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Solo: Lost at Sea

2008, Sports  -   84 Comments
Ratings: 7.93/10 from 61 users.

Solo: Lost at seaIn December 2006 Andrew's first attempt to cross the Tasman Sea in a standard one-man kayak was aborted after two days due to trouble keeping warm inside the cockpit. Andrew's second attempt began on 11 January 2007 and ended on 12 February when the search for his missing body was called off following the recovery of his partly flooded kayak on 10 February just 30 nautical miles short of his destination Milford Sound.

The sleeping arrangements at sea involved deploying a sea anchor, squeezing his body down into the kayak and sealing the hatch with a bulbous fibreglass capsule (dubbed "Casper") fitted with an air-only ventilator which, with its self-righting capabilities, made it possible to ride out the most severe storm conditions that are inevitable in that part of the ocean. Unfortunately, when the capsule was pivoted to its stowing position behind the cockpit, it made it impossible to kayak roll due to being filled with water like a bucket. Therefore, whenever he capsized, he had to swim out of the kayak, push it upright and perform full self-rescue.

When his kayak was recovered, only this capsule was missing. It was presumed to have been torn off by a freak wave. One of its pivot arms had already been damaged. Veteran sailor Jonathan Borgais, who was directing the expedition by providing weather predictions, explained: "From the beginning, my biggest concern was the approach to New Zealand. And this part of New Zealand is notoriously dangerous. On a good day you can get rogue waves: a two or three metre set that can come out of nowhere. Not big, but powerful. That's very dangerous. I have no doubt that a wave got him."

The documentary of Andrew's journey Solo: Lost at sea incorporated video footage recovered from one surviving memory stick in his camera as well as interviews with people on his team during the expedition. It begins with the distress call he made on 9 February.

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84 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Kruse Kyler

    "Play stupid games - Win stupid prizes"
    What else can you say.

    Ruining his small family by taking away himself as a father. Shame on him.

  2. R MacDonald

    He was brave. He pushed the limits but sometime nature will push back and she pushed back this time and took his life. Ships have been lost in and on that ocean - strong ships with seasoned sailors that didn't survive. It's one of the most dangerous oceans on the planet. I wished he had made it and it's one less miracle on Earth that he didn't. He was a mountain climber I note and people have been calling mountain climbers selfish for decades but they are a special breed and humanity would be less without them. Sometimes the greatest failures are remembered with the greatest honour - for example Scott and the failed 1911 expedition to Antartica.

  3. Brent A

    Im not saying what he did was a bad thing, just a selfish thing, he knew the risk, he knew he would probably die, he knew he would never see his wife and kid again, but he went anyway. If he loved his wife and kid, I doubt he would have done this. I would love to do something like this, but I wont, I don't want to hurt my family and I am not capable of living in a kayak. Good for him for what he did, but he did it for 1 peron, himself, with no regards to his family, selfish selfish man.

  4. Brent A

    I watched this documentary 2 years ago and posted this was a selfish act. I still think this is a selfish act, he said the tasman sea isn't a competition but his actions totally disregards that's statement, he was a selfish man who was looking to get famous. I hope his wife found a new husband, one that wont abandon her, and I hope his kid his happy and wonders why his dad did what he did. What did he prove? No one would have heard of him if he accomplished this goal, some dude just kayaked 202 days across the atlantic. that makes this 30 day trip peanuts, he wanted to become famous, and had to die in the process, not much sympathy for him.

  5. Ian

    He killed a little boy's father. He put his own immature urges higher than taking proper care of that little boy - he didn't deserve to have that family as he clearly didn't value it appropriately, he listened to nobody with an adverse take on this trip, left in a vessel laughably under-equipped to deal with that vicious sea - and latterly was clearly well aware of how bad it could go towards the end of the recordings they used for this documentary. Anyone with a little vision could have foreseen an ending of that approximate sort - ie, he'd end up feeding the sharks.

    All those praising this ridiculous fool are only showing your own tenuous grasp on what is important in life. This wasn't glorious, it wasn't helpful to anyone - it was an utter waste.

  6. S de Vere

    His sort are not Captain James Cook(s) or Christopher Columbus(s)....they are not discoverers. Being the first to cross the Tasman Sea in a kayak, bathtub or giant teapot is an exercise in self-aggrandisement ("look at me"!!) by people lacking self-esteem. If a life only has meaning or happiness through risking it to such a ridiculous purpose......

