Prophets of Doom

2011, Environment  -   164 Comments
Ratings: 7.42/10 from 93 users.

Prophets of DoomToday's world has troubles unique to its time in history, from the global financial crisis to technological meltdowns to full scale, computerized global war.

Observing the convergence of such events, contemporary prophets have begun to emerge from obscurity to suggest that these conditions might be signs of the demise of the modern world.

These men are historians as well, using all manner of information and patterns from the past to provide context for where we are going.

Their predictions interpret the current state of affairs in our world as evidence that the America we know may come to an end.

The men proposing these ideas are not crackpots living on the streets of New York; they are intelligent, learned men who come armed with the evidence to back up their claims.

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164 Comments / User Reviews

  1. This is on HISTWD at the moment.
    My initial thought was.
    "Why is it all men making assessments and attempting to solve our greatest threats?"
    I was so disturbed by this that I had to find a forum to express this.
    I'm relieved to find that Numerous people have found a long list of holes in the credibility of this widely viewed program.
    They're missing the biggest questions.
    Why is there such a terrorist threat?
    Why do whole societies hate us?
    What did we do and how can we address that issue?
    How about we stop kill them and help them advance with us or with in their ideals that isn't so invasive.

  2. Why is this not a mandatory lesson shown in schools across the world is beyond me.

  3. Not a bad program. I do find it distracting to hear otherwise intelligent sounding people mispronounce the word "nuclear" as "nucular" though

  4. Yep, this is about the first film that makes any sense at all. I can see where some would call it scare tactics or rubbish, but just as past civilizations had naysayers, so will this one. The earth is a living, breathing thing, and it only makes sense that the earth is going to hit the reset button soon. So enjoy that cell phone now. To ignore these warnings is to ignore the past, which will repeat itself.

  5. Deja vu, ABBRACCADDABBRRAA, but a reminder of our greed and selfishness.

  6. They suggested to establish banking reform through increased government regulation of the financial system itself. This solution is laughable considering the fact that the Federal Reserve System operates outside of the political process. Not to mention that the financiers write the laws that the politicians enforce. And whether you want to call a 'hybrid' or a 'private' organization makes no difference. (It is given the power of government to give the illusion of 'hybrid/government' control). Those elite privileged few that manipulate the quantity of money in circulation are in fact, the very same people that indirectly control the leadership of the major groups of which people belong. I'm talking about the large religious, political, media organizations that control the thought processes of the American people. Next, and perhaps most critical, and where the men on this dumb ass show come into the picture, is the control of Academia. All the financiers have to do, just as they would control any other pillar of society, is to control a few powerful men at the top of the academic pyramid who in turn pass this information to the other 99% of the population. That is why not many people understand how the 'economy' really works! That alone should be a red flag that something weird is going on. Because people chose to allow men of academic renown to intimidate them intellectually, due to their own ignorance of the science of money and banking, is how we will lose western civilization.

  7. Fact. Population control needed ahead of the shortage problem. For Usa 2 child limit.controls resources.teach your children.put mandatory class in grade school importance of sustainable crops non gmo.humane education. earth studies environment resource importance.there is a bottom to the barrel.teach conservation.50 yr moratorium usa border closing.the melting pot has many who abuse lang of milk and honey which is no more and have no clue and dont care.cleanup from the inside out in lessening terrorism, smuggled in drugs disease,actually enforce conservation use. No children running the hose for the hours outside while parents dont care.find a way to readjust instant gratification and the disposable mindset.quit spreading our military thin,quit allowing opportunities for terrorism in usa, clean up govt lethargy, find another Raegan. Personally i believe in holistic approaches,yet not a pacifist when it comes to that which could be made better befure it falls into oblivion. Put limits on toxic industry encourage fields of healing herbs.used yrs before lab coats dissected animals,another accepted form of violence unfortunately. so much to consider. It seems to come down to teaching,population control,going back to earth ways,conserving,all the animals patterned upon fields across the earth are lessons,learn.nostradamus even listened within to light beings,spirit,we must learn to learn ahead of events,not after. In prophets of doom documentary,these highly studied and learned gentleman are sharing ahead of time.i see them as prophets of possibility not doom. Their subject matter is proven and factual observative objective and even though life is change and fluctuation, resources environment usa monetary concerns overpopulation causing demise of many even entire civilizations, nuclear threat, etc. it is coming to a peak.take a stand or settle for what happens.


  8. as much as there is bad news there is also great and positive news... if we are to successfully navigate into the future we must adopt a holistic approach... begin to responsibly co-create desired results... and stop talking so much nonsense...

  9. This is out of date as far as the oil shortage...we are choking on under $2 a gallon gas glut!!! And a 100 years of shale gas MALARKY for the oil expert. On the other hand...the water guy rules.

  10. Modern American civil war, extraterrestrial alien invasion, global
    atmospheric air displacement.... the clouds of earth will enter space
    were done as humans until the world comes back all those former oil wells now CO2 wells pumped in and sealed could open all at once
    with a powerful enough earthquake as well as the CO2 under frozen
    ground maybe some future civilization will find billions of AOL floppy disk intact in such quantities they will say "These are so common to find throughout the planet these ancient beings must of used them as money" maybe they will have a "Carbon-AOL test in order to date archeological finds a million years from now. I hope that future humanoid or lifeforms does not have to shave that would be a blessing. God has the final say
    Genesis 8:22
    While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
    Great when do we eat - thats me I'm thinking only about he harvest
    and the summer is ok to !

  11. It happens !

  12. Water? My business proposed building a desalination plant in Orange County 30 years ago that would have used existing abandoned pipes to/from the Pacific but it would have cost just to much. So we built it in Saudi Arabia instead. Now California is in a water shortage (as if that never happened before) so mow the government wants to build the plant for 1,000% more $$.

    Meanwhile every city builds an infrastructure that deflects, directs or ignores every drop of rain or flood waters without collecting, storing, and processing for consumption. I live at the ocean just as most of the world's population lives near water. It surrounds us, flows past us and we watch it go down the drain. Why? The solution can be built into every city where flood waters are captured, rain is contained, and everything gets used.

    Pay it forward by fixing it now and don't let the bull get in the way. Businesses need to stop bs' ing the public. Our refineries were built decades ago. They've been paid for long ago with only maintenance and operating expenses to worry about. Everything else is profit. The airlines have always calculated the entire expense of carrying a passenger and included typical baggage weight per person. Why charge for bags when they've been doing it within the fare from the beginning?

    The solutions are simple if only self interest and ignorance gets out of the way.

    1. The real issue is California wastes it's money on the unions and illegal aliens. Plus the fact that it's taxing businesses out of the state.

      In California, it's not business that's the issue, it's the bloodsucking government.

      Get your facts straight.

  13. water?isnt the earth 78% water?We could not find a way to filter dirty water?Don't we already know that we can get it.John Cronin is a fool..we are smart enough to fix water.da..

  14. I have seen at least two statements that were out of date. This documentary should not be aired until it includes accurate and current information. I also agree that selfishness / greediness is the reason-- if we do have a reason --that we will face resource shortages.

  15. Talk about doom and gloom. These guys need to get updated on facts.

  16. “The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right. Which one are you?”
    ― Henry Ford

  17. I think these extremely smart men left out the root problem which is selfishness. Cure selfishness and these problems would for the most part be solved or offset to be manageable. To cure selfishness we have to raise our consciousness. This I feel will be done gradually as more and more people decide to live selflessly. As more people live selflessly there will be charismatic people that will influence others that are still living in the low level consciousness of selfishness to the greater consciousness of being selfless. Going down this road won't be a decision made by the whole of humanity but by one person at a time. I've been traveling down this road of relieving myself of my selfish behaviors and my life is so much more beautiful and enjoyable. It hasn't been easy but well worth it.....

  18. Thank you for the heads up!

  19. What these men fail to talk about is the "elephant in the room". They should have had Dr. Michio Kaku on the show. The threat of a CME "Coronal mass ejection", a black hole, the flight of our solar system through the "x zone" in our galaxy which seems to be tied to every global mass extinction on the planet (we are entering that zone in current times), the threat of a gamma ray burst from a dying star, the threat of star coming too close to our own and throwing the planets from orbit etc etc... we should be looking to mine asteroids for resources and looking to space to survive the crisis these men talk about. I've said enough... time for part II of this show with Michio at the helm

  20. I don't who this guy is but overpopulation is our single biggest threat. For all of our ingenuity we're too stupid to overcome our primative imperative to pass on our DNA and it WILL be the death of us. Have all the children you want, it's your birthright. Hey, it was fun while it lasted, right?
    I know, get angry and lash out because NO ONE is going to tell you not to have kids, right?

    1. I do not belive over population is such a huge issue honestly. For population to continuously grow we need approximately 2.3 per family (the 0.3 is for people who die before they get kids etc)
      In many western countrys this is far from the truth, Just because familiys in some other cultures get far more kids than they need or is even close to apropriet. If people got kids at the same rate as westernes, japanese, chinese now and other developed countries, population deterioration would be more of a fact. Our population is also growing because old people keep getting older, so population is growing unproportionally.

