Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of Justice

2001, Conspiracy  -   118 Comments
Ratings: 7.86/10 from 95 users.

Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of JusticeThis documentary proves that the U.S. government-including the FBI and DOJ-are totally corrupt and involved in serious felony crime and the outrageous cover-up of truth concerning the mysterious crash of TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996.

As you will see, Flight 800 was actually destroyed by a surface-to-air missile. Every allegation made in this film is backed up with facts-none more dramatic than those that come from the Federal government itself.

You'll learn what the 736 official eyewitnesses actually saw; why aviators reject the CIA "cartoon" explanation; how the Feds criminally suppressed reporting; the critical witness drawings; the rigged NTSB hearings; the damning radar data and documentation; the altered physical evidence; undeniable proof of explosive residue proving a missile strike; the stinging report from the machinist union; and much more!

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118 Comments / User Reviews

  1. I knew one of the lead engineers on the AEGIS missile system, he was a radar engineer who worked at Telephonix. He was in contact with an Admiral who was overseeing the standard missile test that night on a drone in a electronic warfare scenario that included large amounts of electronic warfare. The drone was tracked, locked, the missile launched and before the seeker (radar in the missile that actually guides it after the mid course updates from the launch platform) became active the lock was lost. The default behavior for those missiles which can hit mach 5 is to turn on its radar pointing at the last known target location and lock on to the best target according to its programming. TWA flight 800 was a much larger target than the little drone and it cut right through the plane. Why didn't they find explosives and fragments? Because it was a dummy warhead, can't have live warheads landing in populated areas however traveling at 5 times the speed of sound it will still do tremendous damage to an aircraft. That is how and why the plane was shot down. Now that is speculation between a elite radio engineer and a naval admiral, the crew only ever saw that the track was lost. There was so much jamming nobody really knows for sure that is what happened but I trust this person implicitly and is an expert in his field, he also worked on the low level radar system they use to detect small low flying planes trafficking drugs into the US.

  2. I recall hearing Dan Rather say that the only military aircraft in the area were P-3 Orions. Then when on to say, they do not have missile capability. I was beyond stunned, as I was part of Navy History while serving in VP-26. I was on the observing P-3 while the CO and XO's planes shot Maverick missiles at an Italian ship the Navy bought. I recall looking up at my "love me wall" at a picture taken on that mission of a P-3 shooting out a Maverick Missile.

  3. Looking back now at the reporting and the ridiculous propaganda coming from government officials it's beyond angering. Absurdly ridiculous coverup

  4. more upset at the fact they could not lie better. or is it that when you have so much power you get lazy?or don't have too? what ever. Almost seems like a test run for 9/11 type events. like opp's thought we could get away with this but guess we need to have more control to do so and better execution.

  5. Clinton was up for re-election and once they covered it..up...they couldn't undo that...

  6. The only question that remains which was not addressed... is 'Who was on that plane when it was hit?' This was not a random missile attack or it would have been advertised as such by a so called terror cell. If the boat that fled that day was in fact part of a radical cell... then who was responsible? Most if not all terror cells take credit for such an atrocity. Yet not one person or entity came forward. The lone nut theory begins to take place if an organization was not involved, which would atomize the story as nothing more than a stunt gone bad by either the boat crew or part of the military was involved but gagged at the last possible moment to save face.

    If that was the case then the FBI, CIA, and the NSA did everything illegal in order to cover up that mistake. The NTSB would have followed protocols but the FAA itself was astounded that the local detachment of the FBI requested that they look the other way. This is a telling piece of evidence that one, a missile was used... two, a commercial flight was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and third, losses of life was the catalyst to an in depth investigation that rallied most if not all the three letter entities to put a stop to that investigation. If it was known that the government was testing a missile close to friendly waters in the US then the political body itself would be under intense scrutiny. Yet if it was a rogue faction or someone who didn't realize that the flight was underway and hit the plane by accident by test firing the missile then of course they would escape the scene of the crime.

    Except why did the FBI try so hard to put it under the table? Why go so far as to change people's testimonies in order to come up with an alternate theory? Why? To put it simply... it was to hide something. What it would be or who nobody will ever know. If there was an important person on that plane that could have been a danger to them, or to the political body had to be silenced. Permanently. Again, sacrificing lives in the process to cover up an agenda making it look like a mechanical failure. This classic scenario is still used by those in power, but what they do not realize is that the citizens who do the actual investigating are the ones who come up with the truth.

    Why so many people had to die is a mystery. Who it was that was on that plane is a mystery. Why attack it in the first place is a mystery. The idea is ludicrous isn't it? Perhaps not since many other notable attacks have been made over the course of ten years, such as 9/11, Oklahoma, the towers in 1993 by the FBI themselves. Oklahoma was in fact the stepping stone to passing legislation in order to push bills in congress literally taking away people's rights. Institutions such as Homeland security, the patriot act and many others. This was just a new form of bill blueprint to push in congress in order to bolster additional security within airports.

    In a certain way that is a good thing, but also at the same time humiliating to the passengers who cross borders into another country with ridiculous practices such as X-ray machines of people's bodies, cavity searches, or some other form of embarrassing protocol. Flight 800 will remain as the only cold case file in the history of aviation because your government, and their agendas intercede with your rights. Nobody is safe any longer. Over the next twenty years or so, many will call for marshal law.... and it will come to pass sooner than expected.

  7. A good informative speech will not only inform, but provide an action to take. What is missing is a link to a petition to sign for a proper investigation or some other action. Another investigation may also prove fruitless if the same authorities conduct it. FBI Internal Affairs may be of some help if they haven't been corrupted as well. My non-profit organization, the Agents Of Change, does attempt to address corruption by promoting a move away from representative democracy towards direct democracy, runoff or ranked voting in all elections, the adoption of a national holiday for voting or moving the vote to a holiday already established such as Marting Luther King Day, the removal of campaign contributions, and other important social and governmental reforms. Volunteers ready to take alternative actions and those with special skills are encouraged to write to the address provided and you will be contacted if you can be of service to our cause and country.