    1. InvisibleHandInMyPants

      So the first men to cross the seas in search of new land were arrogant narcissists? The men who climbed Everest were not there to conquer a mountain and test the limits of human endurance? Ultra marathon runners are just selfish opportunists? Andrew says nothing-nothing-about needing to cross this stretch of water to give life meaning or achieve happiness. You're just making up s*it. Some people enjoy risk-taking. Im one of them.

  7. Hollis

    if i had a wife and young son, i'd love them more than breaking some stupid record. he died, living recklessly, drunk on adventure, risking his son's future as a fatherless child. give him a break? yeah, right. he was about as self-centered as you can get, and his wife and son pay the price every day of their lives.

  8. ekhoff

    What a courageous man. He believed he was invincible. Sadly I believe reality bit him in the ass (literally). If he was unable to apply ointment to sooth his sores on his rump, he had no way of dealing with passing waste and staying clean. Combined with constant salt water immersion and pressure/chaffing points his body tissue simply would have broken down to the point he could not go on. Without a plan to provide for his own sustainability, he was doomed. My heart goes to him as the situation had to be unbearable. He could not eat to stay warm and strong without adding to his other problems. Things we take for granted become life threatening under adverse conditions. His strength, willpower and skill, while huge, were not quite enough. I did water immersion testing for space travel and can not imagine the anguish he must have endured.

  9. Chris Rosamond

    Andrew made it. And didn't make it. People who live life large run risks, and, in the end, any of us who do virtually anything at all, stand on the shoulders of the Giants who came before us. Many of those people died while trying to figure it out for those who would follow. Thousands died trying to figure out how to make an oceanic crossing in a sailing ship. Hundreds died while the engineers were trying to figure out how to make automobiles that could cruise comfortably at highway speeds. Many people died trying to figure out how to make airplanes cross mountain ranges, continents, oceans. Next time you drive or fly somewhere, think about those people. What Andrew did was very courageous. His death helps clarify some technical equipment deficiencies that those who want to kayak across huge expanses will learn from. There will definitely have to be a better hatch cover for those wishing to do trans oceanic crossings, and a redundant, perhaps inflatable, storm dodger (cover) for a kayak will have to be built. The issue of the hatch sleeping cover was one of Ed Gillette's main problems when he kayaked from California to Hawaii. An adequate solution to that problem has not been discovered yet. But it will. And someone else will paddle the Tasman sea Solo and live to tell the tale.

  10. Lyndsey


  11. Truik

    If no one ever tried anything courageous, we would all still die. We would just die without ever really living.

  12. mpuryear

    I think we alll try to understand things in our terms and think that others should be like us. It was his life and he should be able to follow his dream. Most of us are too afraid of death to do something like this and thats fine. HIs relationship to fear was the area he was exploring in himself. His wife and friends mourn his loss but understood the risk he was taking and still supported him. Life goes on.

  13. MrSluggo

    This kind of reminds me of Donald Crowhurst only Andrew wasn't trying to deceive anyone except maybe himself. I just don't see how anyone can do this to their family. If you're single yeah go for it but not if you have a wife and a kid.

  14. Hammer2Fall

    Who else detected some doubt in his voice but not his words.....

  15. Paul Alexander

    So sad, so brave and so stupid. He lived his life the best way he could and HE MADE IT!!! NO ONE CAN SAY HE DIDN'T LOVE HIS WIFE AND KID'S!!
    He just dreamed a dream that was too big, that's why no one has ever done it. God bless him and his family.

  16. bud oracle

    So sad that he didn't make it. What nerve, but still a bit too foolish, imo. There is something in this kind of pursuit that is not rational to people like me. There is nothing in it except personal glory after all. A type of vanity that serves no one but himself. His one words on camera reveals his understanding of the folly that he got himself into. Sad for his son and wife.

  17. Caiomhin O Murachu

    Look..this guy died doing something he felt compelled to do, he didn't die driving recklessly or drunk, he didn't risk anyone else's life with his adventure, give him a break..a lot of you will probably die aged eighty and never LIVE a single day.