  21. Government and Rich people cannot be to blame, because it is the poor and middle class that work for them, and/or elect them into office,,, So all failures is ALL of us as a Whole over the entire planet!

    1. That is an ignorant statement. Obama blew smoke up the non informed people who did not know his real history in this country the first time. The second time there is no way in hell he won that election. I know a lot of people and only two voted for him that I know and from everyone I talk to across this country the sentiment is the same. With electronic voting machines it is impossible to think that our vote counts as they proved they could be hacked when they first came out.

    2. Overall we elect people as a whole, and no hands are clean when they play in dirt! To make "REAL CHANGE" we have to vote based on what people have done and not what they say! Some elected officials have been there since the 80's,,, so do you real think any President could be the real issue with our governmental problems?

    3. I see you still believe in democracy. That's cute.

  22. I still believe that their will be a change in life, but nothing to fear about it! Humans are built to with stand and adapt,,, mainly when we are forced to... Sort of how you have squirrels and the ones that can glide... There is nothing to FEAR except not being prepared to live differently!

  23. corrupt government has killed this society , America is no more. the time is now to prepare for what is to anarchy. people get very ugly when food runs out and there is no power. all systems will come to an end this year.

    1. Oops. Looks like your estimate was off, since your "this year" was 2 years ago. However, you are right in the longer term.

  24. Although water and oil are a significant issue that will impact the earth, their consumption is linked heavily on the population growth. I don't mean to sound heartless, but when we go to third world countries and supply medications that will cause a greater survival rate, they often are not producing anything useful to society, theirs or ours. However, they require resources to survive. Even the US population is rapidly increasing, but our resources are not.

  25. Civilization would not exist without Government!

    1. .........? Please tell us you are bullshi**ing!

  26. WTF.. Michael Ruppert? He's a shill. Next!

  27. time for payment for your evils people

    1. Yeah, except that the only reason you are alive, the only reason you are even watching documentaries online, the only reason you have a computer in the first place, is because of these evil people. Let's see what happens to the rest of the world when the US collapses, we are ALL screwed.

  28. Intersting to watch, but I think it's a little too dramatic and too much focussed on the USA.

    1. Well to be fair its an American television channel so they are only marketing to their demographic.

      I agree its over the top but that's the History Channel for you. Its really gone downhill in recent years. Once they started playing Nostradamus and 2012 "documentaries" 24/7 I pretty much gave up on it.

    2. you mean the center of the economic universe? gee, i wonder why?lol

  29. Oh good, I got the doc to continue after all.

    Each presenter had interesting observations. I especially enjoyed the final moments when each took the others' opinions into consideration and all reached a general concencous that actions needed to begin NOW.

    Too bad our leaders and fat cats will never "get it" and will carry on as if nothings going to happen.

    As a Canadian, I can't help but feel the States will eventually invade us and plunder our greatest resource, fresh water; and drill for gas until nothing and no one are left.

    I hope I die before this happens.

    1. As an American, I think you're paranoid and delusional. Not to mention a bit of a jerk for making such an asinine comment.

  30. I am so disappointed because I was really enjoying this doc, when suddenly it got stuck about an hour into it and I couldn't get it too continue. Really liked what I saw before that. Never a dull moment.

    1. do u hit the refresh button ??

    2. No, I didn't. Thanks for the suggestion.I ended up getting a new router and a blue-ray dual disk lap top; and haven't had trouble since! The streaming on my old computer was always an issue. Subject: [SeeUat videos] Re: Prophets of Doom

  31. Different people will resonate with different parts of this doc. You will likely find certain pieces absurd, and yet unknowingly nod your head in agreement to other parts. This doc contains a diverse array of views regarding the possible consequences of humanities impact on the earth and on itself.

  32. lol at that robot theory, oil and water shortage is a realistic threat. without the oil who would produce skynet? how would skynet work without oil?

    1. Skynet wouldn't use oil. It'd be electric, probably generated mainly via nuclear.

  33. this documentary is for sheeple, not for me.

  34. Great film. Well worth watching.

  35. Seems the propaganda machine is still working just fine.
    The truth is that throughout history, all world leaders have known that you can only pull the wool over peoples eyes for a short while. After they obtain obscene wealth and become to powerfull, they all turn on their own citizens rights, expand their powers and start trying to control the world which helps create a huge gap between the rich and poor, then while the population battles each other from within, they just slip out the back door with it's wealth to start over again elsewhere.
    Governments are all based on ponzie schemes, funded by banks and corporations, doomed to future failure for it's citizens and stock holders.
    The same wealth that has always ruled our past, is the same wealth that is still ruling us today, and leading us to the "New World Order".
    It's always been the dream of governments and madmen throughout history to control the world. Nothing has changed.
    They know that in order to gain allies and control other countries, they must destroy the US and our dominance in the world. Create a problem and then offer a solution! History proves that It really works!
    They have sold us out and led us to be made out as global bullies intentionally to win allies in the new dream of a world wide government.
    Once they accomplish that, they will decrease the population on earth to a managable number, and look to the stars for new worlds to conquer.
    "lucky for us rulers that men do not think" Adolph Hitler once quoted.
    His tactics were borrowed from the past, and incorporated into our government as well.
    And thanks to mainstream media, more successfully than any other time in history.
    Where we as US citizens went wrong was ignoring our constitution and it's warnings of what would happen if we allowed banks and corporations to be involved in the making of laws and the control of our currencies. Now we are all paying the price of the wealthiests families in the world dictating how we live and die on a worldwide scale.
    The end of the gold standard on our money, was the beginning of our end.
    And the beginning of the Federal income tax as well. Look it up.
    The future is childs play to predict, it's written in blood throughout our history of Self fulfilling prophecies, and all going according to plan.
    There is a reason that money is considered the root of all evil.
    It corrupts and distracts people from ethics, morals, fairness and it divides man into groups of selfish little children who all claim to want fairness, while they turn a blind eye to everything but their own battle to climb the social class ladder.
    The powers over us, knows that mans weakness, is that most want to be like them. And they will do anything to try to achieve it. We do their dirty work while they laugh at our ignorance.
    History is an amazing tale, that explains everything we encounter today. And what to expect for tomorrow. (except for the hidden chapters that explains our true origin)
    They have us believing that our most ancient writings are all myths and fairy tales for a reason. But the truth can be found in all religions, if you only look at the morals, ethics, and the promotion of love, peace and fairness to all, and discard the influence of men who have distorted the messages to endorse war, and contridict their own words.
    Just like any governing way of life, they too can be corrupted.

    1. "....Create a problem and then offer a solution! History proves that It really works!...."
      Especially in organized religions like Christian Church. They are just masters of it.
      It is so sad that my late grandmom and now my mom are victims of that perverted institution.

  36. … So exactly how often DO the horsemen of the apocalypse meet in their dingy warehouse from pulp fiction? My personal favourite contradiction is at 0:22: 47

    – additionally '' In Australia it is illegal to take a shower longer than 5 mins''. LOL History channel

  37. A great documentary. It accomplishes what matters most, making people think. Althought there is some things not considered between these gentlemen( plague, biological warfare, coronal mass ejections from the sun, etc) the irony is environmentalism became irrelevent,(not mentioned) because in the final analysis, humans appear to be only good for killing each other. The stupidity and apathy mentioned by one of the speakers in the film is the biggest threat to our survival, which has allowed everything to get to the point it is at now. Einstein got it right, and since neccesity is the mother of invention, I will end with a quote from him.
    "man, like every other animal, seldom considers his own existance unless goaded by circumstance".

    1. I certainly don't believe everything these six gentlemen predict but believe enough to cause me great concern.Not for me but for those who come after me.By the way after digging up my dvd copy of this great documentary I checked on goggle and except for one used one on Amazon for over ninety dollars I couldn't find any.Perhaps the oil and gas companies must have bought them all.My copy will go in a safety deposit box for safe keeping.

    2. That might be a good idea marauder. (save them for your children's benefit) If you research it, you will find that there is books that are worth thousands of dollars that explain 'planned economics', but their price and availability are extremely unavailable to the average person. (for good reason)
      Note: Take it from someone who grew up in the oil, and gas sector, when I say things are not as they appear. There is no 'oil shortage' as of present, (that is yet to come) and the largest deposits in the world can actually be found under the Rocky mountains. Furthermore, prices have been artificially inflated for the following reasons.
      1) Oil companies have not built any refineries in North America in the last 40 years to create a shortage of 'refined fuel'.
      2) Laws in the last 100 years (antitrust laws - to prevent John Rockefeller from owning everything, must share with the other rich people; create the illusion of competition.
      3) The Connelly act in the fifties to prevent fuels sales from state to state without surcharges. Came about after the Arab's dropped huge amounts of cheap oil on the markets. This led to the fuel shortage in 1973, when the price of oil from Saudi Arabia tripled in less than a month, so American companies could stay afloat.
      4) Several people were able to create carburetors that could get over 100 miles to the gallon, and this was in huge heavy automobiles of the time. (1950's) I believe there is a documentary on this website in regards to this. (gashole) These people were either bought out, or taken out.
      In a nutshell, profit (greed-evil) trumps all, and is a terrible construct for a stable global economic community. Until this is addressed, everything else is academic. (climate change, etc)
      In essence, the future is bleak for the human equation, and although we can't say with certainty how and when it will happen, the only thing certain is that it will. ("those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it") With that said, may I suggest you not to take it all too seriously. Life is way too short to allow the bast**ds to grind you down. Remember to have fun, try not to contribute to the insanity, and remind yourself once and awhile, that you didn't create it. Take care, and best wishes Marauder!

