worse, you seem proud of it. But on one count you are dead right: I really should just skip you.

    12. She has a high "like" rating in fact. Not everyone thinks her comments are "stupid" thank you very much.

    13. Knowledge always sprouts out of a "presumption seed" harvested from a "theory tree" and sometimes cannot be proven for hundred of years.
      May be you are already embarrassed to be human or a weak one at that, if your embarrassement comes from reading my comments your ground must be quite shaky.
      Just skip them you won't have to think about them.

    14. I'd like to hear that also, just out of curiosity. Az, Mr. Razor has been posting for a long time. He'll grow on you; give it some time. I like both of your posts quite a bit in fact.

    15. You said, "would like to hear that also." Alright then, will tell you.

      Am going to refer to Richard Feynman's "Sum over histories"
      Actually pretty straight-forward, as in the double slit experiment, particles of matter could exhibit interference patterns like water waves do. Does not take any definite path but takes every possible path connecting the two points.

      Sum over histories method tells us to calculate the end point,
      all possible histories have to be considered from start to endpoint.
      By doing that can calculate the quantum probabilities for observing the universe.

      If this is applied to the universe as a whole, there is no point "A", so we add up all the histories that satisfy the no-boundary condition and end at the universe we observe today.

      That means, in this view, the universe appeared "spontaneously", starting off in every possible way, corresponding to the other 10+500 universes.

    16. @Achems
      I said i would do my best not to address you but that is shown to be impossible this morning!
      You say pretty straight forward, well that is not straight forward from you, it is straight from someone else in this case Feynman.
      I see that my initial question was never answered. Have you found something you maintian as a personal principle?
      I was not trying to be confrontational, i was curious as i wrote. I do agree with many of your comments including not following religions. You are right in thinking that i am not as knowledgeable as you when it comes to known science, i am far from that actually. That doesn't mean i can't think as Ozy suggest.

      As i wrote below: If you were to take out of your brain EVERYTHING you ever heard, read or were told about faith, religion and beliefs, OR SCIENCE STUDIES what would be left?
      That's what GOD is, the DOG inside of you.
      That's why until you turn away from all the lessons you LEARNED you will never know what you only knows.

      The dog inside of me is not the GOD described by others. It is a puppy that keeps digging in what i don't know, knowing there has to be a bone deeper.
      I was not trying to prove to you that you have any kind of faith, i was trying to see what color, sound, energy emanates from you...and yes this may be too personal for you, i wil back off.

      Look at a table and put all your knowledge on it, what's off the ledge of your table is what i am asking about. Not your name, job, or anything physically personal, that i couldn't care less!

    17. @Azilda:
      The only way I look at life is to try and absorb all knowledge that I can from minds that may be more greater than mine, and then put everything into perspective, why do you think we have schools of learning? they do they same thing! What other way can we do it?

      "What is off the ledge of the table?" as you put it.
      Do not really know as yet, if ever, otherwise would have the "theory of everything"

      But my thinking is very similar as to what @Vlatko: wrote.
      Nobody knows all the answers.

      My viewpoints may change if and when more empirical paradigms come into existence, my viewpoints are not "etched in stone", like I have said "always upwards mobility"!

  451. @C_and_N:

    By the way, 1.66 billion "Muslims" say your Christ was not really crucified, not that I believe in any religion, but are you then going to say they are all wrong?

    1. Yes. All wrong. If Satan (let's just cut right to the chase) wanted to negate the work of redemption that Jesus did on the cross, then the most logical way would be to deny that it even happened. No one believes; no one receives. It's that simple. Good night. It's very late in Asia! ;-)

    2. Yes... and what about the other 2 billion "Non-Christians". Supposedly they're wrong too.

    3. Right on, but even though the Christians hold 32% of the world religions, they are dropping. Islam is 22% and growing.
      Wish all religions were dropping exponentially.

      What about the remaining 68% world religions and atheists, well yeah, according to Charles they are all wrong.

    4. @ Vlatko and Mr. Razor: Well, sadly "truth" is not a numbers game. Historically speaking, most of the world (and the people) have not chosen truth. Noah and his family were few in number, and those that have chosen to follow God faithfully always the few. Religion alone does not make a true follower of God, as there is a plurality of religions worldwide.

      Jesus said that broad is the way that leads to distruction and many will go that way, but narrow is the way that leads to life and only a few will find it.

      Similarly, Paul wrote prophetically, that in the last days there would be a great "falling away" from the faith (2 Thessalonians 2:3) and that this would have to come first. A reduction world-wide of those that are professing Christians is expected, but at the same time an increase in numbers among those that have not yet heard will continue. Demographics are shifting to the 3rd world and away from the "traditionally" Christian countries where very dark days are coming.

      Personally, I've prayed many times over the years and asked God "Why do more people choose not to believe than believe?" It breaks my heart.

    5. Sure would like to know what the "truths" are of what you speak, without quoting me anymore of your circular logic from your scriptures. That does not cut it for me.

      Truth of what? of the fairy tale books of the bibles. There is already one Westboro church family members following the truths? in the OT, they figure they are going to their heaven by hating gays. They are taking the bible literally and not being apologetic's. Is that not what religee's are supposed to do? take their bibles literally? Otherwise what good are the bibles?

      And how do you know that they are not going to their heaven? you do not have a pipeline to any gods. No matter how much you telepathically pray and grovel and be fearful of your invisible gods.

      I betcha you can not even have any nefarious thoughts once in a while as is human nature to do so. Probably scared a thunderbolt from your Luke 54: spaceship might fry you, Hmmm?

      Are you still on that "Noah's" kick? common Charles, I know you know that is a complete fairy tale.

      Last days you say, (2 Thessalonians 2:3) suppose you are referring to the rapture. Can't believe a grown man believes that also.

      And do not need any praying from your vague authority to make me try to believe anything Charles.

    6. If you were to take out of your brain EVERYTHING you ever heard, read or were told about faith, religion and beliefs, what would be left?
      That's what GOD is, the DOG inside of you.
      That's why until you turn away from all the lessons you LEARNED you will never know what you know.

  452. @C_and_N:

    Again I am speechless, well not quite, why would your god only belove Israel, I thought he, she, or it loved everyone? No?

    Your gods playing favorites as usual Hmmm? The NT is an "apologetic" compilation of manuscripts, to tone down your so called loving god, from the utterly vile, horrible, jealous, prurient, sociopathic, pedophile, feces eating, woman/children hating specimen that no gods should be. That even murdered his own son, or was he just having a bad day?, because by default your gods figure all of us humans should be born in sin? what for? oh, I know, so the church could have power over us mere mortals. No thanks, to me that does not fly.

    The ones spouting how much their gods love everyone are all apologetics, including you Charles.

    Luke 54: Command fire to come down from heaven and destroy them? 56: son of man?
    I thought you did not believe in "Aliens" Charles, or you believe that they are demons, sounds like something that would come out of a spaceship, No? (LOL)

    1. Yes, God does love everyone, but remember His character is one of justice also. Mercy is given to whom mercy from God is asked for, and judgment is given to those that do not seek God's mercy at the end of life. It's that simple. God loves all of us, but the "beloved" of God are the ones that respond to His love. King David was called "beloved" because his own love for God was so great.

      God favored and does favor the people of Isreal as a whole and as a nation as a pledge to Abraham, who was very pleasing in God's sight. Abraham was a man of faith, and God promised to watch over his people and bring redemption of mankind through Abraham's lineage because of his faithfulness. The Second Person of the Trinity, who would become Jesus when born, had to be born somewhere, and so God chose the lineage of Abraham for his faithfulness. But, on a one-by-one individual basis, every man and woman must live a holy life to gain what God offers those that love Him after life--eternal salvation. God does not have any special "pets" that get an easy pass without meeting the qualifications of righteousness no matter who their forefathers were. Let me give you an example:

      When I pray for my kids, I pray for God's favor. Should God show them extraordinary favor in the future, then one reason might be because of my prayers for them and God's willingness and promise to answer the prayers of a sincere and righteous man (or woman). Such is the case with Isreal. Despite their current character and unbelief, their favor comes from God's faithfulness to their patriarchs mostly.

      Luke 54--fire from Heaven? It was possible, but it was only threatened by the disciples. Jesus rebuked them for thier lovelessness and no one was destroyed at that time by fire or any other means. That was my whole point; Jesus had exceedingly patient mercy, even on the worst of sinners, and so should we.

      As far as the character of God, I don't always fully understand all aspects of the Old Testament, but I know God's character is holy, and not hollow, and righteous, not caprecious. There is no evil way in God. Jesus gave Himself willingly. He wasn't "murdered" by God. I could write a book expanding on that concept alone.

      Peace to you!

      Charles B.

    2. god loves everyone but he will only show you kindness and love if you say to yourself that you love and believe in him....

      that is petty. that is not the actions of an all powerful god but those of a make believe control mechanism.

      god loves the jews because of abraham? how petty is that?? why doesnt he judge each person on their own actions and merits not those of your ancestors. that is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS.

      if satan is real and he is aware of gods ability or position how could he challenge him? he KNOWS god is god and by definition can not fail. how childish of a story!

      why does god allow satan to exist? why does god do things like test people or "try" a particular option when he knows due to his omniscience the outcome. why does he do things that fail? why make adam and eve and tell them what to do if he knew they wouldnt do it? why allow the jews to be slaughtered throughout history if they are so favoured? why why why let so many people suffer everyday? how come there are over 20,000 people in Japan that just lost their lives due to nothing other than gods action or inaction.

      "God either wants to eliminate bad things and cannot, or can but does not want to, or neither wishes to nor can, or both wants to and can. If he wants to and cannot, then he is weak - and this does not apply to god. If he can but does not want to, then he is spiteful - which is equally foreign to god's nature. If he neither wants to nor can, he is both weak and spiteful, and so not a god. If he wants to and can, which is the only thing fitting for a god, where then do bad things come from? Or why does he not eliminate them?"

    3. @ Epicurus: I'm not sure you really want answers to your questions, but I can answer them if you'd like. Briefly.

      1. Why does God show only kindness to those that believe in Him? Why bless those that hate you? He's the creator; how or why should He show kindness and his love to those that don't even believe in Him or even hate Him, such as yourself? Yet, He does. The Bible says that the "rain" (God's blessing) falls on both the just and the unjust. Jesus said that meaning that God shows mercy and some level of favor to all men. Remember that in Jesus' context and in the land of Isreal, "rain" is a blessing. He's given you breath in your lungs, a mind to use to contemplate with and the ability to make moral choices with. The Bible also says that he gives each man a measure of faith, it seems then it is up to us what and how we use that God-given faith. God shows mercy first before assessment of a person's life and judgment.

      2. God does judge each person individually on his or her own merrits. Israel's ULTIMATE favor is as a nation that has a destiny. Most nations when destoryed as completely as they have been never rise again. But, with God's help, the people group has survived. Why have they had such a hard time in history? Sin. Sin brings judgment so we stop sinning and repent. It's that simple. But for Abraham's sake God keeps working with Isreal as a nation.

      3. God's foreknowledge: You ask good questions, but we can place on God definitions that may or may not be within His character. The extent of God's foreknowledge is a mystery to me. How much He chooses to know about each individual's life in the future I'm not entirely sure. But, He certainly knows the results of sin, and certain actions. Cheating on your wife brings utter destruction, so He says, "Don't do it!" Even if God knows what choice a person will make, He still offers, so that person can not say, "You never even gave me a chance to believe, etc. on the day of judgment"

      4. Lastly bad things happen. Why? Epic, this is not Heaven yet. Why expect Heaven on earth? There was a time when there was no sin or evil in the world and therefore no death or pain or suffering. Such a time will come again, but until that time, physical forces, such as earthquakes, or driving too fast on black ice, etc. have natural consequences, unless God directly interceeds. In God's perspective, the soul is eternal; all pain and tears and suffering will be eliminated in the future for those that believe now. Even if I should die in an earthquake or tsunami now, my soul remains and has an eternity to be "compensated" for any unfairness on earth now.

      Let's not blame God for the tragedies that have been foretold are coming. This is not yet Heaven. God does answer prayer and interceeds at times on our behalf, but eventually, epic, we all will die one way or another. It's just the way things are

      Peace to you.

      Charles B.

    4. everyone of those were just excuses for atrocities committed by a cosmic bully who could make life happier if he did something else.

      that is sad.

  453. Wow! Speechless...

  454. Their view on the bible is so amateur and the way they go about it is by pure hate.

    There are many homosexual BELIEVERS who struggle with their sin, just like everyone struggles with their sin. I don't understand how they just skip over their own sin that has been created by their "ministry"- "Everyone who hates another believer is a murderer, and you know that a murderer doesn't have eternal life." John 3:15

    They have a lot of holes in their beliefs, and its like a dangerous thing to start a ministry and call themselves prophets, when they can't even get the basics down... they should actually read the whole bible..."You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Matthew 7:5... DUH!

    1. I agree, have said it before and will say it again, the religee,s only cherry pick what they want to hear, discounting all else, like the old testament does not even exist. Both the old and new testaments should be classed as one, not separate.

      The NT is an anthology, a collection of various works of 27 gospels, so they settled on Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as their word of god, but which god, does not seem like the same god as in the OT, unless he has a split personality, Hmmm?
      Most religee's don't even have a clue as to what they are talking about!

    2. I have a clue. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Entire books have been written on the subjects you mentioned, Mr. Razor, but I will be breif: Sin has been, is now, and surely will be judged according to God's most highest standards. In the Old Testament, the means of dealing with sin was provided (sacrifices, etc.) but some sins especially were punishable by death to prevent moral decay that would lead to the eventual judgement of the whole nation of Isreal at the time. Israel was a unique people that were to be different than the nations around them. But sadly, in fact, God eventual judgment is what happened--judgment for Idolatry, etc. which resulted in death, destruction, and exile of even God's beloved people, Israel.

      So why is the New Testament different? The Old Testament provided a temporary covering for sin (the animal sacrifices), but the New Testament via Jesus' death on the cross for our sins, offeres not a postponement of judgment for our sins, or a covering for our sins, but a true forgiveness for our sins. That is an important distiction. The New Testament fulfills God's Old Testament plans in the Life and death and resurrection of Jesus.

      The Church age (now) is an age of grace because those of us like myself who choose to ask have our sins forgiven. There is "grace" and God is patient, so that all who are willing can come avail themselves of His grace at this time.

      But, we must remember that although God is loving, His greatest attribute is juctice. At the end of this present church age, then there will again be a time of judgment on sin and unbelief especially. This will bring the character of God full circle---judgment on sin---an age of grace---judgment on sin without any further delay.

      I hope that helps, but you're right. A lot of Christians DON'T have a clue about this matter, but some of us do.

      Blessins and Peace to You!

      Charles B.

    3. I agree with you. Like Jesus told the Pharisees who where the religious leaders of the day that they were children of the devil and that prostitutes and tax collectors [homosexuals] would enter Heaven before they would. God treats "lovelessness" extremely seriously.

  455. I hope these ppl realize that when their lives END....they are going straight to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Why do you figure that they should go straight to hell by their "atrocious" acts??

      Does it not say in your holy book of terrors?...King James Bible, Leviticus 20:13..."if a man also lieth with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death, Their blood (shall be) upon them"

      It seems that you are going against your own god, for shame!

    2. Yes, that is what Leviticus says, and at that time honosexuality was a capital punishment sin, along with several others that God had established to try and prevent the total moral decay of the society of that time.

      In the New testament, Paul writes where several memembers of the church were former homosexuals (which was listed in a long list of other sins) where he said, and so were some of you. Homosexuality can be repented of now via faith in Jesus Christ.

      As far as the Westborough Baptist Church is concerned, their sin is the sin of "lovelessness" I believe. Yes, sin will be judged in God's timing, but we are called to love and to save those who are parishing, not to wish for their destruction and/or death.

      When Jesus' disciples wanted to destroy a town that had rejected them, Jesus said that they were not of the Spirit of God, and God desires to save and not destroy those that are lost.

      Luke 9:53-60 (New King James Version)
      53 But they did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem. 54 And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?”
      55 But He turned and rebuked them,[b] and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. 56 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village.

      Here we see that Jesus did not negate the sin of that village but rebuked even His close disciples for their lovelessness in not discerning the heart of God. Surely this is the case at the Westbourough Baptist Church. I am quite sure that God is not pleased with how they live their testimony before the world. Hell indeed may be their loveless destiny; only God knows for sure.

      Blessings and Peace to you Both!

      Charles B.

  456. I feel so sorry for the kids, they didnt deserve that, they shouldnt have been brainwashed like that :( . These people preach nothing but hate, so what do they expect back? God loves everyone!! he does love them and its sad that no one else except their family will be able to know or love them because they put themselves in a personal hell by hating others and not getting to know and love them.

  457. I feel so sorry for those kids. They didn't stand a chance. They don't get to live their own life, they have to live their parents life.

  458. Louis Therroux is really good journalist! He have some great points in the discussion from 49 min!

  459. I think many of you need to be careful not to allow them to fill you with hate also. For they too are children of God.

    However I am hurt they call themselves Christians and I feel as if they ignored Jesus. But I am hurt by many people calling themselves Christians. As Christians we primarily follow the New Testament. Jesus came for a reason and according to Christians a huge tell us we had it wrong, for him to set us why do so many people call themselves followers of Christ and yet act like they don't know a word he spoke?

    Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8-9

  460. What a well-done documentary.
    As I watched it, I felt empathy toward the younger members of the Westboro Church family. I felt especially empathetic toward Megan. It is sad to me that as she thinks back upon her years of growing up, she has painful memories of the hate inflicted upon her by people outside of her church. She is obviously a very kind and gentle person, and I have a good feeling that one day she will open her mind to the possibility that one can live a life glorifying God while simultaneously promoting compassion and empathy for others.
    Megan, don't be afraid to question what you have been taught. Don't be afraid to question scripture. Don't be afraid to stand up for your beliefs. . . even if it means you have to move away from the family you love. It will be very difficult to leave , but it will be much more difficult to live in an environment that does not align with the spiritual intuition that God has created in you. Leaving does not mean you stop loving your family. Look deep inside of your heart (this is ultimately where God resides), and I bet you will find a kind and gentle God. I wouldn't be surprised if you find a God who would want you to use your your God-given talents and gifts to help others. I bet you would find a God who would want you to demonstrate empathy instead of rejoice for people who are experiencing some of the most painful moments of their lives. And it might just be that you find a God who is less vengeful and more compassionate than you ever thought possible. Best wishes to you, Megan!

  461. next time take a flight to war the war zone instead of flying to the funeral!and dont forget to take all your family with u(just leave r kids who are brainwashed but they still got time to get back to normal)!i know tickets might be expensive,so make sure u sell r house before u go as u will not be back anyway! u disgusting sickos!!! i just wonder how comes u r still alive

  462. As I just recently heard about this I knew that I would be up late checking into this whole mess. I came across this documentary of the family themselves. Its was very interesting to watch. As I watched the many different videos all over the web, I grew angrier and angrier with these people and with the situation at hand. Just so angry at the mere thought of people like them actually living on this earth. At the thought that people like them would actually speak the words they are speaking and also get away with them. It boggles my mind! As I watched the documentary from this link, I became overly saddened by this family and the situation. Just deeply heart sickened by it all. The pain, sadness, and anger of everyone involved and/or affected by this is truly heart wrenching. I began to feel much less angry and instead more compassion for all parties involved. Maybe thats just who I am, but thats what it has done for me. These people seem like real people. In fact, they are real people. People with real hearts, thoughts and feelings. Truly loving and caring people. They may have a strange way of showing this and a strange way of preaching about God that you or I are certainly not use to, but the fact of the matter is that they do in fact believe in Him. At this point I'm not sure what to think really. I think its sad that they would say anything that may potentially hurt someone else, as well as I think its sad that anyone would hurt them. We are ALL God's children. Good and bad. We are told by God to love one another regardless of our own sins and naive ways. After watching this documentary, I really believe that if I were to have an opportunity to meet with them, I would simply shake their hands and say may the peace of God be with you. Because thats really all you could say. God loves them and He love us and thats how we are expected to be. Therefore thats how we should be. We are NOT here to judge. That decision is to be left up to Him. We all are sinners. We were all born to be sinners, and God knows that and He accepts that. That is why He left His son Jesus Christ hang from the cross. To give us the opportunity to have our sins forgiven. So anyway, I just think everyone should watch this and see if their opinions change at all. Maybe they wont and maybe they will. Regardless, its a sad and terrible thing all around for them, for us, and for anyone and anyone's family that would be negatively subjected to this nonsense. And I say nonsense because God would not want this. He would not want for His children to be fighting and arguing over the word of God that He created and over the love that He has for us. No, God would want us to all be at peace and to accept each other sins and all. For He will judge us all in the end.


  463. I want to smack that smile right off of Jael's face.

  464. Wow! This THESE people are INSANE!!!!!!! I am not a christian, I don't believe in christanity nor any of 'mans' religion, I was raised in it and experienced the hypocricy, but I gotta say, these people are just sick. They are so full of hate and anger, there is nothing about God or love in anything that they have to say or do. At least when I was a child and had to deal with christanity there was love albeit a bit misconstrued but there was love and not outright hate like these people are teaching.

  465. Truly, if this is what is considered "Christian", then I'm proud to be considered a heathen, or "fag", or "fag-lover", as well as Marine. They spoke a lot about judging others. Guess they forgot to read Matthew 7:1, Judge not, lest ye be not judged. Hypocrites.

  466. Jesus would not do what these people are doing. Jesus made friends with sinners and helped them. These people are pushing people away from the Bible and they are helping Satan gather souls. This group has raped Christianity.

  467. What about a draft? If there were a draft and people were forced to fight and die would they still picket? Would they picket their own if they were forced into a war by a draft?

    1. Yea, they would. From what I understand, they aren't protesting that solider, they are protesting the country's actions. The actions that make god cause the war and the deaths. These people are just full of nonsense...

  468. Violence is more than just physically hurting someone. You can be violent with your words.

  469. I've got it now. These people are actually a family of actors set up by some third party on a mission to discredit Christianity in America and possibly the world at large.They have to be. Oh please let that be the case.

    1. id want that too,but its not...we see fake familys on television all the time but what they do is just to real in a bad way and they have alot of media attention. If they were a fake family it would be leaked out by now.

  470. oh my... this is difficult to watch. i found myself having to pause it, refresh myself and reconvene. too bad.. such hatred can be taught within the home at such a young age.. disappointed, not in the documentary but in the characters.

  471. Any educated person should be absolutely disgusted by this.

    1. Lord have mercy on us! christianity is all about love. thats right God hates sin, but he doesnt hate sinners. instead of saying to fags that they are going to hell, we can tell them that this is against God's commandments. and love them so by that they could come to know Christ. and another point. never go against your army that protects your homeland! it doesnt mean too that God is pleased about everthing that USA does! afterall God will judge everyone of us on a personal level. its good to be neutral spiritualy (not very much fundemntalist not very liberal). God helps us

  472. I facepalmed through this entire video. . .I'm happy I'm an atheist and that I wasn't raised at all to "fear the wrath of god". Jeez, if these people hate the world so much maybe they should move to Pluto so we don't have to deal with them. They are a disgrace to mankind.

    1. these people are not Christian they are in no way baseing their actions on what Jesus, God, or the Bible you would know a True Christian when you meet one believe me I repeat myself again these people are not not Christian May God have mercey on their souls He is the only one that can save them......

  473. You need to read the Bible as a book and it is a message of love, God's desire to restore us to Him. God is a god of love and He is love and yes He is also a god of wrath.. If you reject His ultimate love (Jesus) of course you are bound the other way. But taking a word of God verse per verse is not going to work. Others view Him as just a God of love whilst others view Him as just a God of wrath, like these people. I feel sorry for this family for they are absolutely mislead.

    I know that they want to uphold God's righteousness. But hatred and anger for others is not going to work. God desires to conquer earth through love (Jesus) therefore we should as well..

    Once and for all Jesus died on the cross for our sins.. But we are also called to follow His footsteps to the cross.. and that is righteousness and live as a living sacrifice. We may slip up sometimes and sin as believers but we should always repent.. We should strive for righteousness for He is Holy and He deserves it. But this battle is our personal battles.. We shouldn't be judging others. For God said, the same measurement that you used to others shall be used against you.

    I prefer to look at others in the eyes of grace, so that He might judge me according to grace.

  474. These people are not human; god loves everyone and says to love not hate. They are picketing just to picket anymore. The swish locked up a guy so what i bet he was doing something else other than preaching against fags. The military gives them the right to do what they are doing and in return, they are guess what picketing the funerals of soldiers. 9/11 is one of the darkest days in this nation’s history only behind Pearl Harbor. The bible is being taken out of context and doing so has led to the worst atrocities that this world has ever known such as a little event in WWII called the HALOCOST and the colonization of the rest of the world all done by taking the bible out of context. These people are a cult whatever they say they brain wash and preach religious extremist views. Do you know who else does that? The Taliban and Hezbala now we can add Christian group to the list in the Westbro Baptist church. I will be happy to hear when there is a mass murder of everyone that belongs to that church because the world is a better place without them and they will all be in hell where they belong and deserve to be. The kids do not know what the signs say and that kid getting hit with the cup was bad but a kid that young should not be out there and it is bad to say but well deserved. These people need to learn what they are saying and look at it from a different perspective for a change and change just because it is legal doesn’t make it right.

  475. I couldn't even finish watching. WOW. How is this not child abuse? If I don't give my hyperactice son drugs family services will be at my house lickety split; yet these people indoctrinate these poor children into what is essentially a cult and teach them hatred. I doubt this is what God wants.(not that i know) Even so who are they to assume- they -above everyone know the mind of God. What arrogance!
    I detest violence but I wanted to slap the crap out of that mom as she sprouted that nonsense about homosexuality being forbidden in the 10 commandments, as soon as Louis pointed out that is wasn't adultry she began spewing her hateful rederic about "fags having sex with married men" and calling Louis "hun" every other word. UHHHHH!
    How do you argue with that close-minded bigotry? It cracks me up that they don't even see the irony in protesting at funerals of soldiers and singing their stupid song about "God hating the USA" Seriously, where else could they so freely gag us with that garbage on street corners? those soldiers protect their right to have their (IMHO) stupid, ill-formed and uneducated opinions.
    I think they LOVE the negative attention and the only way to fight against morons like that is to IGNORE them. The hatred of the outside "forces" is what strengthens the bonds between them and reenforces their beliefs.