  18. Brent A

    This guy is an id**t, he obviously did not love his wife and kid because no human being would ever do this to people they loved. He proved nothing and is probably ended up in a shark which he almost deserves for such an id**tic decision and selfishness. This guy was thinking for himself and his wife and kid have to suffer. I dont care what his wife said, he obviously didnt make it or he would be with his family. SELFISH GUY. OR The greatest fake death and run away of all time.

    1. Will Copestake

      Brent... This saddens me and does yourself an injustice. Firstly A. Mcauley obviously loved his family, he toiled with the decision to go but went anyway. I^iocy lies in unpreparedness, Andrew was exceedingly experienced, he knew the risks better than most. He had employed a superb support team, and trained hard. The perception of risk was minimised with appropriate measured, he was no i^iot. I can safely assume that you have not experienced the thrill of expedition travel, it is not a hobby or a goal, it is a lifestyle and a passion. This man deserves the respect and honour he has earn t not by just this journey but his entire legacy of experience that we may all benefit from. I am sincerely sorry for his wife and child but they will both be comforted that their devoted husband/father died pursuing a dream. Is that not what we should all dream for in life.

    2. Martin Lucas

      He is dead and even jus because of that - he deserves respect. He will be remembered. and who will remember 'Brent A' - lazy m*ron hidden behind his computer?

  19. Mark Sutherland Jr.

    This guy is a BEAST! And when dealing with the scale of the trip that Andrew took, to get within earshot on a radio and eye shot of shore and to die of some unforsean failed piece of equipment in 15 degree water. One has to admit that HE MADE IT MAN! In My Opinion. That there is noone that can take that away from him. The guy paddeled his ass across the Tasman and bore all. He is forever one of the most HARDCORE FULL ON INDIVIDUALS I HAVE EVER EVEN HERD OF!! Cheers Andrew.

  20. Darryl P

    He killed himself and his friends let him!! Thats the truth. it was suicide!!!

    1. Lance Smith

      You are so sad Darryl. The fact that he got so close proves beyond a doubt that what he set out to do, is in fact possible. has anyone ever died going to the moon ??? I bet you cook your eggs on a teflon coated frying pan. Suicide you say ...Huh...I guess you are commiting suicide by choosing not to live life and explore dreams and posibilities beyond the comfort of your armchair.

  21. drs000

    Does anyone know from who the music is?

  22. Arija Lee

    y didnt they send rescue out sooner ? like as soon as they got the message?

  23. bowecho

    Such a shame he died. His pride, and the need for an Adrenalin rush was a higher priority to him than his little boy. I am sorry for his widow and child.

  24. bowecho

    Shame he died. His pride, and a need for an adrenaline rush was more of a priority than his little son.

  25. Patrick Leonard

    His voice sounds like it is slurred from hypothermia or injury...
    That was an inspirational video. I know it sounds weird, but still...
    Searching for the limits of human endurance is part of the nature of adventure and discovery. Many mountain climbers have paid the ultimate price to find their limits.
    The fact that he made it as far as he did shows that it is possible. It is in learning from the difficulties of others and coming up with solutions that we advance. He has paved a path that one day will allow another to succeed.
    What a great man he was.

  26. machine

    I Couldn't watch this after he turned around the first time.
    While I have not I can't imagine what it feels like to watch this if you lost a husband or a father to something beyond control.
    Screw this guy, I hope he dies next time. Pathetic.

    1. the_portal

      Machine, Your an A CLASS PRICK. . .
      Top of the class, First Grade. . .

    2. josh seifried

      he f***ing died you a**hole

  27. Karol

    I guess we should not decide whether she should have taken on this journey... It was up to him and his family. It was their call. He was not a mad man, he knew the risks...

    Rest in peace, I hope all adventure seekers will think once more about their projects. There is a limit to everything.

    I hope his family is doing alright. His wive was super-tolerant! I love people with this particular trait.

  28. Jason

    Well...we could go on and on for days as to whether what he did was responsible or necessary. As an adrenaline junkie who also happens to be a Dad I can tell you it's not always easy to say no to the rush and there are times when we feel the necessity to do things that others deem as crazy, selfish or irresponsible. But for us there is a necessity to walk on that line from time to time. We can't live without it. If we did...we'd be miserable...we wouldn't be true to ourselves. I don't do many of the risky things I did when I was young....but I do still take risks. Do I want my kids to grow up without me? Of course I don't. I want them to see me LIVE!