    3. All true I suppose but there will definitely be a time when oil runs out either before we nuke the planet or after.My mother God bless her used to say at 89 that she was glad she was old as she could see what was coming and now since I am old tooI can see what she meant.

    4. Agreed! There is no doubt that wisdom is the difference between knowledge and experience, and like our parents, we eventually figure it out as well. (unless you are Richard Cheney) Here is a paraphrase from Albert Einstein.
      "As I grow older, I lose touch with the here, and now, and find myself absorbed back into nature. It makes me happy!"

  38. To Brian Rose:
    Well put, -very clear and saturated with substance. I hope your post remains on the top.

  39. I just went back to the TV and they said the most worry should be water and that is the only one they got right.Except one of them said our water source is shrinking,That is false if I think he is saying it the way he meant.Water does not go anywhere it stay`s right here,but it`s up to us to keep it clean.It doesn`t leak into space,we just polute it where we can`t use it.All the rest will survive.

    1. and how does the leak at Fukishima fit into this picture??

  40. I`m 66 and have a good 20 years left ,if I`m lucky.All this great country needs is to get rid of people with the doom theory and check out the facts.In the 70`s when Cater was telling us we had no more oil and I owned a Auto Parts store and people were buying these Springs in their tanks so no one could steal their gas.Mobil oil had those large tanks full setting on the west coast so they could run up the price of gas,,,,that`s all it was.Sure we have declined the use of our own oil but we have more capped oil well`s than any other country in the world.We need to get rid of this President we have and get real common sense people in our Congress and start Using natural Gas which the President himself finally said we have enough to supply us for the next 100 years.Actually we have enough to use for about 5 hundred years.Al Gore and his "Green Project" ( which I still don`t know what they do because they won`t tell me)has convinced the Government into making Farmers and paying them a ton of tax payer`s money to raise corn for fuel instead of growing food like they used to.In California they are shutting off the water to grow food because of a little PUP fish which does not mean anything.Go to the museum and they have places of stuffed birds and other animals that are extinct.I asked a curator,what did you do kill the last one and stuff it so we could see that they are not here anymore?He didn't have an answer.The spotted owl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,This country has enough trees to log and go back to where they started 30 years ago and have the same size tree`s to harvest again.IRAN,,,, they are like the little punk in high school that runs his mouth but won`t and can`t back it up.The United State`s alone has the power to blow a hole deep enough to blow anything they think they can keep safe.What we need is leadership that will back this country up and mean what he or she say`s,rather than making threats.Reagan did it with,Russia and Libya.I`m done but I could go on and on,but you people with the doom and gloom need to shut the F up and go home or go see a third world like I have then you would have a mind change and get to work to fix things rather than bitch about it.

    1. The fact that the Anasazi, Mayan, Kiwi, Easter Islander, Aztec, Roman, Sumerian, Islamic, Ottoman, and other civilizations of the past (in fact, ALL previous civilizations collapsed) is not a doom and gloom "perspective." It is reality. Human beings were the same creatures 2000, 20000, and 200 years ago that they are today. This, of course, does not guarantee the collapse of our current industrial civilization as we have a much more comprehensive knowledge of the world today.

      In Joseph Tainter's analysis of 23 past civilizations he found a common theme among the collapse of all of them. As each civilization grew in size and complexity there were increasing costs associated with maintaining these societies. A quick example, building a road from Los Angeles to Las Vegas has significant and immediate impacts on trade, travel, etc. but maintaining and repairing the road has no net benefit, and significant cost. Building a system for sewage disposal again has huge benefits to public health, but the upkeep, repairs, and maintenance over time yield no net benefit. Your merely maintaining benefits already received at a continuing cost. He discovered through rigorous analysis and comparison that all failed civilizations grew in complexity to such a degree that the cost of maintaining said complexity overrode the value gifted by the complexity.

      Another example, for the diaspora of the Roman Empire the taxes levied on them began to overwhelm their budgets while the infrastructure that made being a part of the Roman Empire worth while deteriorated. As costs mounted for the Roman Empire it could not maintain its vast and sweeping military apparatus, and thus various communities sided with local lords and chiefs (smaller taxes with better protection). As this loss of complexity due to maintenance cost proceeded over time complexity fell rapidly (collapse). In a complex system every piece and interaction relies upon a number of other pieces, and if these interactions stop you have collapse. These associations include trade of food, metals, lumber, salt, clay, stone, etc. The cascading failure of these interactions led to a massive reduction of the population (die off) because the population had become reliant upon of highly complex system of trade to sustain itself.

      Now reflect that upon today. In order to drive my car I need gasoline that was refined in Texas, temporarily stored in Indonesia, and produced in Nigeria (our #4 source of oil). The ships that transport that oil are made of material mined in a multitude of countries, and processed in even more countries. The technologies that allow those vessels to navigate the globe rely on satellites, software licencing, contracted IT teams, etc. The Captain received training from a college that relies on a whole host of other complex interactions... I could go on to the parts in my car, where the acid is made for my car battery, the crews that paint lane dividers on roads, electricity for traffic lights. All of these thousands of interactions are necessary for me to safely navigate to the grocery store to feed myself.

      If our system of global trade were to break down we would immediately face a situation where we would have to gather our food from local sources, but the very definition of a city is a place where resources must be imported from an external area. If the value of the U.S. currency were to drop significantly in a short period of time (i.e. a $100 bill has the value of a dime), then utility companies would go bankrupt. These things are a reflection of the costs of complexity. The human body is an amazingly complex machine with hundreds of thousands of interactions happening every second without your need to enforce them. But therein lies the point, as a complex system increases in maintenance costs it deteriorates and at some point faces collapse. For living beings we call it death, for civilizations we simply call it collapse. The collapse of industrial civilization is as assured as the sun turning into a red giant. The question is whether it will happen in our life times. We all know the sun will engulf the Earth, but we don't worry because its 5 billion years away, so when will industrial civilization collapse?

      This documentary tries to make the point that it'll be quite soon. I tend to agree, but I use John Michael Greers concept (really taken from the evolutionary theory of graduated equilibrium) that collapse in a history book appears to take place overnight. Collapse as it happens occurs over decades if not centuries. Basically, you will not wake up one morning and say "Oh my! The sky has fallen!" Instead you'll have a loose idea that over time life has gotten harder, your income doesn't go as far as it used to, the economy struggles to power forward, your retirement fund shrinks in purchasing power, incomes stagnate and decline, the price of everything you buy will pinch your wallet more, you'll find you've reduced the amount of vacations you take, you'll work more hours to live a meeker life. This is collapse as it happened in past societies, and this is how collapse will unfold for industrial civilization. Not with fireworks, but a whimper.

    2. I`ll tell you what bud you are a great writer,but I don`t agree with almost all of what you have put in it.One was the Romans wanted to rule the earth.That was their failure,just as Hitler.This is a different time and history does not apply to the United State`s.We are a unique different country that has never been done in history.We had a few very smart guy`s get together and drew up a contract with the people which made us a country that could change in a heart beat.Just that might happen in November.All other countries in the world can`t do that.Like I said I`m now 66 and I`m making more money right now than I was five years ago because I got off my butt and went to work thinking of things that would be useful to people that I could make a few bucks on.As it turns out If you use that thing between your ears rather the thing that thing that holds yours fingers,you can make a lot of money.Steve Job`s is a good example.He never invented anything,he just had a knack to market it and people think he is a great inventor.I knew Bill Lear,personally,,he never invented anything including a jet he just put together the people that could.So when I pass on My pockets will be full and yours will be empty because you and the people on the History channel are just going to bitch about it.If there are people with just plain old common sense and the love of this country it will never go under because we have one thing that the rest of the world does not have and that's arrogance's.Go to a third world country and see what is going on before you make any kind of dooms day statement about this country going under.I`m a Vietnam Vet and have been to the middle east and the people with the doom and gloom have been spoiled with being able to go to the store and buy food.Remember when Russia was in line for toilet paper.That was not a democracy.I`m not trying to be a smart ass and am not mad,just a guy that is worried too,but I have the optimism to think that we are better than what has happened in history.It to me is why these guys wrote a Constitution and left it up to the people,not a King or a dictator.Washington could have been a King,he was offered and said no.Thanks for your letter,Ken

