The Reality of Truth

2016, Mystery  -   27 Comments
Ratings: 6.55/10 from 126 users.

In these chaotic modern times, it's easy to view the world as a dark and foreboding place. The 24-hour news cycle is awash in tales of terrorism, political corruption, and global strife. Is this truly the reality of the world in which we live? The powerful documentary The Reality of Truth defends an alternative realm of consciousness where we can all achieve a renewed sense of meaning and purpose.

Religion provides the platform from which many seek enlightenment. That's where it all started for Mike "Zappy" Zapolin, a successful entrepreneur whose personal journey serves as the basis for the film. Blessed with great personal wealth and a happy family, Zapolin seemed to have it all. But something was missing. He happened upon passages in the Bible which described Manna from Heaven - a small, round edible substance with spiritual powers. He then noticed the appearance of mushrooms in ancient religious iconography. Could this provide the key to the fulfillment he seeks?

Thus begins the revealing journey of self-discovery which is documented in the film. Zapolin receives counsel from Deepak Chopra, Joel Osteen and other popular spiritual teachers. He collaborates with a team of his closest confidants who have undergone their own personal expeditions of consciousness, including actors Michelle Rodriguez and Peter Coyote. He even travels to the windswept mountaintops of Peru where a shaman supervises his first foray into the world of mind-altering plant consumption.

The established medical community may not yet fully embrace the healing powers of psychedelic plant remedies, but research has long testified to its effectiveness in treating depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and other common ailments. Equally potent avenues of treatment can be found in the act of transcendental meditation and even something as simple as tightly controlled breathing exercises.

The Reality of Truth explores each of these potential solutions thoroughly. In each instance, the practitioner appears to achieve a deeper sense of self, and an elevated relationship to the world around them. If these practices were adopted on a mass scale, might unity and love replace chaos and destruction? For some, this notion wouldn't seem so far-fetched after viewing the film.

Directed by: Laurent Levy, Mike Zapolin

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27 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Jay

    If you start with a lie, don't expect watchers to stay long. Where in the Bible it says that Jesus put a piece of manna to convert the water into wine?

  2. J Miller

    So was this an advert for a resort? I'm asking seriously. I'm 66 and I've been using psychedelics of one sort or another up until I was about 60. I learned some, what I believe is important, stuff but it's somewhat different stuff then I'm seeing here. Not so much that I guess but they seemed to have left out something I consider of utmost importance. So that's why I asked this question.

  3. Geo

    What is "real" about altering your mind with substances? By definition, its not real; its altered. These substances work by POISONing to a certain degree, your cells, causing them to malfunction, thereby causing the desired escape from one's self (rather than the claim of self discovery or universal discovery).

    People prefer to fool themselves with drugs or substances rather than to sit still in a quiet room and learn the truth about themselves. Drugs are much easier to take than the truth about yourself. Easier than separating from your ego, which is not the real you but has fooled you into thinking it is and has taken over control, rather than you controlling your ego by simply observing it. Fighting with it, trying to squash it is not the way, it will only become stronger, even if hidden, making you worse. Just observing it at work will enable you to "head it off at the pass" if you desire, which would make the world a much better place.

    The ego, if it isn't the number one problem causer in this world, it is very close second to selfishness, which go hand in glove. It seems the media has tried to fool us into thinking the male gender is the only gender with ego issues. Not true in the slightest. Females tend to be better at hiding theirs, much like an iceberg, not much showing but often there is plenty lurking beneath the surface.

    For those that claim they could not have seen what they did via mind altering substances... really? Did they actually and TRUTHFULLY try? No. They pretended to try a very little. Their lack of patience and the fear of what they might see about themselves caused them to run from that "being still and know" approach. They wanted the lazier quicker "safer to their ego" method. That IS the purpose of mind altering drugs of whatever type.

    Life is about the choices we make. Many desire to have no consequences for poor choices. Some think it wiser to have those consequences in order to learn to make wiser choices. This is plainly and painfully clear in the political realm, which affects us all, whether we want to pay attention to it or not. Much like the individual's issues of desires and selfishness versus conscientiousness and wisdom. These are the two main groups that square off. It depends on the particular issue as to which group is the wiser.

