How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content

2019, Society  -   10 Comments
Ratings: 8.35/10 from 52 users.

So many books, so little time. This conundrum evoked a deep sense of anxiety in filmmaker Max Joseph. How could he find the time to expand his knowledge by wading through an endless ocean of books? As if the sheer volume of titles were not enough, his quest was made even more challenging by our modern age of streaming, 24-hour media, and other stimuli begging for his attention at every turn. He documents his search for a solution in the infectiously fun How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content.

Is it an issue related to time management? With the help of friends, Joseph calculates his speed of reading and the amount of time he currently devotes to his reading pursuits. Just as people reserve 30 minutes a day to exercise, it is determined that he can increase his reading volumes by as many as five times by simply engaging in a book each morning during breakfast. Additional advice is offered by Howard Berg, the Guinness World Record holder for the title of fastest reader.

Other avenues of interest are explored during the course of the short film, including the intimidation factor that comes into play when tackling dense works of prose, the potential for uncovering the meaning of life within classic literature, and the habits one must establish in order to become a voracious and accomplished reader.

Along the way, Joseph visits a series of gorgeous bookstores from Brussels to Portugal to New York City. The shelves in some are stacked with rows and rows of deliciously colorful spines; like an irresistible candy store for the avid reader. Then there are the stores that offer a holier environment in which to explore a love of books, including a converted church in the Netherlands.

How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content assumes a light-hearted tone, but it deals with issues that harbor more serious implications. In a world where endless streams of content are produced and consumed like disposable product, books should occupy a more permanent and sacred space. We simply have to recognize their value, and devote ourselves to the exploration of their riches.

Directed by: Max Joseph

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10 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Amina Khan

    Graphics make this even more interesting to watch.. can't wait to visit Portugal for its enticing libraries.

  2. Merfat Mohammed

    Amazing short movie, looking forward to part two.

  3. Uzair

    It's hard to read 80pages a minute when you have Adhd and severe depression going on in your life since like 6 years old.

    Nevertheless, a great documentary. I learned a lot from this.

  4. AL

    Very good and meaningful doc. The stupid rap song at the end ruins the mood of the entire video for me. Maybe I'm old and this so-called music is for the young generations. But it's still inappropriate and disgusting.

    1. otto know

      Often when people express an unwillingness to categorize rap as "real music," it's motivated by anti-Blackness, not a desire to examine the music theoretically or to engage in thoughtful cultural critique. You're making a massive generalization about a complex art form--talk about inappropriate and disgusting! You might consider yourself old but that is no excuse to stop learning

  5. Digital Bookworm

    I wanted to watch this, but I was n the middle of a really good book. ?

  6. hunain

    Creative work a great message. Waiting for more.

  7. Sarthak

    I really enjoyed, motivated watching this documentary. Really waiting for the 2nd part.

  8. Daizies

    OUTSTANDING❕❕❕❕❕❕Here's for you?. Thank you so much. Can't wait to see the second part and even the 3rd and 4th. Hell, how about a franchise?. Yeah, I am greedy.

  9. Hans

    I laughed so hard at the credits at the end! But a good watch! I can't wait for Vol. 2