    I'd also like to know what bible are those nutjobs reading anyway? I don't remember there being anything about eating poop or half the "Facts" they claimed were Gods word.
    UHHH still aggravated!!! Those poor kids.

    1. I agree with most of what you are saying.
      But the trouble with a lot of religee's they only read or see what they want to read and see.

      Eating feces...(Ezekiel 4:12-13)...(11Kings 18:27)...(Gods fecal fetish...Malachi 2:2-3)

    2. Achems Razor
      Thanks. Jeez I guess when I was a catholic i only paid attention to the parts i liked or what my church family felt was relevant. I guess thats what those people are doing. Sad part- After looking up the verses u listed I can kinda see the kind of God those WBC people worship. He's kinda scary. They kinda skipped that stuff in CCD.

    3. i'm going to TRY to watch the full documentary through. i'm having difficulty as well .. almost wanting to puke.

  476. this makes me so sick, and all i can note is how phelpse avoids questioning not even he believes his message or he would defend it

  477. This is so sad. It is the children who will never be able to make their own decisions. I do not believe this is what GOD planned.God gives us choices, it is how we handle these choices that matters. The God I pray to is about Faith, Hope and Love. The greatest of these is LOVE.

  478. You religee's spouting all this nonsense about how your god is love! how about reading your "old testament" and then let us know where the love is, and then you all talk as if there was a real person named Jesus, come on people that is a fairy tail! Grow up!!

  479. oh my.....I don't even know what to say......WHO will make the kool aid? How can parents teach their children such hatred!!!!!

  480. all i can say is WOW!!!! Who wants to make the kool aid???? My goodness, how can they teach their children such hatred? !!! oh my....I don't even know how to react to that!!

  481. Excuse me but as a christian I have been taught that God loves everyone and teaches us to spread love. Not hatred. Am I wrong in this point? These people have been so brain washed. So so sad. The saddest thing is the children in this video being raised in hatred.

  482. I wish Fred would give them the Jim Jones juice!

  483. what is the saddest part is that because they are Constitutionally allowed and CAN does not mean in ANY WAY that they SHOULD

  484. they think they're so great... they think every one aside from them is a sinner. they are pitiful especially the kids. and i'm pretty sure not all of them believes the same thing, they're just scared of being rejected by their family. God doesn't hate. If God doesn't hate then none of us has a right to hate. They're the ones going to hell for what they are doing... this is very disturbing...

  485. umm, I don't know who is gonna read this, but I would like to apologize about how these people are acting. Not all Christians are like this and I want to personally apologize for the way these people are acting and treating you. It makes me sad that they have to be associated with other Christians. GOD DOES NOT HATE YOU! I don't care what sexual orientation you are or if you believe that it is correct or not. BUT the Bible does say that God. IS. LOVE. and a God that is love cannot hate. Sorry, it's impossible. anyways, these people need prayer for their ignorance...

  486. You would think if they really wanted to help people by spreading the word of god that they would not go and picket at a funeral. If they wanted to go and help the people who are living than couldn't they go to a place that was highly populated instead? It also seems like they are using scare tactics on their own family members in order to control their lives. One thing they never explained is that they believe everyone who dies goes to Hell but doesn't that mean all of our ancestors go to Hell? Also if the leader of their church dies doesnt that mean he was evil and deserves Hell? If that is the case than everything that he has taught them would be wrong. The biggest flaw that I can think of is that they believe in Jesus, but why did Jesus come down to Earth to save us and open the gates of Heaven if we were all going to Hell anyways?

  487. It gives me comfort knowing that none of their children are going to 'fornicate,' which gives the church until 2100 tops, right?
    I was also interested in what the old man would have said to the question of how many children he has, he was ridiculous.

  488. I just noticed... Absolutely none of their sermons are passages from the Bible. They're typed up, presumably by Phelps, and are basically condemning everyone. That, and the fact that Phelps never answered a single question.

  489. this is very sad! adults make choices but children simply follow where they are lead! I would love to know what bible they are favorite line in the bible is: "JUDGE NOT AND YE SHALL NOT BE JUDGED" and these people like many other so-called christians can not seem to grasp that concept! be a good person and raise your children to be good help and care for others...plain and simple! life is not black and white it's pretty much gray the whole way through it! So just be nice and god or whom ever you worship will be there for you!

  490. Rose

    By my actions?? what actions?? I was framed I tell you!!

    And yeah, If a person does not believe in Islam, then they are infidels.

    The Christian, and all religions are the scourge of the Earth I tell you.

    Well maybe not Buddhism though, they are classed more of a philosophy. The are not classed as holy rollers as the fundamentalists are.

    1. racist much?

    2. You better get your facts straight, I was talking about religion period! Has nothing to do with any racism.

  491. Achems Razor

    Are you serious? That is as ludicrous. So we should judge all Islamic people and Muslims by the actions a few that decided to fly planes into the Twin Towers? You should not judge a whole society by the actions of a few. It is a good thing that I don't judge all non-christians by your actions, or I wouldn't think much of them either.

  492. It's not a comedy?????

  493. Ha,Ha, you religee's are a funny different breed all right!

    When did this doc turn into a comedy?

  494. I think it is really sad that they tell people they are going to Hell just based on the fact that people sin. Everyone is sinful! That is what makes us human! However, when we accept that Christ died for our sins and we accept Him as Savior, the Bible says we are washed as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18)There is not one sin that can keep a us out of Heaven if we have a TRUE relationship with Christ!

  495. The last minute of the video, the girl didn't even know if she was going to heaven or not.. that is NOT a follower of Jesus. A true follower of Jesus knows for a fact where they are going because they know that Jesus died for their sins, ALL people's sins, and a follower of Christ knows that they are an evil, depraved person.. nothing good in them. This church is based on good works, not the grace of God through Christ's death on the cross. So they may call themselves Christians but they are NOT true followers of Jesus. They are false....

  496. One quote a young lady says, "God sends the wicked to hell and the righteous to heaven." If she would read her Bible it says, 'No one is righteous, no not one.' (Not sure what Bible she is reading but their whole Biblical philosophy is from the devil.) it has been twisted to fit their own agenda.. they are prideful, arrogant, think they are better then everyone else and so its easy for them to brag about 'God hating homosexuals.'These people are NOT true followers of Jesus. It also says in the Bible to 1--love God and love thy neighbor as thyself. They are hateful, judgemental and not of God. They may think they are doing God's work but they are doing the devil's work.

  497. This absolutely makes me so angry... Jesus did not go out screaming at homosexuals and veterans. He went to the prostitute, the poor, the wretched and ATE with them. He told them to 'go and sin no more' but in a loving way, not in the way this lady is doing it. I think this lady thinks she has no sin and it makes her feel better to bash others to make her feel better about herself. Jesus is sad when he sees so-called Christians portraying His Name like this. I have to say this lady is not really saved. I'm a follower of Jesus and this makes me so angry. We are hear to share the Gospel and LOVE people. This just turns people off!! How does that help anyone at all in the long run???

  498. @Stephanie Wilson,

    What they are doing is abhorrent! but they are only following your abhorrent teachings in your holy book of terrors called the old testament, what is needed is the religion and all the religee's to 'go away"!

  499. PS: These people belong in jail! CHILD ENDANGERMENT among other things! And they way the discrspect the US and our military.... Kick their bootys out of this country!

  500. I am a christian.
    No, I do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle BUT
    To HATE is MORE sin than ANY OTHER!
    The GREATEST Commandment is to love. These people are sick and need Jesus!
    Please do not judge all christians who dont necessarily "agree" with the homosexual lifestyle with these CRAZY people who dont know HOW to love.
    These children are brainwashed and THAT is sad!

    Jesus, help these people. Heal this land.

    PS: I think they like the attention... Ignore em, they'll probably go away.

  501. There is a lot more to the story, and I wish Loui would have been more prepared to ask the right kind of questions. The board that read TUPLIP is an acronym for Reformed Theology. Another key thing "Gramps" said to Billy Grahm was calling him an Armenian. Thus the battle of Calvinism versus Amenianism rages on. The truth will lie in what happens after "Gramps" passes on. Like most organizations and companies, churches included when the head guy goes a fight for power takes place, a shift in motives and everything changes. I like how they follow the word of God but I didn't hear the Bible being taught verse by verse, sounded like a topical sermon directed only towards one cause. The people seemed nice, and they had a sincere care for people, they even had a good point that the truth should be told. I think the presentation is what is socially offensive, but then again no one likes to be called out as a sinner who is going to hell. I don't condone their callous hearts, but they do have a good point and that is you either believe God and are going to follow Him, or your going to follow the world, you cannot do both. While we think they are all hate-mongers and doing harmful activities, I think its their arrogance and boasting in that they are right and everyone is wrong that is most offensive. I liked the documentary, I feel bad for anyone who has been picketed by this group. Jesus wouldn't hold a picket sign because he wouldn't need to, he stood up for a prostitute, ate dinner at a tax collectors house, and made friends with sinners. He wouldn't be able to do that if he was picketing them.

  502. I'd like to say this:

    I admire how headstrong the whole family is. They were taught to be leaders.

    I hate how this is being used to spread evil, though. If their headstrongness was used to teach the world about tolerance and hopes for a better future, then the world would be a better place.

  503. It s not about the evil belief. its all about human stupidity. Moslem terrorists killed thousands of people including innocent children in Beslan school to defend their God, Hitler killed millions Jews, American killed Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Vietnam and Afghanistan, and the list could go on and on how human being could be so monstrous. It is the responsibility of parents and teachers to look back what they have been doing and teaching to their kids. This group of people could not win the Americans' heart coz American society and government are strong enough to ignore them. I just want to compare it with Islamic Freedom Movement (FPI) in Indonesia. What this family believe in is similar to what FPI believe, but with different label. They take a pity on us and try to save us from hellfire by (even worse) killing others. They dare to do so coz Indonesian government and society are extremely weak and easily driven by their false belief that fighting against FPI is fighting against God. The point is that it is extremely critical that we instill critical thinking and humanity in the mind of our children regardless our spiritual, political, racial, or social beliefs. Only then we expect hate mongers will extinct from human evolution.

  504. Edwin M Wright, IMO would never have been surprised by the sloppy filthy media of today, as it was bad back them too.

  505. @lesha:

    What bible are you referring to? Or are you just cherry picking to suit your fancy? You are not even quoting the "real" commandments.

    The god of the old testament was far from loving, a mean, vengeful spiteful, jealous god that actually does hate the g/happy people. Saying they should be put to death. Do you agree, Hmmm?

    And your god also hates women and children, as in "blessed are they that dashes the little ones against the rocks."

    It is all in the bible. Read it!

  506. These people are victims, they have been lied to by their leader. The Bible says God is LOVE, He tells us to love all men ,even sinners. The bible says that we should NOT judge other men, that GOD is the only and perfect judge. The bible says to spread the message of Jesus Christ, so that the sinner may hear it. The message of Jesus is NOT hatred, but love for the Father and for all mankind. These people spread lies by saying "GOD HATES" because God loves all mankind. These people are spreading hatred in the name of God, this is blasphemousness. Do not hate these people, love them and pray for their deliverance. I ask all God's children to pray with me.



    Romans 13:7 "For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF"

    God bless

  507. As a documentarian, I'm not exactly sure that the "gonzo" style favoured by Theroux provides the most balanced approach to journalism, but as a human being I certainly sympathise with his plight. Not the most difficult of the fundamentalist christian documentaries to digest; however, equally vexing for anyone on the outside looking in. The lone glimmer of hope during the entire hour is the single shred of emotion that the young lady shows at the very end. Her reaction suggests that there are indeed loving hearts beating beneath many of the hate-filed and robotic facades so carefully constructed for them by Pastor Phelps. As is so often the case, one hopes that the next generation will begin to see things differently.

  508. Louis wanted to fornicate with the college chick :)

  509. So this is just as an example by their beliefs if one of them were shot at one of their protests they would be going to hell because they must have done something wrong? Have they ever thought that maybe their preaching is their sin? "gramps" is a ticked off anger ridden senile man who has brainwashed all of the family members... So what Church made him mad to start with??? Why did he branch off into his own little world? was he rejected from the military at one point? Was he kicked out of a church for his obviously ridiculous views? There's something more behind his lunacy that hes not sharing... He refuses to answer questions... if you ask me hes hiding his past...

  510. If I were a betting man I would say that the pastor sexually abused this woman as a child into her late teen years. There is no way an attorney can have such an unreasonable view of the world.
    She being abused would also explain her reluctance to get out. She has a very unhealthy allegiance to this man.

  511. There has been like two, at the most, things they said this whole thing that could actually be somewhat accurate. The rest is hypocritical and just plain ignorant.

    Like how could anybody smile at the fact that people have died? They smile and go on about how it was God's will to all sinners.....well did WBC know the people who have died? NO! They call them sinners for fighting for their country, for the right to free speech.

    They just assume everything with a closed mind.

    They base their opinions on homosexuality off of promiscuity and lust. There is more to life than just sex. They never mentioned love between two people at all. They base their opinion of the military on the gay soldiers. They disrespect the dead by picketing their funerals. They go on about inappropriate things when they are the most inappropriate group of people just by picketing and spreading their so-called "message".

    WBC message = God hates everybody and America and He is fearful.

    No wonder nobody gets the message. It's because it's a hateful and insulting message.

  512. well, first, they arent covered under any constitution to be this extreme in their views. second, scientology is horrible, but it veiws arent as bad and wrongly impared as this guy. i will laugh when jesus accepts everyone BUT fred phelps and his skanks. and btw, i WOULD kill a child, if it were these ones. way better way to spend a bullet than iraq

    This family would be unknown if they werent so controversial. theyve admitted that its just an act for fame. like the people they have on springer. (i only know this, because me and a friend used to work for an agency who lent actors to those type of tv shows...)

  513. uhhh, the constitution gives you the right to peaceful protest. what about this is PEACEFUL?!

  514. these people do not have the right to practice this way, or this religion in America. or anywhere else. what if i believe that i have to sacrifice a child every week to my god, because its my religion... is the law gonna let it slide??? uh NO

  515. I would personally perform the operations necessary to stop the Phelps's from breeding. Just think... If it wasn't for Pastor Fred, they would probably be normal happy people, now they are walking dead. Its almost beyond belief, I almost expect them to stop and say "sorry, we were only joking". Though I must admit, the damage they have done to the public image of Fundamentalism is priceless. They bring to the surface all the evil that lurks under the grinning face of American evangelism. I am amazed that a grieving family member hasnt emptied an Uzi into them

  516. Jebus, you are right the Bible does condemn homosexuality but it also tells us that it is not our place to judge (note previous post). This is a case of a group taking parts of the Bible and turning it into hate. If they were only doing this to protest gays in our society, then why are they now protesting innocent kids' funerals. I will tell you why. The media has started turning away from them. They are not in the limelight anymore and so they are doing whatever it takes to get back in the headlines.

    They are not following the Bible, they are following their own agenda under the guise of Christianity because a true Christian would pray for the souls of the ones that they feel are lost and minister to them with compassion not hate.

  517. Colby, they don't follow it that closely. The Bible says "Judge not, lest you be judged". It is not our place to judge people. We as Christians may not agree with their lifestyles but we are not going to go out of our way to make families miserable.

    Christians are told in the Bible to love even those people that hate us. It is our job to minister to them not protest at the funerals of families that have nothing to do with the cause that they say they are protesting against. They are a hate group, which is evident now that they are protesting children's funerals. The children are not gay, they are not old enough to fight for the "doomed" world that they preach about. They are doing this because a community in Oklahoma decided that enough was enough and gave them a taste of their own medicine.

  518. This is a perfect example of why religion needs to go away. Absolute hate in its purest form, spawned by none other than the teaching of the Bible. Say what you want about them (I will, they are cruel, evil f@#$ who all deserve jail time) but the truth is that they follow the Bible as closely as one can. Humanity isn't going to go anywhere if we don't just ditch the whole notion that some all powerful being created us and that we need to live our lives for him.

  519. I bet the oldest daughter is a freak in the sheets.

  520. Organized Religion is Undeniably Responsible for More IGNORANCE & INTOLERANCE than Anything in Humanity's History.

  521. I don't believe any of the stuff from the Bible, but if you do, this is exactly what the Bible says and about as much as you can follow with out breaking laws and going to jail. All this family is doing is following what the Bible says. I have more respect for people like this, then the people that say they follow the Bible and cheat, steal, lie, etc at the same time. THE BIBLE DOES CONDEMNED HOMOSEXUALITY. You can hide and lie all you want, but it does say that. So if you believe the Bible and put your faith into it, you'd have to believe homosexual acts deserve death. This family is only as crazy as the Bible.

  522. The westboro babtist is not a "church", it is a hate group. They are in it for the money and the press. Most of the members of this "church" are attorneys. If any other group showed up at your door, would they get away with this? No! Why do they? Any one can say they are a "church", that is not going to make you a Church! We in this country let a lot pass for "church". This is not about freedom, it is about being human. The hate is a way to make money, by bringing a Lawsuit against people THEY have provoked. They are running a “church” scam.

  523. Funny how all the women are lawyers. Very handy, when law suits come up.

    I loved every scene when people were flipping off that "cult". Felt terrible for the kids. So glad that this wasn't a doc, supporting such irrational, bullshit actions. People need to wake up and see that all these religious beliefs are no good for us. I believe you can still help those in need, still be kind, and love everyone around you without a book that some dude wrote. Me being born into a Buddhist/Christian family. I decided for myself I would not take part in any of the beliefs. Too many idiots telling me what too believe. Through much research and comparison about which to chose, theism or atheism. I am so so so glad, I made the most logical and harmless choice. :)

  524. I have NO idea how the heck this church started nor can I understand how the patriarch managed to indoctrinate everyone. But I feel bad for the young people so much. They're all well-spoken, educated, intelligent young kids who cannot function in society because from a very young age, the irresponsible, hateful adults warped their hearts and minds. These kids have been taught that hate is love and love is hate. They've been taught that picketing funerals is a "courtesy"? That's so horrible! I feel bad for that young lady who thinks she's unwanted. She hates the world because all the world has ever shown her is hate in return. Unfortunately, she does not understand hate-begets-hate. She doesn't realize that if not for her family teaching her their ways, she would not be ostracized by society!

    this is such a sad documentary. I really hope some psychologist will make this family into a case study because I just don't get it. They're both educated and living in the modern world and yet they're completely brainwashed. Sometimes i'm not sure even THEY believe in the stuff they say.

  525. If they hate america so much, they should just get the f@#$ out.

  526. @peter #390

    Not that there needs to be any more hate in here, but whatever;

    What are you talking about? You can JUSTIFY working in a WEAPONS MANUFACTORY? We are all somewhat guilty by association in the developed world, but REALLY? Thats like buying tuna that aint dolphin safe. Purchasing toys that poison children. Going to Church with a pending investigation 'priest' at the helm. Investing in a pharmasuitical company that 're-sales' faulty drugs to 3rd world countries... Or just investing in Pharm companies in GENERAL.

    And what do you mean practice in their own REALMS? Over in the next suburb, or over in the MIDDLE EAST? Your as bad as the rest, ATHIEST.

    Soldiers are exempt from my wrath. They have a job to do. It's a SHAME that it's currently in the wrong place. They should be performing PEACE keeping operations. Poor, poor people. Also, this applies to non-pedo priests too, I don't hate ALL of you, however I have viewed Inquiry Reports (public domain). NOT GOOD.


  527. The Christian, and Catholic church has become like abusive parents. They drive you crazy with oppressive, idiotic rules that you're supposed to follow because that's what you're told to do; they treat you like shit, and don't let you believe what you want, then they push you away from them; and now they're feeling weak, and lonely, so they start talking about how they've changed, and how they know what's best, and they're more accepting of your differences now, and they just want their children to "come home"; then you get home and you see they're trying to shove their archaic ideals down your throat just as much as before.

    Religion is a disease, sadly we as humans are still too stupid to collectively see that and stop it. Religion has killed to halt all sciences that could disprove their God. If the Dark Ages had never happened, and the Catholic church had never grown to power as it did, we would have made it to mars by the 1980's.

  528. wow...... this is shameful. I dont usually post replies but these idiots compel me. First of all, the children .... no need for words, it should be illegal for these psychotic adults to keep children. These kids have no sense of right or wrong, and if they are bombarded with these false idols, their right may be twisted and deformed. How can these people live with themselves? they abuse the authority as an adult and contradicts the very existence of parental care. Isnt the sole purpose of parents to protect their kids, creating a safe haven for them to grow up in? Instead these people feed off the hate and inject their own misinterpretation and force the children into isolation, then feeding them false answers and their own negativity to create new recruits. DISGUSTING.

    Secondly, what right do they have to go to someone else's funeral and terrorize the deceased. A funeral is the last memory of a person's life and should be a day of celebration of what that person has achieved. I cannot imagine anyone doing that to me at my parents or any of my friend's funeral. I mean, if the nation is doomed and because the soldiers fight for a 'doomed nation' does that make the soldiers themselves doomed and sinful? thats downright f--king illogical. Thats like saying a janitor who does his job for a company, which produces weapons should be responsible for the wars which use the weapons of that company. Does that make the janitor an evil man? Is he evil for the mere fact that he is associated with the company? Does it matter that he needs this job to pay for the expenses for his family? These soldiers go to war, risking their lives for the nation, and that is; the nation as a WHOLE. They dont go to war in favor of a certain group, they fight in the best interest of the entire country, and these Westboro freaks are associated in the word "nation." So in theory the soldiers do fight for this cult, however if this premise is true, the same thing applies as with the janitor. The mere fact that they are associated makes them evil, thus the Westboro church are contradicting themselves. This is one of many blatantly obvious contradictions made by this church.

    Im an athiest, but that doesnt mean I look down upon any other religions as they have their own backgrounds and their own reasons to believe in the variety of religions, BUT this video straight up disgusted me. I Believe in cosmopolitanism, where although there are many different beliefs in this world, as long as they accept and acknowledge each other and practice in their own realm, committing to enhancing their own self rather than destroying others.

  529. I find them to be very brainless, for them to say they worship god is a big slap and a f--k you to his word, while i belive every religion is right in there own way to say they are a religion is really just a mockery, and if you some how find truth in the hateful words they spew all your really saying is that you, A)hate everyone. or B)your in the closet and are in denial. they act all high and mighty now, but in the end we all end up the same way.

  530. They are a hateful, spiteful, sadistic, twisted, angry bunch aren't they? If they were real followers of God they wouldn't practice and preach hatred. What a sin it is to protest a funeral! Social Services needs to take those poor kids away from those lunatics. I would tear into all of them within the first three seconds of witnessing their ignorance. I am appalled and ashamed to be a Catholic because of people like them.

  531. This was not a documentary it was an attempt of converting the Westboro church members by this so called Journalist.

    He never asked questions about their doctrine so I have no idea whether or not I agree with the doctrine of the Westboros or not.

    I so much wished to learn more about them but I can see I came to the wrong place.

    Bad journalism.

  532. This documentary is one facepalm after the other! I am really fascinated that the journalist didn't go on a total rampage. I for one would most definitley rage after 3 minutes! =P

  533. @Ken also

    I ablolutley agree with Will on this. See, what you and the majority of modern new-age Christians are doing is quite like what the WBC do themselves - cherry picking the 'good' and convenient bits out of archaic bibles and adapting them in order that they fit to your shifting version of reality. Although your selection of cherries is likely far more preferable and tactful than that of the WBC, it is still the same load of rubbish at the end of the day - which you cannot debate intelectually to save yourselves. Except when preaching to the choire, of course.

    Since science has been able to mostly cut free of religions persecution (like, 5 mintues ago), they have disproved virtually everything the bibles have been crapping on about all this time. The rest is just common sense (dont kill people, dont root your neighbours wife etc.. hmmm). In retaliation to this, the modern churches just keep on back-tracking after their claims are smashed, and speak of the need for having faith to be able to 'understand'. What happened to good old heresy conviction, with your friendly inquisitions and armies to bring judgement to those whom commit such horrendous acts against God? Except when the heretics have Oil and what not, I'll give ya that one. The WBC certainly havent forgotten the 'good old days' anyway. And no, if you arent Catholic you still cant bloody well blame it on them as if youre lot are a completley seperate organisation (but not actually, but are, but...)

    Feeling a little lonely? There is nothing you can do to stop this revolution, even by force feeding children, desperate and slow people these known lies, because there is no room left for institutionised religion anymore - science has killed it. Unless maybe someone writes yet ANOTHER bible that can keep up with the recent changes - like the world turned out not to be flat, Earth goes around the sun etc, then perhaps you could hang in a little longer? I hear George Bush is looking for a job?

    God hates religion, because it is gay.

  534. @Ken

    Oh yeah, and what was said in the bible after all those nice, vague, obligatory commandments? Exoneration of slavery; hatred, and condemnation of all those that oppose you; God burning villages of those who don't believe in him, and making a linguistic split in humans so we can't work together; an "perfect" God making judgments, and acting irrationally, basing said actions on emotions that imperfect humans can overcome.

  535. I watched the first 2 minutes of the documentary and realized as a minister from a church that this family has completely corrupted and disgraced the Christian Church. They obviously have not read the Bible and understood what it stands for....the 2 Greatest commandments - Love God and Love your neighbour. They are one family - with one corrupted voice and do not speak for the entire Church world, I can tell you that!!

  536. What I struggle with most in this documentary is how the adults feel that paedophilia is okay. Everyone knows that all church cults are centered around incestual paedophila, it's written in the bible - Ralph chapter 13.

    Dont come to Australia Phelpses, or I'll rape all your men.

    Bloody i@#$%^.

  537. watch all their kids be gay and lesbian...
    HAHA... oh the irony.