  8. I believe flight 800 was shot down with one, perhaps two RIM-66D Standard missiles , fired from the GMLS MK 13 onboard the CGN-37, USS South Carolina. I remember the video broadcast by CNN in 1996 (one that I never again was able to find) and told my father at the time "that is a missile track." Mr. Wire (sp?) describes perfectly the flight of a SAM. The "wavering" he describes is a SAM leaving and re-syncing on a directional radar illuminating a target. I was a GMM in the navy, on board the So-Car's sister ship.

    1. Hi Fred. I saw the video on cnn too. I live in Australia and my wife and I remember watching what cnn said was "tourist video footage". We were horrified to watch on as the missile destroyed twa 800. They replayed the footage a number of times, then they stopped showing it and it has never been seen or spoken of since. We know what we saw in that video and no amount of dribble from James Kalstrom can change that.

    2. I also distinctly remember seeing the CNN report of radar with a distinct missile track line. It was dismissed by the next day ... never to be talked about again. Where there is smoke their is fire ... protocol was not happening ... NTSB told to stand down ... FBI leading investigation with CIA. Take over and cover the tracks of truth. Election year for Clinton. Some things never change do they?
      I followed this story very close for years and Ai read everything. Recently, the FOX Nation documentary brought the injustice back to me. I was a TWA FA and I flew 800 the entire summer of 1976 and May 1989 (7 x’s that month) before I retired in June. It was tragic.

  9. To all those speculating on why Flight 800 was shot down, it had been reported that the flight was packed with top brass from the Egyptian military. Another interesting fact; the air traffic controller responsible for Flight 800 was also working at Logan International Airport on 9/11 and was responsible for both flights that hit the World Trade Center. This was pointed out in the German documentary The Sensible Doubt.

  10. TWA 800 is what happens when false flag occurs without coperation of FBI. They get mad and go full berserk on investigation until it goes up in the food chain and cover-up is not only needed but irreversibly evident.

  11. Someone should look at who was on that plan !! then you people would no why the Gov blow it up I seen something like this happen in Russia !

  12. I'm not saying there wasn't a cover up, but my question is why would the government cover this up? To what purpose?

    1. I read your comment and question concerning TWA 800 documentary, it is one of the moronic questions I have ever heard, seriously!

  13. Let me see, most of the eyewitnesses were not allowed to speak at the hearings, and were not thoroughly debriefed regarding what they saw for evidentiary analysis; specific data was deleted from the radar event itself, and a reporter and his wife were charged with conspiracy, although their evidence was not allowed in their court proceedings. Yup, sounds like a free, democratic, society to me. (we hold these truths to be self evident)
    But, hey, don't sweat it, Obama has your back, just like Bush before him. Rest assured the metadata they are collecting on everyone, and the new laws they have been passing (patriot act 1 & 2) have everyone's best interests at heart.
    P.S:After you found out that the easter bunny, and Santa Claus were a lie, then how could anyone sell you on the idea of freedom 55, sodamn insane, osome have been lyin, or a lone assassin with the magic bullet theory? Personally, I have no doubt that there is intelligent life somewhere in the universe; you just won't find it here on earth!

  14. It all started when they took over by shooting JFk, and Robbie- That was the beginning of the end for USA democracy- Just keep filling your prison's it makes "the land of the free" seem quite silly.

  15. Great video. I always suspected something was wrong when so many average NYers said they saw a missile. I took that to the bank on Day One. When the official"reports" didn't match the eye witness accounts, I knew we were in trouble. We should always be suspect of government, no matter which party is in power. What I find inexcusable are the inactions of our sycophant journalists and media. Thanks only to average citizens and the heroic actions of those who choose to stand, do we get the truth.

  16. I think the main weakness of this documentary is its unnecessary partisan swipes at the corruption of the Clinton administration and its alleged unwillingness to deal with "terrorism."

    What if the truth is that a right-wing cabal within the CIA carried this out as a false flag operation with the intent of accusing Iranian terrorists, and that the FBI refused to go along with the scheme? In such a scenario, it's possible that the Clinton Administration averted an earlier 9/11-like falsified trigger event.

    I'm no fan of any recent Democratic or Republican administration, but I know that the deep-state fascists are evil.

    1. There is no doubt the TWA800 missle strike was intended to be a 9-11 like trigger event for war. What are the chances 2 catasthrophic and historic airplane incidents occur in New York City 5 years apart?

      At a time Neocons such as Project for a New American Century were coalescing and  trying to trigger events after the gulf war. The FBI and Clinton White House were not fully on board with this plan. But the cabal mustered enough pressure and will to force it through anyway. After the missile strike on TWA, The FBI leaders had cold feet in the last minute and decided to "clean it up" proclaiming it was a plane malfunction- nothing to see here.

      Five years later the cabal orchestrated the event they can blame on the Middle East. They were in a much more influential position in 2001. Afterall, they had become the new administration and had become friends with the Bin Laden family. They can make this new plan - much more terrifying and elaborate for the American people than TWA ever could be made out to be -with multiple  planes and famous targets.- That would surely earn them a blank check for all the invasions and war they could imagine- sacrifice innocent lives was a no brainer. And For the distractors that say "where are the missile fragments in TWA???" There was none because the explosives blew up BESIDE the plane

    2. "What are the chances 2 catasthrophic and historic airplane incidents occur in New York City 5 years apart?"

      Honestly, for the volume of air traffic they have in that area -- currently more than 100 million passengers per year (and this doesn't account for cargo traffic) -- probably higher than you might like to admit.

    3. These arent just any airplane incidents ofcourse! TWA 800 and 9/11 are extrordinary events, especially the latter ofcourse that changed the course of human history. Alot had to go according to plan for both events to occur. Serious questions surround each event and their official stories.

    4. While any plane incident is an extraordinary event, you're assigning extra significance to TWA 800 because you are choosing to reject the official explanation, not because it's necessarily out of the normal bounds.

      Personally, I don't believe that TWA 800 was the result of a missile strike, but my real point is that the idea that two such events could happen in New York City isn't remotely far fetched.

      As the largest metro area in the US with one of the highest air traffic rates in the country, and seat to the United Nations and the headquarters of many the country's largest Investment and commercial banks New York isn't just a highly desirable target. Bad things are just likely to happen in NY air space as a matter of pure chance.

