Richard Feynman: Fun to Imagine

1983, Science  -   31 Comments
Ratings: 9.22/10 from 194 users.

Richard Feynman (1918-88) was one of the most remarkable and gifted theoretical physicists of any generation.

He was also known as the Great Explainer because of his passion for helping non-scientists to imagine something of the beauty and order of the universe as he saw it.

In this series, Feynman looks at the mysterious forces that make ordinary things happen and, in doing so, answers questions about why rubber bands are stretchy, why tennis balls can't bounce for ever and what you're really seeing when you look in the mirror.

Well, While you're here you can also check out The Pleasure of Finding Things Out.

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31 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Piskadausen

    Feynman - a fine man!

  2. Anca

    Amazing, amazing, amazing man!

  3. Rob-J

    The way he communicates those ideas is extraordinary. The visual process of explaining all these behavioral aspects of atoms and electromagnetism is just superb. I learned more in 10 minutes in terms of intuition than i did in years of casual reading.

  4. jaberwokky

    This documentary is wonderful to watch and very engrossing. I've watched it twice over the last few days and will no doubt be watching it again at some stage.
    God dammit I wish my mind worked like this man's did. Having my imaginative shortcomings highlighted in comparison is a little saddening but it's still beautiful to be privy to the inner workings of a truly special mind. What a truly astounding character.

    I've also found another Richard Feynman doc on youtube called 'No ordinary genius' that is well worth a look in, for those that like me have caught the Feynman bug.

    Thanks SeeUat Videos, this one is a gem.

  5. paramare

    after watching this i have to say: Today was a very important day in my life thanx to Mr Feyman.

  6. Watch Doable

    Nice video :)

  7. SilverBee

    Absolutely the most delightful and lucid explanation of how atoms behave!

  8. JohnBrady

    Humility is what makes this man great!

  9. Sam Roberts

    This was just awesome to watch

  10. Doug Erhard

    thank GOODness someone in the science field makes the distinction between "why" and "how"

    It's an important distinction. The scientific method makes no claims to "why" That is the realm of philosophy and religion, etc.

    Likewise, religion really isn't well-suited for the "how" question, and should leave that to science.

  11. Matt Kukowski

    Feynman, a man like no other. A wonderful human being. Love of Logic. I dreamed a dream where I got to meet him... it was a wonderful dream. In the age of greed, power, money and eco-suicide, Feynman snaps me out of my sometimes deep depression and re-inspires me to not take things too seriously. To have fun thinking.

    1. Spirchez

      You are not alone :)

    2. Henry Lastname

      very well said

  12. rhea

    Hi @opinin -- yes, I thought the same -- Richard F. definately is a 'nerd' (I like them) and he dòes remind us of Sheldon (Big Bang series :))

  13. opinin

    i liked his smiling. is that not the gigle used in the big bang series by um, the smart guy?

  14. ScienceInsteadOfWar

    Richard Feynman is probably not only one of the greatest physicist of the 20th Century, but maybe of all time!
    Behind Einstein, but before Newton, Heisenberg, etc.
    Ok, we can always argue and say that you cannot compare people, but what he has achieved with his mind, its not comparable...
    I think HE understood quantum mechanics, but we don't(understand yet), so he just tried to explain "normal physics" in a simple way. To get more young people and talents interested in physics and science.

    P.S.: I hope that scientists are one day the Stars of our society and not Lady Gaga or Christiano Ronaldo, despite i love music and soccer.

  15. Rafi

    Feynman was an extraordinary teacher. ...Great
    SeeUat Videos is doing a top job

  16. equus

    jester, it's just you...Fascinating this genius!

  17. Achems Razor

    Have watched this before, perused most of feynman's work. Thumbs Up!

  18. emanuel

    I love to see how uncomfortable people get trying to explain why magnets work...such complex stuff

  19. jack1952


    Well said! I really did LOL when I read your comment.

  20. Waldo

    O.k. I finally got it to work. Feynman does a fine job explaining several phenomenon, such as heat transferr and how a bouncing ball loses its energy and finally settles down. His start and stop nervous way of speaking loses me a few times , but still this is a wonderful watch for the average peron who wants to better understand basic physics by being able to picture what is happening in terms of things they understand. In my opinion he over simplifies electricity and radio activity, but maybe I simply am not sophisticated enough in my understanding of physics to get it. A solid nine on a scale of one to ten. Makes physics very intuitive, which is an accomplishment because much of physics is counter intuitive due to relativity.

  21. Jester

    Is it just me, or is this Robin Williams as a scientist

    1. Guest

      If Hollywood ever makes a movie on Feynman, Williams would definitively make a good candidat for the casting director.

    2. smjpl

      I was thinking the exact same thing. I'd go see that movie.

  22. bhertzbe

    Perhaps if Feynman was still alive he could talk some sense to those Chem Trail r*tards.

    1. jaberwokky

      You've got high hopes buddy, people of that persuasion sadly do not listen to people of this calibre :/

  23. rhea

    Wonderful man, this Richard Feynman -- fine pleasure watching him explain. Thanks Vlatko, much appreciated!

  24. Waldo

    An error occurred, please try again later. Thats weird I have never gotten that before. Tried to watch this several times but all I get is the above message.

  25. Voice of Treason

    Hi Amanda! This looks great, thanks Vlatko!!

  26. Voice of Treason