  538. "I responded just as you thought?" I meant to say.

    Even with constant proofreading, dyslexia can be an annoyance.

  539. this extreme behavior show u.s. society is driving itself to selfdestruction, and extreme religion beliefs help a lot

  540. @ProudinUS

    Ooh, I responded just as you though? You mean you KNEW I would say that? Wow. You're some kind of mastermind. I really walked into your mental trap there, didn't I?

    Do you know why I called you a redneck? Because I want to look cool? I think I'm better than you? I'm trying to make an example of you? No. I called you a redneck because you act like a backwoods degenerate. You are dense enough to base your whole life off of an old book preaching nothing except circular logic- believe what the bible says because the bible says so- and you would so easily hate that which you don't understand, and because your book says to.

    All of that doesn't a redneck make. What makes you a redneck is the fact that you use the word of the bible to cite intolerance towards homosexuals, yet you completely ignore the fact that you most likely lie, steal, cheat, and lust just as often, if not more often than those homosexuals that you just love to hate.

    I am ashamed to be an American, because of people like you.

  541. This was such a waste. They DON'T follow the Bible literally; they only choose what supports their ideas about hatred. When asked about other things the Bible teaches like forgiveness, mercy, kindness etc they simply refuse to talk. A baby could diagnose this: shared delusion / folie à plusieurs. For all we know, Gramps is simply psychotic...
    The fact that there are some who've left the church is optimistic.

  542. I am gay.
    I am not a deist. I am not a theist. I profess no religious belief, whatsoever. I am unconcerned, utterly, by comments of those who claim that my cadaver will be but the remains of a living 'soul' destined to suffer an eternity of unspeakable suffering at the hand of an infinitely loving, infinitely merciful, omnipotent whatever.

    While the 'plausibility' of such claims may, technically, be 'plausible', the fact that they be based purely upon nothing but faith, taken together with the contradictory nature of so-called 'revelation' privy to faiths currently at war amongst one another, in support of a would-be 'Truth', 'Light', and 'Way', renders the efficacy of such 'evidence' in support of claims that celestial threats be actually true! less worthy of serious consideration than the philosophical amusement of the late Bertrand Russell that there be a teapot in orbit about Venus.

    The forgoing is not opinion. The forgoing is demonstrable, logical, fact. All the same, it remains self-evident that every individual has the right to believe in fairies and fairy tales.

    Threats against my life and my freedom are another matter, altogether:
    I am NOT a 'Christian'. I do NOT 'turn the other cheek'.
    I do NOT 'love my enemies' and, what is more, I know who they are.
    Those who would do us harm or attempt to obstruct the exercising of our rights as citizens of a secular society, a society ensuring not only freedom of religion but, far more importantly, freedom FROM religion, had better watch out! We have every right to defend ourselves, and we have every intention of doing so.

    No idle threat, here!
    Mark this a promise, a WARNING!

  543. @Vivian

    I think I did too.I got laid off last week and was immaturealy lashing out at someone.(anyone)Why I lashed out at him I will never know.I think his comments just erked me.I don't know why.He was making perfect sence.

    I am very embarrased for my comments and wish I could take them back.But unfortuneatly its etched in stone sort to speak and I am not one to change my ID name.(As alot do)

    I wish I could find a way to apologize,but he wouldn't except it.I know it would be hard for me.I'll just have to take the negative responces which I clearly deserve.

    I have never been one to apologize.(which is one of my many faults).But in this case I am truly embarrased.

  544. @Tamela:

    You religee's are a funny breed. Nothing but hypocrites. All the Westboro Baptist Church is doing is cherry picking the atrocious scriptures from the book called "The Old Testament" And for them it is precisely the word of your "GOD" Was all this stuff not written in your holy book of terrors "The Old Testament"?

    And then the Emperor "Constantine The Great" decide to tone down the atrocities and cherry picked 4 gospels that preached love instead of hate, Re: your Jesus and the "New Testament" and then all you are doing is cherry picking scriptures to suite your fancy!

    No wonder most people want nothing to do with your so called "God"

  545. I'm not even sure where to start.... I'm a christian, who has watched all that I could of this film and can't imagin putting my children in harms way as these people have nor do I think Jesus would want this! Second, Jesus is of love, not hate! What these people practice IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD! This group of people are hypocrites, aerogant,and mislead and the reason so many people dont want anything to do with God! This is nothing more than a modern day hate cult of our time.... But what I would like to remind them is to practice what they preach and remember, what goes around must come right back around..... I dont see much fruit of their spirit........... God says pray for

  546. ProudinUS, I think you finally crossed the road into MoronVille

  547. Is that all you got?..The great Steve of the west!
    Whow,I geuss you showed me.
    I am truly ashamed!I mean with a person of your caliber stooping down to a "redneck" level must be quite unnerving to you .I mean no one on earth should bring a flaw(And sir,I'm sure you have many)to your self righteous a$$.
    Yes,you responded just as I thought....A total pompas
    narrow-minded **** ****! We would do very well with you not being one of us....American.

  548. @ProudinUS

    Sadly, your idiosyncratic pseudonym can't hide your red neck. Only one of your kind could try and insult someone for being more intelligent than they.

    The bible says you will go to hell if you're gay. It also says you go to hell for killing, stealing, lusting, lying, and not respecting your parents. So, as Americans, having a separation of church and state, and not having an official religion, we should obviously follow your crackpot ideals and outlaw all of those things, even in the smallest offense. Gays go to jail; every single army, navy, and marine vet goes to jail for murder; any child that steals from their siblings goes to jail; we will install chips in peoples' heads so we can see when they're thinking of sex, so we can put them in jail; lying about anything automatically puts a warrant out for your arrest, because of those handy little brain chips; and if you talk back to your parents- you guessed it: jail.

    I would like to humor you and say your logic is "flawed" but "non-existent" is more sufficient. You, sir, are an idiot of the highest degree; dolefully, people of your imbecilic stature are all too common in the USA for me to be proud to live here.

  549. @Steve

    Sir,get over yourself.

    You seem very articulant in your speech,a bit to prideful for me though.You use proper english and come off as a respectful intulect even when you're trying to belittle someone.

    "surely you can"
    "I'm sorry to point out"
    "To put it another way" These are all the starting statements of an arogant remark and sounds more like rehearsed classroom text then everyday logic.

    Your pride sir is no more different to the ones shown in the documentary.People are making comments on the doc. and when one says something you don't agree with or find offensive you go on a "I'll belittle them" rampage and show everyone just how well you can put words together.

    I am not every well with words but I can tell arogance at it's finest.I thought your first comment was very well said and in my opinion it should have stayed at that.

  550. Jesus was once asked who was worthy of the kingdom of heaven. He replied "no one, but with God anything is possible". No one is worthy. That is Jesus talking to all of us. To center out one group for God's hatred is just one unworthy individual pointing at another unworthy individual. To live our lives to gain reward and avoid retribution after death is selfish and therefore sinful and may well be futile. Trying to do the right thing should be our goal for its own sake. God's judgment should be irrelevant.

    An atheist using scripture to advance an argument may seem ironic but it really isn't. The Bible shows a great deal of wisdom at times. Unfortunately, a lot of the people that read the Bible can't recognize that wisdom when they read it.

  551. Ah Oh! Once again I've watched a doc. where I just can't keep my big mouth shut.
    1.If one of these monkeys would protest a funeral for a Vet. in my presense the next one they would do it would be silent because they would have their mouths sewn up with a fish hook and 20lb test line.
    2.I do beleive that America tolerates homosexuality to much.And the Bible says you will go to hell if you practice it.
    3.I beleive everyone has the right to practice their beleifs and religion.But what these motherf%$kers are doing to their kids is sick and should be taken away.That would get the smirks off their inbred a$$e$.
    Well, like I said before I just can't refrain myself from opening my big mouth.But this was worth a little comment.

  552. Religion is the source of all evil!

  553. @Kendra

    Pfft. You talk about Jesus as if he's real.

  554. Doesn't the Bible say that everyone's sin is the same? So it doesn't matter how often you sin, how big of a sin you commit.. we are ALL sinners and all condemned by our sins, but luckily we have Jesus to forgive our sins so that we can have an everlasting life with Jesus Christ our Savior. These people are sinning themselves everyday, and I find it incredibly hypocritical. The Bible tells us to love one and other unconditionally, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. I wish these people would focus more on the pure, unconditional love that Jesus has for everyone of us, no matter who we are, or the sins we have committed.

  555. If these are the types of people that are going to be in heaven, then I think I would rather be in hell.

    God is about love, not hate.

    It HURTS MY HEART that these people are giving Christians and believers a awful name. What struggling non-believer wants to be a part of that? No one. Not even God would want to be a part of that! These are some truly terrible people.

  556. If these people showed up at a funeral for one of my friends or family members, there would be very little ANYONE could do to stop me from (____________)...use your imagination to fill in the blank..!

    These people are a perfect example of how extremism can rear its ugly face in any religion or social group. They are also a perfect example of how easily the undereducated can be brainwashed to believe just about anything.

    And to take this just one step further, they also appear to be a prime example of proof that there isn't a God. If there was, why would he/she allow such a group to exist in the first place. I mean, if I were God, I'd be straight up pissed off that these people were putting these kinds of words in my mouth. (take this last statement with a grain of salt people...please)

  557. If these people showed up at a funeral for one of my friends or family members, there would be very little ANYONE could do to stop me from (____________)...use your imagination to fill in the blank..!

    These people are a perfect example of how extremism can rear it's ugly face in any religion or social group. They are also a perfect example of how easily the undereducated can be brainwashed to believe just about anything.

    And to take this just one step further, they also appear to be a prime example of proof that there isn't a God. If there was, why would he/she allow such a group to exist in the first place. I mean, if I were God, I'd be straight up pissed off that these people were putting these kinds of words in my mouth. (take this last statement with a grain of salt people...please)

  558. dose, Sorry missed that one.

  559. babtiuzed, ware, sleves, albo, tech, Now I don't want to sound too pragmatic, but I think Dasia should be watching a different type of documentary.

  560. this is not true i believe that god loves all no matter what you do and you should repent and be babtiuzed in the name of the father and god dose not hate america and you should not ware pants or shirts and should not show your legs and all of your chest you should ware skirts and shirts that have sleves down to your albo you should not tech your kids to hate god and call names

  561. Anyone who supports or who is indifferent to Fred Phelps' messages should consider asking her/his doctor(s) about the antipsychotic medications Seroquel (quetiapine) and Abilify (aripiprazole). Both have proven effective in many cases.

    These medications can be referenced at Wikipedia under their respective generic identifiers.

  562. This would have been a good documentary if the reporter wasn't so condescending. It's ok to make it clear that your (the reporter) point of view is different to theirs but it's not cool to mock them if this is suppose to be a serious documentary and not an entertainment piece.

  563. Rose, because you care about the Bible does not mean others do.

  564. I have sat with them over the year enough to know that the Bible is not what they are interested in. Because you care what is in the Bible does not mean that others do. Also, their logic and ability to argue is razor sharp. Never underestimate a Phelps even Gramps.

  565. Yes Lori, I do believe that thewy get way too much publicity. I would love to sit with them and ask them about the parts of the Bible tha they obviously leave out.

  566. Sorry Swagg, the best way to deal with such organizations is to totally ignore them and give them no publicity at all.

  567. WBC is coming to my university (since we have a large Jewish populations) And I cannot wait to go down to their picket and promote love, tolerance, and education. The problem is that most people react with anger towards them and they lap it up. the best way to protest these organizations is with a positive outlook, and by showing them that they are insignificant and don't affect us.

  568. Shame, some of those chicks are pretty cute

  569. @Cezen, you can download Fall from Grace from iTunes as a movie, not sure of other places where you might find it.

  570. Wondering where I can find K. Ryan Jones' 2007 documentary Fall from Grace about this same "family"

  571. Scary... but I do find it amusing when the head lady doesn't understand the vocabulary of the British journalist

  572. If they are going strictly by the Bible, then what about the part where it says, " Judge not lest you be judged". They just want attention and have drug those poor kids down a bad road. If they don't believe in the lifestyle of other people then the Bible says to try and minister to them, not make them mad and insult those people.

  573. Jason, I think you sound like a reasonable human being. There is no way anything will be solved here and you have touched off some emotions in others. As for arguing with the Phelps clan , I have never seen anyone out argue Fred Sr. His tongue is sharper than any razor in existence.

    When he was a practicing lawyer, he was a joy to watch as long as you weren't the one grilled by him. He did a lot of good when he fought on the side of the angels as he once did. We will just have to wait and see if the Supreme Court will allow those funeral vigils his church is so fond of to continue. For the sake of all of us, I hope they side with the freedom of speech. It is hard on those families but it would make a mockery of their children's and spouse's death to lose a freedom just to stop those cruel demonstrations.

  574. Epicurus I've made my point.

    The difference in our arguments is I'm not making blanket statements about an entire group.

    Also, "calling them a bigot when they are not but only because you disagree with what they are saying…is being a bigot." is not correct. I'm not calling you a bigot because of your beliefs. I believe we are all free to believe what we want. I simply stated that attacking those who believe in God is the same type of bigotry the Phelps family exhibits.

    Additionally, I apologize if I came off rude. I wasn't trying to be rude and it is easy to misinterpret my messages with out tone and inflection.

    Good Day.

  575. ohhh good argument...okay let me try to counter i am not.

    well looks like we both have the same amount of evidence (except for all my step by step reasoning above).

    "Attacking those believe in God is the same type of bigotry the Phelps family exhibits. Think about it."

    passive aggressively calling someone a bigot is the same as calling them a bigot.

    calling them a bigot when they are not but only because you disagree with what they are being a bigot.

    im bored with you now. dont call people out rudely like that if you dont like to back up what you are saying.

  576. Epicurus you are incorrect.

  577. actually by suggesting i was being a bigot you condemned my beliefs. if you said my beliefs resulted in me being a bigot only because i stated a fact, it would seem you are being the bigot.

    either way, what i said wasnt bigotry.

  578. No Epicurus, you are simply playing word games. It is impossible for you to accurately call me a bigot because I never condemned your beliefs.

    If you carefully read what I wrote, I never claimed or condemned any beliefs.

    Good day.

  579. Epicurus, the whole definition of bigotry is discounting someone else's belief system in favor of your own. What else could it be?

    Before we get into a series of name calling, could we just agree to respect each other's beliefs and call it a day?

  580. right but calling someone delusional is not being a bigot...actually if you want to get down to it you are TRYING to pin me as a bigot for your own bigoted reasons....imagine that.

    meanwhile i stated a fact. insistent belief in something which has no evidence is pretty delusional.

  581. Epicurus I'm not here to debate the existence of a higher power. Simply pointing out that bigotry of all types exists and bigots often condemn bigots. Good day.

    Agreed Lori George Alexander.

  582. Jason, I think you are on point and correct. Fred Phelps Sr. used to be hated for his civil rights work and now he is hated for his homophobic work. People who feel that science is godless attack people because they believe in god(s). It is the same except the Phelps clan does create pain and suffering at the funerals of the death of soldiers.

    I am a strong believer in spiritual beliefs but also love science. I don't think the two have anything to do with the other. However, to call those who believe in god misguided is wrong too. It is no one business what spiritual belief one favors.

    I have been at church services where the believers in other sects or denomination are said to be going to hell because they do not believe in what the others believe. It is a common occurrence in Christian churches. The Phelps clan is not unique there. Also, most churches are not open and accepting to the gay and lesbian population. Some are, but many are not. I have also sat in churches in which their so-called life style was condemned. Again, the Phelps are not unique there. What makes the Phelps clan unique is going out and protesting US policy around grieving families.

  583. but it is absolutely delusional to believe in a god (often means saying you KNOW there is a god, and it is the one you worship specifically)

    i dont think it is an attack or bigotry to state someone is delusional. why do you think it is?

  584. Calling all scientist who believe in a "god" of any kind "absolutely delusional" is an attack.

    Making blanket statements against a groups beliefs is "the same type of bigotry" the Phelps exhibit. However, it isn't as extreme because you don't picket dead scientists funerals.

  585. @jason, where was an attack? there is no attack in stating that dogmatic belief in something without evidence is a delusion.

    and even if you could find some prejudice in what i said it is in no way "the same type of bigotry" as this group.

  586. @jason, where was an attack? there is no attack in stating that dogmatic belief in something without evidence or is a delusion.

    and even if you could find some prejudice in what i said it is in no way "the same type of bigotry" as this group.

  587. I guess the point I was trying to get across was that all bigotry is wrong, but these people don't know anything different, and those who do are shunned and chastised for the rest of their life by the church. All because Fred Phelps sr. decided to preach his own calvinistic brand of christianity stating that the world is going to burn just because people tolerate homosexuality.

  588. Also a good point

  589. "just look at any scientist who still believes in a god-thing."
    Attacking those believe in God is the same type of bigotry the Phelps family exhibits. Think about it.

  590. Good point

  591. just because people can be trained to regurgitate law doesnt mean they are intelligent.

    also one can be very intelligent yet absolutely delusional in a certain aspect of life....just look at any scientist who still believes in a god-thing.

  592. I meant that i felt rather sorry for the family itself, as I did know that Fred Phelps sr. was rather prominent in the civil rights movement. However, It seems that when he snapped, he brought his entire family down with him, i didn't mean to offend anyone, and i honestly do respect the group's intelligence, however their patriarch has something wrong with him currently and it is unacceptable that he has to drag his whole family into it.

  593. god loves everyone even gay people he does nt hate you he hates the sin you do. it it very desturbing what these people are doing god does not hate he has everlasting love it is unconditional i think these people on the documentary are goin to hell they are preching the wrong message of are lord jesus christ may the lord have mercy on them and i pray for them with all my heart god loves everybody.these people say god hates he does not. god bless yous all.

  594. This interviewer is LAME... He's talking to them like they're rational human beings. It would be more interesting to see someone trap them in a biblical corner.
    What kind of psychological diagnosis is this? This is Manson-family potential.

  595. A World Anonymous, just some clarification. First, I assume you are talking about Fred Phelps Sr. Second, all of the Phelps women are college educated. If you are talking about Shirley, she is an attorney like her father used to be before he was disbarred. Many of the Phelps are practicing attorneys.

    Many of the Phelps, if not all, have the ability to leave and support themselves. Some have done exactly that. The others choose not to because they need someone who tells them how to act and think. For instance, women can't cut their hair and have to have their heads covered although no burkas. Fred Sr. is a big believer in everyone working and contributing their salary to the common good. He, himself, collects Social Security.

    There are some good things about the Phelps. For instance, before he went on this crusade, he was one of the best civil rights attorney in the Midwest. Before he self-destructed, he was one of the best attorneys that ever appeared in Kansas courts and he won his cases. He ran for governor, but something happened.

  596. Before seeing this, I thought that they were evil, horrible, spiteful people and I hated them with a passion. But after seeing this, I can't help but feel sorry for all of them except for Fred Phelps, they got dragged into this by him, and can't help but stick to the indoctrination. I especially felt sorry for the college aged woman, every time I saw her I could just tell there was a part of her screaming "Help me, I'm trapped in this and I can't get out" being pushed down by everything she'd been taught.

  597. They have been in the U.K. before, but I guess it was before they gained such a bad reputation.

    Goodbye Steve, have a good trip.

  598. @Steve

    The whole family is barred from coming to the UK, as they are "Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the United Kingdom" a decision I stand by fully. I wish they could be kicked out of the USA too. They're a brainwashing, hate-mongering, contemptuous cult, and free speech shouldn't protect people that walk all over it.

    If Canada wouldn't allow them to say the things that they say here, in the USA, then I will happily move to Canada.

  599. Well, Canada has some pretty strong anti-hate laws, see Canadian Criminal Code Sections 318-320. Also all 10 provinces and three territorities have statutes governing hate speech as does the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    As in the UK, they may very well find themselves unwelcome in Canada and unable to return if charged and convicted.

  600. Meredith, so why should Canada be exempt?

  601. This is disgusting. I can't believe these hate mongers are coming to Canada. Stay out of our country.

  602. WTF???

  603. These people are 'hyper-Calvinists'. One sign in their church had "TULIP" written on it.That's a codeword for Calvinists-the also make mention of "Arminians"-a theological position antagonistic to Calvinism.

  604. What a wonderful family! jk....

  605. Also if they hate America go live in another country no one needs your hate here.

  606. I am not gay but I do have gay friends and they are the nicest people I know!! This is stupid to teach your kids such hate for any human being I don't care what color they are or race. It just shows their ignorance. God loves everyone. I myself am more afraid of hateful people like these people then gay people. Also Adultery is not mean Gay how stupid is this women? WOW Adultery is when two people who are married and one of them has sex with someone else other then their spouse. She needs to know what she is talking about because she has no clue. She is pretty brain washed by someone. The only one we all have to answer to is God his self. These people put their selves up on a pedestal (church people) God does not hate America they do!! They are chantting it. Ignorant women here! They are totally misrepresenting the Bible. Shout up already and practice what the Bible preaches. Love thy neighbor!!!

  607. Lori, I already said he has unconditional love which means compassion! We are responsible for our own actions and we will have natural consequences for our actions! And a loving God will let the laws of nature do the disciplining for him and he will also control the consequences! We have a God in Heaven who is our Father so we still have parents even though we are adults. Maybe you don't read the Bible and don't believe it, but I do believe it and have read many stories where they were given consequences for their actions! I do not agree with the way the Westboro Baptists Church is going about teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ it is completely opposite of how Jesus taught it in the Bible! They have distorted the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

  608. Ben, I think you missed the whole point. God is love and compassion and incapable of hate. It is people like the Phelps who think we human beings need some heavenly parent. We don't. Each of us needs to discipline ourselves. They think they are acting god-like and meting out the discipline as their image of a God as parent would do. What they don't realize is that as adults we don't need a parent and that each of us are responsible for our own actions.

  609. Oh, by the way he doesn't hate America, but he probably hates the direction it is going and we will be punished if we turn our back on God!!! But he still loves us all, it is like a parent who punishes his child when they do something wrong or should I say disciplines!

  610. This religion (family) does not teach the way Jesus teaches! He has unconditional love for Heavenly Father's children! He came to teach of love and repentance. Jesus made it possible for us to repent of our sins. Jesus hates the SIN and NOT THE SINNER!!! This family does not act like true Christians!!! The Pastor acts angry and hateful! When true Christians teach of repentance they have love for the sinner and not anger and hate!!! And many Christians know that they are sinners too and need to repent every day, that is why Jesus Christ came to help us repent so we can go back into the presence of our Father in Heaven!

  611. Margaret Briggs, remember in the film when the interviewer asked Fred Phelps, Gramps, how many kids he had and he said it was a silly question because everyone knows how many kids he has. No, the interviewer was asking a very important question. It was important because he has children and grandchildren who have left that family and disavowed what he is doing for some time. He does not want the world to know that.

    Many of his kids do grow up as well as the grandchildren and they say "wait a minute" and then leave. One of the things Fred insists is that all of the Phelps get an education and with that education they get the ability to earn a living and donate their checks to the church BUT they learn of other things in the world and the ability to earn a living outside of that church if they leave and many have.

    The film featured only those who have stayed and only those who have stayed SO FAR. If all of his children and grandchildren had stayed the church would be a lot bigger than it is now.

  612. Lori, I don't agree with what the people do to them. I think its wrong too. I felt really bad for the little boy that had the cup thrown at him. I am just sad all the way around for the whole situation. There is so much anger there. I was just speechless during the whole documentary. It just makes me want to cry. And the family would judge me like others. But like the guy doing the interview. I don't feel the same about them. I just think the preacher has so much anger in him. All anger does is eat away at you and make you hate everyone. And he passes his beliefs on to the others. I like the kids I would never be mean to them. I just don't agree what the leaders are teaching them.

  613. The one thing I have to wonder is if something happened to someone in their church, they wouldn't believe it is anything bad that they are teaching they will assume there is something wrong with that person. The girl mentioned that her father would be glad she was dead if she got ran over by a car. That is horrible. They seem to assume that they are perfect. God loves his children. He doesn't hate us. He put us here for own free will to make our own choices. The parents and their preacher aren't even allowing their children to make their own choices. They teach them at an early age their beliefs. And teach them hatred. The little girl didn't even understand the signs. And the boy was just saying what the adults say. He doesn't really understand any of it. Its all just sick and another form of terrorism. And I think at least in part of the preacher. That he had the devil in his heart. I think if he asked them all to commit suicide, unfortunately, they'd probably all do it. They are that brain-washed. I am just sad for them. And so much child abuse. I am really sad at heart for all of them.

  614. May god have mercy on their extremist souls. It is people like them and their extremist ways that got my cousin PFC Jordan Byrd killed in iraq. Then they want to condemn him for giving us freedom. They might say they preach the lords word but they judge more than any religion in this world. May god have mercy on their souls.

  615. Good lord! my jaw hurts! it was wide open the whole time.

  616. I feel so bad for these children. You can hear the sadness in the voices of the older children. You can almost see the mountains weighing down on their shoulders.

    I pray that these children feel love and that someone will take time out of their lives to comfort and love these children as they deserve.

    If someone would show them love this hate would be forgotten. These children need to see the world isn't the hate-filled place they are taught it is.

  617. seb, when I first started to read your post, I had hopes of finally reading some sane comments. Alas, I was wrong.

  618. A very sad story. It shows how much a childs perception of reality can be manipulated if it has no way of escaping. Anger is not the right way to deal with these people although I can hardly contain myself seeing what they did to their children. The only way to handle this is ridicule. No point in screaming at them or cursing them, one should take the time to laugh at them while picketing. Another probably more enjoyable option would be making some stinkbombs, sitting at their side and holding your own sign which says: "Free Stinkbombs". I wonder what would happen...

  619. archaeobee, good "review" of the documentary and of Theroux. It is interesting now especially since the Phelps family is now before the US Supreme Court, something that Fred Phelps Sr. has always wanted to be.

  620. Interesting bunch of comments - some exceptionally well-informed and interesting, others less so....

    I've watched most of Louis Theroux's programmes though I missed this one when it was on the Beeb and maybe it's worth explaining his technique and why it was very appropriate in this context - it seems some of you think his questioning was all wrong.