      Between TWA 800 and Sept 11, there were three other crashes of planes that originated at major New York Area airports. Two out of JFK and one out of Newark. Meanwhile, since 9/11 there have been four more incidents/accidents out of major New York area airports.

      Even if TWA 800 is remarkable in that group of catastrophes -- and I stress again, I don't believe it is -- it's not remarkable that would it occur in New York.

  17. This is some how related to the 911 false flag event just five years later.

  18. The CIA cartoon shows the nose of TWA 800 breaking off way ahead of the leading edge of the wing due to the explosion of the center fuel tank. However, the center fuel tank on the 747-100/200 is located back in the wing center section right where the wing meets the fueslage. The tank is about 30 feet aft of where the video shows the nose breaking off. Also, nobody says where the nose was located in the debris field. It should have been the very first debris found. None of this was presented in the video. While I, and most other airline pilots, believe it was a missile that brought the plane down, the video was not as convincing as I thought it would be. For example, the evidence of the mysterious ship was very sketchy. I am a Boeing 767 captain and the only time we use our
    weather radar in flight to look at ships is when we do it just for fun. At this point in th e flight, we would be too busy to look at ships for fun. You would not normally see a ship on weather radar as they must be within about 20 miles and the radar antenea must be pointed at a down angle. Our radar antenae is normally pointed level with the horizon or just slightly down. Also, if there are no storms around, we would not have the radar on.

  19. Inside Job

  20. Great video, but please get rid of the music, it is distracting and unnecessary.

    1. Yes I am sure they will re edit the documentary because you find the music distracting and unnecessary.

  21. Who was on the aircraft that they wanted suicided. These are the same evil people that brought the towers down and sell our children drugs and death.

    1. LOL "Suicided" that is a new word. They sell our children death? Does it come in a pill form?

  22. Also, American Airlines flight 587 . . .

    1. Anne, AA 587 was nothing but an accident. A plane packed with people going to the DR. The Airbus (aka as Scarebus) cross through another plane's jet wash and the vertical stabilizer detached. The cockpit voice recorder records the whole event; no secrets. No conspiracy. However, I was on a flight to Paris that left JFK just prior to TWA 800. I was part of the crew. Many pilots, en route, reported seeing a surface to air missile or rocket just before the explosion. These communications were open mic and across multiple carriers. Definitely a government cover-up. Isn't the first and won't be the last in our lifetime.

  23. Most of us in the industry don't buy that crap they
    put out. I and probably you never bought the idea of Center tank explosion
    especially at 14,000 ft, cockpit procedure, and with the tank being vented to
    the outside there was probably to rich a mixture of fuel vapors and a lack of
    oxygen that even if a short did occurred in the center tank probably nothing
    would have happened and since the center tanks were empty I am sure that the
    crew would have had the fuel boost pumps for the center tanks turned off just
    as cockpit procedure requires and since the fuel boost pumps would have been
    turned off I do not recall any other source of voltage and current sufficient
    to cause a spark. I suppose that the fuel quantity indicator system could have
    gotten a stray voltage on it but the likely hood of that happening would
    probably have been written up long before it became a problem do to inaccurate
    fuel quantity indication and subsequent investigation of the fuel quantity
    system which is a "Capacitive System". What they say just does not
    fly if you consider the physics of what transpired. The story contains a lot of
    smoke and mirrors and no substance to their scenario. Even with all the paperwork and the tons of
    data it still ends up being a not so very good magic show on the government’s
    part, but the better question is how do you suppress all the people that were
    on those ships that were part of the exercise, surely someone would be willing
    to come forth to supply some answers, after all it is not a National Security
    issue, we all know that the system exists, it just had some bugs that failed to
    get worked out before a National tragedy was the result. Why can’t the government face up to its
    mistakes? Does a hundred years have to
    pass before the truth is exposed?

    This is not surprising. I was told that the senario
    goes something like this. The Navy was testing a new missile defense system off
    the Hawaiian Islands prior to the tragedy of TWA 800. It appears that the
    system was in good working order but was not tested in a high density real
    world situation. Several components were needed to complete the system, A
    launch vehicle to act as a missile
    threat by launching a missile with a dummy warhead, a countermeasure
    vehicle to intercept the threat missile, a look over the horizon radar system,
    supplied by an airborne tracking system and to act as an interface system
    between the ocean vessels or land launch vehicles, a computer capable of
    identifying, tracking, discriminating between friend and foe of multiple targets
    and providing, speed, trajectory, altitude, and flight path, and projected
    target, multiple being the key word. These things were needed to check the
    operational requirements of the system; Hawaii did not prove to have sufficient
    density in airborne traffic to supply the military components the necessary
    environment to test the system in a real threat situation. Three things were needed to check the
    operational requirements of the system. Hawaii did not provide sufficient density
    in airborne traffic to test the system.
    Those three things were; A restricted military Zone, A high density of
    airborne traffic, and the “Defense System”.
    The area off the Coast of New York provided the right components; A restricted
    “No Traffic Area” for Military Use Only and an area with lots and lots of
    Airborne targets, each with a transponder emitting an “ID”. Simple, but something went terribly
    wrong. The flight recorder recorded a
    significant piece of information that has been suppressed. A pressure wave was recorded that exceeded the
    physical ability of the aircraft to make such a rate of change in altitude even
    in an explosion. Kerosene burns at
    something in the area of 700 ft per second, while the recorder recorded a
    pressure change exceeding 2000 ft per second.
    One of the TWA engineers on the investigation site reported that a hole forward
    of the Wing and aft of the cargo door, at or below the floor line was clearly
    visible, with a subsequent exit hole on the left side of the aircraft and above
    the overhead storage bends. That line of
    flight when projected backwards puts the launch site clearly in the middle of
    the “Naval Operations Restricted Area”.
    I would like for someone to research the records for what US Naval
    Submarines that were in port in Nova Scotia a few days prior to the downing of
    Flight 800, among that crew is a child of one of TWA Mechanics. He has some answers that a lot of people
    would like answered. It is ironic that
    an offspring of a TWA mechanic would be involved in and part of the cover-up by
    the US Navy’s critical mistake of the Downing of Flight 800.