      brian rose wrote, in response to wademaniac:
      The fact that the Anasazi, Mayan, Kiwi, Easter Islander, Aztec, Roman, Sumerian, Islamic, Ottoman, and other civilizations of the past (in fact, ALL previous civilizations collapsed) is not a doom and gloom "perspective." It is reality. Human beings were the same creatures 2000, 20000, and 200 years ago that they are today. This, of course, does not guarantee the collapse of our current industrial civilization as we have a much more comprehensive knowledge of the world today.
      In Joseph Tainter's analysis of 23 past civilizations he found a common theme among the collapse of all of them. As each civilization grew in size and complexity there were increasing costs associated with maintaining these societies. A quick example, building a road from Los Angeles to Las Vegas has significant and immediate impacts on trade, travel, etc. but maintaining and repairing the road has no net benefit, and significant cost. Building a system for sewage disposal again has huge benefits to public health, but the upkeep, repairs, and maintenance over time yield no net benefit. Your merely maintaining benefits already received at a continuing cost. He discovered through rigorous analysis and comparison that all failed civilizations grew in complexity to such a degree that the cost of maintaining said complexity overrode the value gifted by the complexity.
      Another example, for the diaspora of the Roman Empire the taxes levied on them began to overwhelm their budgets while the infrastructure that made being a part of the Roman Empire worth while deteriorated. As costs mounted for the Roman Empire it could not maintain its vast and sweeping military apparatus, and thus various communities sided with local lords and chiefs (smaller taxes with better protection). As this loss of complexity due to maintenance cost proceeded over time complexity fell rapidly (collapse). In a complex system every piece and interaction relies upon a number of other pieces, and if these interactions stop you have collapse. These associations include trade of food, metals, lumber, salt, clay, stone, etc. The cascading failure of these interactions lead of a massive reduction of the population (die off) because the population had become reliant upon of highly complex system of trade to sustain itself.
      Now reflect that upon today. In order to drive my car I need gasoline that was refined in Texas, temporarily stored in Indonesia, and produced in Nigeria (our #4 source of oil). The ships that transport that oil are made of material mined in a multitude of countries, and processed in even more countries. The technologies that allow those vessels to navigate the globe rely on satellites, software licencing, contracted IT teams, etc. The Captain received training from a college that relies on a whole host of other complex interactions... I could go on to the parts in my car, where the acid is made for my car battery, the crews that paint lane dividers on roads, electricity for traffic lights. All of these thousands of interactions are necessary for me to safely navigate to the grocery store to feed myself.
      If our system of global trade were to break down we would immediately face a situation where we would have to gather our food from local sources, but the very definition of a city is a place where resources must be imported from an external area. If the value of the U.S. currency were to drop significantly in a short period of time (i.e. a $100 bill has the value of a dime), then utility companies would go bankrupt. These things are a reflection of the costs of complexity. The human body is an amazingly complex machine with hundreds of thousands of interactions happening every second without your need to enforce them. But therein lies the point, as a complex system increases in maintenance costs it deteriorates and at some point faces collapse. For living beings we call it death, for civilizations we simply call it collapse. The collapse of industrial civilization is as assured as the sun turning into a red giant. The question is whether it will happen
      in our life times. We all know the sun will engulf the Earth, but we don't worry because its 5 billion years away, so when will industrial civilization collapse?

      This documentary tries to make the point that it'll be quite soon. I tend to agree, but I use John Michael Greers concept (really taken from the evolutionary theory of graduated equilibrium) that collapse in a history book appears to take place overnight. Collapse as it happens occurs over decades if not centuries. Basically, you will not wake up one morning and say "Oh my! The sky has fallen!" Instead you'll have a loose idea that over time life has gotten harder, your income doesn't go as far as it used to, the economy struggles to power forward, your retirement fund shrinks in purchasing power, incomes stagnate and decline, the price of everything you buy will pinch your wallet more, you'll find you've reduced the amount of vacations you take, you'll work more hours to live a meeker life. This is collapse as it happened in past societies, and this is how collapse will unfold for industrial civilization. Not with fireworks, but a whimper.
      Link to comment

    3. I by no means intended to imply that the U.S. is somehow inferior, or that past civilizations, and thus human beings, were inferior (there were a multitude of democracies before the U.S. came about). We are simply facing the same challenges all systems face. To say the sun will one day burn itself out is not an insult to the sun. There is no judgement or prejudice in it. It is the same with the decline of industrial civilization.

      I fully agree that this documentary (and everything on the History Channel) uses hyperbole for entertainment purposes, so I can understand how you think my sentiments match the documentary not just intellectually, but also emotionally. You cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet, and on a myopic level we are not much different than yeast consuming abundant stores of resources, reproducing, and emitting pollutants. This is obviously a vast simplification, but a poignant one.

      That view may seem very "doomy," but for me it comes with the knowledge that many people have lived much happier lives with much less. Wealth isn't happiness, but happiness is wealth.

    4. A gradual collapse has already started. It may speed up soon, it may slow down but it will go on with all disastrous consequences.
      And the problems these guys talk about are not problems - they're symptoms of the greates disease of humanity called unconsciousness.
      Humanity is sleeping and dreaming all kinds of "ambitious" nonsense from becoming rich to becoming famous to becoming powerful etc.
      Wake up from your nightmares and all these "ambitious desires" will evaporate like a morning dew.

    5. Ridiculous......this statement is more wrong than right. One example.....yes maybe today the US can log the tree at a rate that they can replenish and don't run out, what happens when in 10 years time the population increases and more trees need to be logged at an increased rate? eventually the rate will be greater than the replenishing rate. I'm sorry my friend but the way you talk its like the US is magic land and that it can survive anything.......

      Also its not just the US that is in trouble.....all the civilized world is increasing the problem. I'm Australian and I can see that the way we live (basically identical to the US and Canada which I visited in '08) is also eventually going to end in consequence.

      My family make a living from farming, so one thing I always think about is...what if one day something unfortunate happens and human society can't go to the shop and buy the food they need? We will have to start growing and producing our own food for ourselves in our backyard....tell me how many ppl do you know how to survive off their own produce? You might, and so does my family, but I am 100% sure there are millions of Americans and Australians that have no idea.

      I'm not necessarily saying that we are all doomed, but someday (and that could be 500 years from now) the human race is going to suffer immensely. I just hope it wont mean doomsday.

  41. Said 2000 years ago +- non are so blind that they cannot see: They know not what they do: Today: too many are deaf and blind. they do not want to hear it,and can't see it in the future.

  42. I love the guy talking about robots. He had to have felt like a jackass in the middle of all of this. "I think the economy will collapse." "We're running out of water." "Guys, "Terminator" was a documentary!"

  43. Ptoenaitlly itnesreitng cmotnemts hree, ivnadilaetd hevewor by lsouy spnilleg and snetnce srtusurte. If I can't tsurt you wtih the Eilgnsh laugnage how do I trsut you to hvae any biarns at all?
    But seriously, it's amusing to see the His Story channel doing this, complete with customary camp macho voiceover, capitalising as it were on its own sweet very welcome demise as America reaches its Nemesis. Could be the only thing these pushers of unashamed fiction-as-fact get right..

    1. Well, they did Nostradamus.. Why not this?

  44. Water... interesting. if it is true that we have the same water today, as the dinosaurs did then... and if it is also true that we are mostly water... at this rate of Population Growth, wont we run out of water because it is literally inside us all?

  45. please, will somebody unplug Mr de Garis. Ta.

  46. obviously some people as explained in the video will never understand or make a change until its too late. those are the people which will be the first to die off (sean). Your laziness and lack of intelligence will surely be your demise.

  47. Thanks for the anxiety.

  48. ok 1300 years. The romans that is.

  49. The Roman empire lasted 1500 years and u are calling quits on america just over 200. Ridiculous. I know it is not great. Man kind will be ok and thats all that matters. cheer up jeez.

    1. wow, maybe study the mechanics behind this empire. Until this (Roman) society adopted "Democracy" it ran extremely well.

      Suddenly corruption destroyed it in less than 200 years. This again, is a rising trend. History reproducing History.

      Using a system of a few deciding for the will of many always leaves people in a marginalized group.

      America was based upon a Republic as was Rome (many individual groups deciding their own self interests) and working within a framework.

      But it can't be that America is following the path of Rome, in a shorter period of time, in your own understanding of this paradigm?

      I submit some speedier processes to explain ... cell phones, the internet, vast military abilities to reach global targets....can you see and predict a faster decline of the current autocracy.

      But once again, there is probably a TV show that will stop us from paying attention, or following the path of acceptance that we live in an illusion of reality.


  50. ever hear of Biofuel?

    1. @Sean Mahon

      Yes. Most certainly but I just can't get any to produce veggy grease for my new automotive antirust coating, darn!
      The demand for the public commuting services (Bus) is much too high.

      Beside, you have any idea on the type of industrial installation needed to produce a markettable biofuel?
      One of the easiest and most easy method to synthetise it is through the use of calcium ethoxylate of methanolate and let me understand that you know "Who's" the largest alkoylate producer, Huh...?
      Ask alibaba...