    For the most part he explores people who know they are disliked and so to get any information he has to make them feel that it isn't them he dislikes, just the ideas they espouse. This was particularly true with the Westboro bunch who positively revelled in their notoriety. If he'd asked the obvious doctrinal questions they would have shut up shop completely.

    An important aspect is his persona. He's sometimes seen as being a professional Brit - by that I mean charming, non-judgmental, quite funny, subtle etc. And this is very useful in getting under the armour of most of the people he talks to.

    It must be remembered that most of his most difficult interviews have been done with people who regard the British with distrust and scorn (the ones with the American neo-Nazis and the late unlamented Eugene Terreblanche spring to mind). So to make them reveal things he must fall on other British traits which are seen as weaknesses - naivety and a desire to not upset the applecart.

    I thought this was one of Louis' best - the pain in that extended family was palpable and he made it very apparent that the Bible was secondary to 'gramps' mission. Most of the comments above have said that the children were the victims - and that seems to be exactly what Louis wanted to show. A success therefore.

  621. Christian, it means that many who have married have become "unmanageable" and left the group. There is still a bunch left so far. In this great nation, there are always another "Phelps Family" to replace them.

  622. The greatest thing I heard was they have no desire to marry. Does this mean they will eventually die off? We can only hope so.

  623. After watching this episode and the survivalist episode, I have come to two conclusions:

    1) Louis is brilliant at this.

    2) Louis loves trampolines.

  624. Kandi, what are we winning if we run them over? Change the law so that the right to free speech is changed? If they don't have the right to free speech would we? If they can be run over for saying something we object to can we?

  625. and you have to just laugh at them cause when we die and there is no fcuking heaven they have wasted their entire lives :) so we win in the end. waste of time and media coverage. we should ignore them then they fail x

  626. dont just shout at them out the car window, run the fcukers over !!

    they shouldnt be allowed to pickit at funreals the law should stop this its disgusting

  627. Marshall, use the Topeka Capital Journal and all of their past articles about them. They go back over 30 years.

  628. Man, these people are CRAZY!!! Good source for information though, rather hard to watch.. I am writing a paper on them at the moment I will deffinately use this for a citation.

  629. At least they're passive aggressive.

  630. One day every other religious group that isn't christian should follow these people around and scream their religion at them - with signs and see if they enjoy it. Anyone have a religious doom like christian hell to spout at them, or just them lol

    They are attention whores that fantasize that they are being martyrs (of their own choosing mind you). Lots of people believe lots of things but only THEY are picketing to be heard and going out of their way to make it uncomfortable for others during things like funerals uninvited.

    If they ever showed up at a funeral for my family I would bust each one of them in their righteous faces and we could see if their "god" would stick up for them. I wouldn't tolerate it because it's disruptive and just as much my right to grieve as theirs to cheer.

    Religion is ruining this planet because it's always something to argue about - replaces racism and caste because you can hate for no other reason than "you don't think exactly like me" with no conscience for the fact that people are different.

    Why is it always the jesus freaks that get so nutty...
    I honestly would not be surprised if someone kills these people one day when they say the wrong thing too close to someone in pain. All they are preaching is that their "god" doesn't have empathy and that is no way to bring in new members. Good thing they are breeding so many women because the whole church is only their family.

    They say they are hated and I suppose they forgot the saying - you reap what you sow. If they try to encite anger then when they get it in return - they only asked for it - violent or not. Have they ever heard of verbal abuse, chastising your fellow human beings when they are in pain for a loss is cruel, just like their little rinky dink god.

  631. Ah Randy, we meet again. Trust me on this one. I have known the Phelps family for years and the idea of their hatred of homosexuals is fairly new. Their love of getting attention is very old. Don't get me wrong I have never been a member of their group although Fred Senior (yes, there is a junior who doesn't seem to be around anymore)was my attorney and he was very good and he won some great civil right cases in Kansas. Like so much in life, this family is not what it appears to be. It is not a simple story of just hate. No, far from it.

    The press likes to tell a simple story, one that conforms to others that are stereotypes so that it makes their job easier and it helps the public understand a story easier. I am a member of the press or was for many years. Life is rarely so simple as what this documentary tells it although I thought it did a good job on one level. It is not the whole story. That has not been told yet. I suspect it will be one day. It is actually a fascinating story. I always thought it would make a great tragic opera.

  632. Oh, and you MUST have respect for a human's funeral...

    If you can't, then don't show up!

    That is just basic respect. Even Neanderthals knew that...

  633. Mostly, though, what we will eventually find, is that the founder of this "church" or what-have-you is a deeply closeted homosexual.

    Just come out of the closet, already!

    Hypocrisy, denial, repression... causes so much horror...

    You, and the rest of the world, would feel SOOOO much better.

    As long as it is between consenting adult human beings... what are you afraid of?

    Oh, that's right! The bible... your little horror-novel you think is true, I see...

  634. I am deeply angered by this family. If America is so bad, then they should get the F*CK out and never come back. Seriously, just leave. You won't be missed. Go find an remote island and keep your hatred among your family. Don't spread your evil across the world.

  635. Williamson, what is the difference between you and them? Nothing whatsoever. You need to be taken into protective custody.

  636. We protecting these terrorists with the first amendment. It's terrible. The only thing that can be done is to kill them all. Any child not old enough to know what they're saying needs to be taken into protective custody.

  637. Brother Tom, this sect does not care about such things as what is written or implied in the Bible. What they care about is getting the attention of the press.

  638. Six things the Lord hates; in fact, seven are detestable to Him:

    (4) Arrogant Eyes

    (5) A Lying Tongue

    (6) Hands That Shed Innocent Blood

    (7) A Heart That Plots Wicked Schemes

    (1) Feet Eager to Run to Evil

    (2) A Lying Witness Who Gives False Testimony

    (3) One Who Stirs Up Trouble Among Brothers

    NOTE: The numbers in brackets “( )” are the order in which the Lord gave them.

    Arrogant Eyes: Don’t look at others and hold yourself higher because you know more truths then they do, or because you have a gift that another does not. They could look at you the same way. We are not all the same.

    If you feel the need for arrogance, or to be arrogant, look at what about that person makes you feel arrogant, and turn to your heart and ask, “Why does this bother ME?” Then fix it and the arrogance will be gone. If you don’t fix it, you will struggle as you try to, or choose to walk without arrogance.

    John responded, “Master, we saw someone driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him because he does not follow us.” “Don’t stop him,” Jesus told him, “because whoever is not against you is for you.” — Luke 9:49-50

    A Lying Tongue: We aren’t to be saying things as truths in order to get ahead; or, to be seen as better than you are; or, to cover something shameful. We also don’t want to speak untruths purposely to appear smarter or more holy.

    But that is not how you learned about the Messiah Our Lord Yahsha(Jesus Christ), assuming you heard Him and were taught by Him, because the truth is in Yahsha: You took off your former way of life, the old man that is corrupted by deceitful desires; Since you put away lying, speak the truth, each one to his neighbor, because we are members of one another. — Ephesians 4:20-21, 25

    Hands That Shed Innocent Blood: Destroying innocent or blameless people by killing their will, their dignity, their gift given by God. By putting people down in these areas as harmless as this one may seem, it allows for worse things to come in.

    (This led to Saul’s desire to kill David. It started out emotionally and then physically.)

    Saul was furious and resented this song. “They credited tens of thousands to David,” he complained, “but they only credited me with thousands. What more can he have but the kingdom?” So Saul watched David jealousy from that day forward. The next day an evil spirit from God took control of Saul, and he began to rave inside the palace. — 1Samual 18:8-10

    A Heart That Plots Wicked Schemes: Speaking, thinking, wishing, spiteful, hurtful—by doing any of these only feeds the flesh. We need to train our hearts to purposely practice kindness, gentleness, etc. (Galatians 5:22-23). Otherwise we move nowhere.

    Though they intend to harm you and devise a wicked plan, they will not prevail. —Psalms 21:11

    Feet Eagar to Run to Evil: Going to places you know God isn’t in the middle of: TV, books, friends, parties, drugs, booze. Instead of running to Him you run to something “evil” for comfort. Take time to go to God and get right and then seek out what made you run, or want to run.

    Finally be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. Put on the armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil. For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.
    — Ephesians 6: 10-13

    Lying Witness Who Gives False Testimony: You don’t know or understand the truths from God, but are spreading around untruths to others and not allowing them the right to grow. Teach your spouse (understood that ‘spouse’ also meant children and/or family) what God shows you and the one listening needs to accept it as truth.

    He answered them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been granted to you, but to those outside, everything comes in parables so that they may look and look, yet not perceive; they may listen and listen, yet not understand; otherwise, they might turn back—and be forgiven.”

    He also said, “Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket or under a bed? Isn’t it to be put on a lampstand? For nothing is concealed except to be revealed, and nothing hidden except to come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, he should listen! Then He said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear. By the measure you use, it will be measured and added to you. For to the one who has, it will be given, and from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.” —Mark 4:11-12, 21-25

    One Who Stirs Up Trouble Among Brothers: Don’t gossip maliciously! Don’t tell a person that someone is doing something on purpose for the purpose that you know it will upset, bother or anger the person you are telling. If you do not know if it will bother them or not, even if you think it won’t, don’t say it if you INTEND to get a malicious reaction from the one you are telling. It will or could cause them to then sin in anger. If the one you are “gossiping” about is doing wrong – go to them and help them.

    For we hear that there are some among you who walk irresponsibility, not working at all, but interfering with the work [of others]. Now we command and exhort such people, by the Yahsha (Jesus Christ), that quietly working, they may eat their own bread. Brothers, do not grow weary in doing good. And if anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take note of that person; don’t associate with him, so that he may be ashamed. Yet don’t treat him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.
    —2Thesaloanians 3:11-15

  639. @ Tee

    Is that a fact? good grief....Im speechless
    thanks for the information Tee.

  640. Why doesn't somebody just beat the s@#$ out of them? Is America so law-abiding that no-one has the balls to get a group of 15 or 20 people to one of these bloody pickets and cave their skulls in with crowbars?

  641. At the very very end, the girl talked about how they get beat on, How they don't do anything violent, how people hate them, and that people are downright mean to them...
    How contridicting!
    G@# people never did any of those things to people
    And neither did Americas dead soldiers.
    What a load of s@#$.

  642. Tee, they are going to ignore them like they are going to ignore that minister in Florida and his Koran burning. You are right about the fees. Many of the Phelps are attorneys and Fred Phelps Senior was once an attorney. They know what they are doing.

  643. Tee, they are going to ignore them like they are going to ignore that i@#$% in Florida and his Koran burning. You are right about the fees. Many of the Phelps are attorneys and Fred Phelps Senior was once an attorney. They know what they are doing.

  644. ...It takes a real sick kind of evil to get me to agree with Sean Hannity. Yikes.

  645. The Phelps family may be descpicable, but we are feeding their despicability (inadvertantly or otherwise).

    They have a very simple formula: they apply for and obtain the proper permits to protest (which subsequently supplies them certain protection under the law); they then do whatever they can do to shock the senses and offend anyone in attendance when they protest; when someone--inevitably--assaults or harms them, they get a hefty payout from a court of law against the State in which the assault occured via the Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Award Act of 1976. Does anyone think that they own a law firm for their health? This tactic has worked over and over again. They have a small congregation in a relatively rural area; how else could they afford to spend over $200,000 on traveling expenses per year alone.

    The Phelps family knows that there aren't too many individuals who can stand idly by and say or do nothing while they spew such hateful rhetoric, and they use that knowledge to their advantage.

    The best thing that can be done to the Phelps family is to simply ignore them. Don't acknowledge them, don't show up to counterprotest them, just pretend they don't exist. If you take away the money, you take away their power and they will simply go away.

  646. This was a very well done documentary. The only thing that I would have liked to see was some interviews of the family members who were "gone." But I guess that these people thankfully do not want any ties to this so called religion.

  647. though shalt not judge..
    they should be holding signs up that say god hates those who judge others---wow

  648. Do you know what is really creepy about these people ?
    Pastor Gramps, this creature is WAY creepy ! If you listen to his voice, and look closely at his face when he is questioned by the filmmaker ( press ), he displays the exact same facial expressions and manorisms as X-president George Bush. I noticed this about half way through this GREAT doco, and then just could not stop thinking about it.. creepy, really creepy,… betcha Pastor Gramps is a seasoned Bohemian Grove vacationer, or maybe my marble bag has a finger hole.

    This entire group of social misfits should try an orgy of full-on anal sex sponsored by KY jelly, they could find liberation from their self-induced Hell before being rounded up by homeland security and sent to Gitmo on domestic terrorism charges.

  649. Do you know what is really creepy about these people ?
    , this creature is WAY creepy ! If you listen to his voice, and look closely at his face when he is questioned by the filmmaker ( press ), he displays the exact same facial expressions and manorisms as X-president George Bush. I noticed this about half way through this GREAT doco, and then just could not stop thinking about it.. creepy, really creepy,... betcha Pastor Gramps is a seasoned Bohemian Grove vacationer, or maybe my marble bag has a finger hole.

    This entire group of social misfits should try an orgy of full-on anal sex sponsored by KY jelly, they could find liberation from their self-induced Hell before being rounded up by homeland security and sent to Gitmo on domestic terrorism charges.

  650. Every adult member of the Phelps Clan has a college education or some advanced education past high school. Fred Phelps was an attorney and could write some of the best briefs in the business. They know how to use standard English. Granted they use it to spread a message that most of us here do not approve but they know how to use the English language. That is a lesson we on this thread ought to learn.

    How can we post a message to the world, as these posts are read all over the world, in substandard English with misspelled English, non-existent editing and expect people to understand what we are trying to express? Then we call them ignorant? We are not tweeting here. We are writing what we believe and the message is very important or at least I think it is.

    Some man just pepper sprayed them yesterday from a pick-up truck with his son in the truck with him. How do you choose the more ignorant between them? He ended up pepper-spraying those who were there legitimately for the funeral of a slain soldier and a police officer and the Phelps family. He was arrested and faces several charges including a felony charge.

    Ignorance breeds ignorance.

  651. wow!!!!! I saw this and it shows how ignorant and weak minded this ppl is, now days any m!@#$ could preach the word of god!!!this ppl are disillusion, the interviewer was trying to ask logic and rational question, what they did get angry,avoid the question, laughed and prove the their a true i@#$%|&, they were looking at Lui that he was dumb lmao seriously!!!!if their if a god please help this poor ppl to preach their region right!! they look robotic, they don't make any sense and they project anger and ignorance, fell bad for the kids and the girls those are the one who's gonna reveal on the end...sad...

  652. They hate gays & call their son Gaybriel?

  653. Those who oppose abortion rights have no interest in the children they "save". They are interested in women's rights and making women pay for exercising their rights to control their bodies.

    In the same vein, the Phelps Clan are not interested in gay and lesbian people at all. What they are interested in is exercising their right to speak out against a class of people which by the way includes others such as Jewish Americans and other religious groups such as Unitarians. They are not interested in what the Bible says anymore then they are interested in "saving" people from going to so-called hell.

    I have been reading all of the comments pro and con about gay rights and this is not what the Phelps Cult is about at all. It never is when people creep into the waters they are wading into. Again, it does not matter to them.

    It should not matter to you. Each one of us is fine the way we are. We do not have to justify who we are to anyone. Life is what it is. I am who I am. You are who you are. Can we just leave it that way?

  654. God hates the sin... but damn He loves the sinner... what these ppl are doing is basically tarnishing the world's perception of who God truly is. so whose work are they actually doing? i reckon a Mr S.A.Tan would know.

  655. Shirley is clearly psychologically unstable and very very sick.
    It is a shame she has fertile eggs and a strong uterus.
    She is not mentally healthy, she is on some spectrum of psychosis.

  656. Yes and this is Gay-briel :-)

    this people are so funny

  657. I think this is the only time I have ever, or will ever, agree with Sean Hannity.

  658. the amazing thing is since the younger generation of females have no interest what so ever in men and feel that no men will ever want to marry them (even though God ordaines marriage and would rather that Christians marry rather than to burn in their lust) at least this ignorance will die out vs being pro created into another generation!

  659. An unspoken tragedy is that these creeps are writing off everything they have under the guise of a church. We are paying for these criminals.

  660. Kind of apparent Gramps Fred is a closeted homosexual, I get that but he must be one hell of a control freak too forcing his family to perpetuate his guilt. Shirley is one hell of a freak too.

  661. There is almost no way to kill any religious person without them being a martyr. If all of the family that belong to the church is dead, then the church is gone. Kill 'em all, so there are no martyrs.

  662. Steve,

    You may be right about Shirley being able to hold the organization together and keep it going after Fred dies, but I hope you aren't. If I remember correctly from the documentary, at least four of Fred's adult children have already had the good sense to leave the cult, despite his continuing presence. I suspect (and fervently hope) that they will not be the last family members to wake up to the evil and absurdity of what they are doing. Once he is no longer around to directly influence them, the probability of that happening should improve (unless some i**** murders him and thereby makes a "martyr" of him).

  663. @ Williamson to Love

    Well said :)

  664. Oh they stick to the scriptures do they hmm

    Don't judge
    Don't hate

  665. @Steve

    No, it was my fault in the first place, I've had to deal with my dyslexia for years, and I usually read a post two or three times before I respond to it. I understand your discontent with my afore-perceived view, so the way you reacted was okay with me; I wasn't replying to ask for an apology, just to clear things up. And I do hate it when people are condescending, but you were not, you were offering advice, and help, the exact opposite of being such.

    I'll check out BiNet, thanks; I would call myself bisexual, for lack of explaining everything to ignorant people (pansexual). I'm a resilient person, and I've gotten through most in my life on my own, so while my appreciation is sincere, I most likely will just get over whatever my parents have to say, and move on. I inherited more than my share of mental disorders from my dad's side of the family, overcoming stupidity has become an afterthought these days.

    Also, @Love:

    If you believe that "God", "designed", the universe as for opposites to attract, then you obviously don't believe in gravity. My sincerest condolences to you, because being pushed away from the Earth must be very strenuous on you.

  666. @Love ,
    You wrote:
    “God designed the Universe for opposites to attract, from the particle + & – and on up to male and female. Their points on homosexuality are basically correct but their ways of exptessing [SIC] those points are way so wrong.”

    Umm, Love while I’m sure everyone certainly appreciates your gentle manner, smacking someone with an iron fist is still an assault regardless of how silky and smooth the glove which covers that fist may be.

    If God designed the universe, as you say, then that means God designed humans as well. If God designed humans that means God designed queers. If God designed queers, then queers must be God’s creatures and as a reflection of the Devine, perfect in their own right.

    So how can you say Phelps is correct in the hate he preaches against LGBT people, even if you disagree with the specific words and tactics you still agree with the underlying hate driving the machine? Which, I’m sorry to point out, makes you a hater, not a lover.

    Surely you can see the numerous faults in your logic; either God created LGBT people or he made a mistake. It has to be one or the other given your world view and premise.

    If God created LGBT people than who are you to question his work? If God made a mistake, then who’s to say how many mistakes God made and that sort of throws out your entire line of reasoning, since being prone to mistakes how can we, as mere mortals, know what to believe and what not to believe? In fact, starting from this premise, everything attributed God needs to be questioned and nothing has any meaning.

    To put it another way, how can you or anyone claim to know the mind of God?

    Isn’t it really more likely that LGBT people are just fine and supposed to be exactly as they are, as God made them?

    As an aside, the bulk of reproduction on this planet occurs by cellular division and has nothing to do with opposites attracting anything. From the lowly amoeba through to our very own bodies, cells reproduce by dividing. To put this in perspective, a human being experiences about 10,000 trillion cell divisions in a lifetime. You’ll have to admit even the most promiscuous of us humans can’t post those kind of sexual numbers.

  667. God designed the Universe for opposites to attract, from the particle + & - and on up to male and female. Their points on homosexuality are basically correct but their ways of exptessing those points are way so wrong.

    God loves all mankind, however they live or believe including this group. Love is the answer, God is Love. If people really understood this and returned love unconditionaly to this group, then the hate would end.

    The children will grow only seeing the hate in the world, and will feel justified in growing in their own hate.

    In other words, all mankind should feel responsible and ashamed that it is our own collective sins that have brought about such groups.

    Evil exists because we are unwilling to learn what love really means.

    Love the most those who hate the most.


  668. I have to say that i LOVE Louis Theroux.

    I actually kinda laughed for this whole documentary. I don't really see these people as dangerous but...insane? Even their accounting of the bible is nothing more than incoherent rambling that probably would've made the writers of it 2,000 years ago go, "What the f--k are these cats smoking?!"

    All I can say is that it's really sad for their children. You know, for people who claim to read the bible a ton, they seem to have forgotten the part where it says "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." And then to see that poor girl ask why people are mean to them and what have they ever done to's just a clear sign of mental instability. But I think that you reap what you sew and the truth is that someone is probably going to perpetrate a HORRIBLE act of violence against their church. I mean, if I was a member of that Episcopal church that burned down what's to stop me from thinking that THEY did it and taking revenge? They fail to see that their words will come back to haunt them in the form of unspeakable violence.

    As for that Fred Phelps guy...what a crock of shit. Not even his message but him as a person. The guy is clearly basically a fascist. Plain and simple. He dodged every question Louis asked him and has no interest in saving souls or even talking about the bible.

    Two things I wish Louis would've asked.
    1. "If you think gays and soldiers should die for what they do/ come YOU aren't killing them? Aren't you slacking on God's judgement a little bit?"
    2. "You know 'pastor' Phelps, if I didn't know any better I'd say that your deflection of EVERY one of my questions is a defense mechanism because you haven't even read one word of the bible."

    Mostly because I find that with fundamentalists or anyone who's a hard liner, you REALLY get to them by inferring that they aren't really living up to all the crazy shit they believe.

    Nice one Vlatko!

  669. Thanks Gunnar!

    I would like to think the Phelps brood will wither away once Fred finds his way to a unique and torturous place in whatever Hell he envisions for the rest of us. My worry is that his sons and daughters, particularly Shirley Lynn Phelps-Roper will continue once he’s gone. She’s the one you see on most interviews and appears to be the heir apparent of the clan. She also happens to be the one who preaches so loudly about the moral shortcomings of young folks, women in particular, and yet had a child out of wedlock herself, making her one of the biggest Phelpocrities in the bunch. (Note for Williamson: I’m not saying I’m against single motherhood or having a child out of wedlock, as long as the child is loved and taken care of properly – I’m saying Shirley is a great example of just how utterly hateful, twisted and unable to live by their own rules these folks truly are.)

    So my concern is that the Phelps clan have become a sort of hate machine, they spend close $250,000 a year traveling to these “protests” and are constantly filing lawsuits against counter protesters, municipalities, States and anyone or entity that stands in their way. This is how they live and support themselves and they don’t seem like a bunch that has much to offer the world outside of hate. So I worry the machine will continue once Fred is sleeping in Hell simply because they have no other means of support.

    It was Henry II who said in a speech, "What miserable drones and traitors have I nurtured and promoted in my household who let their lord be treated with such shameful contempt by a low-born cleric!" Which history has come to translate more popularly as, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest," and prompting Reginald Fitzurse, Hugh de Morville, Lord of Westmorland, William de Tracy, and Richard le Breton to murder Thomas Becket, then the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the stairs to the crypts in Canterbury Cathedral in December of 1170.

    I’m frankly surprised given the Phelps’ clan consistent attacks on military families and returning vets, fire, police and first responders that no one has yet rid America of this turbulent priest and his family. (Note for Williamson: I’m not advocating violence against the Phelps brood however; I certainly won’t shed a tear if the entire family gets whacked in an accident on the way to one of their hate fests.)

  670. @Steve

    Sorry, brah, I was a going through some s*** last night, and I read your last post wrong. I'm dyslexic, and going back now, I can see which few words I misread.

    And I wish I could be doing as much as you. I live with my mom, who is as far right as anyone else I'd normally hate, and I'm sure she'd be just fine with voting against gay marriage in any form. When I'm not with her, I'm living with my dad, a 61 year old man who dislikes anything that's not just like him, exempli gratia: gays, blacks, latinos, most foreigners. So, if I were even out, I'd probably have to be living on my own. I mean, there's a nice bridge at about a two minutes walk from my house under which a bunch of hobos live, so I've been thinking of coming out.

  671. Thanks for your response, Steve, and for referring me to your blog. I find it to be quite informative. I agree with you that the members of the WBC are entirely immune to logic. I also agree with those who have expressed the opinion that the church will probably fade away when Fred Phelps dies, especially if the daughters in the family stick to their determination to not get married and start families of their own.

  672. @Gunnar,

    Never got an answer to my letter and none of the Phelps clan has responded in the Topeka Capital-Journal (their hometown paper) where I also posted the letter, or anywhere else. Who knows if they're even aware of the letter, I'd like to think I've used their very own tactics against them and thus silenced them. Or maybe, like Williamson here, the letter simply overloaded their comprehension abilities.


    Congratulations, you are the first and only person who has missed the entire point of my letter Westboro Baptist Church. Having both a wife, and adult child who are Bisexual, I am most certainly not against homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender, lesbian or any sexual orientation or gender. I am a member of the Patriot Guard who was one of the very first non LGBT groups to take up the fight against Phelps and his hate. My family is very active in the LGBT community here in NY, including running groups for at the local LGBT center, organizing, marching and this year serving as a marshal in the Pride Parade, participating in the Creating Change and other conferences and securing a meeting with the President for a member of our Bisexual community. We also undertake many other activities for our LBGT community including writing articles and letters like the one you didn’t understand.

    Out of curiosity, what do you do for the community? We’ll keep our eyes open for you at the next conference, Pride day or the next time we are at the White House and perhaps we can meet and discuss the issues. Maybe you can send me a card or gift basket the time I’m hospitalized after being injured defending a member of our community from attack.