    This is not surprising. I was told that the senario
    goes something like this. The Navy was testing a new missile defense system off the Hawaiian Islands prior to the tragedy of TWA 800. It appears that the system was in good working order but was not tested in a high density real world situation. Several components were needed to complete the system, A launch vehicle to act as a missile threat by launching a missile with a dummy warhead, a countermeasure vehicle to intercept the threat missile, a look over the horizon radar system, supplied by an airborne tracking system and to act as an interface system between the ocean vessels or land launch vehicles, a computer capable of identifying, tracking, discriminating between friend and foe of multiple targets and providing, speed, trajectory, altitude, and flight path, and projected
    target, multiple being the key word. These things were needed to check the operational requirements of the system; Hawaii did not prove to have sufficient density in airborne traffic to supply the military components the necessary environment to test the system in a real threat situation. Three things were needed to check the
    operational requirements of the system. Hawaii did not provide sufficient density in airborne traffic to test the system.
    Those three things were; A restricted military Zone, A high density of
    airborne traffic, and the “Defense System”. The area off the Coast of New York provided the right components; A restricted “No Traffic Area” for Military Use Only and an area with lots and lots of
    Airborne targets, each with a transponder emitting an “ID”. Simple, but something went terribly wrong. The flight recorder recorded a
    significant piece of information that has been suppressed. A pressure wave was recorded that exceeded the physical ability of the aircraft to make such a rate of change in altitude even in an explosion. Kerosene burns at something in the area of 700 ft per second, while the recorder recorded a pressure change exceeding 2000 ft per second. One of the TWA engineers on the investigation site reported that a hole forward of the Wing and aft of the cargo door, at or below the floor line was clearly visible, with a subsequent exit hole on the left side of the aircraft and above the overhead storage bends. That line of flight when projected backwards puts the launch site clearly in the middle of the “Naval Operations Restricted Area”. I would like for someone to research the records for what US Naval Submarines that were in port in Nova Scotia a few days prior to the downing of
    Flight 800, among that crew is a child of one of TWA Mechanics. He has some answers that a lot of people would like answered. It is ironic that an offspring of a TWA mechanic would be involved in and part of the cover-up by the US Navy’s critical mistake of the Downing of Flight 800.

  24. Also, consider this. The military was there for a specific purpose. Someone knew what was to occur and they readied forces to conceal what was happening. They had to bring that plane down and everyone onboard was a liability. Too much evidence if that plane landed intact.

    1. Funny they made the video "disappear" ..where IS it?

    2. TWA 800 what now?

  25. You're all focusing on the explosion and who did that. The real question is why?
    After the recovery of the plane and passengers a group of coroners were shown pics of the deceased and asked for their opinions. With the exception of about 35 passengers, no body recovered suffered ANY damage and was fully intact. This does not happen in an explosion or crash. Plane parts, fire, etc., wreck havoc on the bodies. They were advised to have closed coffins anyway.
    Also, all 35 passengers that were seated together in one section of the plane, had had their spines SURGICALLY removed as if with a laser. Very cleanly done. No other signs of trauma on their bodies.
    These pics so upset the coroners and my teacher as well, that he returned home a changed, quiet man. He just could not entertain for a second the possibility facing him. We all had to sign a paper of confidentiality prior to this news. However, the public has a right to know this. Enough time has passed.

    1. Thanks for responding quickly. So are you inferring some sort of alien conspiracy or something? That is the only sense I can make of your comment. "Spines SURGICALLY removed as if with a laser." What are you getting at? Whatever you are proposing, can you be a little more specific and detailed.

    2. The main point brought up by the coroners was that NONE of the bodies showed ANY sign of trauma, none! This is unheard of especially in a crash scene or even with "floaters", those who've been in the water for some time.
      Yes, it was inferred that the surgical spine removals were most likely "alien", but rejected for the most part. No one has the technology to do that in so short of a time....unless time was manipulated.

    3. Wow thanks for sharing that, It seems like they always want closed caskets. Didn't they close the caskets from the Sandy Hook shooting? On 9/11 they just made the bodies vanish along with the planes. When they lie they don't care if what they claim is a physical impossibility. Kind of like when a parent tells a child, "Because I said so" I swear the older I get the more I hate "Them"

    4. This is ridiculous. Someone posts a claim that the bodies showed no damage, except for 35 whose spines were surgically removed (perhaps done by aliens), but of course provides no evidence, no documentation, and no names, and yet still people accept this as gospel truth. It never ceases to amaze me that people are so quick to disbelieve official inquiries where the evidence is set out, the hypotheses are tested, and the participants are named and have their credentials verified, but they'll just accept any old rubbish posted anonymously online as long as it fits their parnoid worldview.

    5. Yes, the public has a right to know. So, "Oceana Starr" provide evidence to back up your claims. Who are you and what role did you play that required you to sign a confidentiality agreement? Name your teacher and as many of the other coroners as you can remember. Where did this happen? What agency was consulting you and why? And who advised whom to have closed coffins? Of course, none of this information will ever be forthcoming from Oceana Starr because it's a total fabrication from start to finish.

  26. The TWA 800 incident was, in all likelihood, the first large-scale attempt at a false-flag operation in the United States, but the plan backfired when part-time National Guard pilot and attorney Maj. Fritz Meyer actually saw the missile's ordnance explosions near the TWA 747 while piloting his blackhawk helicopter in the Long Island sound. Meyer was questioned by FBI agents for all of 10 minutes and was never contacted again about his first-hand eyewitness account. In addition, Cdr. William S. Donaldson, a seasoned aircraft accident investigator, teamed up with Meyer to help get to the bottom of the coverup and blame-game pointed at Boeing aircraft. Missile exhaust residue was present on several rows of seats in the 747 and tested positive in a Sante Fe Springs chemical Lab by James Sanders, the husband of TWA employee Elizabeth Sanders. According to Fritz Meyer, the 747's fuel tank was blown inward, NOT outward which would then support the gov't theory; Meyer was a part of the airborn recovery effort in the Long Island sound and saw debris with evidence of external fuselage damage consistent with an explosion from the outside of the aircraft. For more see TWA800 DOT com. Cover-up? YES. Substantial efforts to silence Meyer, Donaldson, and the Sanders' were made. James Hall, the lead NSTB shill who ignored every single eyewitness instead held a 'sunshine hearing' to further promote the government's preposterous fuel tank / kerosene-explosion-from-frayed-wires-theory. The 'hearings' were nothing but a kangaroo court. The CIA even got in on the act and puppet show by producing an equally preposterous cartoon video depicting a noseless 747 zooming up several thousand feet in an attempt to contradict and discredit the eyewitnesses who all saw a missile strike the 747 jet which then immediately began to fall from the sky at 13,000 feet. With regard to television reporting, after the first and second nights, all of the reports of radar data and missile discussion had vanished from the airwaves. Another fine example of 'free press' in America....

