Return to Africa's Witch Children

2009, Religion  -   77 Comments
Ratings: 8.98/10 from 110 users.

A story of an estimated 15,000 children in Africa's Niger Delta being denounced by Christian pastors as witches and wizards and then killed, tortured or abandoned by their own families.

Two-and-a-half-year-old Ellin is one such child. Found at the side of the road, her body having been severely burnt with boiling water. Nwanakwo, eight years old, had acid poured over him after being labeled a wizard, and later died.

Return to Africa's Witch Children is a documentary that follows the work of Gary Foxcroft, an Englishman whose charity, Stepping Stones, raises funds to help care for more than 150 children accused of witchcraft, and blamed for catastrophes, death and famine. Narrated by Sophie Okonedo.

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77 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Sophia

    This link is broken and I can't find a button for reporting broken links.....Just a heads up.

  2. rukia

    Look at all the people defending religion. I am surprise no one has call this Christian Terrorism. Natasha says: "Religion is an idea..." That's the whole purpose of religion to fill the naive mind with revolting "ideas" insinuating morals that clearly instills hate, misogyny, xenophobia, racism, VIOLENCE and the disintegration of the human race. Christians hate Islam and Islam hate Catholics and so on...We have been living in total chaos thanks to male gods and superiority complex. Religion embraces the perverse and sadistic violent masculinity as an ideal, applauding and condoning the disparity, irrationality and the nostalgia of violence and oppression within the political and religious spectrum. All religions are made to compensate power and dominance over the so call "weak" -humans are not weak but ignorant, religion works very hard for poor people and women to be under educated and be only of servitude. These people playing saviors know this very well. The human intelligence can't be underestimated, if these people would be given proper education and a lot of science believe me they will refute the first pastor with baking cookie nonsense back at him.

  3. natasha yates

    Religion is not responsible for violence. Religion is an idea. Guns are said to be dangerous. A gun is an inanimate piece of metal...... harmless. It takes a person to pick it up load and shoot it. Its use it to hurt a person is a choice made by the shooter. It is people that cause harm to others. They decide to judge others. They decide to punish those they judged. They decide to twist an idea to justify what they are doing when in fact they know it to be unjust to judge and punish and kill for any crime on hearsay and circumstantial evidence. Often religion is in fact used as a justification when in fact greed is actually the cause. Ie:without greed, theyd be no violence in the name of religion. Without religion people would find another 'reason' to committ violence. people that wish to harm others do so for their own benifit ultimately. Its greed, power and hate that motivate thier actions and a need to preserve self image that causes them to find justification. Religion is not founded on those key princibles. Usually its overall message is of love selflessness self sacrifice and kindness. All religions are full of these ideas and millions take that message and live good helpful happy law abiding lives. People need to take personal responsibilty. If you blame religion you are not helping them do anything but feed the power behind that justification. Its such a cop out. Blame those that act this. way so others are clear about this #response ability.

    1. Professional Amateur

      Spirituality isn't but Religion IS.

  4. dee

    This is a classic understanding of how 'religion' (which is basically witchcraft when taking a spiritual understanding and never understanding it...)takes on the imperial business of extortion...torture...and death. Filled with a price tag superstition that sacrifices children, Mrs. Ukpavio (sp?) unbridled power makes the ultimate government extortion also to the tune of authorized police brutality. The US operates in the same way when these same types of occult church leaders control politicians, media, propaganda, and ultimately the zionist killers of Palestinians. A spiritual understanding of the Truth (which is not religion) has been hijacked, extorted and only the principalities of darkness control the mind. Religion = Witchcraft.
    On another note for British accountability is the fact that this woman mentioned "Harry Potter". So she sees that the whites who came to bring religion...also makes witchcraft...and she is right in that regard. So the fight with the ignorance has to start with the 'religion'...educate and ban the superstition of failures and hard times, and ultimately ban these priests and prophet(ess)'s. Well done to all at the center for these are very brave. God sees your work and will protect you, the children and the powers that be in this government. ***
    2 Cor 11:13-15
    13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
    14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
    15 Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.