    So pretty-please, DO NOT put words in my mouth or speak for me. It's hard to believe you've missed the point of my letter to Phelps’ WBC, but as it seems you have, I'll spell it out; I am using Phelps's very own Bible against him and his own tactics to demonstrate how absurd his arguments are by pointing just some of the many ways he and his congregation violate the very Biblical rules he claims are inviolate. I’m using inviolate here as a synonym for sacred meaning; concerned with religion or religious purposes; "sacred texts"; "sacred rites"; "sacred music.” The connotative meaning here is; not to be questioned.

    Connotative meanings are tough, they refer to the often subtle undertones a word or phrase carries with it, generally occurring over time and stemming from an association with the word based on acquired meanings from a specific pattern of usage. For example the word propaganda, is a form of communication aimed at influencing a particular audience. The denotative meaning is neutral. Denotative meanings are strict and literal meanings of words. Over time the word propaganda has acquired a negative association, based largely on its use during World War II by the Nazi Party in Germany. Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, was the Nazi minister of propaganda from 1933 through 1945 and after the War the word acquired such a negative connotation it is rarely used except to describe something we feel is bad or wrong. In fact, it is fair to describe the WBC’s communications as propaganda, given the negative connotation of the word.

    A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word. This is a literary technique often used by writers so the reader is not overburdened by the repetitious use of one word. Repetitious is a form of the word repetition, which means using something over and over again.

    I’ll spell it out some more; his argument hinges on a few select verses in the Bible, most notably Leviticus 18:22, he justifies strict and blind adherence to these by claiming other passages like Matthew 18:6, and Deuteronomy 28:15 justify such literal and fundamental interpretations of the Bible.

    Reading my earlier post it’s very hard to believe you think I’m saying homosexuality is wrong, it seems more likely you’re trying to provoke something or divert attention away from Phelps and his Church’s duplicity. Duplicity is a synonym for hypocrisy. I’ve explained what a synonym is above and here I’m using it as a substitute for hypocrisy and I’ll explain what hypocrite means bellow, so you will not be confused.

    How can you possibly miss the point of my earlier post, it starts with me redefining hypocrisy; do you know what that word means? It is the act of pretending to have beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards that one does not actually have. Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.

    I then go on to demonstrate several examples whereby Phelps and the members of his church are in direct violation of the Bible they claim all others must follow, thusly proving they are beyond hypocrites, they are Phelpocrites – something even worse than a hypocrite.

    I’ll admit I made up the word Phelpocrite, so I cannot really hold you accountable for not knowing what it means. I did think that given the direct reference to and contrast I draw to hypocrite it would be obvious to those falling within the 90th percentile of functional literacy. I still stand by that evaluation and belief.

    I’ll leave you with some homework that may help you broaden your literary horizons and at the very least; you can learn a new word and how to use it in a clever manner.

    You, sir, are obtuse. I’ll give you hint, I am not using obtuse in the geometrical or mathematical sense. Good luck and happy learning.

  673. @gunnar

    Why do you care? He's still saying that homosexuality is wrong.

  674. @Steve

    Did you ever get an answer to your letter to Fred Phelps? If so, could you post it? I'm sure it would be very amusing!

  675. Fred Phelps and his cult could not possibly do more damage to the credibility of religion in general and Christianity in particular if that was what he deliberately set out to do. It makes me wonder if that is really his secret agenda. Whether he realizes it or not, more people are going to be turned off from religion by his tactics than converted to it--particularly his brand of religion. Maybe that is perfectly allright with him. These people seem to take great pleasure in the conviction that no one will go to heaven except them. The fewer that qualify for heaven by their lights, the more special and superior they feel they are. It is the very epitome of arrogance and ignorance. Apparently they reject or ignore Christ's teaching that humility is a virtue. I wonder how they would interpret Matthew 5:5.

    One of the most astounding things I noticed in the documentary is that the 21 year old daughter actually seems to think that they are performing a "courteous service" by their hateful and intolerant tactics!

  676. lol madness you get some mad people in the world but america
    has the best inbred

  677. The point that I mentioned above is that Fred Phelps never hated gay people until he went looking for a group of people that he could hoist his anger on and that he would get the attention of other people especially the media. He represented them as an attorney and had them at his house. It is all a sham.

    He has lost some of his family as they have left the fold and went to greener pastures to seek a life away from him. Yes, many members have stayed there, but they are mindless people who need someone to tell them what is up and what is down. "Gramps" does exactly that. It is a cult.

    Fred Phelps is an old man who does not care what the Bible says but only in maintaining the avenues in which he can express his anger at the world. His wife is a mindless zero and his family members that have stayed are those who will disperse once he dies as all of us do sooner or later.

    I don't know why so many people write about what the Bible says on this thread when it is so evident that the Phelps Family does not care what it says.

    Many people use the Bible like a weapon to hurl abuse and hatred. Instead of following suit, one can only pray that when it is time for them to go their separate ways which will happen some day they will have the good grace to forgive their actions that they are doing today. In this regard, they will need the love and forgivence that is promised in the Bible.

  678. these people are picking and choosing the parts of the bible they like .. god may say all that stuff about homosexuality but he also says love god and love your neighbour as yourself and thats what really is important!

  679. Truly a pagan group.

  680. Firstly, I want to point out that I find everything they do as wrong. They are going through their lives with so much hate, and are preaching in a terrible way. I also feel extremely bad for the children being raised with those views. But I must say, every other church(and the families of the churches) raise their kids the exact same way. They are taught as early as they can, and are stuffed with religious rhetoric and eventually begin to regurgitate everything they were taught. Once they get to a certain age, they even begin to believe it. I was born and raised in the LDS church and my family and church teachers did the same to me, and I believed it was true up until a year or so ago once I moved out. Me being away from everything, and with help of friends I became more open minded and I saw things completely differently.

    My point is, all religious families raise their kids like this, and there isn't much anyone can do about it. The only difference between other religious families and this one is how extreme they are. This one actually goes out and tells everyone they are going to hell except them because they are the only ones following the bible correctly(meaning under 20 people are going to heaven, and everyone else in the world will have a lovely view of fire and brimstone).

    Our only hope is eventually something will click in their minds that tells them that everything they are preaching is hatred, and causes anger and sadness and is not going to make the world a better place. What people need to make the world better is Acceptance, Inspiration and Respect!

  681. Louis Theroux was very perceptive when he said that Fred Phelps was a very angry man and all of this hatred was based not on God but on hate.

    Fred Phelps used to be a very good civil rights attorney but he got too angry at a court reporter and went after her like he does the gay population. He was disbarred. Some of his clients were gay and they stayed at his house. As for hating the Jewish American population, that too is new as well as the military and veterans. It is all done to release his anger at the world and to get attention to himself.

    The film was a good description of a cult. Theroux should be proud at the great job he did of describing the Westboro Baptist Church. The people he interviewed mentioned three people who left the church. Actually, there are more. That is why Fred Senior did not want to answer Theroux. He has two older sons who moved to California and have nothing to do with them too.

  682. On a second note another part of me just wants to take a bat and beat these people till they bleed to death.

  683. Male gorillas court and couple with each other, grizzly bear families have two mothers, male swans form pair-bonds with one another and female long-eared hedgehogs have oral sex. In this book homosexual behaviour is documented in over 450 species of animals.

    When it comes to the studying of homosexuality in nature the most prodigal studies have to be those collated by Bruce Bagemihl in his book "Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" (1999). Quite rightly it describes itself as "the book that definitely crushes the argument that homosexuality is not natural". Homosexuality is widespread in nature. To say that it is "unnatural" is to say that the stars don't shine!

    if i saw these people on the street and they told me i was going to hell for supporting an unatural lifesyle i would say, "ok then. thats fine with me. i'd much rather take the chance that maybe i'll go to hell when i die rather than spend my life making hell by spreading hate like you. while you sit here and waste your time doing nothing productive, i'm actually going to do something usefullwith my time on earth like spreading the love!!!"

  684. @Chris:

    What?? true to fundamentalist christianity?? not!! they only cherry
    pick out of the bible what they want to do.

    Read the above post from @Steve:!!

  685. There are many who will hate me for saying this, but I don't care. In this documentary, I saw a family who's more true to fundamentalist Christianity than any other mystical faith church organization in the country and possibly the world. What's interesting is that I'm saying that as an atheist myself.

  686. This is exactly what happens with religion. With trying to define what the bible means when it says certain things. With trying ti define who god is. Even though there actually is no god.

  687. Well, if they are right, and God hates fags and everyone else who exists except these delusionals, then I will welcome Satan to my soul when I die, because nothing will convince me I'm wrong when I say homosexuality is fine.

  688. I hope these Bitches all get shot in their throats, one at a time.

  689. "tolerant bisexual atheist"

    Well, Kori, it seems as though we have at least two things in common. Those kids are brainwashed, and it's sad. I... I pity them, because I doubt any of them, excluding the very youngest, can be saved from that monstrosity of a lifestyle... Again, other than the few very young ones, they still deserve to die, they were pushed into that lifestyle, and unless you want to be the one to torture them back into a normal mentality, they will be the next Phelps' on the news once that old bastard, and his daughter die.

    Think of Muslim extremists; when you see videos of them making their 10-year-olds slit the throats of our soldiers, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? "Oh you poor child," or "How can a child do such a thing?" The Phelps', just as those aforementioned Muslim children are too lost to be helped, and it's terribly sad, but by this point, it ultimately comes down to "Who get's who first."

  690. This is a copy of a letter I sent to the Westboro Baptist Church outlining just a very few of their own PHELPOCRISIES.

    I also felt a special word was needed so as not to insult the hypocits among us by likening the WBC to them.

    PHELPOCRISY: (felp-ock-ra-see) – The inability to live by the standards one demands of others, coupled with an arrogant and evil drive to cause pain to American heroes and their families and a refusal to listen or shut one’s mouth.

    July 17, 2010

    Dear Pastor Phelps,

    I write to you today in hopes of saving you, your congregation and family members from an eternity of suffering and damnation. Though I fear you and your congregation have mocked God’s own commands so blatantly for so long and without regard for his word you are all past redemption, as you point out so often, it is my duty to remind you of your duty to your Lord God.

    I understand your commitment to the word of God in reference to your fulfilling your duty to remind us all of our duty to the laws of your Lord God as laid down in Leviticus 18:22 “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”

    Am I correct in my understanding that you and your congregation and family are strictly devoted to and serious about the laws of God as revealed to us in the Holy Bible?

    Then, as you so often point out, it is my duty to make you aware of your congregations numerous affronts and disregard for the very laws God commands us to live by.

    I could not help noticing that all male members of your congregation, including yourself pastor, seem to have cut their sideburns and facial hair. God clearly commands in Leviticus 19:27 “Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.”

    Also it is commanded by the Lord your God that women must not be uncovered, while outside violating so many of God’s laws the women of your church mock God by not covering themselves properly as stated in 1 Corinthians 11:6 “For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.”

    In much of the video footage of your missionary and public ministry work I’ve noticed many of your congregation wearing clothing that has a blend of materials. As you continually remind us, it is our duty to point out as people stray from the word of God and his law. Hopefully you are aware that wearing this type of garment is strictly and very clearly forbidden by the Lord God. Specifically, Leviticus 19:19 “Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.”

    I mean no offence here, but again as your ministry points out it is our duty to call to task those who mock God by ignoring His own law. It is well documented that a member of your church and daughter has given birth to a child out of wedlock. I realize that the command by your Lord God for this wicked transgression against His will is a true and real test of your commitment to the faith you adhere to and, in fact, encourage all of us to adhere and so requires a strength, true belief and courage you seem to lack. However once again I feel compelled by the grace of God to point out to you that you are in direct violation of God’s own law. I’m afraid I must insist Shirley Phelps-Roper be burnt immediately, as God commands of all true believers in Leviticus 21:9 “And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire.”

    Further more any offspring of your daughter, Shirley Phelps-Roper, must be immediately cast out from your flock as God commands in Deuteronomy 23:2 “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.”

    In some interviews with members of your congregation I have heard some very young children use appalling language, which as someone who is truly dedicated to the goodness and truth of spirit, I simply cannot repeat here. But you are surely aware this is strictly forbidden by God as revealed to us in Ephesians 5:4 “Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.”

    I regret to inform you that I’ve noticed some of your family and congregation members wear glasses. Again God’s command is very clear on this point as set forth in Leviticus 21:17-21 “Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God.”

    “For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,

    “Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,

    “Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;

    No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.

    While one can certainly admire your desire to help spread the true word of God, I simply must demand, in the name of God, that your ministry end the public displays. We are commanded in Matthew 6:1 “Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.”

    As if the public displays were not in themselves enough of an abomination to God, the manner in which you do this, using slogans and chants, is also an offence against the Lord your God as told to us in Matthew 6:7 “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.”
    Again I am so very sorry to be the one who must remind you and point out your wicked ways and abominable sins, though it is commanded by your Lord God that I do so. Given all the blatant and unrepented transgressions your congregation has and continues to engage upon in direct opposition to God’s law you are also violating Matthew 18:6 “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

    And you all are guilty before God and continue to mock the Holy word and God’s own commands.

    The Bible leaves no room for error on just how important it is you obey not some but, all God’s commands, forgive me for pointing this out, but it is not acceptable for a Christian to simply obey the laws you find convenient and that fit in with the lifestyle you have chosen. This is reinforced yet again in Deuteronomy 28:15 “But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee”

    We are reminded again in Luke 16:16-17 “The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.”

    “And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.”

    And again in Matthew 5:17-20 “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.”

    “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”

    “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

    “For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

    It pains me though I must do the duty your Lord God commands; through all of your mocking and many repeated and deliberate choices to defy God you and your entire congregation are condemned to the eternal fires of Hell. For there is no ambiguity in the law of the Lord your God. Romans 13:2 “Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”
    As you have pointed out so many times, and I applaud you for recognizing at least some of the truth revealed in the scriptures, you cannot argue nor debate my pointing out your many, many transgressions against the Lord your God. 2 Peter 1:20-21 “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.”

    “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

    I sincerely hope you take my remonstrance and reminder to you of your Lord God’s own word to heart and pray upon what I have said to you for I fear you and your entire congregation shall be condemned by the Lord your God as told to us in Matthew 13:41-42 “The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;”

    “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

    I hope and pray you and your congregation will truly embrace the word of the Lord your God and repent your wicked and unholy ways and stop mocking his commands, though I fear you are truly consumed by your own wickedness and evil.

    I will continue to pray for your salvation, though it is up to you to abandon the wickedness you chose to live by and truly embrace the Lord. I know this is not easy and requires a person to be serious and truly committed to living by your Lord God’s commands. Perhaps you are not capable of living by God’s laws, in which case you are all condemned to an eternity in burning Hellfire however, I urge you to be stronger, abandon your evil ways and truly embrace God’s will.

    I leave you with a quote you use on your own website, Fear God and keep His commandments. Ecclesiastes 12:13

    Steve Andrews

  691. I find the families spoon fed intolerance sad and disturbing.

    Thank god for making me a tolerant bisexual atheist. *laughs grimly*

    If the internet hadn't already shredded my faith in humanity, this would have been the final straw.

    But c'mon, people, think: if you had grown up in that family you probably would act like the children do for most of your childhood at least, if the brainwashing didn't turn you extremist Christian for the rest of your life as well. We don't have a choice who we are born as; it could be you out there holding signs saying 'god hates fags' since you could walk and talk as well.


  692. OMG... That is messed up stuff.

    I was thinking, Perhaps it would be more effective to go to defense sign up stations?? Y'know, get to them first instead of when war has already ripped a family apart... freakin jerks.

  693. A big issue I see here is "Freedom of speech". I am from Australia and it amazes me how Americans protect this right so passionately. Americans probably have less freedoms than the rest of the developed Western world, particularly since 9/11. But you all seem willing to die for this freedom of speech? Do you guys really think it is that important to let any nobody spout crap because he is entitled to freedom speech.

    In Australia everybody is entitled to an opinion, but we don't have some stupid doctrine allowing you to cram it in other peoples faces. Freedom from speech we call it.... Of course it is important for everybody to have a voice, but why are you all so passionate for people to be allowed to shove it the face of everybody else. It is bizarre?

    This kind of behavior would not fly down here, the public wouldn't stand for and it.

  694. I get that people have their own beliefs. But they are WRONG about rejoycing over death and thinking everyone is going to hell except them. The bible even talks about God's never ending love and forgiveness. I also believe that he created everyone in his own image, therefor the gays as well (Look at Sunny Smiles comment, they are correct). And a personal belief of mine, is that hell is a place for satan and his followers, no one else. After all, God is ever forgiving.

  695. then get out of my country

  696. They all deserve to die. They are a terrorist organization that has been allowed to base themselves out of America for too long now. Free speech is a right, and when you show yourself to be irresponsible to uphold that right unto yourself, it should be taken away.

    I hope he dies a gruesome death; if I ever had the chance to, I would, without the slightest morsel of remorse, or mercy, slaughter everyone who follows their word.

    If there is a Hell, I will be seeing Fred Phelps, and all of his followers there when I arrive.

  697. I am a buddhist. We try to understand other people beliefs but it is very hard to when they spread hate. Many Christians explain that God is ultimately love and merciful but I do not think believe people this church is working for God. People should have compassion for others no matter who they are. Even people who have no compassion for others themselves.

  698. CORRECTED: Okay people, if God did not create homosexuals, how do you explain hermaphrodites – babies that are born with 2 whole sets of genitals – one set of male and one female. You have some parents making gender decisions for these children before they have exhibited the gender of the soul that inhabits their bodies and have made bad mistakes. God made these children. If God can make children with 2 sets of genitals, he can put a female soul into a male body as well as a male soul into a female body. Think about it.. God can and does anything.. This life is a test.. will you pass or fail?

  699. Okay people, if God did not create homosexuals, how do you explain hermaphrodites - babies that are born with 2 whole sets of genitals - one set of male and one female. You have some parents making gender decisions for these children before they have exhibited the gender of the soul that inhabits their bodies and have made bad mistakes. God made these children. If God can make children with 2 sets of genitals, he can put a female soul into a human body as well as a male soul into a human body. Think about it.. God can and does anything.. This life is a test.. will you pass or fail?

  700. God loves EVERYONE. Fags and all.

  701. I hope they all suffer very painful, gruesome deaths.

  702. i tried to find info on the net to see if anything was being done to help these kids and i found nothing so far..

  703. this makes me hate everything, seriously. how is this not child abuse?!


    I think I understood perfectly. No-one has any issue with their views, at all. None whatsoever. Why should they? After all, they aren't the first people to dislike homosexuals now, are they? It is not a new thing. The issue is with the picketing of dead soldiers funerals.

    If you can't see how picketing dead soldiers funerals is a sham and a disgrace, then shame on you. You have not commented on that, which was my point. Surely people are free to bury their children without assault. I don't see what any of this has to do with freedom of speech like you do. You obviously do not understand what it means. It means not just freedom to express and hold those views, but freedom FROM subjugation of those views.

    You won't get an apology, so you do well not to expect one. Shame on you.

  705. Phil Atio

    I don't think your statement

    "they do not seem to be very good at communicating to Louis what their point is."

    is very correct. They are not good at communicating to the entire world. In response to your points.

    1. I disagree. I am not gay, but I do not care what they do and I am not totally obsessed with homosexuality like yourself and this group. Is there something you wish to tell us? What are you trying to hide?

    2. Adultery was committed by Shirley Phelps who has a child out of wedlock.

    3. Why has anyone got to die? Why do religious people measure the quality of things by the amount of deaths. Listen, my guess is that no-one is willing to die. If you look at soldiers, they are doing it as a career, and not for their willingness to die. It is evident you have never been in the army. If you want to die, go sign up, or put on an explosives belt. And religion has had its fair share of deaths in the wars that religion has started. But don't say people are willing to die because they are not. It may be a consequence that they do, but they try and avoid it at all costs. You really have no comprehension of reality on this. As I said, if you want to lead by example, then go kill yourself in the name of God.

    4. I am sure that includes you. You are full of hate and are ready to see death planted on others. Indeed, your comment has said you are disappointed at the amount of people in the USA who seem willing to die. You should think about that. I am sure your God would want to discuss that with you when you arrive. Beyond which, who goes to hell would be God's decision, and not yours. He does not need your input, and he can do that job himself. If you have no confidence in his decision making, then go tell him. Otherwise, just shut up.

    5. The questions were relevant as they uncovered the hypocrisy. As a journalist, asking them off camera is different to asking them on camera, so he will ask the question multiple times. And he never answered anyway.

    6. Free speech has nothing to do with it. People are entitled and have a right to bury their dead sons and daughters without being interfered with by this group. You have no idea what freedom of speech means. None whatsoever. Indeed, aren't gay people free to do what they want to do. Your idea of freedom of speech is selective. "These people can have free speech, but these people can't", does not mean freedom of speech.

    Your views are straight out of darkest Africa. Where did you get them from?

  706. @ philatio

    r u kidding??????
    homosexuality is wrong!!!!!
    what century are you living in????? i still find it hard to believe that there are people with such narrow minded views in this world.
    what r u going to do when one of your kids come home and tell you they are gay.?

    as for most americans going to hell. YES I AGREE, all of the religious self righteous bigoted americans such as yourself will definetly be going to a very sad place.

    the openminded loving and fags and fag lovers in this world will be sitting back saying, WE TOLD YOU SO.

    i would like to know if you would be happy to have people with signs standing on your front porch saying " PEDOPHILE LOVER". fact is you believe in god and their are religious people out their who are pedophiles so that makes you a pedophile lover.

    freedom of speech, what a beautiful thing.

    your are a foolish person.

  707. All of these people sound brainwashed...I feel nothing but pity for these people because their way of thinking is so full of hate…they cut out their family members like they are nothing. They will be very lonely in Heaven if that's where they end up...

  708. @Philatio
    Nice synopsis. We watched it too. Uh, as far as #5 Louis did NOT ask a dumb question brainiac. He wanted to see which kids HITLER would claim. Does he claim ALL of his children or just the HATERS and not the other 4 who booked. It wasn't a stupid question and I'm sure he was prepared for part of the reaction he got.
    I feel sorry for ALL of them BUT HIM. He brainwashed them ALL. Without him I can almost guarantee NONE of them would be picketing dead soldiers funerals.

  709. I think the main message of what these people say is correct, however there tactics are highly questionable and they do not seem to be very good at communicating to Louis what their point is. However I suspect that Louis did an almost Stephen Colbert style amount of editing in this doc. because of people's responses to questions (ie. people saying we already answered questions to him that in the doc. only appears he asked once).

    This group is right that
    1-homosexuality is wrong
    2-homosexuality based on the bible is a form of adultery
    3-Many americans are engaging in government or nation worship. Particularly the ones who call themselves patriotic and worship their country like it were Gd. Intrestingly 1 million americans are in the armed forces willing to die for their country, but hwo many americans would die for their religion?
    4-Most Americans are going to hell
    5-Louis ask dumb questions (how many children do you have, when he was already told)
    6-they have free speech and are attacked for their views

  710. S***, send THEM to Iraq. Give em' all AK's (not the little haters) tell them the insurgents are fags and let them go at it. They wanna preach HELL then send them there.

  711. Whoops..."no more hate speech" should be "no less hate speech". My bad.

  712. @Big Dipper

    I think you missed the gist of what I was saying, and filled in a lot of the blanks I left yourself. Hope that isn't a habit of yours.

    A lot of your rant was directed at "me and my religious zealot buddies" and other such framings assuming I was somehow associated with these people, or shared the same views on life. Not even close to the truth, and sorry if I conveyed that somehow. I freely and gladly associate with many races, political spectrums, religions, and gender identities. I "label" them by their first names and judge them by what I've experienced with them, and nothing else.

    I couldn't agree less with the Phelp's views about God or their hate speeches and the way they are deployed, but I appreciate their right to say it in just the same way I appreciate their victim's right to argue right back. Open debate and reason is the key to understanding each others' views and, while not necessarily changing one's own, finding commonalities at the roots of the problems.

    We have a tendency to classify people by how they are different than us until, at some age, we're left with 1000 "groups" to avoid for 1000 different reasons. It would be more productive, I think, to focus on the similarity of each others' problems, and stop oppressing the voices of those who are reaching out with clues to solutions by pigeonholing them into tidy boxes.

    Saying all racists and homophobes are the same and should be wiped off the earth simply for having THOSE opinions on THOSE subjects you find offensive, while turning a blind eye to the rest of the good in them is no more hate speech than when Phelps does the same to soldiers or gays.

    If Phelps and her family were physically attacking people, it would be a different story. But sticks and stones and all that jazz. They believe its what they need to do as good Christians, and given the utter lack of knowledge of anyone in that area, they could well be right. If you don't agree, you don't have to. You're hopefully not a sponge, but a critical brain. You'll be fine, and so will anyone else with their own convictions.

    I don't expect an apology, since this IS a comment board, but there's something for you to either chew over or black out. Your call, bud.

  713. I have lived my life following Christ. I try to live a Christ-like existence. Even for those who do not believe He is the Son of God, He is worth following and His message of peace and love should continue and be spread.

    That being said, like Christ I have welcomed people from all walks of life in my home and adopted a gay son because he needed us and that was the right thing to do. Someday I hope he meets the right fellow, marries, and bring me lots of grandchildren.

    Lastly, let me remind everyone that the Bible is comprised of several books that were selected from thousands of volumes, scrolls, and letters by the Catholic Church in the late 200s A.D. in the First Vatican Council. They were written by men - several men. Some well known like Moses and Paul, others unknown. They also have undergone many translations as most were written in Hebrew, others in Latin, and most of them in Greek. The Greek word for homosexual is often confused with or used in place of the word sodomy. After the Roman Empire accepted Christianity as one of its many official religions under the Emperor Constantine (a life-long pagan), all these scrolls, letters, and tidbits of writings were all transcribed into Latin and voted on as to what should be included and what should not, under Constantine's direction. In the 1400s they were again interpreted and transcribed by Martin Luther into German and in the 1600s by King James, grandson of Henry VII. At this time, 5 books were eliminated from the King James Version but they remain in the Universal or Catholic edition. About 30 years ago, the Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the authenticity of the 5 books, however the King James or Christian Protestant version still does not include them.