    1. Correction - Meyer's observation of the 747's fuel tank being blown inward DISCREDITS the gov't account of events.

    2. "The TWA 800 incident was, in all likelihood, the first large-scale attempt at a false-flag operation in the United States"

      I'd say Pearl Harbor was pretty big...

    3. Let me get this straight ... you're saying that Pearl harbor was a "false flag" operation? The Japs didn't really bomb Pearl Harbor?

    4. It was in the sense that the US followed a 10 step plan to provoke the Japanese that was designed at the request of FDR by an OSS Washington Station staffer named John McCollum. Mr. McCollum was an ex-pat kid who grew up in Japan, so he understood the culture well enough to know how to provoke them.

      The timing of the actual attack was known from Enigma intercepts - but the information that an attack was coming - was deliberately withheld from the military staff at Pearl Harbor. This is what Mr. Stinnett proves in his book.

    5. Thank you for that. I read Day of Deceit by Robert Stinnett (ret. Air Force officer). That was an amazing piece of research. By now the original telegraph and decrypted documents he used that were stored in whatever climate at Annex II (U of MD) have finished disintegrating as he said they would. I am glad he reproduced them in his book. A service to us all and the truth.

  27. Was there not a TV reporter who had to recant his statement and report that a missile had taken down TWA 800?

  28. I figured there was something sinister about TWA Flight 800; that it was shot down by an unidentified cruise missile. Murdering all those passengers and crew for profit? Satanic!!!!!!!!

    1. But why cover it up ? Won't be the first or last friendly fire incident I'm sure . Was the mysterious ship the Agieois missle cruiser Normandy ? Shouldn't be too hard to determine its location at that time , I definitely buy the missel theory because hundreds of people can't be wrong in my opinion, the question I have is why go through so much trouble with an elaborate lie that only will unravel with the passage of time . Coming clean would have put this incident to bed yrs ago

  29. Did anyone ever ask WHY? Why was TWA #800 shot down? Because of what happened on the plane, they could not let the plane land anywhere. It was not yet time for full disclosure. I only know about it, because my college prof at the time was the local county coroner, called to the "scene" for consultation of the remains. I will post more on this on my blog later. it is highly sensitive.

    1. This is the question that I cant find an answer to. Why? That question is stopping me from fully believing the shot down by the US Navy theory. If you have a possible motive I would love to hear it. Your few words intrigued me, "what happened on the plane that they could not let the plane land." If there is a plausible answer for that, then the theory is strengthened.

  30. I am a commercial pilot and Engineer and I never gave much in belief to conspiracy theory until I researched this event very deeply. It was a pivotal moment when the evidence clearly showed that the FBI, NTSB, and the CIA were hiding, manipulating, and creating evidence to show that this 747 fuel tank catastrophically failed by ignition.

    And then the complicit actions of our media, journalists and executive branch to 'sell' this to us as fact.

    We are on the road to a tyrannical government which will be fully out of your hands and into someone else ... Likely outside of our country.

    1. I am just a high school educated grandmother in Georgia and I wouldn't believe a word anyone in our government told me if I saw it happen with my own two eyes. We are past being on the road to a tyrannical government, The trip is over and we are there!!!!

    2. You are correct.

    3. Just finished watching this disturbing documentary, a few days after a group of Republican Senators spent their 2018 Independence Day meeting with Putin’s people at the Kremlin. Donald Trump (!) is the President. We are witnessing the destruction of democracy, the coming demise of the United States. They don’t bother trying to hide it.

  31. I'd bet, lol, a good coverup Motive would be to protect the Stock Market, and Airline stocks... alot goes into and revolves around Airline Stock, not just Oil Futures... and you never know Who in our Gov't owns some Airline stock and doesn't care to take a loss. I think we need to get rid of the Stockmarket because it's a Casino, w/the added bonus of some ppl being allowed to cheat; but thazz another story.

    1. And look what happened to the Stock Market after 9/11... yes, planes were used but it was viewed more of an Attack on NYC, or even the whole country, and not a real threat to supply and people... it was sort of more an attack on "the Establishment" so to speak, and while ppl all over the country were terrified, I don't think the effect on the Stock Market was even Near the Effect desired by Flight 800.

    2. The plan is sort of to live like they live,,, set us back Centuries. If the desired result of Flight 800 was Stock Market Panic, still not completely achieved by 9/11, then banks would freeze up and ppl would start starving, looting, rioting, turning 3rd World, THEN, Life would be a beach for them over there, if we looked like Them. It's a way of life argument for ppl who are intolerant of others, and conceited. You notice how we let "Everybody" in, in This Country, how accepting we are of anybody and everybody, especially if they are different from Us?

  32. I really wonder if the US navy wasnt put on the spot for what they did to Iran Flight 655 which was accidentally shot down by our guys. Could there be a link between what happened to those people and what happened to twa flight 800. I look at the similarities and wonder if our country wasnt given an ultimatem.

    1. It amazes Me, how much Sympathy some ppl have for Iran and the MIddle East in general. I wonder if they know what they stand for, even with respect to Jews- that the "holocaust" never happened;... or is the oil money and the amount of "beach", that blinding to them?