    2. yes!! they started to build a BIOFUEL FACTORY co-op outside of Carrollton, mo. 5 years ago. they rustled up 65 million dollars from investors like my step dad. they moved around 63.5 million dollars worth of dirt that was already there, erected 1.5 million dollars worth of structure and tanks and went bankrupt.. It took them 6 months to do this and then fired all local help , pulled up stakes and left the whole thing to rot in the weather and rust. ONLY IN AMERICA

    3. Your sad but typical Biofuel Factory story is the story of our human mentality today.
      Not Only-In-Amerca - it's happening all over the world. No other living creature but only humans brainlessly work, steal, fight and die for Money. Money can help one survive within our artificial human society and its games, but not in the real world.
      Looks like we are experiencing the most gigantic Money psychosis in history, and the majority of us have lost any sense of reality.

    4. Ever hear of magneto generation? Know why? No profit for years after the creation of the magnetic generator. Bio-fuel still benefits the corporations.

      Maybe in the interests of could explain the benefits of biofuel and I will explain how magnetic generation works. And then we can can both peruse the mainstream media for pros and cons?

    5. Its only a matter of cost effectiveness now while we still have plenty of oil. Obviously when the fossil fuels run out the demand will make it profitable.

  51. All of the trouble the human race faces that threatens it's existence are reflections of it's nature. This can be understood as the unseen destructive nature of the individual perspective to which we are subject in the initial state of our evolving nature. When we evolve, into a state of increased conviction of conscience (a unifying perspective) we will establish a common standard of living for all humans. This will eliminate war and produce the perception that whatever problems we face, we face together. This development will be necessary for the continued survival of consciousness that is anchored to the separate perspective of individual physical bodies.

    Inasmuch as we can understand that organisms develop characteristics that are necessary for their survival, we can understand that it would be natural for us to evolve into an increased conviction of conscience which is our direct contact with what generated the creation event 13.7 billion years ago. Our contact is increasing because we (consciousness) are on our way back to this volume from which we expanded in the creation event. This expansion occurred to produce a consciousness anchored to the deceptive and destructive nature of individual perspective. This is necessary because a unifying perspective cannot function as such without something to unify.

    If we can understand that the trouble we are in is born of our nature, then we can understand that we will have to "evolve" our way out of it.

    All proposed solutions to the big problems we face, (which are not problems at all, but are actually symptoms) that do not involve rich people being less rich (a lot less), will fail because unifying perspective designed them to fail, 13.7 billion years ago.

  52. Watch for the coming "money exchange"!!

  53. Just watch and see - it will come to pass!

    New " rainbow " money has been already printed and is stored in Ft. Knox!

  54. This doc is fear mongering on issues that any stable and sensible human should be aware of. Granted we as humans should be more careful as we are biting off more than we can chew in certain topics, but the level at which these guys are proclaiming our country is collapsing with the facade or guise as supposed "wise men" or "prophets" is undeniably a load of horse s***. These a**holes are paid off by a program to scare the s*** out of you and rather than find a solution, have you cower in terror of some sort of incoming artificial catastrophe. As much as I enjoy the History Channel, the same channel that praises Nostradomus as a genius, the same channel that claims Christ as a historical figure despite lack of any evidence, the same program that says ancient aliens hybridized animals and humans thus we why have mythological beasts and deities, is the same program trying to induce horror in the form of information. We as humans are creative, intuitive, intelligent and adaptive. The only corruptness I truly see is in the government and our energy sources. Once these issues are solved, which we have been undertaking for many years, then I'm sure America will survive. I love how the first man said our country wouldn't be unrecognizable in a year, a couple more months will pass and I don't see any major changes happening. Further proof that only idiotic puppets who can't think for themselves on issues they should otherwise have been aware of will submit to the whim of these Fear Mongering Pigs!

    1. I suggest looking up and reading "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life", The Dogon Tribe in Africa, the Dropa people of Asia, the Syrian culture's history of Tiamat and Nibiru, the icosahedron nested in the dodecahedron of Earth creating the hot spots among 'the grid' that define where the Pyramids are, the Bermuda and Japanese Triangles, Stonehenge, and many UFO hot spots on this planet. Your negative comments only stem from the ignorance of your knowledge on the subjects. As for the Christ thing.. I'm not necessarily a believer myself, but I would recommend a book called, "The Case for Christ" as this provides some of the toughest questions non-Christians could ask about the reality of Christ and whether or not he existed and some rather powerful evidence for you to conclude to on your own.

    2. Negative? You call me negative after watching a doom and gloom program meant to scare people? Oh and thanks for those suggestions in the first half of your paragraph, I do actually find the ancient astronaut theory interesting despite the vast amounts of speculation and guesswork amongst the hoaxers and shams that are featured on that show. I'm not saying all of it is hogwash, but I'm quite aware of much of what they talk about since Ive been into ufology for more than 10 years. That show exploits ufology and is quite frankly an embarrassment to the community as anyone who can process logic knows what these people are doing, trying to make book sales off sheer concepts and ideas with little to no proof. As I said, not all of it is hogwash, but the past two seasons have been ridiculous.

      As for the case of Christ, growing up catholic I had read it and honestly I can't say I believe in him. He reminds me too much of the typical hero you read of in ancient mythology, he practically parallels it to a tee, it's actually kind of shocking to see how closely related the hero's journey is to Christs. It's also no surprise that many pagan gods mirror the hero's journey to some degee, thus they share similarities with the figure of Christ. Interesting book if your an agnostic I suppose, but to me he is merely recycled mythology in the guise of a Jewish god.

  55. Bwarff! Didn't learn anything new in there for one. Secong, it's a fact that these guys only worry about the 'way of life in which they grew up.
    And if it dies: -"There'll be one child more to carry on".
    Even though, if human beings destroy itself as it could have been the case in the great McArtur paranoia era, maybe we could add a finger to the next specie so it'd be easier to scrach the itch?


  56. These guys have it all wrong. The fallacy of their assumptions is the western urban middle class context. Even if only .00001% of humans survive, then the SPECIES will survive. Species survival is a trait of nature. Cultural survival is not.

    1. None of them are really talking about EXTINCTION!!! They're talking about the survival of America as a world power. Did you even watch it?? These guys are right on target, and my favorite part was they DIDN'T talk about the extinction of the species which so many other specials try to do (and which, IMO, is beyond laughable, all the way to moronically ignorant. It would take the extinction of the planet to extinguish human beings). This special was so good because they ARE talking about lower and middle class Americans and telling us if we don't wake the f*ck up, we're not going to BE a world power anymore, and the great wealth of America will be gone. This wasn't a special aimed at the Asians or Europeans. It's aimed at the biggest dangers to the most proliphically wealthy and powerful civilization/population that's ever lived!!--20th Century America! If Americans do NOT wake up, do NOT get moving, do NOT start talking about the things they discuss and make the necessary changes, America (not the rest of the world, not the species... JUST the USA!) WILL collapse as a great civilization.

  57. Whats with the scare tactics??? Wow! All this gloom and doom talk was laughable!

    1. Which part did you find laughable? Or are you unaware our country is on the precipice of a financial collapse? That the collapse has already started? What surprised ME most (and pleasantly so) was the utter LACK of "doom and gloom" talk. There were some doom and gloom images, but by and large I don't think a single one of them believes the USA will disolve as a nation, even if all of these crises hit us as once. Will we lose our place as the most powerful nation to ever live? I don't think it's possible for us NOT to lose that place. In fact, I would argue we already have. And it's people saying things like "ha ha ha... doom and gloom... laughable" which fits directly in with the cognitive dissonance (however poorly it was defined) America is facing at present. It's too grand and scary a concept for us to even face, people like you are laughing at it instead of taking action to do something to stop it. It's precisely responses like yours which make me believe we DESERVE to lose our place as the wealthiest country on the planet. We mirror Rome before its collapse perfectly! Our military is spread too thin, we are experiencing incursions at our borders on a daily basis, and our government is so corrupt you have to buy your way in to get anything done. These were the three major reasons for the downfall of Rome at its peak. We suffer from the same three, and unless Americans wake up and stop calling "water shortages" and "power shortages" laughable, we WILL wake up one day only to flush the toilet and not see it refill... turn the tap on and have nothing come out... show up at the bank to find it closed, and the ATMs inoperable. We can stop it. We can prevent it, but NOT by laughing it off. No wonder Nero fiddled as Rome burned. Perhaps I should buy a fiddle so I can fiddle as the USA falls apart.