    No matter what your opinion is...this is an amazing documentary that made us all appreciate our time here and the people in our lives. Congrats to it's creators for that.

    See you on the other side Andrew.

  29. Piers

    Just read the book and thought I'd watch the doco again.

    An awesome story of bravery and the great generosity of a wife to accommodate the dreams of her husband. But I have to say that there are some things that the most hardened, experienced and adventurous just can't do no matter what - even with all the luck in the world. It seems Andrew's attempt to solo kayak the Tasman into Milford Sound was one of these. And the problem of the kayak flipping with the bubble (Casper) open seems to be the big - foreseeable - issue. A big wave turns the boat over while you're paddling and you're forced out of the kayak to try to right the water-logged boat. This is probably why he didn't use the epirb - he couldn't reach it and wound up separated from the kayak.

  30. OM

    Thank you for the sharing the documentary.

    Andrew Buen Camino Hermano.

    SK OM

  31. Adam

    I am finally able to watch this video again. I think i watched it too many times before and they cut me off i guess.

    anyway, i think this was one of the all-time great adventures and he was one of the great adventurers.

  32. Leroy

    What an inglorious selfish bast..., to seek fame in such a way that flies in the face of responsibility to those he could leave behind for eternity.

  33. Thomas

    The whole 9th minute i believe lends credence to my opinion ...

  34. Thomas

    Addiction- is an uncontrollable compulsion to repeat a behavior regardless of its negative consequences.

    This man was addicted to strong nero-chemicals......

    this is my opinion....any thoughts?

  35. Peter

    "...Yet I cannot tarry longer. The sea that calls all things unto her calls me, and I must embark. For to stay, though the hours burn in the night, is to freeze and crystallize and be bound in a mold." KG

    Totally get it!

  36. whatever

    There is some footage of some i@#$% going over Niagara in a kayak. They also never found his body. Brave, yes, smart, no. This is about as stupid for someone to take unnecessary risk that doesn't require much skill. Andrew hadn't been kayaking that long. Anyone can go get themselves killed.

    I don't like the title "Solo" this implies anyone paddling solo is asking to die.

    The cheerleaders here enjoyed seeing someone die like that and doesn't care about his life or family. He should have gotten a job and gone kayaking with his family, but he didn't like to work hard at anything.

  37. cooldude

    hahaha the loser was deaded

    he sux

  38. kia

    its 2007 and he didnt he didn't use gps, or it seem by the way they had to search for him. (wonder who paid all those costs)

  39. kia

    I only wish I had a quarter of this guy's balls and passion for adventure. wow! It seems suicidal to the rest of us..for very good reasons. (personally, I woulda brought scuba gear.. or a boat behind me somewhere) A kayak? with no help in reach. (its the luck of the draw of the conditions) At some point it stops being 'extreme adventure' and starts becoming the very real probably that you're going to die. 15 degree water? Love to him and his family.

  40. Torrque

    What an AMAZING adventurer!!! What an AMAZING journey!!

  41. Torrque

    WTF!! So many people here think a person cannot make a choice for themselves?! If you wouldn't choose to do it, your choice. That's fine. You don't even have to be labeled for not taking risks. But for this guys, that he was married and had a child; sad, true, but a person must live by their own god. Plain and simple. He hurt his wife and child however indirectly.

    NOT directly through directed action like abuse, hate or otherwise. Some people HAVE to do what they do. And it was his choice. In all its finality! Lay off him and live your own life and hope they do a documentary on your model citizenship. Personally, I love that he has inspired something, ANYTHING, within you so strong that you're an arm chair judge, jury and critic... safe and sound in your own comforts.

    Withing his mind and body, he struck out for his own brand of 'comfort'. Before critizing him, you'd have to walk a mile in his shoes and feel as he does to know, REALLY KNOW, why and WTF he needed to do this for. He was driven to it for his reasons and from his vantage point, not yours. Keep quiet, it wasn't your journey to take.

  42. Dave

    maybe not dumb but unnecessary.

  43. Dave

    Is a person brave for taking a dumb risk? He wasn't going to war nor was he trying to find cancers cure in the ocean. It was an accomplishment he wanted to make for personal reasons.He was well aware of the risk as well as what he had to lose.


