Style Wars

1983, Art and Artists  -   21 Comments
Ratings: 8.23/10 from 39 users.

When director Tony Silver and co-producer Henry Chalfant delivered the broadcast version of their prize-winning film to PBS in 1983, the world received its first full immersion in the phenomenon that had taken over New York City.

The urban landscape was physically transformed by graffiti artists who invented a new visual language to express both their individuality, and the voice of their community.

In STYLE WARS, New York's ramshackle subway system is their public playground, battleground, and spectacular artistic canvas.

As MC's, DJ's and B-boys rock the city with new sounds and new moves, we see street corner breakdance battles turn into performance art.

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21 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Catherine Jarvis

    Inspirational. This is a snapshot the roots of modern street art and it is beautiful.

  2. George Kirkman

    Sad commentary on life in urban neighborhoods. Self delusional that they are so important and that this gives their lives meaning. And equally sad are all these rich white elitist that are gushing over their "art." These people are the same one that lock doors at the mere sight of poor kids. I can't help but wonder where these kids are today. Did they amount to anything? How many are dead or in jail?

  3. chard01

    Some of these people are now mid-fifties perhaps sixty WOW!!! WTF were did the time go.

  4. adina

    great documentary! thanks for posting

  5. samthor

    wow. that mother seems like a horrible, horrible woman.
    So glad my mother was more supportive of my talent.

  6. zaphodity

    Check out Banksy's 'Exit Through the Gift Shop'.

  7. Xercès Des Stèles

    wow we watched this movie in class when i was in highschool

    that cap guy must be this policeman's son, his father told him to go graffiti bombing graffitis

  8. 2wid

    there is no sound in part 4 ...

  9. Sambo

    Dirty hands 2 is quite possibly the best writers video... Ever.

  10. otter987

    introducing the new wild style of creativity flourishing in the inner city's youth and ghetto. Becoming recognized in a world growing ever more industrial, it is the communities cry out to acknowledge what is it we are doing? The children are aware of this misunderstanding and demonstrate constructive behavior when they express themselves in a their actions. This rise in culture is to be respected and valued.

  11. ess

    What makes Banksy a legend in your opinion? That he did a commission for some celebrity or that his/her name was mentioned in the opening theme of a simpson show? I mean honestly, you can not know who or what is a groundbreaking artist until after some time has passed. Legendary/groundbreaking these are terms that should be reserved for those who truly are. Where is your proof?

  12. Y

    I like the style of it it shows the evolution of graffiti should definately watch "infamy" it is the modern version of this doc.

  13. Simon

    Interesting doc. How many other people here think that Banksy is a legend?

    1. Ganesh Baron Aloir

      banksy is far from a legend... he's a copier of Blek's style and on top of that he does not respect the graffiti's laws. King Robbo is a legend!

    2. Art & Soul, Ink

      I agree 100%

    3. saguaro_duda

      I agree with him copying BlekLeRat's style, but the rest is bullshit. He definitely is a legend, simply because the content, all style aside, is his competely his own. He calls out the guys behind big media. He ridicules the elite. He points out social, political, environmental injustuice. That is something to be admired... to be done not only by a graffiti artist, but by anybody at all. And THAT makes him a legend.
      The story with Robbo was just a stupid misunderstanding, which Banksy's explained a while ago. After Robbo died he made a piece saying "R.I.P. King Robbo."

  14. Matt

    it would be cool to see a documentary about urban art or graffiti as a form of communication to the public

  15. Audrey

    This documentary was UNREAL! there was absolutely nothing that was not right about it.

  16. Hobo Divine

    R.I.P. Frosty. :'(

  17. sensa111

    Art not vandalism. Excellent film. Thanks Vlatko :~))

  18. Sally

    incredible, this documentary was fantastic. i would really like to see more films like this on here.