  5. Monicaa

    It's such a shame when Pastors who profess from their mouth that they believe in the Most High God. Who are they calling on when they pray??? There should be a deliverance service for BOTH the Pastors and the "accused" child to drive out the spirit of destruction. To condemn a child as a witch is not biblical and there is no scriptures that will back that up. I am appalled that these country in this modern time are allowing this type of doctine. Biblical scriptures in the New Testament we can see or read that Jesus, The Healer, and The Deliverer cast out demons from a man in His name. He did not condemn them to die, but He commanded the spirit to leave the man. It's important that we read and know God for yourselves so that you do not be led astray by these men who are abusing children by allowing their ignorant parents and family to neglect or killed their children.

  6. m

    This series of comments make no sense,
    Humanity itself makes no sense,
    The only point made by this documentary is that a greater degree of altruism may be needed in human daily activities...the point is not in the documentary, it seems to be in all your minds. That's what images of suffering do to modern people Altruism Now why don't you make that your religion...since it is the one point that's in your mind.

  7. Jessica ts.

    ok, this dumentary is a gift , because to many people ignore that situation because that not happen in our countries, so...... that's not so important?(what about Ebola) ... you no what i don't think that God doesn't , actually i'm sure that God is!!! there but to many people are blind when they practice their religions and you know it's very easy to abuse ignorant people more than any kind of people in our world ...

  8. InQii

    It is so sad to see, that people still stick to these myths about witchcraft and other nonsense bulls*it. Same s*upid Myths are also the cause of killing hunderts of Sharks and Rhinos. This is the 21th Century guys. Welcome.

  9. seti

    in a lot of respects this world has not changed..despite the 21st century there are still the Inquisitors, Romans, Pharisees, bigots, zealots. puritans all living amongst us. Mixed in with them are some politicians that call themselves 'conservatives'. Don't know who is more dangerous..whether its the religious murderers or the political whores. in any case they both represent the same thing..a part of human history that must be eradicated and it cannot be too soon.

  10. Nakor4Twunny

    I think the kids coming out of that school should be the next leaders of that country.

  11. Nakor4Twunny

    Poor babies. :( Victims of pure ignorance.

  12. Vanessa Brett

    Its so sad and the Priests claim they can bring back the dead? Well that sounds like Voodoo to me so maybe they should do us all a favor and kill themselves!

  13. Mirella Ruby Diaz


  14. Stephanie Ly

    Obviously, the carnage of infidel children is not as immoral as condoms and gay people are.

  15. Stephanie Ly

    Murder in the name of God is always justified...

  16. Bhawesh Sharma

    great job stepping stones .....

  17. Edom Wondimu

    The things people do in the name of religion. very touching documentary.

  18. Isabella

    This was an excellent film, It was terrifying, but no doubt an eye-opener. It is a relief to see these young children being able to go to school and educate themselves, for education is the foundation of developing society and hopefully, in the future the cure for all the superstitious nonsense practiced in this place.

  19. lamed

    Since WHEN does it cost 'money'
    for 'deliverance' ?

    - Pastors for 'hire',
    got lots of em over here in America...
    just ask 'Pastor James'.

    Manipulation takes many 'forms'...

  20. Anita K.

    I remember when the Nigerian movie industry was ,making only witchcraft related movies, now I know why it does not anymore. Anyways, whoever does those kinds of horror actions I just saw in this documentary should be punished on this earth and in hell.

  21. Carmen Judy

    We tend to think of superstition as harmless but indeed it has horrific effects when people allow emotion and superstition to over run their reason. Children are the most helpless members of our society and yet they are the most vulnerable and mistreated.

  22. Winston Pity

    Shame on those adults who blame their own situation on helpless children.

  23. Becca Richter

    God bless the man who tries to save these children. They dont deserve to be treated like that at ALL

  24. Jessica Russell

    i want to help

  25. Jesse

    renounce religion!

  26. Nesreen Mohamed

    It's hard to believe
    how can parents and people be so insensitive? How they treat these innocent children. It’s really heartbreaking...