    2. You bring up a good point about payback for flt 655. IA lways believed it was an accidental shoot down by our Navy and the government just didn't want to fess up. Sometimes accidents happen and it doesn't always have to be a conspiracy. Although I wouldn't put it past them (the government is them).

  33. What the hell is happening to this planet and its people ?!!!!

  34. TWA Flight 911

  35. This was probably first try to blame it on some towelheads that can't even spell USA..
    damn i sound rasist but i will not edit that part.. just so even the hardest redneck can understand.

    1. "some towelheads that can't even spell USA.."
      - ...or someone with a SN "TomazZzz" that can't spell 'racist'.

      It is a 'racist' comment (towelheads) and a grammatical train-wreck of a post. You've only accomplished looking stupid yourself.

    2. chill out, god allmighty
      i never said i am smart, i do have quite some idea about 'teachers' like you, regardless.
      only really stupid think that they are smart.
      and about english.. I don't even try since its about 13 parsecs from my own language..
      If you speak german.. or as it seems to me french... do you really care so much that you are grammaticaly correct?
      you didn't even get what i ment... its just important to you those rants rants rants, you can't even hide it.

    3. So what's your point, genius?

  36. I've seen this documentary many times. I do believe this plane was shot down.
    If you look at the way the NTSB handels itself at the hearings,they don't seem to believe in the story they're trying to sell.Mayer is nervously trying to explain away the eyewitnesses,while Hall sits there and plays with his coffee.

    I've seen Bernard Loeb of the NTSB in another documentary as well, where he literally says " 80% wasn't good enough,so we trawled,and trawled and trawled,and that changes...what??"
    He had already bet all of his chips on the fuel tank theory, but not recovering 20% of a 747 after such a contriversial disaster doesn't seem too smart, if you ask me.Unless, of course,the vital clues of a missile strike is to be found in that 20%,and they're trying to cover it up.

    There is no "commercial gain" for people like Terry Stacy,and the Sanders.I mean, the main stream media was already in favour of a mechanical failure,and as far as foul play or a navy-shoot down were concerned,didn't even want to go there,and they knew that.They were just concerned and disgusted with the investigation,and wanted to get the truth out, and it ruined their lives.

  37. Jim Beglin
    US media is impressive,I never knew about this until this year...and it is pure cover up evidence,they kept it in secret,so people wouldnt know

  38. Our justice system is broken and corrupt. Can't somebody come up with a better way?

  39. I dont understand the reason for this? i does not sound like there was anyone they were trying to kill on board. What is the fruit of there labor? what did they get from doing this? i understand what 9/11 got the gov but not this.

    1. They did not want the public, etc, to "think" that shoulder ground to air missles, could take down a commercial airliner [I know anyone "knows" that its possible, but for it to happen, is another story]...the airline industry would ,, basically stop. And at some point , it will.

    2. Cause, they are criminals , that are hevily invested in the airline industry, at that point.

    3. ****, "Hillary" actually believes, at least she made the statement, that an airliner, traveling at 3 or 4 HUNDRED mph, flying at 30,000 FEET! could be "shot down" with a single bullet, fired from a 50 cal. rifle! WHY did we invent SHOTGUNS? Because A MAN CAN''T EVEN HIT A BIRD FLYING at 50 feet, flying 35 mph! Friggin' SECRETARY of STATE! And she comes out with such an IGNORANT statement!
      (I GUESS because she IS.....ignorant!

    4. It was probably a war games accident...and they just could not admit to it at any cost..CRIME.

    5. That is exactly what it was - just had this confirmed recently by a friend in the FAA who could not say anything until now. I always thought this was the way it happened.

    6. I was in the Navy and I was once stationed on a ship. I also have seen hundreds of missiles being launched from U.S. Navy vessels during the opening moments of the OIF campaign. When a ship fires a missile, there is nothing discreet about it. The launch exhaust and blast will illuminate the profile of the whole vessel. It is also a very loud event. Missile launches do not happen everyday, and are even rare for training exercises. Everyone on board would know exactly what had just transpired. This is why I do not believe the "U.S. Navy misfire theory". Lots of people would know and there surely would be a stream whistle-blowers over time. Especially in a case of this magnitude. If this were hostile, I believe it is more plausible that the Iranians launched a missile from some sort of semi-covert platform in retaliation for the USS Vincennes mistakenly targeting and destroying an Iranian Airbus passenger jet in 1988. The U.S. Navy really screwed up then, but they denied accountability for what was obviously a big mistake. This infuriated the Iranians, as understandable. Knowing how the Navy and its people work, I just cannot believe the accidental launch theory. It doesn't jive with reality.

    7. I think it was most likely an accidental event, testing new billion dollar software. However, I don't rule out the industrial military complex having so much invested in this program, making sooo many rich, that they wanted a "real" trial to prove the readiness of this program. Thus they picked a flight and shot it down (maybe with someone they wanted to dispose of on the plane). It could also have been a hostile action from an enemy that we failed to prevent. None of those scenarios was good for PR. However, the one obvious event is the massive gov't cover up. They covered it up. WHY?

  40. I remember so well the video's of retrieved wreckage from Flight 800--showing the fact that a round metal object had penetrated one part of that plane--and it was evident that only a 'missile' could do so in that manner---however----the 'hole' was also clearly==from the inside out...someone had a 'missile' of some kind on board. (Not hard to do with today's access to weapons) the man retrieving that wreckage said it looked like a bad can opener hole--jagged but rounded--very clear on the video..I will never forget it--as it really freaked me out--listening to the folks on the ground who saw --the 'streak' to the sky???? ---that is--the ones ""allowed"" to speak to the press--before the Feds moved in and disallowed any more conversation with the people.

    1. or the missile penetrated from one side to other at supersonic speed...leaving an "outy" on the far side.

  41. These people need to be hunted down and brought to justice...

  42. is the fuel they tried to ignite here the same fuel that they say melted the twin towers?

