Secrets of the Occult

Ratings: 7.07/10 from 30 users.

Secrets of the OccultSecrets of the Occult explores the world of the occult from the ancient and modern magicians who practice it to the cutting edge scientists attempting to explain its mysterious claims.

This program highlights the advances that have been achieved by innovators who challenged established reality like Newton, Galileo, Carl Jung and Einstein.

The claims of the occult magicians are put under the microscope to reveal the fascinating interface between ancient Egyptian and Greek beliefs to modern discoveries of the mind and the physical world.

The Magicians & The Scientists Secrets of the Occult DVD Extras explores the fascinating interface between occult beliefs and modern discoveries of the mind and the physical world.

Experts speak on a range of topics from the function of magic to the beginning of mysticism. Dreams and the Collective Unconscious, a 21st Century Perspective, and many more subjects related to the first magicians and modern scientists who unravel the mysteries of our world are included.

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30 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Randy Young

    Ummmm contrary to what this doc says Crowley DID NOT start the ordo Templi Orientis...He did however create the "argentum astrum" (order of the silver star)

  2. ivette

    Blavatsky was NOT a fraud.

  3. ivette

    Aleister Crowley had some good ideas, but you have to be very open minded to begin to understand.

  4. Stephen

    crowley was kinda sad. but at least he had fun

  5. simonbaush

    The teachings of the Mystery Schools of Babylon never disappeared, they were only hidden and kept within secret societies through the ages. Modern science only get the crumbs of the real wisdom. This knowledge is far more advanced than one may think. It is, little by little, 'discovered' and disseminated by some chosen pawns on the chessboard, but hailed as ground breaking scientists. Only the knowledge that benefits the elite is leaked, the wisdom that would put their supremacy in check is kept under lock and key.

    1. Phillip Watkins

      i like the way u talk u hgave any leads on what to watch

    2. simonbaush

      Unfortunately, I know of no documentary that actually exposes the Mysteries, perhaps because if someone does, he/she would be shot dead in a matter of days. One guy who shared some good info on the subject is Bill Cooper in his radio broadcasts. Although loosely related, you can also check out 'Empire of the City' by Amenstop Productions. It is available in full on google videos.

    3. thekingbeyondthegate

      Ok fair enough. Personally though I think Einstein DID discover both of his theories of relativity. I believe Edison DID invent DC and Telsa DID invent AC. I believe Darwin DID discover evolution. I can accept the Babylonians had a lot more information than we give them credit for and that it may not have dissipated but been hidden. What I can not accept is that modern science was all discovered and we are rediscovering it.

      There have been archaeological discoveries that may be batteries and others that suggest a complete understanding of aerodynamics and flight. I, however, think that we have built massively upon the techonology discovered by the Ancients. If not we would have discovered more things that are unexplained through archaeology.

      You say that only knowledge which benefits the elites is revealed yet many scientists were avid marxists. Marx himself published much work in England, which all the conspiracy theories say was under the complete control of the Rothschilds at that point. If they had such a monopoly over knowledge why would they allow him to release theories that have inspired generations to be against central-governance, even governance itself?

    4. Phillip Watkins

      i know of Bill Cooper i have study much of his work including Mystery Babylon which i have many of the book in pdf if u care i will look up of the City' by Amenstop Productions

  6. athenascurse

    elithe1 you need only look into why it is that the sumerian/babylonians temples, pyramids point to Orions
    belt as the Egyptians made theirs. And how all the Pyramids of the world. Point to Orions belt. Our problem is. We are too busy looking down. Then to look up in the direction the arrow is pointing. Until then. We will learn nothing else.

  7. elithe1

    Bullshit the Babylonians didn't bring any type of knowledge to Egypt. Where's the proven documentation; and I don't mean speculation.That knowledge archeologists don't want to give credit to comes out of the Nile. Period!!

    1. thekingbeyondthegate

      Lemme guess: Black power activitist/black panther sympathiser? Btw the Egyptians weren't black as we know it (I'm not saying they were white before you accuse me of white-washing or w/e) They were dark but much, much lighter than the Numibians. It has been proven that the Babylonians had the same knowledge that the Egyptians did. They came first. That massively suggests that they got it from the Babylonians.

      I know, I know; 'post hoc ergo propter hoc' is a fallacy but it is very strong evidence.

    2. elithe1

      Your dead wrong. I"m actually Latino. I find your reply kinda funny " Btw the Egyptians weren't black as we know it" What constitutes "Dark Enough" to be classified as Black? I guess you didn't know Africans come in several different shades of brown too. No, they weren't as "Dark" as the Nubians nevertheless the 1st Pharoah, Narmer, who unified Kemet, was African. The Babylonians came first yet there's nothing factual enough to prove it. Rhetoric yes. Secondly, the Babylonians have no monuments/pyramids that is actually as old as the Sphinx (Historian's and academics believe the Sphinx can be much older than 10,000 yrs old). It is the oldest monument (still standing strong) on earth. Tell me how can the Babylonian's be 1st? So yea save your White/Arab wash for someone who is gullible by National Geographic/History Channel and other misinformed media/data.

  8. Mystic

    @ Ramus
    lol Even Crowley himself said to say it like crow.. What a doof you are

  9. blindedbythelight

    its not new age ... its the old knowledge redescovered imo..

  10. Ramus

    Note to Americans : The Crow in Crowley is pronounced as in brow not as in umm crow. And while im on the subject - its aluminIum not aluminum. I mean you dont say Titanum or Thorum or Paladum...... Ok rant over :)

  11. Me With Me

    jon: Watch The Pyramid Code

  12. Illegak Alien

    Interesting documentary, but why use the Rider Waite Tarot pack when talking about the Alester Crowley Thoth Tarot deck?

    Vincent's comments echoed here.

  13. Vincent

    The camera showed us the central figures of Plato and Aristotle in Raphael's masterpiece "The school of Athens."

    The commentary was exclusivly about Aristotle whilst the camera moved in on Plato.

    Whether this bobo was due to ignorance, lack of communication between departments or simply a cavileer attitude to the viewers it marred a fair but sometimes unscholarly documentary.

    The asseration that Newton was competing with medieval beliefs of an earth centered universe was also annoying.

    Quiet a bit of glaring amatuerism weakened this documentary and much was superfluous to the argument.

  14. jon

    anyone know any documentaries that deal specifically with egyptian mythology?

    1. Sharon Wadden

      magical egypt

  15. nameless

    Very interesting

  16. costakidd

    Interesting,but its all New Age stuff. I would watch it, I deff gets you thinking.

  17. Radam

    The Magicians

    nice doc

    Love is the Law,Love under will

  18. Vitaloverdose

    Re : The Magicians. Very nice documentary :)