  44. harry

    A sad story. Many may say he was selfish, but aren't we all? No, an adventurer (in the broad sense of the term) is by definition selfish. Respect.

  45. duncang

    For all of those "stay at home sheep" complaining about the reckless nature of this attempt, including the wingers from sea rescue - think about it - without this kind of brave individual you would probably still not be aware that New Zealand even existed.

    In fact you would probably all still be living in some tiny corner of africa !!!

    Get a life or just stay a home behind your TV and keep your opinions to yourselves.

    1. Noemi Atienza

      First, you don't have to be a "stay at home sheep" to consider this dumb. In fact, no one with a clear mind would do this, and neither would you. Considering what he was trying to accomplish, his experience, and the lack of help or watch, it wasn't a wise choice, as I'm afraid was proven.

      Second, he had the right to do whatever he wanted, he was a free man, and we can do nothing but respect that. BUT please, your argument is just ridiculous. You can't compare kayaking your way to New Zealand (which btw, he knew was there..) to having to find new lands to explore. Those people were driven by hunger, thirst, cold, heat, or even the need to know what was out there, not coming up in the Guinness Book of Records. We are in the 21st century, he had no need to do what he did, no one does. Nobody needed him to do it either and he wasn't trying to do anything for a greater good, so it was just a selfish move, specially towards his family. Sorry? of course. Respect? all. Understanding? None whatsoever.

  46. Tegan

    PS... this is an absolutely amazing documentary. Extremely gripping, overpoweringly emotion - I wept many times throughout. Most of all tho, I'm NOT raging on Andrew McAuley (sorry for spelling it wrong in my previous message). He was vey obviously an AMAZING human being, and I'm sure that anyone that had met him would have instantly seen him dripping with charisma... I just find the tale to be so amazingly tragic. Its right there with "Touching the Void", "Into the Wild"... all three stories are focussed on some type human error, lapse in judgement. I'm just really sad for his family... His on Father and his wife and child, with such high hopes - waiting on a beach in New Zealand for a man that never came... McAuley was absolutely addicted to addrealine - however, unfortunately, that type of addict is typically praised. Now, other than the two being addictions in their own rights, a drug addict needs to break an addiction as, if let run free, it will take over his life til rock bottom or death; but people intervene and help them break the cycle. And now that foods, gambling, shoplifting, sex are all forms of addiction now, I think its time people started looking at the opposite end of it. Just because its socially acceptable, it doesn't mean its not unheathy... too much of a good thing is a bad thing...

    thats all I've got to say

  47. Tegan

    Some good comments here (SOME, certainly not anywhere even close to half of them tho) I can see both sides clearly, and can agree with points made on both of them... Yes, Adventurers are the basis for expanding the waorld, but you've got to understand that - tho being the first kayak between two relatively meaningless points, he wasn't adding to the world in any real way. Brave, yes, courage, yes, addicted to addrenaline, yes, to a fault, absolutely. Do it when you're young, do it when you're not leaving your wife and young child to fend for themselves... Everyone of you, look back on your life: can you imagine how ripped off you'd have felt if you grew up without all of your amazing, heroic father's knowledge and wisdom being passed on? Andrew McAuly was tremendously brave, had the heart of a warrior, and a commitment to edurence unrivaled by many... but the fact of the matter is, all those things are in past tense, and all the dying doing what you loves, and its takes people like him to ...'s don't mean a THING to a boy growing up. Yes, he'll always be able to look back and be proud of his dad - but personally I'd have like my Dad to do be REALLY couragous, and comprimise his addrenaline addiction for ME. And not so much that I'd ever ask it of him, I would have wished that he could have come to the conclusion the I was more important than paddling accross a virtually abitrary stretch of sea... REST IN POWER ANDREW MCAULY... You WERE heroic, and you WERE brave... but I know of at least a couple people in Australia that wish, more than anything, that they sould say that you're STILL all of those things, including a father to you beautiful boy, a husband you your gorgeous wife, and a friend to your gang of mates...


    (i didn't proofread,edit, or spell check any of this -- far too early for that! so, just bear with me

  48. TheRandomGuy

    Rest In Peace.