  58. Right - on- point. To get the message out to all kinds of people we need to use different approaches, hence the doom feel of 'Prophets of Doom'. Yes there are major 'fresh' water shortages (world wide), worse is access to CLEAN water. Yes un-manned/personed robots are NOW being used in War (See the new doc zone film titled Robots in War who show the drone planes and on the ground bots they say are now being used in the tens of thousands - by about 40 countries)' maybe you want to ask the representatives you vote for what their ethics are about robot soldiers, etc. Yes there will be an end to oil and cheap oil very soon. And yes, there were solutions presented - maybe we don't want to hear it? - or don't understand the concepts/words: end to growth, localization, sustainability, water authorities & conservation. Maybe not so new or not so sexy ideas, but the facts are we have been living way beyond our means. I was most interested in the discussion of human 'nature' -looks like we will have to get past our own evolution which refuses to respond to or 'see' a crisis unless it is upon us - we will have to force ourselves to think forward and sacrifice in the sense of learning new skills and ways of meeting basic needs.It's real. It's now. Will you contribute to the solutions or choose to continue being part of the problem? (An old Confucius curse: "May you live in interesting times", ha, that we do :) -peace

  59. What I gained from this flim. Don't trust white men!

    1. Joe, grab some more brain cells, you need it.

    2. I don't think that's all Joe needs. Much like "heaven27" and "Johan" above, Joe needs a finer grip on reality.

  60. Its not that we are going to run dry, or run out of water. Its contamination of the water. Humans are smart enough that there can be only one outcome. SELFDESTRUCTION

  61. I couldn't stop laughing at these men. Robots? The earth will run out of water?
    Utter scaremongering. How much credit can you give to a program that in the opening spiel basically calls Nostradamus an genius? How many of his predictions came true again? Oh right, we're all still alive.
    It's illegal to shower for more than 5 minutes in Australia? Where did he get that nonsense from? If a so-called expert comes out with something as false as that how can anyone give any weight this program at all.
    Sadly there are people out there who will take this as gospel and not as the drivel it actually is.

    1. As far as robots you should take a look at Japan, they are very advanced in the kind of technology being discussed. Also check out the documentary 'Transcendent Man'. Its about the Ray Kurzweil inventer who has been predicting this for many years now and technologically we are moving closer towards it all the time.

    2. Taking a 5 min ute shower is " RECOMMENDED" !!!!!!!! not illegal in Australia. This documentary lost all credibility.

    3. Here's what it said about Nostradamus... VERBATIM:
      "UNLIKE Nostradamus or other bygone prophets, they look NOT to crystal balls or the stars, but to actual evidence to reinforce their claims." If that's calling Nostradamus a genius, I'd REALLY like to see how they refer to someone who bases their opinion on superstition! One thing I noticed was there were fights and disagreements amongst these six men which DIDN'T make the film. From the best I can tell, a 5 minute shower is RECOMMENDED in Australia for everyone and IS illegal in certain parts of Australia, just as it's ILLEGAL in certain parts of Florida to water your lawn while the sun is out or on certain days of the week. This isn't the law EVERYWHERE in Florida, but it's certainly the law where I live (Tampa). Also, it's important to note he was launching into a string of hypotheticals. Unfortunately, due to his poor sentence structure, it's impossible to tell if he was claiming this MIGHT be a law some day or IS the law today. Of all the guys on there, I thought his argument was one of the poorest (grammar wise, diction wise, accuracy wise), despite it being , in some ways, one of the most compelling (in that it's hard to argue any society could exist anywhere without fresh water). What annoyed me most about his argument was his failure to call for desalinization plants to be built along the coasts. There's talk at present about building a desalinization plant in either San Diego or Los Angeles. Either/or would be a good idea, IMO. The same is true, IMO, of Florida and Texas. Both states should be looking to build one or more desalinization plants. A solar desalinization plant (yes, solar is expensive RIGHT NOW, but also nearly limitless and abundant, as well as eternal--or at least as eternal as humans and the earth are concerned) would end fresh water concerns for any region. Saudi Arabia, Dubai, and Kuwait all already have functioning desalinization plants, though all three run on oil. Build one which runs on either hydro, wind, or solar power and you have a nearly limitless fresh water resource.

      You may want to knock the 'fresh water' guy, but this earth does not have sufficient fresh water to supply it to 7 billion people indefinitely, and he was right when talking about the Ogallala Aquifer not replenishing itself sufficiently with rain water, nor was he wrong in making the connection between the Ogallala aquifer and the wheat belt and what happens to the US food supply when there's no more water in that aquifer to irrigate crops. Worse yet, our population is still growing. Even if you want to throw out the fresh water argument altogether, both the peak oil equation, and "world economy is based on world wide ponzi scheme" statements are more or less correct.

      Just because a person makes a mistake on one fact doesn't mean you should ignore their entire argument. After all, YOUR argument started off trying to tell people this documentary called Nostradamus a genius when in fact they were calling him a charlatan. That's a pretty huge mistake. Does that mean you have ZERO credibility? Not in my book, at least if you can admit you made a mistake. I'm betting if we all faced John Cronin and asked him where he got the Australia thing he'd either correct all of us and show us laws in Australia which prove him right, OR, he'd admit he made a mistake and say something to the effect of "oh, I know! i wish I never said that! I should have done more research on that one point" or some such.

  62. Figure out how to harness lightning & we're good, well on the energy topic.

    1. We're actually just fine on the energy topic. The only thing people have to argue about is which is the most cost effective, but even in the absolute WORST case, we could turn entire states into solar generators, require all new buildings to have solar power generating exterior materials and batteries. The only reason you're not seeing MOST of us jump to a solar and battery powered existence is oil is still cheaper. Just as we may have reached a point of peak oil, there will come a point where solar and wind power become cheaper than oil (due to scarcity), and when that happens we'll switch over. Yes, it will take awhile to completely finish the switch over, but it'll happen eventually and we'll all be able to have our terminator robots to kill us (Didn't that chick look creepy?). :-) At least as long as we have enough food and water. :-)

  63. I believe solar power will have to be seriously researched as the fuel of the future. We should have been putting more money and will into making it a super fuel 30 years ago

    1. It is being, and will be. There's another form of energy (outside of the ever elusive "hydrogen cell" or "fusion" power) which is abundant and available which is being researched by lots of people, myself being one of them. Please respect and understand my desire not to get into just what it is so as not to increase the competition. I'm admittedly a greedy ass capitalist. :-)

    2. are you talking of methane hydrate?

  64. It has nothing to do with Capitalism or the New World order or any of those peripheral issues. This is about the coming and completely unstoppable Malthusian catastrophe. Unstoppable short of the deliberate annihilation of four billion people that is.
    "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man". Thomas Robert Malthus

    1. Malthus was an apologist for the rich. With our current capacitty for production we can currently sustain 36 billion people. We are only running at 70% capacity now. The reason people are staving is precisely because of the political economy-namely Das Kapital.

  65. After only 15 minutes I've had enough of that New World Order propaganda.

    1. you mean the propaganda extolling the glories of "new world order" ... ghw bush

      "Once again, Americans have stepped forward to share a tearful goodbye with their families before leaving for a strange and distant shore. At this very moment, they serve together with Arabs, Europeans, Asians, and Africans in defense of principle and the dream of a new world order." g. h. w. bush 1991

    2. If one admits the "old world order" is that of Christianity and the Church, I am ALLLLLL FOR a New world order. I just find it so funny when people talk about the "new world order" without mentioning which "old world order" it is to which they'd like to adhere.

  66. I hate when people say "Capitalism has failed." Capitalism didn't fail. America doesn't truly *have* capitalism. If we *had* capitalism, then AIG, Citigroup, and GM (among others) would no longer exist. If anything they would've been broken up and sold piecemeal to entrepreneurs with money and new ideas. The problem with this country is the government is too heavily involved, supporting failed businesses including the US Post Office and other money-losing organizations.

    1. I agree to your assertion that the government is too involved....during the Bush years the involvement at the executive level by removing regulation allowed Enron to happen, and plant the seeds of the crisis in the financial world, and indirectly led to the Gulf oil spill, etc.
      Yes there are lots of government hands in the cookie jar, but once the damage is done we tend to blame the replacements because they are here and now, and the people who have caused the damage are happy to see someone else be held accountable for it.

      Greed in the US will never allow true capitalism or true socialism to exist.
      Greed will always lead to collusion, fraud, and conflict of interest. This is why you need regulation: to protect people from themselves.

      However the people holding the purse strings know that it is easy to use fear mongering from the 50's to keep your eye off the ball. The average American citizen is an unwitting pawn to the corporations. They would have you believe you live in a capitalist society, but you're really feeding a system of collusion and corruption that perpetuates a polarization that is akin to the scandals revealed in the communist world when the wall came down.
      The few well intentioned government officials are at the mercy of playing within the confines of the game just to get to the positions of power in order to effect change. They inherently damage their own credibility along the way and so become identified as just more of the same, and the ousted party trying desperately to get back to the trough are willing to say anything and do anything to rekindle that deep seated fear.

      When you have a group of Americans referring to a black man as a Nazi, or making comparisons to Hitler himself, then you know the fear mongering has gone overboard....but when you see some of the public swallowing it, then you know where your own society really is.

      Government regulation is to protect individual's rights, and to prevent an individual from obstructing another individual's rights while exercising their own rights. It's a tricky balance.