  27. Bruno Butti

    This is revolting, but please, whoever gets here to watch this documentary (which are very few, most will be watching "Britney Spears" on YouTube...), don't think their parents are bad people, that they deserve to die or be tortured, they are just ignorant people, and they didn't choose to be so, different from other people who are able to make this choice. It is more our fault than theirs, we are the ones to blame, because we having the knowledge we have, and the resources we have, should be doing something to help them, instead of just saying "oh! how bad, i hope it changes".
    Ignorance is what makes the evil, it has always been, from the slavery, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice, prejudice, to the blindness from the different faiths (which effects the documentary shows).
    The ONLY thing that can change this is education, laws may temporarily help, but they won't extinguish the belief, and we (people who are aware of it) have the power change this, there are many ways to help, from publishing, sharing links, donating money, to going over there like Gary Foxcroft, so find your way of helping, don't just be like everybody else and easily do nothing...

    1. Patricia

      Yeah, because that's the only place that has people being lulled into believing total lies that ultimately cost them their children. Just like anywhere else with people that are obsessed with their faith they are not going to just abandoned their beliefs because an outsider told them they should. Lacking technology does not mean they need to be saved.

  28. goldie68

    religion is a cult ,unless you are talking to God himself you are putting your beliefs in the hands of A FALSE PROPHET!!

  29. Laura Saiter

    heartbreaking.....probably most of these kids don't know what witchcraft is. the ones doing this to them deserve torture; hopefully for a LONG time. who could hurt a child, or animal like that? not a human being.

  30. tdo

    will the real christians please stand up?

  31. damon

    where is Christ in all this? Christ is with the burned child, the abused, and the outcast. Whatever we do to the least among us, we do to him. There is no excuse for this. This is in no way consistent with the teachings of Christ or the church body established in Acts.

  32. Robin

    Did everyone not notice how many times they said these were "FAKE PASTORS"? A blatant and obscene use of the title "Christian"! I hazard a guess that some of the money to help this organization, came from real Christians that were as appalled as I at seeing the twisted, money hungry, fake pastors. This is not Christianity, no matter what those monsters try to sell. It is more than unfortunate that those poor, uneducated people fall for this putrid corruption of God's word!

    1. Timothy Bishop

      I understand what your getting at, but your description "A blatant and obscene use of the title "Christian"! I hazard a guess that some of the money to help this organization, came from real Christians that were as appalled as I at seeing the twisted, money hungry, fake pastors." that remind me of our "real" pastors in America. thought people are killed over things other than witchcraft.

  33. Steve

    Religion is a lie made up by people who want the power that a professed connection to some sort of "god" will give them over those who "have faith". This fundamental truth holds in all religions; the difference between any of them lies in just how much power those that sell religion can create for themselves in a given society. In well educated, industrialized secular western societies, they can't get away with much and their power is diminishing. In less enlightened societies, they can terrify people into killing their own children as has been the case for much of human history. Anyone who sells religion is looking to create as much power as they can and history, past and present, shows that priests of all times and places will tell any lie they can get away with to further their greed. Religion is a fascist hate crime and should be treated legally as such.

    1. Patricia

      Religion, once upon a time, was also a way to comfort humans. It answered questions they could not about how we came to be, why we are here, and what our purpose is. It also made people feel more important, like we had more of a right to be here even though we were almost, if not, the last in line to arrive. But, then the power hungry people came and used it as a way to control people and kill the others that wouldn't comply. It was also one of the excuses used as to why some "races" was supposedly better than others.

  34. Voodoo dr.

    Those who have harmed and killed these innocent children are the true witches and wizards. They carry a heavy karma for the acts they have committed. May the children find peace and happiness.

    1. Star Firewitch

      I happen to be a witch and find this quite offensive. "true witches and wizards" do not kill people thanks. What a horrible statement.

    2. Emergency Stop

      That statement isn't horrible. In fact it shows a compassionate and empathic poster, a poster who's no longer registered, so don't expect a reply from Voodoo dr any time soon. Those 5 vote ups show our fellow posters thought the statement was a good one. As a witch could you explain what "true witches and wizards" are?

    3. Star Firewitch

      The rest of the post might have been all fine and dandy, and deserve its 5 ups. But to label anyone who kills someone as a witch or wizard is wrong. A murderer is just that, a murderer, and that is the only label for such a person.

  35. Achems Razor


    Good try at your trolling attempt, no cigar though, better get some trolling lessons, or better yet give it up! It was not even funny.