    The Bible is a guide. It should be treated as a living document that people can read and interpret its meaning to them throughout the ages as they themselves are inspired by God just as the words in the Bible were alledgedly inspired by God in the time that the writers wrote them.

  714. Amen...Thank JesusAllahBuddah these weirdos don't procreate.

  715. At least none of these girls will procreate.

  716. InedibleHulk

    No. Not letting you get away with that. This is not the private issue you ignorantly think it is. Yes, they have freedom of speech. Yes, they can believe in what they want. But they do not have freedom of speech at the detriment of our own. They do not. Go take that to the bank, find the manager, and cash it in. I and the others have freedom of speech too, not just you and your religious fundamental hatred fuelld buddies, but I do not hear you talk about freedom for the victimization of others. Freedom of speech is not just for them or you, but for everyone. Just because religious zealots like yourself shout "faith", gives you no more rights than the rest of us. And the rest of us are calling our game, and your name. And our game thinks you are a religious bigot, who has rules for some, that do not apply to others.

    If I was to stand outside your house with placards that said

    "your mother is a cheap twenty dollar whore"
    "This man is an ass f##king paedophile"
    "Go choke on your jailed daddies dick in your trailer home"

    etc etc etc

    and did that for a living, a motivation for life, but I am sorry, I know, and you know, and you know that I know, that you would not take that as anything to do with freedom of speech. That is because it has nothing to do with our freedoms.

    Our freedoms exist not to allow this aggressive nonsense, but to protect our private lives from being subjected to it.

    With freedom of speech comes responsibilities, and you need to learn some.

    Standing outside of dead soldiers funerals, to disrupt those poor families grief has nothing, yes nothing, to do with freedom of speech. Me beating the crap out of you does not mean I have the freedom to beat the hell out of who I want. I think if that was to happen, you would somehow object. Yes, you would. The common man thinks of the victim, not the perpetrator, as you seem to do so.

    Your comment says so much about you, oh so much, and nothing about what you watched. Bow your head, and we'll feel ashamed for you. The former may not be fulfilled, but the latter will be enacted, of that I am sure.

    Shame on you

    Shame on you

  717. Not sure if it's been said, but there's a lot of angry talk of violence and nasty insults being thrown at this family here. As far as I know, they hurt nothing but feelings by speaking their mind and following their religion. Two fundamental rights. And many of you do just the same back, yet you don't seem to think yourselves nearly as evil as them. Is it only because you disagree with their opinions? They only disagree with yours.

    I say they seem like an intelligent and charismatic bunch, with a strong family bond. I could hang out with them just as comfortably as I could with many soldiers, fags and fornicators. Discrimination is discrimination, period.

  718. i'm surprised a lot of peeps here are actually ok with the Phelps. Well, wait, no I'm not surprised - those peeps are religious freaks as well, so of course when it comes to religion, law breaking, picketing funerals, wanton disrespect, protesting freedoms, and brainwashing is 'negotiable'...

    The government and political powers can do anything they want to get done what they want, at least in terms of bailouts and other capitalistic matters. I'd love to see a shit ton of lawyers hit the books (they wouldn't have to work long) and locate means of punishing their actions and activities with arrests, prison time, and the removal of all minors. The same should go for all other religious followers who would take their doctrines and beliefs anywhere away from the home or church - which should be taxed heavily.

    I actually think I may write up a bill regarding these matters, utilizing time, research, and travel in my spare moments, and actually c.o. it, post it, and transfer it for review by people of authority and law. If nothing else, it would be an educational, productive, and dutiful project that could result in several positive outcomes.

  719. Is it just me or is Shirley oddly fascinating? She has a sort of cunning manner...Certainly has the courage of her f'ed-up convictions.

  720. These people are going to go to hell. Didn't they say that if someone doesn't believe in the bible, they are going to hell? And that their family will be cursed? Well, their family is cursed because some of their family members do not believe what they believe. It's insane, they will burn in hell by the looks of it and I am not even religious.

    They need to put theirselves in our shoes, those dumba**es.

  721. While the adults in this video (18 and older) have every right to their beliefs, they have no right to force their kids into such a bizarre, dangerous lifestyle. The little boy got hit in the head with a flying object for G*d's sake!

    These people are so repressed and are obviously projecting their fears of inadequacy onto others. Children have a right to THEIR beliefs and instincts as well, and these cultish freaks are denying them that right by drilling a message of hate and judgment into their heads 24 hours a day. They are terrible role models and will surely suffer the physical health effects of all that anger and repression...

    And by the way, have you ever SEEN such shameless attention?! I'm sure they sit around reading comments like ours and revel in the fact that someone, someWHERE is taking the time to notice their unfortunate looking asses. They were undoubtedly ignored by the opposite sex all their lives, never had a social life and were generally shunned since birth. So why not give people a "reason" to shun them? It's their way of expressing anger toward a society that never accepted them, and it's pathetic.

    The jig is up.

  722. To say they are following the Bible literally is a false statement. The Bible says that God is the perfect representation of love, therefore God is love. Is it possible for love to hate? Also, the Bible says all sins (except for blasphemy, depending on your interpretation) are equally abhorrent to the Lord, therefore God does not 'hate' homosexuals more than any other sinners. As well, in Leviticus, in the section on sexual purity, it clearly states that homosexuality and other deviant sexual acts are an abomination, which is where I imagine the WBC gets it's main doctrine. I am curious as to wether members of the WBC eat pork or sea food, properly treat and dispose of mildewed garments, and refuse to eat beef and dairy in the same meal, all of which are rules set out in Leviticus. Finally, the Bible says that all humans are Gods children. Is it possible for a parent to rejoice in the death of their child?

  723. This whole affair saddens me. I am a 19 year old college student, and it pains me to think that there are people in this world who can preach so much hatred. This "church", in my opinion, is just a poor group of brainwashed humans who are taking orders from a racist, homophobic old man who is fit to burst with hatred. I myself believe only the voice of logic and reason, while trying to be as peaceful and loving to everyone, and to be as Buddhist as possible. To think that by not feeling hatred towards certain people will ensure my eternal torment in the afterlife is horrifying. My thoughts are constantly turned towards the children, whose entire lives have been irrevocably turned towards that of hatred. They are only acting how they were raised, and yet they themselves are taking the worst of it. Those poor girls, who will never have a social life. The poor boys, getting hit with drinks because of holding a sign that they DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF! The parents act like its nothing, yet the times have changed, and the adults are raising the children in their own image, which has expired long ago. While i am an advocate for freedom of religion, i am not for the freedom to hate, which is what this group is doing.

  724. @ Vlakto

    Enjoying your site mate - found it a couple of weeks ago and have hardly been off it!

    Any chance you could put on "Keith Allen will burn in hell", it's another doc about Westboro baptist church but it's quite funny - I think some people will enjoy it! It's on google vids.

    All the best

  725. numbnuts - good one! lol

    These people are ignorant and crazy. Hope the children have a real chance at life and the paranoid adults burn in Hell. These people are the very evil they "warn" others about. The hate that this family exudes absolutely disgusts me.

    On a happier note, Louis is cute! =)

  726. my other comment was too damn nice. how dare they stand near a funeral with those signs!!! If I was there for that funeral i would've walked right over there and punched them all out! I would like to see a group of people stand at one of those psycho baptist's funeral someday with huge fag signs waving around everywhere and see how they feel! And how DARE they make God seem so full of hate. They are doing no good at all for anyone. If they are so into the bible why don't they love their neighbour as they love themselves (cause you know, they probably love themselves more then they even love god). It is okay to have an opinion. It is okay to dislike the sexual act of gays if that is the way you feel but my lord don't hate the poor people and god certainly doesn't HATE them! I myself have never been a supporter of gay marriage or anything like that (personally i don't mind it) but this ignorant family made me want to go out and be an advocate for gays!

  727. they live in their own little box. its just amazing. and screw them for saying god even hates anyone. totally agree with numbnuts comment lol

  728. That was funny when "God" hit the seven year old with that drive-by slurpee. Make a sign for that.

  729. Obviously these people are closet homosexuals!

  730. These people are insane. Especially that eldest 21 year old daughter... the way she maniacally smiles at everything. Psychological disorder at least...

  731. i don't completely agree with your comment Cage Cross. this is ingrained , brainwashing. exposing this keeps it out of the darkness where more innocent people , especially children can be subject to this . this kind of corruption and illusion will not dimnish by ignoring .


  732. The leaders of this congregation should be shot. Period. No quarter.

  733. The more attention that we give these people the more they will continue to do it. If they stopped recieving publicity they would diminish drastically.

  734. definition of Cult based on the American Webster Online Dictionary:

    Main Entry: cult (n)

    1 : formal religious veneration : worship
    2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
    4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator
    5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

  735. You Know, it would ALMOST be worth the prison time to assassinate these sick, demented child abusers. Im not a violent person, but these cult members can easily turn you into one!

  736. nate: It took you ten minutes, the open credits did it for me. You should be ashamed of yourself!

  737. im ten minutes in and already want to punch this bitch.

  738. Ugh, am i the only one, who has the burning desire to show them what Gods wrath really is ? >3>

  739. To Falcon

    You said "they have a right to their beliefs" yes they do. I agree!!
    BUT only adults. It is child abuse to indoctrinate children with hatred for another human being base on the unjust or crazy religious beliefs of the parent. This is where government should step in and take the kids before they grow up to killers.

  740. This families name is Phelps? Should be pheltch.

  741. Charles B.

    I just asked if god exists. Still waiting for a reply :P

  742. Hmmmmm - so...if someone was to start a religion based on hating,self righteous, fundamentalist, fire and brimstone, hate filled, obsessed sick religious zealots (the list really is endless) and made up signs and picketed their ___________________ (insert your event here) it would be totally okay?

  743. Charles B - Hi. I am not certain about my pychoanalysis at all. It is just my opinion, and I believe that opinion to be very close to the truth. I work in a field of psychoanalysis, not that this gives me a higher or more personally accurate opinion than anybody else.

    I am certain that they think of homosexuality, and sex a lot. Much more than your average wholesome individual. They do it for one of two reasons. It could either be an excuse to allow them to think of homosexuality more than they feel they are allowed to, or it could be as a way to demonize and exorcise the obsession of homosexuality within themselves. Either way, for people who claim to not be anally fixated, they do spend a lot of time thinking about it. Even their posters show two men bending over. It is in your face, and about "sex", not just homosexuality. I am married to my wife, and marriage is not all about sucking and f--king. It is a long way off from that!!! It is about the relationship and the partnership. But these people seem to be obsessed with sex. Obsessed. It seems to me that they think relationships, all relationships are about just sex. Why? How do they reach that conclusion? I think that they think this is the truth, as it is how they have experienced relationships. It is themselves they are disgusted at. Probably because they have been denied sexual activity in a normal society setting.

    The lady no longer has a husband, or a father for her children. He left. They don't talk much on that. So what is left is her father preacher, and herself. I think the preacher, Gramps, engineered that, so that he has total control over her and her children. Indeed, he has. Look at what he makes them do. He is not doing it, have you noticed. He's too busy hanging out with God!!!!! Neither Gramps or his daughter think anything for the future of their children. They think about what those children can do for them. And as people, they seem to be spending their days obsessing about homosexuality.

    I believe there is abuse there, beyond just the emotional, as there is just so much anger. There is anger in huge amounts, and that sort of anger doesn't just pop in from nowhere. Not only is there vast amounts of anger, but there is also a refusal to answer basic questions. Not answering easy questions is a red flag that there is something big to hide. Everything threatens their fragile house of cards. Gramps is very much in the role of a cult leader, and I don't know of cults where strange sexual practices have not dominated in the background.

    So in conclusion, I have seen the vast amount of anger this leader has towards society (and therefore himself and his family), and I have seen them completely obsessional about thoughts on homosexuality, and I have come to the conclusion that there is some abuse going on somewhere.

    There is more evidence for that, than there is for the existence of their God, or for the prospect of myself going to hell.

  744. I have more enjoyment reading all of these comments more than watching these films at times. People hold onto their opinions like gold. Everyone needs to be right don't they?
    Difficult not to get emotional about such behavior, but I have to agree....stop giving these hatemongers all of the attention. Religion is never the problem...the individuals are the problem.

  745. USPATRIOT - Hello. I am going to pick a few holes in your comment. I don't mean to offend you personally, but I have a few thoughts on what you said. As you write, GOD SAYS HATE THE SIN AND NOT THE SINNER. Overall, I think you have allowed christianity to warp your opinion. To show any empathy towards these people because they believe in God, is the same thing as a police officer, showing empathy to the rapist, because their victim was wearing a short skirt, and was "probably asking for it,".

    As you empathize with them, you do not seem to have appreciated the gravity of the situation. Could we have imagined if that was not a religious group, just a group of people who wanted to picket funerals to provoke a reaction? What if they were scientologists, or muslims? I think your words would have quickly turned into vitriolic anger, and rightly so.

    2. You are partially right when you say "I agree with most of what they say about the world and God's judgement". I don't think you'll find many commentators disagree with you there. The world is indeed full of change, with a communications explosion, mass migration, enormous construction and populations booming. Add in global warming and terrorism too, and yes, the world is a very scary place, but it has NOTHING to do with God's judgement. The only people being judgemental are the believers of God, and the Westboro baptist church. It is not God who is being judgmental, but yourselves. God is the excuse to hide behind, to deflect the blame. It is so clear, that the world would be a better place without this crazy fundamentalism of the Westboro baptist church. THAT is what makes this place a scary world to live in. They are not the product of that fear, they are the CAUSE of that fear. It is just their chosen response to the world. This is hateful stalking. Really. At this point, God is not an excuse, and what they are doing to other grieving families needs to be the only focus. What they are doing is just plain wrong. You can't say "Don't like their message but .....Jesus was an ok guy, and so that's fine by me".

    3. Finally, when I read your sentence "I think they make the message flamboyant to get the attention and it worked" my jaw hit the floor.

    Do you really think that message worked on any religious platform whatsoever? They have only succeeded in letting their community know that they are vindictive, spiteful, mean, and abusive douchbags.
    Dude, their pastor thinks he has a direct phone line to God!!!!!!!! Do you think that God would have made this man one of his "facebook" chums? I don't. Can you imagine Jesus calling up and saying "Hey, Dick, saw the posters the other day. Good job, keep em coming. Maybe next time go to the hospital, and get em before they die".

    How can "Thank God for dead soldiers", outside the people's home on the day they put the body in the ground, be even remotely described as "flamboyant"? They didn't arrive to their destination on roller blades or something, singing songs to the crowds applause."Dunnnnnah - it's us, that wacky Westboro Fire and Brimestone Placard Wavers Club". I must have gone to bathroom when that part was on.

    I believe people wanted to kill them. You make out that everyone is quietly impressed with the tactic. If they were not of the christian faith, most states would have found a way to put these people behind bars.

    Finally, there is a quote for everything. In Psalms, it says "Let all sinners vanish from the face of the earth; let the wicked disappear forever." Not much focus on the sin there.

  746. this is actually the real gospel what we hear fr joel osteen is fake and not biblical,,,though GOD SAYS HATE THE SIN NOT THE SINNER so I dont agree with their signs, but I agree with most of what they say about the world and GODS JUDGMENT. I think they make the message flamboyant to get the attention and it worked

  747. Boy, if they think they are right in everything they are saying, they are going to get a massive shock when they die and end up in hell

  748. The last time I asked Him, He said He was, but he was having a few doubts about some guy named "Dan."

  749. Charles B:

    You know God isn't real, right?

  750. Big Dipper: I read your posts because NA said you were very spot on. Hum. That was a whole lot of psychoanalysis going on there. I bet you're wrong on 85-90% of it.

    Perhaps Mr. Phelps is just as mean as he is and loveless as he is without much reason for it all.

    Why are you called "Big Dipper" and why are you so certain about the anal sex stuff with his daughter and why such an interest in this particular documentary? . . . if we took your approach to psychoanalysis, I could really make something of that. Perhaps. Just something to consider.

  751. What I noticed helped me understand this family and this video better was watching it a 2nd time. The 1st time I wasn't really able to grasp what was going on, because all I heard was anger and belittlement and I myself as the viewer was shocked as to what was going on that I wasn't able to retain much the 1st time watching it. The 2nd time after I read everyone's comments I started seeing hiding subliminals and weakness' in Shirley, Fred, and the families justifications/arguments for their "religion". Cuz after all the majority of this movie is justifications/rhetoric to Louie's questions. Also, you can tell the family and Steve Drain, despise Louie with a passion; but when you look at it in it's entirety they secretly hate-to-like Louie because this is their big break and they know that "any attention is good attention", especially mass media!

    As someone stated before Louie does an awesome job of getting them out of their comfort zones and in doing so revels a lot of their own uncertainties/insecurities about what they have soaked up from "gramps". Of course Fred Phelps in my opinion handled Louie the best. This was in part due to the fact that he hardly was in the movie...which of course he did on purpose. Kind of dissapointed me that we couldn't get more out of the ringleader Fred and get into his mind more, but Louie did do his best.
    Louie dissected these people before our eyes really. The 1st time I watched this I didn't see that. I just saw angry argumentative hate driven people and I was constantly sidetracked and in awe with how they treated Louie which made me not see this movie and the Phelps family in it's/their entirety.

    In conclusion, Westboro Baptist Church is what it is. There are several clone mock wannabe WBC's out there and in America (yeah I know frightening & unfortunate), but what WBC got on the other groups is prestige through media and attention. Ok lets put the WBC at bay and not let them blow up anymore then they already have via: Howard stern show, BBC,Wikipedia,Countless newspapers articles ect ect. IGNORE THESE PEOPLE! FRONT, SMILE, & KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS! After all honestly watching it a 2nd time I do feel empathy for these people especially the kids and the college daughter who you can tell sooooo wants out, but is scared to take that step and leave. Pretty much the whole family is trying sooo hard to do something their not even sure of and as Louie says are the one's cheating and ultimately losing in the process of their strong minded absolute-truth based ideologies. They are truly hurting and needy people as my father would say. I will say a prayer for them and their healing process. As many stated they are mentally ill. No doubt about it in my mind. I don't feel like I have to be licensed in the mental health field to make that judgment. "The proof is in the pudding".

    PS: Big Dipper's reply/analysis where he/she starts off saying......"As a psychologist, I would share this".....(on January 5th, 2010 at 10:37) above, is the best analysis and I agree with about 85-90% of you're #'d points you make. Thanks. Found that post very insightful and it opened my mind up to what I was blind to see the 1st time watching this film. A lot of you're points in that post make a lot of sense.

  752. I really detest how this church handles themselves. Ha, I just realized what I typed! I should say, "conducts themselves"!

    Anyway, rarely do I condemn other "Christians" but I think much of this church will find themselves under the judgement of God for the lovelessness they display. I think Hell is hottest for the loveless hypocrit, but ultimately God alone will be their judge, just as He shall be mine.

    Jen: You may be right. There are worse sins than homosexuality; odd that is the one he would focus on so intensely unless that is your besetting sin also.

  753. I think Gramps is a homo and can't deal with it.

  754. The members of this "church" are definitely deluded. They seem to inhabit some other planet where they have created a Phantom enemy out of everyone and everything that do not conform with their narrow moral compass.

    Not surprisingly, this doctrine of world view is closest to radical Islam's current popular interpretation of "Jahiliyyah" where the Quran should serve as the guiding compass for all decisions: social, political, educational etc... And all those who do not conform to their standards are lost and thus can be justifiably blasphemed, condemned or even killed. The WB Church has the exact same views just centered on the Bible and its literal interpretation and yea they dont kill. Not Yet.

    The brain washing has made them completely un-reasonable and totally irrational. The hate they spread in turn ensnares and cages them with it. So they feel ostricized and cut away from "normal" society. I feel that this will only push them more away from society and radicalize their already flammable ideas even more.

    Until one day they might start killing, just like the radical Islamists.

  755. Why are cults always headed by tyrants? What does this say about human nature?

  756. Despite what they preach, these people seem happy, give off good vibes, and love each other. They just go to the ultimate in excluding other people from heaven. This sounds like medieval Christianity and present-day radical Islam. But these people don't kill.

  757. so hot , i want her babys

  758. i have no words.

  759. 100% pure unadulterated Child Abuse. Had they guns you can bet there'd be a Waco II on the news...

  760. i myself are not religious at all but i must say that this group of people are discusting, however they do not represent the majority of christians.
    this group take fundamentalist christianity to the extreme.

  761. Yep, religion is evil, I rest my case.

  762. My husband broke his neck from an IED in Afghanistan in November, and another marine in the vehicle died. If my husband died and this woman showed up at his funeral, you better believe I would knock that lady out. I am a Christian, and my Bible teaches that anything not done out of love is a sin. Taking those signs to a funeral sure as heck is not done out of love, therefore she is sinning. I don't get it.

  763. This is plain sad. I even feel bad for the old hag lady. To be filled with so much hate and hostility would be tough... yeah-yeah, I know some of them choose to be that way... but, man.

  764. seriously there is only 75 of them there are more gay and lesbians living in my street than that.perhaps its time for the tables to be turned and the majority need to stand up to those freaks

    they are the most ill informed bunch of morons i have ever had the displeasure of watching.

    if i am apparently going to hell then i am ok with that, as long as i am nowhere near those sick twisted poor excuse for human beings!!!!!!!!

  765. My First point to make. take it as you will...

    The Members of this church seem to fear God in the same way that I feared God when I was about three. I feared him so much that I would not go outside, thinking that he could see me and punish me. But, I grew up and was showed that God's mercy is endless. While it may be true that God is very jealous and will test you at times, he always loves you. It is funny, because throughout all of their signs and posters they have quoted key verses out of the bible that support their views, but they leave one important one out. John 3:16 states that "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." So this says that God doesn't hate the world. I do not fear God. I love him. And he loves me.

    My Second Point

    After watching this video, I see how some of the children don't even know what the signs they held said. I saw Shirley Phleps-Roper get on them quick so that she would not be embarrased. It kind of reminds me of when I saw the movie Frailty. It seems that the youth were brainwashed from the time they could walk and believe it as a lifestyle, just as someone who was raised to kill without consience would.

    My Third point is,
    Whenever somebody brings a valid counter point up, they immediately revert to profanity about "you're a fag enabler" or something of that nature. They do not have much material on their matters, and it is just as easy to say that God does everything in this world, rather than admitting that God gave Human's an ability that no other creature on this Earth has. Free will. They seem so deluded and set in their ways. But I feel so sorry for the oldest daughter who had to live through a life of seclusion and hatred just because she was born into it. I think that Shirley phelps-roper strategically did that in order to keep a tight hold on her beliefs and keep the message going. If she lost her children to the truth, there would be no more memory of the hate, God, what a smart move.

    My final point is that the Nation as a whole should stop giving them the attention that they want, and crave. If we just ignore them. They will eventually give up, like a child that wants to be noticed. Their tactics are simple. Find the most vulnerable situations that people are in and make them angry, but give them a message while you do so(i.e.)picketing soldier's funerals. They saw that before 2006 they weren't getting any attention from the mass media, and the moment they switched to funerals, whammo, there you go, Attention galore..

    I close now...thank you for your time

  766. Dear Mr John Maynard

    My sincere apologies. I had been given this post as a response to the video "ecstasy rising", which is how it has appeared, but when reposted, it comes up under "the most hated family in America". This indeed makes the comment very very different. It is actually quite funny, but I apologize sincerely for mistaking your post for a comment on a thread I have been following closely. I came down hard on you for no reason.

    Please accept my apologies.

  767. Mr John Maynard

    Hi. The majority of the comments comes from EX users, not from current users. They are people who no longer use ecstasy, but they talk about it as if it has given them something powerful into their adult life. But they are no longer current users. Not out of any moral direction, but because after a while it does become exhausting.

    I need say nothing about your post, and just let it stand for itself. My experiences with ecstasy mean that I am not like yourself. I see nobody as as waste of skin, and I am grateful for not seeing the world as this uniform "master race" as you obviously do. Who else do you think does not deserve their skin. Why don't you give us your list. I am confident it is very long, and gets longer by the day.

    Where I come from, anybody made of skin has as much right to exist as as anyone else. They do not need you and your far right views to legitimize them. If you believe that to be the case, then you are extremely narcissistic, and overtly egotistical. Indeed, beyond economic sciences, I have never heard of you before, and yet you want me to die. Why should your views legitimize me? My experiences were what they were. They were great. And they were personal. You seem to want me to say that never happened. But that would be a full lie.

    The facts are not with you. Nearly 70% of under 25's have taken ecstasy, and the true number is suspected to be in excess of that. You can continue to ignore these people as much as you want. They don't care what you do or what you think. Their lives have nothing to do with yours and vice versa.

    As I said, your post speaks for itself. I suggest FOX news would be your forum to find like minded views.

  768. If weed is a gateway drug than religion is a gateway to hate and murder.

  769. personally i dont believe this film should have ever been made ..... by making this film it only legitimizes these people and as far as i am concerned they are a colossal waste of skin ... if everyone would just ignore them they would eventually just go away and die ...... but as long as we keep acknowledging them they will continue their ignorance

  770. This is one of the saddest most frightening films I have ever seen. The religious christian brainwashing has been pushed to a frightening level. Where is social services for these poor children? They don't know what they are saying and are just feeding their parents rhetoric.
    Religion at it's best is just harmless delusions for the weak minded, but in this case this is not far removed from the Islamic extremists blowing themselves up.
    Truly scary stuff.

  771. MAN. I am so stoned and this made me laugh SO much. The world really is like a ride at an amusement park. It just made me laugh so hard.

    Lift me up out of this illusion, Lord.
    Heal my perception, so that I may know only reality.

    "Folks, it's time to evolve. That's why we're troubled. You know why our institutions are failing us, the church, the state, everything's failing? It's because, um – they're no longer relevant. We're supposed to keep evolving. Evolution did not end with us growing opposable thumbs. You do know that, right? There's another 90 percent of our brains that we have to illuminate."

    Goodnight, crazies.

  772. Fanaticism and brainwashing, that's all there is to it lol

  773. Religion is the problem.

    Imagine - No Religion

  774. Florencia: You made me laugh! Good point. I left America a good ten years ago and I love it very much! Shame on this bunch.