    Andrew truly "made it across the Tasman Sea". 30 miles is zilch when compared to what he had already covered in those conditions. There will always be a bunch of people to criticize someone, and thats the way our society is. One will always have a family, wife, kids or parents, so does that mean one should not go ahead with such ambitions? If an accident occurs people talk crap, if it doesn't people talk more crap.

    Through the documentary I had been thinking, why wasn't any ship or boat or whatever accompanying him? Why was he not using a satellite phone, I mean when could message using it, why not call people on land ? Why was he not tracked using a GPS device ? (now a days we have cars, dogs tagged that way, so why not a guy who was so helpless at the sea? he was about to make history after all)

    Brave Guy! I pay my respects to him.

  49. L.Lesyk

    I believe that deeply he did not want to make this journey ,previous accomplishments that created his mind set strongly out way the common mans way of thought .then add the element of competition now he's put aside any thought of quieting this goal and what ever happened to the two young fellas that were attempting this quest?were they successful? I'm sure that finnley will be fine and grow up surrounded by loving family.RIP Andrew.

  50. Adam Fletche


    This guy was superman.

  51. BoB

    Brave? selfish? - I'm a kayaker and the only thing I can see is his ridiculously bad planning. 'casper' is held with a couple of alloy stays from a lawn sprinkler, he had to get out of the kayak to get his food from the front pocket, he had to kneel to pee (try that in the tasman ocean) and as for crapping! - and how about the sleeping position! he was bummed out the other 2 rowers would get there before him and he left in a hurry not only ignoring his wife and sons pleas but the coast guard..And as for heading to Milford sound in NZ - no-one lives there, he shouldve gone higher up, bottom of the north island not frigging Fiordland! - To get there first, first youve got to get there. I think, mainly, he was impatient Reading between his wife's brave words you can see deep down she knows he did a selfish thing.

  52. twiggy

    In the same way that a beggar provides a valuable service to each he would ask, this man has provided you all, (and me), with an opportunity to answer, by comparison, am I good? Or, am I guilty? Very much worth the price of admission either way. Live with your truth for as long as it lasts because it will most likely change. Perspective and all. Really well done doc.

  53. Pacha

    I wondered the same Simon. I'm betting that between losing his dad and his mum being an emotional wreck about it, he'll be in therapy by the time he's 25.

  54. Simon

    I am a paddler, sailor and diver myself and I think I grasp his motivation because I love the sea and her extremes.

    It might have been a bit too foolhardy thing to do for a father, but he was looking for extremes and encounters with death and he would never have been really satisfied with living monotonuously and civilised for all his life!

    He was neither a hero nor a fool, just somebody looking for fulfilment. May he rest in peace!

    I am just wondering if his son will attempt anything extreme when he grows up.

  55. Pacha34

    I bet the aborogines and native americans would have been pretty happy if all adventurers had stayed at home.

    I don't think this guy was brave or selfish. I think he was doing what a lot of us do in life; ie running away.

  56. Mrx

    a few grammar and spelling errors,it happens when you don't read it before posting. :-)

  57. Mrx

    Lets all remember 1 thing.
    Had it not been for adventurers some countries would never have been discovered not to mention everything else of past that was discovered by an adventurer and the knockers here currently live comfortably from their findings,only to call criticize them.
    Even your parents were adventurers when have you :-)

  58. Robert

    A thrill seeker in the search rescue trade would get you killed quick..thus requiring another person to rescue the rescuer. Lets not start with half population, lets start with you....less chatting more paddling... if even you know how to do that...I would lend you my kayak as long I get it back minus you....start paddling sunshine or spare us your comments. For those who go on water regularly take a caculated risk, not a thrill seeking suicide. Seek help Ben ...half the population would agree, you need it

  59. ben

    These people who lay their lives on the line to save these thrill seekers from slaughter chose to do so for a certain thrill or satisfaction which makes them just about the same kind of peaple dont you think. btw I wouldnt mind if half the polupation starts kayaking to NZ the world is a better place without them, we are all going to die whats wrong with doing it in a way that you yourself think is a dignified way as do our search and rescue brothers and sisters that dont come back from the job.