  36. chris

    I thought this was a very good documentary. It is important that these baby vampires, warlocks, wizards, and monsters are burned, tortured and killed. It has to be done and I commend these families for have the bravery and staunch values to follow through with ridding the earth of these dangerous voodoo babies!

    1. Guest

      I did not see this doc but your comment (although old) is one "weird" message!

  37. Emessaine

    This was ugly. How can people be so inhumane?
    And the worst part about it is, what can I do about it? Sure, I can give a few $ to this organization (and I will most likely do so), but is that REALLY going to change the situation? Beliefs are hard to change, especially in uneducated areas like where the child witch hunt is happening..
    Anyway, thanks for the video.


    Thats religion for you!.

  39. Hemp Solo

    Don't just talk about it. How it hurts to watch, the pain, the discust. Go out there and do something about it.
    Once upon a time most believed the world was flat. All the bieleving in the world didn't make it so, did it?

    1. Amber Lipczynski

      There are plenty of us who would love to "go out there and do something about it" but unfortunately, we don't have all the means to take action. I don't know about you, but my current circumstances don't allow for me to hop on a plane to Africa and try to educate or help these people. The next best thing? Talking about it. Talking raises awareness, and awareness eventually leads to action. Especially when the awareness spreads far enough to reach people who are lucky enough to have the means to actually make a substantial change in the situation.

  40. Son Of Scotland

    This video contains content from Channel 4, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds... Anyone Get That Or Just Me ? :/

  41. R. st. martin

    THey say this is pentecostal worship. It is not Liberty Gospel is not part of the upci. Some one should have done their homework. Yes they have started churches there but this is not what they are taught. looked up liberty gospel church and they have woman as minister this is not allowed. Alot of churches claim to be pentecostal, but unless its accredited by upci it is not true pentecostal worship. Pentecostals are taught if someone is sinning or going against God you offer a bible stuy ,if they accept you then invite them to church, if they believe (their choice)the whole time you pray for them and let god decide what he wants to do.Its not for you to judge and decide or yourself.

  42. SlySir

    Its Funny, when Muslim is being attack the very same way,Christians are at the Front line of the attack. When we say our Religion is peaceful,you say our religion is base on hate,terror and etc.When we say Islam is not Based on terror, You don't believe and continued blindly attacking Islam with out knowing anything and just get what ever you here on the circus television,and just spreading it like wildfire. And now you are being attack by your own, and just like us trying your very best to convey that Christian is not like that,to an atheist....... Just like Ying and Yang, if you do bad things to others bad things will happen to you to i guess.....As for this Documentary ........As much as Christian want to deny it,its the happened at Europe once same goes for the Native Amaricans, and my Culture....(oh boy i am really pissed at that one.....It happened at Malaysia, During the British rule..., a Islam Religious scholar preaching Islam at one of the Village,was being beaten to death, then dragged all over the village then hung upside down at a pole.To serve as a reminder.)And many others that was not known or spoken.....History Speaks for its self.....

  43. Reasons Voice

    Another statement to the attackers. Go ahead and look in to the "Stepping Stones Nigeria" charity group that this film is based upon. Their web page is quite informative, which includes a full disclosure of financial matters etc. You will find a few things that you may choose to ignore or you may chose to see. One is that withing the information on their donation page is this statement.
    "Stepping Stones Nigeria is a secular humanitarian organisation. We do not have a formal link to any faith-based organisation but we do wish to engage with people of faith and encourage them to play an active role in bringing about positive change. Our work focuses on defending and upholding children’s basic rights and we welcome people of all religions to support us."
    If this organization adopted your views on religions they would likely never achieve the great things they have and continue to achieve. From their financial statements you may also learn that two of their three primary financial supporters are christian based charitable foundations. One being Christadelphian Meal a Day the other CS charitable foundation.
    I write this only as I see in your rage toward any who do not see the world as you do a hypocrisy that any truly analytical mind can see. You verbally assault and stigmatize any who disagree with your world view, you actively seek confrontation with them. From your posts it is plain that you are intelligent people. I ask only that you utilize some of that intellect in the realm of introspection and not just existentially.

  44. Lee

    @ K.T.- Excellent point!