    That appears to be a limited information and an ego problem. So it seems one of the reasons we are here is to learn how to control ourselves: to control our emotions, our ego, our selfishness. It would seem only when we are able to do that would we be able to discover or be made aware of any other additional purpose. For if we think we have found our purpose prior to that, would it be a real or imagined or mistaken purpose? And how would we know if we weren't fully cognizant of the forces affecting our "current reality"?

    Why are we here? Although there is more than just one reason or answer, it seems clear we are here to learn, otherwise we would have come fully equipped with all we needed to know, from birth, like a bacteria or a fruit fly. Which makes it amazing why so many refuse to accept that they have yet to learn the truth about much of anything.

    It also seems we are here to help others learn, otherwise and again, they all would have been born complete with everything they needed to know.

    Are we here to be sad and depressed? One wouldn't think so. Therefore it wouldn't seem wise to choose those. Happy people choose to be, just as the sad and depressed choose. Although I have no statistics, it seems to me there are many more dirt poor happy people than those with material riches. The poor don't have so many worries and resentments about all those "people", especially in government, trying to take it from them. If they choose to be jealous then of course they would not be happy with their lot in life. However, I have seen plenty of well to do folks pretending to be happy and plenty of poor folks who had enough to eat, who seemed genuinely happy. They weren't expecting things or "life" to bring them happiness, they just enjoyed the moments they could share with their family and friends.

    May you gain wisdom on your path.

  4. kurt

    What a bunch of crap! My 60's acid trips were definitly eye-opening, but life changing like protrayed here, I think not. Great fun, but not life changing in the long run.

  5. Dave

    i was intrigued by some of what was being said throughout the movie until the very end when it is revealed i was just watching one long ass commercial for the resort they want you to spend your money to visit. Definitely one of the more clever ways to market i will give them that. Go sit in a time share meeting if this is entertaining to you.

  6. G

    The Irony of this Documentary is that its purpose was about becoming one with the universe knowing who we are and that we are all equally a part of this beautiful vast space and abundance - we are all the universe's children and yet they needed a Movie Star to focus the film on to make it interesting to attract viewers to watch total contradiction of equality within all of us - Hollywood is the cesspool of inhumanity and greed the fact it is associated with this documentary - a complete contradiction to the direction of peace and uniformity of the mind and equality - You demean the value of the documentary by trying to play off Michelles Fame

    Shame on you but thank for showing the way the world really is.

  7. bobby

    Why ask a non Christian about the Bible or Jesus? Although I have respect for Chopra, he is not able to know these things. Seriously..... To imagine that religious teaching has a basis in psychadelics is self serving. Religion comes from God, not drugs.

    1. dreaM

      Then answer this one if religion came from "GOD" and your God is not physical then how do you get your religious text from God? Religion is just a belief like science, any and all knowing of anything. Reality is what you experience in every moment without being in the thought patterns and processes judgments and biases the veil is lifted when you don't project onto reality that is the true essence of what reality is

  8. Oldschool Returns

    Nearly forgot.

    The guy who set up the healing centre, ? movie to advertise it? made the usual mistake - saw a light and applied good ole Big is Best and blew it out.

    Small is big maybe next time - when the franchise sets up?

    Love Steve

  9. Oldschool Returns

    There's a few 'haters' down here folks and the smell of money in this documentary definitely spoils it, but hat off to 'zappy whoever' for making this film - you got a good vibe man.

    The actress lady should learn to listen better and ease off with knowing everything - talks a great job though.

    Why does almost every single person on this journey to find JOY outside of this reality, display major expensive Dental work?

    The old lady in white who adorned her self far too flamboyantly with jewellery, kind of let the side down - but I bet she's really nice - well let's hope so.

    Please makes some more films without the money people.

    Love Steve

  10. Phileo

    The first error is the description of how the water was turned into wine. Here the way the text is translated in John 2:8-9: Then he told them, "Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet." They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine.

    Just water and no manna. So the guy is pushing hallucinogens.

    1. Ryan

      Thank you! I'm glad others noticed that

  11. Ray

    It is painfully obvious that most of the commentators never tripped or had an out of body experience. To those enlightened few who have there is nothing new here that has not been known for ages.

  12. Esmee

    I agree with Jefredo, in the doc Kymatica is alot of info on how an individual's happiness can effect other people's state of mind. If you wanna look inside your soul and can accept your own darkness, you can heal yourself. If that would happen on a massive scale the earth can heal. It is an collective sickness we dont do soul work.