  775. If they hate America so much and thinks it's so bad why don't they just move? Duh.

  776. big dipper:
    true, we cant tell people how to feel, but we could try to change ideas. thanks for the feed back.

    and Im not to big on religion either. if there is a god, its not a intervening god. but that gave me more reason to look out for one another.

  777. Tophaed2- You are correct up to a point. People are not showing any mercy to these people.

    However, you have to look at why. For example, if I knock over a glass of water, the carpet will get wet. Is it the waters fault? Is it the carpets fault? You can't blame the water for being wet. You can't blame the carpet for being absorbent. It is what it is.

    Now, if people choose to demonstrate outside of funerals, uninvited, to declare their happiness at someone's death, then you have to accept that these people will receive a poor reception from others. It is what it is.

    Secondly, I am totally convinced that these people (adults) are sexual abusers. It is evident in what they say, how they say it, and how frequently they say it. It is very obvious that the adults are totally totally obsessed with anal sex. It is their life. It is their reason for everything. Surely, these people think of anal sex more than your average gay couple.

    True, our best reaction to them is to ignore the message, and to be nice to them. This then takes away their power and reason. But we can control our actions. We can not control our thoughts. What we think is what we think. It can not be expected that we do not feel a total revulsion at these individuals.

    They deserve it, in our private thoughts.

    But they do not deserve our energy. On that we agree. But you can't tell others how to feel and how to not feel. Why? It is not something that they can control. It is what it is.

    I am not religious in any way whatsoever, but the thing is, neither are they.

  778. pleas dont hate these people, their ideas on life are as F@#$ up as mine. we all see the world differently. I read some comments for this doc and some of the people that commented sound a lot like the family in the doc. show mercy to all that is less then, whether its in strength, knowledge , or in wealth. i better shut up now, i'm sounding like jerry springer final thoughts

    tell next time, take care of yourself and each other lol

  779. lol nothing new, same old religious people trying to feel good about them selves.

    if god gave us free will then he would not save you from death just as much as he can not stop me from killing you.

  780. OK "christians" and other religious folks, I am only going to say this once.

    What people do as sins is between them and god, since you believe in him anyway. It is not any of your business at all. The people in this video and those who practice like this are true and genuine hypocrites. They believe in a word that tells not to judge unless they shall be judged, and that god is the on'y one to judge. When people do this they are only betraying that word in that sense.

    Therefore anyone who thinks it is ok to point out someones elses sins is doing nothing but persecuting them and judging me...what a bunch hypocrites. This is why religion needs to be ousted forever. It allows people to think they have something they do not.

    Vlatko I must say that this is most ridiculious, scandlous, and down right ignorant film in your arsenal. My girlfriend actually watched and became so angry (because her brother is gay) that she is now trying to find the means of contacting this church.

  781. the three things that stick out the most from the documentary are

    1)the little 7 and 8 year old kids standing around holding the signs and being asked if they knew what the signs meant and if they understood why they were standing there and the one saying no and the other saying yes but not really knowing and then looking for clues from the adults around them. When she tried to explain it to them it really didn't seem like she really wanted to get the point across or that she didn't really know how to get the point across.

    2) when the one older girl said that she thought that if she ever got run over her getting run over would have to do with her sinning and that she would be going to hell that her dad would be happy that she got run over and that she was going to hell. Well I am sorry but what kind of parent would be happy if their child got run over.

    3) that all the older girls when talking about anything to do with their past they said that they would not dwell on it and did this whole I am uncomfortable smile laugh thing. they also seemed really sad when they were asked questions about themselves like they were not really happy and they wished that they could in a sense be normal. I personal think that if I were a part of that I would want to say what my past sins as I guess you would call them would be put into the light and then showed what I did in order to get back in to "gods will"

    they were very forthcoming with what they thought was wrong with society but they never once mentioned how they felt that people could atone for what they did wrong. I guess that in their eyes once you have committed a sin there is no hope for you it really makes you shake your head and also makes you want to take a better look at the people around you to see what kind of judgments people hold on to. All I can say is power to the people who had the strength to walk away and that I hope that whatever is out there brings good things your way

  782. or let it go on in a 'quieter way' all abuse is in some way connected to the belief in absolute power...and this is less blatant in England but it still exists. I was not surprised to hear the following comment made by a bishop: "any religion that worships a godess is degenerate" or the catholic priest who advised a man with aids not to wear a condom when he has sex with his wife...religion that devalues and chastises women is no different to one that hates homosexuality. They are only noticed because they look ridiculous. Degradation of women is woven into the very fabric of our society and so we do not notice it! As a man, that makes me very embarrassed indeed!

  783. Eric, you are right about the reenactment of abusive relationships. I guess this happened in this family. The old fellow brainwashed his dauther, who surprisingly finished law and still there was part of her brain that defended the abuser. And she is doing the same to her children. But what wouldn't work as much in Europe is convictions apparently protected by the Bible based ''knowleage''. It is easy to go trough with any message in the name of God in USA. In Europe people (mostly)have moved forward.

  784. Collete: "I have never witness something like this in europe. not Bile based".

    I have witnessed it all over the planet, and I work with it every day (in England at the moment) is a re-enactment of abusive relationships, same dynamic...only difference is this one has spread its acceptability throughout the family and become 'larger' than the norm

  785. It is America. Seems to me they are American product too. I mean they have lost their critical thinking, they just critisise. And taking the simple way to answer a complicated matter doesnt answer anything, just makes they think they know. They deffenetly know to hate without rationally puting the bags to feel the weight on their sholders. I hate to say this but the best ''cure'' for those who judge is getting exectly what they judge. If that little boy one day says ''I am gay'' I think this woman will join the gay pride. It is not a reason and I feel it is so American in a way. I have never witness something like this in europe. not Bile based.

  786. I work with families like this all the's called domestic abuse!

  787. I'm suprised the mother named her son Gabriel. I would have thought she'd be too scared that people might call him Gay for short. That whole family scares me.

  788. Love this family and doing good job to spread the truth. Every sencible person should to support them not to show middle fingur or heart to childrens through and hit the bottle. I would just like to say them brave of America who dont bowe infront of lie by Goverment. Love them and suggest them to keep going on.

  789. gibberish

  790. this documentary shows a family who follows bible rules the do not trust the society and the are trying to pass their religious message to the world these people are real christian

  791. These people are not Christians, they may claim to love Jesus but they certainly do not follow his message of love. It is sad that people like this have used God to justify the hatred that they have in their hearts.

  792. Surely there is a way of dealing with them under the mental health act (The USA equivalent)? Lock em up like we do in the UK. Child support agencies get the kids fostered by responsible non-psycho's and so forth.

  793. If only USA media didn't sensationalized them they might have just gone away just like every other nutters on the street.

  794. The youtube video was hilarious! It is a great way to deal with them. The poor kid hated being there. Isn't it child abuse to do that to a kid? My niece is staying with me and does not want to go to school tomorrow. The school told the kids that if they touch them or start a fight, that the intent of the group is to sue the school. She wants to stay home from school. Her black friends are not going. It is a safety issue with kids I think. These people have no heart or soul. Just unbelievable that this kind of thing goes on. It makes me sick that they have targeted every single Jewish establishment in the area, from the synagogues to the schools, to the college campus Hillel. Of all religions, Jewish has a live and let live attitude. The Westboro group of lawyers make ambulance chasers look respectable!

  795. That link, has to be one of the funniest things that I have ever seen.(LMAO)

    See where she was yelling do not touch me, if she was touched, would of been a lawsuit, there all bloody lawyers.

  796. These people are going to be at my niece's school on Friday. They are coming to Sacramento to picket highschools, the capitol, and all of the Jewish places in town. Simple hate message. They think of sex more than most people do!!!! And hate delivered cold and with a smile. A family of sociopaths? Extreme, but similar to most other religions who think they have the inside message. Just shooed away some Mormons from my door, another group where we are all doomed and sex on the brain. One of their rackets is to incite a response and then sue - that's why they all seem to be lawyers.

  797. Whoopi

    Louis Theroux is a real journalist but in his docs he is able to approach awkward subjects by being very inoffensive and seemingly naive. That's the best way I can describe his style. He pulls it off brilliantly.

  798. what a bunch misguided nut bags.

  799. I feel so terrible for that girl at the end of the video, you can tell through the camera even how lonely and disaffected she is.

    The US Government should reinstate the draft and target the Phelps specifically.

  800. Louis Theroux is the man!!!

    is this a mocumentary?

    i think it might be cause its really really funny.

  801. I wonder if they rejoiced when the child got hit in the head with the 'sonic' cup? If god is perfect and all seeing then it was his will and hence should be rejoiced.

  802. The problem is that these family is not the exception, the majority of Americans have direct communication with God including ex president Bush. If I see two more minutes of this I will vomit.

  803. I had to get a bottle of wine to be able to watch this without throwing up. These people are seriously mentally ill. {shudder}

  804. I feel like I need to compare these people to "internet trolls" who say and do things just to get a rise out of people. They say that because people hate them it makes them right, that it PROVES them right... but what if people don't give them the time of day they so desperately seek in order to convince themselves that what they are doing is right....?

  805. Ok, final point. I promise.

    It is a definite case for unnecessary, latent sexual child abuse.

    It is accepted that children are vulnerable, impressionable, and do not hold views on certain things because they do not yet understand them. Freedom for minors cannot be considered the same as freedom of adults. Indeed, it is not.

    Just think about this. Did your parents talk about anal sex with you when you were a little kid? Even in an educational sense? Did they ever create those images in your mind of one man taking his erect penis, and inserting it in another man's anus, and then to go pushing and pumping away on that white hairy man bottom? What would you think of other parents who did that to their 5 and 6 year old children? You can't talk gay sex with children, all the time, without them forming images in their mind to help them understand what it is they are thinking about.

    Well then just because this is in a "religious" capacity, does not make it any more acceptable. It is a form of fundamentalist sexual child abuse. Children are not necessarily harmed by the knowledge of how gay men, in some instances, have sex. That is normal curiosity. I would say that these children have not even reached the age of such curiosity, and beyond that, it is repeatedly told to them, day after day. Anal sex is bad, anal sex is bad, anal sex is bad, anal sex is bad.

    It seems they are forcing them to face this possible outcome between two humans in such an aggressive and emotionally violent way, before they reach an acceptable age. Beyond which, the motive is unattainable. One placard read "Fags eat poop". This is so beyond anything to do with sexual practices and really reaches into the self loathing this woman and her father have for the world around them.

    I honestly guarantee that she has either had anal sex (and I think with her father), or thinks about it a lot. Her loathing of what she has done, is that she sees herself eating excrement, in a token way to distance herself from the subconscious relationship she has had with anal sex. Her father is the real abuser here, not only violating her initially, but poisoning her mind into what happened into the bargain.

    Like her father, a full hatred of fags, is, in their eyes, something that pushes them further away from the events that have occurred in their past, and their weak attempt at trying to pretend that none of it happened. They even feel more comfortable with the word fag. Gay is so much more "interactive" as a descriptive word for homosexuality, whereas "fags" is less emotionally interactive with what gay sex is. They will do anything to distance themselves from that which, unfortunately, will never ever be too far away. They can run from themselves, but they can't hide from their obsessions.

    Her anger is just her frustration with her unsuccessful attempts to run from her shadow. Everything she says, just says so much about her, in a way she just can't see, because she is so uneducated, and that she is so resistant to, and threatened by any education.

    And we haven't even come onto the issue of how these older children are so obviously unhealthily involved with thoughts of death and hell, to a very damaging degree. People do snap and walk around WalMart with a 9 mm.

    It is amazing how child abuse is ignored, or at worst, justified, in our society when someone shouts out God. It is pretty disgusting really.

  806. A few people here mention that everyone has a right to their own opinion. I honestly don't think there is anyone on this board who disagrees with that at all. Indeed, the whole idea of stopping someone thinking what they will think is not only ludicrous, but impossible.

    But this is not what is going on here. This goes beyond freedom of the individual, and creeps into unwanted, uninvited intrusion into other people's lives. Lives which they have a right to protect as well.

    But most of all, a right to a view does not come with a right to invade other people's peace with that view, and overly imposing that view on others.

    If I was to stand outside my neighbors house, and do what they are doing, I would be arrested. One day I could say "I hate the color of your house", and the next it would be "You wife has a huge fat offensive ass", the next it would be "You drive a hairdressers car", and so on and so on, that I would eventually get arrested for stalking.

    We would consider that arrest fair. It becomes unfair when people scream "religion".

    They have a right to their views and their freedom of speech, but to target groups of people with that message, in such an aggressive manner, surely takes no respect of the rights of the individual being targeted. They have a right to go about their business without being made to feel ashamed, guilty, or harassed.

    Rights and freedom of speech are indeed important issues, but they come with responsibilities too, and that is that both sides must be considered. They are indeed free to invade private funerals of soldiers with their message of hate, and we know that, as they have never been stopped, and they do it. But others too are free to feel what they feel too, and their rights seem to be ignored. Which is why they throw things at them out of frustration.

    Right to a belief in religion makes none of this acceptable, even though we find it difficult to find the correct legal and moral way to deal with this. I am encouraged that, as always, there are many who find the strength to leave.

    Shouting "Freedom" in this context, signals to me it is taken with no responsibility, and indeed is even being used against the very spirit in which it was intended to defend.

  807. Holy f*** someone get her kids in a foster home far away from her.


  809. One simple solution, wait till the entire family is inside their house, board it up and burn it to the ground, send ALL the cunts kicking and screaming to their god.

  810. her son is called "gay"brielle thats ironic hahaha

  811. When Fred Phelps dies there should be a massive protest of his funeral. People should have signs that say, "Thank God For Dead Westboro Baptists!" This should continue until his hateful brood realizes exactly what it is they do to other people's families.

  812. These people are sick.

  813. shocking ! frightening! How does this happen and be allowed to continue.... what a hateful cruel way of justifying their beliefs!

  814. I'm quite surprised she didn't change her son, Gabriel's (no pun intended) name.

  815. redteddy - Louis was awesome, as usual.

    1. A knowledge of scripture is not necessary. Really. Do you have to know your bible to be offended by that? No.

    2. His technique is good, as it wins their trust. Also, he let's them talk, as that is what the program is about. He may have left many questions unanswered, but he has exposed so much more.

  816. As a psychologist, I would share this.

    1. "Gramps" is almost definitely a sodomist. I doubt he is gay in the traditional sense, but I am certain he has an anal fetish, which has dominated his mind in the darkest of ways. I am also pretty sure that a few of those children are his, and that he has had sex with his daughter.

    2. She has a "father adoration" complex, and worships not God, but him. When he dies, then she will fall apart, possibly even kill herself.

    3. The non "family" guy who got there originally as a reporter. He is not a liberal as he states. He went there as a gay, ashamed of himself due to his religious upbringing, and is trying to wash the homosexual out of himself.

    Ultimately, the irony is that the only people here obsessed about sex are themselves, and the question has to be asked why? My guess is that it stems from abuse from Gramps, and then the abused, as usual, take it out on those below.

    I do not think that the girls are beyond help, but as time goes on, the more difficult it will be for them. But the mature adults are doubtful to ever see reason. The best one can hope for is the truth.

    Remember Father Ted Haggard. We learned the truth about him. Those who shout the loudest always have the most to hide. They do not realize that we all walk the same planet, and as usual, their actions say SOOOOOOO much more about them than they realize.

    The way to win the argument is to be kind and friendly to them. The reaction they provoke is universal, and that is by design. They are so filled with hatred, for everything, that if they can get others to hate, even if it is themselves, then it justifies their existence, and their reasoning. As Louis says "if they get others to hate them, then they feel they are doing the right thing". I guess that her hated comes from the sexual abuse she experienced at the hand of he father, and the alienation she felt from others who were enjoying their sexuality. Like her father. No father "enjoys" sex with a sibling, despite the fact that they do it. Their motivations are control and domination of the social setting, and generally, they are very unhappy individuals, also filled with hate for those who experience sexual freedom with little to no issues.

    In conclusion, Gramps thinks about homosexuality 24/7 because he is sexually obsessed with the anus, but never allowed himself to explore that side of his sexuality.

    She is obsessed with homosexuals, more than she is with lesbians, as homosexuals are more associated with anal sex, and that is her issue too, but from a different angle. I guess it is because she was raped by her father, anally. I doubt if it was forced sex. In fact, I am certain it wasn't. I think it was sex which she may have even encouraged, so infatuated is she with her father.

    Of course, in the eyes of the law, all child sex is considered "forced", but the reality of life is disturbingly different, in many situations.

    Where was her husband? The grandmother? The fact that Louis didn't ask those questions means that he was not allowed to. They were obvious page 1 questions, that we didn't hear. We can read from that, that he was asked to not ask, otherwise the interview would end. It says so much.

    Finally, on a national security issue, I find their desire and clear enjoyment that those around them will die in hell for eternity as very disturbing, and I would recommend homeland security to monitor these people. Home grown terrorism is always there.

  817. Omg. Let ignore them. I feel so sad about college age girl. She seems very nice so nice person and I see she feels what reporter talks about. I hope she can kick everything out and escape from there when she's still young and beautiful.

  818. Well, at least the cult won't last long, since every girl in there refuses to procreate.

  819. Where is this womans husband of her eleven kids? I did not see or hear any thing about him. HUM is that a sin to have ELEVEN kids and no father around. Are they all the same father or is her father their father? I wonder? Made be we need to feel sorry for people like this who have so much hate in their life. The God I know is full of love and loves every one. I hate to say it but he loves this group of people too. Not because they are right but because he is great and wonderful. Hate only makes more hate. I have never heard suchs mean and hate full things. I just have one more thing to say If you hate USA get out. Their is an old saying YOU CAN NOT FIX STUPID..

  820. Dear Tim, Thanks for asking. I actually wanted to say that the things the family was protesting against were not good and were not as is expected from a civilized and developed nation and thus was shamful. The behavior of the family may smell bad to some but still as per American freedom of speech that is their right.,

  821. Actually JJ, after rereading your last comment a few times I think I misinterpreted it. Are you saying that the family's behavior is shameful or that the behavior they are protesting against is shameful?

  822. JJ, I'm not sure how you missed it, but the post you're quoting was meant to be ironic. Furthermore, I think it's odd that you now say that this family's behavior is "not good and rather shameful" when your 3 things that are wrong with America are right in line with what they are preaching. In fact, your first comment sounds almost exactly like something they would say.

  823. Tim, Living your life is one thing and letting others live their lives is another. If others dont have a right to interfere in your lives then you dont have the right to interfere in there's too. Regarding not acting as a whole is a contradiction to your own saying "but let me tell you, that is not so! We are undoubtedly of one mind".Your individual thinking matters to you and may be to some others but this is not important from a national point of view.What matters most is how Americans think as a nation as this reflect your national character which as shown by the above family is not good and rather shameful. May be the way they have selected to show that is not liked by many.

  824. JJ: For the record, I don't care about people's sexual practices as long as they don't involve children and rape. Also, there's no such thing as a "true" American. There are just Americans. We do not act as a whole; there are too many of us, and we are all just trying to live our lives.

  825. Tim, I am happy that there are many Americans who hate all the 3 I have mentioned above.These are the true Americans who should rightly be called civilized and responsible people and who are protecting their motherland from all the evil things. After all with their development and education the American nation as a whole should act the way the whole world is expecting from them. They will win the hearts rather than the bodies of all humans in the world and will make the globe a safer place for the common people of America.

  826. Moose: He does seem inordinately preoccupied by the issue of homosexuality. You may be right there. About the kids being molested, I sure hope you are incorrect, however.

  827. I wonder what the reaction of the girls would have been if Louis had asked them their feelings on God's position towards r-ape and i-ncest? I have been thinking about Gramps and his deep seeded hatred towards homo-sex-uality. I am not a psychiatrist but I have heard that people with strong feelings against homo-sexuality are in many cases themselves, latent homo-sexuals. I wonder if perhaps he had an event in his early life where he was r-aped or molested and perhaps this is the root of his dementia? If this was the case, there is evidence to suggest that people who have experienced r-ape and molestation (particularly by a parent or family member) often visit this same fate upon their own children (or grandchildren). Where/who is the father of the 11 children anyhow? I strongly suspect that there is much more going on in that household than bigotry and hate sermons. I hope I am wrong.

  828. So true, JJ! As one of The Americans, I can say without a doubt that we all support those three things! Some would have you believe that there are actually many different groups and subcultures within the U.S., but let me tell you, that is not so! We are undoubtedly of one mind, and these three things are our top priorities!

    Why just the other day at my town's monthly Perversion and Murder Meeting, we were discussing how best to secretly imprison and torture foreign civilians without leaving the comfort of our orgy dens. We ultimately realized that it was impossible, and we would have to work in shifts!

  829. The problem with the Americans is that they want to:
    1. kill innocent civilians all around the globe,
    2. run Abu Gharib and Guantanamo bay prisons
    3. have a society with perverted sexual practices in the name of individual freedom. Still they dont want to be told about these acts and rather be called a civilized and responsible nation, which is impossible.

  830. If there is a God out there that created a place such as HELL, and he really sent Christ to bring the new covenant in which Christ preached kindness, love and tolerance, then these hate mongering , self righteous monsters will surely be in residing in Hell as they are the epitome of evil.

  831. The video is a reflection of the inner unrest of a few Americans who are showing it publicly. There may be others who do agree with them but are unable to express it due to the fear of rejection by the society. May be the way they are doing it is offensive to many but if there are good things in the message they should be appreciated and the rest ignored. This way these people can be made to adopt to a non offensive way of expressing their inner self.By opposing them with even more offensive way (abusive language, filthy signs with fingers as in video) they are becoming more reactionary.

    Does Christianity allow gay sex, unnatural sex, illegitimate sex with women or killing of innocent humans by the Americans or any other ? Certainly not. No religion promote sex or violence.

    By opposing them we are not opposing a family but may be we are trying to protect our own perverted sexual and social behaviors (something for which these people are being hated). Think with a cool mind.

  832. Isn't it ironic that the very soldiers this family degrades and disrespects, work to support the very freedom of speech they so enthusiastically enjoy?

  833. FREAKS!!!!!

  834. lol, i feel so sorry for the family...especially the main "pastor"...they couldn't intelligently answer only one of the reporters questions. totally disillusioned! if anyone is going to hell, they are! ...preaching all that hate. sick.

  835. Without a doubt, one of the most disturbing films I've seen. What is truly heartbreaking is the fact that the family offers no hope to the world that is "dying and going to hell" all around them. To hold a life preserver just out of reach of a drowning man is to have a heart molded out of stone, and that is what this family does best. I found myself asking - if they truly rejoice when someone is sent to hell, what is the next step? Why not just commit murder themselves - speed up the process? I was impacted by something right at the end of the film, when Louis is speaking to the college age girl in the car: She said that she "hopes" that she doesn't go to hell. How can this possibly be? If she truly believes that she is one of only 70+ people to inherit the Kingdom of God, than that shred of doubt would've been washed out of her brain a long time ago. I was fascinated by this deeply saddening film. "And many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord - didn't we do wonderful things in Your name'? And I will say to them, Depart from my presence, into eternal damnation - for I never knew you."

  836. Man...5 minutes in and this woman is making me sick. This chick is f***** in the head.

  837. I bet if someone put a bullet through Fred Phelps' head no one would mind and the WBC would just think it was a "WORK OF GOD"

    I noticed how when the little kid got hit with the drink they got upset instead of celebrating saying THANK GOD FOR THROWING THINGS AT CHILDREN.

  838. I can't wait til "gramps" gets cancer! Gods wrath at its finest!!

  839. Mrs Clause: Good questions. However, you can't blame God for all the evil in the world; it just happens.

    As well, God's patience is commendable. Do you have kids, or at least a dog? Do you smack 'em down every time they do something wrong or worse yet, zap them out of existence? No. You have patience with them and they change; sometimes. I'm so glad that God was patient with me when I was doing stupid stuff in my life (not as much as some, but enough).

    As far as people dying unexpectedly, hot dog or no hot dog, the part in God's plan is that "It is appointed once for man to die and then the judgement." That's the plan. Everyone dies, and some have more time to get things right with God than others, but we all die eventually. Those that die with a pure heart towards God find His favor and those that do not, do not. It's that simple.

    Be patient. Every evil thing will eventually be dealt with in proper timing. Do your part to make things better, and let God worry about the rest.

  840. If he really is what he is, why would this group exist at all. Why do multiple religions exist across the planet? Everyone seems to be chasing a dream. Like the reality of there own lives and existence isn't enough. What about now? This very moment your waisting reading this paragraph on a flickering piece of glass? What about the guy that chokes to death eating a hot dog. Where do these moments sit in the overall plan the lord has for us all?


  841. Marvin: Very well said. You moved me to want to be more holy and sure of my faith in God. Thank you.

    I want to live my life for righteousness, truth, and faith in God. And yes, truth is truth. God is ultimately the One before whom we stand are fall; the Bible does ask the question: "Who are you to judge another's servant?" meaning "Who are we to say who and who is not a truely faithful servant of God?"

    I'm willing to conceed the point that sin cannot be tolerated if you want to be of a holy nature, but my gut discernment is that something is greatly wrong with this church and especailly this pastor. I love God with all my heart; He is my greatest treasure, the joy of my heart, the love of life. Such a love overflows in ways that are kind, patient, good, generous, faithful, patient and believing. Ways that reflect the very nature of a great and good God. I have seen none of those traits in this church or these people.

    Rarely was Jesus harsh or strong-handed with "sinners", and ironically, it was always towards the religious self-righteous, and I cannot think of one time his anger was turned towards the "sinner" lost in sin.

    Nonetheless, there is a time and a place to repent of sin, (today is the day of repentance) and past that time (usually the time of death), judgement is decisive and final; let us all fear God with all our hearts and souls and minds least we all loose sight of the Heart of God, which is ultimately, love.

