The Path to Radicalization

2018, Society  -   18 Comments
Ratings: 6.04/10 from 50 users.

In 2017, as violence erupted during the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the world witnessed a re-energized movement of seething hatred and intolerance. For Jacob Goodwin, that movement is a way of life. "I advocate for white civil rights," the young man says from a prison visitation booth. He was one of six white supremacists who were caught on video participating in the beating of a black counter protester during the rally. "The Path to Radicalization" catches up with Jacob in the lead up to his trial.

The documentary attempts to define the source of Jacob's racism, and portray the emotional plight of his parents as they veer from intense grief to awkwardly justifying their son's beliefs and actions. Their story is a microcosm of the racial tensions that continue to fester throughout the United States.

The Goodwin family states that their only goal is the preservation of their white heritage, which they feel has been endangered by liberal crusaders who wish to deny or rewrite history. In their view, the white race is facing genocide.

They insist they are not the racists their detractors claim they are. Yet the film shows the family in collaboration with a particularly nefarious group who parades through the streets donning riot gear and Nazi symbols. Members are overheard screaming angry rhetoric and threats of violence against African Americans, Asian Americans and the Jews. One boastful recruit speaks of his yearning for a return of the Third Reich.

White supremacist groups are enlisting a new generation of recruits into their cause at an alarming rate. These recruits are typically disenfranchised and easily impressionable youth. Billy Roper is one of the most visible neo-Nazi recruiters, and he offers free legal counsel to the Goodwin's after their son's incarceration. Desperate to assist their boy, both parents begin to fall under the influence of Roper, and quickly descend deeper into radicalization.

"The Path to Radicalization" is not easy viewing. It's flooded with foul racist language and incendiary points of view. But it's essential in understanding the crisis of modern racism, and the methods these separatist groups employ to keep it alive.

Directed by: David Scott Holloway, Ed Ou

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18 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Nevada Smith

    Ever notice how many anti white docs there are on here? They take the lowest of the low and present them as the norm.

  2. Jordy

    That only confirms that from time to time some humans get reactive, meaning, they get desperate and start to react with the most dumbest and harmful of feelings, and forget to think, or develop empathy. i don't deny that at some point those extremists had a hard time in life, but you can't act like an animal ready to battle anymore, it is a complex world. And those tactics are obsolete as we know, i mean, they are ready to die in battle aginst nothing, that is concerning.

  3. Elle

    This makes me ashamed to be white.

  4. John

    The neo nazi's are here yet again. No surprise there. It's either gamer gate teenage edge lords or boomer's with too much Fox news in their diet.

  5. Scotty

    Jacob Goodwin was raised by parents with racist views.
    His mother tries to appear neutral but it clearly shows, that she shares this ideology.
    Jacob is responsible for his actions but his parents have contributed to ruining their sons life.

  6. Leslie Johnson

    This is such a sad and depressing video. Racism is learned. What happened to one country, under all, with freedom and liberty for all? How many of these people claim to be Christians? What happened to love one another? There is no legitimate reason for 'racial pride'....every individual should focus on his own worthiness. Remember "He who has never sinned, throw the first stone"....we should not see a 'stone' in anyone's hand.

  7. Dfendu

    Why hate the Jews? I understand why white people feel they are being attacked and resent it but why hate the entire Jewish race, it doesn't make sense?

  8. P4OUR

    How do you hate a WHOLE RACE. A whole race has done nothing to you. Hate a person. Hate some people. Why... how do you hate a whole race? Nobody knows a whole race. Stupid.

  9. Peter Karas

    A real disconnect. Bordering on mental illness

  10. Lucas wheeler

    This sounds like neo-Communist propaganda. JMFD the elder is spot on except for some reason he insists on referring to the antifa cultural Marxist neo-Communists as fascists. The original antifa were the violent supporters of the KPD during the Weimar period of German history. Today's antifa are the spiritual descendants of those earlier would be communist revolutionaries. National Socialism arose as a movement to defend Germany and the West from communist anarchy and tyranny. I myself am in my mind fifties and a form supporter of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

    Today I am a reader of the Daily Stormer the most censored publication on the web. The censorship the Stormer arose directly out of the events of Charlottesville. The violence at Charlottesville was instigated by antifa aided and abetted by local law enforcement authorities. I am very confident that it will be proven in court of law that the morbidly obese Heather Heyer died of a heart attack not because she was struck by the Dodge Challenger being driven byJames Alex Fields Jr.

    What the local authorities in Charlottesville are attempting to do is the same as what was done to George Zimmerman in Florida. Communists have no regard for the truth. They and their allies are out to bring about White genocide and the destruction of the West. The truth has become a precious commodity in this the current year. Clearly a good this web has little interest in exploring.

    1. frank

      Please take your meds.

  11. JMFD the elder

    JMFD they don't want everyone to get along, they want to dispossess white people all over the world. Calling for "diversity" only in the countries founded by Europeans, or in Europe itself, is not a plan for peace, it is a plan for genocide. Widely used terms like "white privilege", "whiteness", and describing everything from merit and (racial) color-blindness to mathematics and logic as "white supremacy" is the racism you should be opposing, because those words are the tools of the people who seek to destroy the civilization that has granted the most freedoms and the most prosperity to the most people in all of history. Those who are called "fascist" are opposing this racist, anti-civilizational ideology, and the colonization and dispossession it promotes in the name of diversity.

    1. vikehiga

      Hahahaha yo believe in quaint sh*t, you are dying out as a race, and your women are such whores they make it easy for us. You can have all the guns and hate and anger in the world, but in the end the seed of your destruction grows in your womens bellies.


  12. scubahalo

    @JMFD You've been watching too much MSNBC, my friend. If you think that antifa is about "getting along and stopping the former" you have a lot to learn. Fascists are fascists no matter what they call themselves or what side of the political spectrum they're on. And racists are racists no matter the color of their skin, i.e. BLM.

  13. JMFD

    "These people are bad but their enemies are bad too" ? That's what you get from it, scubahalo? One side is talking about deporting and/or lynching people for being from a different geographic population, the others talk about getting along and stopping the former, and they're both just as evil in your eyes? There's no comparison between "antifa" and these nutjobs.

  14. scubahalo

    These people are jerks, no doubt about it. Now how about they do a documentary on leftist radicals. They can start with antifa, but there are many others.

    1. vikehiga

      BOO HOO! Stop posting with different names you dumb hick, your ip is viewable on board reader, you really are TRASH. Antifa are a great organisation devoted to ERASING vermin like you or sending you to join your friend in this video, get used to it, the age of white people is OVER and you are dumb enough to be born into it. We will make you wish it was 1945, nazi scum!

    2. ANTIFA

      Seeing that fat cow cry made me laugh so hard, i pissed myself, actually i pissed on an american flag then set it on fire. They created that monster, he is not a "political prisoner" he is not a "separatist" what was his political crime? To beat someone up? Thats a petty street thug crime.

      They are scum parents, and i hope their bastard son suffers, I hope their statues are melted down and turned into statues of MLK. White nationalists always like to pretend like THEY are the persecuted ones, yea sure, life is so hard for white people, for the first time in history things are slightly bad for white trash in the swamps/outback, and they think that they are treated worse than slaves or native americans.