    1. yes

  43. if you think that all of these agencies are free and independant..i assure you that they are not..they all work together for evil..
    you the sheeple, better wake up. One of these organizations is getting ready to swallow you up one way or another. Find Jesus..he makes it clear

    1. Your told to believe that there's an invisible man in the sky that is all forgiving yet apparently some people go to hell. You buy this and call everyone else sheeple, yet more religious hypocrisy from the people that brought you:- Thou shalt not kill but thou shall send a crusader army to bring the word of infinite peace by way of mass murder. And ;- its ok to drown her she'll only die if shes in league with Satan, who to the best of my knowledge never ordered his followers to raise an army to spread his word.

  44. you people have to understand that the ptb will kill many people in order to take out one individual. I would want to know who was on that plane. Be sure that this also, was an inside job

    1. i think I remember something about AIDS researchers.

  45. you people have to understand that the ptb will kill many people in order to take out one individual. I would want to know who was on that plane. Be sure that this also, was an inside job

  46. Wow! Freedom and Democracy in America. R.I.P. to all the victims. Family members deserve the truth. Shame on the Clinton Administration. Shame on the FBI,CIA and the NTSB.

  47. The cover up of the true nature of the destruction of TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996 took place at the Presidential level of the US Government. Based on eye witness accounts and evidence two US guided missiles were used to bring down the plane. One sea based and one land based. The operation was military in origin and directed by the White House. Only the White House has the proper authority to influence all of the agencies involved in the cover up.

    Knowing that the White House ordered the destruction of TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996 the only question that now remains is this. Why did the White House want TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996 destroyed? Was there someone on the plane who had damaging evidence with regards to the current US Administration?

    This disaster takes 5 years before the domestic terrorist attack on US soil with the destruction on the twin New York Trade Center Towers, another finance building for convenience, and the cruise missile attack on the Pentagon.

    Was the US Government plan for this domestic terrorist attack already in place in 1996? Were these plans being leaked out of the country?

    From 1998 until 2000 the stock market was manipulated by Wall Street Banks and Investment companies to huge highs. The NASDAQ broke 5,000 points and the other indicies were likewise manipulated.

    At the beginning of 2000 the stock market crashed as the manipulation was discovered and insiders pulled out.

    While all of this is going their are energy troubles in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The United States Government is unable to get control of Afghanistan for an oil and natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan (Caspian Sea) down through Afghanistan, through Pakistan to the Arabian Sea.

    In Iraq Saddam Hussein has seized US oil company assets in his country for his own use.

    A plan has been put in place to enrage the American public and world at large to gain control of Afghanistan for a US oil and natural gas pipeline and to seize control of Iraq for its light crude oil reserves.

    Why so much concern for energy for the United States?

    Because oil energy for the United States is running out. And when the oil goes the economy goes.

    In June 2006 the world reached Peak Oil. The world has been at Peak Oil for the last 4 years. In 2011 the world begins its descent down the Peak Oil Curve.

    Current forecasts are for the United States to began having an energy crisis in 2015, this will worsen until 2020 and then 2030 the United States will be in a state of complete collapse economically and socially.

    Why? The United States is dependent on oil from domestic supplies, Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia.

    Mexico is in catastrophic decline 33% a year and 67% from its peak in 1982. Canada has sufficient supplies of oil for the United States until 2020. US domestic oil production peaked in 1972 and estimates for exhaustion are 2020. Mexico will be exhausted in 2020.

    Saudi Arabia is experiencing declines of 7% to 8% a year. These will grow to 108% by 2020. This is possible as new fields are being drilled as quickly as is feasible. But the supply is running out.

    Knowing that the world oil markets would be exhausted by the year 2030 and knowing that problems would begin in 2011 if something wasn't done, the US Government drew up plans for the destruction of the twin New York World Trade Center Towers and an attack on the Pentagon.

    A foreign terrorist act so brazen that it would enrage the American public to follow the US Governments fabricated evidence that Afghanistan and Iraq were involved. Mass media was to be controlled to sell the story.

    Were these plans being leaked out of the United States in 1996 and why TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996 had to be destroyed?

    On September 11, 2001 the US Government and the US military launched the domestic terrorist attack on US soil destroying the twin New York World Trade Center Towers and destroying a section of the Pentagon with a cruise missile attack.

    All media reports and US Government evidence pointed to Iraq and Afghanistan. American people were outraged (myself included) and full permission was given to the US Administration of Bush and Cheney to launch an attack, invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Iraq was needed for its light sweet crude oil reserves and Afghanistan was needed as transit country for an oil and gas pipeline from Turkmenistan (Caspian Sea) the Arabian Sea on the coast of Pakistan.

    United States oil reserves are running out and between 2015 and 2020 the situation will be very serious. By 2030 the oil age will be over and the United States will have collapsed socially and economically.

    To protect its own oil and natural gas reserves Russia has recently announced a 20 trillion ruble ($647 billion) investment in all new arms, 5th generation jet fighters, helicopter carriers, missile defense systems and nuclear weapons. These new armaments will be in place by 2020 as a deterrent to the United States and NATO not to try and take their energy reserves.

    So in 1996 was there someone on TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996 who was aware of the planned domestic attack of the twin World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon and why these attacks were going to place?

    Arnold Vinette
    Ottawa, Canada
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    1. Come on. If the US government wanted to silence someone, they would not create a national incident by blowing up an airliner with a missile? They could just assassinate that person alone in more silent ways. Why leave incriminating evidence with missiles?

    2. Winston, I am not sure if someone was being assassinated or silenced, but the prelude to 911 and enacting the Patriot Act is one reason which I see as a plausible one for such a "false flag" action.

  48. @Ryan G turn off the rap music, pull your pants up son and educate your tiny brain. @Thomas If it's that bad for you in our country, Why don't you carry your ??? out of our country

  49. OK "IF" it was a center wing tank explosion we would have been loosing 747s all the time to center wing tank explosions all the time! Next TWA may have had older planes at the time but, TWA never cut it budget on fixing its planes! Boeing rolled over for its military contract bizz. One of the biggest cover ups in American history!!!

  50. I totally believe this now, as I thought yrs ago when it happened that this was some kind of submersive mission of our Govt. My problem is why didn't anyone raise the question of, "who were the people onboard, that made this flight a target?" I still wonder...... Syx.