      Why is it the people who are already making money are the only ones crying for the government to get out of the way ?

      Why is it the pharmaceutical and medical insurance companies are the loudest critics of health care reform ?

      What does government regulation that prevents companies from exploiting US citizens have to do with your own civil liberty ?

    2. Your wrong. Capital is about accumulation and concentration with fewer and fewer owners at the top. Their is no such thing as the "economy" separate from the political. The classical definition is political economy. Under capitalism we have a capitalist state that performs managerial tasks for the owners of capital.

  67. These men are Americas SHAMAN. We had better listen.

  68. Doom in USA is the true doom? How come this doc only talks about doom inside America, and not one single time about doom hitting USA from outside? Talk about egocentricity and propaganda...

    1. are U suggesting that we aren't self destructing? are you brain dead or a government stooge?

    2. Surely, you can't possibly suggest that everything that is happening in the US today has been engineered by outsiders. This is as an 'inside job' as they come. All of it, from top to bottom. Also, if you studied history, you'd see that every empire self-destructs. What is happening in the US today is exactly that, the Empire is falling in front of your eyes yet y'all can't see it.

    3. You need to watch: "Why We Fight", "Enron, The Smartest Guys in the Room", "The Bush Years", "Bush's War", "The Boogeyman - The Lee Atwater Story"......together you begin to compile a more complete picture of why we're at where we're at today.

      - what other country on this planet exploits the resources of other countries on the scale of the US ?

      The US is the new Rome.

      It is classic human nature for someone to make a mess and then be tempted to blame someone else for it.

      You wanted cheap goods, and higher corp profits, so you outsourced to China and other 3rd world labor resources.

      Well, you got them.....and all that comes with it. It's a classic be careful what you ask for.

      Gore Vidal: "Americans live in the United States of Amnesia"

      Right now there is a economic symbiotic relationship between the US and China. It doesn't matter how much the US is in debt to China because China needs the US to keep buying the crap that US corporations have outsourced to them. The American consumer is the glue keeping it all together at the moment. Unfortunately it's not a closed system and there are two major factors that are going to result in the eventual dissolution of the current relationship. The first is the current runaway credit crisis that has been building for many years. This in itself represents an inevitable collapse if left unchecked.
      Also, as the 3rd world catches up, more and more people in the 3rd world are beginning to afford to buy the same crap....meaning once China can still churn out the same amount of product and no longer depend on US customers, then the US is really in big trouble.

      Throw in a little religious arrogance and an insatiable thirst for oil, and you've got the makings of exploitation of foreign resources on a level the Romans could never have dreamed of.

      ....and remember, this all started when you got greedy and started sending your own jobs overseas. You got what you wanted. Don't blame outsiders.

      But the corporations funding political parties who perpetuate the fear mongering to preserve the current imbalance, ensure you focus your frustration on any entity that threatens their own personal profits.

    4. Captial has a need for constant expansion thus globalization is systematic-the capitalist are as trapped by this cut-throat system as we are. Most rich people will admit they really don't ned all the money they have-in fact the European Bourgeois volunteered to pay higher taxes to avoid social unrest and risk losing it all. In the North America we have less a tradition of socialism and have denied our classism ( while paying attention to ever other ism in the world except the main one. ) That is our greatest obstacle to social change. WE have buried the history of class struggle in America and forgotten how to fight.

  69. It is true that he is only telling us the obvious problems but he is not making any solutions. We need to make our gardens in the city. On rooftops and backyards.

    1. watch Plants For A Future right here on SeeUat Videos....
      I agree. Gardening is the way to be one step closer to self sufficiency!

    2. I have an acre of land. It's rocky, lakeside, glacial plateau land. It's for sale...taxes are too high to just carry it. I'm starting to wonder if selling is wise.

    3. @Lary
      Is your acre close to where you live? What could grow there other than pot? lol
      Organic Garlic is one of the best produce to grow large quantity. You plant it in the fall, you hardly do anything to it, mulch tight once, pick the flowers in mid season which you can sell (people are becoming aware of how much they taste good), and the harvest is quite easy. Organic garlic sells for $9, and you procuce your own seed every year. A good friend of mine in Grand Forks grows 2 long rows of garlic every year, 8 bulbs wide by about 100 feet), she gets 1000 back for little effort, last year she sold part of the crop through the internet to some folks in Ontario.
      Garlic flowers are real good pickled and a great decoration for martinis, or you can steam them like asparagus, or use them in soup. They don't have a strong garlic taste like the actual garlic.

    4. didn't you read the food safety and management bill? u

  70. That's the problem with these sort of "round table" discussions. Far too much generalization about people and far too few solutions.
    They would be better off discussing each problem followed by several alternative steps to solution with examples and relative costs.
    Sustainable living has examples all over the planet they could use. Of course the people representing these solutions seem odd compared to modern urban society, but the solutions can be adapted and showing how that adaption is possible would be far better than watching a bunch of doom and gloom intellectuals sitting around wringing their hands.
    There are people in Iowa who are turning farm waste into energy. There are people in Kansas making use of wind and building with loval materials. There are people in Colorado who are using streams to power their "green" homes. There are religious sects who are managing to live without modern energy. There are people building urban hydroponic farms as well as large scale suburban fish and hydro farms.
    Its all there, we just need to be aware, learn, and add our own creative abilities to reduce our dependence on corporate and government support of services.

  71. Volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, pandemics, peak oil, world financial collapse, nuclear attacks, water shortages and other resource shortages, global warming, extinction of species, mass pollution, anarchy, famines, over-population and wars.

    Most of these problems are caused by humans, either directly or indirectly - I think it's partially Mother Nature's way of getting rid of the most destructive and greedy species on Earth AND the above list are also a consequence of our own actions.

    1. Really? Japan is one of the most enviroinmentally friendly places on earth, did Mother Nature decide to get rid of them while they began recycling immediatly after the disaster they experienced?

    2. yeah Japan is environmentally friendly, but the fact is, they export their environmental unfriendliness to the third world and one day it is going to catch up with them.

    3. Mother Nature is not a GOD that punishes...she is energy on a big round thing that has moods just like you and i. Trying to control that and explaining why is a bit of a mystery. Would'nt you say?

  72. A WELL WORN PATH and a butterfly

    You were brought up to be a good person and function true blue like me
    To listen and obey what parents had to say and find your way in a culture of “me”, work hard with good rewards
    To get a job and be good at what you choose and consume the best that you can be
    To be happy and content with who you are and follow a well worn path
    Get married and raise your kids to be supreme and succeed
    So all in all you and I turned out not too bad we pat each other on the back, metabolized our vanity well and live self righteously stout and became captives as a result - in this story of a well worn path
    We claimed our way in this life boat world and became a survivor / star and rationalized the high on the pure oxygen of “I””
    Following all the rules and a job well done with a performance 10 out of 10 – we made the grade and set the bar for another generation on a well traveled path
    - but it’s time to say we became autistic at the end of the day, the dialogue has stopped sovereign achievement has been the talk – adoption a whitewash, devotion deceived, covenant no longer a jubilee.

    Before the loin and the lamb come out to play
    re vision the story of kingdom first and inspire dry bones with the wonder of the Word in black and white, written on the heart and redeem a life of covenant pledge and profile the prophet, priest and king into the hands and feet of a servant child anointing the neighbour with the truth that we are not the centre of the universe?
    This idol to personal fulfillment on a modern diet, in a three piece suit with gratification as proof to boot, requires the tension of truth to be born again and see the widow and the orphan as a calling once again
    - blindsiding the neighbourhood with half-truths and terrible lies about getting it right

    Incarnate the bread and the wine and eat and drink the bond of covenant love - salt the daily walk - the creation groans – covenantal autism has become the norm and swallowed us up whole - we are dick and jane and a dog named spot all over again
    It’s time to say this generation got it wrong as if the technology and a constitutional bill of rights into the fourth and the fifth generations were going to make it right
    Re-imagine Yahweh on the way to work and play, in the theatre company of complete brokenness (as far as the eye can see) and live the promise of a Kingdom present as gift of wisdom to image the “I AM” into another brand new day
    Stumble and fall the truth stands tall – reclaim the character of salt and the covenant identity to be a light with the memory of a slave making nothing but bricks and the flight into a one on one, desert wilderness that should be as intimate as your underwear
    Transformation is the radical means designed to be, you and I by the renewal of the mind remembering what God has done
    Righteousness is the landscape and the practise is a mustard seed at home in a place called church but nurtured in the neighbourhood by a daily risk to love the stranger as you love yourself, founded on a heritage of pure grace and the quiet wind of an all-inclusive Pentecost
    - and stand in the fray with more than conquers in the city square
    A well worn path is like a little cosy cocoon; both expire until it flies like a butterfly and set the captive free
    A seed must die before it sprouts new growth and not only that - but the first shall be last says the liturgy of God
    But even then you go out into the world white as snow
    Bless our stubborn need to change
    Grant a vision for the impossible in the name of Christ we pray
    Bless the absurdity of metamorphose into the marrow of human bones to be
    the stock and trade in our well worn paths that they may become living credos of shalom

    1. Possesive individualism yep a product of good ol British Liberalsim-we need to expand the meaning of democraacy to include economic equality. Can you handle it? Yes we have the capacity to produce even robotically so none of have to work so hard enough for all.

