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The Human Mind

Ratings: 6.77/10 from 62 users.

The Human MindIn this three-part documentary, Robert Winston explores all aspects of the human mind – from how we learn, to how we’re able to recognise faces and what makes one person ‘click’ with another.

Episode 1: Get Smart. The first programme in the series uncovers what happens in our minds when we learn, remember and have original ideas. It explores what we can do to improve our ability to learn and manipulate knowledge, and shows how eating fish oils may help boost our brain power.

Professor Robert Winston looks at how memory can be improved and how we can learn physical tasks more easily. He discovers what happens when we have those “eureka” moments of original thought – and how to have more of them.

We meet the fire chief who tapped into his intuitive powers and saved the lives of his fire crew and follow a trainee midwife in the run-up to her exams. Will she be able to remember the huge amount of information she’ll need to know to pass? More importantly, can she apply it to a real childbirth?

Episode 2: Personality. Personality explores what it is that makes us who we are and uncovers the universal battle we face to master our emotions and control our behaviour.

Professor Robert Winston explores how our minds shape our personalities throughout our lives, and reveals how personality traits like extroversion and introversion develop. Find out how parents can affect the personalities of their children, why teenagers are so emotionally sensitive and what lies at the heart of characteristics like anger and mood–swings in adults.

Discover what we can change about our personalities – and what we can’t. And see a man successfully transform his personality to be more as he’d like it to be.

Episode 3: Making Friends. Why is a party one of the most demanding and complex situations the human mind ever has to deal with? This programme investigates the extraordinary way that our minds work to allow us to communicate with other people.

Professor Winston discovers how we recognise people, read their faces and bodies to understand what they’re thinking, and then charm them. Find out how to tell whether a smile is genuine, what happens when people ‘click’ with one another, and how to spot when someone’s lying.

We follow a young woman as she travels halfway across the world to confront her very own social obstacle course. Can she win over her New Zealand fiancé’s friends and family in the week before she gets married?

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21 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Jane

    Where is Episode 3 Making Friends??? It sounds SO awesome!!!

  2. Anna Marrie

    This series is a broad view of an unknowable subject. That doesn't mean we don't inquire as to our nature. The mind is the ultimate code. Everything has mind but not everything reflects upon self. Having questions is a gift. The answers are not. I enjoyed this series and the individuals who were featured did a great job. Thanks.

  3. Edward Wilcock

    ALL sin on earth has been instigated by God's option to do bad things.
    No change in this since Adam

  4. Edward Wilcock

    How can the riddle of the mind be solved by thinking ?

    1. Gregoryno6

      'I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this' - Emo Phillips.

  5. Lola Myers

    Having Prosopagnosia, I found one part rather offensive. "first we have to be able to tell each person apart, If we couldn't do that life would be very difficult indeed. Just imagine if all faces looked the same to us, it would be a nightmare. But we can tell each other apart...."

    Ok, so all faces DO look the same. I'm still perfectly capable of telling people apart, it just takes a few seconds longer. What is he trying to imply?

    Perhaps I misunderstood the description of this video, thinking that it was to help those with prosopagnosia, But instead it doesn't even reference it - he acts as if it doesn't even exist and if you cant recognize people by their face your some outcast screwup. (and for anyone who wants to cry out that its a rare disorder, research, it effects nearly 3 times more people than autism)

    1. ayoungandinspiredfreethinker

      Though I understand what your saying, you have to realize that your going to meet this sort of thing over and over if you try to look at anything involving the human mind.

  6. ramesh ramasamy

    different emotions of the face could have been included in this doco.... secrets of anger may be explained....

  7. geamala

    this doco is a frustratingly slow... Lots of bad analogies and visual distractions. It could have been cut down to one episode if they cut out all the unnecessary crap. Otherwise the information is ok.

    1. Amber Vincent

      some people need the "unnecessary crap" to learn more effectively. It travels through more memories that way. :)

  8. Dorna

    Sophrology is just dove tails in with all of this. Great documentaries for my students - thanks

  9. Dorna

    Visualisation is good but Sophrology is even better - much more body awareness and being in the flow.

  10. Janar Eit

    Great movie! Educating, entertaining and inspirational - all at the same time. Time well spent:) Thank you!

  11. Heidy Kelly

    intresting and it teaches you alot, the narrator is brilliant! :)

  12. Eric C. Chance

    This web site is awesome. I am learing sooooooo much Thank you

  13. qustionmark

    i think i no why your test the kids started reading
    opps i sed to much bye

  14. iaia

    Thanks for so informative documentary. It was amazingly interesting. A+

  15. roland gopel

    what a fascinating docco.... very well presented.
    i have only one slight qualm with episode 2, and that being shaun's anger portrayal. i personally would like to see anger dealt with in a paired situation. that is, i think anger is not a singular event. anger is usually provoked, either willfully and directly or incidentally and indirectly. i think in relationships the provocation is often willfull and deliberate, even if subconsious. a bit of a contradiction i know, but i do think this is something i've observed often enough. i further think that provocation such as this often forms the basis of bullying.

    what does everybody else think?

  16. Jane

    What happened to Episode 3? I can find it nowhere on the internet either. Wonderful series.

  17. ikhan

    Must watch!

  18. Tom

    Brilliant documentary. Robert winston is a gifted narrator.