  45. Mira

    Your bible is a sick joke on humanity that has nothing to do with goodness, but angry bitter men in the bronze age that wanted to control their sheeple.

    Your bible is disgusting to ANY secular humanist, the only reason we don't live in a horrid Christian dark age is because of secualr humanists. At the start the Christians killed them so they could continue their theocracy.

    I am tried of Christian apologists, saying but my god is so pure!! Oh yeah he was so pure when he was killing every first born just to prove a point. Just feed them to the f***** lions.

    K.T first because obviously he had little understanding of this film.

  46. K.T

    Blaming religion for being the only reason people do such horrific things is to say the least over-optimistic and blind. Check football/sports fans in general killing and rioting, check political revolutions and check racism. Religion has NO exclusive fault in evil as it doesn't have exclusive rights on good. Good and bad has little to do with religious or not.

  47. Jess

    This is very disturbing! This cult "liberty christian gospel" headed by that woman Helen is not truly following the true principles of Christianity. It is so evident that the pastors and leaders of this cult ARE the demon possesed ones and not the children they victimize. This reminds me of all the extreme christian cults out there that operate under the false pretense of a true gospel.

    The true Gospel is LOVE. Murdering, ostracizing, and conducting deliverances that appear as a fusion of witchcraft ritualistic customs is NOT what Jesus represents. It's written clearly in the bible that in the last days many false prophets will arise performing miracles and making claims all in the name of Jesus. But, we have to beware because Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, seeking to devour and destroy fooling many.

    These pastors were clearly doing the work of Satan, not the children. This nothing but a demonic cult!

  48. david

    you can not blame religion on this honestly the Christian teachings are of peace and love,the main reason why there have been wars is because of stupid and ignorant humans, we will always have stupid, ignorant, arrogant people and we will always have war, violence, and scapegoats even if religion was taken away. the main issue with taking away religion and living only rationally would be moral dillema's and guidelines and without moral guidlines this happens all over again. things like this will always happen and have always happened remember hitler, thats almost exactely like what is going on here only this is on a slightly smaller scale.

    taking away religion wont help what will help is the correct teaching and practice of Christianity only what god himself said not the twisted and horrific interpretations of gods word

  49. R.Knight

    I can understand their government not wanting people to call the kids witches but putting someone in prison for 10 years is really idiotic, i mean they can not even run a country right. lol

  50. logic

    @ rob

    good point about religion being used in good and bad ways but i disagree with everything else.

    We would be much more advanced if it wasnt fore those who infiltrated religions for their own agendas...

  51. rob

    look, below states " cant blame religion , stupid people stupid beliefs" beliefs = religion, religion = beliefs.

    religion is used in good and bad ways, more bad then good, it is false hope which helps people in a closet feel safer about there everyday life imagining someone there always protecting them keeping them safe, whatever you need to do to make it threw the day is cool with me just don't bring hate into it, which is what religion is, we would all be much more advanced without religion.

  52. Somethin

    Religion is clearly at fault here.
    No Religion=no Fanatic people believing they must do the work of god and kill witches/non-believers/people-who-don't-dress-according-to-koran and whoever is in the way.

    btw some comments here are just bs, srly. things like "the west is responsible for this" omg...

  53. brucepowers

    The blame for this inhumanity goes back to the Baptist and other Christian missionaries starting in the 19th century who thought it their divine duty to bring Christ to the "heathens". I remember as a child in Texas in the 40's our small town Methodist church sponsoring a Missionary in Africa. It continually amazes me that in this so called enlightened age in America that people still believe in a guy in the sky that can build a universe in 6 days, not to mention the fact that to be elected President of the greatest nation on Earth, you must profess to believe in talking snakes, pillars of salt, ad infinitum. Wake up religious freaks, and I mean all religions. If the afterlife is so freaking great why are they all so anxious to avoid it???

  54. Pink

    God and religion shouldn't be blamed for this monstrous acts but the ignorant and merciless pastors who taught their members of killing these innocent children. They sure will pay in the judgment seat of God when that appointed time comes.

  55. sandra de weirdt

    A disgrace to the human race. Simply revolting.