  13. Loring Palmer

    Correction to the Gloria Steinem quote (above): "THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE, but first it will piss you off."

  14. Loring Palmer

    "The first time you hear the truth, it will piss you off. Later you'll accept it." (Gloria Steinem).
    This documentary resonates with my spiritual adventures and intention, both with psychedelics as well as tantric yoga. It's related by a sensitive and tender script and outstanding camera work. To know that such a peaceful and peace promoting oasis exits is an optimistic message at this time of crisis on earth. I love this film. Well done! I say. Thanks to all involved. You've touched my heart.

  15. steve collier

    I have to say I'm not usually put off easily by comments prior to viewing a documentary on here. On this occasion as mentioned by Sifre, the very name Deepak Chopra is enough to make me pass on this one.

  16. Jerry

    Many are called, few are chosen ... nothing before it's time.

  17. Jeffredo

    The first four comments should be highly disregarded. In fact, I'm inclined to believe these four negative comments where all created by the same individual.

    This documentary goes deeper than the chaotic (closed) mind/ego is capable of comprehending and ultimately must fight back and discount others' shared experiences. It isn't at all surprising to find such reactions left behind. These comments are a testament to the unconscious boundaries (social conceptual filters) noted in the film.

    That's okay though, it is all part of the balance. This film is well worth your time and attention. Take plenty of notes and enjoy!


  18. Kquen

    Appreciate the comments I've read, especially from Sifres. I won't waste my time to watch it, I'm too busy living in reality, free from superstition, tridition, ritual, imaginary beings and fear of the unknown.

  19. Connie Rifenburg

    I think this is just one big commercial for this man's place. And if you have a 9-5 job and a family to support, you'd never be able to afford to go to his place. It's all about money once again. Bring it to the people for free and I'll believe all you have to say.

  20. thomas

    The man who is doing this documentary does not give the scripture where Jesus turns water into wine, If he did then you could read it for your self and see that Jesus did not add manna or any other substance to the water. In fact there were servants who witnessed what he did. Read John 2;1-25 As far as Manna read Exodus 16 and pay attention to verses 28-35 Manna is bread from heaven. It never fails to amaze me how such people can twist around scriptures to make them sound like its ok to play with drugs or get drunk and stupid. Scripture calls such people liars and deceivers, who jesus refers to as being servants
    of their father the adversary , Who is a fallen Angel. The great deceiver. It is not ok to put drugs into anything, Or to get stupid drunk at all. If you really want to be enlighten then read a Bible. Not the ones that have been watered down over 200 of them out there now. But read the original text transferred into english, A King James Bible comes very close to the original text. Hear are some reference scriptures you can read for your self. Numbers 11;6-9 deuteronomy 8;3 &16 Joshua 5;12 nehemiah 9;20 psalms 78;24 john 6;31,49,58

    hebrews 9;4 and revelations 2;17 Have a nice day

  21. martin

    I guess the Right Reverend Jones (past) would be enamored by this documentary.
    Bring on the converts, and I will show you the way.
    A load of hogwash -- if these so called 'concerned' people were serious about their 'concerns' get out to the countries that need help - but probably more succinct get out into America and sort out all the people there living in poverty -- there you go - that's a challenge!!!

  22. Wiper

    a bunch of rich people in their protected habitats and extortionists of rich people not yet in the kundaFlini.... put away your shells and you are gonna realize you are all just a pray like the rest of us

  23. marke

    yeah i don't think tripping balls in peru is gonna fix a damn thing about your best it might give you a few insights into how most everything around us is bull**** except for family and love, but thats about it.

  24. JMFD

    Junkie drivel. Even worse: rich entitled junkie drivel.

  25. Sifres

    As soon as you see Deepak Chopra be very suspicious of everything. This guy doesn't know anything about physics or how the world actually works. Truth is that everything is based on chance and there is no greater meaning. We create meaning ourselves in how we choose to conduct our lives. But we should not have any delusions that we can ever live in a kind of enlightened state and simultaneously live in reality. Disaster is heading towards all of us, no matter how rich or how successful or 'enlightened' we become. Death has the last word. So try to live your life according to your being and be careful with what you internalize as a part of yourself, for time takes its toll.