  60. Robert

    "This one of a kind man" required rescued from 99% of those of us who set to sea.Ben, stop thinking like a preature ejaculate. Understand this, that people lay their lives on the line to save these thrill seekers from slaughter...Try working a day with Search and Rescue when these thrill seekers are crying for help...Or get yourself a kayak and start paddling to New Zealand...The herd could do with some thinning out.

  61. ben

    All these peaple who complain about this 1 of a kind man are those 99% of peaple who are just sheep wating to go to the slaughter. Trying to live exactly like the herd,and even failing at that. Conceived by a premature ejaculation and the disapointment has gone on every since.
    But not Andrew, he was in that 1% with more heart,courage bravery and love for his family then any of your brains is even capable of imagining.
    Thanks for with your ignorant comments, allowing me to point out how much respect I think one should have for Andrew McAuley.

    may peace be upon all of youz
    I loved the doc!

  62. Mrx

    The french guy sounds very knowledgeable about the ocean,he talks from the heart.
    Obviously he was a very experienced sailor with lots of wild sea stories to tell,he should write a book.

  63. Mrx

    Very moving and a very motivational documentary.
    I have watched it several times and probably will a few more times.
    I admire Andrew’s bravery.
    His need to do it seemed to be almost addictive like.
    I am amazed that he made it all the way even through a force 10 storm.
    I am baffled like everyone else as to what happened so close to shore.
    I can only imagine that by the sound of his voice on tape,he sounds like his in a state of hypothermia,the slurred speech indicates that to me as I have suffered this before,and my speech was slurred very badly.
    It was a very brave adventure.
    I don't know what else to say,I guess I am sort of shocked.
    Please take care!

  64. Dale

    This guy was foolish and irresponsible. Why in the world would you want to leave your wife and kid to do such a thing. Its not courageous, its stupid. People like Andrew serve a purpose to remind others to not be soo foolish and to live life as long as possibly can with the ones we love.

  65. Marc

    This guy was an idiot. He was not courageous nor brave. He was selfish. Any man who has a family and claims to love them makes sacrifices. His sacrifice should have been to forgo the trip and ensure that he was their to help raise his son.

    I agree with Robert......what a waste.

  66. Robert

    What a waste ...and for what ...his own selfish goals ...he was right to pack it in the first time...darwin was right

  67. Krystal

    Great documentary and yes Andrew McAuley you made it!!! What an amazing story! And what a strong wife.

  68. Hesus

    Incredible journey. Respect.

    Rest in peace.

  69. Mee

    This doc is great and brought tears to my eyes. I feel so sad for his little boy. Hopefully he'll grow up knowing that his dad was a very brave man and did make it across. RIP Andrew.

  70. 37739

    Wow, the people here making a fool of McAuley should find themselves a part of next Saw movie, or at least die of boredom. Show this adventurous guy some respect, even if you can't understand his mindset. Losers!

    RIP, Brave Andrew McAuley.

  71. Sailor

    A MUST see documentary! I've never been touched in my life with a story like that it'll never be erased of my head. What a brave man! With just a KAYAK!!!! And for the people who said he is crazy or he was a dad and he shouldn't have done it well ask a person who loves the sea and then you'll know how great it feels. No matter what; i just wanted to say: "Andrew McAuley, you have paddled across the Tasman Sea; you have made it!"

  72. Chris

    I'm sorry but this is as irresponsible at it gets...just plain wrong.

  73. Alen



    This is the first time I comment on any of these documentaries. This was really gripping. I feel anger and sadness after watching this, he knew in the beginning when he was peddlin away and crying that there was a big chance that he was going to die. To be real honest I was suprised he even made it that far, even through the horrific storm. That was quite the achievement, however leaving a wife and such a young boy behind to go on this trip is absolute madness, it's selfish and stupid. Who cares if you were the first to paddle accross the tasman sea if you're gonna lose your life doing it!!! Bah..

  74. Stoke City

    btw, why wasn't there a boat following him? i mean, not like right behind him... but relatively close that if anything happend they could get to him within an hour...

    or would that mean he didn't cross solo?

  75. Stoke City

    Wow. This guy was insane. I feel so badly for his family. But at least he died what he loved doing if it's any consolation. RIP.

    Fantastic documentary.

  76. carpenter

    very good doc, the dude is a little crazy for a guy who has a family.

  77. Jam

    Dam I cant watch "Solo: Lost at Sea" i get a Jap. message instead..