  73. This documentary was quite informing, and teaches us a lesson on how we have the power to change for the better. I know it is a hasty generalization; however, we Americans are selfish and quite blind. When throwing a cup away, I throw it in the trash because I am too lazy to recycle it. A family goes to the store and buys 12 -24 packs of Poland Spring because it is supposedly better in quality. A man buys a Hummer that destroys the planet because he wants to be powerful. We use gas and deplete resources for leather seats and a TV in the back of an SUV. We made a society where everybody has to better then some poor person. In my opinion, we need to learn to sacrifice and we need humility. I am young and enjoy luxury; however, I see my own generation not caring becoming callous, and not worrying about what we are going to have to go through. Change is possible and we as Americans need to band together and realize where we are going. It is serious, and the concept of caring about your fellow man may be the solution

  74. We are definitely in for a wild ride over the next few years, no doubt about it and obviously should stop acting like the party'll never end. I worked for the Water Authority (Western Australia) in the 1980's and we knew then the MASSIVE issues we would be having here in Australia with water shortages... they ARE already coming true as expected and we can only water gardens on Sundays (morning and evening only) and there are heavy fines for those caught doing otherwise, BUT... and this IS A BIG BUT, we DO NOT have "5 minute showering restrictions" here, or ANYWHERE in Australia. Illegal to shower in Australia for more than 5 minutes? Absurd!! I can't stand it when theorists (who are probably being highly paid to scare monger) make up absolute rubbish to dramatise their point. Now how am I to take ANYTHING else here seriously. Damn you History Channel, this is not History...this is YOURstory and now any good points brought up are rendered possibly useless. Who makes the History Channel doco's??? Chicken Little?


    1. I was listening to what that bloke was saying about water until he said it is illegal to shower for more than 5 minutes in Australia! Really have to wonder about his credibility when he is pulling out rubbish like that! I live in Victoria and I could take a day long shower if I bloody well wanted to!

    2. Lived in California for 7yrs. You can water your lawn all day long if you want but it is against the law many days of the year...a law that is not enforced specially if you have friendly neighbour who don't call in. Now i am not saying this guy is right. Never set foot in Australia...would love to though...and i promise if i go i'll keep my shower time to a minimum!

  75. Too bad Gleason and his nuclear terrorist rant, in particular, was included. Talk about not seeing the elephant in the room.

  76. What I find humorous is that they talk about saving lives, but isn't that the whole problem, too many people to sustain. And what about polar shift, Albert Einstein even agreed it would be the end of mankind. That's where I'm putting my money.

    1. Einstein didn't support that idea, and in fact, was an opponent of it.

      In his work The Path of the Pole, Hapgood conceded Einstein's point that the weight of the polar ice would be insufficient to bring about a polar shift. Instead, Hapgood argued that the forces that caused the shifts in the crust must be located below the surface. He had no satisfactory explanation for how this could occur.

      The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis states that there have been geologically rapid shifts in the relative positions of the modern-day geographic locations of the poles and the axis of rotation of the Earth, creating calamities such as floods and tectonic events. No form of the hypothesis is accepted amongst the scientific community.


    2. Thanks for straightening that out for me Brent , now whos the idiot...

  77. was it during the bush administration that the patriot act made nuclear illegal and nucular the new norm for sounding llike a retard when u say it?

  78. Funny none of them bothered to mention what happens when Yellowstone blows.

    1. lol

  79. Think its james remar... raiden in mortal kombat. They had to get someone with a spooky voice. This is dog sh*t, there are alternative power sources and yeah the population boom was probably down to the industrial revolution but thats because there were less people. 1 gallon of crude is said to be 100 man power, there millions of unemployed people so agricutural output needn't be a problem. And what are they thinking... there was no international trade pre-industry? Hundreds of years ago we used wind and horses to move goods thousands of miles. In recorded history the sahara was ariable landwater shifts all the time where do they think its all going? Climate shifts are mostly to blame for this but man is only slightly (in my opinion) to blame for the current climate change. We cut down earths carbon filters and the living system that regulates the water table so for all thats is good in the world LEGALISE HEMP!!!!! The logging industry and the banking industry are the same entity which is ironic since notes or bills are mostly cotton. Test runs are in motion for a new break-through in a hydrogen based synthetic petrol. all we need to do is re-prioritise our research budgets and production budget because personally I would rather have sustainable living standards than a fecking playstation 4 that I can run for 2 months before the power cuts and I have to start killing my neighbours for their food.

  80. Narrated by optimus prime

  81. Just a bunch of guys trying to shock and scare while not really offering any solutions. Nothing new with this documentary.

    And the narrator sounds like he should be narrating a crime scene investigation show.

  82. Good Doc. Your attempt to solve the problems is honorable. However, you are forgetting the psychopaths that run this world. They do not think like these men and 99% of the population ( 80% they want to eliminate ). The UN needs to be shut-down first and foremost. It is currently waging war on countries, as in Libya. It is a non-profit charter with a doctrine to promote peace, and it is barred from participating in any political decisions of the USA . Now think real hard about what I just said. Then think about it again, then again, and again, until it sinks in. Now here is my list of priorities:

    1. Eliminate a nuclear Holocaust: We cannot worry about any other problems until we reduce the total number of nuclear weapons in the world by 2/3. A nuclear war will not kill all the people, but it will make this world drastically uninhabitable for at least a century.

    2. Financial system: We have a giant ponzi scheme, this is true. We need to change it or else we will continue to have the same problems. There are many alternatives to a fiat monetary system. The strongest is the back-based currency, with gold-silver and other resources that the US produces such as the overall GDP. Then eliminate usury.

    3. Political System: file lawsuits and fine and jail all the corrupt politicians in the Congress and Presidential Administration. This includes previous administrations that violated the Constitution and other laws of the USA, including war crimes.

    4. War & Power: These issues will be handled with ease and without corruption, once the above is taken care of in time.

    5. Robots: I see this as a waste of energy at this time. It is not an immediate problem.

  83. i'm not getting any sound on this video.

    1. it's in mono, so it might be on the other set. Mine only had sound from the left speaker.

    2. "'s in mono, so it might be on the other set. Mine only had sound from the left speaker..."
      Me too.

  84. I am more concerned with the fear organization that is the Government then small unorganized groups. Or for that matter small organized groups. Give me some facts without fear and I may start to listen, but I have grown tired of the mind games. You can not live on what if's, get the facts for yourself.

    The solution to fear is understanding, you only fear what you don't understand but there is a solution to this, and it is free to any that take their freedom to understand. Sorry I'm not biting anymore :p

  85. I wish the history channel was .
    The narrator sounded like one of those horror movie trailer voice overs.
    The style of fear mongering and sensationalism in this "doc" make the important issues mentioned in it come across as stupid.

    1. "The narrator"!!? Thats Lance Henrikson! Anywho this doc is in mono. Pffft.

    2. It reminds me of the kind of docs that airs on History channel a sunday night alongside the lines of Nostradamus and 2012... Sad, even though most facts are... relevant but now i doubt its credibility o_o. Agree with dreamer.

  86. Thnx, its a good doc, bros :)

    1. Its PURE C***, and the History Channel should be ashamed of itself for putting out such scare tactics. I'm over here, in my basement working on a client's order, and listening to this 'so called' documentary is making me angry,....and sick of what is being shoveled our way.

      The only thing that is a real and present danger, is the fiscal, and monetary straight we are placing ourselves within. And it is all due to Progressivism, and this horrible push to create the ultimate Collectivist State. That's it. All the rest of the forecasts would have the late Julian Simon dying again from laughter.

      Climate Change? Yeah, there is climate change, but instead of warming, it will be the next little ice age, which is already ramping up. "Hey, its the Sun that is doing all this, not CO2!" And about that next glaciation that is already overdue? How we are going to halt the ice shelfs from overrunning Canada and the northern US is where we should be concentrating.

      Natural Resources? Suddenly we are on the edge of being the world's number one oil and gas producer. I wonder why? And we are on the edge of a major carbon era, where carbon will be replacing iron and other minerals, because carbon is stronger and lighter. And we're running out of natural resources? The one natural resource we appear to be running out of, is common sense.

      Not enough fresh, potable, water? And these geniuses have never heard of graphene, have they? Graphene, printed in thin sheets, will completely desalinate salt water, and use no energy. Its in the process of being mass produced. So much for not enough water.

      I could go on and on about all this, but it just elevates my blood pressure. The only decent documentary History has put out was "Little Ice Age: Big Chill". That is the sort of thing they should be promoting, not rancid feces like this show. Give me a Break!

      Now, when are we going to start working o that first space elevator, and getting into space? That's the biggest solution to our problems.