    But in all justice, my father is a Biblical genious in his own right in some ways, says that God's greatest attribte is "justice". Sin requires punishment for God is just, as well as loving. I wed the two concepts with the knowledge that once the sin in a person's life has been covered by the love and blood of Christ, then comes the life of love. Without the love, I would highly doubt there has been any true cleasening from the other sins in a person's life.

    Most Sincerely,

    Charles B.

  842. It is a bit controversial, how they exposed the thruth. Never the less, it is the thruth. No matter how the media tries to camouflage sex, homosexuals, adultery, lesbians, drugs, etc. All of these things keeps you away from the will of God. God raises all kinds of people to get his message of salvation across, whether you like it or not. How come your not offended how the media manipulates the mind of your children at an early age.( video games, inappropriate commercial, tv shows like MTVs, etc). Haven't you notice how sexually active kids, teenagers have become. Are we getting to the age when GOOD is called evil and evil is called good. My friend, if the message they portayed in the documentary was a bit hard for you to digest, then let me do it this way. Jesus Christ loves you. Please, Please repent of your sins. No matter who you are, what you've done. Jesus is the only one, that can give you eternal life in the presence of God and change your life for ever! If you dont know Jesus, CALL apon his Name to come into your life and He will!! Challenge Jesus and you'll see how faithful He is. It will be the best desion you'll ever made. Hope you considere this simple message, God bless you Dear Friend.

  843. I feel so sorry for the kids i almost cried and im like a 23 year old dude.

    Jesus sayd everything is god, so according to his words god is you, me, the Internet, the universe, god is everything. Science is now showing us that everything is indeed connected and things that may seem separate are actually connected(quantum physics). So yeah beleaving in the connectedness of all life and all things in the universe and seeing yourself as part of the whole means you are in heaven and seeing yourself as separate from the rest means you are in hell, there is no afterlife to it.

    Anyway , don't believe in those things... The fact that you think its true or not doesn't change the fact if it ís true or not............................

  844. I cannot believe these people. They should have their children taken away. All their doing is raising more hateful, intolent people. My brother is gay, and it's not a choice, it's how he's always been and he's christian. My other brother is in the military, and fought in past wars like the gulf war. All I have to say to that bitch is you sure love your freedom of speech, who do you think fought for it so you can spout your sh$t on the corner and if you don't like the USA, get the Fu%k out! We as Americans will let the door hit you on ass as you leave. People like you are the reason why people think some Christians are insane. Judge not, remember that quote!

  845. Tim: I noticed that too. If someone's son dies in Iraq, it's God's judgement, but if someone throws a snowcone on one of the church kids, it's a terrible thing. :-(

    Oh, and now I remember, He gave a false prophecy about Billy Graham dying at age 88 "in judgement" but that didn't happen. Mr. Graham is still alive today (thankfully). Obviously he was not hearing "God" when he spoke such things, so I am quite sure he's missing much in other ways too.

  846. I agree Charles, it's probably not going to last, and they're definitely not going to change their ways. BTW, I just watched "Hatemongers," and it paints a somewhat different picture of Fred Phelps as an opponent of racism, but then he starts talking about homosexuals again and it's pretty much the same Phelps I've seen before. What really bothers me is that he rejoices in all of "God's judgments" as long as they happen to someone outside his church, because in his eyes they're all deserving of it. But when someone tries to hurt his family or his followers, he isn't happy about it at all. He's very selective about whose suffering to rejoice over. What a hypocrite.

  847. Tim: I'm as strong a Christian supporter as they come (or at least I try to be), but agree with you very much. I really don't like the Westboro Baptist Church at all. I feel pretty srongly that it will all end in nothingness for the whole congregation very soon. They have no love there, and hate only can go so long as a motivating factor. It will crumble when the old man dies. Notwithstanding, I'm actually hoping they all repent before the hammer falls, but my gut tells me most will not. It's sad. :-(

    Nonetheless, with that said, I'm all for living a holy life and there's nothing wrong with promoting righteousness and purity in both thought and deed as well as in politics. It's ok to call something "evil" as "evil". But, as I Corinthians chapter 13 says, if I have not love, I am nothing. I try to take that one Scripture to heart the best I can and from there I try to make my best judgements and decisions.

  848. Louis Theroux is my hero. Great documentary. This is the second documentary about the Westboro Baptist Church that I've seen, and so far it's my favorite. I just hope that this church falls apart once Fred dies. They'll probably have to resort to inbreeding to keep the family numbers up, but eventually it has to end unless they recruit more people. And it's really sad that they can recruit people, like Steve Drain, the guy who joined after making his own documentary about the church. Actually, I should watch that one too, because he didn't really explain in this documentary why he joined in the first place. My guess is he wasn't very fond of homosexuals to begin with.

  849. I cant help but to laugh at so many things in this documentary... the little kids didn't know wtf the signs even meant... they are in the prime stages of brainwash.

    Couple quotes that make me laugh:

    "you're gonna eat your babies!!"

    "not a chance poopie pants!"

    "I'm willing to talk to you but you're just being silly.."


    that little kid noah at the end lol!

    1. "I'm willing to talk to you but you're just being silly.." I thought that was deadly accurate, the journalist didnt display much thinking skills. but the other folks did mostly.

  850. Their message only matters if you subscribe to their thinking

  851. this doc was shocking for the first 10 minutes and pointless for the rest of the time
    The journalist diddn't ask any serious question about how and why it all started, didn't ask 4 example what they think of people who is married but hates each other (for example)
    watching a whole hour of this people being hateful and frustrated was a bit of a waste of time I mean if you hate everyone then everyone's gonna hate you, it's so simple!
    Besides their obsession with sex and everyone being a fag are certainly due to the fact that they are big closets fags themselves expecially the old pedophile Grumps.In the end I can't help but feeling sorry for them (xpecially children)!
    I loved their signs though, so not politically correct and colorful!!. GOD HATES YOU and FAGS EATS POOP were the best!XD
    they should move to jamaica, they definately hate fags over there!!

  852. I wonder how many people that commented here against these people support that idiot James Manning from Atlah church. There is nothing different from these hate mongers and the other idiot preachers that are running theses Jim Jones like cults

  853. I would really like to meet them and ask these people what happens if someone in there own family gets sick, or something happens to them? are they no longer a part of that family? do they themselves go to hell? im curious, because i don't look at this family with hate, i had to laugh a little to myself when i watched this. They say they're doing gods word but i don't believe they live by the bible.

    1. They made it quite clear about all that Sonya, if you listen. It's a bit hard to listen when they're so 'out there' with the messages, but they're quite consistent there.

  854. Carpenter.

    Where do they get the money?

    They are all Lawyers! they will sue the pants off anybody who tries anything!

  855. I am just speechless after seeing something like that, I feel so sorry for the kids. Growing up with no friends everyone hating them in school, I can't believe their parents are so blinded by religion they don't even know what they're putting the kids through, very sad!!
    And where the hell do they get that kind of money to fly from place to place ???

  856. It is remarkable that no one has done a drive-by on these people yet.

  857. I liked the part when the kid gets smoked by the drink, "who would do something like that to a child?" asks the mom... well god did was the will of the almighty, 10/10
    brainwashing at its finest

  858. This family does not know anything about the Bible or Jesus. The women is so deluded in her ideology and is highly ignorant. This women shows how somebody could pervert the word of the Bible.

  859. Once the older daughter snaps out of her state of delusion I would love to meet and get to know her in every way possible. The christian myth is poison. This doc proves it in a very clear way.

  860. Watching those children...I can't even explain how sad it makes me. I truly hope, despite whatever they end up believing, that they get a real chance at life. How scary it would be to live in a world that you despised and a world that despised you...

  861. re: comment from john newman...

    dude, the next time i'm in kansas city, i'll get a matching t-shirt and we'll sit together at one of their demonstrations. what a riot! lol!

  862. charles-

    On a random note if you do in fact believe the wicked go to hell that would make God really messed up. Isn't he supposed to forgive and love everyone? Yeah people who do evil deeds deserve to be punished but I don't think anyone deserves an eternity in hell.

  863. Dear TNA

    Haven't you figured it out by now that Christian god works in mysterious ways?

  864. As an Independent, Fundamental Baptist, I have to say: THESE PEOPLE ARE NUTTERS! They're ignoring the forgiveness of sin. They're ignoring the Metanoia, the repentance of the believer.

    This group comes off as a cult. The interviewer doesn't seem to get it.

  865. they devote their entire lives towards hating homosexuals??? Wow. This is scary and a little suspect. Maybe they're "in the closet". Do they honestly believe that God wants them to do this stuff?

  866. Look what inbreeding can do to the human brain. Also, who the hell let these people out of the 'Jerry Springer' studio?

    1. The only suffocated brain I saw there was that journalist, he was out of his league in terms of clarity and logic.

  867. Oh, wow. FOX News called her sick. That is REALLY saying something. I can't believe children are growing up like this, not able to have a care-free childhood.

  868. the best thing is we all know half the kids are going to become homosexual teenage mothers. Also - if they believe all bad shit that goes on is proof of god punishing non-believers - what if someone planted an ied next to their van and wiped out some of those phelps people - would it still be "god bless ied's"?

  869. Don't worry ALEX, we all knew that.

    :D :D

  870. Of course :D , the above Alex, is not the Christian Alex...
    :D :D

  871. I am truly scared of these psycho shits - I can't wait till they die and nothing happens - only darkness and silence...

  872. My faith and my relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing in my whole life. I think I tend to be a fairly spiritually discerning person. This family has wasted thier whole lives in my opinion. The Bible says that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, and again it says that we should NOT rejoice in the downfall of our enemies. The Phelps family is not practicing THESE Biblical priciples. Also, in I Corithians chapter 13, Paul writes about love as the greatest gift of God. Yes, God is just. Yes, those that are wicked will indeed see Hell, but like the Apostle Paul said, if I give myself to be a martyr or have all faith to move mountains, or give all my money to the poor, BUT I have nothing if I do not have love. (PARAPHRASED).

    This is a "loveless" church. Nothing they did was out of love for the lost and the desire to see people saved from Hell. On the end the young lady said it was "a service," and that people have treated thier kindness of telling them to repent with contemt. They don't have the heart of God here. God's heart beats for those that are lost to be found. We would leave the 99 sheep that are "safe" and actively seek the one little one that is lost. That's MY God. I'm so glad He took the time to find ME! He will take the time to find you also if you let Him.

    The Phelps family also spoke prophetically about the death of Billy Graham at age 88 and that just hasn't happened, therefore that was a false prophecy. In my opinion, this church is loveless, and without love, there is very little room for God as God is love. Jeramiah the Prophet aslo proclaimed "doom" and "gloom" and "God's judgment" but he was also known as the "weeping prophet" because he loved his country so much he didn't want to see God destroy it. Not so with the Phelps. They talk about God's comming judgments as "awesome" and "exciting" and something to be glad about. No true prophet of God wants to see the wicked destroyed. Even Jesus Himself rebuked the "loveless" disciples that wanted to call down fire from Heaven on those that rejected them, and Jesus rebuked them saying He didn't know what the desire of God's heart was. Were those cities judged by God and destroyed? Oh, yes they were! Terribly so! But Jesus was speaking to His disciples' hearts and motives, and they had no love for the souls of the lost in that particular case; such is so with the Phelps family now.

    Nonetheless, they do have a lot of valid points about the wickedness of our nation. If we don't turn around, we will indeed loose everything precious to us--our freedom and God's blessings.

    I didn't feel the presence of God in this video. Unlike "Jesus Camp" where I did. My heart is . . . . . sad. On the day of judgement when God asks about not only our deeds, but the motives for those deeds, may those that truly love God also say that they truly loved mankind as well (both the lost and the saved) for that is God's true heart as the Bible says, "That none should perish, but all should come to repentance." That's MY God!

  873. So insane! "You gonna eat your babies!"

    I say thank God for the Phelps. They probably do more to push the fence-sitters onto the side of equality than anything I could do. I feel sorry for the kids, but that's life in a free country - you have a chance of being born into this kind of crazy. There are people who left. It is possible to think for yourself and leave.

  874. That's too bad about all this. It's unfortunate about that one young 21 year old girl that Louis talked to. She's missing out on a lot. I would have asked her for coffee if I'd met her somewhere (if she was a normal girl).

  875. Most hated family in America?

    They're ok. Seem to have a good tight family bond, the girls seem really happy, and I don't know how they do it, but have 200k in yearly funds to travel around the USA!
    Sure beats many families out there.

    Sure, they're message is extreme, but at least they're committed to something. How many of us can say that?

    Interesting family. I think they may be misunderstood.

  876. I feel really bad for the children being brainwashed especially the chick at the end. She seemed to have real issues from the cult-like teachings.

  877. Where do I start hate is not O.K who cares if some people are gay it is not your business lady stop warping your kids stay away from mine live and let live. I beleve all of humanity has value has a whole. Remerber what Jesus said let the one of you who has never sinned cast the first stone.


  878. Just more religious nut jobs! but then there is nothing more idiotic with what this family are preaching to what any religion preaches, it is all mythological nonsense.

  879. This journalist is AWFUL! He did a terrible job.

    He doesn't know scripture so he doesn't know how to combat their interpretation of the bible. He is looking to change their minds with his less than piercing questions and proceeds to play ping pong with their beliefs 'well you're thinking is weird', 'No your thinking is weird', its pointless. He then goes harping about the fact that these young women don't want to marry. Well if he went to a feminist who was more interested pursuing her degree and said to her that he thinks she would be disappointed later and 'miss out' on something, he would look reactionary. Basically they are a very small family who really isn't affecting much in society with their beliefs. They protest within their rights, they have the right to their interpretations and lifestyle. I would think he would have found it more worthy to go after a scientologist. The journalis doesn't display the critical thinking nor enough grounding on the subject necessary to interview people of this nature. They do not care about opposition as it only justifies their point of view, they don't care if they are hated as it vindicates their point of view. Instead of tying the beliefs to any larger implications he remains stuck in a fruitless attempt to moderate their ideas as if there was something about reality they were unaware of, they are not unaware they simply oppose it. I would hate to see him with a muslim fundamentalist they would laugh at him for being such a simpleton. You cannot combat religious dogma unless you understand biblical scripture and religious fundamentalism.

  880. The British reporter soooo has a crush on the older daughter!

    BESIDES the whole hating everyone thing, they seemed pretty nice, except for the grandpa who is obviously the reason they are all think like that. I actually teared up at the funeral part..if I was there I would of gone up to one of them and punched em in the face.

  881. This is so f***** up it is funny.

  882. Alexa, I haven't watched the video because I know it's just more Christian bashing. Even if he is mean, that doesn't mean he's wrong! Those harsh people you're criticizing may or may not be the good guys. How many people have YOU yourself encouraged to live a holy life and do the right thing and to love God? None. I thought so. So, those of us who want others to love God should listen before they complain. P.S. I know of someone very very VERY first hand that used to be gay and is sooooo very very glad that he is not in that lifestyle any longer. So is his wife and kids. God is merciful and so good. Homosexuality is a life of lies and heartbreak and sin and death; whomever and however they condemn it is better than those that ignore or God-forbid, encourage homosexuality!

  883. wow, people do insane things in Gods name
    if they would preach Gods word in a different way, people might actually listen
    these people are being absolutely insane. and the preacher is the meanest person.
    in the bible it says we are to be friendly to others and hes mean jackass really.
    similar people like these live around here, well maybe they are not as extrem but they have the same idea and you get tired of having to listen to their story over and over.
    they judge people so harshly and tell them ur going to hell straight in the face that people start to hate them.. thats no good deed, you should try to communicate and get through someone, not make them hate you or even just make them feel so bad!
    i wonder what would happen if one of the lady's sons is going to be a homosexual one day? or her daughter to be a dyke or marry someone from the "devilish world"?

  884. Joe, when you don't have freedom of speech anymore, you might miss it...and beate, I don't believe for a second that homosexuality is something natural in the animal kingdom. Those "researchers" has their agenda, and they can stick their theories where the sun doesn't shine...yes the usual place...

  885. I think that they are a nice family with some deep rooted social issues that stem from that nutcase "Gramps", it seems the old man should be selling snake oil at a fair. The daughters were very beautiful and seemed wholesome and very naive, also the mother would deny them the very same thing that she has. I mean the women said that she met her husband by chance and had 11 kids and she wont let her daughters even consider a man, no wonder the other girls left.

  886. "if even Fox says they are sick, that means something ^^"

    Good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Freedom of Speech is a milk giving whore that mustn't be trampled.

  887. Disturbing and disgusting!!!
    I can't believe that one of the girl's goes to University!!! I mean, don't they teach you to deductively reason?!?!
    If these ignorant ppl actually did a little research on the other side of homosexuality they would realize that it's found in species of the animal kingdom!!! (lizards, penguins even dolphins!!) Idiots...why would god condemn homosexuality against mankind, but accept it in other species?? If it's wrong, God would never have created and allowed other species to engage in homosexual behaviour!!!

    Oh and thanks for the courteous message! A real eye opener!

  888. Controversial!! Wrong interpretations!!

    God is love and love is God!!

    1. PS:
      Because Muslims recognize the Old Mosaic Law as valid, since 1979
      your all loving, all merciful God has seen to it that more than FOUR
      THOUSAND young men have been executed in the Islamic Republic
      of Iran, for loving one another.

      The families of these young men now have a photograph for a son.
      Try telling the mother of a photograph: "God is love and love is God!!"

      Your God makes me puke.

    2. Not for loving, Ozy. Also to me, God is Love, why call it God? Must be more to it than that! There is obviously not a viable definition of "God" as both Omnipotent AND operating against the persistence to date of mass murder, or human suffering, or smog in Jakarta. That much is clear!

    3. @ Julia
      "God is love and love is God!!"

      Is that so?!

      What kind of God is He who tells Moses and Aaron to go to the
      Midianites and kill all the men, then take the booty, the women and
      children back to their encampments, then to kill all the mothers
      (because they had sex), then to kill all the boys, and finally to take
      all the virgins as slaves[KJV Numbers 31:13-19]?

      What kind of God is He?
      Who proclaims:

      "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both
      of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be
      put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them."
      [KJV Leviticus 20:13]

      And what does your precious Jesus have to say about all this?

      Like Father, like Son:

      "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.
      I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until
      heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest
      part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place."
      [Matthew 5:17]

      "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send
      peace, but a sword."[Matthew 10:34]

      "He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
      [Luke 22:36]

      Now I ask you, Julia, what kind of Father-Son team is that?

      Your answer:
      "God is love and love is God!!"

      Sound's more like DickCheney to me!

  889. if even Fox says they are sick, that means something ^^

  890. How are these people any different from your run of the mill believer? These guys just have a more aggressive guerrilla marketing campaign.

  891. Evil lives and grows in the hearts of ignorant uneducated hate filled evangelicals - A literal interpretation of the bibles means they allow their daughter to lie with their fathers - Lot's great reward! Gag - god save us from your followers

  892. the head pastor SUCKS big time ...

  893. To lll

    No these people do not have a point. They are not adhering to the Bible. They are cherry picking out of the Bible. For in the same section of the Bible, it also says not to mix fabrics, eat pork, men are not to shave, do not eat shellfish and women when having their period are separate themselves from everyone for seven days, for they are unclean.

    From what I watched and could gather, the men were clean shaven and they definately mixed their fabrics. I am going to assume that they don't follow the other laws of the Old Testament either.

    This is a classic case of trying to find salvation at the expense of another's condemnation. It is the ego's version of salvation and since it is probably easy for these people to follow the law of not being a homosexual BY DEFAULT. This gives them the perfect opportunity to project their unconscious guilt on the "sinner" and make themselves innocent by comparison and this is why they focus on this one thing and make it the foundation for all their beliefs.

    If we were to actually follow every single word of the Bible, it would only produce confusion as there are many contradictions within it. Everyone cherry picks out of the Bible. Some look to the love of Jesus and others look to the condemnation of the Old Testament.

  894. lol @ john newman:

    nice one!

    i feel so sorry for the young girls and kids in that family.. having to live under the rule of such a bigot and chauvinist.

    i would love it if that old git would pull a ted haggard and some day be convicted of snorting coke with a gay hoooker himself. man, that woulda been a sweet twist

  895. she's probably a closet lesbian herself.

  896. i live in kansas city and last time they were there i went to thier side and wore a shirt that said im gay and just sat next to them =)

  897. These guys are just a magnifying glass under which the idiocy and evil of every authoritarian religion becomes apparent. All religions that include an imaginary God-the-commander figure belong to this same category. The only thing which distinguishes Westboro cultists from mainstream Christians/Muslims/Jews/... is that the former are stubbornly consistent in reasoning from their false premises while the latter are comfortable to re-interpret their holy books in whichever fashion suits them.

  898. These people aren't bad, they actually seem quite nice, but they are all being manipulated into thinking they are right. And they have lived in this world for so long, leaving it would be leaving everything they have ever known. Even the mother who seemed really unpleasant, was just practically brainwashed by her father, "Gramps." Its sad to see really the girls seemed like really nice people, and their hate for the world firstly came from what they have been taught by their parents, and secondly and i think more importantly, especially with the oldest girl, was that she was upset how the world treated her, she mentioned in school nobody wanted to know her and now everybody hates them when they are just trying to help out. Now anybody would learn to hate the world if you were always trying to help and people and they just spat in your face, which from her point of view is what is happening.
    But lets look at it literally they say they are trying to help people with this message, save them from hell. Well if thats the case why have they not saved a single person? I'm sure there is lots of people who share their views. Its because so obviously that they are delivering the message in a bad way. Nobody is going to listen if they turn up at peoples funerals and start shouting abuse, people wouldn't even give them a second of their time to listen to their views, let alone be swayed by them. (Not that i believe in a single word they say, i don't even believe in God.)
    It all comes down to "Gramps" he is a fascist, with a lot of hate and a love for power and "respect".

  899. the best thing anyone can do is just ignore these people.
    that woman is just a loud-mouth looking for a stage.
    i feel sorry for the college-aged daughter. she doesn't seem like she really believes it anymore, but more like she's just parroting what's been screamed in her face since she was born.

  900. @saundra g - while i applaud your live-and-let-live-and-let-god-do-the-judging apathy, i'm not sure you actually watched the video. they ARE really bad and hateful people. they DESERVE to be ostracized. they clearly do not understand making points with love, because it is not within them. these people exist in a vacuum of hate, and i can't see how it's not child abuse to subject children to that kind of environment. they may have the right to free speech, but with that comes the right to be shouted down. pretending they don't exist does not make them go away. the only thing these people worship is the hate spewed by phelps from his cowardly hiding place behind his make-shift pulpit, and the only thing he has to sell is fear. i don't buy it.

  901. Their message is harsh and given in a hostile manner, my mother always taught us it's easier to make your point with kindness and love....these people don't seem to be really bad or hateful people, just really determined to get their point made....our society ostracizes everyone not exactly like them, even those that are almost the same but not quite..the message is to be love, live and let live, and save the judgment for the big guy :)

  902. 2 powerful, telling moments that stood out in my mind:

    -The little kid who got hit with a drink thrown by a passerby in a car who was upset at the protesters.

    -The dead soldier's mother.

    ...both innocent victims of the Phelps' message of hate.

  903. This just makes me want to cry. I mean, how can you raise children to be like that? They're children, they are entitled to a normal, decent, loving childhood...filled with ice cream, cartoons, playing in the leaves and being mischievious. It is so sad because they all think they are going to heaven and they're not, that is a kind of hate that cries to Heaven for justice. I don't blame the children, they don't know any better...but the adults will have to answer.

  904. Dissapointment. Why the children?

  905. @dingbell
    I'm not for their behaviour at all, but I do have a hard time understanding how naming Jesus with his "turn the other cheek" and punching one of these could be named in the same commentary...

    I'm not a believer at all myself, I find "living to die" a pretty strange concept, I prefer living life and when I die I'll see if there's more, if there isn't at least I've *lived* my *life*.

    Living my life doesn't mean stepping on/over others, I'm a nice enough bloke - prob. nicer than most believers TBH - since I believe that life in itself is sacred due to it being *life*.

    Not due to someone of the clergy telling me it is due to some deity deciding that we should respect life since that deity created it. (unless you count a mom and dad as deities of course, they've *proven* that they have the ability to give life, which is more than one can say for the assorted deities being promoted as creators)

    I do however agree that the leaders of that cult needs help, so they stop warping the minds of the innocent, if they want to keep preaching and all joiners want to join I couldn't care less about what they preach. (but there should be freedom involved, every child should be able to pick their own way and not be forcefed by their parents which way is the "only correct one", regardless of what it's being called)

  906. wow watching this made me want to come through the screen and punch that horrible women in the face. jesus loved the rich the poor from gypsies to thieves he prayed for them and loved them still! this women is scrrewed right up and needs help.

  907. sad

  908. Children do not know what is fag...terrible...ortodox church rules!

  909. I'm surprised and appalled she can keep her children. As for the adults they should all be interned after having been beat up severely.

  910. Poor woman, (Shirely) she clearly deluded and has a serious mental problem.

    Feel sorry for the kids, they seem really f****** up, actually the whole family is.

  911. they have a point, they do follow the bible literally and most churches don't. if you disagree perhaps you should re evaluate whether your belief structure is based on the bible or if you are better than that.

    however i feel that brainwashing is child abuse. those children are taught hate for things they know nothing of.

    i wonder if they would assume gods wrath responsible for their own church burning? would they assume gods wrath responsible if one of their members died during one of their pickets?

  912. hi vladko, am having problems downloading your videos. any suggestion on what to do to fix it?

    1. Just follow the FAQ No.3, Jules.

  913. Well, they are not scamming people or putting them in prison camps like the scientologists have done during their 60 years of destroying lifes. I think it is really bad taste picketing funerals, but besides that they have a right to their beliefs. I think their leader has some problems, but all cult leaders have problems (or they are in it for the money like Benny Hinn).

  914. This documentary is a prime example of how far astray people can go when they feel it is their sole right to define what God is or isn't. These people prove their world is a complete illusion because of their adherence to an indoctrinated view that (the Bible God's judgement) on humanity is something REAL and must be accepted without question. These people err in their ways and I'm not in the least surprised that this continues to exist.