  51. The question was asked who was on the plane? The answer; Ron Brown was on that plane. Doing alittle errand for the Clinton Administration.
    Second question: Why did everyone on the plane have to die to cover the intended murder? For a cover story.
    They were hoping that everyone would be watching TV at the time of the murder. Yes they hoped that America would be that stupid to swallow it, and they hoped that everyone would go back to business as usual soon after.

  52. If you do your home work you will find that since Eisen Hower they all belong to the same order. We the exception of the ones they killed while in office going back to Linkin. I wish I was not born in the country.

  53. I believe the reason is behind money if you look at the history of TWA and it founder. You will find he was unwilling play the games of Washington. Powerful individual that are unwilling to join illuminati are a threat. They wanted him out of business and financial crippled. There is a pattern. To bad it did not head for big white house

  54. Everyone who saw a missile hit Flight 800 has been diagnosed seriously mentally ill and committed to insane asylums at top secret locations due to national security reason.

  55. reb...
    you have the only post besides mine that has frigg all to do with the doc...
    instead of commenting on the doc, you rag on someone's grammar!!
    haha you remind me 6th grade politics!!
    very interesting doc thou i must say!!

    can someone check my grammar please and send the findings to reb!!!!

  56. I join other commentators with the question: Why did the US government stage the shooting of TWA 800? One possible explanation would be that it intended initially to blame Muslim (or other) terrorists for the bombing, but for some reason the scheme did not work out at the last minute. So the fall-back position was to claim it was a mechanical failure.

    Another explanation could be the identities of some people on the plane.

    A third explanation alluded to above was to test how well the media and government agencies would comply with a government order.

    Keep all possibilites in mind

  57. In response to M excellent question that i immediately thought about after this film was over!! Why was the plane shot down? There is always a reason why our government does what it does so there had to have been somebody (a official or somebody with some kind of status flying as a regular person as to not be identified undercover or otherwise) on that plane who was not in favor with our government the question to look into is who? And why did they felt like they had to blow up 200+ people to get at this individual or for all we know individuals!

  58. One thing is for certin, if this was a cover up of the miltary missle test accident, then those responsible for covering this up (ie:those in the cowardly retreating ship with its cowardly crew, the perjuring investigators, the snide, clandestine agencies with their crafty fraudulent graphics, the slitherling venonmous politicians, those presently retired miltary minions who choose to remain silent) will feel the wrath of any god that may be in existence for the killing and coverup of innocent citizens. These individuals should be jailed, but won't, should be called to tesify, but won't--and perhaps--only in their aged dying breaths--shall a scant few briefly enter the public stage to claim their part of this travesty of justice before sinking into the eternal abyss. Do they think they are patriotic for this? Do they do this for their retirement and their mortgage payments. They are nothing more then the most base of bottom sucking scoundrels.

  59. Thomas said "I will rather say that the entire population of USA is wackos and paranoid drug addicts with hallucinations trough the roof."

    Well Thomas, that is a lie and your obvious lack of education seems to be your problem.

    Let me correct your horrible sentence structure and spelling that most 4th graders here know.

    (I will(would)rather say that the entire population of (the)USA is(are) wackos and paranoid drug addicts with hallucinations trough(through) the roof.) HILARIOUS!!

    No one puts much faith in those too lazy to educate themselves yet jump to criticize others. Get a dictionary and use it.

  60. It goes to show that when events like this take place it is better to conclude conspiracy first and rule it out later than vice versa like most of the sheep.

  61. The motive for covering up a terrorist attack by the US Gov't has always escaped me.These guys were aching for a reason to invade the middle East even back then.We know the 1993 WTC bombing was CIA operation so why cover this up?The only reason I can think of was that this was a beta test to see how well they could cover things up,monitoring media,public reaction,leaks etc.Maybe a dry run for Oklahoma City or 9/11.

  62. i beleive the plane was taken down by missiles but what i dont get and what they dont mention is why. Usually government cover-up's have a purpose behind them for example 9/11 and the ensuing war on terror but i can find no reason as to why they shot this plane down so that leaves me with a compelling question, Who was on board flight TWA800 ??????

  63. This display of irresponcibility is like trying to hide a full grown elephant under your living room rug. To the witnesses, bravo!

  64. As a U.S. "Citizen", I am not really phased by the allegations that my wonderful government yet again is accused or actually covered-up a missile strike against innocent lives. I have yet to see this doc. but, like I said earlier, I have lived in this country for over 51 yrs. now and feel more and more ashamed of this fact as atrocity after atrocity is pointed in this direction.

  65. I will rather say that the entire population of USA is wackos and paranoid drug addicts with hallucinations trough the roof :)

  66. I can't say anything more that hasn't already been said about the state of our nation. Help us, out of this dark period of police state. Someone......

  67. It's also amazing how everyone knows it's a conspiracy,but no one will team up together and do something about it.Now we have 9/11,and all of the sudden twa 800 go's to the archives with all of the other criminal government acts for later review by the next generation of victims{our kids}.What's going to put 9/11 in the archives.It's going to be something big.PEACE!!!

  68. it's amazing how many times people get "tricked" into believing anything that comes out of any "official" results into any critical investigation .

  69. Absolutely disgusting! all FBI and NTSB involved in the cover up should be locked up, but that's the American government for you

    1. Personally. I think it horrible. There was a reason for it to come down. I would also look at not who was on the plane as to what was in the cargo. As mentioned the FBI n CIA are very capable of making people just to disappear. If it was a terrorist attack, as you seen from 9/11, I think they knew it would case a war with Iran and they were not prepared or able to after seeing what happen in the Gulf war I and what it did to the economy. Better to cover it up then add more to the fuel of the other attacks that had taken place earlier. But they did a bad job of shutting it up and should be held for the 4o million spent on a lie. Is it not surprising that TWA like Pan Am just disappeared after the loss of the flight.

      Perhaps someone was handed evidence of something prior to the departure of Flight 800, remember we used to be allowed to see love ones off at the gate. There was not time to stop it before it left the country. Like all conspiracies, this case is text book, they covered up something, something that they did not want to reach Paris.

      The illuminate agenda, I serious fought that statement, it's warranted they took care of that issue with the American Airlines merger and could have done it a long back.