  56. Mariar

    I would never blame the Creator of all creations, on what bad people do all over the planet. This is so sad and yes children who are young have no voice to speak out against the wrong of their village or parents.
    Don't forget witchcraft been around all over the world and not too long ago in America a lot of people was burn or hang 2.

  57. Bluesmanwalking

    The only guy out there helping is this Brit. There should have been and still be until it's all over a real man of God to talk to those parents and protect these kids. And i'm Atheist... .

  58. Bluesmanwalking

    You got to be f***ing kidding me ! There's no Religion ! She's a f***ing psychopath. It's a f***ing SCAM !!! The same scam you find in the classifies in the Toronto & Montreal newspapers (bring back loved one, blablabla, $$$$), Email spam scams, all from Nigeria, all of them. Check the FBI site if you don't believe me. Stupid white people believing these Emails (down from the sky 20 000 000 $ to pick up at UPS) it just proves how greedy, desperate and distorted values are when it come to money.
    It's about these children !!! Only these children, that Brit has "balls & a heart".
    One more thing, check out the comments on the film from imbeciles on the "liberty church" (canada or us) sites.

  59. dread

    May ALMIGHTY GODS(positive vibration) OF ALL KINDS POUR BLESSING UPON Brother Gary Foxcroft,...........

    Thankyou man, Thankyou........

  60. Leah

    Some of the comments here are just as ignorant as the people featured on the documentary. Just because people who do this claim to have a belief in God does not mean that all people who believe in God hold these beliefs or even condone them. In fact, the religion I believe would condemn these practices!
    Saying that this shows all religions are evil is just like saying that because a few parents abuse their children, all parents are bad. No, it just makes those few parents bad parents who really shouldn't have children.

  61. WaDe

    Broken link

  62. blah

    Religion is supposed to be inherently good. Provides a moral compass for people. But geez, when you see stuff like this and other things happening in the world, it makes you wonder if we would be better off without religion.

  63. Shashikiran Srinivasa

    The reason people are stupid and are superstitious is because of their views and beliefs on religion. All these are outcomes of religion. When there will be science instead of religion, we can hope for a better world and a better future for all people.

  64. J.Ray

    It's hard to believe how ignorant humans can be.I am convinced that any organized religion is dangerous.Evil is totally rooted in ignorance and if there IS some sort of "HELL" the stupid people hurting/killing children will be in it instead of the innocent.It seems as though some people believe they can get away with anything if they shake the right book in the air.Have a close look at the fanatics all around.I would really like for the story of Jesus' return to be true as long as we can watch all the idiots get punished for doing such wicked things in his name.

  65. Dustin

    Ya (wipes away tears) was hard to watch, but its better to know these things than to be ignorant to them. Thanks Vlatko for the link to this and all these important films. What goes around comes around to all you child abusing monsters out there. I have a challenge to all of us including myself. Next time you see a child in need, no matter the situation DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

  66. eric

    The world is so sickened and religions, the west, the Europeans are contributing to all of this, creating monsters; what such a delusion are we living in; I deny all organized religions, blame or not they are responsible for such delusions and so much suffering happening throughout the world the only witches are those doing all of this to these poor kids, religion breeds delusion which is a part of believing in some man in the sky and they have brought all of this onto this poor continent creating monsters, abstracting the human mind to all sorts of combination's; the African people are not savages any sane human being who sees how this has become this way cant accept any religious poisons as a part of their life; there can be no moderation or moderate religion its all a part of the same pool of blood, stand where ever you want we are all in the same mess and the only mind that will form something different, sane, healthy is aware that this pool of blood must come to an end

  67. charlesovery

    And people wonder why so many others either hate, ignore, and deny religions. How is it that one person who follows the same so called god as someone be so ignorant to human nature? How is it that they can do things so radically? How is it possible that anyone can really believe in a god who has a servant of this caliber. You want to know what evil is take a reall hard look at this documentary and compasre that your faith!

  68. Achems Razor

    This was a very hard doc. to watch.

    I suspect that this doc. will be making a lot of people angry.
    It sure pissed me off!

    Very heart breaking. doc. cannot blame religion on this at all, just stupid people, and there stupid beliefs.

    The pastors involved in this and the Evangelical Liberty Church.
    should be put away. For good!