Plants for a Future

Ratings: 8.95/10 from 83 users.

A garden you can eat, a garden you can wear, a garden you can use as your medicines, a garden you can use as fuel and to build your houses... a garden full of purposes, and a garden you can enjoy as well - that you can sit in - and a garden that doesn't take up all your time. You can actually, for a few hours of work each week, produce the things that you need.

Ten years as a London bus drive drove Ken Fern to look for an alternative way of life. After a period of grindingly hard work growing annual crops on a small plot in Sari, he decided to investigate news ways of rearing plants which were not quite so labor intensive. Inspired by Robert Hart's ideas and the will to make their dreams a reality, Ken and his wife Addy finally settled on a 28 acre field in Cornwall, which is exposed to the full force of southwest winds blowing in from the Atlantic.

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22 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Gecho

    Inspiring story! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Charyn Whitaker

    Volume is way too low

  3. John Smith

    Can anyone suggest some similar docs, or articles? I found this extremely interesting and would like to further research this and similar subjects.

    1. sknb

      Read "The Secret Life of Plants"

  4. iesika

    This was really interesting. I wish the audio quality was a bit better... I had a lot of difficulty understanding details like which morning glory the first guy was talking about, etc.

    I've got to try that tire tower thing.

  5. Clayton Taylor

    I have so many ideas for a new type of society based on this way of life. In August I will begin planting my own food forrest in about six months!

  6. David Dureault

    damn I wish I was a vacuous male, but alas I like knowing and gaining knowledge. I'm inspired by people who do things and think, after all that's what I was taught to do in school. Food sovereignty is so foreign to the vast majority, yet it is one of the most simplistic courses of action towards health and long life. Why do you need a sandwich when you can have fresh raw and wonderful.

  7. toddy

    It goes to show you that true organics is truly a great way to grow crops. I also use an organic approach. I'll use the leaves in the fall and dig them into the soil, use the grass clippings during the summer to mulch they'll break down in a couple of weeks all the while use the kitchen scraps( i.e. coffee grounds, veg scraps, fish bones and e.t.c).And if I'm lucky enough to get some horse or cow manure I'll add that. Talk about 10 ft tomato plants I am not joking.

    1. Guest

      You may not be joking but im sure u are lying about 10' tomato's. There is no way u can get black prince, gold nugget, early cascade,evergreen,flame orange, garden peach, jubilee, green zebra,prudens purple, pink oxheart, sundrop,tigerella, pineapple,black krim, anna russian, banana legs, cherokee purple, brandywine pink, beef steak, and better boy hybrids tomato's to 10' tall. Most start ripening after 70 days so unless u live in the artic in the summer u will never get that tall of a tomato plant. Also just in case u do live in the artic the summer temp will still be to low for advanced accelerated growth you would need to get 10' tall. Im sure your tomatos where tall with you organic nutrient system maybe 6'-7' but no way 10'. i must say u do have the right idea growing tomatos they cost 2.25-3.00 dollars each where i live. At that price it makes it worth growing a few it can save u alot of money over a year. oh yea the doc was great maybe some people might watch it and think "hey maybe i could grow some free food" and thats good for everyone in the world.

    2. Guest

      Goggle "tallest tomato plants"...there is even photographs for you to believe...last summer i grew cherry tomatoes and yes the plants got to be "almost" 10 feet high. The seed were started in a green house early April (in the Kootenays) and
      transplanted in a sunny area, fed manure, compost, mulched with straw and talked and sang to when ever i was high.

    3. greyspoppa

      Wow, that's the most expert coverage on tomato's i wish i had never read.I'll bet you a 10' tomato plant your not married, have kids, or a life. Before you write a reply to someones post, think does anybody really care? Grow up and think to yourself when you have nothing but nerdy expertize about tomato's.D-O-U-C-H-E

    4. sknb

      Wow. Bitter, party of one.

      Sheesh, man. You obviously don't understand the joy or passion of creating life through gardening. By insulting someone for having knowledge that you do not possess is ignorant, mean, and proves your myopic view of the world. Why must he have children or a wife? Why is that a requirement for a fulfilling life?

      I defend people who seek to attain knowledge. As a teacher, I am constantly fighting the dulling and numbing effects that people with your viewpoint (greyspoppa)have on this earth. Should man's only goal be to spawn offspring? I say, a resounding no.


    5. jbriggs_87

      make me a sandwich *****

    6. sknb

      HA! Oh Jbriggs, I CAN make you a sandwich with my homegrown basil from my garden that I grew with KNOWLEDGE. Silly boy.

      Oh you are SUCH a big man, calling women b****** on a faceless internet site because they are defending the pursuit of knowledge.

      So sad. Yeah, I'll make you a sandwich dude, with some henbane and belladonna. See how that treats ya.

    7. toddy potseed

      long live us "nerdy people"

    8. toddy potseed

      First and fore most why belittle some one with a knowledge of plants. Now my knowledge on tomatoes is second to my knowledge on another beloved plant called Cannabis. Let it be known i go by another moniker "Toddy Potseed i'm the one and only). I can say that i have developed my own strain. Can you say that, i think not. And i have not taken others works such sa AK47, Hash plant or ohters and crossed them and then say its mine. No i have taken bag seeds that i liked over the years and breed them together. It's been a few years that i have bought a bag so i've been using my own seeds for the past few years.

    9. greyspoppa

      Did you even read the post i was replying to? He called the guy a liar in his first sentence, that's why he got crushed. I love knowledge why else would i watch docs here? Go more with the cannabis mods, way more sexy than tomatoes.

    10. toddy potseed

      I kid you not about 10 ft tall plants. I have measured them and the tape measure dosn't lie. I do live in ny state and also have lived in ct previously. Just so you know that what i,ve grown where super sweets, romas and big boys.

    11. Eric

      Same here and Im in Canada , not exactly Sun Paradise .
      100% organic , homemade compost , hay/straw/leaf mulches , and organic fish emulsion 3-3-2 for vegetative stages , and Organic Seaweed kelp 2-2-7 , last year we ended up getting a 2 lb 8.5 oz Tomato , from an Italian heirloom .

      My favorite tomatoes plants are , AMish Paste and Gilbertie for sauces (meaty types ), Boxcar willie for slicing and salads , and Risentraube for Cherry tomatoes .

      I toppped my Tomato plants at 8ft because it would of outgrown my stakes !
      The Riesentraubes will grow to about 6' high , and produce about 500 cherries each , no joke !

      Ive been doing this for about 5 years ,

      I only grow Indeterminate types of tomatoe plants , prune the suckers and it will grow sky high .

  8. Thomas M

    This is really inspiring. We just started growing some vegetables inside in our solarium when I had the idea to stack them to make better use of the space and the sunlight. Unfortunately in Quebec the summers are nice but relatively short. I wonder whether these methods would apply (half)inside as well.

    1. iesika

      Some of them definitely work inside. I've got a little lime tree and a Meyer lemon (pruned to stay at about four feet each) with mint and thyme growing in the same pot. Having low herbs in the pot help maintain the moisture level. You could probably train a tomato or something similar up each one, too, for three layers in one pot.