Solar Superstorms

2015, Science  -   12 Comments
Ratings: 8.72/10 from 93 users.

This episode of Cosmic Journeys educates viewers on the turbulent nature of solar activity, how superstorms that occur on the sun have impacted Earth in the past, and what threat they may pose to us in the future. An informative documentary relying primarily on fluid visuals and authoritative voice-over, Solar Superstorms takes viewers to the surface of the sun and beyond.

The first recorded major solar event, specifically a coronal mass ejection (CME), occurred on September 1st, 1859. A CME is an eruption of gas and magnetic fields, and this particular event sent over one billion tons of solar particles blasting towards Earth, creating auroras visible as far as the tropics. Over one-hundred years later, another major solar outburst had an effect that was much less pleasing to the eye - it disabled Quebec's hydro-solar power grid and left over six million people without power for nine hours.

Solar plasma now poses an especially dangerous threat considering how interconnected Earth's power and information systems have become. With the Internet now in the picture, an event akin to the Quebec power-outage would be significantly more devastating. With the current knowledge that solar plasma can create risks to electrical grids, scientists have developed tools in the form of spacecraft and supercomputers to monitor and track solar activity. This has granted extra insight into the workings of the sun and more accurate space-weather forecasting. These tools have taught scientists that the sun's core is a sort of "nuclear furnace" that creates enough heat and pressure to instigate fusion reactions that lead to solar eruptions.

With a predicted rate of solar storm activity being every 150 years, Solar Superstorms suggests we may be due for another outburst and asks how we can brace ourselves for the inevitable fallout. An aesthetically rich film full of trippy, undulating visuals in the form of high quality computer models and top-notch animations, the spectacle of solar storms is presented in this hypnotic, almost psychedelic display. Visually dynamic and highly informative, this film will have broad appeal to those interested in a variety of scientific fields, not just the study of the sun.

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12 Comments / User Reviews

  1. winter

    I used to comment here, but I soon realized that my comments were placed in order behind those from long ago. You should know that if you comment here, it is unlikely that people will take the trouble to read every single comment from the distant past in order to find your comment.

  2. Harold Shoup

    Wisdom has seen and she has judged against this world.? She will bring down the idols set in the high places before Her, that She might reveal Her strength before Her enemies

  3. NomV

    I haven't watched it, already scared i'm going to hear another "DAVID" Anyone want to redub narration? ha. who else is thinking between2018-2021 we will see a biggie>?



    1. Phil Wollerman

      It's now May 2019, I'm just wondering if you now feel your comment is a bit embarrassing?

  5. Tauceti

    I like the fact that our sun is also referred to as a star, which it is. Not just a ball of nuclear fire, it is far more dynamic and detailed then one imagines, add to that the potential destructive outbursts that could case harm to our fragile world. Truly this life giving sourcecommands respect and more study. As to the narration, I'm OK with it, as well as the visual presentation. As to HugsChan calling the narrator a bastard, it sounds rather harsh, a personal affront? Maybe you should avoid these docs and just stick to reading (sicked?) books that don't offend you.

  6. HugsChan

    It's not half bad really. Overly graphic narrated (male voice, that somehow. Well I just didn't like the narrator's voice much, almost can smell lack of any appreciation for astrophysics or even elementary planetary science in every shallow word he spoke. bastard.) short story, pretty but not that insightful, it's like 8/10 for graphics and 2/10 for info. Good, but kind of make you wish you'd rather sicked to books.

  7. Dubbledub

    Worst narrator ever; hate this guy's voice.

  8. davidp

    Electric Universe?

  9. Katherine Calkin

    Beautiful and very informative!

  10. User1

    Excellent doc here! I had to put the screen to full and just sit back and admire the real and created images.

    Thanks kindly.

    1. Ryan Torres

      beautifully made what work!